Silver Spur - Act 1 - Feature Screenplay

SILVER SPUR Written by Sean Arthur [email protected] 08340

Transcript of Silver Spur - Act 1 - Feature Screenplay

Page 1: Silver Spur - Act 1 - Feature Screenplay


Written by

Sean Arthur

[email protected] 08340

Page 2: Silver Spur - Act 1 - Feature Screenplay



A desert extends for miles, vast and dry. The sun beams down ruthlessly. There is no water nor any signs of any life, save for the occasional cactus or rattlesnake. The desert takes no survivors.

It is all quiet. Suddenly, there is a loud clopping noise as a single horse and its RIDER walk into sight, revealing a worn-down path. The path extends into the horizon, where the outline of a single town can be seen.


The path leads to the bustling town of Coyote Springs. In sharp contrast to the desert, the town is alive. PEOPLE mingle among restaurants, stores, and more in the town square.

The bar in the town square buzzes with TOWNSFOLK coming in and out.


The mood of the bar matches that of the active town square. PATRONS socialize in the bar setting. This is the place to be in Coyote Springs.

The bartender PAUL (40s, graying) keeps the mood going by interacting with the crowd.

PAUL...and then I told her, ‘If that’s the case, you can throw me in jail too!”

The bar roars with laughter and applause.

The laughter is cut short as the sound of spurs against the wooden planks of the front porch echoes throughout the bar. Paul and the other patrons quiet down as GUS, a 32 year old grizzled bandit, makes his way inside.

Some of the patrons leave in a rush, but those who stay give Gus his space. A tall man, he smells strongly of whiskey. The sound of spurs clicking against the ground is only interrupted by the clanking of Gus’ gun against its holster.

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Gus ignores the other patrons and makes his way to the bar, sitting across from Paul. He motions for a drink. Paul hesitates.

PAUL (CONT’D)What’ll it be?

GUSYour strongest whiskey. Straight.

Paul wavers for a second, but eventually retrieves Gus’ order. As he pours, the bar starts to light up again. A potentially deadly situation has been averted.

Gus eyes the whiskey, gives it a twirl, and drinks it all down. He doesn’t flinch.

GUS (CONT’D)I really like coming back here, ya know? Really nice set up here. Good whiskey too.

Paul remains calm. The jovial demeanor from before has been replaced with cautious anxiousness.


Gus nods. Paul pours. The situation repeats itself.

Gus raises his finger to Paul, as if asking for permission to ask a question.

GUSI heard, you know, through the grapevine that a certain deputy no longer caters to the good people Coyote Springs.

Paul tenses up. It is revealed that there’s a gun underneath the bar. Gus ignores the gun, picks up a cup and begins cleaning it.

PAULYeah. Ol’ Yale went running off to the next town over about, err, two years ago. Never came back.

Gus snickers. He’s clearly pleased with this development.

GUSWhy not? What did the poor bastard in? Rattlesnake?


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Paul eyes Gus. He knows he’s messing with him, but decides to play along in the hopes of avoiding conflict.

PAULYou’d think so, right? Nope, it was that notorious outlaw a few years back, the one in the black hat with the silver spurs. Never caught the guy. Poor Jasper was devastated.

Gus motions for another drink. Paul obliges.

GUSIs that so? Well, that’s a real shame. Poor kid.

Gus downs his drink.

GUS (CONT’D)But in that case, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to rob you dry.

Gus whips out his pistol and aims it at Paul, who stares with wide eyes. Most of the other patrons run out. Paul slowly reaches for the gun under the bar.

GUS (CONT’D)This is how it’s going to happen. Nobody does anything stupid--

Gus eyes the remaining patrons.

GUS (CONT’D)--and Paul here doesn’t lose his head.

Gus eyes down Paul.

GUS (CONT’D)And Paul, don’t lose your head unless you really want to. Understand?

Paul continues to reach for the gun. Gus takes notice and hits Paul across the head with the gun. Paul flinches and grabs his head, bleeding. The gun remains under the bar.

GUS (CONT’D)You’re not a very good listener, are you? What is it with you Coyote Springs people? Don’t low ball me, Paul.


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Gus grabs the gun from under the bar. Paul scrambles to fill Gus’ bag with money from the bar. Gus keeps the gun pointed at Paul’s head, dripping with blood and sweat. The remaining patrons can only stare, afraid to do anything.

Paul hands over the money. Gus retrieves the bag and, with one last whiskey shot, makes his way to the exit.

GUS (CONT’D)Damn, it’s good to be back. Pleasure doing business with you fine people.

A shadow covers Gus’ face as a younger, tall man steps into doorway. JASPER, the 26 year old deputy of Coyote Springs, prevents Gus from exiting the bar. He’s clean shaven, with his dark hair covered by a cowboy hat and a clean “deputy” badge pinned to his uniform.

Jasper makes the first move.

JASPERSon of a bitch, if it isn’t Gus Valle. What are you doing back? I thought you were locked up in Grapevine?

Gus winces, unsure of who is speaking to him, but carries on the conversation. He keeps his finger on the trigger.

GUSDamn right I was. Did my time. What’s it to you?

JASPERAnd the first thing you do is rob your hometown bar? How stupid can you be?

Jasper makes his way to his gun and gets his hand on the holster. Gus notices and points his gun at Jasper. Jasper doesn’t flinch.

GUSI just heard through a little birdie that the ol’ deputy finally keeled over. Figured I’d finish what I started.

JASPERBecause the last time you robbed this bar turned out so great for you, right?


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Gus, clearly annoyed, starts making his way closer to Jasper. His gun remains pointed at the deputy.

GUSI don’t need to explain myself to someone like you. Now get out of my way before you end up like the last deputy: dead and--

Before Gus can finish his sentence, Jasper quick draws his gun and shoots Gus in the hand. With a scream of pain, Gus drops the gun. Jasper puts his gun in his holster and calmly walks over to the bleeding bandit, his own boots creaking the floorboards.

Not defeated, Gus acts quickly and pulls out the gun he took from under the bar. He raises the gun to a surprised Jasper.

GUS (CONT’D)You think you’re hot stuff, cowboy?

Gus excitedly pulls the trigger. To his surprise, nothing comes out. As he continues to pull the trigger, Jasper crouches closer to a get a good look at the gun and smiles.

JASPERThat’s Paul’s, isn’t it? Man could never kill a fly. That gun’s just for show.

Gus looks at the gun in shock and then back up to Jasper, who just continues to smile.

JASPER (CONT’D)You’ve been gone for too long, Gus.


The jail of Coyote Springs is cramped. The floors are covered with dirt. It looks as if the place hasn’t been cleaned in months. Four large cells line the wall, although they’re empty at the moment.

The sheriff OMAR (40s, stout with a mustache) sits at his desk at the rear of the jail, facing the cells. He’s impatient, but carries an aura of respect.

Jasper enters with Gus in handcuffs. Omar looks up at the clock and then back to Jasper, his impatience seeming to dwindle. His eyes light up when he sees Gus.


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OMARWell, I’ll be damned! Is that Gus Valle?

JASPERYou’d be correct, sheriff. Gus here thought it’d be fun to rob Paul’s place again. Should’ve seen his face when he tried shooting Paul’s gun.

Omar can only laugh. Gus looks at the two men with disdain, his pride clearly hurt. He can’t believe he was caught again. Omar, with a smile on his face, addresses Gus.

OMARSeriously, what’s the matter with you boy? One whupping ain’t enough?

Jasper takes Gus to the nearest jail cell and locks him in, his hands still cuffed. He closes the door. Gus merely collapses on the dirt ground of the cell.

OMAR (CONT’D)It’s actually poetic, you know? Yale kicks your ass for trying to rob Paul’s place, and then a few years later, you try again and Jasper kicks it too.

Gus’ eyes light up at Jasper’s name. Instantly, he recognizes who his captor is and his relation to the previous deputy. He ponders for his next move and addresses Jasper.

GUSHey, have I got some information for yo--

JASPERSave it for the judge. Tomorrow I’m gonna send you so far away you won’t ever see Coyote Springs again. Clearly, Grapevine is too close for you.

Jasper makes his way to Omar’s desk, who starts to get up himself.

GUSWhat if I told you I know where Silver Spur is?

Jasper’s eyes light up and his head perks up. With a quizzical, anxious look, he turns around and faces Gus.


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JASPERWhat did you say?

GUSYou heard me. I know where your brother’s killer is.

Omar glances at Gus and then back to Jasper, whose fingers rapidly tap the desk. He’s flustered and curious, but doesn’t want to get involved with Gus. He knows he’s probably lying, but wishes he wasn’t.

Omar leans down to Jasper.

OMARDon’t trust this guy. He’s clearly lying. There hasn’t been a word about Silver for years.

Jasper doesn’t move. Gus sees his chance.

GUSYou haven’t been outside much have you sheriff? I swear to God, I know where Silver is.

Jasper gets out of his chair and marches to the cell block. Gus looks up in a smile, his hands still cuffed.

JASPERHow do you know?

OMARJasper, don’t. He’s playing you for a fool.

GUSWell hell, I ran with his gang! I know his crew and his plans pretty much inside and out.

Jasper starts pacing the floor. Gus knows he’s winning the battle.

GUS (CONT’D)That’s right. I was right there with them, up until two nights ago.

Jasper stops his pacing.

OMARAnd why, if I may ask, are you not with them anymore? Were they tired of your bullshit too?


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GUSNot quite. Silver’s pretty ruthless. I got away, but barely. I wouldn’t mind putting a bullet in him myself.

Omar goes up to Jasper with a look of concern. Jasper wavers and then steps aside Omar to confront Gus in the jail cell.

JASPERWhere is he?

GUSThat’s sort of the point, Jasper.

Jasper, frustrated, calms himself down. He tries again.

JASPERWhat do you want?

GUSMy freedom of course. And I swear on my mother, I won’t step foot in Coyote Springs again.

OMARYeah, sounds reliable coming from someone who betrayed his own hometown and is prepared to betray his old gang leader too.

Omar trudges back over to Jasper. His voice is filled with apprehension and uneasiness. Jasper keeps his eyes on Gus, whose demeanor has gotten colder.

OMAR (CONT’D)Jasper, you can’t do this. I can’t allow it. He nearly killed Paul.

Jasper leans into Omar’s ear and whispers something inaudible. Gus leans forward in hopes of hearing, but is unsuccessful. Jasper leans back out and Omar sighs.

OMAR (CONT’D)I suppose you’re right.

Jasper looks down at Gus.

JASPERYou win. Your freedom is granted on the reliability of your testimony.


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Gus gets to his feet, a genuine smile covering his face. Jasper takes out a set of keys and motions for Gus to turn around. Gus does so and Jasper begins unlocking the handcuffs from the other side of the cell.

JASPER (CONT’D)Never set foot in Coyote Springs again, you hear? If you do, there won’t be another chance.

Jasper unlocks the cuffs and grabs them, pinning them to his belt. Gus massages his sore hands.

OMARNow talk.

GUSLast I saw Silver, he was going on about Coppell, a couple towns over to the West. Something about the nightlife and a fancy bank that just opened.

JASPERAnd you think he’s there?

GUSI mean, I don’t know for sure. But if I were a betting man, that’s where I’d put my money.

Jasper and Omar glance at each other and then back to Gus, who continues to massage his hands and wrists.

JASPERAnd how dangerous is he?

Gus starts laughing.

GUSKid, if you think you can take him down by yourself, you’re already dead.

Jasper snickers.

JASPERGood thing I’ve never heard of a man dying twice.

Jasper and Omar leave Gus in the cell. Gus, understanding the situation, becomes agitated, confused, and frustrated. He begins yelling.


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GUSHey! What the hell do you think you’re doing? We had a deal! Let me go!

Jasper turns around in the doorway.

JASPEROh, we had a deal alright. Remember? Your freedom is granted on the reliability of your testimony.

Gus can’t believe what he’s hearing. He starts rattling the bars of the cell.

JASPER (CONT’D)We have to make sure that Silver’s in Coppell first. If you’re telling the truth, then like we agreed, your freedom is granted.

GUSYou two are crooks! Corrupt, lying, pieces of--


Omar and Jasper leave the jailhouse and the rabid Gus behind. The streets are quiet in the little town. The silence of the night is interrupted by the occasional chirping of crickets and the bustling coming from the Paul’s bar.

Jasper walks around the jailhouse to a stable, where two horses lie. Omar approaches Jasper while he gets his horse ready.

OMARSo, do you really think that Silver is out there?

JASPERWhat have I got to lose?

OMARAnd you’re leaving tonight?

JASPERI’ve gotta leave tonight, Omar. I can get to Coppell by morn’. If Silver is there, I’ll find him.


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OMARAnd then what? Shoot him in cold blood? No trial, nothing?

JASPERIt’s what Yale would’ve wanted.

Omar sighs loudly. He takes off his cowboy hat and tries to reach Jasper on an emotional level. Jasper continues to tend to his horse

OMARBut you’re not Yale. You’re Jasper.

Jasper doesn’t look up, but continues to tend to the horse.

OMAR (CONT’D)Look, it’s noble for you to want to avenge him, but you’re walking into your own grave. This isn’t smart. Silver’s killed so many people.

JASPERYes, including my own brother. This isn’t just for him; we can’t let this outlaw ever near Coyote Springs.

Jasper finishes tending to the horse and saddles it up. He finally looks at Omar, who tries one last time to prevent him from riding to Coppell.

OMARAt least let me go with you. Two heads are better than one.

JASPERYou can’t, Omar. You know that. Someone’s gotta watch over Coyote Springs and keep an eye on Gus in there. He’s dangerous.

Jasper gets up on his horse. He checks the rounds in his revolver and puts it back in his holster. He looks down at Omar.

JASPER (CONT’D)I’ll be back in two days. If he’s there, I’ll find him and deal with him. We’ll play it by ear. Fair?

Jasper kicks his horse and starts to trot off. Omar yells back to his deputy.


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OMARJust don’t do anything stupid, Jasper. I can’t afford to lose another deputy. Not even Yale could capture this guy.

JASPERThen it’s a good thing I’m not Yale, but Jasper, right?

Jasper smirks at Omar and then kicks his horse again, sending the mount into a full gallop. Omar sighs and can only stare as Jasper rides off out of town into the desert night.


The moon is high in the sky and the stars rain light from up above. The silence of the desert at night dwarves that of the town. The occasional rustle of dirt or rattlesnake give the night its sound track.

The only other noise is provided by Jasper and his horse. The two trek along a heavily beaten path, the horse’s previous gallop turning into a fast walk. Jasper remains stern.

It’s revealed that the deputy badge on Jasper’s chest carries the name of Yale. It’s Yale’s old badge.

Jasper reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old “WANTED” poster with the face of the notorious Silver Spur. The face is slightly warped after years of abuse. His bushy eyebrows and beard give him a prominent profile. His dark, menacing eyes are barely visible on the parchment.

Jasper rolls the poster up and puts it back in his pocket. Looking ahead and seeing nothing, he kicks his horse to start galloping again.

A loud gunshot suddenly echoes throughout the desert.

The horse takes a few jarring gallops and collapses dead, sending Jasper flying off the reins. His badge also goes flying. Jasper tries to collect himself and reach for his gun, but is pistol whipped by a BALD BANDIT (30s, slender) and falls.

BALD BANDITWhoo-ee! Hell of a shot there Marty! Poor fella didn’t have a clue.


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MARTY, a short, 30s looking man with unkempt brown hair, approaches the Bald Bandit from the darkness of the desert. His gun is still smoking hot from his deadly shot.

MARTYIt’s what I was born for! Let’s see what this bastard’s got on him.

From the darkness a FAT BANDIT (also 30s, stout) reveals himself. His heavy breathing suggests that the three bandits have been running to intercept Jasper for a while.

The Fat Bandit wheezes as he speaks.

FAT BANDITSon of a bitch. Why couldn’t we have robbed this guy closer to Coyote Springs? Why’d we have to follow him for so long?

MARTYYou know damn well why. You think it’d be easy to rob this guy and shoot his horse if their deputy wanted to get involved?

The Fat Bandit looks down at himself, still breathing heavily. The Bald Bandit continues to rummage through Jasper’s bags while Jasper himself struggles to get to his feet.

MARTY (CONT’D)And now look where we are! Miles from any potential towns or potential troublemakers. We’ll be feasting tonight boys.

Jasper manages to get to his knees. He goes to get his gun, but can’t find it in his holster. He starts searching the ground nearby.

BALD BANDITLooking for this?

Jasper darts upwards and sees the Bald Bandit teasing him with his gun. Jasper, broken and bleeding, realizes that he has no weapon to defend himself with.

BALD BANDIT (CONT’D)I’ve gotta say, this is a fancy looking weapon you got here. Way better than what I got.


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MARTYLet me see that.

Marty goes over and inspects the gun. He opens the chambers and sees that it’s loaded and in good shape. Impressed, he brings it back to Jasper and toys him with it.

MARTY (CONT’D)Damn. This is a fine piece of weaponry you’ve got here. What’s a little man like you doing with such a fancy weapon?

Jasper spots his badge in the sand, away from where the bandits are looking but doesn’t reach for it. He remains silent.

MARTY (CONT’D)Here’s another question: What exactly are you doing on a road like this at a time like this? You think this one weapon can protect you from people like us?

Jasper doesn’t acknowledge him. He remains on his knees, trying to think of a way out of the situation. Nothing is coming to him.

Marty grows frustrated by Jasper’s silent treatment. He starts spinning the chambers of the revolver.

MARTY (CONT’D)Not talking? Not smart, my friend.

Marty brutally pistol whips Jasper with his revolver, sending him flying into the sands. The Fat Bandit comes up to Marty.

FAT BANDITWe’ve gone through his things. This guy was traveling light.

MARTYGo through his pockets.

The Fat Bandit and the Bald Bandit begin rummaging through Jasper’s pockets as Jasper spits out blood. They only find the “WANTED” poster of Silver Spur. Marty eyes it with anticipation.

MARTY (CONT’D)Silver Spur? Ha! Don’t tell you were gonna try to chase down and kill Silver Spur. You’re not that stupid, are you?


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Jasper continues his silent treatment, intermittent with yelps of pain. Marty rolls the poster into his pocket and approaches Jasper.

MARTY (CONT’D)My oh my, we’ve got a real character on our hands, boys. What’d you say we do to celebrate his final hour?

Pt. 2:

Marty eyes the revolver in his hands, continuing to spin the chambers. Suddenly, he grins and glances at two Bandits who smile back. He’s got just the idea.

Marty empties the chambers until only one bullet remains.

MARTY (CONT’D)Feeling lucky, kid?

He gives the chambers a quick spin and shoves them back into place. It’s a game of Russian roulette. The stakes are life and death.

Jasper, still spitting out blood, can only stare as Marty lowers the gun to his face. Weaponless and bleeding, he’s too weak to help himself.

Marty brings the gun closer to Jasper, who closes his eyes, anticipating the end. Marty pulls the trigger.


Jasper looks up. Marty spins the chambers again.

MARTY (CONT’D)Let’s try again, shall we?

Marty again lowers the gun to Jasper’s face. This time, Jasper stares up the barrel. The other bandits look on in anticipation.

Marty pulls the trigger.

A series of loud gunshots pierce the desert night. Jasper panics and hits the ground. Marty shrieks in pain and collapses in front of Jasper, drilled by a bullet.

The bald bandit and the fat bandit cry out as they too fall to the ground, dead on impact.

Marty rolls around the ground. He clutches his bleeding shoulder, gasping for breaths between his words.


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MARTY (CONT’D)Son of a bitch! What in the hell?!

Ignoring the swearing Marty, Jasper catches his breath and looks up into the dark of the desert. With only the moon shining down, nothing is visible. It’s pitch black.

And quiet.

Marty, still in pain, tries to compose himself. He stands Jasper up and puts the gun to his head.

He shouts into the darkness.

MARTY (CONT’D)I don’t know who’s out there, but if you try anything, this man’s blood will be on your hands!

No response. The desert remains quiet. Marty grows frustrated.

MARTY (CONT’D)So, you think you’re smart and all that? Hiding in the dark like a coward? Why don’t you show yourself?

With the gun still at his head, Jasper smiles at Marty’s growing anger.

MARTY (CONT’D)I’m not kidding! Show yourself or I’ll kill him!

JASPERAnd kill the only leverage you have? Brilliant idea.

MARTY(To Jasper)

You shut the hell up. I’ve still got the gun.

Marty’s hushed voice quivers. He doesn’t know what to do and Jasper can see that.

Marty tries one more time.

MARTY (CONT’D)I’ll give you to the count of 5 to show yourself, or this guy’s head will be blown clean--


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A gunshot louder than before rattles Jasper. Covered in blood, he tries to collect himself and falls to the ground.

He lands next to Marty’s lifeless body, whose head has been blown clean off.

The sound of a woman’s voice directs Jasper’s attention to his left. A sleek woman, CADDIE WILLIAMS, appears from the darkness. Dressed in a long-sleeved jacket and dirty pants, the 28 year old’s rifle smokes after her recent shot.

Still dazed by the shot, Jasper tries to make out what Caddie is saying. It slowly becomes clear to him.

CADDIESorry if my shot was a little too close.

Jasper looks back at Marty’s body as Caddie approaches.

JASPERDon’t be. I’d say it was a perfect shot.

Caddie reaches out to Jasper and grabs his head. Shes starts looking for any serious injuries. His head is still bleeding from Marty’s pistol whip. She steps back and looks into his eyes.

CADDIEDo you feel OK?

JASPERMuch better now.

Caddie nods and whistles into the darkness. Immediately, the sound of horses grows closer to the two. Jasper squints to better see the approaching horde. A gang of FIVE PEOPLE on horseback come into view.

Leading the pack, atop a large black horse, is the infamous SILVER SPUR. He’s 42, handsome, and carries an aura of intimidation with him. His dark goatee blends in well with his slightly graying hair.

Jasper can’t believe what he’s seeing. His mind starts racing as Caddie picks up the revolver off Marty’s body.

CADDIEHey Silver, check this out.

Silver disembarks off his horse. He makes his way to Caddie as she inspects the weapon.


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CADDIE (CONT’D)Wouldn’t expect a gun like this on someone like him.

She hands the weapon to Silver.

SILVERI’ll be damned. This is nice. Really nice. As quality a revolver as I’ve ever seen.

Silver opens the chamber to see only one bullet loaded. Jasper grows red in the face. He can’t believe that the notorious Silver Spur is messing around with his weapon.

SILVER (CONT’D)Only one bullet, the bastard. I’d keep this beaut loaded at all times.

Silver puts the gun in his pocket. Jasper tries to stand up and confront Silver. Silver notices and turns his attention to Jasper.

SILVER (CONT’D)Now you. How’re you feeling? Looks like you’ve been to hell and back, if you don’t mind me saying.

Jasper takes a few deep breaths. He’s in no position to attack Silver, so he plays along.

JASPERSure feels that way. Thanks for saving me.

Silver smiles, grinning from ear to ear. He doesn’t seem like the cold-blooded killer Jasper expected.

SILVERJust doing our public service, sir. What’s the use of carrying a bunch of guns if you’re not gonna use them?

One of the other men, SERGIO (30s, lean), rummages through Marty’s pockets. He looks like the definition of a bandit: Dark clothes with a long bandana wrapped around his neck.

He pulls something out of Marty’s pocket.

SERGIONo shit. Silver, you’re going to love this.


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Sergio hands Silver the “WANTED” poster of himself. As soon as he sees it, Silver bursts out into a hearty laugh.

SILVERThese guys were on the hunt for us? That’s hilarious! What are the odds?

Silver calms down as Jasper gets to his feet. Caddie looks over and helps hold him up.

SILVER (CONT’D)And another thing, it doesn’t even look like me, does it? I’m way better looking than this character.

He hold the poster up side-by-side with his face and turns to Caddie and Jasper.

SILVER (CONT’D)Right? Don’t tell me my nose is that pronounced.

Jasper stares at the poster, a gloomy, frowning caricature, and then back to the grinning Silver Spur. His voice is deadpan.

JASPERAt least they got your smile right.

Silver explodes in an uproar. His laughter echoes through the desert, save for Caddie’s quiet snicker.

SILVERThis guy! Man, I like you. What’s your name?


SILVERWell Jasper, I’m sorry to say this, but your horse is dead. And you don’t look so good yourself. What if we gave you a ride to Coppell?

Jasper thinks for a split second. It doesn’t take him long to come up with an answer.

JASPERActually, I was on my way there before this little speed bump. If you wouldn’t mind--


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SILVERI knew you weren’t too stubborn to say no. Hey Red!

RED, a 38 year old Native American, rides a huge horse into the moonlight. He’s dark, large, and wearing a shirt that looks two sizes too small.


SILVERThis is Jasper. I’d hate to be a bad host and leave him to die in the desert, so we’re gonna take him to Coppell with us.

Red’s stoic demeanor doesn’t change. Silver takes a deep breath.

SILVER (CONT’D)And since your horse is the biggest, and because I know how much you love sharing, you’re gonna let him ride with you. Understand?

Red moves his head to face Jasper. Their eyes meet and Jasper looks away, not wanting to start a conflict.

REDGet up.

Jasper looks back up. With the help of Caddie, he makes his way uncomfortably onto the horse.

SILVERGood man. Red, if you get bored, ask him to tell a few jokes. He’s a real hoot and a holler.

Red methodically turns to Jasper. Jasper avoids eye contact and keeps his head down in shame.

Silver gets back on his horse.

SILVER (CONT’D)Now then, next stop Coppell!

The gang starts up and begins their ride into the desert. After a jarring gallop, Jasper grabs hold of Red, continuing to look down.

As the gang bolts away, Yale’s old deputy badge lies dormant in the sand.


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The local bar in Coppell is lively at night. Larger than its Coyote Springs cousin, two BARTENDERS try to serve hundreds of PATRONS. The patrons talk over each other, creating a loud and uproarious atmosphere that drowns out the PIANO PLAYER.

Silver, feeling the effects of his many drinks, ignores the TWO WOMEN talking to him and stands on the bar to make an announcement.

SILVERHey bartender! Tonight, drinks are on me!

The crowd in the bar erupts into cheers. Silver slaps a wad of money onto the bar and sits back down to continue his conversation with the two women.

Elsewhere, Jasper sits with his drink, alone. His eyes don’t divert from his target, Silver Spur. He tightens his grip on his cup and takes a big drink.

His attention leaves Silver for a moment and he spots Caddie at a table, also alone and without a drink. He looks back at the jovial Silver one last time and leaves to sit next to Caddie.

JASPERCan I get you a drink? It’s the least I could do.

CADDIEThanks, but I’m not drinking tonight. Someone’s going to have to take care of Silver in the morning.

Jasper glances back at the cheerful gang leader. He turns back to face Caddie.

JASPERSo, I’ve heard about this Silver Spur guy before. Is he really as cold-blooded as they say he his?

Caddie laughs.

CADDIEYou wouldn’t think so seeing him now, huh?

Jasper bites his lip, stumbling through his words.


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JASPERI guess, I suppose I’m just confused. Why’d you guys save me? You didn’t have to do that.

CADDIEBecause you had everything under control?

JASPERNo! No, not that. I mean, someone could’ve gotten hurt. Why would you risk your lives for someone you’ve never met?

Caddie smiles back at his question.

CADDIEWe weren’t in any danger. We’re too good at what we do.

JASPERAnd what’s that?

Caddie sits back in her chair. Her dirty blonde hair reaches down to her shoulders. Her voice is clear amongst the noise of the bar.

CADDIEAnything we want.

That isn’t what Jasper wanted to hear.

JASPERSo you guys just run around and kill whoever you feel like?

CADDIEYou read too many stories.

JASPERBut you guys do kill people! That’s what “the notorious Silver Spur” does. He goes from town to town, robs it dry, and kills whoever he wants.

Caddie again cracks a smile.

CADDIEYou’re not listening. You really have no clue, do you?


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Jasper pauses. He sits back in his chair, defeated for the moment.

JASPERAnd you. Why are you with these guys? A pretty girl carrying around a rifle hanging with a group of thieves and drunks doesn’t make much sense.

CADDIEIt’s what I was born for. I’d bet you a drink any other night that I’m a better shot than anyone in this bar.

This time, Jasper cracks a smile. Caddie’s unlike any other girl he’s met.

JASPERIs that so?

Caddie brushes her hair back.

CADDIELook at you. I can see it in you, you know? That itch. That desire to live like us. Fast and free. Nothing but the clothes in our bags and the guns on our backs.

Jasper pauses again. He contemplates what she’s just said, and finds himself struggling for an answer.

CADDIE (CONT’D)You don’t have to be ashamed.

JASPERNice try, but you don’t know me that well.

CADDIEWell, I’ve been wrong before. What do you want then?

Before Jasper answers, a loud gunshot rattles through the bar. Jasper and Caddie turn to see a drunken Silver with the revolver in his hand pointed up. He’s putting on a show for the patrons at the bar, even if they’d rather he not.

Jasper is quickly brought back to reality. He gets up in a huff to confront Silver Spur.

Caddie places her hand on his shoulder to sit him back down.


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CADDIE (CONT’D)Damnit. I’ll be back.

Caddie walks up to the bar to diffuse the situation. Jasper stays seated. His attention is focused solely on Silver and Caddie, whom he realizes he’s taking a liking to.

One of Silver’s men, TITO HARRIS, sits down at Jasper’s table carrying an empty bottle of whiskey. He’s a portly man, late 30s, and sports the bushiest mustache in the bar.

His breath smells strongly of alcohol.

TITOShe’s quite the catch, isn’t she?

Jasper turns around, unaware of Tito’s presence.

JASPERI’m sorry?

TITOCaddie. Looks like you’ve got more than drinking on your mind, son.

Jasper tries to hide his embarrassment.

JASPERWe were just talking. I wanted to thank her for saving my life.

TITOAnd how did you want to thank her?

Tito lets out a drunken laugh and grins. Jasper quietly tries to remove himself from the table.

TITO (CONT’D)Hey kid, don’t be like that. I’m just messing with you. Come and sit down.

Jasper looks towards the situation at the bar. Caddie’s animated expressions towards Silver tell him now’s not the best time to get involved. He sits back down.

JASPERWhat do you want?

TITOTo introduce myself. Name’s Tito.


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JASPERJasper. Thanks for, you know, back there. I owe you guys one.

TITONo sweat kid. Happy to help.

Tito reaches over and gestures to Jasper’s unfinished drink.

TITO (CONT’D)You going to finish that?

Jasper shakes his head.

JASPERKnock yourself out.

Tito takes the drink and finishes it in one gulp. Jasper ponders for a moment.

JASPER (CONT’D)So, how long have you been with Silver Spur?

TITOLast three years, as far as I remember. Most of us have, actually.

Jasper perks up. Tito gestures towards Caddie and Silver at the bar.

TITO (CONT’D)You’ve met Caddie. She’s the one who usually keeps Silver in line. Quite the girl. Great shot too.

He searches the bar for a second and points to Sergio, who’s conversing with a WOMAN himself.

TITO (CONT’D)That’s Sergio. Jumpy little bastard. One second he’s here, the next, who knows where? He’s got quite the trigger-finger.

Tito again searches the bar, taking more time than last. He points to Red, who’s sitting alone at a table in the corner.

TITO (CONT’D)You’ve met good ol’ Red. Doesn’t talk much. But hell, more power to him.



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When he does have something to say, it’s usually important. Unlike--

Tito searches one last time, coming to stop at a young looking man with raggedy brown hair. DANIEL DENTON, a baby-faced 24 year old, sits at the bar with another MAN. The two are animated, but not audible over the sound of the bar.

TITO (CONT’D)“Double D,” or Daniel as he prefers to be called. Cocky little shit. Thinks he’s all that and then some.

Jasper tries to take a closer look at Daniel. He’s scrawny, but not particularly tall. He doesn’t look the part of a wanted outlaw’s gang.

Jasper turns back to Tito.

JASPERAnd you? What do you bring to the team?

TITOWell, somebody’s got to cook for these poor fellas. Food doesn’t just grow on cacti, even if you can make a damn good stew with it.

JASPERWait, you’re a cook?

Tito leans back with a smile.

TITOYep. My family ran an inn and my pops was the cook. I’ve been cooking since I was born.

Tito hiccups.

TITO (CONT’D)Pretty damn good at it to, if I don’t mind me saying. And you?

Jasper gives his attention to Tito. The situation between Silver and Caddie has died down.

TITO (CONT’D)What’s your story? Why were you in such a rush to Coppell that you couldn’t wait till morning?



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JASPERI was looking for something.

Jasper looks to Silver and Caddie’s direction. Tito takes notice and laughs.


JASPERNot quite.

Tito hiccups again. Jasper pauses for a second and turns back to face him. He’s rocking back and forth in his chair. It looks like he’s hit a wall.



JASPERWhat are y’all doing in Coppell? It wasn’t just to hang out at the bar, was it?

Tito leans back in his chair, nearly falling over.

TITONope. We’ve got bigger plans. Much bigger. This is just a rest stop.

JASPERA rest stop? For what?

TITOSilver’s been going on and on about some fancy estates to the South. Gold as high as the eye can see and shit like that.

JASPERSo you’re going there? To do what?

Tito laughs and catches himself against the table. He’s so loud that some of the other patrons start to take notice. Jasper just keeps his focus.

TITOWell, these guns aren’t for selling real estate, boy. I’ll let you figure it out.


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Jasper gasps. Looking back at Caddie, he struggles to think why someone like her would be mixed up in a plan like that. He sees a calming Silver Spur and his anger returns.

Unconsciously, he reaches for his gun. It’s not there. Silver has it. He needs to stop this man, but he’s in no position to do so at the moment. He turns back to Tito.

JASPERYou know, I think I’ve been around those estates before. My grandparents live nearby to the South. They sound familiar.

TITOYou don’t say?

JASPERYeah. I know my way around there.

TITOWell, maybe Silver could use some experience navigating the area.

Jasper looks towards Silver one last time, scorn in his eyes and disdain in his voice.

JASPERYeah, maybe.


Jasper wakes up at the table, alone. The bar is deserted, except for a handful of patrons who are passed out. Jasper looks around, trying to make sense of his situation.

CADDIEHey, Jasper. Good to see you up.

Jasper shields his eyes from the morning light as Caddie enters the bar, dressed in a new shirt and pants.

CADDIE (CONT’D)Could you come outside for a minute? Silver wants to talk to you.

Jasper nods and leaves the bar in a daze. He clutches his head and continues to shield his eyes as Caddie leads him outside.


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Outside the bar, Silver, Red, Tito, Sergio, and Daniel wait on horseback. One horse waits without a rider, which he assumes is Caddie’s. In the daylight, Jasper can see just how intimidating the group looks on their mounts.

SILVERJasper, we know who you are.

Jasper’s heart drops. He scrambles for words, but can’t think of any. How did they discover his identity as the deputy?

SILVER (CONT’D)We know you’re a guy who wants to live the life of riches and freedom. To live in the moment, to always be on the move.

Silver nods at Caddie, who gives Jasper a quick smile. Jasper takes a deep breath. Thankful that his suspicions were wrong, he nods his head. He understands where this is going.

JASPERI suppose that’s right.

SILVERAnd Tito here says that you’ve been around these estates that we’re going to. Is that correct?

Jasper nods his head again, this time more enthusiastically.

SILVER (CONT’D)Well, I’ll be damned. I don’t do this too often, but how would you like to accompany us to these fine estates that you seem to know so much about?

Jasper looks down. It’s just what he was waiting for. He needs to stop Silver, and what better way than by riding wit his gang?

One last look at Caddie seals the deal.

JASPERI would love to. I’ll help anyway I can.

Silver slaps his knee in glee. He’s very pleased with this development.


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SILVERDamnit son, that’s what I love to hear! You’ll make a find addition to the team. And if you’re worried, don’t be. We’ll teach you how to shoot.

Jasper smiles. That’s what he wanted to hear.

SILVER (CONT’D)Hey Red, you don’t mind do you? We’ll get him his own horse in due time.

The large Native American menacingly looks down at Jasper. After a pause, he reaches out his hand. Jasper hesitates, but takes it and steps onto the horse. Caddie saddles up onto her horse as well.

SILVER (CONT’D)So, “navigator” Jasper, where to?

Jasper’s eyes grow wide. He stumbles for a second.

JASPERSouth! We go South!

Silver laughs.

SILVERDamn right we do! You’re going places kid. Let’s ride!

Silver puts his horse into a gallop and leads the gang out of the city. Like the night before, Jasper grabs hold of Red as the gang leaves Coppell and enters the vast, dry sands of the desert.
