SIS Pre-departure: Part 2

Ques%ons? [email protected] Like our Page: Predeparture Informa:on. Part 2: Slide 1 What to Pack Slide 2 For those at Home Slide 3 Health Insurance & Healthcare in Siena Slide 4 Health: Prescrip%on Medicines Slide 5 Health: Special Note: Adderall, Similar Drugs Slide 6 Communica%ng with Home Slide 7 Permit of Stay Siena Italian Studies Engage with the world. Study Abroad.

Transcript of SIS Pre-departure: Part 2

Page 1: SIS Pre-departure: Part 2

Ques%ons?    [email protected]  our  Page:

Pre-­‐departure  Informa:on.  Part  2:      Slide  1  -­‐  What  to  Pack  Slide  2  -­‐  For  those  at  Home  Slide  3  -­‐  Health  Insurance  &  Healthcare  in  Siena  Slide  4  -­‐  Health:  Prescrip%on  Medicines  Slide  5  -­‐  Health:    Special  Note:  Adderall,  Similar  Drugs  Slide  6  -­‐  Communica%ng  with  Home  Slide  7  -­‐  Permit  of  Stay

Siena Italian Studies Engage with the world. Study Abroad.

Page 2: SIS Pre-departure: Part 2

Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

What  to  Pack  and  What  NOT  to  Pack:  Review  your  airline’s  luggage  policies  and  weight  restric:ons.  

•Don’t  Overpack:  Remember  you  will  have  more  when  you  leave  Italy!  

Be  sure  to  bring:    •Bathing  suit  •Good  walking  shoes/sneakers  •Pocket  size  English/Italian  Dic:onary  •One  more  formal  ouJit  •A  smaller  ‘day-­‐pack’  for  short  trips  •Bring  layers  for  cooler  days/evenings.  A  coat  would  be  a  good  idea!  

 What  NOT  to  Pack:  •Expensive  jewellery  •Hair  dryers,  straighteners,  etc.  –  They  oSen  break,  even  with  adaptors.  •Nothing  you  can’t  bear  to  lose  •A  large  amount  of  cash

1.  Packing  Tips

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

2.  For  those  at  Home

Please  leave  the  following  informa%on  with  family  at  home:  • Copy  of  passport  

• Credit/Debit  card  informa:on/  phone  number  to  call  in  case  of  loss  or  theS  

• SIS  contact  email  to  contact  us  in  case  of  flight  schedule  change  

• Alert  them  that  the  first  days  will  be  very  busy  so  not  to  expect  frequent  contact  right  away.  

• Ask  family  and  friends  to  Like  the  Siena  Italian  Studies  Facebook  page  []  -­‐we  will  post  updates  on  that  page.  

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

3.  Health  While  Abroad

Health  Insurance:  •All  SIS  Program  par:cipant  must  have  health  insurance  coverage.      •Check  with  your  provider  for  extent  of  coverage  while  overseas  and    carry  info  with  you  •Some  students  purchase  addi:onal  coverage  while  studying  abroad.  •The  following  op:on  is  an  example  •HTH  Worldwide  Insurance  -­‐  

Doctor  Visits  while  in  Siena:  •SIS  can  arrange  for  a  private  doctor  visit  upon  request.    The  fee  is  50  euros  to  be  paid  at  the  :me  of  the  visit.    Students  can  ask  for  a  reimbursement  to  insurance  companies  later.    •In  an  emergency,  Siena  has  an  excellent  hospital  that  students  may  visit  if  necessary.  •SIS  Staff  members  will  assist  students  in  the  even  of  a  medical  emergency.

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

4.  Health:    Prescrip:on  Medicines

Note  on  Prescrip%on  Medicines:  •Prescrip:on  medicines  can  be  brought  if  they  are  in  original  packaging,  clearly  labeled  with  copy  of  doctor’s  prescrip:on  and  a  note.      •Students  should  pack:  

•Prescrip:on  medicines  for  the  dura:on  of  stay  •Extra  eyeglasses,  contact  lenses  •Small  first  aid  kit:  neosporin,  preferred  over  the  counter  painkiller,  an:-­‐diarrhea  meds  •Sunblock  

•Italian  pharmacies  carry  many  similar  over  the  counter  medicines.  

**The  drug  Adderall  (and  other  similar  drugs  used  by  people  to  treat  ADHD)  is  not  available  in  Italy  and  is  considered  a  narco:c.      Please  see  next  slide  for  special  instruc:ons  regarding  impor:ng  this  type  of  drug.      

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

5.  Special  Note:  Adderall  and  similar  medicines

In  order  to  bring  the  Adderall  (or  similar  meds)  into  Italy  the  student  must  follow  the  recommenda:ons  of  The  Italian  Customs  Agency  below:  You  need  a  signed  and  stamped  note  from  your  doctor  (on  lekerhead)  that  states  in  English  that:  

1.The  medicine  is  not  “stupefacente”,  in  English  stupefacient,  which  means  “a  narco:c”  2.The  pa:ent  is  carrying  X  amount  of  the  medicine  (boxes,  grams,  etc)  to  last  X  amount  of  months.  The  note  must  state  that  this  medicine  is  necessary  for  your  health,  and  that  you  cannot  go  without  it  during  your  stay  in  Italy.    Also  state  that  the  medicine  cannot  be  found  in  Italy,  which  is  why  you  must  bring  it  with  you.  

3.The  Italian  Customs  Agency  says  to  make  sure  that  the  medicine  is  in  its  original  packing.  They  suggest  puong  it  in  a  suitcase,  rather  than  a  carry-­‐on.  This  way,  you  will  avoid  going  through  customs  at  the  first  point  of  entry  into  the  European  Union  (Paris,  Frankfurt,  etc)  and  can  just  deal  with  customs  in  Italy.  

4.They  further  suggest  that  when  you  get  off  the  plane  in  Italy  and  aSer  you  collect  the  bags,  you  should  go  to  the  customs  office  to  declare  the  medicine  and  the  doctor’s  note.  If  you  do  not  declare  this  immediately,  you  risk  being  stopped  in  the  exit  hall  on  your  way  out  of  the  airport.  According  to  the  Italian  Customs  Agency,  bringing  meds  into  the  country  and  NOT  declaring  them  is  illegal.

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

6.  Communica:ng  with  Home

Thanks  to  technology,  staying  in  touch  is  easier  than  ever!  

Cell  Phones:    Op:ons  1) Purchase  a  pre-­‐paid  cell  phone  in  Siena.    No  contract  or  monthly  fee  is  

necessary  –  one  “recharges”  once  money  runs  out.    2) Use  US  cell  phone  with  Italian  SIM  card.    Ensure  your  phone  uses  a  SIM  card  

and  is  unlocked.    

There  is  no  cost  to  receive  calls  on  an  Italian  cell  phone.      To  call  Italy  from  the  U.S.,  you  must  dial:  011+  39+  the  number  011  –  the  interna%onal  access  code  39  –  the  country  code  for  Italy  To  call  the  U.S.  from  Italy,  you  must  dial:  001  +  the  area  code  +  the  number  

Internet:      SIS  provides  access  to  free  wi-­‐fi.    On  weekends,  students  may  visit  internet  cafes  that  offer  wi-­‐fi.    Some  host  families  have  wi-­‐fi  at  home,  but  not  all.    Some  students  purchase  USB  internet  modems  while  in  Italy  –  this  provides  mobile  internet  access.    **Many  students  u:lize  Skype  to  keep  in  touch  with  family  or  friends.  

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

7.  Permit  of  Stay

All  students  who  had  to  obtain  a  student  visa  to  enter  Italy  must  apply  for   a  Permit  of  Stay.   SIS  will  assist  you  with  the  procedure  as  long  as  you  do  the  following:  

1. If  you  already  have  your  student  visa  and  your  flight  i:nerary,  please  fill  out  the  form  at  this  link:  hkps://­‐of-­‐stay-­‐form/ (you  will  need  scanned  copies  of  your  passport  personal  data  page,  and  student  visa)

Sample personal data page Sample Italy visa

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Siena  Italian  Studies  Program

7.  Permit  of  Stay

All  students  who  had  to  obtain  a  student  visa  to  enter  Italy  must  apply  for   a  Permit  of  Stay.   SIS  will  assist  you  with  the  procedure  as  long  as  you  do  the  following:  

2. Bring  originals  and  copies  of  these  to  submit  with  your  applica:on:  ✓ Copy  of  en:re  passport  (page  per  page).  ✓ All  documents  the  Italian  consulate  sent  you  back  with  your  visa.  

✓ Visa/admission  leker  from  SIS,  stamped  by  the  Italian  consulate.  ✓ 4  passport  pictures  ✓ Health  Insurance  informa:on  

**Make  sure  to  bring  all  the  documents  listed  above  with  you  to  Siena  to  avoid  problems  and  or  delays  with  your  permit  of  stay.  SIS  is  NOT  responsible  for  denied  applica%ons!  

For  ques:ons,  please  contact  us  at  [email protected]