Siop presentation

SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Dr. April Salerno Fulbright Scholar, USA

Transcript of Siop presentation

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SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation

ProtocolDr. April Salerno

Fulbright Scholar, USA

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Agenda Introductions What is SIOP? “Information gap” activity SIOP Video Lesson plan analysis

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Who I am … April Salerno USA: University of Virginia Moldova: Fulbright Scholar at Ion

Creanga State Pedagogical University, 2015-2016

States where I’ve lived: South Carolina, North Carolina, New Mexico, Virginia

Peace Corps volunteer, 2003-2005 in Cuhurestii de Sus, r. Floresti

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Tell us:Your nameYour SchoolWhat grades you

teachHow long you’ve been


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SIOP “stands for” …

S – Sheltered I – Instruction O – Observation P - Protocol

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Sheltered Instruction

Echevarria, Vogt, & Short:

“Teachers would employ techniques that make the content concepts accessible and also develop the students’ skills in the new language.”

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“Information gap” activity

Only look at your paper! Your partner has information you

need, and you have information he/she needs.

Tell each other what you need to know to complete your sheets.

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8 Components1. Lesson Preparation2. Building Background3. Comprehensible Input4. Strategies5. Interaction6. Practice and Application7. Lesson Delivery8. Review & Assessment

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8 SIOP Components

Questions to ask 

1. Lesson Preparation

Does the lesson plan include content and language objectives, supplemental materials, and meaningful activities?

2. Building Background

How will I connect with what students already know?

3. Comprehensible Input

How will I adjust, so students will understand? 

4. Strategies How can I teach students strategies to help themselves?

5. Interaction Are students in groups where they can interact?

6. Practice and Application

Will students get to practice the new content and language?

7. Lesson Delivery

Does the lesson meet the objectives? Are students engaged?

8. Review and Assessment

Did students learn? What feedback will I give them? 

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Checklist for SIOP Lesson Plans

Look over this checklist with a partner.

Talk about it with each other. Do you understand them all?

Which ones do you need help understanding?

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Video Watch the video:

3rd gradeFact vs. opinionLesson Delivery

Think: Are the elements in the checklist present in the lesson?

The video can be found at this link:

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Discuss with a Partner

Were the elements of the checklist present in the lesson?

What do you think was effective about the lesson?

What do you think was ineffective?

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SIOP Lesson Plan Study In groups look at one of the four lesson plans. (Hint: Notice the abbreviation key.) First, try to talk through what is happening in

the lesson: K-2: T-chart, signal words, sentence frames 3-5: 4-Corners Vocabulary 6-8: Anticipation Guide 9-12: Character Map

Second, see if you can identify the SIOP elements.

Finally, think about ways these approaches could be used with the national curriculum.

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Group sharingTell about the

activities in your lesson plan.

What was interesting for you about the lesson plan you saw?

What questions do you still have about it?

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Contact InformationApril Salerno, University of Virginia, Fulbright Scholar

[email protected]

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What questions do you have?