Silence communicate



Another view on communication

Transcript of Silence communicate

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Page 2: Silence communicate

In a normal conversation between two persons, less than

35% of the social meanings is actually transmitted by words. So at least 65% of it is conveyed by nonverbal

Social anthropologiSt: Edward T.Hall

Page 3: Silence communicate

A simple roll of the eyes or hand guesture may be all it tak to covey 100%

what we mean, no words, no tone

Silent communication goes on in every

Face-to-Face with another human being It tells the other

true Feeling towards you and how well your words are being received

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Fear happineSSSurpriSeanger SadneSS

uSuAlly Are AccompAnIed by defInIte fAcIAl expreSSIonS And eye pAtternS

Face and the eyeS are by far the most important feartures of silence communicate

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Faceis the index of mind

eyeSexpress understanding

lipSexpress emotion, tone

muSccleSexpress emotions




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Facial.expressions can also be deceived by mAnIpulAtIon

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outFit IndIcAteS your Silence meSSage wIth other

business sexy rebellion

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• Avoiding misunderstandings• Awareness of non-verbl cues • Expressions and gestures• Confidence-buidling


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picture: http://www.gettyimages.comdocumentary: Communication Skills - Yodhia Antariksa Body language for dummies - Elizabeth Kuhnke