^Sis^a i^s^pw^^pssi -...

r c * *& H , a c JAlAs X . v ii *r u ,W < ? f *«r**J *i**J ^ t «, S&fc_.# 1,1, »., 'Si i k,k,£* ^V J d<Af{«i., \. Tt-f ^ *5W 1*4 £ t I *• i V s * ^ <w \ * A t / *w ( i I Y * tj* i> ^ A> »<>' *1v r *- *"•••••••• ; r - i > ryo-c J 'T!?* P * V, T' ' f > ( i «* H > f\ *s^^' A ^^?!^ A, " v-^-~*^j» iJ^jg^Uw^w*-! I i -jV I * J » -* , ^ \ a — *•—*-Y 7 ^, tl *^v«^ py» iiii i\ " 1 ! * T f M "* 4?< n * Sp^^; f (,» N_4 , - { '' '"i, ^ •^A~%^ J % \i,?»S J ^ ^ 91 ^ " l f 1 |vi «. i l ^J H ( ? fr -*Si "»* w 1 --1 4 t 41 **- ^.Vrr'SiV.^^ lli" **<£*"i CAROSCIO^S U* t Marbtt Kt*i Cloy |ll« Hobbisr-AsphoH n i t RE 2-0252 I W, SBCONtt S t . ! ?..'!-lt;,- _-^£: than 460 p!»ifk*1s An«<|u«. ?ln» M»pr«^ll ft'"WSShlf 161 N. Moln St. Stephen flidtiorek. Prep. G.H,&J,T» Kelly, Inc. •}/.- CONTRACtJNG , Ptitttini mi. 5i!PpH*« < » WteSt PIRSt STREET Rl'3.9t4« •iiioii'Miiii'iiiiiTinr '..ii.ir -i-ini FUNERAL RE 4-6S«* . Elmlr« N. Y. f _* 1_ „\ " "".""* E •• L- 3 ...-. i - jU.-V ( ~--:;.? -^1 'ii —4 "4 M ... ••? .':i ARROW LIQUOR STORE *-*-*Jm$ W. WATER HE 48401 *—— VODKA ...„..„ Full QM. $3.99 GIN Full <3ts. $4.50 SCOTCH Full Qfs. $5.78 RUM _„ Full Qts. $4.50 BUSND 86° .... ., Full Qfs. $4.79 3 0»» $13.7$ "Afw«y» c*mp!*f« Km «f Mtlanal braidi In *t»ck" A Fn» off »tr**t pirkinf lot «t yocr dltpoul. OOR NIW IOCATION IS 1223 W. WAflR ST.-WIST ELMIIU J-^ -s. i^s^pw^^pssi ; j^ifBi& FATHER *0SENU EMO, wasJWest i&f Tjonoy lij a faretMl teMliittittlilM' TuesdTiy; July »Jt» St. -Pitrlidtl nRFKb Itslh Seated ire III* RfeV. E4wii4 F4J 1 , who wrt? twnsferfted from Rochester to succeed: F*iHt W&d; the Beifi 1¥p« Bam J. Cfirfeh, pastoh rsthetBrtp, and Mje ReV« ^thei; ttectiiH4.0J > Jb t of Watkins Glen. Standing are Mrs. Ruth Chichi nelU. president nf the Howry and Altar Society: StepKen Lclghtbrt, PrcuWent of the Holy Nftttfe Softtety and Mrs. Dorcas Donnelly, Grand Bejifent, Catholic Datighters, who vere to charge of the arrangements. (Tubfes Photo) Gray Street- Package Store MAUDE and AL CONNOLLY, Props. Your Hospitality Headquarters Fine liquors - Wines Cordials 139 WEST GRAY ST. NEXT TO CENTEP.TOWN RE 4*8384 . " DELIVERY SERVICE mini i ITAUH TOMMY KAINS ATLANTIC SEIVICE STATION -THI ORIflHAl IKDKKHOtHT- GAS OIL - BATTERIES - LUBRICATION . WASHING ACCESSORIES - TIRES - TUBES - ROAD SERVICE MINOR REPAIRS DAVIS and SIXTH STS. RE 2-947t K of C Track Team Prepares For Season Some 30 area athletes are fa training For the out- door track season of the Elroira K. of 0. Track Team. Such veterans as Henry Greene, Dick Solomento, Jim Williams, Dick Dobbs, Dave Tamer of Towanda and Walt aid toees b o | of Vestal, ftlngtiise Jjily 6. of «is$ BaiWi fej\ ww ^f iU l?^ J 2^ «>eahFtet^0fBathindWT|. Cflttl^nd, ooushMrf the brldt, jj^ j, erowe of ttornoll. CONTENO-SfETLER THe nuptial Mass was offered »**J, • mu «• « , , by the Rev, William SE. Hkjtey Whegwd, assistant fias^r of Jouble ring e^fci«ohy; St. titaw's Church cejcbratedr _ . , , Nuptial Mas? on Jane 29, In the! w* bride is the daughter dl church for the marriage of MlsS. Mr - ^b Mrs. Carson A. Fitzwatet Agnes Mnrie Stctler of WltHani*of Bath. Sir. Crowe'* parents ,Jfc. 4, T.'f!£^*tT^^*V^WV^^^'V'--V!f>^V^ ^Sis^a ^h'one 8WSJ 62 BrIJfc*JSt, c6RNiNf>;j^.y. Retreat Set . ._„ Th«rt w«t h» i i»».-P^ i i w S . P»-. and Jo«pn : lfSiyare jlK and Mrs. Francis T. Her maid of honor w»s Jtiss Rosemary Calendo of Buffalo. Allen of Corning, are joined by, Henry Greene Is the brightest a promising crop of young high prospect in tho 220 low hurdles, ," 0 ' ^rCoumrymn of cimAnx second in the New f... »^, n . .„.„,.„-.* K« I.«- «*». tho Cenacte Convent for seven- f( . t( ,_ h P « B , An f CA «, OT t th and eighth grade-iirJs Amt.'i?' ftph Cont<?no o f 8 8 W - Fiwt 6 aqd 7. If mnyOne Is ihteirested, 81, in making this retreat sh«,..niay|. ^iss A gnes Stramer of Cdt r Afm . H(thfll „„ ,u n K ,u» u .„,„ 25^^* C * M SS , c, g, v , c e at n'ng .WM maid of .Donne a n d « d t l ^ ^ S S L 2 ? ^ ? tGS? 693 East Avenue. U 1-8755. V u j Mft PratardHgeii>. -.-alaV.Sf.i**? i f K t l i n«tt Eftqaqed •"><* VanDlveer was hest t M n . ' ? tt l!ft^*%J^. K SS I . "-U/ . andfirinatADinlm* usher R/ith v**«wu»ky of Allegany. MjSs Cornln* — -Ehe tnmemenl and ® onM * Ui " mo » ^" er - Bm Trawy Fifzwater of Bath, also' of Miss Barry Jeanne Laurence are from Corning. DONALD H.RUTH INSURANCE Sifcvicr Since 1926 RE 2-4461 school eindermen of the area. , having placed ^ o n a l a w n e v has ^ m , nnounc , d t, y L e r m - will nwt ttsXr k f 1 ^-^ Wd F' eW cm S Wr.ahdMr*.homanJ,ta«- vcar in " nn g' , «« n ,ast W piT '. rence. 77 W: Fourth St ke is THE TKAM first challenge of the ypar in t " r ""£MM the Johnson City YMCA Invi- tational Meet, Saturday, July Bob Sir. ith of Corning Is Hn Countryman of Wolcott 27 at Harpur College ^Jadtum. right behind Greene here, along ^ . ^, „ „ „ .,, «"Hh Fred Greene and Jones. Coarh Clean Mallette will lean heavily on Greene, Who Coming's Dick Rice, a third plans -lo enter Mansfield State place finisher in the Section in the Fall, in the short dashes. V championships, and Bright He has done 10.2 in the 10O and look cood in the 440. Rice andj 22.3 in the 200. jGary Ocroy ol Southside return Coarti Mallette also has hop* - for Chuck Brtfiht of Notre Bolomenlo and Dick Trampe- a sister of tlie bride, was the flower girl,: Gerald Crowe of lfomell was BIANCO-DIANA Cowing - Miss Sally There- J 1 , 6 ?*, Man t6t ^s brother. .. ..... .—..•• — - - —. n . " nr , 17 OT< w ,„ n ^ iGiiests wexe escorted in liw the son of Mr. ajnd Mrs. F r t n k - » » ian * o f 2 4 7 w « l H1U W- church bv Richard Ftawater of ... pointed Post, and DondnlcPoul pt Sill, Okla.; James Watcher and Francis W. Crowe of Hor- Language Arts Workshop Held At NaEare+h College Twenty-three Satern Cr6h» seventeen religious com- ._. „._„. _ w and mck Trampe- muuitles have gathered On the Na2areth College campus Dame High; Joe Lee of Ithaca nau, twth of whom ran the «4during the month Of »ftly to begin the project of revfs- and Fred Greene and BOH Tones K315BSeW" "RUITatTOnBTiamTdntiniiTahprage arts courses' in of EFA lo the 100 and Lw in Juaie, point for the distance Catholic elenientJjry aphhOl-a DINE AT KEEPER RESTAl|Ri!»nr ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES Ri 2-MJ7 201 W. MIUER $t. ELM1RA. H. Y; nelL The ring bearers were ljwrence Ebeit and wjlliam Gigllo of .Cornell, Nephews of 'the bridegroom. Mrs Ciowe is a graduate off St- James Mercy, Hospital School of Nursing in Hornetl. She Is how on the nursing staff of the, hospital. -•' '*"•' '•>"' again in the 220. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS BlU, CASA, Prop. I 404 W. Washington Avt. J WE DEUVE* J l3ie JBrit. meet and 1 point for shop mcmheM havi o««» «a<* JJL—^.^Ci>AKK^^--.^^^ige>-StaU>,^cjt r ^ RE 2-3(83 \- ELEANOR V. McMAHON ^ GENERAL INSURANCE 315-317 ROHNSON BLDG. RE 4-6751 or 2-1198 WAVIILY, N . \ . A FrUnJlj PUn T. Titi» "Our prtn will K*T«T Mi >« •»* "Omi rmlitr. MT«ir tit r*m Aura" IS B n U St. Pfc.rn UN I H U Moreton Gleaners 413 Brood Sfrtrci - For Odorless Cleaning SHIRT LAUNDRY LN 5-2841 races. 'Turner, a Junior at Wake Forfeit md holder of the AUan- •tieCtiattCoaference-mtW recoW at 4i42JI; swiy^»v«-tfl tnjury. Bright In the mile are ®HS' Phil fladley, Oornlng"* Utjja Brown and IVD's Ed Curtin Broad Jump hopefuls areWH liams of Tennessee State; Smith jjfOf Corning; Ceroy and DOttS ITighe of tyaverty. A!l but, Smltfa return In the triple jump. HORNEtL, W. Y. KALEC FUNERAL HOME QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1911 7 0 5 S. CHURCH ST. ELMIRA POINTING FOR the high jump- art Ithaca'a Ted Wayand Fred Greene. throughout the state. THE WORKSHOP t* deign- ed t o brine language arts course In tine V(lth such modern ttetva* ^ n d k r n a l i*inuimftr. J 1rftrfc Miiry Saflivati <jlf To frelatid grades Now they will analyze grammar. Among {he$mat ret^inmeftda:- tlon«.midl>;-t)y ttift" group will 6e new bibli arrases andtcad- Friday, July i^lS^ A.W.BEILBY&SON, funeral Homo 199 Walnut Si. EHcl6-»13l' CORNifJOrHrV Ing Ust» fM": all-grades,,« ^ho^*darlh|the.^Wlnfciehdot years aha* workshop -Weiaabers meet _*g|lh; at Na*ateuj the Catkins Gfeat Father J^ seph Horan, pastor, ifnd ^aiher Eugene Sweeney* aBiaUnt pa* ior, said goodbye W W|ary Sutfl vart, housekeeptr at St, Wary^s of the Uke rectory, Watkins Fotar soariilg boys loo* good Glen, for the past five yejlra, at JACOBS BROS. SHOfc STORE Hanw of Jump!** JaLk SbeaB «WB FIT THE HAnO TO n T »1 Hits gt. - tlwnma, H. V. in*th« pole vault, led by two WaveJtly &dj — Joe Kna%» (11-*J afld Ron Clupper (11-S); Way and Tony MorrO* ol Noire Darae. shd left for a month'! vacation Iti Ireland. next «i»aa«r to Evaluate program and make,any neces- sary chah|e*« A'- , j'aut-repfesehlatfvei ate>|ref- entftdot th*#6'e&eMer dfoceie, ffi&e f^ai- A«^n><ia!ir,4r%m thve*-1tr8m'f%<case m- UtWl frp'fti BartWp^^ratolt,-'^ .C^I^Itt'oVi'e'^ks^-'i J; •S-l DINING ROOM . . . Open Dally CEBUIUf! WEEKDAYS S JO P.M. Hi 1^0 P.M. aCtlWlllU Sund»yt IS *M fitl 1^0 P.M. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR GROUPS FROM 10 TO 100 E. W. Gltion. Prop. Wfllcin. 6l«n. N.Y. '••••" r . i m (Raeommanded By Ouncoi. Hlnail nmriiiir ;. u I m V 'S LIQUOR PEARSON & PEARSON, Props. Choice esLiquors - vUimsA » Kjttrmaia FREE PARKING SPACE Cor. Pairno and Mapla Av». IE 2-T9t6 «saj^w- Tht Houst of QualHy Homt Furniihings s Fint Fwmilura by CONANT BAIL CREX6L HALLASAN JAMESTOWN LOUhiGf BIGEIOW BIGS ansl mOAOXOQtf, KA8ASTAN RUQS vrnmm mmm «B« O«APE»IES • Amuses t? <m ' 115 I Wottr Si STEUBEN TRUST COMPANY HOtNELL, N. Y. OHIVK IN orrras «ENKCA AT StAVa AVE. A native of County Cork, Ire- land. Mrs. Sullivan, accompanied The shot put finds Coming's by her toother. Wllliara Cos> nors and his wife, of New Vat*, is rpturning home for the first time in fifty years. A high point of the trip will be a reunion Allen, Cfroy iwsd Bright. All«"n. the Vniversitv of RorfiF ester title holder in the discus. and Geroy. are preptng far tite' BfMdwiy Eltciric Sh»p fticTtfCAt f immfcit AND APPLIANCES ConfracTing and R*|MlrMi0 41 Stntcei St. «om*tl, N.Y. State Meet, as the Johnson City „, , ]relM& Meet does not feature the dltcas. | The team Will be without the' services of veteran standout Martv nou-w of Winona State Teacbtrr-\ hi'-r^y -thie "to -aar operation. j Rouse was the 1981 State Sleet, broad Jump chamnion. He' ftnlsiKd third last year in both' Ww b*o>d jump and triple Jump. with her brother, Jerry, in DUNN'S... DEPENDABLE DRUCS "If your jWMcrljWon numb»r «ndi In 50 or 05. will ffll it ih» firrf *im« FUSEE, r*9iwfl«t» of ee«t. Waiii ml Broadway Phona 1068 - Homall, M.Y. ^ FREE Pillm.biU Dtllvtrv TwJ«t iNtly Th« idea h6h&id the outdoor seasoa for the Elmira K of C Tracfe Club ft to develop the a?ea youngsters. If sonjfe 8f the nKS^fters "titues iniprove, they way be •seen at the Third iAhnoii New Yorii Slate Track and Field Chatnpisnshlps at Parker Field. ! Saturday, August 10, whfen the *#ferf>J>f state ,track and field, ir5en f * will feivade Elmira. Th« meet is sponsored by the fe|Bu*a K of C Track Club. . Mastt Fennell and Horace FhtfiBps are. co-ehaitwen. Thomas VL Mclnenir ^Funarol Diractor 1 1 3 WALNUT St. ELMIRA. HE 3-4271 i mm niliiiliTi.r AnaoimelnS ihenew^ ^^^ harness racing...BATAVIA DOWNS A racas"the t « ^ , h i r f . # ^ T ^ : » u b ^ ; S|^ SfftiBRJB^B^jaS!*^^ Communities rejpftsehle^ In- elude: SlsterthlSt Jdsepit^Sis. t«W Of Merey^Scho^^jutieri. df Hot» Dame, Pranxiseiii Sisters, SM«r3 of §t. Sa*y,.i»iB^iah Sisters. Notre Dame Sisters, arid Resurrection Sisters. %&$ .*». foor.-i^hifiiii**;^^ *(w-T*i Onam, wcas. the'firsYh*! of ihVtv^« SiuMaVi en YOUR muss HERE AT HOMEI u.#rom aorteon* you know, aonwone who's here evety day ot the year—to *ervfc* vAat you^a Bough), to tt|ak* aura it itai conlmla, r all, we're ftutt *«• pr^cti^tkin dep*itn»plvft a lull time^'alwayl avail- able aer«c». Oar truss**, to<>~gTe PftQPE8SIf>5l- AX tRUSSES-Hire made hy *a*BTr*a'* i, toptrta#bo. have bte« maiwfa^uruijt body appliana* •f«|*e*a thsan aiity ytara. Waar exWrtly fitted, with GEROULD'S r JrViittifa^ RE 3-6696 Deiivary 3arviK 130S.rt^'''''iLiltW" T.| r*.«"»K' W a i . «* Ond PHAHMACI5TS attlllaai .kiaMawil<W><»liaiWWMWiJjl^^ thlrV Hraf Aftnuol ;j 'tt a idfc a at'' £ *" .tfi*^' **V.y*Pl » T H V " tfV^t^rf^Vsftff^O^CJ '-^.^ic^MStr^Tisv 1 «„»^,«. A (jr IMP —** »*^* " i\ " •f-'XV^ (£» &+ TA. ^ - i - * *f.<v.«*fc- ^ «. i ^ ^- %^e* ^>\"4^,^ ^ , i St PATRICK'S CHURCH •C^ntJrtWng eacb iventiiii o l 3 M fM> Soliimo closing * Friday July |& * ^3&lP,M« th*H#V.Vlfttent J . ^ d t i t ^ . , - 6ired(5l*' iriiWiiliiiiiftti'i'in^iifiir'.V'V / nri"W>'tmi; l ri wfjfi'•*>• •";it'•>Ti.','aapwil M •{•*%•& — „ jW^lA*-*^** •4.. .v'^ff -^^Ai^ i 1 ' 4

Transcript of ^Sis^a i^s^pw^^pssi -...

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    **Jbt of Watkins Glen. Standing are Mrs. Ruth Chichi nelU. president nf the Howry and Altar Society: StepKen Lclghtbrt, PrcuWent of the Holy Nftttfe Softtety and Mrs. Dorcas Donnelly, Grand Bejifent, Catholic Datighters, who vere to charge of the arrangements. (Tubfes Photo)

    Gray Street- Package Store MAUDE and AL CONNOLLY, Props.

    Your Hospitality Headquarters Fine liquors - Wines • Cordials


    RE 4*8384 . " DELIVERY SERVICE





    DAVIS and SIXTH STS. RE 2-947t

    K of C Track Team Prepares For Season

    Some 30 area athletes are fa training For the out-door track season of the Elroira K. of 0. Track Team.

    Such veterans as Henry Greene, Dick Solomento, Jim Williams, Dick Dobbs, Dave Tamer of Towanda and Walt

    aid toees b o | of Vestal, ftlngtiise Jjily 6. of «is$ BaiWi fej\ww ^f i U l?^ J 2 ^ « > e a h F t e t ^ 0 f B a t h i n d W T | . Cflttl̂ nd, ooushMrf the brldt, j j ^ j , erowe of ttornoll.

    CONTENO-SfETLER THe nuptial Mass was offered »**J, • mu «• « , , by the Rev, William SE. Hkjtey

    Whegwd, assistant fias^r of Jouble ring e^fci«ohy; St. titaw's Church cejcbratedr _ . , , Nuptial Mas? on Jane 29, In the! w* bride is the daughter dl church for the marriage of MlsS.Mr- ^b Mrs. Carson A. Fitzwatet Agnes Mnrie Stctler of WltHani*of Bath. Sir. Crowe'* parents

    ,Jfc. 4,


    ^Sis^a ^h'one 8 W S J 62 BrIJfc*JSt,


    Retreat Set . ._ „ Th«rt w«t h» i i»».-P^ i i w S . P»-. and Jo«pn : l fS iyare jlK and Mrs. Francis T.

    Her maid of honor w»s Jtiss Rosemary Calendo of Buffalo.

    Allen of Corning, are joined by, Henry Greene Is the brightest a promising crop of young high prospect in tho 220 low hurdles, ,"0' ^ r C o u m r y m n of cimAnx

    second in the New f... »^,n. .„.„,.„-.* K« I.«- «*».

    tho Cenacte Convent for seven- f(.t(,_h P«B,An„ „ f CA «, OT„t th and eighth grade-iirJs Amt.'i?'ftph Cont