simply fit, 90 days to a healthier you - Jessie's Beacon ... · SIMPLY FIT, 90 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER...


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Food History...what are we missing 5

Can this be affecting our health 6









COMMIT...YOUR ACTION PLAN - worksheet 15







SHAKE IT UP 24 – 25


RECIPES 27 – 30

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Simply Fit For Life (fitness tips)

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Inside, you’ll find everything you need to restore health and wellness, achieve long term weight management, lasting energy and vitality and revamp your eating habits.

Simply Fit was developed by a task force of mission-minded men and women passionate about helping others. Easy to use guidelines supported by leading, scientifically accepted nutrition practices that are part of a grassroots health movement.

Simply Fit is not a fad or a diet and doesn’t include calorie deprivation. It’s simple, logical and easy for anyone to follow.

Through this program you will learn what foods and environmental toxins may trigger symptoms such as excessive weight gain, blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive issues, arthritis, fatigue, headaches, muscle and joint pain, etc.

Simply Fit will teach you how to simplify your transition to healthy eating habits and show you how to make delicious meals from recipes that are satisfying and taste great! Simply Fit is the beginning of a lifetime full of healthy eating and living.

Our clients’ results consistently include a dramatic loss of body fat, increased energy and generally improved health. For transformational inspiration, go to “Real-Life Success Stories” (p. 4) to see how men and women just like you slimmed down in record time.

For optimum results, it is recommended that you purchase the Arbonne 30-Day FEELING FIT KIT, along with the 7-DAY BODY CLEANSE, DIGESTION SUPPORT and DAILY POWER PACK. If your self-assessment # is 6 or higher, we recommend adding METABOLISM BOOST, ARBONNE OMEGA-3 PLUS and ARBONNE IMMUNITY BOOST. Since many of these products are used as a meal, snack or beverage replacement, the typical participant ends up saving money on their total food bill. Many of these products will be useful for your long term well-being.

Healthy eating is a key part of an overall balanced life, achieve long term successes by striking a balance of fun & recreation, physical environment, career, money, health, which includes healthy eating and exercise, friends & family, romance and personal growth.

“Friends Helping Friends Live Well.” Congratulations! You’ve taken the first steps to becoming Simply Fit! But it is no secret that obesity is a global epidemic, help us spread the word, encourage a friend, start a small group, share your goal on Facebook or other social networks and help us create a social movement.


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Our clients’ results consistently include a dramatic loss of body fat, increased energy and generally improved health. Our inaugural group of 23 lost 463 pounds and 169 inches. Under physicians care, numerous people have eliminated medications.


∞ Victor & Nicole Sanchez: Victor, 10 lbs., Nicole, 4” off waist


∞ Rick R. & Chris H: Friends keeping each other accountable; 13.70 pounds and 29.75”

∞ Kristy Stiles, 16: Kicked the Sugar Habit

∞ Kim & Chris H: love getting healthy as a couple; 34 lbs., & 25.75”


∞ Mike Murphy: “ I feel better than I have in years, 11 lbs., 3 ½ “ & lowered cholesterol 60 points

∞ Greg Marion: “I am sleeping through the night so I am much more rested when the alarm goes off,”

19 lbs. and a flat belly


∞ Jeannie Lemmo: “I thought it was going to be so hard to give up things like coffee, bread, pasta, etc. they are still available, just in a healthier version! The program is so easy to follow and does not interrupt my busy schedule” - 27 lbs. & 7 ½”

∞ Kristy Simpson, 28: “I got my life back,” 31 lbs. & 7.75”

∞ Richard Lancaster: 32.5 lbs. & 5.43”, dropped blood pressure medicine

∞ Sarah Butler: 5.80% Overall Weight Loss and lost 13.25”

∞ Joy Hutchison, 45: 25 pounds, 20.5 inches and lost 5.4% body fat.

∞ Scotty Howell: I finally went from a size 10 to a size 8 and even a 6 sometimes AND I ran my ninth half marathon in record time. At 64, I feel like I have control over my health!


∞ John Marion, 55: “This program has been life changing,” 30 lbs. and had a significant change in

blood profile.

∞ Diane: Off daily allergy and acid reflux meds, more energy and balance (inside & out) 43 lbs. & 20”


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Did you know?

We are experiencing the collision of a multitude of significant factors which have led to a global health epidemic. This epidemic reaches across all socio-economic groups, revealing that no group is sheltered.

Six out of every ten Americans are overweight. 35.7% of the adult population and 16.9% of children qualify as obese. Studies show that by 2015, nearly 80% of our country will be obese In 1995, no state had an obesity rate above 20%, now all but one does. Globally, we are 30% more obese than undernourished. Obesity has become the leading cause of preventable death.

What are we missing? Even while the trend is toward obesity, there is more and more available on the level of knowledge and technique to create a healthy lifestyle. In excess of $60 Billion is spent annually on wellness in the US alone; dollars are spent on gyms, books, products, systems, etc. Even with all these tools, obesity rates continue to increase at a staggering rate. What is the disconnect? This question led us to ponder, is it what we know or what we don’t know that is stealing our health? Nutrition is an upper level science, which most of us don’t have the time or patience to learn... our goal is to accelerate your learning curve, and help you find out once and for all, how to feel better and live fully. It’s not about being skinny, it about being healthy and strong!

Let’s take a look…Do you know what you are eating? The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years than in the previous 10,000 years. The food industry which is comprised of Big Agriculture, mammoth food production companies, and a savvy retail network that works together to grow, harvest, produce, market and sell conventional foods to unassuming Americans every day. “Big Brother” has their hand in this industry as well; it’s estimated that in the past decade, more than $430 billion of your tax dollars has been spent on agriculture subsidies. Politicians are being influenced by the food industry lobbyist to the tune of $51 million a year. There are no seasons in today’s produce market. Tomatoes for instance when not in season locally, are grown half way around the world and picked while they are still green. These foods must travel well and sit on shelves or inside refrigerated or frozen cases for weeks or months at a time – which is made possible, thanks to preservatives and food additives. To increase crop yields, Big Ag plants crops containing genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) that are resilient to insects and douses their crops with pesticides and herbicides just to make sure the “critters” are dead (killing the beneficial microorganisms too). Artificial flavors, colorings and preservatives are added in the production process. Our time- starved society asked for help getting dinner on the table faster; retailers answered by offering convenience packaging and microwave meals. Speed growth, selective breeding, and synthetic fertilizers decrease produce’s ability to synthesize nutrients or absorb them from the soil - leaving our food supply up to 75% less nutritious, causing us to be overfed but, undernourished. This crisis is far beyond simply eating less and exercising more.


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Whenever you consume conventionally grown foods, you ingest environmental toxins that leave an unhealthy residue in your body. This residue is referred to as your body burden, a chemical legacy that is harmful to your health today and in the future. “Any substance the body does not recognize as fuel is a toxin”.

Companies will argue that levels of toxins in any one product may not be enough to harm you, and that may be true. However, stop for a minute to consider how layering of all these chemicals – one on top of another over time – may affect you.

ONCE INSIDE YOUR BODY, these toxins can do great damage to your system over time. Since they are not natural particles or food sources that the body is familiar with, your elimination organs can quickly become overwhelmed. When this happens, your body will begin to store toxic matter in your fat cells. In fact, you may actually create completely new fat cells just for the storage of these toxins! Since those additional fat cells can never be taken away (though they can be emptied and shrunk down), this is obviously a big problem if you are trying to lose weight and regain your health!

Prime storage areas are the lower belly, hips and thighs and neck. In order to lose that unwanted fat weight and achieve optimum health, you must heal and detoxify the elimination pathways. A healthy gut means more than simply being free of annoyances like bloating or heartburn! It is absolutely central to your health. It is connected to EVERYTHING that happens in your body. You may not even realize that you have a problem...but if you have health concerns of any kind or you are overweight, your “inner tube” could be the root cause. Read more about Leaky Gut Syndrome

COULD THIS BE AFFECTING YOUR HEALTH? It might be helpful to consider the analogy of our bodies as a bathtub. Just like water fills up a tub through a faucet, toxins fill up our bodies by the air we breathe, the things we touch and the food and beverages we eat and drink. In a bathtub, if the water comes in at a faster rate than it can drain out, the tub will overflow. In our bodies, when toxins come in at a faster rate than our bodies can process or eliminate them, our bodies “overflow.” The overflow drain keeps the tub from overflowing. In our bodies, “symptoms” are the over flow drain. Studies show that in early stages we can experience over 90 warning signs, including fatigue, foggy thinking, bouts of depression, mood swings, dry wrinkled skin, skin problems, spare tire around the middle, digestive irregularities, food cravings, aches and pains or stiffness, headaches, congestions, etc. Symptoms are a beautiful part of the design; they’re your body’s unique language and we will help you decode warning signs. If not caught in time, our toxic load can get so high that it “spills over the top” which may lead to a range of more significant health issues such as Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease, Diabetes Depression, Arthritis, Autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, and Neurological Issues (ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s). See page 17 to take your Simply Fit Self -Assessment.

It is no secret that people are commonly treated with medications a.k.a. “the mop” to control their symptoms without addressing the potential or possible cause of “the flood.” Unfortunately, the benefits of nutrition are rarely discussed or provided as an option even though there is substantial evidence showing poor nutrition and an unhealthy gut are frequently at the core of these issues. Many people experience symptoms of premature aging or poor health and have no idea the solution may be as simple as removing possible addictive and allergenic foods, introducing balanced, nutrient dense meals and healing the gut. You must learn to recognize and respond to the small warning signs in our health and be proactive about prevention.

All diseases begin in the gut! Hippocrates 460 -370 BC


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Healthy living is a choice, one that is very much in your control. Knowledge is power and now that we know more… Let’s find out how to release unwanted pounds, feel better and achieve optimal health.

Congratulations, you’ve taken the first step to you…SIMPLY FIT

Simply Fit is healthy program for losing weight, preventing disease, and feeling great now! Over the next several weeks, you will learn to eat balanced meals that will include lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, high-fiber carbohydrates, healthy fats and low glycemic fruits. While at the same time providing the fuel you need to rebuild, recover and redesign your body at the cell level with Arbonne Essentials, nutritional products that are designed to accelerate the process. Encouraging your body to shed excess weight because it feels better...

Simply Fit, a system that combines…

• An effective elimination and detoxification program

• Balanced eating habits

• The Arbonne Fit Essentials Products, supplementing your diet effectively to reach your health and wellness goals.

Simply Fit, a simple action plan designed to help you…

• Identify and reduce your exposure to and your body burden of common allergens, toxins or addictive foods.

• Increase nutrient intake and uptake.

• Balance blood sugar, hormones and more.

• Heal and cleanse your digestive system to maximize your body’s natural detoxification pathways.

• Discover how to change your diet to reverse the aging process and use food as medicine.

• Learn a delicious, easy to follow menu plan with recipes and shopping lists to increase nourishment, strengthen and protect your body

Simply Fit is a community of support, designed to help you understand your personal goals and needs. We will keep you on track, motivated, encouraged, and celebrated as you pursue a healthier lifestyle. Support and feedback from a group of people make the program more fun and effective and the change more sustainable and is available on line or in your home town. Nutrition is an upper level science which most of us don’t have the time or patience to learn…our goal is to take the nutritional guess work out of your day…making our time together worthwhile.

Are you ready to release unwanted pounds, increase your energy, improve your skin, and achieve optimal health?


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Studies show the following are the top five allergens, by eliminating them; you will...

Primary goal #1: turn down the faucet

Wheat Products wheat is a multilayered health issue; one component of wheat is gluten. Gluten is a sticky protein composite found in foods processed from wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. It is estimated that 50% of the population has difficulty breaking down gluten. Studies show that gluten is fattening, inflammatory, and addictive. A review paper in The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 “diseases” that can be caused by consuming gluten. These include Osteoporosis, allergies, cancer, fatigue, Irritable or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, MS, Lupus, and most other autoimmune disease. Gluten is linked to many psychiatric and neurological diseases and has been linked to Autism. Eliminate all wheat, including “whole wheat”

Dairy: significant research shows that human beings have no nutritional requirements for processed milk. Milk is one of the most common causes of food allergies and may contribute to even more health problems like: sinus congestions, ear infections, Type 1 diabetes and Chronic Constipation. Many green leafy vegetables are loaded with calcium. Eliminate all dairy.

Alcohol: according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, consistent alcohol consumption is associated with serious health problems including liver disease, heart disease, cancer, memory loss and osteoporosis. Down the road, if you choose to resume alcohol, “safe” consumption is one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

Sugar: (table, white and brown, honey, maple syrup and artificial sweeteners) the average person consumes 185 lbs. of sugar, up from 26 lbs. just 20 years ago. We are seeing more and more side effects, such as weight gain, strokes, high cholesterol, diabetes, tooth decay, cancer and inflammation of the arteries. Refined sugar has been stripped of all nutrients and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals. Check the label and look for sugar aliases such as, barley, malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrates, maltose, etc. Sugar in a food is listed as “Total Carbohydrates”.

Caffeine: is an addictive drug that contributes to a long list of disease, such as anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, eye and vision problems, gastrointestinal disease, etc. Negatively effects bone mass and fracture risk, menopause, PMS, anemia, breast tissue, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, fertility and conception disorders and more. On average American’s spend $1,092 per year on coffee. Eliminate coffee, tea, decaf, soda, energy drinks, etc. Also eliminate....

All fruit (except limes, lemons, green apples and berries) Soy Peanuts (including peanut butter) Vinegar or vinegar based products (balsamic, ketchup, cocktail sauce, mustard, pickles, etc.) Pork Farm Raised Fish Starchy Vegetables (including corn & white potatoes) Nitrates, MSG, preservatives , additives, pesticides


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Healthy eaters focus on creating a meal that looks like this....

Primary goal #2: increase consumption of health giving food by filling up on colorful plants

Vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet, choose a rainbow of vegetable. Colorful, deeply colored vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants – and different colors provide different benefits, so eat a variety. Aim for a minimum of five portions each day. Eat veggies as minimally processed as possible; at least one third of your food should be uncooked. Arbonne Fiber Boost will help you increase your recommended daily allowance. See page 18-19 for guidelines

Primary goal #3: reduce consumption of animal protein; increase clean and lean protein

Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human body; enjoy a fist size of clean protein with each meal. Whenever possible, consume protein that is organically raised, hormone and antibiotic free. Choose Arbonne Protein Shake, grass-fed beef, cold water fish and free-range chicken.

Primary goal #4: balancing blood sugar eating low glycemic foods

Eat low glycemic to reduce hunger, food cravings, and blood sugar swings, and to keep your metabolic process and energy levels balanced.

o Glycemic is one of those “buzz words”. We hear it all the time but wonder, how does it pertain to me? The Glycemic Index is a measure of how rapidly a particular carbohydrate turns into sugar in the body. Quick break of down of carbs causes excess sugar ~ Excess sugar is always stored as fat. “Scientists have established that anything that causes a rise in our blood sugar results in inflammation at the cellular level, and I believe that inflammation is at the basis of virtually every disease process and wrinkled skin” – Dr. Nicholas Perricone

Our best and most nutritious sources of low-glycemic foods are non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar fruits and legumes ~ see page 18 -19 for guidelines

Primary goal #5: to bring the fats into proper proportion... by eating healthy fats

Research shows that, more than the total amount of fat in your diet; it’s the types of fat you eat that really matter. The key is to eat more good fats and less bad fats. Eat omega-3 fats every day. Good sources include Arbonne Omega-3 Plus, fish, walnuts, ground flax seeds, flaxseed oil, see page 18-19 for guidelines


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boost nutrition balance blood sugar cleanse repair

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS PROTEIN SHAKES – Delivers 20 grams of vegan protein, plus 20 essential vitamins and minerals per serving – made with a Vegan Protein Blend including pea protein, which is one of the most absorbable forms of protein available today. Helps to minimize exposure to allergens, toxins or addictive foods by replacing gluten, dairy, soy and animal protein. Suggested use: 1-3 shakes per day. Jump start your metabolism with a protein shake for breakfast, combine with a healthy salad at lunch or dinner, and as a recovery shake to replenish your muscles after exercising.

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS POWER PACK - Daily nutritional power packs promotes complete nutrition with 20 essential vitamins and minerals, delivers a broad spectrum of antioxidants, minerals and superfruits, nutrients to support healthy bone tissue, adequate calcium and vitamin D, supports a healthy immune system, promotes energy, vitality and longevity, supports eye health, promotes maximum absorbency and nutrient uptake. Formulas targeted to address both men's and women's individual needs. Necessary for complete health. Suggested use: 1 packet once per day

ARBONNE ESSENTIAL HIGH-ENERGY FIZZ TABS help boost and sustain energy. Contains natural ingredients to help control hunger and appetite. Clinically proven to help increase metabolism. Perfect pick-me-up when feeling sluggish throughout the day or during a workout without elevating blood sugar. Necessary to avoid low blood sugar and fatigue, increase metabolism and energy. Suggested use: combine 1 tablet with 8-16 oz of water and drink between meals. 2 -3 x's per day. Don't forget to have a Tizzy!

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS FIT CHEWS - An ideal snack for those on the go, this bite-sized treat helps contol sugar cravings while keeping energy levels sustained and blood sugar balanced. Helps control cravings and increase energy. Contains a proprietary blend of ingredients to help support the body when under going a new diet or exercise regimen. Suggested use: great snack in between meals, healthy alternative for a sugar loaded sweet, combine with a few raw nuts, microwave for a few seconds and wrap a green apple, up to 4 per day per flavor.

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS FIBER BOOST - Boost your daily dietary fiber intake with 12 grams of fiber. This flavorless blend of soluble fiber can be added to all hot or cold foods and beverages, including the Chocolate or Vanilla Protein Shakes or the healthy Protein Bars. Fiber helps you feel fuller longer, soothes the colon, and helps support balanced blood sugar. Daily recommended intake of fiber is 25-40 grams per day. Many nutrition experts feel that number is on the low side. Suggested use: start with 1/2 scoop and increase to 2 scoops a day to supplement a healthy diet.

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS HERBAL TEA -- A delicious and mild, caffeine free herbal tea with 9 botanicals for overall health. Assists the daily cleansing of the liver and kidneys by helping to filter and clear toxins. This in turn regulates cholesterol, balances blood sugar and promotes weight loss. Studies show that liver dysfunction is more closely related to obesity than any other single factor. An overburdened liver is one of the reasons people plateau during weight loss. Suggested use: great way to start your morning without caffeine. Great way to calmly end your day. 1-3 X'S per day. Enjoy your tea hot or cold, or our favorite beverage… “Have a Tizzy”… tea with an energy fizz tab over ice.

ARBONNE ESSENTIALS 7 - DAY BODY CLEANSE - Helps cleanse and detoxify the system and suppot the GI tracks. Assists with the gentle elimination of toxins. Greay way to prepare the body for a new weight management regimen. A variety of sea botanicals assist with the elimination of heavy metals while at the same time supporting and protecting internal antioxidant activity. 80% of our immune system is located in our intestinal tract, therefore regular cleansing of the colon, is vital to maintaining your good health. Suggested use: Follow the directions carefully. Start on day 14. You may add a Fizz tab for flavor. Use monthly until you acheive your best self. Use quarterly for maintenance.

ARBONNE FIT ESSENTIALS DIGESTION PLUS offers a 3-tier system to help support optimal digestive health. Enzymes help support extensive breakdown of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and lactose. Supports healthy digestion to help minimize gas and bloating. Probitics re-establish the healthy microflora in the GI tract which helps to promote balance in the digestional tract, support nutrient uptake from the food we eat, and scrub away yeast overgrowth. Prebiotics nourish probiotics. Suggested use: Each single-serving stick packet contains a mild-flavored powder that can be added to any cold or room temperature liquid.

Suggested products for internal repair and increased health include, Arbonne Metabolism Boost, Arbonne Omega-3 Plus, Arbonne Anti-oxidant & Immunity Boost.

Recommended Arbonne Essentials

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Start today...DAILY MEAL PLAN

Wake-up 1 Energy Fizz Tab

1 Herbal Detox Tea “Tizzy”


Protein Shake (refer to page 24 -25 for sample recipes) Daily Fiber Boost (add to one protein shake per day)

Arbonne Essentials Power Pack

Morning Snack 1-2 Fit Chew(s)

1 Herbal Detox Tea 1 Healthy Snack (refer to page 26 for examples)


Protein Shake & Non-starchy vegetables pg. 27-30 or

Balanced Meal

Afternoon Snack 1-2 Fit Chew(s)

1 Energy Fizz Tab 1 Healthy Snack


Protein Shake & Non-starchy vegetables or

Balanced Meal

After Dinner 1 Herbal Detox Tea — optional

Simply Fit Kitchen

For more delicious recipes and ideas

Reminder Be sure to replace either lunch or dinner with a healthy meal instead of just a protein shake.

Drink plenty of water

Recovery Shake

If you work-out intensely for an hour or more, have a recovery shake within 30 minutes of completing your workout. Your next meal will be within 4 hours or when you become hungry.

The recovery shake is in addition to your healthy meal plan.

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Check the box at the end of each day if you followed the Daily Meal Plan on page 10. Remember Simply Fit based on what you eat, not what you don’t eat. Be sure to add comments on how you feel after each day or anything else you want to remember as you progress through the 30 days


6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits



6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits



6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits




6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits



6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits



6-8 ounces Water 2-3 Detox Tea

2-3 Energy Fizz Tabs 2 Protein Shakes

1-2 Fiber Boost 1 Digestion Plus

1 Daily Power Pack 4-6 Fit Chews

Stayed on track Exercise

3 healthy fat 4 high fiber carbs

5 veggies 3 proteins

2 fruits


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Although focusing on eating whole foods and balanced meals of lean protein, carbs and non-starchy vegetables is highly recommended and is safe to follow for a lifetime. It is not expected that you follow the Detox stage permanently. The objective of the program is to get you on the path of a healthy lifestyle and help you understand the impact of the fuel we feed our body. As you begin to gain an understanding of what the various foods do to your system through an isolated introduction, you will be able to choose the most optimal food for your fuel. There is no better description or explanation than the changes people are experiencing in their physical shape, mental clarity and peace of mind on the program. Once the results and feelings become firsthand experience, people crave whole foods far beyond the 30 days. Ideally, follow the elimination process for 6 weeks, often this is enough time to feel better and notice a change. BASED ON THE RESULTS OF YOUR SIMPLY FIT ASSESSMENT SELF TEST... you will reintroduce the restricted foods back into your meal plan one at a time. Eat it at least 2 -3 times a day for 3 days to see if you have a reaction. If you do, note the food and eliminate it for 90 days or until your number changes! This phase will help you to determine the individual effects these various foods have on your body. Some will have no impact while others may make you irritable, bloated, lethargic, congested, etc. Life is too short to axe chocolate forever…or wine…or crème brulee…or whatever your favorites may be. Once you achieve your wellness or weight loss’s about maintenance. That is where the 80/20 philosophy comes into play as a successful way to maintain a whole food based diet while enjoying life. Eat healthy 80 percent of the time - the other 20 percent - eat whatever the heck you like (but not after 9pm). The whole point of eating well for the long term (your whole life) is knowing that you can also have whatever you want sometimes and that yes, a little bit of what you fancy really does do you good. With the 80/20 rule, your body will thank you for helping to restore balance, one meal at a time. Instead of stuffing yourself, give your stomach room to digest your food by only filling it to 80% of capacity. Leave your stomach 20% empty to help your body digest. To maintain the alkaline balance of your blood, your meals should be made up of 80% alkaline-forming foods, like vegetables, with 20% acid-forming foods, like meat. For more tips… . WHAT IS CHEATING? There are generally three beliefs about what constitutes “cheating”: 1. The idea that a cheat day means eating anything during a set period of time (usually either one day

or one meal). Allowing yourself small breaks will keep you motivated!

2. Cheating as making a calculated decision to eat specific things normally avoided for health reasons (like fructose to prevent a glucose spike, caffeine to boost energy, and so on).

3. Accepting that cheating is a natural part of dieting, and therefore isn’t really “cheating” at all, says Greatist expert Lindsey Joe

4. All in all, it appears calculated cheating can boost the benefits of an otherwise restrictive diet. No holds barred bingeing, however, can be dangerous and may even set off a problematic psychological chain reaction. For those who wish to indulge without all the scientific calculations, focus on quenching a craving rather than substituting an entire meal of unhealthy foods for a healthy one.

The key is getting past the guilt of assigning “good” and “bad” tags to various foods. Rather than turning a minor slip-up into a major back-slide, cheaters should simply accept what they ate, and continue with their diet as planned.

Personalize your program

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3 STEPS TO GET STARTED 1. Clean out: Clean out your refrigerator, pantry, kitchen and office of all unhealthy foods (for

example, potato chips, high sodium soups, alcohol, processed foods, candies/sweets, sodas/colas,

high fat/sodium frozen meals, etc.).

2. Stock up: Stock up on healthy foods and snacks from your local grocery store, grower’s market

and/or health food store. A healthy selection of foods at home will encourage healthier eating

and better health; you will feel a difference. (Refer to page 19 healthy food options.)

3. Fill in: Write your way slim: track your own transformation. Recording can help you stick with the

plan. Get a GOAL! (use the Simply Fit 30 day Action Plan found on page 15)


1. Stay hydrated! Water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off! Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. When your drink all the water your body needs, you will quickly notice a decrease in your appetite. If you are serious about losing weight, drinking water is an absolute must! Drink a glass of cold water when you start to feel hungry, as people often confuse mild feeling of thirst with mild hunger. Researchers report that water helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism rate, thus paving way for quick weight loss. Try drinking a glass of water 15 minutes before each meal. The new rule for drinking water is to divide your weight by 2 equals the amount in ounces of water that your body needs per day, The more overweight you are, the more water your body needs daily. Increase water during the 7-Day Cleanse.

2. Slow Down! When feeling very hungry, most people have a tendency to eat too much, too quickly. Be sure to understand portions of veggies, proteins and grains. Take your time when eating so you can properly digest your food. Eat every four hours.

3. Take pictures: Head shot, and profile of full body from front, side and back. Retake again in 6 weeks. Pictures tell the story and will help make your results measurable.

4. Stay on track! The best way to be successful and reach your overall goal is to keep track of what you’re eating and doing each day.

5. Exercise! Whether you are trying to lose weight or get more energy, it is important to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Find new ideas

6. Get some rest! Being healthy is not only about what you are eating, but how you are treating your body. It’s always good to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night.

7. Stay strong! No matter what your goal is, don’t get caught up on your day-to-day progress, but look at your weekly progression. The first two weeks are going to be the hardest, but stick with it and stay strong. “I can eat whatever I want to eat, I just choose NOT to.”

8. Commit! Decide on a goal that works best for you; 30 days - 2 pounds per week - one day at a time – until I am reach my wellness goal, etc. Write it down and stay focused on the day to day actions that will help you achieve it! Let your friends and family know what you are doing and ask for their support. Better yet, ask them to join you on this journey!

9. Learn to actively relax your whole body and lower inflammation, by doing yoga, meditation, deep breathing or soaking in a hot bath with Arbonne detox bath salts while enjoying a cup of detox tea.


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A goal that is not written down has less than a 3% chance of coming true, the minute you write it down

the likelihood of succeeding goes up to 87%. An unwritten idea is a wish, want or dream, but not a goal.

When you write it down, your subconscious begins working for you 24/7!

Avoid setting goals based around your weight. So often people start doing everything right, only to step

on the scale and be disappointed. You look great, feel great but the number hasn’t moved. The reason for

no “apparent” weight loss might just be that you’re better hydrated and have gained a little muscle. It’s

much better to set your goal around fat reduction and changing your numbers, which are far more critical

to your health than a # on the scale. (See pg. 16). Creating the optimal weight, like creating optimal

health, is not a product of problem solving, but of creating. Move toward your goal...You are worth it!

My Personal Statement of Commitment

“I choose to restore my health and wellness, and I choose to do it now.”

Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________

My Personal Goal for the next 30 Days

To _____________________________________________________________________

Obstacles to Achieving my Goal

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

Action Steps

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

Signed ______________________________ Date _________________

Example: to reduce BMI by 1.5 within 30 days. Obstacle: lifestyle (eating out, travel, etc.), lazy habits (not preparing

meals/snacks in advance). Action Steps: plan ahead, when eating out, ask for food to be prepared the way I want it, decrease

calories from poor choices, increase whole foods, prepare menus and consistently shop with a list, stick with the meal plan,


Commit.... MY 30 DAY ACTION PLAN

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When it comes to our wellness journeys, it is true that we all start from a different place. In terms of age, health and

family, background, there is a great diversity in the range of those starting points! But for each of us, recognizing the

importance of an accurate baseline is truly the first step in that journey. Knowing your baseline helps you to

decipher between your own assessment and reality. A baseline will make your results measurable.

Numbers you need to know...

Find your physical baseline

Body Mass Index is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both men and


o CURRENT BMI ______________GOAL BMI ______________

Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories (energy) you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day. If you've

noticed that every year, it becomes harder to eat whatever you want and stay slim, you've also learned

that your BMR decreases as you age. Likewise, depriving yourself of food in hopes of losing weight also

decreases your BMR, a foil to your intentions. However, a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise can

increase your BMR, improving your health and fitness when your body's ability to burn energy gradually

slows down. Remember, leaner bodies need more calories than less leaner ones. Find your number:

o CURRENT BMR ______________ GOAL BMR ______________

Body Fat; your body requires a certain amount of fat is essential to bodily functions. Fat regulates body

temperature, cushions and insulates organs and tissues and is the main form of the body's energy

storage. First, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you weigh

140 pounds and are 10% fat, it means that your body consists of 14 pounds fat and 126 pounds lean

body mass (bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood...). Find your number:

o CURRENT BODY FAT ______________ GOAL ______________

Calories needed to lose weight: find your number

Please remember, however, that these numbers are only one of many possible ways to assess your weight. If you have any health concerns about your weight, please discuss them with your physician, who is in a position, unlike these calculators, to address your specific individual situation.

Current Measurements Goal Measurements

o Weight ______________ ______________

o Neck ______________ ______________

o Chest ______________ ______________

o Waist ______________ ______________

o Bicep ______________ ______________

o Hips ______________ ______________

Find your medical baseline

Blood tests are profoundly useful; you must know where you are. Ask your physician for the following

blood work: fasting blood insulin, CBC, Lipid Panel, Metabolic Panel, Blood Pressure, Electrolytes, Liver

Enzymes, Kidney function, Thyroid, hormones and cortisol.

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It might seem that everyone is toxic. That may be true to differing degrees. The gut is one of the core systems in the body that must be working well for you to be healthy. If you feel lousy, it’s likely you need to clean house. If you have health concerns of any kind or you are overweight, your digestive system could be the root cause. Place a check for each positive answer. Then use the scoring key to identify which how long you should stay with the elimination phase. You should take this quiz before you start the program and once again in 6 weeks. ARE YOU FREQUENTLY EXPOSED TO? Fertilizers Garden pesticides Vehicle fumes Dust Mold Mildew Animal dander Smog Electrical devices Household cleaners Photocopiers Pollution Smoke Heavy metals Paint fumes Rain Dry cleaned clothing Second-hand smoke


Do you experience fatigue or low energy levels?

Do you experience depression or mood swings?

Do you feel sleepy after meals, bloated or gassy?

Do you experience brain fog, lack of concentration and /or poor memory?

Do you experience frequent headaches?

Do you have experience digestive irregularity: constipation, diarrhea, sluggish elimination, irregular movements or less than two bowel movements per day?

Do you experience heart-burn/ indigestion/acid-reflux after eating?

Are you overweight?

Do you experience recurring yeast infections, jock itch, or foot fungus, frequent congestions, colds, viruses?

Do you have bad breath or excessive body odor, foul-smelling gas and stools?

Do you have arthritic aches and pains or stiffness?

Do you have food allergies or skin problems?

Do you take prescription medications (birth control pill), antibiotics, sedatives or stimulants?

Do you crave or eat sugar?

Do you eat fast food, fatty foods, pre-prepared foods or fried foods more than three times a week?

Do you have stress?

Do you consume more thee alcoholic beverages a week?

I have anal itching.

Food is not fully digested in my stool, or large, poorly formed, or foul smelling stools




Acne after adolescence

Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis

Celiac disease

Chronic autoimmune disease (s)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


TOTAL CHECKED _________ 0 - 8: you may have a low level problem with your gut – elimination period for 6 weeks 9 – 12: you have a moderate problem with your gut – elimination period for 6 weeks or until your number changes 13 – Up: you may have a severe problem with your gut – elimination period 6 weeks or until your number changes

Simply Fit assessment

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Food comes in three categories: protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrate. Our bodies need all three to be healthy.

One is not better than the other, though the quality of each is vitally important. Eat a whole foods, high fiber, plant-

based diet which is inherently anti-inflammatory. That means unprocessed, unrefined, real food that is high in

powerful anti-inflammatory plant chemicals called phytonutrients and more.


Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human body, making up about 16 percent of our total body weight.

Muscle, hair, skin, and connective tissue are mainly made up of protein. However, protein plays a major role in all of

the cells and most of the fluids in our bodies. In addition, many of our bodies' important chemicals -- enzymes,

hormones, neurotransmitters, and even our DNA -- are at least partially made up of protein. Although our bodies are

good at “recycling” protein, we use up protein constantly, so it is important to continually replace it. Proteins are

made up of smaller units called amino acids. Our bodies cannot manufacture nine of the amino acids, so it is

important to include all these amino acids in our diets. Animal proteins such as meat, eggs, and dairy products have

all the amino acids, and many plants have some of them. Protein intake varies and depends on your sex, height,

weight and exercise levels. A standard method used to estimate our minimum daily protein requirements is to

multiply the body weight by .37.

HEALTHY FATS It may seem counterintuitive, but fatty foods aren't necessarily fattening. In fact, a diet with a moderate amount of

unsaturated fats -- such as those in avocados, olives, fatty fish, nuts, and oils derived from olives, nuts, and seeds --

may prevent weight gain. Every cell in the body uses fats (also called lipids) in many different ways. Each cell's outer

membrane, and many of its internal structures, are made of lipids, and lipids surround brain and nerve cells like

insulation, making rapid signal transmission possible. We need fats for healthy skin, hair and nails and the

production of steroid hormones. Essential fatty acids help cells be more responsive to insulin, and hence, better

able to escort glucose out of the blood and into cells. Unsaturated fats, to their extra credit, have a favorable effect

on blood cholesterol, offering powerful protection against heart disease. Fats also make it easier for the body to

absorb certain nutrients, such as lycopene (in tomatoes) and lutein (from kale), which means a drizzle of olive oil is a

smart addition to many vegetable dishes. With so many different sources of dietary fat—some good and some bad—

the choices can get confusing. But the bottom line is simple: don’t go no-fat, go good fat. Myth: Fat-free means

healthy. Fact: A “fat-free” label doesn’t mean you can eat all you want without consequences to your waistline.

Many fat-free foods are high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and calories. Keep total fat intake to 20-35% of

calories, Limit saturated fats to less than 10% of your calories (200 calories for a 2000 calorie diet), and Limit trans

fats to 1% of calories (2 grams per day for a 2000 calorie diet). ELIMINATE TRANS FATS!

CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates, a component of food that supplies energy (calories) to the body. Three broad categories of

carbohydrates are sugars (also called simply carbs), starches (also called complex carbs), and fiber. Most carbs end

up as sugar. The big question is how quickly the sugar makes it into our bodies. Does it cause a rapid high rise in

blood glucose (high G.I), or does it break down over a longer period of time (low G.I). The vast majority of the carbs

in the grocery store are rapidly digested. That is because food manufactures have kindly begun the process for us, by

grinding ‘refining’ grains into flour, puffing rice, etc. These “bad” carbs should be avoided because they offer little to

no nutritional value, while adding way too many calories to our diet; making them “empty” calories. Our best and

most nutritious sources of carbohydrates are non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar fruits and legumes. These foods

include most of the best sources of phytonutrients, as well as being loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Legumes can be a good addition to a healthy carb diet, because they contribute slowly digested carbs and resistance

to starch to our diet.

Nutrition’s all about balance

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White meats: chicken breast, turkey (ground or breast), duck

Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake (on-the-go or powder)

Fish (wild freshwater/ocean-caught : salmon, cod, halibut, tuna, sardines, mahi-mahi, sole, wahoo, trout,

snapper, sole, sardines, pompano, mackerel, haddock, sea bass, scrod

Eggs (cage-free and organic) boiled or cooked (without butter/margarine or salt)

Lean red meat : beef, buffalo, veal, venison, lamb, elk, 1X/week

Spirulina (vegan source)

Whenever possible, purchase organic cage-free, grass-fed hormone free and free-range.


Arbonne Omega-3 Plus

Raw nuts and their butters (walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews) NO PEANUTS

Seed and their butters (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax, chia, hemp)

Oil (extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil, coconut, sunflower, sesame, safflower, cod liver)


Milk (coconut, almond)

Butter (pasture raised, organic)

For cooking use coconut oil, olive oil is not recommended for high heat cooking

Whenever possible, purchase, cold-pressed, raw, etc...

When shopping, read the labels and watch out for “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredients.


Leafy greens: kale, collards, spinach, Swiss Chard, herbs, Bok Choy, Bamboo Shoots, lettuce, etc.

Sprouts: bean, alfalfa, etc.

Herbs: parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme, radishes, sea vegetables, mushrooms, cabbage, jicama,

Avocado, asparagus, okra, cucumbers, green beans, wax beans, fennel, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers (all),

summer squash, zucchini, brussels sprouts, scallions or green onions, snow/snap peas, tomatoes, eggplant,

artichokes, turnips, pumpkin, rutabagas, celery, carrots, onions, leeks.

Whole beans (no soy), Lentils, Legumes (of all types)

Grains: eat ones that are whole or intact when cooked, such as brown rice, barley, amaranth or quinoa,

oats, spelt, barley.

Berries, lemon, lime, rhubarb (detox period approved)

o Medium carb fruit: watermelon, peaches, nectarines, melons, guava, apricots, grapefruit

HIGH GLYCEMIC CHOICES (avoid until your numbers change)

Vegetables: beets, peas, winter squash, water chestnuts, parsnips, potatoes in all forms, corn, plantains

Fruit: bananas, mango, grapes, tangerines, cherries, figs, and dried fruit.

Grains: anything processed or enriched. It came out of the ground as close to perfect as it’s going to get, it’s

best to eat it the way mother nature intended.

Fill your cart with weight busting, disease fighting, & energy reviving the perimeter of your

grocery store. Most every product that is found on the inside is dead. You are what you eat!

Power shopping Power shopping...your list

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Do not get overwhelmed. We all start somewhere!

Enjoy experimenting with new grains, legumes and vegetables.

Be creative so you don’t get bored.

If you are going to a health food store to shop for the first time, make sure you have time to look

around and plan on asking for help. Everyone that works in these stores is ready to help and is

very knowledgeable.

When you make your shopping list for the first week, start with the foods you already love. Ease

into the program on food you are familiar with and enjoy eating. Follow the meal plan provided

when making your list: this makes it easier when going to the store the first time. A helpful tool :

the ZipList (app)

Buy Organic Fresh, frozen or if needed, buy canned. Organic food contains up to 40% more

antioxidants. Focus on purchasing organic whole foods free of preservatives, additives, pesticides,

hormones, antibiotics, artificial flavors, and all other possible toxins. This key step will help you

fuel your body for optimal health by eating clean, close to nature and toxin free.

Do not stick to one supermarket, explore your options. Note the differences in price lists from

store to store and keep a look out for the sales. Sign up for any mailing lists that will keep you

informed of price cuts and special offers

BULK! This is a great way to shop for nuts, legumes (lentils and beans), brown rice, spices, quinoa

and other grains.

DRY PACKAGED! Legumes and grains such as brown rice are often packaged and sold in ethnic or

health food sections of grocery stores. Whole Foods even has vacuum sealed packaged cooked

brown rice (add diced veggies and EVOO for a delicious grain salad).

FROZEN! Look for squash, artichoke hearts, lima beans and other veggies.

CANNED! Watch out for high sodium. Read the labels and compare, beans, artichoke hearts in

water, organic soups and organic broths.

REFRIGERATED! Look for Hummus, salsa, rice tortillas, cooked lentils, grain salads and pesto.


beautiful produce you can find. Choose a variety of colors, textures and tastes. Add healthy

servings of greens to every meal! Explore fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, rosemary, lavender and

sage. Find the joy in eating low on the food chain, directly from the earth. Most stores have an

organic produce section but for a wider variety of organic fruits and vegetables, visit your local

Farmers Markets or Healthy Food Stores. Frozen Organic fruits and vegetables are an alternative

when fresh is not available.


Simply Fit! Simply Fit!

Simply Fit daily food diary Power

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Why do I feel bloated after my shakes?

• Do not chug them, take your time and enjoy them.

• Digestion Plus ½ hour before drinking your shake

• Temporarily reduce the amount of fiber I am hungry

• Make sure you have a fist size of protein with each meal

• If protein source is a shake, make sure you eat an abundance of non-starchy veggies

• Make sure you are drinking enough water

• Add a serving of fat to your shakes

• Add more carbs to your shakes (berries, flax meal, and fiber)

• Drink your snacks. Have some water with fiber, fizzy tabs, Detox tea or vegetable broth. I am not losing weight

• Some people will not lose weight until the third week – sometimes change happens in inches...stay with it

• Record everything you are eating and the time of your meals and talk to your accountability team

• Be sure you are not loading up calories in your shakes or snacks (be aware of calories)

• Eat plenty of non-starchy veggies

• Be sure your food portions are reasonable. No second servings I am losing weight and don’t want to

• Add more calories and fat to your shakes (oatmeal, almond butter, avocado, etc.)

• Add a starchy carb to your meals

• Add an extra scoop of protein in your shakes

• Know your BMR and make sure that you are eating adequate calories. I am constipated

• Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day

• Make sure you are getting enough vegetables

• Don’t skip your Digestion Plus or Power Pack

• Keep your bowels moving, at least once or twice a day! And if you can’t get going, then you need some help and this can include Arbonne Colon Cleanse (not on a day you are drinking the cleanse), add two TBSP of ground flax seeds to your shake.

• Move your body!

Do I need the Power Pack – YES!

• The process of detoxifying can make you feel sluggish; it’s not unusual to feel worse before you feel better. The Power Packs will help!

• Does your diet consistently contain all recommended nutrients? Do you maintain a high paced or stressful lifestyle? Do you desire more energy, better concentration, optimal performance, better sleep? Do you desire a feeling of balance and well-being?

Do I need to balance my blood sugar? More than likely...

• Key to successful weight Loss is balancing Blood Sugar Levels. Read more...

• Key to balancing blood sugar if you are having problems losing weight, if you are feeling moody and if you constantly feel the need for caffeine, you may have a problem balancing your blood sugar. Fortunately, not all blood sugar imbalances require drug treatments. By making some diet changes and by engaging in moderate exercise you can help yourself balance blood sugar naturally. Read more…

• Sugar side effect... Sugar can have damaging effects on the human body over time. It is not as harmless as it seems. Read more... ,

Simply Fit!

Go For It!

You Are Worth It!

Frequently asked questions

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Do I need to cleanse?

• Clean the drain! Our bodies are constantly at work to detoxify via the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, lungs and skin. These organs are the bodies’ toxic drains and they need help. Arbonne products are designed to fuel your body, get better, feel better and stay better. Did you know? Over time, the bowels can lose their ability to properly eliminate; deposits of waste matter build up along the wall or in the pockets of the colon. These deposits can get to be 2-3” thick and as hard as tire rubber. Experts believe that the average American and European colons have 5 – 20 pounds of undigested waste. Effecting absorption!

• A National Institute of Health study showed that 4.5 million Americans are constipated most of the time. People who are constipated or irregular can carry up to 40 lbs. or more, which is continually poisoning their body and organs.

• Regular cleansing of the body, and especially the liver and colon, is vital to maintaining your good health. 80% of our immune system is located in our intestinal tract…The body has two brains – one in our head and the second being our gut. Therefore a well-functioning intestine equates to an effective immune system and a healthy brain.

• Detoxification is the process by which the body eliminates toxins from its cells. During this time, you may feel worse before you feel better.

Do I need to exercise?

• Scientific research has shown that people who exercise regularly are healthier physically and mentally, have more energy, think more clearly, and sleep better. Getting regular exercise has also been found to improve your mood, decrease anxiety, decrease the effects of stress and raise self-confidence. Get moving! You’ll feel better and your health depends on it! By exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day you can reduce your risk of heart disease. In fact, studies show that for every hour of walking, you may increase your life expectancy by two hours. Start with a small goal and commit to it regularly. It won’t be long before you’re enjoying the benefits of an active life. Read more... Cardio: is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the

body. The benefits include, burn excess calories, improved heart, increase metabolism, improved hormonal profile, improved recovery ability, improved stress response, increase bone density, burn visceral fat, reduce stress, lower cholesterol, live longer. Cardio exercise should last 20-45 minutes. Go easy when you start and ease into higher intensities. For weight loss, work your way up to 40 minutes of moderately brisk to high- intensity level on at least five days per week. Once you get in habit, you will wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Weight Bearing: Weight training is a type of strength training that uses weights rather than elastic, Eccentric Training or muscular resistance to increase strength. The benefits include, rev up your metabolism, tone up, bulletproof the body, fight the blues, boost self-esteem, increase flexibility, cut down cancer risk, decrease risk of osteopenia, and more. Read more...

o FITNESS TIPS , o Helpful tools: myfitnesspal (app) and “fitter” app

Do I need to work on my mind?

• Subconscious is 88% of your brain and has all habits. It holds old patterns and will hold on to patterns that do not serve your current desire. It is essential to learn to access and enlist a new subconscious. If your mind does not have the correct programs it cannot do the activity. There are great resources on line and through Shad Helmsetter; they suggest passive listening to ‘self-talk’ 21 x’s to change a habit.

Can I continue the 30-Day Feeling Fit program beyond 30 days? YES!

• The Arbonne Essentials 30-Day Feeling Fit Kit is a great way to get started on the path to feeling fit. Once you’ve completed the program, keep going for another 30 days until you reach your ultimate goals, or use the 30-Day Feeling Fit Kit as a jump start to get you on track to better health whenever you need it.

• Put your favorite products on Special Delivery and receive additional savings and FREE products!

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The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises

Dr. Barbara Beaty, ENVP Arbonne, Nutritionist

Toxic Fat, When Good Fat Turns Bad

Food, Inc.

Made to Crave

The Blood Sugar Solution

Simply Fit was developed by a team of mission minded individuals who sought a simple and healthy system for weight loss & wellness. The information in this Presentation (presentation and packet) is provided solely for informational purposes so that you may learn more about the subject. Nothing contained in the Presentation is intended to constitute, nor should it be considered to be, medical advice. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR OR PHYSICIAN BEFORE YOU BEGIN A DIET OR WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. Nothing in this Presentation should be used in place of a visit to, consultation with or the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider. We are not engaged in providing medical or professional advice. Should you have any medical or health care related questions, now or while you are engaged in the Simply Fit program, promptly call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider. You should not disregard or delay seeking medical advice because of something you have heard or read in the Presentation.

Results on this diet assistance program may vary and no promises are being made that the information in this presentation will produce specific results or be error free. The Presentation is provided “As-Is”, without any warranty, and the use of the Presentation is solely at your own risk. The Presentation may include opinions, recommendations, or content from third parties which may not reflect your views. By accepting and using any information contained within or related to this Presentation, you acknowledge and agree that your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to error or dissatisfaction with the Presentation and the information contained therein is to cease using the information or Presentation. You acknowledge and agree that everyone who has contributed to or prepared, distributed or otherwise shared this Presentation with you, disclaims any liability to you, and are NOT LIABLE for losses or damages which may result through the use of the information, products and services presented, discussed or included within this Presentation.

Disclaimer and resources

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How can a shake affect my day? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is hungry and it needs good carbs for the glucose. If your body gets the carbs/glucose it needs in a nice steady stream (no sugar rush), your body is jump-started and ready for the day. Your metabolism gets going converting glucose and fat to energy instead of storing your donut or breakfast cereal as fat. You feel satiated not hungry and your brain gets its glucose so you can concentrate better and think more clearly! To make breakfast do all these wonderful things for you, you want to make sure you get a protein with your carbs. That’s where the shakes and smoothies come in...Additionally, shakes are quick and easy, helping to de-stress your morning! Two shakes a day is a great way to achieve your weight loss or wellness goal and to detoxify your body, enjoy a second shake as a protein replacement for lunch or dinner. Mix it up...let the blender be an exploration of taste, texture and benefits.

Evidence shows that performance of genes has to do with what you eat. Certain foods may be able to repair genetic make-up ... add these top power foods to your shake or smoothie

• APPLE: this fruit is high in fiber, which is mostly found in the skin. Science has demonstrated the apple’s value as an anti-carcinogen and its ability to lower cholesterol. (Best apples; granny smith, gala, red delicious)

• AVOCADO: contain heart healthy fat that may lower cholesterol and lutein that helps to protect against age-related blindness. Helps with the absorption of healthy nutrients of other foods.

• BERRIES: the varied colors of these gems provide anti-oxidants and vitamins that protect against cancer, heart disease and aging. The more colorful—the more anti-oxidant. Don't forget about the cranberries.

• KIWI: one of the best sources of Vitamin C, this fruit is an important anti-carcinogen. It keeps the immune system strong, decreases osteoarthritis and may lower triglyceride levels.

• SPINACH: this colorful vegetable provides beta-carotene and iron. When combined with strawberries, spinach packs a more potent punch. Combine with a healthy fat for better absorption (avocado)

Change the consistency and health benefits of your shakes by adding...

• Almond Milk: Almond milk is lactose-free, plant-derived milk. This enables people who are allergic to lactose to get calcium, among other vitamins and minerals. Almond milk is low in calories and carbohydrates – and is very beneficial for those trying to lose weight. Nuts are heart healthy food and are high in anti-oxidants that may prevent cancer as well. Add Almond Butter for a creamier consistency.

• Add Coconut Milk: Coconut is a beneficial food with numerous attributes that help people thrive when made part of a well-balanced diet. Coconut milk contains many vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and chloride. Coconut can aid in weight loss.

• Add Rice Milk: Rice milk is free from lactose. It contains small trace of protein, but has a significant amount of essential vitamins and carbohydrates. Additionally, it is low in cholesterol and low in calories and can form a great nutritional plan for those trying to lose weight.

• Water

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Benefits of shaking it up....

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2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 8 oz. vanilla almond milk 1/2 can Organic Pumpkin 1/4 tsp. ginger 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. pumpkin spice

AN APPLE A DAY SHAKE 2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 1 small Granny Smith Apple 1/2 ripe avocado Lemon zest 6-8 ice cubes 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency


2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder

1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 1/4 c Frozen or Fresh Blueberries 1/4 Frozen or Fresh Raspberries 1/4 cup Frozen Spinach 6 ice cubes 1/2—1 cup cold water 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency


2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 6-8 whole strawberries 6 ice cubes 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRY SHAKE Substitute –2 scoops Arbonne Chocolate Protein powder


2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 1/4 cup raspberries 1/2 cup blueberries 1/4 cup blackberries Juice from 1 lime plus zest 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency 6 ice cubes

ORANGE – CREAMSICLE SHAKE 2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 1 cup fresh orange juice 1/2 tsp. organic, alcohol free vanilla extract 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency 6 ice cubes

BLUEBERRY – AVOCADO SMOOTHIE 2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1/3 ripe avocado 1 T lime juice and a pinch of zest 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency 6 ice cubes

KEY LIME SLUSHY 2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder

1 scoop Fiber Boost 1 peeled Kiwi 2 lime wedges squeezed, to intensify add lime zest 6—8 ice cubes 1/4 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency TIP: can be made into frozen ice pops ALMOND BUTTER SHAKE 2 scoops Chocolate Protein Shake Mix 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost 7 oz. water (or almond milk) 4–6 ice cubes 1 Tbsp. raw almond butter Blend until smooth

Shakes ...enjoy as a meal replacement and as a meal supplement

CINNAMON BUN SMOOTHIE 2 scoops Arbonne Vanilla Protein powder 1 scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost ¼ tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. organic vanilla extract ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg 1 cup Almond or Coconut milk to desired consistency 6 ice cubes

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Salads and side dishes Snacks and Arbonne protein bars

HEALTHY SNACKS… Arbonne Fit Chews (try rolling the chew in chopped nuts or with a green apple) Steel cut oatmeal (with a scoop of vanilla protein and a one-half cup of almond milk) Unsalted Brown Rice Cakes (plain or with almond butter) Trail Mix Boiled egg Raw fruits and veggies with hummus, almond butter, etc. Brown Rice Chips Raw nuts and seeds

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CHOCOLATE INDULGENCE Ingredients 2 ¾ c Arbonne Fit Essential Chocolate Protein Powder ½ c Arbonne Fit Essential Daily Fiber Boost 3c crisp brown rice cereal ½ c steel cut oatmeal 1 ¼ c raw, locally grown honey 12 oz. almond butter 1c almonds, chopped ½ c dried cranberries, chopped ½ c organic golden-berries, chopped Directions Mix dry ingredients in a bowl Blend almond butter and agave in large bowl and microwave for 70 seconds. Stir thoroughly. Add dry ingredients to large bowl and mix well. Then press combined ingredients into 9x12pan and refrigerate.

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ORIGINAL ARBONNE PROTEIN BAR Ingredients 2 ¾ c Arbonne Fit Essential Chocolate Protein Powder ½ c Arbonne Fit Essential Daily Fiber Boost 2 cups organic peanut butter 1 ¾ cups honey or agave nectar 3 cups rolled oats or crisp brown rice cereal Instructions 1. Mix peanut butter and honey in a microwaveable bowl. 2. Heat for 60–90 seconds. Mix well. 3. Add Protein Shake Mix powder and mix well. 4. Add rolled oats and mix gently. 5. Spread in a 9x13 pan. 6. Refrigerate 1 hour. 7. Cut into 24 squares.

*Consultants recommend using ½ chocolate and ½ vanilla.

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Sassy Salad with Hard Boiled Eggs Ingredients: 4 cups organic mixed lettuce leaves ½ medium avocado, sliced 1/4 small red onion, sliced ¼ c raspberries 4 large strawberries 4 lemon wedges 2 oz. raw pecans 6 hard-boiled eggs Olive oil to taste Directions: Drain washed lettuce in salad spinner. Place lettuce in a large shallow bowl. Boil, cool & peel 6 eggs. Arrange onions, strawberries, pecans, raspberries, & avocado over lettuce.

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Summer Salad with Chicken Ingredients: 4 c field greens ½ c. walnut or pecan piece s 1 granny smith apple 4 ounces goat cheese 1 TBS. lemon juice Directions: Chop walnuts, toss greens with walnuts in a medium-size serving bowl. Core and cut apples into slices. Spritz apples with lemon juice to prevent browning. Arrange apples on top of greens. Crumble goat cheese on top of salad. Serve with dressing of choice. Option: add chicken

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Wilted kale salad with creamy chipotle dressing Ingredients 2 heads kale 2 tsp. sea salt (or to taste) ½ tsp. cracked pepper (or to taste) 2c baby tomatoes, sliced 1 c hulled hemp seeds For the dressing 2 avocados 1 chipotle pepper 3 Tbsp. olive oil 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice Directions Remove the stems and wash and cut the kale into small pieces. Place into a bowl; add salad to massage the kale until it takes on a ‘cooked’ texture. Add the tomatoes and hemp seeds and mix by hand. Blend all remaining ingredients in a high speed blender until creamy. Mix into the kale by hand.

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Strawberry-Avocado Salsa with Cinnamon Tortilla Chips Ingredients 2 tsp. grape seed oil 2 tsp. grape seed or olive oil 6 brown rice tortillas 2 tsp. stevia mixed with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 1/2 ripe avocado, finely chopped 2 TBS fresh cilantro, finely minced & 2 TBS scallion, finely minced 2 tsp. fresh squeezed lime juice 1 c finely chopped strawberries Directions Brush both sides of tortilla with @ tsp. oil, cut into triangles with pizza cutter and scatter on cookie sheet, bake in 350° oven for 10 minutes until crispy. Remove from oven and sprinkle with cinnamon mixture. Optional – give them a dash of sea salt to enhance flavor. Mix remaining ingredients for salsa

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Quinoa with Poached Egg, Spinach & Cucumber Ingredients 1 ½ c cooked quinoa 1 garlic clove, sliced 1 TBS. grape seed oil 5 ounces spinach, rinsed 2 TBS. EVOO 1 carrot, peeled and julienned 5 ounces spinach, rinsed ½ tsp. sea salt (or to taste) ¼ cucumber, thinly sliced 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice Red chili flakes to taste 1 tsp. minced chives large eggs (2) Directions Heat 1 tablespoon grape seed oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook, about 1 minute. Add spinach and steam, covered, until wilted, about 1 minute. Season with salt. Transfer to plate. Rinse pan and fill with 2 inches water; bring to a boil. Add carrot and cook until tender, about 1 minute. Transfer to plate. Reduce heat to a simmer and poach eggs, 3 to 4 minutes. Divide quinoa between bowls. Top with egg, spinach, carrot, and cucumber. Whisk lemon juice and 2 tablespoons olive oil; season with salt. Drizzle over bowls. Sprinkle with red chili flakes and chives

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Sweet Potato with Apple and Avocado Ingredients 1 l b. potatoes, peeled and cut into ½ “cubes 1 medium apple 1 c cucumber, peeled, seeded, and chopped ¼ c unsalted hulled pumpkin or pepitas 1 medium apple, diced (Granny Smith or Braeburn) ¼ c small onion finely chopped ¼ c cilantro 2 TBS. EVOO ¼ c fresh lime juice ½ avocado finely chopped Directions Place sweet potatoes in a large saucepan, and cover with water. Bring to a boil, and cook 4 -5 minutes. Drain in colander and rinse under cold water to cool. Drain well. Toast seeds in a dry skillet over medium-high heat 3-4minutes or until they begin to pop. Cool on plate. Combine apple, cucumber, onion, cilantro, and lime juice in a large bowl. Stir in sweet potatoes and oil; add salt and pepper to taste Stir in avocado and toasted pumpkin seeds just before serving.

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Main Dishes

Roasted Chicken with Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Ingredients 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts (about 2 pounds total) 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil ¾ cup, chopped, drained sun-dried tomatoes in oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 6 TBS pine nuts, lightly toasted 2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil Directions Preheat oven to 400°F

Make pesto, put sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, 4 TBS pine nuts and 2/3 cup oil into food processor and process to a coarse paste, set aside. Arrange chicken in large dish/roasting pan, brush each breast with remaining oil. Place a TBS of red pesto over each breast, using back of spoon, spread pesto so that it covers the top of each breast. Store remainder of pesto in an airtight container for up to a week. Roast the chicken for 30 minutes or until juices run clear. Serve sprinkled with remaining toasted pine nuts.

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CHICKEN STIR-FRY Ingredients 4 boneless chicken breasts 1 c veggie broth ½ tsp. Ginger 1-2 cloves garlic 1small onion cut into wedges 3 TBS coconut oil 2 TBS Tamari Add a variety of organic vegetables; broccoli, zucchini, summer squash, celery, bok choy, etc. sliced into uniform pieces. Directions Cut chicken into ½ -in. strips; place in a resealable plastic bag. Combine Tamari, ginger, and garlic; add to bad and shake well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. In a large skillet, heat 2 TBS of oil; stir-fry chicken until no longer pink, about 3-5 minutes. Remove and keep warm. Add remaining oil; stir-fry veggies until crisp-tender. Add veggie broth. Return chicken to pan. Stir together and serve over brown rice or quinoa.

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FISH LIME BAKE Ingredients ½ lb. fresh, wild caught fish fillets ¼ c fresh squeezed lime juice 2 TBS capers ¼ cup fresh dill ¼ c chopped scallions Directions Arrange the fish fillets in a baking dish, sprinkle with the lime juice, capers, fresh dill and scallions

Bake, covered, at 325º F for 15-20 minutes or until the fish flakes easily

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Main course

Turkey Chile

Ingredients 1 ½ teaspoons olive oil 1 pound ground turkey 1 onion, chopped 2 cups water 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes ½ tsp. ground black pepper 1 tablespoon garlic minced 2 tbsp. chili powder ½ tsp. paprika ½ tsp. dried oregano

½ tsp. ground cayenne pepper ½ tsp. ground cumin

½ tsp. salt

1 (16 ounce) can kidney beans drained, rinsed and mashed

Directions Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Place turkey in the pot and cook until evenly brown. Stir in onion and cook until tender. Pour water into the pot. Mix in tomatoes, kidney beans and garlic. Add chili powder, paprika, oregano, cayenne pepper, cumin, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 30 minutes. Top with slices of avocado

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Yummy Meatloaf Ingredients 4 ounces of ground meat (beef, veal or turkey) ¼ cup spinach chopped ¼ cup onion, diced 1 clove garlic, minced 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped 1 tablespoon no salt added Muir Glen Tomato sauce Directions Preheat oven to 400°, place meat, spinach, onion, garlic, cayenne and parsley in bowl of food processor and blend. Press into mini loaf pan, glaze top with tomato sauce. Bake for about 30 minutes. Makes 1 serving

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Grilled Rosemary – Salmon Spedini Ingredients 1 lb. center-cut salmon, cut into 1” cubes 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tsp. minced fresh rosemary 2 tsp. EVOO 1 tsp. fresh grated lemon zest 1 tsp. lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped ½ tsp. kosher salt ¼ tsp. freshly ground pepper 1 pint cherry tomatoes Directions Preheat grill to medium high. Combine rosemary, oil, garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a medium bowl, add salmon, and toss to coat. Alternating the salmon and tomatoes, divide among 8 12” skewers. Oil the grill; grill the Spedini, carefully turning once, until the salmon is cooked through. 4-6 minutes total.

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