Six Budget Tips to Protect Your Equipment Assets

6 Small Budget Tips for Protecting Your Equipment Assets In Partnership with Plant Services

Transcript of Six Budget Tips to Protect Your Equipment Assets

Page 1: Six Budget Tips to Protect Your Equipment Assets

6 Small Budget Tips for Protect ing Your Equipment Assets

In Partnership with Plant Services

Page 2: Six Budget Tips to Protect Your Equipment Assets

Maintain the attitude that lubrication is an important link in equipment reliability

TIP #1

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Lubricant costs run only

about 1 -2% of a typical

p lant maintenance

budget . However, poor

lubr icat ion pract ices

cause you to spend 10x

that – or 10-20% of the

budget .

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Develop realistic cleanliness targets on critical equipment TIP


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Consol idate lubr icants

where you can wi thout

compromis ing per formance.

Cert i fy your incoming o i l .

You may pay s l ight ly more

per ga l lon , but i t i s wel l

worth the cost to get your

guaranteed c lean l iness .

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Keep contaminants out TIP #3

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Some inexpensive suggestions include install ing: v  D es iccant b reathe r s o n tanks a n d rese rvo i r s to keep

wate r and pa r t i c u la tes o u t

v  Magnet i c d ra in p lu gs to re move fe r rous wear

v  Baf f l e s to a l l ow o i l to s e t t l e co nt aminants

v  S ight g l a sses to mon i to r co r rec t o i l l eve l s

v  Temperatu re g aug es to ma i n t a i n o i l i n good cond i t i on

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Implement an oil analysis program on critical equipment and monitor carefully TIP


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Rel iabi l i ty studies

cons istent ly show that

approximately 80% of asset

fa i lures are random. By

keeping a watchfu l eye, you

can catch lubr icat ion re lated

problems before they


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Develop a training plan on the importance of correct lubrication practices TIP


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Whether beg inn ing a

lubr icat ion improvement

in i t ia t ive or just cont inu ing

to improve the ex is t ing

program, a l l manufactur ing

organ izat ions benef i t f rom

t ra in ing and educat ion .

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Create a project plan to execute your program TIP


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The key to susta in ing the

improvement e f for t i s to

bu i ld a deta i led “ to-do l i s t ”

in the form of a pro ject

p lan that inc ludes both

major pro ject i tems as wel l

as spec i f ic act ions i tems

and tasks .

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