sjw leg

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h @ACMusic7 39! :D View conversation Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h @JosephACostello hey i'm in a pretty bad state of recovery right now kind of hard for me to do much of anything, but keep up the good work! View conversation Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h I love you guys so much and I want to make sure when you get to my age your mind and body are well prepared. :) Expand Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h I wonder if creating a video "What its like to be old" talking about taking care of your body is a good idea. Might be tomorrows vlog. Expand Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h @ShayneWilly its still pretty bad. Pain was at a 10 for a week, now its like an 8. medicine gets it down to a 4-3. Its manageable View conversation Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h Your body has to last you your ENTIRE Lifetime. Its guaranteed to start breaking down in mid life. Preserve it as best you can. Expand Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h


social justice warrior flipping outb over his broken femur.

Transcript of sjw leg

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h@ACMusic7 39! :D View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h@JosephACostello hey i'm in a pretty bad state of recovery right now kind of hard for me to do much of anything, but keep up the good work! View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hI love you guys so much and I want to make sure when you get to my age your mind and body are well prepared. :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hI wonder if creating a video "What its like to be old" talking about taking care of your body is a good idea. Might be tomorrows vlog.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812h@ShayneWilly its still pretty bad. Pain was at a 10 for a week, now its like an 8. medicine gets it down to a 4-3. Its manageable View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hYour body has to last you your ENTIRE Lifetime. Its guaranteed to start breaking down in mid life. Preserve it as best you can.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hOne more reminder: PLEASE take care of your body. Its the only one you get. Lose the weight, stop smoking, drink less, exercise moreExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hEvery time I walk to the bathroom my asthma goes haywire. At least it keeps me from abusing the fucking stuff. I hate taking it.Expand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hGood news is I've discovered I could never abuse vicodin. I hate taking it, makes me feel awful, and it triggers my asthma fiercleyExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hDoctor said "3-4 days" for pain to get smaller. 4-6 weeks for it to heal. As long as its healed by the wedding I dont give a flip :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298812hDay 3 after the ER visit, starting to feel a bit of relief from the pain in the thigh/hip. Hope its starting to heal a little.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298816hMan I can tell my body is in 'healing' mode. I'm freaking EXHAUSTED. just feel like sleeping 24/7. :/Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298822hFrancis Plays Cloudberry Kingdom Playstation Store Play 2013:  via @YouTube View media

Boogie2988 @Boogie29881 Aug@ChrisTalksTv hi chris! you are awesome :D View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulSeriously though we talked about our 'freebies' for our marriage. I get to bang Rosario Dawson, she gets Adam Duritz. @rosariodawson ;)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulI think she's probably in the camp of 'if you could ever bang miley cyrus, i probably should film it for youtube'Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 Jul

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For those asking, I asked my fiance's permission before that last tweet. she sleepily said "sure why not" then rolled back over to sleep.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 Jul@ProofyInc @MileyCyrus I asked her permission before i tweeted that. she laughed :p View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 Jul@freshprince8609 new one tomorrow morning! View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 Jul@M2DV1 @MileyCyrus film it for youtube! View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulHey @MileyCyrus you can't stop (twerking). I can't stop (eating). STOPPING IS SO HARD. Anyways, we should probably fuck. Call me.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulStill though playing Game and Warrior's "Sketch" minigame with the fiance all day sure made things a lot more bearable :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulI'm feelings a lot better today but that could be the hydrocodone talking. Leg still hurts like a son of a bitch though. hard to walk :/Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulI hope to upload that video by Tuesday :DExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulFinished capping some gameplay of Cloudberry Kingdom. To say that this game is frustratingly hard is an understatement.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 Jul

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oh my god cloudberry kingdom is the hardest game i've ever played this makes cat mario look like a joke.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298831 JulFrancis RAGES People on FACEBOOK!!!:  via @YouTube View media

Brandon Pertson @BranPertson30 Jul"Death is the end of potential. Life is potential, limitless potential." -@Boogie2988 on #PKA 137 Retweeted by Boogie2988Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulPLEASE consider getting these awesome games. Your proceeds can benefit either charity or the developers, your call! …Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul4.88 gets you saints row 3 w/all dlc, dead island, sacred 2 gold, risen 2. Just an awesome set of games! :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulWOW! This humble bundle is AMAZING!!! …Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulIts times like today that I'm so grateful for gaming and the gaming industry's ability to take our minds of our woes. :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulWhat I REALLY want to be playing is Pikmin3. Can't believe we're still waiting for that in the states, but it appears worth the wait.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulI picked up "Game and Wario" last night, gonna try it today with the fiance who stayed home from work to take care of me. she's awesome.Expand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@Chris101188 I reuse to spend money on it. Fuck that! View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulMeanwhile, level 162 of Candy Crush can go fuck itself. ,3Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulXBOX GOLD MEMBERS: if you havent downloaded ACII for free, do it now. it goes away on august 1st!Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulI'm in a pretty intense amount of physical pain today but at least the emotional stuff has subsided. Time to relax, heal, play some games.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulWoke up in a much better mood with a much better attitude. Thanks for putting up with my negativity last night. Feeling much better :)Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulVery sorry if I was shitty or dickish and did anything to hurt some feelings. I suck sometimes.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulBig thanks to @MatthewStudent who went far and out of his way to be a wonderful human being tonight and to help me find my way home. thanksExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulI'm so happy that you love me enough to reach out to me, try to help me find a calm place when I'm anxious and hurt and scared. Thank you.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulJust know this; Regardless of the effectiveness of how you try to help I'm VERY grateful for those of you who are wiling to try.Expand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@ItsYouTubeDude np dude. sorry to see you have to unfollow for this but I understand. I'm havnig a mental breakdown here. View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent still don't see itExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent still waiting on that skype info dude. please hurry. i'm in a lot of pain and need to lay downExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jultelling me "eat less" is not help. telling me to "walk more" is not help. these are quite in fact the opposite of help.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulIf that makes me an asshole, then i'm an asshole and there's nothing I can do about it. But tweeting me that video is NOT help.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulI'm trying to inform you here and now that tweeting me a video of some other guy doing something different isnt going to help me though.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulPeople are saying I'm being douchey and that's fine. I guess I am. My most sincere apologies if that's what you think.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@ufcxboxcanucks np bro. View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent get skype real fast then skype me asap. we need to talk asap. hurryExpand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulYes, that's exactly what I need. please tweet that video of arthur's transofmration at me another 30 times. that'll fix everything.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent get skype, then skype me your info.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent still waiting for that PM including your skype infoExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent PM me your skype please.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent ... yours are no worse than mine and mine are no worse than yours.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent cut me and stab me for fun. she used to try to gouge out my eyeballs. I'm sorry for your problems but realize...Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent dude. that's the saddest, least empathic thing i've ever heard anyone type. We ALL have problems. My mother used to...Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent trying to watch this now but if this turns out to be some stupid load of self help bullshit i'm gonna be really mad :pExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent all I'm saying is if you've got the fix for what ails an entire world and you're not sharing it, it makes you an asshole.Expand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@PK_CesarR you need to study what that is. because no its most definately not. View conversation

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent if you do, dont send it in a private video. shout out it for the world to see.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 Jul@MatthewStudent i havent. too high on hydrocodone to make sense of it atm. but like i said i sincerely doubt you have the keyExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulEven now people are trying to send me 'solutions'. "Eat less calories!!!!" wow, really? you think? Amazing. I'LL PUBLISH YOUR FINDINGS.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulThe puzzle that is my life is slowly running out of possible solutions right before my very eyes. I need to find a way out of this fast.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulIts a fucking miracle I'm still alive at my age and size and that age and size is showing more and more every day. it sucks.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulEveryone has their 'simple solution' they saw on tv. "Eat only Beets." "walk every day" "Don't eat cows meat." its never that simpleExpand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulIt gets you a week worth of bed rest, some hydrocodone, a walker, and excruciating pain. how awful.Expand

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Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulFor those of you who frequently type "just walk a few miles a day, or run". This is what walking a few miles a day at my size gets you.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulLooks like I got some 'stress fractures' in my hip and legs from trying to walk around at my current size. Doctor said I was an idiot.Expand

Boogie2988 @Boogie298830 JulJust got back from the ER due to pain in my left hip and leg. Everything is OK mostly, however...Expand