Simple Ways to Repair Your Home Air Conditioners

Simple Ways to Repair Your Home Air Conditioners

Transcript of Simple Ways to Repair Your Home Air Conditioners

Simple Ways to Repair Your Home Air Conditioners

Air conditioning Repairs

When an air conditioner fails during the summer months, you have to explore quick ways to get it repaired. You have to avail the services of a professional to get central air conditioning repaired. But certain parts of a home or window air conditioner can be fixed without hiring a professional. That is why; it is always important to understand how to identify and fix the common problems. The DIY solutions for common home air conditioning repairs will further help you in saving both time and money.

Air conditioning Repairs

Six DIY Solutions for Home Air Conditioning Repairs

1) Check the Breaker

When the breaker is tripped, the air conditioner will stop functioning. There are also chances that you may be using a single breaker to operate the air conditioner along with lights and other appliances. So whenever the conditioner stops working, you must check if the breaker is tripped.

2) Examine the Thermostat

Often the setting and condition of the thermostat can make the air conditioner fail. If you have a battery-operated thermostat, the unit may require you to replace the battery. Also, you have to check the settings, and ensure that the thermostat is set for a temperature that is lower than the room temperature. Also, you need to check if the unit is turned off.

Air conditioning Repairs

3) Examine the Ducts

Sometimes the air conditioners fail due to loose or dirty ducts. The loose ducts leak air, whereas the dirty ducts block the air flow. So you must check the ducts to ensure that the air is coming out of them. You must tighten or clean the ducts to make the air flow through them. Also, you need to check if the register is accidentally closed partly or fully.

4) Change the Filter

You can always avoid air conditioning repairs by changing the filters at regular intervals. Often air conditioners fail due to clogged or dirty filters. The clogged or dirty filters further impact the cooling efficiency of the system by blocking air flow. So you must check the filters, and get those replaced consistently.

5) Melt Any Ice

When the air conditioner is iced up, it fails to keep the room cool. So you must look for the ice, and get the ice melted by following a simple procedure. Just turn the air conditioning system off, and then run the fan to melt the ice quickly. Otherwise, you can simply turn the system for some time to allow the ice to melt on its own.

Air conditioning Repairs

6) Clean the Air Conditioner thoroughly

The cooling efficiency of the air conditioner is also impacted by dirty units. You can simply clean certain units to make the air conditioning system work properly. You have to clean the fan blades carefully, while removing the dust and debris around the unit. Likewise, the condenser fins also need to be cleaned carefully. But you must remember to turn the air conditioner off before starting the cleaning process.

However, you must remember that a professional can repair your home air conditioner more effectively. Along with identifying and fixing the problem, he can further recommend solutions to avoid frequent home air conditioning repairs, while improving its overall performance.

Thank You……………………

Cowan Air