Simp Ulan

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Of seminars delivered by presenters concluded that hypertension isHypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and a diastolic pressure greater than 90 mmHg, 1. Classification of Hypertension 1. Essential (Primary) Hypertension1. Secondary Hypertension1. Clinical Manifestations1. Physical examination may reveal no abnormality other than high blood pressure.1. Changes in the retinas with hemorrhages, exudates, narrowed arterioles, and cottonwool spots (small infarctions), and papilledema may be seen in severe hypertension.1. DiagnosisNursing Diagnoses1. Deficient knowledge regarding the relationship between the treatment regimen and control of the disease process1. Noncompliance with therapeutic regimen related to side effects of prescribed therapy1. Nursing Interventions1. Increasing Knowledge0. Emphasize the concept of controlling hypertension (with lifestyle changes and medications) rather than curing it.1. Recommend support groups for weight control, smoking cessation, and stress reduction, if necessary.1. Promoting Home- and Community-Based Care1. Teaching patients self-care1. Help the patient achieve blood pressure control through education about managing blood pressure, setting goal blood pressures, and providing assistance with social support; encourage family members to support the patients efforts to control hypertension.1. Provide written information about the expected effects and side effects of medications; ensure patient understands importance of reporting side effects (and to whom) when they occur.1. Encourage and teach patient to measure their blood pressure at home; inform patient that blood pressure varies continuously and that the range within which their pressure varies should be monitored.

1. EvaluationExpected Patient Outcomes1. Maintains adequate tissue perfusion1. Complies with self-care program1. Experiences no complications