»SISTER CITY. DIVORCE. Baking Powder Broad€¦ · to tnu Brotherhood 0f LocomoUv · Engi¬ neers,...

IN OUR »SISTER CITY. **»***· ·» «-U.XCBBSTKR QLBABBO ».m TBJB DISPATCH READRRS. *u» Battus* Dtetetu» Oelehrutea Ite .unan« Auul«ranury with Interne«. In« Kvei-rteesr^nurrh Berrteuu T«s- M«.r-Per..maJ, ß?4 Bri.to, Max. Nathan Diction. No. 1«. ?. Ì. ?., to tnu Brotherhood 0f LocomoUv· Engi¬ neers, celebrate Re second anniversary ut Toney'a Hail hut night, and the occa¬ sion waa an exceedingly pleasant one. The hall waa well filled with membere Bf tr-e organisation, their husbaftds, and «Wienaa, and th* exercises were greatly enjoyad by every one present Jndge Ingram and »Captain A. C. Attklseon mad« short addresae«, and M1«b Nellie Rlchsxd- Bon. of Richmond, recited several selec¬ tions, which were greatly enjoyed. After these exerctsee were over a ep'endld eup¬ nee waa served, and the members and gueete thoroughly enjoyed the delicacies served. Max. Nathan Division presented to Dl- vlalon No. 521 a secretary's outfit, and a new division recently organized, and not yet numbered was presented with a Bible. WILL REVIEW THE SERMON. On last Tuaaday evening Rev. Mr. Book «cached at th> CowaMtn-Avenf.« Chrls- m church, o* this city, a «· tmon on the theme, "Can the Baptists and the Disciples Unite G Rev. L. It Thornht,!, Bf the Bainbrldge-street Baptist church, was present, andt heard the sermon. He announces that he haa decide«! to review th« sermon from his pulpit this evening Services begin at 8 o'cloca. At tbe leader Hall 3 o'clock service' to-dsy no r«>gular sermon will be presched, but. several gentlemen will make ahort talk«. Good singing by tht new eholr It expected. The Missionary »Society of Clopton- Street Baptist church will meet at the church at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. This meeting w«s postpone«! from last Bun» dsy. Several fin« solos and recitations will be rendered. Thsrs will be temperance exercises at Wet-End Methodist Episcopnl church this evening at Inn o'clock, under the auspice» of the Junior Society of Christian En¬ deavor. A line programme ha» been ar¬ ranged, which will conelst of dialogues, recitations, and einging; alno, addresses by prominent speaker«·. The Chesterfield Countv Baptist Sun¬ day-School Association will hoi«! its regu¬ lar quarterly meeting at Bethlehem church «o-day. Rev. It. K. Chamber« ? 111 j-.reacn the opening sermon at 11 o'clock. Joelah Ryland, Jr., It« v. George F. Wil¬ liam«, end others will addrn-a the asso¬ ciation Jn the alterno n. Dinner will be ter veil on the ground«. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. Th« Alms! ou«e Committee met nt th« Council Chamber yesterday afternoon, snd. after transacting routine business. went out to the almshouse and inspected that Institution, which wa» found to be In good condition. M1»b Florence Evans, of this city. Is visiting Mrs. R. H. Bruce, Chula, Va, Miss Clyde Gregory, who haa been visit¬ ing In Any-llfi, has returned home. In the Mayor's Court yesterduy morning Emmlt Harria and Claude Armlstead (col¬ ored) were charged with disorderly con¬ duct. Harris was lined PJB and AisaJetead 11. They were committed to Jail In de-fault of surety. Misa Annie Allen, of Petersburg. Is visiting Mies Clay Willis, on Pattar It reel. · Mr. Cary B. French, of Savannah, Ga., im vltltirig hi« old home. Mr. Rich Willie, of Chesterfield, Is visiting hie al»ter. Mis» Clay Willie. The Epworth League of Asbury chapel Will attend a mass-meeting at I II I Street Methodist church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Joseph Holt will leave Mondny for Curl'« Neck, where he will be engaged In business for probably three month«. Mr. it. L saute will conduct the meet- Ing <"f the Baptist Young People's Union nt ?.:·.-. P. M. at tho Clopton-Sirtet church, to-day. CHIMES OF NOItMAMIY. Moaart Academy, April 1«! ud 17.. CHIMES OF NORMWDY. TiiiKTY-si.vr.Y \r.\v doctors. Graduating: «in»« «>f the Medical ««»U.c.·, of Virulilla.i I»«· 4 1«>»1?»?- TnS flfty-sev nth annual romm-ncemnt of the Medical College of Virginia, Will take piuco nt the Academy of Music on Tuesday evening, comin- ruing at 8 o'clock. The address Is th«» graduating Btsas will be *teUteted by Governor O'1-Vrrall. The bnBlnasB Bteettng of the Alumni Society will be btM in the enltets build¬ ing at 11 o'clock on the morning of that day, and the annual address before that hody will be delivered by Dr. W. T. Wood ley, of North Carolina, at G o'clock In the afternoon. The alumni banquet will tike place Immediately after the commencement exfrdscs Tuesday evening. It will be given Bt Murphy's Hotel, and Will be a decidedly recherche affair. At a meeting of the College faculty last light the fo.lowing gentlemen were «!«;- elared graduaua in meditili» iron that ln- »tltution: Adam««, W. J.. Richmond, Va. Appleton, J. N., l'ope, Va. Blair. M. P., Wad· BbCTO*, N. C. BeSsien, a. p., Kent's store. » Burgee, R. U., lvir. Va. Burke, Joseph M., Petersburg, Va. Hurwell. W. M.. BUXftfS Fork. Clore. J. M., CrlgU-rsvllk·. Coeby, A. II., Pol» Orten, Va. Cox, J. Ed., Erwin. Drewry, H. R., Richmond, Va. Dickinson, E. T., Fnniont, N. C. Hartsook, W. E., Mason's Store, Va. Henderson, J. M.. Bridgetown, Va^ Howell, H. W.. R! ihSBBtJ !. Va. · Jamea Lorimer, Richmond, Va. Keck. J. ?.. Richmond. Va. ].» ll.im, J. J.. Bel» haven Luxford, T. B.. Richmond, Va. Mann, D. M., Petersburg, Va. Martin. A. L. Elk Crivk, Va. Murphy. F. B., Berner.-vllle, W. Va. Nichols. 11. ?., Richmond, Va. Nichols, W. P., Richmond, Va. Redd, James T., Richmond, Va. Redd, Paul E., Richmond. Va. Repas«, T. W.. Wythevllle, Va. Rhudy. W. W , Eux Creek. Htephenson, li. !.. Barila, Va. Snook, T. A'.. Hamlin. N. Y. Turlington. R. S. 1:· nn ttsvllle, S* C. Walker, T. C, Randleman, N. C. . Ware. R. b.. Nui·«« al. Vu. -Wtley. R. M.. Sal.ni, Va. HE H EST« It CALVA II Y. The Laat Bad UH.·« Over Poor fcrnrut· Hnhen'a lteiiinlna. The funeral services of George D. Bahen. the unfortunate student-foot-ball player, took place at 9 O'clock yesterday mornlnir from «St. Fatrlek's Cathedral, There was a solemn reejateni mass. Very ttev. Jueeph Ft loll, vlcer gnseisl of the diocese, being the celehrant He was as¬ sisted in the sanctuary by Rev. P. Wille» bald Baumgartner, of St Murv's Ger- man Catholic church, and Rar, James T. 0 Farrell, of Petersburg. Father ??-'arrvU read tlie BSTllBB over the flower-strewn casket, atti nd<d by acolytes bearing lighted rendías. The steps leadlnsB to the sanctuary were banked with floral tributen, among which appeared several handsome deelcaa In 1.11 France anil other roses. A mixed choir, under the direction of Miss Nina Ran¬ dolph, who also presided at the organ, nut. red the response«, and two ?.?,.?? solos were given. Miss Anni,· R. Kirk singing the hymn, "O, What Could My Jesus Do More?" and (»ap'.aln Frank W. Cunningham, the pathetic "Good Night" Delegatlona from the various young men's sodalities of the CBthegrsI and St. Mary's church were preaent «is honorary pall bearers*, and the edtttce was tilled to almoxt ovi-rrtowlng. Tbe remains were Interred In a beauti¬ ful section in Calvary Cemetery, the fuserai cortege being one of the largest seen here m >«bis CHIMES OF XHIMAMJY. Masar! Arntseaiy, April IU and IT. CHIMES OK ????????. KroiM lit«»« ? In Fallón. The Fulton Base-Rail club has reor¬ ganised snd sre open tor challenge« (rom sny club In th« State. The players nie: 1' Hampton. catchfSh John Morgan, pitch¬ er; A. Foster. shorVatop; It. Loire, rtret base,· F. hlcCook, s«aoond bas«; w. En- rougbty. third base andj»ltcher; A. Me- Auley, right Seid; M. Roach, cenile Held; L. B. Alley, left Acid. Their umpire U W. Wesnlg. A «Conference of Christiana will be held la Oospel Hall, Orleans street, on April 'lita, MO» -Mad »th. Servioeg will take place at -??? ?. ?, I P. M.. and 7:» P. M. for r»aa>er. praise, and the ministry ef the Word of God. Mm. J. W. Reams arrived yesterday aft ernenn from Madison. Wie., where she was called a week or ao ago to ths bed¬ side of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Claude Elsom. who was very sick. She reports her daughter a great deal better. Fulton Baptist church was filled to overflowing on Wednesday night to hear Rev. Stephen Merrltt. of New York. At the close of tho service there were four professions of fatth. Bev. W. P. Hlnes, who conducted the great meeting last spring, will shortly begin another meeting with the Fulton church. The new baptistry haa been com¬ pleted and is ready for use. The wife nf Mr. Charles Römer, who resides on Cherry street near HoUa/wood. died at en early hour yesterday morning. She leaves a husband and five little chil¬ dren. Mr. Romer'B father, sisters, and brothers reside In Fulton. Miss Mamie Goaah, a pupil of the Lndles' Academy of the Visitation, Monte Maria, haa finished several beautiful paintings In water colors. Rev.-C. E. Merrlck, of New York, who Is In the city visiting the Alliance mis¬ sions, spoke to ? large crowd at Fulton church last Wednesday night Mr. W. H. Christian very generously painted, without charge, a part of ihe inside"of Denny-Street church a few days ago. Mrs. C. P. Kennedy, of Edge Hill. Hen- rim, Is In Baltimore, where she went to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Olivia H. Young. Rev. lt. H. Mullen will preach to-day at U A. ht at the Denny-Street Metho¬ dist church. Mrs. Peter Porr Is quite 111 e,t her home on Nicholson street. EDITOR A. .>'. BOWERS TO LEAVE. Ma Will Go tt» th* I nls-eralty.Mat¬ terà of Interrai at th«s Colleur. Mr. Aubrey Nelson Bowers, one of the most prominent and popular students of Richmond College, will leave that Insti¬ tution this week to matriculate nt the University of Virginia, where he will continue the study of lav*, Mr. Rowers has been editor In chief of the College Messenger, a bright paper, published monthly, under the auspices of tha two areali letter societies, for some time. He will be succeeded In his editorial work t'y Mr. Charlee Marshall Graves, now one of the associate editors, who, like himself. Is a member of the Mu Sigma Rho. Mr. powers, besides be¬ ing connected with the Messenger, Is manager of the base-ball club. He h''s taken on active part in athletics, and will be greatly misled by his fellow- students. Suitable resolutions of regret At Ills departure have been passed by the two societies. The rules of tho univi rslty require thnl law students shall study there two sessions before receiving a diploma, no matter what may bo their qualifications, and In order to graduate as soon as possible It becomes necessary for Mr. Rowrs to enter at once. Mr. Jes«« lt. Bitiford, ? B0n*Of Hon. W. J. Blnford, of Henrlco, has been elected president of the Philologien So¬ ciety, lie was recently tendered a po-l- tlon on the editorial staff of the Mes¬ senger, but his father considered that It would interfere with his studies and hence objected. Young Blnford Is one of thi» most promising students In the college. The annual public debate of the two BoctefJee will be held nest Friday night In the college chapel. THREE WEEKS LOVGER TO UVE. Oov. O'Ferrnll (.rnnts Hopkins a He- apif..>et\l> -Iliaco, ereil Evidence In another column of to-day's paper Is printed nn Intonating account of the ar¬ rangements for the hanging of Morris Hopkins, the condemned murderer of Mr. Henry Parsons, nnd a history of the ? rime for which he is to die. Since that p.ig- was siete typed, the Governor lias granted the doomed negro a respite of three weckt«, and the execution, instead Of taking place next Wednesday, as ar- ranged for, will be deferred until the Mtll of April. When the news of his extended ler.*e of life was communicated to the doomed prisoner, he threw up his hands in Joy, and Ite a loud tone repeated several times, "Thank God, I've got a little bit longer to live." The resi ite was granted by the Gover¬ nor at the turnest solicitation of Mr. W. M. Juki Is, Jr., the negro's counsel, who represented that he bad newly-dis¬ covered evidence in the case. The nature of this evidence was made known to the Qorernor, but he declh.ee to give it for publication. Mr. Justls will leave for PowhBtBB county Monday on legal business, and will be unable to give attention to the interests of his cileni for some «laye, and It was on this account that the reprieve was given for three we. he, Tbe gallows will have to be moved now, until the day of execution, nnd the two tall femes on either end of the driveway will have to BO torn down In order to admit of tho passage of teams Into the wagon-yard. THE .\F.GROES URO VE TOO FAST. The Justice Arts as .lutine nnrt De¬ rides the Itnce Agnina! Them, Willie Christian and Pleasant Jackson, two gay colored sports, were In a Jumper Friday, and were driving the horse at a reckless speed, endangering the lives of pedestrians. They were stopped by Po¬ liceman Soweli, who ordered them under aireetatWBOn Christian became obstreper¬ ous, and violently resisted. The two were In the Police Court yesterduy, and on Ihe charge of reckless driving were fined $10 nnd coels each. Christian was sent to the Jury for resisting JUr. Soweli. ? pl«t »I was found In Christian's pock· t When he was s«arched, and for carrying '.. s e was lined ia» and ooafs, James White, charged with I oper conduct on the street la the pi, ·¦ .ce of ladles, was fined J.7) and costs, lie went to Jail In default. Bonnie Bryant, a small negro boy, was whipped by his father for stealing coal from the ChesBpeehe and Ohio railway. James Bienne and J. w. Morread paid each 12.IA) ami costs, for being disorderly on the Btreet and striking S. D. Price, Jr. LARGE ORDER 1'OR LOCOMOTIVES. It Ioli monti Works to Build Fourteen for the Soul hern Itnl I u a ». The South«.rn Railway Company have Just placed an order with the Richmond Locoinotlvi-Works for fourteen lcconio- tlves. · Eight of these are to be consolidations, with cylinder«! MaJI ineries, and lor haul¬ ing fast freight train«, and six are to be ten-Wheelers, With cylinders MxM Inches, and for passenger service. The typt Of tl.»· paBStnttT locomotives Is that used In hauling the Florida special. The order* M valued at $110.1»«·. The works had already received orders from the Smith« rn company since its r«.'organ ina¬ tion for seven locomotives. A définit«» order has also ljeen given the Richmond works by tlte Chesapeake and Ohio for a compouml locomotive, to Be SXhtMted at the Atlanta Exposition. Thin locomotive will have upon It every appliance and Improvement known in lo¬ comotive building, it will be used In hauling the F. F. V. over the mountains between Charlottest/llle and Clifton Forge. CHIMES OK MUtll itl'Y. Mo'.uri Academy, April l'I nnd IT. CHIMES OF NOUMAMlY. To Orannlst* a Sportine I.enane. S'iretaiy «»wins, of the Agricultural Society, and also of the Riding and Driv¬ ing Association, is In receipt of an Invi¬ tation from Mr. Sidney W. Giles, secre¬ tary, Cleveland, Ohio, asking him to attend u uniting 10 be held In Cleveland April Sth for the purpose of organising a »porting league. Ju»t what Virginia will do In regard to till« BtBtttl 't hard to say, but there la no doubt of the fact that more interest BBSnJftned lure at present than ever before In legitimate horse-racing. The trouble» recently experienced at Alex¬ ander Island have caused the horse psepts t·1 don their thinking caps as to what It best -to be done under the clr- cuia.star.ee·«. The laws of Virginia do not prohibit winter racing, but the majority of the people are certainty against it, arid It Is likely that the Legislature will so emend the law as to remedy this and other evlla. MrRioliy Will hot Stop Here. Governor McKinley will not stop tn Hlchmond returning from his southern tour. Indeed, It Is doubful whether h«| will comi this way. Judce W«eddlll. who wrote to the Ohio presidential aspirant »..vt-ral «lay« ag<«. and urged him to «top over here hi order that a rei»--ptlon might r»e tendered him, r«H-e!ve«l a t ¡cgrum from Major McKinley lust night saying th.it hi» engagements ut home w*re such that he would not be able to accept his very kind Invitation. He expreseed his hearty ap¬ preciation of the «KNjntesy which It waa proposed to show him. ABSOLUTE DIVORCE. MR·. DAVIS BRCCRRD DATIS'I PAR- DOS ASD MARRIED HIM. Cáptela «nallewar's Teraihls Ae«rt- geat-Balleatlae Messa tow ese« latí I es Nearly «Teepleted-Ltbrarr (or the Marier llar racha. NORFOLK, VA.. March ?? f99%?) Judge Martin, of the Court of Law and Chancery, has granted Mrs. Anna Davia an absolute divorce from her husband. William C. Davis. An Interest attaches to this case from the fact that Mrs. Davis secured the pardon of Wlllism C. Davis from the penitentiary, and married him, he having been sent there for killing a colored man In this city. They had been married Just a year when the suit for dlvote«» was entered. Captain J. G. Galloway, a well-known gentleman of this city, broke his nark to-day while superintending the removal of a lot of lumber from a shel In the lane, directly In the rear of the Had- dlngton building. NEARLY COMPLETED. The beautiful building and grounds known ss the Mary Rallentine Home for Aged Ladies, the noble charity» of Mr. Tin-man Rallentine, which has Just been erected In the Ilrambleton section of the city, Is now nearly completed and ready j for the furniture, and will be occupied by the early summer. The grounds cover marly a square, and are being beauti¬ fully laid off find adorned, and the um¬ brageous walks nnd restful «hair« and settees ami cheerful surroundings will afford a delightful rt treat during the de¬ clining years of many a worn and weary one. The home will be supported by rental« from city property set apart by Mr. Rallentine for that purpose. A PORTSMOUTH FIRM. Tbe new marine barracks at the navy- yard Is to be furnished with a handsome library, and the bids for the books were opened yesterday nnd awarded to a Ports¬ mouth firm. * Committee! from the Board of Trade and city Council will co-operate »Ith the Mayor and railroad officials of Ports¬ mouth In sfiowlng around the committee of New England manufacturers during their short May on Monday. The colored train-hand. Urown, crushed on tho Seaboard Air-Line yesterday at Franklin, is believed to t'-e fatally Injured. The crew to man the coast-d< tt BOB steamer Ampbltrlte will commence going on board next week, and getting the ship In order for a con*t-crulse. The Am- phltrlte is said to be the most formidable war-vessel uiloat. THE CHIEF'S TRIAL The trial of Chief-of-Pollce Rebman has been pet for Tuesday. Tho remains of Captain Charles E. Sim¬ mons, who died nt St. Vincent's Hospital, were forwarded to Maryland last night for Interment. Deceased was a sea-cap¬ tain, and formerly In the Pacitlc.-m.iil service. The Select Council is yet to vote on the hlgh-llcenso ordinance, nnd It aald p. Mg fl^-ht Is to be made there on a compromiso for 1300 license. Mrs. Edward«, wife of ROT. J ..I. Ed¬ wards, of B-rkley, u in extremis. She has be«-n some time ill. The Virginia peanut-factory, on Water street, had a narrow escape from de¬ struction by lire laet night. MISSING SICOLMOX FOFSD. «-honra Slana ot Insanity.Taken to Alrxnndrla tor Treatment, , MANASSAS, VA., March «».-(Special) The young-man, William Nlcolson, who so mysteriously disappeared on March 2«ith. was found by a party of searchers yesterday evening In a large body ,,f pines about four miles from here. The searchers obtained a clew of his where- BRAafB Shirts READY TO WEAR. tvery ¦;..rn.· it ' GUARANTEED. Fit, Finish, fashion. The Seat. ASK YOUR OUTFITTER FOR THEM. Write for our complete .'Souvenir of Fashion," f«»e by Mali. CLUEH, COON & CO., Mikers, ^.°??· Ito 8-I',SaiW9m-fr] March ?, ?»:·5. A CARD OF EXPLANATION. In the Police Court yesterday three v.om.n were charged with baring a live¬ ly scrimmage and cutting aerane. The afternoon papers published that the trou¬ ble took place In my bar-room. I wish to state that tbe only woman In my place on that occasion came Into the confectionery department. She was ful¬ ly Ann Jones, and she got change for a quarter Of a dollar from my wife No other woman was with r. Por mx years none of these women have taken a drink in my bar-room. I have, been con¬ dii,-ting buelneaa on that corner for nine years, and never ivas In the Police Court on any charge. Th- report published in One of the papers referred to that my place Is a resort for negro toughs is un¬ true. Very respectfully. rnh::l-lt ANDREW FONTAN'ESI. Easy Feet. 121 east Broad street, KlL'UMUND, VA. CORNS, 25c. BUNIONS AND INGROWING NAILS, Ufe All diseases ot tlio feet treate* by skilled opuratora. BATHS. TURKISH, Bt'SSIAW, OK MEDI¬ CATI: I», for Sklu Diseases, Khnurua- Usn.etc.nt oo MANICI III·:, beautifying hand». CO LA CREME Rl.tSC.for whlienitig the Ikhti Cent l'implra, Acrle, gstSWS, hauburu, and Tan.. BO Superfinous Haíí Permanently Removed ty electric t;ee lie and depilatory powder. Warts and Moles Removed Without a Scar. Almond Cream Removes lotis, Black¬ heads, and Wrinkles. White Rose Cream (New) Produces a * Yelvet Skin, White and Smooth. EYEBROW AN» EYELASH t.KOW- BB.? SO BEBT HKVELOPSB. 1 <M» lEI.VETs.KIN MOA ? (for babies). BB QfJKKM BXBSS FKKtKLK LOTION ro- SBOtSS Prawhles, I.I ver Spot«, aod Promotes a Cle»r Complexion. 8LECTKI«: HAIR RESTORER i.%i never failed to produce good, healthy hair on .niy bead, no matter how tumi. Cures Dan¬ druff. ? 'naia. l'alili»*; 11 air, aad all Distasoi of tbe Scalp. Our tnlropcdl·»*.» ar» experienced operatori (male and temalo; ·? many years' experience. Any of Dr. Vniiun Toilet 1'iepurallon sent on lerelptof pi ice. V\ e Invite corre .poiiilenre on beaut·1 hi.-nil.be.. Mrs. Dr. J. SEMMES, Proprietor. Dr. WILLIAM GRAVEN, Manager. 1**1 east Broaii atreot, ?? umui, Va» liuti ??-Sut*; Another large «hlpment of the POPU¬ LAR CRAWfORD U1CYCLKS will ar¬ rive MON I »AY. Mpeclal prie··» to clubs of five or more. Purchaser* taught free at our Rlcycle- Bchooî $2."? i^iinps going fast at He. each. WALTER C. MKKCKR ? 4.?.. >'£·'· east Main sireet, next to coiner Seventh and Main Ht«. 'Rhone W3. mh S-Su,Tu«feFr3m «r~ ¦-' "¦¦.ss=-1.._=.. LOST, STRAYED, AND KÜLXI). "LOST. RKTWKEN 'FOURTH AND Byrd streets, or on Third between Uyrd and Main, or Main between Third and llelvlbre, a LADY'S BMALL DROWN PURSE, containing II« nut·· and «ome smajl change. Reward If returned to 21i> »outrt_ Fourth «treet._mh tt-tf LOBT, ON BEVERLY STREET. March M. UM. a PAIR OF GOLD SPEC- TACBES- Reward offered If left at U£» south Cherry street. mh M-lt* about yesterday morning, end by cloae »S« and dfflgent *g¡*a» was followed to ttiexplne **^-w*l,eV·?· V* found. When^lhe searchere first saw h*m hs ahowed an Inclination to run. but was persuaded to atop. «hendrew a pistol and threatened to kill nlmseir, pointing It at his hesd. but was pacified and prevailed on to come bach to Ma¬ nasse s. He became quiet and peaceable but showed unmistakable eigne of In¬ sanity. Towards night, however, he was more rational, and conversed freely about his strenge escapade. He was taken to Alexandria, Va., by hla father last night to receive treatment and rest THAT mIIow, ghastly «complexion, covered with unsightly pimples and eruptions, becomes clear again by the use of Dr. Deane'e . Dyspepsia Pills. % Indigestion and constipation are the chlel cruses of an ashy face and ugly blotches. Theae pills will cure them. Send for a free sample. DR. J. A. DEANE CO.. Kingston, New York, Pet tala at all Draggltu'. »J "uta. (de ll-Tu,Tb,(w)ASaiy,fn For Palo, Worn-Out Folks. No one fears ai vine sickness who nees Gsine's Celery Compound, that wonderful medi-Ine that ms.es ptxipls welL So one need be pale or worn ont, with weak nerves sad impure blood, if they use this grand atrenith-itresy Try it- ITISWITH pleasure I announce to my friends, the patrons of Levy ' & Davis, that I h «ave formed a busi¬ ness connection' with the well-known firm of Thalhimer Bros! - 501 Broad street, nnd solicit for my new firm a liberal share of their pat¬ ronage. Very respectfully, A. E. EZEKIEL, late Manager for LEVY & DAVIS. (mh fO.lt) A LETTER. a " Messrs* Julius By vie ¿* Sons, Bivli moud* Va. : 'lì ECEl VERS' SALE. A special sale of the stock of ES. JAFFRAY&CO., 850 Broadway, New York, will be maxie, be¬ ffinnin$ MONDAY, ??? 1,1895. The attenti on of the t r a d e is respectfully vailed tothis MAGNIFI¬ CENT OFFERING OF DR Y AND FANCY GOODS. The greater part of these goods bei ? gof THIS SEA SOX S PURCHAS¬ ING, it is ail· occasiou not to be passed. Respectfully, The Receivers of E.S.JAEFRAY&CO. We will announce this sale in a few days. We take this method of in¬ forming you, as the sale will not take place in New York until April 1st. JULIUS SYCLE à SONS, THE TOWER Corner Second and Broad. ? UE POCAflONTAS COAL COM- 1»A*T will, on April 1, lhM. retire from the to.il business. lLivlr.-g acquired the good- will, lixtures, and selllng-fai-llltles h«-re- toforé controlled by It, and, having MB» led to Its buslntSM, wo heir to an- riounc.» that we will, on and after April 1, IBS, act as GENERAL BALES AGENTS tor the celebrated POCAHON- TAS COAL* and be prepared to till with promptness and dispatch all contracts and orders piaci with us. Mr. D. II. Maison. fonSsUB*· president of the Po.-ahontas Coal Company, haa bee» appoint··'! general manager in crmixe of our Roanoke otiice, and until further notice MSJ 11 N. Claxton will remain In chuña M the CHICAGO oltice, a.« also Mr. H. R. Mather at CINCINNATI, and Mr. G-on.-.· K. Alklns .it «'« »Ll'.MRL'S. Mr. S. R. Cary will continue to act un¬ til further notice as southern sales agent for I'oeahontas coal, shipped all-ratl. The Tidewater business will b¿ continued UK heretufóte. The output of tht* collieries In the Po- cahonta» coal Held during 1KH was 3.100.- (««> gross tons, and expected to reach S.jOO.oOO tons during the y«-ar IMS. CASTNER A CURRAN, Cenerai Sale«» Atrents for the· CELEHRATED I'lK'AHOXTAS SMOKE¬ LESS SEMI-RITl'MINOl'S COAL. orncEB Main, Office.CM Chestnut street, Phila¬ delphia, Pa. RRANCH OFFICES. 1 Broadway, New York, «ß Main street. Norfolk, Va. Neuve Ruil'Ung, cincinnati, O. Terrv Bullding, Roanoke, Va. Kllbv .«treet, Roston, Mas«. Old Colony RulMlnir Chlea*o. III. «His north High street, Columbus, O. 4 Fenchurch aveuue, London. England. _ mh 31-It EMPLOYMENT YVAXTS. WANTED, A BTTUATION AS GARD¬ ENER. Steady, sober, and reliable; tho¬ roughly understands the bu«lnesa In all Its branches. Single man. English. Oood reference. Address GARDENER. ft!l Rrook avenue. Richmond; mh 31-ft· WANTED, POSITION BY LICENSED DRUGGIST; ten years' experience. Strict¬ ly temperate. Reference from fermer em¬ ployers. Can "¿ommenee at once. Ad¬ dress, DRUGGIST. mhM-lt*_Petersburg. Va. AGENTS ACQUAINTED WITH ANY KIND OF INSURANCE OR Rl'ILDING ASSOCIATION WORK, or business-men out of employment, wanted to represent several of the best plans combined in the best ayatcin of doing business le this country. Don't fall to wri'e. Don't miss this opportunity. Address I. F. ?., 4M Cathtdral street, Baltimore, Md. nan Mutas High^tf.*to->»Te^ Baking Powder AnimOiMftWMX «PUBE _ F.MI'I.OYMKÜT WAgTÄ._ ~1»^ÍN~g'OLD GIVEN ?? EACH* agent who eell in the next three months 2«-) copies of "Talks to Children About Jesus/· Greatest selling book published. Outnt, 15c. Agents wanted also for new book by Marlon Hai land. One aient made 167 last week. Outfit 11. Freight paid and rredlt given. Address R. H. WOODWARD COMPANY, N*l»lm°re· ¡ff_mh 3l-2t WANTED, TWO LADIES AND OÍN- TLEMEN: aged between 17 and W. Must be imlustrious and willing to work eteaJiiy for gooil pay. Position permanent to right party. Address In own handwriting UNITED MANUFACTURING PUBUSH- ING COMPANY, Huí Main atr«-et. Rich¬ mond. Va._mh_3t-lt*_ WANTED, SALESMAN FOR CALI¬ FORNIA WINKS; PM per month and ex¬ panses, with rhanc- for ailvance; commis¬ sion If preferred; no experience reoutred. Address, Inciting lire stamps. W. A. VANDERCOOK COMPANY, San Fran- Ciscij. Chi_mh 31-lt* SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AP- Po| VI AIENT OF YOUNO MEN IN RAILWAY SERVICE. Examination» soon In everv State. Write for particu¬ lars. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE INSTITI .TE. Washington, D. C. jnb 31-lt__ ""wanted, ry a yottng MAN OF good character and habits, a P«)SITION AS STENOGRAPHER Have had con¬ siderable experience, and can furnish good references from last employer. Ad¬ dress "R. H. J.," care Dltsnatch. _*_ _ mh31-lt-_ WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS CLOTH- INO SALESMAN. None but enpertencad need apply. Written application prefer¬ red. J. JACOBUS, _mh 31-lt_Proprietor JThe Boston." WANTED, AGENTS. WE HAVE the best selling article on the continent. 13 50 to tg made per day supplying regu¬ lar customers with our flavoring powder, perfumes, and soaps. Address CONSOLI¬ DATED PERFCMH COMPANY, Chicago. _mh 31-lt·_ SALESMEN TO HANDLE SIDE LINE. rapid-selling article, to shode-dealers In all the Southern States. Small sample and information furnished pushers. Large commission. ADJUSTABLE) SHADE HANGER MANUFACTURING COM¬ PANY. Booth Bend, Ind. mh :u-it WANTED." IN A FIRST-CLASS bakery ani lec-cream saloon a YOUNG LADY. Competent and trustworthy. One who has had experience preferred. Address, giving reference and where last employed. BAKERY, Dispatch otllce. jnh .It-It*_ _ SALESMEN FOR CIOARS. 175 to $125 salary and expenses. Experience not ne- c. Mary. Send stamp. BISHOP & KLINE. St. I/mls^Mo,._mh 31-lt A MAN WANTED THAT CAN COOK AND WAIT at UM P.road street, near Chesapeake and Ohio depot, mil ?,l-lt· ANT <>NE WISHING THB SERVICE.-,* ok A FIRST-CLABe PHARMAC18T can obtain hi.« a,b1res« by writing to Mr. C. B. FLEET. Lynch»,ari,-, Va. jiih_:!l-lt_ WANTED, A FEW YOUNG LADIES. A profitable bustnenn. Light outdoor work. Call at M6 north Fifth street from 9 t,. 12 Monday, April 1st No fool. mh âi-it«_ WANTED, MANAGER FOR NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE". Good salary nul Interest In olllce. References and iVO eash required, manager, Dispatch oilice. mh :il-lt* WANTED, ? ? ? ? C, MAN TO TRAVEL. Salary, 1!» weekly and ex- References and small cash se¬ curity required. AOENT, Dispatch office. tnh 31-lt* _ W ? ? ? E ! >. IN EXPERIENCED NURSE«. Apply, with recommendation, Monday and Tuesday before 1- o'clock, PI west «'.race street.__mh_31-lt WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOK AND LAUNDRESS Apply at No. 10 north Laurel street before U o'clock Mon¬ day. Reference required. mh 31-lt*_ WANTED. POSITION 1ÍY A REGIS¬ TERED PHARMACIST. N.n» years' »?¬ ?. ·,*"·, And best references. DRt'G- OIST, care Dispatch._ tnh 3l-lt-_ AGENTS MAKE $10 DAILY GIVING OCR GOODS Free to customers. Blggeet fconinz.i «·?··G offered. Samples tree to 1: t woik'-rs. fiend siamo for terms. BUTLER MANCFACTLTUNG COM¬ PANY. A SB, Chicago. __ mh H-lt« "WANTED. COLLEtCTlNG TO DO BT A COMPETENT PARTY, Testimonials furnished from all clients. Bond gtven if desired. Money paid over Boon as col¬ lected. HUSTLER._mh_a-F«hSu2»*_ SALESMEN, WE SEND SAMPLES, allow Uberai salary and expenses, or coamlaaion, to proper applicants. .Sta¬ ple seller; three stores out of five will order. Address, with stamp. Lo'-k-Rox I iff». New York city._Jyjl-eo lt.Iy j_ WANTED, A THOROUGHLY CAPA¬ BLE NURSE FOR A YEAR-OLD CHILD. Mil,lie.aged woman pr>'ferre<i. Best re¬ ferences r«?qulred. Apply at No. MI Har¬ rison etreet._mh :i0-:t· WANTED. REGISTERED DRUGGIST. Give age, reference, and salary expect¬ ed. Address H. F. WEISEL. Norfolk, Va._mh -3-4t· WANTED. AT ONCE. REGISTERED pharmacist. Address, with refer¬ ences, A. R. CHALMERS, Bmlthfleld, Va._mh a-tt« WANTED, RY THE ARCTIC FAN COMPANY, responsible purtlee to pur- rlias·· exclusive rights for the sale of a SEWING-MACHINE FAN, just patent¬ ed, a great selling novelty. Send for descriptive circular. Address Post-« »flic» Hox in, Baltimore, Md._mh >::t CATCHIEST Ifih CANVASSERS' SPE¬ CIALTY ever shown. RE VERS IBL ¦ At'TOMATIC HAIR-CURLER COMPA- N T, CI 11 ca go._mh 17-eoSufit AGENTS WANTED.-!?:, TO 110, SAL¬ ARY paid to energetic young p?··? to travel. Excellent chance for teachers and ¦tudenta Business pleasant and perma¬ nent Splendid opportunity to make money, Our new* plan takes like w.ld lire. Address NATIONAL LIBRARY AS¬ SOCIATION, -U Wnbnsh avenue. Chi¬ cago, mh 17-SuU BALESM EN.SALARY OR COMMIS¬ SION TO INTRODUCE Ot'jt GOODS To THE TRADE. Permanent position; sta- Pls Une: pleasant work. A I Irese, with stump, KIN'i MANUFACTURING <'< »M- PANY, E. TH, Chtoago._mhl7-fluU__ ~$!2 A DAY TO AGENTS SELLING THE B< «VAL WHITE METAL-PLATER or takln»? orders for plating. Trad- Be¬ erete, formulas, receipts, etc., furnished ire». A good agent o»n m.ike tWO to three thousand d-liars per year with th·* Boyal l'Inter. Kor tenu», etc.. address GRAT «te CO.. Plating-Works. Coltimi.m», ? ? Ja ß-SulDe ¦», ' MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT HOME. I pay IK to $16 per week for linking crayon portraits; new patented method; any one who can read or write Can ?·» the work nt home In «pare time, «lay or evnlng. Send for particulars und work at once. H. A. GRIPP. German Artl-'t, jag-Sum_Tyrone, Ps___ WANTED. AGENTS To BELL BABH LOCKS AND DOOR HOLDERS. Sample Baah Lock free by mall for :¡c. stana Rest sellers ever Invented. Beets weights; Ml a day. Write ouick. BROMARD «i CO., Bo« M. Philadelphia, fe lO-SuitJt WHY DO PEOl'LE COMPLAIN OP hard times, when any woman or man can make from 15 to fi') a «lay enstlyr All have beard of the wonderful success of the CLIMAX DISH-WASHER yet many are apt to think they can't mah« money «elllng It; but any one can make money, because every family «rants one. One agent has made $479% In the last three months, after raying all expenses mil attending to regular business be. »ide«. You don't have to canvass; noon p-ople know you have It for «al» they send for a Dtsh-Washer. Address the CLIMAX MANUFACTURING COM¬ PANY. ¦ Starr avenue, Columbus, O., for particulars._de *-Su26t ntsixEss. waxts. WANTED, TO LOAN MONEY IN SMAi.l, AND LAJJtOB AMOUNTS on furniture, pianos, «Uamond.«, «rates*·, 8hort-t!m<» paper dleoouated. All com¬ munications piomptly attended to. Ad¬ dress PROMPT, care Dispatch office. _mh 31 -eod 1 m WANTED, A HORSE FOR LADY TO DRIVE: must be sound and genti-. A 1- «lress. stating price, etc., Poat-Offtce Bog 96, city._mh31-lf WANTED, ROOM AND HOARD BY GENTLEMAN in pleasant firmly. Al- dre-s, stating terms. E. G. H. care Dis- patch. mh :tl-If WANTED, TO RENT TO A COUPLE without children, or to a party of gen¬ tlemen, a most desirable second floor of uve room*. Apply at 7 east Grace »treet. _mhjM-lf WANTED BOARDERS FOR NICF.LY- PURNI8HED ROOMS. Also, TARLE¬ A HDEllS. Home comfort*. Terms ttasonable. Apply\t 109 north Seventh s_reet._mh 31-1 f WANTED, TENANT FOR A BOUSE of 8 room«. Modern conveniences.113 east iJlgh street. Also, FLAT of 4 rooms.US east Leigh »treet. Apply at 61A) cast Leigh street. mh 31-If WANTED. TENANTS FOR AN ELE¬ GANT 81??? OF ROOMS, with modern conven, cecea, lnclu«llng cooking-range, bath-room», with hot and cold water, pantry, etc. Apply at Ju5 _ist Clay atreet. _a. _mh n-if_ WANTED. BELL A. FIND 80BA- FOUNTAIN. All complete. For sale cheap. Atldsesj Bos Ms, Manchester pott- -»«ce. _B_a ?-?___ Ill «? ? EMS WAIT«. WANTED, TO SELL TWO BTAL- ! LIONS. Also STANDARD MARES and COLTS. One »talllon Is a «tandard-bred trotter, very handsome, young, and fast. The other stallion Is a »tandard-bred Percheron, 4 years old. \fry handsome, and weighs about 1.8i>0 pounds. Roth «re prise winner«. One of the mares Is the dam of a colt that »trotted lait s«*ason, before »he was 2 >«ars oW. In 2:21. GEORGE E. CRAWFORD & CO., mh 31-lt 1'iY» Rank street. ¦TART Bl'SINESS WITHOUT CAPI¬ TAL Re merchandise broker; tV»c. pos'al note bring» book of 70!) manufacturers and Jobbers, with full Instructions how to proceed. GEORGE T. PARKER, Broker, 2433 Grant avenue. Philadelphia, Pa._mh31-U__ I HAVE THE REST AGENTS' ARTI¬ CLE ON BARTH. Send postal for par¬ ticulars. Nothing like It. Credit to all worthy. Wanted by everybody. Noiraud. Permanent growing business for all honest people. THEO. NOEL, Geologist, Chicago. III._mh M-lt WANTED, TO SELL a first-class" WELL-ESTABLISHED RAR AND RESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SA¬ LOON. Centrally located; doing a good business; rent low. A good chano.» to make» money. Good reasons for Hing. Address SALOON, care of Dispatch. _mh M-lf WANTED, BOARDERS TO OCCUPY TWO LARGE CON'.ECTIMI ROOMS, dressing-room ami privateBJi ith attached. Also, electric bell. Sing.«, or en suite. References exchanged. Q. It. T., care of Dispatch._mh M-lt* m DR. McGILL'S ÓRANOS BLOSSOM CATARRH Cl'RE, Cancer Belve, Pila Remedy, Stomach Powders. O. R. Pills, and Kidney Cones can be obtained at 14 east Broad Street, opposite Cohen's store. MUS. e. MAIA, BShM-lf_Richmond, Va._ WANTED, BY TWO YOUNG OEN TLEMEN. ROOMS with or wlthoit board, w«»»t of Adams street. A with terms nnd references, "PBOfES- BION." Poat-OtBce Boa 632._mh ai-it HAVING REEN TAl'GHT FRENCH DECORATION by Professor Malory, and having on hand a full supply of mate¬ rials, we will be glad to furnish the same at factory prices at t> south Morris street. _ mh 31-lt«_T. D. wn.s »N_ WANTED, BY TWO QUIET YOUNG MEN, NR'KLY-FURNISHEl) BOOM; central location. Address, with term«, room. Dispatch office. mh M-lf WANTED. BOARD FOR YOIWO MAN AND BISTER in private, ChriBtiaa fam- liv: location central. Address, with terms, PRIVATE FAMILY, Dispatch office. _mh 31-2f _ ARE- YOU A CATHOLIC? WILL YOU work for $18 per week? Are you un¬ employed? Write to F. II. KELLY, ;A Fifth avenue, Chicago, mh Sl-SuAW2t- WANTBD, To BUY A HORSE ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN. .Mutt be sound and gentle. No horse-trader ne.-.i apply. Address HORSE, care Dispatch, _' _mh M-lt* DR. McGILL'S FAMOUS KKMALH SPECIFIC, orange Blossom and Dyepcp- sia Powder«, Rile Remedy, Cancer Sah«·, Catarrh Remedy, Kidney Conce, and O. B. l'Illa can, always be obtained fresh from MRS. W. H. MILES, Gen«'ral Ag"nt, _jnh M-lf_2W9 ea?t Broad «treet. WANTED. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, PAMPHLETS, AND MANUSCRIPTS of all descriptions. Libraries purchased for rash. CONFIDENTIAL coLLE<ToR. Post-Offlce Box 456. Richmond, Va. tuli 17-8uAwSni BEST GRANULATED SUGAR,1 Sfa FEK l'OCÎÎD. Llsrht Drown Sugar, per pound. 3 Pure Lard. p«jr pound. 6 Large North Carolina Roe Herrings, 2 dozen for . 25 Half barrel.tl M I Sugar-Cured Shoulders per pound... 7 California Evaporated Peaches, per P'jund . 10 California Bartlett Pears, per pound X Fresh S'»da crackers, per pound. 5 Fresh Ginget -Snaps, per pound. 5 Best New Crop Now Ottenne Mu- lusses, per gallon. fg California Hams, per pound. 8 Vunllla and Golden-Drip Syrup, per gallon . 8·» da Salmon. M 13 pounds Virginia Buckwheat for.... 2> New lot··«, per pound. 5 N.w Orleans Molasses, per gallon.... Current Jelly, per pound . I Early June Peas, per can. !) Washing-Powders, tier package. 3 Best city Moil, per bushel. tv» California Dried Cherries, per pound 5 Pigs Feet, per pound. .4 Birst New York Creamery liutter, per pound . 23 California Apricots, per can. It Boneless Codfish, per pound. 4 Eight I«arg..· Pars Soap for.a -' 2 cakes Kitchen Soap, for cleaning, for 5 ? Labrador Gross Herrings, r dosen I l'r.-h Ni'W York Butter, per pound.. 1"> Scotch Herrings, per box. 2u , Preserved Ginger, per Jar . 23 Good cans Peaches, per can. » Kr.-sh .Mixed I'akes, per pound. 7 Pure Sugar Syrup, ?.-r gallon. 1G> Turkish Prunes, per pound. 4 ? Large «Jans Tomatoes for. ? Snowttake Patent Family Flour, per barrel .3 ? Sack . M p. it North Carolina Cut Herrings, per dozen . 7 Half barrel .2 00 Silver King, Minnesota Patent Family Flour, per barrel.IB or, per sack. -I California Apricots, per round. 10 Chipped Reef, per pound. 16 Roast Peanuts, per quart. ? Win··, for «jelly, per gallon. M 4 pound-, nice Cream Cheese. 2j Jap. Prand Roasted Coffee In pound papers i»i.*st you ever drank). M 3 boxes Imported Bardine· for. :\ 3 pounds Harrin'a Fruit Crachera.., i/> Rye Whiskey . 1 ß oíd Rye Whiskey. ' SO Old Rye Whiskey, 4 yeara old.g.. I «»» Old Uve Whiskey, 5 yeara old. | ¡<» old Rye Whiskey. 6 yeara old.- Rough and Ready Tobacco, per plug. :: Salt P'-rk. per pound. ·"· New Mackerel, per doxefl. G. Thistle Urani Tomatoes, per can . Whole-Grain Carolina Rice, per pound r. Good corn, per can. ·". Sour Pickle, i.er f/allon. 2«) Large cans Snaps, per can. 0 Try our El.nir nt î-.7i per barrel It's good family 18c tier aa k. Home-Made Blackberry Wine, per gallon . 80 2 poiin«l.i Fresh Mountain Putter for S Lonlllans Rice, 10 pounds for. 'Zj S. ULLMAN'8 S(fST, 1820 and 1822 east Main street. Our New Price-List Mailed on Application. 'Phone 316_delfi-Suta WANTED. ALL TO KEEP WARM. PEST FUEL IN THE MARKET. FRICK'S COKE. ? AJA E SO OTHER. 25 bgthels. delivered .13 «0 Anthracite Btore, ?.-r .,<«uu . juj Anthracite Egg, per 2,'AW pounds _¿ i"J Anthracite Nut, per 2,<a»j pounds .... 6'00 C. and O. L. Splint, per 2,'A»> i.ounds. ¿ id Ç. and O. H. Si,lint. ?-r 2,'j<») pounds. 4 .5 ?.??.·-.« L Splint. ¡,. r LV»>i pounds .... 4 ¿J Page's Hat1, per -,U»> pound·.4 «.0 Eli·· Creek Lump, pet 2,00a pound.«_ 4 Fire Creek Stove, por J.CAA» pounds _4 25 Wood «long) f.,.11 75 to 3 M Wood (sawed) .12.75 to 3 ou ENGINE COAL-AU klnds-Pocahontas, Fire Creek. Nuttalburg, Rock Hill. or Cumberland. IBM east Cary .'Phone 1*5. 1200 west P.road .'Phone 407. C. H. PAGB. mh 2-lm_ LIVE DEER WANTED. FAWNS PRE- FERP.ED; also, a few ELK AND ANTE¬ LOPE. Address FOREST LODGE. Glen Allen, Vs. de 15-dSa&Su&w6m· WHERE TO BUY YOUR NEXT YVEIK'á SUPPLY Ot UKUl'EKlEit. JJ. O'SL'LI.IYAN, PboQ· 507. K.fl:t'"5DtU and Main. Granulated Sugar at cost. 5,000 RusheU Eary Hose Potatoes, Seed. Me. G,.??? Bushels Water-Ground White Meat. ¦a, 4 pcunda Finest Cream-Cheese, 25e. lililí-Grade Patent Family Flour. 13.25. ??,??? bushels White Corn. 63c. bunhel. Fresh Rousted Mucha and Java Coffee, 22-·· . . Gilt-Edge Mountain-Roll Butter. 20c. Water-White Rock-Cundy Syrup, per gallon. 3tV. !",'.<" bales Nice Timothy Hay, tee. per hundred, -oc. · 5.WJ0 pounds Pork Sides, ft l-2c. Fine Family Flour-\ lig.nla-inade-t2.7.',. New California Dried Pears, 7c. ? Bat pound. Fineat Colifornia Peaches, 10c. per pound. Nice New Orleans Molasses. 20c. per gallon. Pure Cider Vinegar, four years old, 25c per gallon. a\0c» ¿Small California Hams. 8c. 2?,«»» Kineet Sugar-Cured Hams, 10c. Hume-Made Preserves, all ussjrtmenta, 7c Nice Crispy Ginger-Snaps, 5c. per pound. 6,000 Imported Sardines, Just arrived, Se. New Evaporated. Apples, Californi* Fruit, 10c. 1.000 Sacks Bait. 50c. per ssck. JMM^btarwi. Nlo^rain^It^^r. KAUFriANN & CO., C©rn«^^U riband Broad St*. * EASTER MILLINERY. The dawn of the Spring sea- ion is breaking and every lady in the land is on the lookout for her Faster Hat or Bonnet. With the ml vantages that we have in getting the latest stylée in New York and abroad by having entree to the leading houses and our facilities for importing direr* we feel assured we can plcase\ou. We have started out with in- novations for the approaching season that have never been equalled in Richmond.innova¬ tions not only in styles but equally so in prices. Our sale of Headgear during the opening in the past few dave is most substantial proof of the cenerai satisfaction given our patrons. o_##...._ ^ TO-MORROW we shall display some entirely Sew Patterns, which should have arrived on ^^»tAeW. ' YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT THEM. RIBBONS. FLOWERS, LACES. The riches! and rarest representations of the foreign markete are represented here in the ereat display of/?/66?p5, Flowers, and Laces voti will see at the rip ht as you enter the store In'Rlbbons we are showing all the widths and colors of Double- Faced Satin, from the narrow daisy Ribbon to the wide eix-inch WK Abeautiful variety of patterns in Fancy-Striped Ribbons, in all the new delicate shades and colors for Children'» hats. Dresden Ribbons in the delicate tints and co'ors, and Tanoui pretty stvlish effects. FLOWERS. The display of Flowers is indeed something marvellous. To get an idea of the immense variety displayed you must see them. A look at our Fourth-Street Window will give you a faint hint of what may be seen on the inside. It is a hard matter to name a ilowcr that grows which cannot be shown here. The prices on Flowers are absolutely beyond comparison. The ahoTe eut will «rive yon an ¡den, of »orne of the Swell Waist» we arc thowing. Kaufmann & Coi Ladies' Waists« The ladies say they never saw such Beantlful Waists« that they fit to perfection.the patterns are gorgeous . the sleeves are lovely.and the Waists are so stylish. We have them in Taffeta, China, and Japanese Silks, Per¬ cales, Dimities, Lawns, and Che¬ viots. Come and make your selection now while the stock is complete. Kaufmann ? Co. i) Owing to the inclemency of the weather we bare »been unable to close out a large lot of Light Summer-Weight* which we had boxed up when our store took lire, and as we are determined, to close out the entire stock remaining from our GREAT FIRE SALE regardloM of value, we will offer from this date a fine line of SPUING AND SUMMER SUITS at prices never heard of before. We offer ? ???ß Flannel Suits, value $K, now - -, - F 4 OO 81 Men's Black Chatio. Suits, all styl«*«*, $ IO, now - - O OO a'.) Men's Blsttsk (lav Worsted Dross suits, Backs aad ion·/ rrucks rallie ·?ß. now.10 00 il:? Men's la«lit-('«»!«»r«<l Sack Suit«, value Oil·, now - 7 oo ÜS Men's Litflit-Fnloroil Cutaways, \alue $1."», now - - MOO 00Boye*Sbort-PaeteBalta.raltto 0lJIO»siow - - I is iUeo, a large lot of LIGHT-WEIGHT BPRING OVERCOATS, which will be sold at leu than half raion. This is a positive closing-out sale, as we are doterminet! not to move a single garment if it can be sold at any price. We have, through the Inndnese of our landlord, "been per« mitted to remain a mouth longer, and therefore we will make an effort to clos«· out the efttire stork. It' the public who are seeking bargains in MEN'S AND BOYS1 WEAR will give us a caU we are sure you will And something to mil you. Don't let this opportunity pas«, by, but call early and examine for yourself, f Jit HAL NO. S WEST BROAD »STREET. ? .. 31 j SHOE HOUSE, 311 east Broad. SPRING SHOE SHOPPING. Ou**· store inside now presents wonderful improvements. The stock, too, has been refilled with all seasonable wants. This week promises great strides in the Shoe line. SOME SPECIALS FOR MONDAY, APRIL 1st, 88c. All It« rfnatnlnt lot I.au',*»' I>oug«»la »?? ? Fin« Kid Huttoti .»?··««» »oa < ? ?··«·'··, ».t.« $·.'.;. ti. t -', ·?·1 I1.B0, tO"l<ic«l fr I'."» -. tabi» of la»! weok. now to «t us«· Nut ? pair tit Una lot ItitAi u. ; «i »jreal tar.aiu. 39C Iteln«vi »i-oto 50 ant 75««. ct la«t woeA-'a ?·.·"··«. L«dl«a' Mtooa, Hoys' M .»«-a, ? ni Mr·»/.'· -..["¡.-r-. Ml ??·» Mipixr», Ili«».l. 1'iii·, an ? Kisl, real valu« «Itoti.'m. ??· ?a aal« for Mon tar at BBS, $1.69 for t4«ttl «*. ··'.!«·>. ? ? thai lot si }>·?»?»»?«» sfesta sui «'»· lot«la thai «er« ·>a ** ß 'a.I BUSB.alBI.Bt· lb«r«at· KJ-v· rate toni* to «bi» l"1- ( ou·. ut« a ?*«? irool look tomut· Economy Shoe House. (iah M\ Book and Job Printing Mentir EmecetABa ·· ?*· IMapatch Job OIIl.ee.

Transcript of »SISTER CITY. DIVORCE. Baking Powder Broad€¦ · to tnu Brotherhood 0f LocomoUv · Engi¬ neers,...

Page 1: »SISTER CITY. DIVORCE. Baking Powder Broad€¦ · to tnu Brotherhood 0f LocomoUv · Engi¬ neers, celebrate Re second anniversary ut Toney'a Hail hut night, and the occa¬ sion


*u» Battus* Dtetetu» Oelehrutea Ite.unan« Auul«ranury with Interne«.

In« Kvei-rteesr^nurrh Berrteuu T«s-M«.r-Per..maJ, ß?4 Bri.to,

Max. Nathan Diction. No. 1«. ?. Ì. ?.,to tnu Brotherhood 0f LocomoUv· Engi¬neers, celebrate Re second anniversaryut Toney'a Hail hut night, and the occa¬sion waa an exceedingly pleasant one.The hall waa well filled with membereBf tr-e organisation, their husbaftds, and«Wienaa, and th* exercises were greatlyenjoyad by every one present JndgeIngram and »Captain A. C. Attklseon mad«short addresae«, and M1«b Nellie Rlchsxd-Bon. of Richmond, recited several selec¬tions, which were greatly enjoyed. Afterthese exerctsee were over a ep'endld eup¬nee waa served, and the members andgueete thoroughly enjoyed the delicaciesserved.Max. Nathan Division presented to Dl-

vlalon No. 521 a secretary's outfit, and a

new division recently organized, and not

yet numbered was presented with a Bible.WILL REVIEW THE SERMON.

On last Tuaaday evening Rev. Mr. Book

«cached at th> CowaMtn-Avenf.« Chrls-m church, o* this city, a «· tmon on

the theme, "Can the Baptists and theDisciples UniteG Rev. L. It Thornht,!,Bf the Bainbrldge-street Baptist church,was present, andt heard the sermon. Heannounces that he haa decide«! to reviewth« sermon from his pulpit this eveningServices begin at 8 o'cloca.At tbe leader Hall 3 o'clock service'

to-dsy no r«>gular sermon will bepresched, but. several gentlemen willmake ahort talk«. Good singing by thtnew eholr It expected.The Missionary »Society of Clopton-

Street Baptist church will meet at thechurch at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Thismeeting w«s postpone«! from last Bun»dsy. Several fin« solos and recitationswill be rendered.Thsrs will be temperance exercises at

Wet-End Methodist Episcopnl church thisevening at Inn o'clock, under the auspice»of the Junior Society of Christian En¬

deavor. A line programme ha» been ar¬

ranged, which will conelst of dialogues,recitations, and einging; alno, addressesby prominent speaker«·.The Chesterfield Countv Baptist Sun¬

day-School Association will hoi«! its regu¬

lar quarterly meeting at Bethlehemchurch «o-day. Rev. It. K. Chamber« ? 111

j-.reacn the opening sermon at 11 o'clock.Joelah Ryland, Jr., It« v. George F. Wil¬

liam«, end others will addrn-a the asso¬

ciation Jn the alterno n. Dinner will beter veil on the ground«.

PERSONALS AND BRIEFS.Th« Alms! ou«e Committee met nt th«

Council Chamber yesterday afternoon,snd. after transacting routine business.went out to the almshouse and inspectedthat Institution, which wa» found to beIn good condition.M1»b Florence Evans, of this city. Is

visiting Mrs. R. H. Bruce, Chula, Va,Miss Clyde Gregory, who haa been visit¬

ing In Any-llfi, has returned home.In the Mayor's Court yesterduy morning

Emmlt Harria and Claude Armlstead (col¬ored) were charged with disorderly con¬

duct. Harris was lined PJB and AisaJetead11. They were committed to Jail In de-faultof surety.Misa Annie Allen, of Petersburg. Is

visiting Mies Clay Willis, on PattarIt reel. ·

Mr. Cary B. French, of Savannah, Ga.,im vltltirig hi« old home.Mr. Rich Willie, of Chesterfield, Is

visiting hie al»ter. Mis» Clay Willie.The Epworth League of Asbury chapel

Will attend a mass-meeting at I II I

Street Methodist church this afternoon at

4 o'clock.Mr. Joseph Holt will leave Mondny for

Curl'« Neck, where he will be engagedIn business for probably three month«.Mr. it. L saute will conduct the meet-

Ing <"f the Baptist Young People's Unionnt ?.:·.-. P. M. at tho Clopton-Sirtet church,to-day.


Moaart Academy, April 1«! ud 17..


TiiiKTY-si.vr.Y \r.\v doctors.

Graduating: «in»« «>f the Medical

««»U.c.·, of Virulilla.i I»«· 4 1«>»1?»?-

TnS flfty-sev nth annual romm-ncemntof the Medical College of Virginia, Willtake piuco nt the Academy of Music on

Tuesday evening, comin- ruing at 8 o'clock.The address Is th«» graduating Btsas will

be *teUteted by Governor O'1-Vrrall.The bnBlnasB Bteettng of the Alumni

Society will be btM in the enltets build¬ing at 11 o'clock on the morning of thatday, and the annual address before thathody will be delivered by Dr. W. T.Wood ley, of North Carolina, at G o'clockIn the afternoon. The alumni banquetwill tike place Immediately after thecommencement exfrdscs Tuesday evening.It will be given Bt Murphy's Hotel, andWill be a decidedly recherche affair.At a meeting of the College faculty last

light the fo.lowing gentlemen were «!«;-elared graduaua in meditili» iron that ln-»tltution:Adam««, W. J.. Richmond, Va.Appleton, J. N., l'ope, Va.Blair. M. P., Wad· BbCTO*, N. C.BeSsien, a. p., Kent's store. »

Burgee, R. U., lvir. Va.Burke, Joseph M., Petersburg, Va.Hurwell. W. M.. BUXftfS Fork.Clore. J. M., CrlgU-rsvllk·.Coeby, A. II., Pol» Orten, Va.Cox, J. Ed., Erwin.Drewry, H. R., Richmond, Va.Dickinson, E. T., Fnniont, N. C.Hartsook, W. E., Mason's Store, Va.Henderson, J. M.. Bridgetown, Va^Howell, H. W.. R! ihSBBtJ !. Va. ·

Jamea Lorimer, Richmond, Va.Keck. J. ?.. Richmond. Va.].» ll.im, J. J.. Bel» havenLuxford, T. B.. Richmond, Va.Mann, D. M., Petersburg, Va.Martin. A. L. Elk Crivk, Va.Murphy. F. B., Berner.-vllle, W. Va.Nichols. 11. ?., Richmond, Va.Nichols, W. P., Richmond, Va.Redd, James T., Richmond, Va.Redd, Paul E., Richmond. Va.Repas«, T. W.. Wythevllle, Va.Rhudy. W. W , Eux Creek.Htephenson, li. !.. Barila, Va.Snook, T. A'.. Hamlin. N. Y.Turlington. R. S. 1:· nn ttsvllle, S* C.Walker, T. C, Randleman, N. C. .

Ware. R. b.. Nui·«« al. Vu.-Wtley. R. M.. Sal.ni, Va.


The Laat Bad UH.·« Over Poorfcrnrut· Hnhen'a lteiiinlna.

The funeral services of George D.Bahen. the unfortunate student-foot-ballplayer, took place at 9 O'clock yesterdaymornlnir from «St. Fatrlek's Cathedral,There was a solemn reejateni mass. Veryttev. Jueeph Ft loll, vlcer gnseisl of thediocese, being the celehrant He was as¬sisted in the sanctuary by Rev. P. Wille»bald Baumgartner, of St Murv's Ger-man Catholic church, and Rar, James T.0 Farrell, of Petersburg.Father ??-'arrvU read tlie BSTllBB over

the flower-strewn casket, atti nd<d byacolytes bearing lighted rendías. Thesteps leadlnsB to the sanctuary werebanked with floral tributen, among whichappeared several handsome deelcaa In 1.11France anil other roses. A mixed choir,under the direction of Miss Nina Ran¬dolph, who also presided at the organ,nut. red the response«, and two ?.?,.??solos were given. Miss Anni,· R. Kirksinging the hymn, "O, What Could MyJesus Do More?" and (»ap'.aln Frank W.Cunningham, the pathetic "Good Night"Delegatlona from the various young

men's sodalities of the CBthegrsI and St.Mary's church were preaent «is honorarypall bearers*, and the edtttce was tilled toalmoxt ovi-rrtowlng.Tbe remains were Interred In a beauti¬

ful section in Calvary Cemetery, thefuserai cortege being one of the largestseen here m >«bis


Masar! Arntseaiy, April IU and IT.

CHIMES OK ????????.

KroiM lit«»« ? In Fallón.

The Fulton Base-Rail club has reor¬

ganised snd sre open tor challenge« (romsny club In th« State. The players nie:

1' Hampton. catchfSh John Morgan, pitch¬er; A. Foster. shorVatop; It. Loire, rtretbase,· F. hlcCook, s«aoond bas«; w. En-

rougbty. third base andj»ltcher; A. Me-Auley, right Seid; M. Roach, cenile Held;L. B. Alley, left Acid. Their umpire UW. Wesnlg.A «Conference of Christiana will be held

la Oospel Hall, Orleans street, on April'lita, MO» -Mad »th. Servioeg will take

place at -??? ?. ?, I P. M.. and 7:»P. M. for r»aa>er. praise, and the ministryef the Word of God.Mm. J. W. Reams arrived yesterday

aft ernenn from Madison. Wie., where shewas called a week or ao ago to ths bed¬side of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. ClaudeElsom. who was very sick. She reportsher daughter a great deal better.Fulton Baptist church was filled to

overflowing on Wednesday night to hearRev. Stephen Merrltt. of New York. Atthe close of tho service there were fourprofessions of fatth.Bev. W. P. Hlnes, who conducted the

great meeting last spring, will shortlybegin another meeting with the Fultonchurch. The new baptistry haa been com¬

pleted and is ready for use.The wife nf Mr. Charles Römer, who

resides on Cherry street near HoUa/wood.died at en early hour yesterday morning.She leaves a husband and five little chil¬dren. Mr. Romer'B father, sisters, andbrothers reside In Fulton.Miss Mamie Goaah, a pupil of the

Lndles' Academy of the Visitation, MonteMaria, haa finished several beautifulpaintings In water colors.Rev.-C. E. Merrlck, of New York, who

Is In the city visiting the Alliance mis¬sions, spoke to ? large crowd at Fultonchurch last Wednesday nightMr. W. H. Christian very generously

painted, without charge, a part of iheinside"of Denny-Street church a few daysago.Mrs. C. P. Kennedy, of Edge Hill. Hen-

rim, Is In Baltimore, where she went toattend the funeral of her sister, Mrs.Olivia H. Young.Rev. lt. H. Mullen will preach to-day

at U A. ht at the Denny-Street Metho¬dist church.Mrs. Peter Porr Is quite 111 e,t her

home on Nicholson street.


Ma Will Go tt» th* I nls-eralty.Mat¬terà of Interrai at th«s Colleur.

Mr. Aubrey Nelson Bowers, one of the

most prominent and popular students of

Richmond College, will leave that Insti¬

tution this week to matriculate nt the

University of Virginia, where he will

continue the study of lav*,Mr. Rowers has been editor In chief of

the College Messenger, a bright paper,published monthly, under the auspicesof tha two areali letter societies, forsome time. He will be succeeded In his

editorial work t'y Mr. Charlee MarshallGraves, now one of the associate editors,who, like himself. Is a member of the

Mu Sigma Rho. Mr. powers, besides be¬

ing connected with the Messenger, Is

manager of the base-ball club. He h''s

taken on active part in athletics, andwill be greatly misled by his fellow-students. Suitable resolutions of regretAt Ills departure have been passed by thetwo societies. The rules of tho univi rsltyrequire thnl law students shall studythere two sessions before receiving a

diploma, no matter what may bo theirqualifications, and In order to graduateas soon as possible It becomes necessaryfor Mr. Rowrs to enter at once.

Mr. Jes«« lt. Bitiford, ? B0n*Of Hon.W. J. Blnford, of Henrlco, has beenelected president of the Philologien So¬ciety, lie was recently tendered a po-l-tlon on the editorial staff of the Mes¬senger, but his father considered that Itwould interfere with his studies andhence objected. Young Blnford Is one

of thi» most promising students In the

college.The annual public debate of the two

BoctefJee will be held nest Friday nightIn the college chapel.


Oov. O'Ferrnll (.rnnts Hopkins a He-

apif..>et\l> -Iliaco, ereil EvidenceIn another column of to-day's paper Is

printed nn Intonating account of the ar¬

rangements for the hanging of Morris

Hopkins, the condemned murderer of Mr.

Henry Parsons, nnd a history of the? rime for which he is to die. Since thatp.ig- was siete typed, the Governor liasgranted the doomed negro a respite ofthree weckt«, and the execution, insteadOf taking place next Wednesday, as ar-

ranged for, will be deferred until theMtll of April.When the news of his extended ler.*e

of life was communicated to the doomedprisoner, he threw up his hands in Joy,and Ite a loud tone repeated several times,"Thank God, I've got a little bit longerto live."The resi ite was granted by the Gover¬

nor at the turnest solicitation of Mr.W. M. Juki Is, Jr., the negro's counsel,who represented that he bad newly-dis¬covered evidence in the case.The nature of this evidence was made

known to the Qorernor, but he declh.eeto give it for publication. Mr. Justls willleave for PowhBtBB county Monday on

legal business, and will be unable to giveattention to the interests of his cileni forsome «laye, and It was on this accountthat the reprieve was given for threewe. he,Tbe gallows will have to be moved now,

until the day of execution, nnd the twotall femes on either end of the drivewaywill have to BO torn down In order toadmit of tho passage of teams Into thewagon-yard.


The Justice Arts as .lutine nnrt De¬rides the Itnce Agnina! Them,

Willie Christian and Pleasant Jackson,two gay colored sports, were In a JumperFriday, and were driving the horse at a

reckless speed, endangering the lives ofpedestrians. They were stopped by Po¬liceman Soweli, who ordered them underaireetatWBOn Christian became obstreper¬ous, and violently resisted. The two were

In the Police Court yesterduy, and on Ihecharge of reckless driving were fined $10nnd coels each. Christian was sent tothe Jury for resisting JUr. Soweli. ? pl«t »Iwas found In Christian's pock· t Whenhe was s«arched, and for carrying '.. s e

was lined ia» and ooafs,James White, charged with I oper

conduct on the street la the pi, ·¦ .ce ofladles, was fined J.7) and costs, lie wentto Jail In default.Bonnie Bryant, a small negro boy, was

whipped by his father for stealing coalfrom the ChesBpeehe and Ohio railway.James Bienne and J. w. Morread paid

each 12.IA) ami costs, for being disorderlyon the Btreet and striking S. D. Price,Jr.


It Iolimonti Works to Build Fourteen

for the Soul hern Itnl I u a ».

The South«.rn Railway Company haveJust placed an order with the RichmondLocoinotlvi-Works for fourteen lcconio-tlves. ·

Eight of these are to be consolidations,with cylinder«! MaJI ineries, and lor haul¬ing fast freight train«, and six are tobe ten-Wheelers, With cylinders MxMInches, and for passenger service. Thetypt Of tl.»· paBStnttT locomotives Is thatused In hauling the Florida special. Theorder* M valued at $110.1»«·. The workshad already received orders from theSmith« rn company since its r«.'organ ina¬tion for seven locomotives.A définit«» order has also ljeen given

the Richmond works by tlte Chesapeakeand Ohio for a compouml locomotive, toBe SXhtMted at the Atlanta Exposition.Thin locomotive will have upon It everyappliance and Improvement known in lo¬comotive building, it will be used Inhauling the F. F. V. over the mountainsbetween Charlottest/llle and Clifton Forge.

CHIMES OK MUtll itl'Y.

Mo'.uri Academy, April l'I nnd IT.


To Orannlst* a Sportine I.enane.S'iretaiy «»wins, of the Agricultural

Society, and also of the Riding and Driv¬ing Association, is In receipt of an Invi¬tation from Mr. Sidney W. Giles, secre¬

tary, Cleveland, Ohio, asking him to

attend u uniting 10 be held In ClevelandApril Sth for the purpose of organisinga »porting league.Ju»t what Virginia will do In regard

to till« BtBtttl 't I« hard to say, butthere la no doubt of the fact that more

interest i» BBSnJftned lure at present thanever before In legitimate horse-racing.The trouble» recently experienced at Alex¬ander Island have caused the horsepsepts t·1 don their thinking caps as towhat It best -to be done under the clr-cuia.star.ee·«. The laws of Virginia do notprohibit winter racing, but the majorityof the people are certainty against it,arid It Is likely that the Legislature willso emend the law as to remedy this andother evlla.

MrRioliy Will hot Stop Here.Governor McKinley will not stop tn

Hlchmond returning from his southerntour. Indeed, It Is doubful whether h«|will comi this way. Judce W«eddlll. whowrote to the Ohio presidential aspirant»..vt-ral «lay« ag<«. and urged him to «topover here hi order that a rei»--ptlon mightr»e tendered him, r«H-e!ve«l a t ¡cgrum fromMajor McKinley lust night saying th.it hi»engagements ut home w*re such that hewould not be able to accept his very kindInvitation. He expreseed his hearty ap¬preciation of the «KNjntesy which It waa

proposed to show him.



Cáptela «nallewar's Teraihls Ae«rt-

geat-Balleatlae Messa tow ese«

latí I es Nearly «Teepleted-Ltbrarr(or the Marier llarracha.

NORFOLK, VA.. March ?? f99%?)Judge Martin, of the Court of Law and

Chancery, has granted Mrs. Anna Davia

an absolute divorce from her husband.William C. Davis. An Interest attaches

to this case from the fact that Mrs. Davis

secured the pardon of Wlllism C. Davis

from the penitentiary, and married him,

he having been sent there for killing a

colored man In this city. They had been

married Just a year when the suit for

dlvote«» was entered.Captain J. G. Galloway, a well-known

gentleman of this city, broke his nark

to-day while superintending the removalof a lot of lumber from a shel In the

lane, directly In the rear of the Had-

dlngton building.NEARLY COMPLETED.

The beautiful building and groundsknown ss the Mary Rallentine Home for

Aged Ladies, the noble charity» of Mr.

Tin-man Rallentine, which has Just been

erected In the Ilrambleton section of the

city, Is now nearly completed and ready jfor the furniture, and will be occupied bythe early summer. The grounds cover

marly a square, and are being beauti¬fully laid off find adorned, and the um¬

brageous walks nnd restful «hair« and

settees ami cheerful surroundings will

afford a delightful rt treat during the de¬

clining years of many a worn and weary

one. The home will be supported by

rental« from city property set apart byMr. Rallentine for that purpose.

A PORTSMOUTH FIRM.Tbe new marine barracks at the navy-

yard Is to be furnished with a handsomelibrary, and the bids for the books were

opened yesterday nnd awarded to a Ports¬

mouth firm. *

Committee! from the Board of Tradeand city Council will co-operate »Ith

the Mayor and railroad officials of Ports¬mouth In sfiowlng around the committeeof New England manufacturers duringtheir short May on Monday.The colored train-hand. Urown, crushed

on tho Seaboard Air-Line yesterday at

Franklin, is believed to t'-e fatally Injured.The crew to man the coast-d< tt BOB

steamer Ampbltrlte will commence goingon board next week, and getting the

ship In order for a con*t-crulse. The Am-phltrlte is said to be the most formidablewar-vessel uiloat.

THE CHIEF'S TRIALThe trial of Chief-of-Pollce Rebman

has been pet for Tuesday.Tho remains of Captain Charles E. Sim¬

mons, who died nt St. Vincent's Hospital,were forwarded to Maryland last nightfor Interment. Deceased was a sea-cap¬tain, and formerly In the Pacitlc.-m.iilservice.The Select Council is yet to vote on the

hlgh-llcenso ordinance, nnd It 1« aald p.

Mg fl^-ht Is to be made there on a

compromiso for 1300 license.Mrs. Edward«, wife of ROT. J ..I. Ed¬

wards, of B-rkley, u in extremis. She hasbe«-n some time ill.The Virginia peanut-factory, on Water

street, had a narrow escape from de¬struction by lire laet night.


«-honra Slana ot Insanity.Taken to

Alrxnndrla tor Treatment,

,MANASSAS, VA., March «».-(Special)

The young-man, William Nlcolson, whoso mysteriously disappeared on March2«ith. was found by a party of searchersyesterday evening In a large body ,,f

pines about four miles from here. Thesearchers obtained a clew of his where-



tvery ¦;..rn.· it' GUARANTEED.Fit, Finish, fashion.

The Seat.


Write for our complete.'Souvenir of Fashion," f«»e by Mali.

CLUEH, COON & CO., Mikers, ^.°??·Ito 8-I',SaiW9m-fr]


In the Police Court yesterday threev.om.n were charged with baring a live¬ly scrimmage and cutting aerane. Theafternoon papers published that the trou¬ble took place In my bar-room. I wishto state that tbe only woman In my

place on that occasion came Into theconfectionery department. She was ful¬ly Ann Jones, and she got change for a

quarter Of a dollar from my wife Noother woman was with h· r. Por mx

years none of these women have taken a

drink in my bar-room. I have, been con¬

dii,-ting buelneaa on that corner for nineyears, and never ivas In the Police Courton any charge. Th- report published inOne of the papers referred to that myplace Is a resort for negro toughs is un¬

true.Very respectfully.rnh::l-lt ANDREW FONTAN'ESI.

Easy Feet.121 east Broad street,


CORNS, 25c.BUNIONS AND INGROWING NAILS, UfeAll diseases ot tlio feet treate* by skilled

opuratora. BATHS.TURKISH, Bt'SSIAW, OK MEDI¬CATI: I», for Sklu Diseases, Khnurua-Usn.etc.nt oo

MANICI III·:, beautifying hand». COLA CREME Rl.tSC.for whlienitig theIkhti Cent l'implra, Acrle, gstSWS,hauburu, and Tan.. BO

Superfinous Haíí Permanently Removedty electric t;ee lie and depilatory powder.

Warts and Moles Removed Without a Scar.Almond Cream Removes lotis, Black¬

heads, and Wrinkles.White Rose Cream (New) Produces a* Yelvet Skin, White and Smooth.EYEBROW AN» EYELASH t.KOW-BB.? SO


SBOtSS Prawhles, I.I ver Spot«, aod Promotes aCle»r Complexion.8LECTKI«: HAIR RESTORERi.%i never failed to produce good, healthy hairon .niy bead, no matter how tumi. Cures Dan¬druff. ? 'naia. l'alili»*; 11 air, aad all Distasoi oftbe Scalp.Our tnlropcdl·»*.» ar» experienced operatori

(male and temalo; ·? many years' experience.Any of Dr. Vniiun Toilet 1'iepurallon

sent on lerelptof pi ice. V\ e Invite corre.poiiilenre on beaut·1 hi.-nil.be..

Mrs. Dr. J. SEMMES, Proprietor.Dr. WILLIAM GRAVEN, Manager.

1**1 east Broaii atreot, ?? umui, Va»liuti ??-Sut*;

Another large «hlpment of the POPU¬LAR CRAWfORD U1CYCLKS will ar¬rive MON I »AY.Mpeclal prie··» to clubs of five or more.Purchaser* taught free at our Rlcycle-Bchooî$2."? i^iinps going fast at He. each.WALTER C. MKKCKR ? 4.?..

>'£·'· east Main sireet,next to coiner Seventh and Main Ht«.'Rhone W3. mh S-Su,Tu«feFr3m

«r~ ¦-' "¦¦.ss=-1.._=..LOST, STRAYED, AND KÜLXI).

"LOST. RKTWKEN 'FOURTH ANDByrd streets, or on Third between Uyrdand Main, or Main between Third andllelvlbre, a LADY'S BMALL DROWNPURSE, containing II« nut·· and «omesmajl change. Reward If returned to21i> »outrt_ Fourth «treet._mh tt-tfLOBT, ON BEVERLY STREET.

March M. UM. a PAIR OF GOLD SPEC-TACBES- Reward offered If left at U£»south Cherry street. mh M-lt*

about yesterday morning, end by cloae»S« and dfflgent *g¡*a» was

followed to ttiexplne **^-w*l,eV·?· V*found. When^lhe searchere first saw

h*m hs ahowed an Inclination to run.but was persuaded to atop. H· «hendrewa pistol and threatened to kill nlmseir,pointing It at his hesd. but was pacifiedand prevailed on to come bach to Ma¬nasse s. He became quiet and peaceablebut showed unmistakable eigne of In¬sanity. Towards night, however, he wasmore rational, and conversed freely abouthis strenge escapade. He was taken toAlexandria, Va., by hla father last nightto receive treatment and rest

THAT mIIow, ghastly «complexion,covered with unsightly pimplesand eruptions, becomes clear

again by the use of

Dr. Deane'e .

Dyspepsia Pills.%

Indigestion and constipation are the chlelcruses of an ashy face and ugly blotches.Theae pills will cure them. Send for a freesample.

DR. J. A. DEANE CO..Kingston, New York,

Pet tala at all Draggltu'. »J "uta.

(de ll-Tu,Tb,(w)ASaiy,fn

For Palo, Worn-Out Folks.No one fears ai vine sickness who nees

Gsine's Celery Compound, that wonderfulmedi-Ine that ms.es ptxipls welL So one

need be pale or worn ont, with weak nervessad impure blood, if they use this grandatrenith-itresy Try it-

ITISWITHpleasure I announce to myfriends, the patrons of


& Davis,that I h«ave formed a busi¬ness connection' with thewell-known firm of

Thalhimer Bros!- 501 Broad street,nnd solicit for my new firma liberal share of their pat¬ronage.

Very respectfully,

A. E. EZEKIEL,late Manager for

LEVY & DAVIS.(mh fO.lt)



Messrs* Julius Byvie ¿*Sons, Bivlimoud* Va. :

'lìECEl VERS' SALE.A special sale of the

stock ofES. JAFFRAY&CO.,850 Broadway, NewYork, will be maxie, be¬ffinnin$MONDAY,??? 1,1895.The attention of the

t r a d e is respectfullyvailed tothisMAGNIFI¬CENT OFFERING OFDR Y AND FANCYGOODS.The greater part of

these goods bei?gofTHISSEASOXS PURCHAS¬ING, it is ail· occasiounot to be passed.

Respectfully,The Receivers ofE.S.JAEFRAY&CO.We will announce this sale

in a few days.We take this method of in¬

forming you, as the sale willnot take place in New Yorkuntil April 1st.


Corner Second and Broad.


will, on April 1, lhM. retire from theto.il business. lLivlr.-g acquired the good-will, lixtures, and selllng-fai-llltles h«-re-toforé controlled by It, and, having MB»

led to Its buslntSM, wo heir to an-

riounc.» that we will, on and after April1, IBS, act as GENERAL BALESAGENTS tor the celebrated POCAHON-TAS COAL* and be prepared to till withpromptness and dispatch all contractsand orders piaci with us.Mr. D. II. Maison. fonSsUB*· president

of the Po.-ahontas Coal Company, haabee» appoint··'! general manager in crmixeof our Roanoke otiice, and until furthernotice MSJ 11 N. Claxton will remain Inchuña M the CHICAGO oltice, a.« alsoMr. H. R. Mather at CINCINNATI, andMr. G-on.-.· K. Alklns .it «'« »Ll'.MRL'S.Mr. S. R. Cary will continue to act un¬

til further notice as southern sales agentfor I'oeahontas coal, shipped all-ratl.The Tidewater business will b¿ continuedUK heretufóte.The output of tht* collieries In the Po-

cahonta» coal Held during 1KH was 3.100.-(««> gross tons, and 1« expected to reachS.jOO.oOO tons during the y«-ar IMS.



Main, Office.CM Chestnut street, Phila¬delphia, Pa.

RRANCH OFFICES.1 Broadway, New York,«ß Main street. Norfolk, Va.Neuve Ruil'Ung, cincinnati, O.Terrv Bullding, Roanoke, Va.7« Kllbv .«treet, Roston, Mas«.Old Colony RulMlnir Chlea*o. III.«His north High street, Columbus, O.4 Fenchurch aveuue, London. England.

_mh 31-It


WANTED, A BTTUATION AS GARD¬ENER. Steady, sober, and reliable; tho¬roughly understands the bu«lnesa In allIts branches. Single man. English. Ooodreference. Address GARDENER. ft!lRrook avenue. Richmond; mh 31-ft·WANTED, POSITION BY LICENSED

DRUGGIST; ten years' experience. Strict¬ly temperate. Reference from fermer em¬

ployers. Can "¿ommenee at once. Ad¬dress, DRUGGIST.mhM-lt*_Petersburg. Va.

AGENTS ACQUAINTED WITH ANYKIND OF INSURANCE OR Rl'ILDINGASSOCIATION WORK, or business-menout of employment, wanted to representseveral of the best plans combined in thebest ayatcin of doing business le thiscountry. Don't fall to wri'e. Don't missthis opportunity. Address I. F. ?., 4MCathtdral street, Baltimore, Md.






F.MI'I.OYMKÜT WAgTÄ._~1»^ÍN~g'OLD GIVEN ?? EACH*agent who eell in the next three months2«-) copies of "Talks to Children AboutJesus/· Greatest selling book published.Outnt, 15c. Agents wanted also for new

book by Marlon Hai land. One aientmade 167 last week. Outfit 11. Freightpaid and rredlt given. Address R. H.

WOODWARD COMPANY, N*l»lm°re·¡ff_mh 3l-2t

WANTED, TWO LADIES AND OÍN-TLEMEN: aged between 17 and W. Mustbe imlustrious and willing to work eteaJiiyfor gooil pay. Position permanent to

right party. Address In own handwritingUNITED MANUFACTURING PUBUSH-ING COMPANY, Huí Main atr«-et. Rich¬mond. Va._mh_3t-lt*_WANTED, SALESMAN FOR CALI¬

FORNIA WINKS; PM per month and ex¬

panses, with rhanc- for ailvance; commis¬sion If preferred; no experience reoutred.Address, Inciting lire stamps. W. A.


Ciscij.Chi_mh 31-lt*


jnb 31-lt__""wanted, ry a yottng MAN OFgood character and habits, a P«)SITIONAS STENOGRAPHER Have had con¬

siderable experience, and can furnishgood references from last employer. Ad¬dress "R. H. J.," care Dltsnatch.


INO SALESMAN. None but enpertencadneed apply. Written application prefer¬red. J. JACOBUS,_mh 31-lt_ProprietorJThe Boston."WANTED, AGENTS. WE HAVE

the best selling article on the continent.13 50 to tg made per day supplying regu¬lar customers with our flavoring powder,perfumes, and soaps. Address CONSOLI¬DATED PERFCMH COMPANY, Chicago._mh 31-lt·_SALESMEN TO HANDLE SIDE LINE.

rapid-selling article, to shode-dealers In allthe Southern States. Small sample andinformation furnished pushers. Largecommission. ADJUSTABLE) SHADEHANGER MANUFACTURING COM¬PANY. Booth Bend, Ind. mh :u-it

WANTED." IN A FIRST-CLASSbakery ani lec-cream saloon a YOUNGLADY. Competent and trustworthy.One who has had experience preferred.Address, giving reference and where lastemployed. BAKERY, Dispatch otllce.jnh .It-It*_ _

SALESMEN FOR CIOARS. 175 to $125salary and expenses. Experience not ne-

c. Mary. Send stamp. BISHOP &KLINE. St. I/mls^Mo,._mh 31-lt


Chesapeake and Ohio depot, mil ?,l-lt·


obtain hi.« a,b1res« by writing to Mr. C.B. FLEET. Lynch»,ari,-, Va. jiih_:!l-lt_WANTED, A FEW YOUNG LADIES.

A profitable bustnenn. Light outdoorwork. Call at M6 north Fifth street from9 t,. 12 Monday, April 1st No fool.mh âi-it«_WANTED, MANAGER FOR NORTH

CAROLINA OFFICE". Good salary nulInterest In olllce. References and iVOeash required, manager, Dispatch

oilice.mh :il-lt*

WANTED, ? ? ? ? C, MAN TOTRAVEL. Salary, 1!» weekly and ex-

References and small cash se¬

curity required. AOENT, Dispatch office.tnh 31-lt* _

W ? ? ? E ! >. IN EXPERIENCEDNURSE«. Apply, with recommendation,Monday and Tuesday before 1- o'clock,PI west «'.race street.__mh_31-ltWANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOKAND LAUNDRESS Apply at No. 10north Laurel street before U o'clock Mon¬day. Reference required. mh 31-lt*_WANTED. POSITION 1ÍY A REGIS¬

TERED PHARMACIST. N.n» years' »?¬

?. ·,*"·, And best references. DRt'G-OIST, care Dispatch._ tnh 3l-lt-_AGENTS MAKE $10 DAILY GIVING

OCR GOODS Free to customers. Blggeetfconinz.i «·?··G offered. Samples tree to

1: t woik'-rs. fiend siamo for terms.


mh H-lt«"WANTED. COLLEtCTlNG TO DO BTA COMPETENT PARTY, Testimonialsfurnished from all clients. Bond gtvenif desired. Money paid over Boon as col¬


allow Uberai salary and expenses, or

coamlaaion, to proper applicants. .Sta¬ple seller; three stores out of five willorder. Address, with stamp. Lo'-k-Rox

I iff». New York city._Jyjl-eo lt.Iyj_WANTED, A THOROUGHLY CAPA¬BLE NURSE FOR A YEAR-OLD CHILD.Mil,lie.aged woman pr>'ferre<i. Best re¬ferences r«?qulred. Apply at No. MI Har¬rison etreet._mh :i0-:t·

WANTED. REGISTERED DRUGGIST.Give age, reference, and salary expect¬ed. Address H. F. WEISEL. Norfolk,

Va._mh -3-4t·

WANTED. AT ONCE. REGISTEREDpharmacist. Address, with refer¬ences, A. R. CHALMERS, Bmlthfleld,

Va._mh a-tt«

WANTED, RY THE ARCTIC FANCOMPANY, responsible purtlee to pur-rlias·· exclusive rights for the sale of a

SEWING-MACHINE FAN, just patent¬ed, a great selling novelty. Send fordescriptive circular. Address Post-« »flic»Hox in, Baltimore, Md._mh >::t


CIALTY ever shown. REVERSIBL¦At'TOMATIC HAIR-CURLER COMPA-NT, CI 11cago._mh 17-eoSufit

AGENTS WANTED.-!?:, TO 110, SAL¬ARY paid to energetic young p?··? to

travel. Excellent chance for teachers and¦tudenta Business pleasant and perma¬nent Splendid opportunity to makemoney, Our new* plan takes like w.ldlire. Address NATIONAL LIBRARY AS¬SOCIATION, -U Wnbnsh avenue. Chi¬cago, mh 17-SuU


Pls Une: pleasant work. A I Irese, withstump, KIN'i MANUFACTURING <'< »M-PANY, E. TH, Chtoago._mhl7-fluU__~$!2 A DAY TO AGENTS SELLINGTHE B< «VAL WHITE METAL-PLATERor takln»? orders for plating. Trad- Be¬

erete, formulas, receipts, etc., furnishedire». A good agent o»n m.ike tWO tothree thousand d-liars per year with th·*Boyal l'Inter. Kor tenu», etc.. addressGRAT «te CO.. Plating-Works. Coltimi.m»,

? ? Ja ß-SulDe ¦»,

' MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK ATHOME. I pay IK to $16 per week forlinking crayon portraits; new patentedmethod; any one who can read or writeCan ?·» the work nt home In «pare time,«lay or evnlng. Send for particulars undwork at once.

H. A. GRIPP. German Artl-'t,jag-Sum_Tyrone, Ps___WANTED. AGENTS To BELL BABH

LOCKS AND DOOR HOLDERS. SampleBaah Lock free by mall for :¡c. stana

Rest sellers ever Invented. Beets weights;Ml a day. Write ouick. BROMARD «iCO., Bo« M. Philadelphia, fe lO-SuitJt

WHY DO PEOl'LE COMPLAIN OPhard times, when any woman or mancan make from 15 to fi') a «lay enstlyrAll have beard of the wonderful successof the CLIMAX DISH-WASHER yetmany are apt to think they can't mah«money «elllng It; but any one can makemoney, because every family «rants one.

One agent has made $479% In the lastthree months, after raying all expensesmil attending to regular business be.»ide«. You don't have to canvass; a»noon a« p-ople know you have It for «al»they send for a Dtsh-Washer. Addressthe CLIMAX MANUFACTURING COM¬PANY. ¦ Starr avenue, Columbus, O.,for particulars._de *-Su26t

ntsixEss. waxts.

WANTED, TO LOAN MONEY INSMAi.l, AND LAJJtOB AMOUNTS onfurniture, pianos, «Uamond.«, «rates*·,8hort-t!m<» paper dleoouated. All com¬munications piomptly attended to. Ad¬dress PROMPT, care Dispatch office.

_mh 31-eod 1m

WANTED, A HORSE FOR LADY TODRIVE: must be sound and genti-. A 1-«lress. stating price, etc., Poat-Offtce Bog96, city._mh31-lfWANTED, ROOM AND HOARD BY

GENTLEMAN in pleasant firmly. Al-dre-s, stating terms. E. G. H. care Dis-

patch. mh :tl-If

WANTED, TO RENT TO A COUPLEwithout children, or to a party of gen¬tlemen, a most desirable second floor ofuve room*. Apply at 7 east Grace »treet.


PURNI8HED ROOMS. Also, TARLE¬RÒAHDEllS. Home comfort*. Termsttasonable. Apply\t 109 north Sevenths_reet._mh 31-1 f

WANTED, TENANT FOR A BOUSEof 8 room«. Modern conveniences.113east iJlgh street. Also, FLAT of 4rooms.US east Leigh »treet. Apply at61A) cast Leigh street. mh 31-IfWANTED. TENANTS FOR AN ELE¬

GANT 81??? OF ROOMS, with modernconven, cecea, lnclu«llng cooking-range,bath-room», with hot and cold water,pantry, etc. Apply at Ju5 _ist Clay atreet.

_a._mh n-if_WANTED. T· BELL A. FIND 80BA-

FOUNTAIN. All complete. For salecheap. Atldsesj Bos Ms, Manchester pott--»«ce. _B_a ?-?___

Ill «??EMS WAIT«.

WANTED, TO SELL TWO BTAL- !LIONS. Also STANDARD MARES andCOLTS. One »talllon Is a «tandard-bredtrotter, very handsome, young, and fast.The other stallion Is a »tandard-bredPercheron, 4 years old. \fry handsome,and weighs about 1.8i>0 pounds. Roth «re

prise winner«. One of the mares Is thedam of a colt that »trotted lait s«*ason,before »he was 2 >«ars oW. In 2:21.

GEORGE E. CRAWFORD & CO.,mh 31-lt 1'iY» Rank street.

¦TART Bl'SINESS WITHOUT CAPI¬TAL Re merchandise broker; tV»c. pos'alnote bring» book of 70!) manufacturersand Jobbers, with full Instructions howto proceed. GEORGE T. PARKER,Broker, 2433 Grant avenue. Philadelphia,


CLE ON BARTH. Send postal for par¬ticulars. Nothing like It. Credit to allworthy. Wanted by everybody. Noiraud.Permanent growing business for allhonest people. THEO. NOEL, Geologist,Chicago. III._mh M-ltWANTED, TO SELL a first-class"

WELL-ESTABLISHED RAR ANDRESTAURANT AND BILLIARD SA¬LOON. Centrally located; doing a goodbusiness; rent low. A good chano.» tomake» money. Good reasons for m· Hing.Address SALOON, care of Dispatch.

_mh M-lfWANTED, BOARDERS TO OCCUPYTWO LARGE CON'.ECTIMI ROOMS,dressing-room ami privateBJi ith attached.Also, electric bell. Sing.«, or en suite.References exchanged. Q. It. T., care ofDispatch._mh M-lt*


DR. McGILL'S ÓRANOS BLOSSOMCATARRH Cl'RE, Cancer Belve, PilaRemedy, Stomach Powders. O. R. Pills,and Kidney Cones can be obtained at 14east Broad Street, opposite Cohen's store.


TLEMEN. ROOMS with or wlthoitboard, w«»»t of Adams street. Awith terms nnd references, "PBOfES-BION." Poat-OtBce Boa 632._mh ai-it

HAVING REEN TAl'GHT FRENCHDECORATION by Professor Malory, andhaving on hand a full supply of mate¬rials, we will be glad to furnish thesame at factory prices at t> south Morrisstreet._mh31-lt«_T. D. wn.s »N_WANTED, BY TWO QUIET YOUNG

MEN, NR'KLY-FURNISHEl) BOOM;central location. Address, with term«,room. Dispatch office. mh M-lfWANTED. BOARD FOR YOIWO MAN

AND BISTER in private, ChriBtiaa fam-liv: location central. Address, with terms,PRIVATE FAMILY, Dispatch office.

_mh 31-2f_

ARE- YOU A CATHOLIC? WILL YOUwork for $18 per week? Are you un¬

employed? Write to F. II. KELLY, ;AFifth avenue, Chicago, mh Sl-SuAW2t-WANTBD, To BUY A HORSE ON

THE INSTALMENT PLAN. .Mutt besound and gentle. No horse-trader ne.-.iapply. Address HORSE, care Dispatch,


SPECIFIC, orange Blossom and Dyepcp-sia Powder«, Rile Remedy, Cancer Sah«·,Catarrh Remedy, Kidney Conce, and O.B. l'Illa can, always be obtained freshfrom MRS. W. H. MILES,

Gen«'ral Ag"nt,_jnh M-lf_2W9 ea?t Broad «treet.

WANTED. BOOKS, MAGAZINES,PAMPHLETS, AND MANUSCRIPTS ofall descriptions. Libraries purchased forrash. CONFIDENTIAL coLLE<ToR.Post-Offlce Box 456. Richmond, Va.

tuli 17-8uAwSni


Llsrht Drown Sugar, per pound. 3Pure Lard. p«jr pound. 6Large North Carolina Roe Herrings,2 dozen for . 25Half barrel.tl M I

Sugar-Cured Shoulders per pound... 7California Evaporated Peaches, perP'jund . 10

California Bartlett Pears, per pound XFresh S'»da crackers, per pound. 5Fresh Ginget -Snaps, per pound. 5Best New Crop Now Ottenne Mu-lusses, per gallon. fg

California Hams, per pound. 8Vunllla and Golden-Drip Syrup, pergallon . 8·»da Salmon. M13 pounds Virginia Buckwheat for.... 2>New lot··«, per pound. 5N.w Orleans Molasses, per gallon.... 2»Current Jelly, per pound . IEarly June Peas, per can. !)Washing-Powders, tier package. 3Best city Moil, per bushel. tv»California Dried Cherries, per pound 5Pigs Feet, per pound. .4Birst New York Creamery liutter,per pound . 23

California Apricots, per can. ItBoneless Codfish, per pound. 4Eight I«arg..· Pars Soap for.a -'

2 cakes Kitchen Soap, for cleaning, for 5 ?

Labrador Gross Herrings, ?· r dosen Il'r.-h Ni'W York Butter, per pound.. 1">Scotch Herrings, per box. 2u ,

Preserved Ginger, per Jar . 23Good cans Peaches, per can. »Kr.-sh .Mixed I'akes, per pound. 7Pure Sugar Syrup, ?.-r gallon. 1G>Turkish Prunes, per pound. 4? Large «Jans Tomatoes for. ?Snowttake Patent Family Flour, perbarrel .3 ?Sack . M

p. it North Carolina Cut Herrings,per dozen . 7Half barrel .2 00

Silver King, Minnesota Patent FamilyFlour, per barrel.IBor, per sack. -I

California Apricots, per round. 10Chipped Reef, per pound. 16Roast Peanuts, per quart. ?

Win··, for «jelly, per gallon. M4 pound-, nice Cream Cheese. 2jJap. Prand Roasted Coffee In poundpapers i»i.*st you ever drank). M

3 boxes Imported Bardine· for. :\3 pounds Harrin'a Fruit Crachera.., i/>

Rye Whiskey . 1 ßoíd Rye Whiskey. ' SOOld Rye Whiskey, 4 yeara old.g.. I «»»

Old Uve Whiskey, 5 yeara old. | ¡<»

old Rye Whiskey. 6 yeara old.-Rough and Ready Tobacco, per plug. ::

Salt P'-rk. per pound. ·"·New Mackerel, per doxefl. G.Thistle Urani Tomatoes, per can.

Whole-Grain Carolina Rice, per pound r.

Good corn, per can. ·".Sour Pickle, i.er f/allon. 2«)Large cans Snaps, per can. 0

Try our El.nir nt î-.7i per barrelIt's good family 18c tier aa k.

Home-Made Blackberry Wine, pergallon . 80

2 poiin«l.i Fresh Mountain Putter for SLonlllans Rice, 10 pounds for. 'Zj

S. ULLMAN'8 S(fST,1820 and 1822 east Main street.

Our New Price-List Mailed on Application.'Phone 316_delfi-SutaWANTED. ALL TO KEEP WARM.PEST FUEL IN THE MARKET.


25 bgthels. delivered .13 «0Anthracite Btore, ?.-r .,<«uu . jujAnthracite Egg, per 2,'AW pounds _¿ i"J

Anthracite Nut, per 2,<a»j pounds .... 6'00C. and O. L. Splint, per 2,'A»> i.ounds. ¿ id

Ç. and O. H. Si,lint. ?-r 2,'j<») pounds. 4 .5?.??.·-.« L Splint. ¡,. r LV»>i pounds .... 4 ¿JPage's Hat1, per -,U»> pound·.4 «.0Eli·· Creek Lump, pet 2,00a pound.«_ 4 0»Fire Creek Stove, por J.CAA» pounds _4 25Wood «long) f.,.11 75 to 3 MWood (sawed) .12.75 to 3 ouENGINE COAL-AU klnds-Pocahontas,

Fire Creek. Nuttalburg, Rock Hill.or Cumberland.

IBM east Cary .'Phone 1*5.1200 west P.road .'Phone 407.


FERP.ED; also, a few ELK AND ANTE¬LOPE. Address FOREST LODGE. Glen

Allen, Vs. de 15-dSa&Su&w6m·


JJ. O'SL'LI.IYAN,PboQ· 507. K.fl:t'"5DtU and Main.Granulated Sugar at cost.5,000 RusheU Eary Hose Potatoes, Seed.

Me.G,.??? Bushels Water-Ground White Meat.

¦a,4 pcunda Finest Cream-Cheese, 25e.lililí-Grade Patent Family Flour. 13.25.??,??? bushels White Corn. 63c. bunhel.Fresh Rousted Mucha and Java Coffee,

22-·· . .

Gilt-Edge Mountain-Roll Butter. 20c.Water-White Rock-Cundy Syrup, per

gallon. 3tV.!",'.<" bales Nice Timothy Hay, tee. per

hundred, -oc. ·

5.WJ0 pounds Pork Sides, ft l-2c.Fine Family Flour-\ lig.nla-inade-t2.7.',.New California Dried Pears, 7c. ? Bat

pound.Fineat Colifornia Peaches, 10c. perpound.Nice New Orleans Molasses. 20c. per

gallon.Pure Cider Vinegar, four years old, 25c

per gallon.a\0c» ¿Small California Hams. 8c.2?,«»» Kineet Sugar-Cured Hams, 10c.Hume-Made Preserves, all ussjrtmenta,

7cNice Crispy Ginger-Snaps, 5c. per pound.6,000 Imported Sardines, Just arrived, Se.New Evaporated. Apples, Californi*

Fruit, 10c.1.000 Sacks Bait. 50c. per ssck.

JMM^btarwi. Nlo^rain^It^^r.

KAUFriANN & CO.,C©rn«^^Uriband Broad St*. *

EASTER MILLINERY.The dawn of the Spring sea-

ion is breaking and every ladyin the land is on the lookout forher Faster Hat or Bonnet.With the mlvantages that we

have in getting the latest styléein New York and abroad byhaving entree to the leadinghouses and our facilities forimporting direr* we feel assuredwe can plcase\ou.We have started out with in-

novations for the approachingseason that have never beenequalled in Richmond.innova¬tions not only in styles butequally so in prices.Our sale of Headgear during

the opening in the past few daveis most substantial proof of the

cenerai satisfaction given our patrons. o_##...._^ TO-MORROW we shall display some entirely Sew Patterns,which should have arrived on ^^»tAeW.'


RIBBONS. FLOWERS, LACES.The riches! and rarest representations of the foreign markete

are represented here in the ereat display of/?/66?p5, Flowers, and

Laces voti will see at the ripht as you enter the store

In'Rlbbons we are showing all the widths and colors of Double-Faced Satin, from the narrow daisy Ribbon to the wide eix-inchWK

Abeautiful variety of patterns in Fancy-Striped Ribbons, in allthe new delicate shades and colors for Children'» hats.

Dresden Ribbons in the delicate tints and co'ors, and Tanoui

pretty stvlish effects.FLOWERS.

The display of Flowers is indeed something marvellous. Toget an idea of the immense variety displayed you must see them.

A look at our Fourth-Street Window will give you a faint hint

of what may be seen on the inside. It is a hard matter to name a

ilowcr that grows which cannot be shown here.The prices on Flowers are absolutely beyond comparison.

The ahoTe eut will «rive yon an ¡den, of »orne

of the Swell Waist» we arc thowing.

Kaufmann & Coi

Ladies' Waists«The ladies say they never

saw such

Beantlful Waists«that they fit to perfection.thepatterns are gorgeous . thesleeves are lovely.and theWaists are so stylish.We have them in Taffeta,

China, and Japanese Silks, Per¬cales, Dimities, Lawns, and Che¬viots.Come and make your selection

now while the stock is complete.

Kaufmann ? Co.

i)Owing to the inclemency of the weather we bare »been

unable to close out a large lot of Light Summer-Weight*which we had boxed up when our store took lire, and as we

are determined, to close out the entire stock remaining from


GREAT FIRE SALEregardloM of value, we will offer from this date a fine line of

SPUING AND SUMMER SUITS at prices never heard ofbefore. We offer? ???ß Flannel Suits, value $K, now - -, - F 4 OO

81 Men's Black Chatio. Suits, all styl«*«*, $ IO, now - - O OO

a'.) Men's Blsttsk (lav Worsted Dross suits, Backsaad ion·/rrucks rallie ·?ß. now.10 00

il:? Men's la«lit-('«»!«»r«<l Sack Suit«, value Oil·, now - 7 oo

ÜS Men's Litflit-Fnloroil Cutaways, \alue $1."», now - - MOO

00Boye*Sbort-PaeteBalta.raltto 0lJIO»siow - - I is

iUeo, a large lot of LIGHT-WEIGHT BPRINGOVERCOATS, which will be sold at leu than half raion.

This is a positive closing-out sale, as we are doterminet!not to move a single garment if it can be sold at any price.We have, through the Inndnese of our landlord, "been per«mitted to remain a mouth longer, and therefore we will makean effort to clos«· out the efttire stork. It' the public who are

seeking bargains in MEN'S AND BOYS1 WEAR will

give us a caU we are sure you will And something to milyou. Don't let this opportunity pas«, by, but call early andexamine for yourself, f


? .. 31


Ou**· store inside now presents wonderful improvements. The

stock, too, has been refilled with all seasonable wants. This week

promises great strides in the Shoe line.


All It« rfnatnlnt lot I.au',*»'I>oug«»la »?? ? Fin« Kid Huttoti

.»?··««» »oa < ? ?··«·'··, ».t.« $·.'.;. ti.t -', ·?·1 I1.B0, tO"l<ic«l fr n»

I'."» -. tabi» of la»! weok. now to«t us«· Nut ? pair tit Una lotItitAi l» u. ; «i »jreal tar.aiu.

39CIteln«vi »i-oto 50 ant 75««. ct

la«t woeA-'a ?·.·"··«. L«dl«a'Mtooa, Hoys' M .»«-a, ? ni Mr·»/.'·-..["¡.-r-. Ml ??·» Mipixr»,Ili«».l. 1'iii·, an ? Kisl, real valu««Itoti.'m. ??· ?a aal« forMon tar at BBS,

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IMapatch Job OIIl.ee.