SJA Annual Report 2011

Annual Report 2011 BC & Yukon


St. John Ambulance, British Columbia & Yukon, presents it's Annual report for 2011.

Transcript of SJA Annual Report 2011

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Joint Letter from theChair & CEO

Annual Report 2011 BC & Yukon

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2011 at a Glance

117,855StudentS trained

81,895 General First Aid students trained through branch network, including 4,755 WorkSafeBC Level 2/Level 3 students.22,760 Students trained in the sponsored We Can Help/Moi, j’aide program.

7,571 Students trained in the Schools program. 5,629 Students trained online.

224,326HourS Volunteered

711 Medical First Responders volunteered 106,738 hours of their time attending 1,313 events and providing first aid services to 4,954 people in need.

638 Youth Volunteers invested 73,982 hours of their time attending 281 events and providing first aid services to 500 people in need.

522 Therapy Dog Program Volunteers gave 32,683 hours of their time visiting over 280 health and seniors’ facilities.21 Senior Volunteers invested 10,953 hours of their time to the above programs.

1,892total VolunteerS

Our Mission:To enable Canadians to improve their Health, Safety, and Quality of Life by providing training and community service.

Our Vision:To be the premier first aid training and community service organization in Canada.

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Letter from the Chair

You are safer because we trained 117,000 people last year. At work, you and co-workers have confidence in First Aid Attendants trained by us and aided by defibrillators, kits, and supplies provided by St. John. When you attend a public event you often see some of our 700 trained St. John Medical First Responders in uniform ready to respond to health needs of those in attendance. On the field of play, at most sports events, you are safer because many coaches, trainers and parents are trained and equipped by St. John

Ambulance to come to your aid in the event of injury.

During your daily activities wherever you are – first aid trained and equipped citizens are contributing to the safety of your community – we are proud of this contribution.

We are also proud of the over 600 youths who become better citizens and community role models because of the training and experiences provided through our volunteer programs.

We know you are comforted by knowing that 500 volunteers and their dogs are bringing enjoyment to residents in 280 facilities throughout the province.

We continue to focus on improving and developing our Community Service Programs. While you will see in our Treasurer’s report a disappointing bottom line, we still have significant positive cash flow in the organization and we are working on a New Strategic Plan focused on non-commercial activities of both funding and improvement of the services provided by the volunteers year over year.

We thank over 1,850 volunteers who serve your communities throughout Yukon and British Columbia.

Further, in an attempt to achieve the strategic business goals of the organization, the Board of Directors, St. John Society, have implemented a change in leadership which has caused the departure of Larry Odegard, Chief Executive Officer, St. John Society, effective May 30th, 2012. Former Board member and veteran volunteer Ron Royston, CA, will be the interim CEO until a permanent appointment is made.

T. Craig Wilson,Chair, Board of Directors


Sovereign HeadHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Grand PriorHRH The Duke of Gloucester KG GVCO

PriorHis Excellency the Right HonourableDavid JohnstonGovernor General of Canada

Vice PriorThe Honourable Steven L. Point, OBCLieutenant Governor of British Columbia

Board of Directors - St. John FoundationT. Craig Wilson, ChairJean Chute, Vice ChairJohn Nadeau, TreasurerJinnie Bradshaw, DirectorGeraldine Hinton, DirectorJ. Paul Richards, DirectorRonald Royston, DirectorDouglas Slowski, DirectorN. Logan Stewart, DirectorJ. Stuart Clyne, Legal Counsel

Board of Directors - St. John SocietyT. Craig Wilson, ChairJean Chute, Vice ChairJohn Nadeau, TreasurerJ. Stuart Clyne, Past ChairJinnie Bradshaw, DirectorGeraldine Hinton, DirectorJ. Paul Richards, DirectorRonald Royston, DirectorDouglas Slowski, DirectorN. Logan Stewart, Director

Staff Directors Larry Odegard, CEOMartin AddisonMaureen BorsoiBunny BurrittChristopher ChanJacqueline ChayMay FoggoDave FrankShelley ParkerCarol Pilon

Charitable Organization Number St. John Foundation10802 2500 RR0001

St. John Society10802 2500 RR0009

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4 Annual Report 2011

Building Healthier Communities

Individual and community health improves when people look after each other.

■ First Call Medical Alert Program■ Therapy Dog Visitation Program■ We Can Help Program■ Automated External Defibrillators

SecurTek 2-way voice panel

fall detectorwaterproof emergency button

You are never alone.[email protected]

First Call Medical Alert Program






25KWe Can HelpMoi, j'aide











2009 2010 2011

Students Trained in the Sponsored Schools Program







409 425 493

2009 2010 2011

Number of SJA Therapy Dogs

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Building Safer Communities 5

Building Safer Communities

■ Bystander First Aid■ Medical First Responders■ Emergency Response/Preparedness■ First Aid Kits, Supplies + Equipment

In times of need, preparation makes a difference and saves lives.














2009 2010 2011

Students Trained














2009 2010 2011

Total Hours Volunteered

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6 Annual Report 2011

Building Caring Citizens■ Schools Program■ Youth Development ■ Sidney R. Sharman Scholarship■ Partners in Safety

Our collective future is shaped every day through the opportunities we offer the people in our community.










685 683 638

2009 2010 2011

Youth & Youth Leaders


Emergency FA


Moi, j'aide

We Can Help68.7%





30,331 Total Students Trained

Courses taught in the SJA Schools Program

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Honours & Awards 7

Honours & Awards

Sidney R. ShaRman Legacy Fund SchoLaRShipThis scholarship celebrates our Youth Programs which develop exemplary young citizens trained in leadership and care giving. St. John Ambulance awards scholarships to students pursuing a post-secondary education in a health-related field and advanced training for volunteers.

Sammy auWinnie audaniel chanJanet cybuckicolleen Fosterdarwin LaiLeslie T.F. Leungmichelle yuen-mei LuiRajan minhasKimberley mitchell, SSStJnegin niksiratLisa SzegediJohnson WongFemmie gibsoncatherine crowtherKatrina murray

The oRdeR oF ST. John - admiSSionS & pRomoTionSThe Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, more commonly known as the Order of St. John, is a Royal Order of Chivalry, which has Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as its Sovereign Head. Along with the Order of Canada, the Order of Military Merit, the Royal Victorian Order, and the Order of Merit of the Police Forces, the Order of St. John is part of the Canadian Honours System.

officer, Richard Stasuikofficer, Laurence cheng officer, peter Tangmember, donald Jelliemember, Wally makortoffmember, margaret Sidney

chaiR’S commendaTionThe Provincial Chair’s Commendation is an exceptional distinction that is awarded by the Chair of British Columbia and Yukon Council to recognize a particularly meritorious contribution at the provincial level.

peter KoJean chute edmond Lee andy philpot Robert mcilwaine

Bc counciL aWaRdThis award is presented to individuals or organizations in recognition of their support of St. John Ambulance’s mission in British Columbia.

Fairchild media groupBrenda & casey hilton (Trademasters)Stan & anita Rogers (Legacy pacific)

pRovinciaL LiFeSaving aWaRdThe St. John Provincial Council’s Certificate of Commendation is granted by the Chair of a Council to individuals who helped a victim with or without the application of first aid but who may not warrant receipt of a St. John LifeSaving Award at the National Level.

Fernando moises hugoBrian Wayne LorimerBrett martin

naTionaL LiFeSaving aWaRdThe St. John National LifeSaving Award is granted to individuals who helped a victim with or without the application of first aid.

Lieutenant heath Bevanmaster Seaman andre carriereJordan emeryLaurel evansallan hoalexandra howaldFernando moises hugoLeanne LawsonBrian Wayne LorimerBrett martinRanger Brian mcdonaldStuart pigotgavin Woods

pRioRy voTe oF ThanKS (pvoT)The Priory Vote Of Thanks (PVOT) is awarded in recognition of exemplary, dedicated service, assistance or support to the Order of St. John in Canada on a particular occasion, or over a period of years.

(Betty) Lou abramKarri Lynn andriashykpamela Blairian BoydShirley ann BuksaShaun michael Buotevincent Kwan-Ting chanalbert chiangBarbara e. cockerillJoy a. dockreyTerri F. dohertyJohn duncan The hon.carol d. FletcherLois m. gendronapril audrey hildebrandtJerry allan hookalp ertunga isinalan charles Jonespamela Joan KillickKent edward KokoskaBryce Sterling KowalskyLesley LarsenTracey Lynn Louvrosharjot Singh mann Jean millerSimon John montagueRoss nichollsnatasha christine nilsenTammy Kay olsenShirley ann philpotLinda anne pryceBrianna RadtkeLinda Joanne Regehranthony Richard SchindleKonrad Shumgordon J. SymonRoberta helen urselSonja marie vannan Shirley violet edna Wellbourn

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8 Annual Report 2011

Treasurer’s Report

We are pleased to report on the financial highlights for St. John Ambulance British Columbia and Yukon for the year ended December 31, 2011. These financial statements reflect the results of operations that commenced in January 2011. Revenues from our commercial operations continue to grow steadily year over year as a result of the Board, Finance Committee and Management Team taking a number of proactive steps to ensure the organization’s fiscal growth and stability during times of significant change in the broader economic environment. Significantly, management undertook a comprehensive review of all business process and practices across the entire organization as part of a three-year Strategic Growth Plan. This resulted in a renewed focus of our commercial operations on our gross revenues and profitability. We believe that this will ensure that we retain our position in a difficult and competitive market while continuing to serve our local communities and volunteers. As with many charitable organizations, St. John Ambulance saw a reduction in revenues from non-commercial sources such as donors and other external funders. The Board, Finance Committee and Management Team continue to monitor all fiscal aspects of St. John Ambulance very carefully and on an ongoing basis. A substantial number of volunteers contribute a significant amount of their time and talents to St. John Ambulance each year. This volunteer support, generous corporate and individual sponsorship of materials and community events, and sound fiscal management all contribute to us operating in an effective and efficient manner. The Board of Directors and Management of St. John Ambulance are committed to ensuring that the financial operations of the organization are presented in a clear, understandable and transparent manner. In order to make the financial statements easier to read, the statements have been presented in condensed form. However, copies of the complete financial statements and related auditor’s report are available by contacting the Finance Department at St. John Ambulance, Provincial Office in Vancouver. In conclusion, I would like to thank Finance Committee members and Finance Department staff for their ongoing commitment and diligent work throughout the past year.

John Nadeau, Secretary-TreasurerSt. John AmbulanceBritish Columbia and Yukon


Training FeesThis revenue is derived from fees paid for various first aid training classes through 26 branches, partner providers and online training.

cost of products SoldCost of Products Sold increased to $414,263 in 2011 due to the increased demand.

marketable SecuritiesAn unrealized (loss) on investments of ($56,069) is included under “other income” in the Statement of Revenue & Expenses.

donations and grantsDonations and Grants decreased by 9% in 2011, down ($56,670).

other expensesThis includes items such as Advertising & Public Relations ($394,141), Bank charges and interest ($220,095), Volunteers ($280,682), Amortization ($584,840), Office and Miscellaneous ($585,455), and Telephone and Utilities ($345,656).

St. John Foundation (Bc & yukon)As of Year Ended December 31, 2011, St. John Foundation had total assets of $1,088,682.

documentationCopies of the detailed financial statements and related auditor’s report are available by contacting the St. John Ambulance Provincial Office in Vancouver at Tel: 604.321.2652 or Email: [email protected]

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Our Financial Health 9

Our Financial Health

STaTemenT oF FinanciaL poSiTionFor the year ended December 31, 2011

STaTemenT oF Revenue & expenSeSFor the year ended December 31, 2011

assets 2011 2010

Current Assets $4,511,839 $4,599,474

Investments $1,030,110 $1,063,321

Property & Equipment (net) $ 9,215,008 $9,214,755

$ 14,756,957 $14,877,550

Liabilities & net assets

Current Liabilities $3,187,000 $3,116,196

Long Term Debt $973,841 $984,770

Net Assets $10,596,116 $10,776,584

$14,756,957 $14,877,550

Revenues 2011 2010

Training Fees $11,578,284 $10,928,647

Sale of Products $655,725 $569,252

Donations & Grants $526,001 $582,671

Gaming Revenue $414,039 $437,053

Fundraising Revenue $58,329 $33,142

Other Income $213,769 $246,021

$13,446,147 $12,796,786


Training Costs $3,725,561 $3,455,508

Cost of Products Sold $414,263 $407,181

Other Expenses $9,486,791 $8,985,362

$13,626,615 $12,848,051

Excess/(Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenses ($180,468) ($51,265)






















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Training, Kits & Supplies gross Revenue

Building & Improvements



Training & Computer Equipment 9%

Land 22%

net Book values 2011






















2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

expenses in Support of community Services

Page 10: SJA Annual Report 2011

10 Annual Report 2011

2011 Branch Executive Committees (BEC)

aBBoTSFoRdJanis MitchellElsie WeinsBaraa AliPatricia SkjoldeJim Taylor (2010-2011)

BuRnaByJohn NeilsonCarla DevitaJohn CondonMohammad ShamsiPenny MahStephanie TangDarwin LaiIku YehSabrina Moore (2010-2011)Sonia Sizto (2010-2011)

campBeLL RiveRVern CowardGlen GreenhillWill DirksenNicole CunninghamJohn HarrisMatthew FlintKevin EllisonIan GammieWarren Cook (2010-2011)Jonathan Fischer (2010-2011)Bill Murray (2010-2011)

chiLLiWacKWanda PalmerCarol HoganKay-Uwe KonojackiUrsula ReeveRon MoldarRussell Newcombe (2010-2011)Opal Schrul (2010-2011)

comox vaLLeyJune MunroDon GoodNorm PotvinDave FletcherPaula BromleyKelly FinlaysonAdam FraserSheila ClarsenDon Jellie (2010-2011)Scott Larsen (2010-2011)

coWichanRoy LargeKevin HewcoAllen CoxJudy WoodSuzanne LalondeTony Schindle (2010-2011)

KamLoopSTerry MurphyRoss LowndesTony BellLen HuttAndy PhilpotJudy WaddingtonAllan AcklesSylvia McManus

KeLoWnaBeverley KenzieRebecca ZellerChristine WilsonDonalda Rowse (2010-2011)Windie Jeider (2010-2011)Petra Erhardt (2010-2011)Jessica Campbell (2010-2011)Stacie Osborne (2010-2011)Sylvia Wedephol (2010-2011)

mapLe Ridge - piTT meadoWSWayne RothenbergerStacy MulcahyAllen LaRoseJohn BaleCraig BarkerMike DaviesMargaret Kury (2010-2011)

nanaimoJeff LottMerv UngerAllen PeabodyKim MitchellSandra GaspardonePeter PrescottDick StasiukAshley GilbertJack PattenPat ThrelfallBill Bass (2010-2011)Pete Betcher (2010-2011)Marie Hutton (2010-2011)Doug Slowski (2010-2011)

neW WeSTminSTeRLorne ZapotichnyRichard MolstadScott StewartBrent WisheartJun CadienteBaj Puri (2010-2011)Nathan Thorpe (2010-2011)

noRTh ShoReSue EnnisJames CarterTaralyn DayRicci SilvoJonathan AlpenDave BruynesteynAdriana HumeAudrey HabooshehHilary Wong

noRTh oKanaganCurtis ShieldsLindsay FresorgerDianne GrebinskiMark WilkersonJo-Ann JohnstonGraham PriceClaire Abbott (2010-2011)

penTicTonLori GordonCherie MorganSuzanne ChartrandRoberta UrselSandra KarrKevin Ellison (2010-2011)Barbar Jenic (2010-2011)Mac McLeod (2010-2011)

poWeLL RiveRGale AlsgardLeila LynchGlenn McCallumAudrey McLeishLarry MisnerRon Van’t SchipShannon Markham (2010-2011)Linda Wegner (2010-2011)

pRince geoRgeRick LewisJennifer DelormeJulie DempseyAbra PlayfairWil FundalDarlene Clark (2010-2011)

RichmondGary LawSing YeoClara ChowPius ChanTravena Lee

Sea-To-SKyJohn Nadeau (2010-2011)Adriana Hume (2010-2011)Jon Dietrich (2010-2011)Taralyn Day (2010-2011)J. Stuart Clyne (2010-2011)

SuRRey/deLTaPaul RichardsRob WoodDave GibsonDean DrysdalePeter KostrzyckiJohn ScholtensJim SeeKrista Moye (2010-2011)

TRaiLRalph DiSabatoRose GagnierBarb FergieGerry RempelDon NutiniMel Begley (2010-2011)

TRi ciTieSPeggy HoKusayla NathanSiboupha SirimanothamPegha MiriCyril LukePam PaquetBryan WongVictoria Corcoran (2010-2011)Pam McKay (2010-2011)

vancouveRSarah LaiClaire WilsonKate GibsonBenjamin KaanDavid SamRino ConsiglioGeorge Littlemore (2010-2011)Steven S. T. Lee (2010-2011)George Lamont (2010-2011)Brent Skelton (2010-2011)David Woogman (2010-2011)Ada Tsui (2010-2011)

vicToRiaWendy ClayRoss NichollsCory BilodeauDrew BinetteJinnie BradshawRoger GirouardE. David HodginsDavid SchinbeinDavid ValentineMichael HeppellDavid Coell (2010-2011)

yuKonPaul SmytheKen OppoldAl HubleySerge LabelleMax Rispin (2010-2011)

The BEC is the advisory body to the local Branch. They are the face of St. John Ambu-lance in the community and the community representative to St. John Ambulance. They provide leadership, coaching, and guidance to Volunteers, maintain our relationship with the BC Gaming Commission, and play a lead role in fund development.

Page 11: SJA Annual Report 2011

2011 Community Success 11

BuRnaByTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,666Medical First Responders: .............35Youth Volunteers: ............................95Therapy Dog Handlers: ................11*Total Volunteer Hours: .............18,338Total Events Attended: ...................73Patient Injuries Treated: ...............268*Burnaby/New Westminster Shared Division

duncan/coWichan vaLLeyTotal # of Students Trained: .....2,312Medical First Responders: .............22Youth Volunteers: ............................32Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................14Total Volunteer Hours: ...............5,291Total Events Attended: ...................29Patient Injuries Treated: ...............205

mapLe Ridge/piTT meadoWSTotal # of Students Trained: .....1,532Medical First Responders: .............15Youth Volunteers: ............................24Therapy Dog Handlers: ................60*Total Volunteer Hours: ...............8,183Total Events Attended: ...................29Patient Injuries Treated: ...............112*Maple Ridge/Tri-Cities Shared Division

penTicTonTotal # of Students Trained: .....2,240Medical First Responders: .............21Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................34Total Volunteer Hours: ...............3,641Total Events Attended: ...................55Patient Injuries Treated: ...............102

SuRRey/deLTaTotal # of Students Trained: .....7,273Medical First Responders: .............67Youth Volunteers: ............................11Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................27Total Volunteer Hours: .............16,076Total Events Attended: ...................70Patient Injuries Treated: ...............453

veRnon/noRTh oKanaganTotal # of Students Trained: .....2,479Medical First Responders: .............17Youth Volunteers: ............................26Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................49Total Volunteer Hours: ...............8,108Total Events Attended: ...................77Patient Injuries Treated: .................51

WhiTehoRSe (yuKon)Total # of Students Trained: .....1,133Medical First Responders: .............13Total Volunteer Hours: ..................775Total Events Attended: ...................24Patient Injuries Treated: .................25

aBBoTSFoRdTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,526Medical First Responders: .............27Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................6*Total Volunteer Hours: ...............5,141Total Events Attended: ...................62Patient Injuries Treated: ...............323

*Abbotsford/Chilliwack Shared Division

couRTenay/comox vaLLeyTotal # of Students Trained: .....2,303Medical First Responders: .............27Youth Volunteers: ............................21Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................35Total Volunteer Hours: ...............8,608Total Events Attended: ...................83Patient Injuries Treated: ...............226

KeLoWnaTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,884Medical First Responders: .............14Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................28Total Volunteer Hours: ...............1,998Total Events Attended: ...................21Patient Injuries Treated: .................50

noRTh ShoRe/Sea-To-SKyTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,744Medical First Responders: .............20Youth Volunteers: ............................15Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................21Total Volunteer Hours: ...............4,657Total Events Attended: ...................39Patient Injuries Treated: ...............166

RichmondTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,104Medical First Responders: .............25Youth Volunteers: ............................90Therapy Dog Handlers: ................25*Total Volunteer Hours: .............13,159Total Events Attended: ...................67Patient Injuries Treated: ...............246*Richmond/Vancouver Shared Division

vancouveRTotal # of Students Trained: .....9,665Medical First Responders: .............91Youth Volunteers: ..........................237Therapy Dog Handlers: ................25*Total Volunteer Hours: .............52,512Total Events Attended: .................350Patient Injuries Treated: ............1,230*Richmond/Vancouver Shared Division

vicToRiaTotal # of Students Trained: .....4,418Medical First Responders: .............62Youth Volunteers: ............................22Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................10Total Volunteer Hours: .............10,506Total Events Attended: .................107Patient Injuries Treated: ...............658

campBeLL RiveRTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,262Medical First Responders: ...............7Youth Volunteers: ..............................7Total Volunteer Hours: ...............1,452Total Events Attended: ...................14Patient Injuries Treated: .................37

FoRT ST. JohnTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,685Therapy Dog Handlers: ....................9Total Volunteer Hours: ....................46

nanaimoTotal # of Students Trained: .....4,614Medical First Responders: .............21Youth Volunteers: ............................17Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................24Total Volunteer Hours: ...............9,259Total Events Attended: ...................75Patient Injuries Treated: ...............431

poWeLL RiveR/SunShine coaSTTotal # of Students Trained: .....1,126Medical First Responders: .............12Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................18Total Volunteer Hours: ...............1,590Total Events Attended: ...................15Patient Injuries Treated: ...................6

TRaiLTotal # of Students Trained: ........332Medical First Responders: .............20Therapy Dog Handlers: ....................5Total Volunteer Hours: ..................894Total Events Attended: ...................13Patient Injuries Treated: ...................0

chiLLiWacKTotal # of Students Trained: .....1,489Medical First Responders: .............18Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................6*Total Volunteer Hours: ...............3,683Total Events Attended: ...................45Patient Injuries Treated: ...............222

*Abbotsford/Chilliwack Shared Division

KamLoopSTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,835Medical First Responders: .............91Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................26Total Volunteer Hours: .............17,720Total Events Attended: .................243Patient Injuries Treated: ...............436

neW WeSTminSTeRTotal # of Students Trained: .....4,645Medical First Responders: .............19Therapy Dog Handlers: ................11*Total Volunteer Hours: ...............4,469Total Events Attended: ...................46Patient Injuries Treated: .................83

*Burnaby/New Westminster Shared Division

pRince geoRgeTotal # of Students Trained: .....3,633Medical First Responders: .............10Youth Volunteers: ..............................3Therapy Dog Handlers: ..................18Total Volunteer Hours: ...............2,307

poRT moody/TRi-ciTieSTotal # of Students Trained: .....2,241Medical First Responders: .............36Youth Volunteers: ............................38Therapy Dog Handlers: ................60*Total Volunteer Hours: .............13,994Total Events Attended: ...................57Patient Injuries Treated: ...............124*Maple Ridge/Tri-Cities Shared Division

2011 Community Success

pRince RupeRTTotal # of Students Trained: ........635

TeRRaceTotal # of Students Trained: .....1,119

Page 12: SJA Annual Report 2011

Community Branches

Fraser Valley aBBoTSFoRd 5-2120 Paramount Crescent, V2T 6A5 P: 604-853-8700 E: [email protected]

chiLLiWacK 202-45928 Hocking Avenue, V2P 1B4 P: 604-792-1338 E: [email protected]

mapLe Ridge/piTT meadoWS 306-22230 North Avenue, V2X 2L5 P: 604-467-1490 E: [email protected]

poRT moody/TRi-ciTieS 2338 Clarke Street, V3H 1Y8P: 604-931-3426 E: [email protected]

SuRRey/deLTa 8911-152nd Street, V3R 4E5 P: 604-953-1603 E: [email protected]

Interior & Kootenays KamLoopS 627 Victoria Street, V2C 5T4 P: 250-372-3853 E: [email protected]

KeLoWna 1941 Kent Road, V1Y 7S6 P: 250-762-2840 E: [email protected]

penTicTon 120-316 Dawson Avenue, V2A 3N6 P: 250-492-3377 E: [email protected]

veRnon/noRTh oKanagan 1905-47th Avenue, V1T 9A3 P: 250-545-4200 E: [email protected]

TRaiL/KooTenayS(c/o the Trail United Church) 1300 Pine Avenue, V1R 4E3 P: 250-364-2067 E: [email protected]

Lower Mainland BuRnaBy-miLLennium Line 2058 Alpha Avenue, V5C 5K9 P: 604-294-1980 E: [email protected]

neW WeSTminSTeR-expo Line 200-604 Columbia Street, V3M 1A5 P: 604-521-1606 E: [email protected]

noRTh vancouveR/Sea-To-SKy 106-223 Mountain Highway, V7J 3V3P: 604-990-1290 E: [email protected]

Richmond 120-6851 Elmbridge Way, V7C 4N1 P: 604-207-2032 E: [email protected]

vancouveR-canada Line 6111 Cambie Street, V5Z 3B2 P: 604-321-7242 E: [email protected]

Northern BC FoRT ST. John 10066 Tundra Street, V1J 4M6 P: 250-785-7233 E: [email protected]

pRince geoRge 470 3rd Avenue, V2L 3B9 P: 250-561-1696 E: [email protected]

pRince RupeRT 202-515 3rd Avenue West, V8J 1L9 P: 250-624-4672 E: [email protected]

TeRRace 4443 Keith Avenue, V8G 1J7 P: 250-635-5500 E: [email protected]

Vancouver Island/Powell River/Sunshine Coast campBeLL RiveR/noRTh iSLand 170 Dogwood Street, V9W 2X8 P: 250-287-4627 E: [email protected]

couRTenay/comox vaLLey 107-1742 Cliffe Avenue, V9N 2K8 P: 250-897-1098 E: [email protected]

duncan/coWichan vaLLey 205-169 Craig Street, V9L 1V8 P: 250-746-4058 E: [email protected]

nanaimo 2250 Labieux Road, V9T 6J9 P: 250-729-8889 E: [email protected]

poWeLL RiveR/SunShine coaST 5907 Arbutus Avenue, V8A 4S2 P: 604-483-2250 E: [email protected]

vicToRia 63 Gorge Road East, V9A 1L2 P: 250-388-5505 E: [email protected]

Whitehorse/Yukon WhiTehoRSeC-128 Copper Road, Y1A 2Z6 P: 867-668-5001 E: [email protected]

Provincial Head OfficevancouveR F2 - 6111 Cambie Street, V5Z 3B2 P: 604-321-2652 E: [email protected]

CUSTOMER SERVING CENTRE:604.321.2651 (LocaL)1.866.321.2651 (ToLL-FRee)