Simple Integration Use Case Maximo

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  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case

    Exercise 1 : Create the web service.........................................................................................2

    Exercise 2 : Deploy the web service .......................................................................................4

    Exercise 3 : Test the service....................................................................................................8

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    In this exercise, you will learn how to activate a Maximo inbound web service. This web

    service will allow an external system / application to create a Service Request in Maximo.

    From this remote creation, any regular Maximo action could then be taken by the users.

    Enabling this type of capability consists in performing the following tasks :

    Create the web service (in our case, we will start from the default MXSR objectstructure)

    Deploy the web service

    Test it. Since we dont have any external system to test with, you will simulate theexternal system by using SOAP UI ( that is installed on the

    virtual image and that can be used to test web services.

    Exercise 1 : Create the web service

    ___ 1. Sign in to Maximo as Mike Wilson.

    User: wilsonPassword: wilson

    ___2. Go to the Web Services Library (Go ToIntegrationWeb Services Library)

    ___3. Use the Select Action drop down menu to create a new web service from an ObjectStructure (Select ActionCreate Web ServiceCreate WS from Object Structure)

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___4. The Create Web Service from an Object Structure Service

    Definitionwindow opens. Select the MXSRobject structure by selecting the

    corresponding checkbox.

    ___5. Click on the Createbutton :

    The MXSR object structure service has been created and now appears on the Web Services

    Library list:

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    Exercise 2 : Deploy the web service

    ___1. In the List, select the MXSR service :

    ___2. Review the service you have just created. As it is an Object Structure based service, the

    Create, Update, Delete, Sync and Query operations have been automatically defined.

    You can click on Generate Schema / View XMLto view sample input/ouput messages for

    each operations :

    A new View XML window open :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___3. Click on OK when you are done reviewing the messages.

    As you could see, by default, all Service Request attributes are included in the messages.

    Maximo provides an easy way of selecting which attributes will be available through that web

    service. Should you be interested in this, you can :

    ___a. Go to the Object Structures module (Go ToIntegrationObject Structures)

    ___b. Search for the object structure we are working with (MXSR) :

    ___c. Click on MXSR to open the record.

    ___d. Use the Select Action Exclude/Include Fields action (Select ActionExclude /

    Include Fields)

    ___e. This opens the Exclude / Include Fields window. In this window, you can select which

    attributes should be excluded from the integration messages (by default none are excluded but

    some system fields) :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___f. When you are done reviewing this capability, go back to the Web Service Library to go

    on with the lab (Go ToIntegrationWeb Services Library).

    ___4. Use the Select Action menu to deploy the web service (Select ActionDeploy Web


    Once deployed, a confirmation message gets displayed :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___5. You can double-check that you can reach the web service endpoint :

    ___a. Open an Internet Explorer page

    ___b. Browse to http://vm100:9999/meaweb/wsdl/MXSR.wsdl. You should be able to

    visualize the service WSDL that describes the different operations available :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    Exercise 3 : Test the service

    You will now use soapUI to test the service and remotely create a Service Request.

    ___1. Use the desktop shortcut to launch soapUI

    ___2. Add the MXSR WSDL to the existing MX71 project. Right-click on the MX71

    project and select Add WSDL:

    ___3. The Add WSDL window opens. Copy & Paste the previous WSDL URL(http://vm100:9999/meaweb/wsdl/MXSR.wsdl) in the WSDL location input field :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___4. soapUI loads the service definition. When it is done, you should see the different ports

    and related operations in the project explorer:

    ___5. Default request messages have been created for each operation. Open the request1

    request under the CreateMXSR operation of the MXSRSOAP11Binding (double-click on

    MXSRSOAP11Binding / CreateMXSR / request1)

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    As you can see, all Service Request attributes are available to be filled by the external system.

    They are optional though. Thanks to this, in the context of this exercise you will enter a

    minimal set of information.

    ___6. Create a New request message for the CreateMXSR operation, by right-clicking on the

    CreateMXSR operation of the MXSRSOAP11Binding port :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___7. Give the request message a name of your choice :

    ___8. Do not chooseto create the optional elements in schema, as you will only specify a

    small subset of them :

    ___9. Replace the generated content by the following XML message (you can find a

    createsr.xml file on your virtual machine hard drive that contains the same content under My

    Documents) :

    Window and Frame are




  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___10. Basic authentication is activated on your Maximo application server. Therefore, you

    have to specify some credentials in order to be able to perform the service request creation.

    Within soapUI, click on the Auth section at the bottom of the requestto specify those

    credentials :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___11. The Authentication area opens. Specify the following credentials :

    Username: wilson

    Password: wilson

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    ___12. With those settings set, you are ready to submit the request. Click on the green arrow

    to submit the request :

    ___13. After a couple of seconds, you should see the Maximo response in the response area

    (right panel) :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM.

    In this example you can see that the Service Request 1149 was created. Any error would also

    been displayed in that area. If you have any issue, please reach out to one of the instructors.

    ___14. Back to Maximo, we will now check the details of the Service Request you just

    created. If needed, log in as wilson / wilson.

    Go to the Service Requests module (Go ToService DeskService Requests) :

    ___15. Look for your service request by filtering on the service request ticket id that was

    returned to you in soapUI (in our example : 1149) :

  • 8/11/2019 Simple Integration Use Case Maximo


    Tivoli Maximo Enterprise Asset Management 7.1 One day workshop for IBM Business Partners

    Lab 3: Simple Integration Use Case


    Course materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM

    ___16. You can click on the record link to display the content of the Service Request.

    Once you have reached this point, you can go on with the next lab (Lab 4 : Using the

    Workflow Engine).