Sigmund Freud Interpretation of Dreams. TEKS Correlations TX.113.36 (7) Psychology: History: The...

Sigmund Freud Interpretation of Dreams

Transcript of Sigmund Freud Interpretation of Dreams. TEKS Correlations TX.113.36 (7) Psychology: History: The...

Sigmund Freud

Interpretation of Dreams

TEKS Correlations TX.113.36 (7) Psychology: History: The

student understands the history of the field of psychology.

B. Trace the impact of associationism, psychodynamic (Freudian) thinking, behaviorism, and humanism on current thinking in psychology.

Questions… Have you ever solved a problem through a


What are some common dreams?

Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud (1856-

1939), a Viennese physician, was the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud explained human behavior by positing unconscious sexual drives. He felt that the repression of these drives was necessary for civilization, but at the same time repression was the source of neurosis and psychosis. His findings, which challenged the assumption that the mind was purely rational, have influenced many aspects of western culture.Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).. IRC. 2005.

unitedstreaming. 14 October 2005

While you watch… According to Freud, what is the purpose of


What are the four components of dreamwork?

Discuss what our dreams can tell us about ourselves. Why did Freud believe that studying dreams was so important?

Introduction: Sigmund Freud and the Study of Dreams

It has been said that Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams- one of the most significant books of the 20th Century - represents the beginning of psychoanalysis proper. It is certainly the start of the theory of a dynamic unconscious, created in childhood, which is operating continuously in both normal and 'abnormal' minds.

"The Interpretation of Dreams": Freud and the Doorway to the Unconscious

Freud called the interpretation of dreams the 'Royal road' to the discovery of the unconscious - that is to say, it is the 'King's highway' along which everyone can travel to discover the truth of unconscious processes for themselves. Everybody dreams, and because of this it is one of the most important ways for students to grasp Freud's theory of psychoanalysis in a practical way.

The Pervasiveness of Freud's Ideas

(1)"Dreams are the fulfillment of a wish"

(2) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a wish"

(3) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish"

(4) "Dreams are the disguised fulfillment of a repressed, infantile wish"

The Psyche: Id, Ego, and Superego in Freud's Study of Dreams and Human Nature

Dreamwork: Displacement, Condensation, Symbolization, and Projection

Displacement is the redirection of an impulse onto a substitute target.

In Condensation, a number of dream-elements (themes, images, figures, ideas etc) are combined into one.

Symbolism is a one-term comparison, i.e. a represents b.

Projection is pushing one’s thoughts, fears, feelings onto someone or something else.

Inside a Sleep Laboratory: The Science of Dreams

The Influence of "The Interpretation of Dreams" and Freud's Other Ideas

What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books.

-Sigmund Freud

How Modern Society Regards the Work of Sigmund Freud

Although dream interpretation has become less important in the therapeutic application of psychoanalysis, nevertheless he always saw it as one of the keystones of his theory and the means by which anybody can achieve conviction about the reality of unconscious processes.

Answers to “While you watch…” (According to Freud, the purpose of

dreaming is to satisfy, through fantasy, the instinctive urges that society judges unacceptable.)

(The four components of dreamwork are displacement, condensation, symbolization, and projection.)

For additional information… View the 3rd edition of Freud’s book The

Interpretation of Dreams

The Teacher’s Manual that supports the video clips.

Citations Freud and Dreams. Freud Museum, London. 14 October 2005. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).. IRC. 2005. unitedstreaming. 14 October

2005. Great Books: Freud's Interpretation of Dreams. Discovery Channel School. 1997. unitedstreaming. 14 October 2005