Siemens PLM Sipa Zoppas Group Cs Z4

Products NX, Solid Edge, Teamcenter Business challenges New product development and innovation Diversied product suite Highly varied customer requirements International presence, geographically distributed design Keys to success NX software for the design of the PET molds Solid Edge software for the design of packaging lines, blow molders and bottling machines Teamcenter software as the common platform, integrating all development activities and interfacing to ERP and production software Results Efcient and accurate management of numerous project variants The integration of NX and Solid Edge with Teamcenter allows SIPA to collaborate in real-time multinational context Expertise, innovation SIPA (Società Industrializzione Progettazione Automazione), part of the Zoppas group, is a global manufacturer with a unique and diversied range of bottle manufacturing platforms: linear and rotary blow molders, injection machines, integrated machines, complete Machinery SIPA-Zoppas Industries Designing market-leading molds and machinery for bottling plm lling lines and tooling for non-SIPA platforms. The company has more than thirty years of experience in collaboration with cold and hot drinks manufacturers and non-food liquid producers (chemical- pharmaceutical, healthcare) and offers four main solutions: packaging, manufac - turing, engineering and turnkey, and global service. SIPA’s commitment to constant research, innovation and integrated solutions recently led the company to expand its range of machines as well as add custom- ized design services and special expertise through offerings pertaining to molds,

Transcript of Siemens PLM Sipa Zoppas Group Cs Z4

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NX, Solid Edge, Teamcenter

Business challenges

New product development

and innovation

Diversied product suite

Highly varied customer


International presence,

geographically distributed


Keys to success

NX software for the design

of the PET molds

Solid Edge software for the

design of packaging lines,

blow molders and bottling


Teamcenter software as

the common platform,

integrating all development

activities and interfacing

to ERP and productionsoftware


Efcient and accurate 

management of numerous

project variants

The integration of NX and Solid

Edge with Teamcenter allowsSIPA to collaborate in real-timemultinational context

Expertise, innovation

SIPA (Società Industrializzione

Progettazione Automazione), part of the

Zoppas group, is a global manufacturer

with a unique and diversied range of

bottle manufacturing platforms: linear

and rotary blow molders, injection

machines, integrated machines, complete


SIPA-Zoppas IndustriesDesigning market-leading molds and machinery for bottling plm

lling lines and tooling for non-SIPA

platforms. The company has more thanthirty years of experience in collaboration

with cold and hot drinks manufacturers

and non-food liquid producers (chemical-

pharmaceutical, healthcare) and offers

four main solutions: packaging, manufac-

turing, engineering and turnkey, and

global service.

SIPA’s commitment to constant research,

innovation and integrated solutions

recently led the company to expand its

range of machines as well as add custom-

ized design services and special expertisethrough offerings pertaining to molds,

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engineering, containers development,

customer care and post sales. As a techno-logical partner whose main goal is to

transfer its competence and expertise

to its customers through innovative and

competitive solutions according to specic

customer requirements, the company

determined that suitable software support

tools were critical, especially in terms of

product lifecycle management (PLM).

SIPA found the most efcient answer to

its needs in Siemens PLM Software tech-

nology and has adopted the Solid Edge®

design system, NX™ product developmentsystem (both 3D CAD) and Teamcenter®

digital lifecycle management solution,

which assures integrated management of

all product and process data throughout

the entire product lifecycle.

Targeted solutions for maximumdesign efciency

“The choice of NX and Solid Edge dates

back several years,” says the Information

and Communication Technologies man-

ager at SIPA-Zoppas Industries. He notes,

“As time passed, our decision to choose

NX and Solid Edge has been reconrmed

again and again. Both systems are easy

to learn and provide select functionalities

that best suit our needs. With each

release over the years, both systems

have been improved, allowing us to

Results (continued)

Data updated in real time

Reduced development time

Sharing of current project

data: co-design in an 

absolutely multinational

design context

optimally manage all the components

of our complex machinery and all the

difculties connected to the design of

such mold surfaces.”

The reason for two different CAD systemsis two wholly distinct development

challenges at SIPA. One focuses on

PolyEthylene Terephthalate (PET) molds;

the other on machines. SIPA’s ICT manager

explains, “The CAD software needed in

our development environments must nec-

essarily possess different strengths in

order to allow maximum efciency and

technical accuracy. For this reason, we

chose to distinguish our design tools,

considering NX more suitable for the

design of molds and Solid Edge more suit-

able for the design of our packaging lines,

blow molders and bottling machines.”

Going deeper into some of the two solu-

tions’ characteristics, which have proved

advantageous for SIPA’s operations, the

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company’s ICT manager says, “At SIPA,

we have extreme design needs, absolutely

similar to those of the designers in the

automotive sector. NX distinguishes itself

across the market with an outstanding

ability to effectively manage curves in

surface modeling applications, which

fully addresses the complexity of dening

the surfaces of molds for bottles and

PET containers. This complexity, which

depends on the demand variability of our

customers according to the latest trends

and designs, also respects diverse product

attributes, including multiple sizes and

shapes (often complex and irregular),

mold consistency and even the type of

liquid to be bottled. With NX we can

manage the many variants of each project

with efciency and accuracy, and with its

seamless integration to Teamcenter, we

can be very fast in the development as the

project information is always consistent

and updated.”

SIPA’s management feels Solid Edge is

particularly effective due to its piping

functions. Solid Edge is used for the

design of the company’s packaging lines,

blow molders and bottling machines.

SIPA’s ICT manager points out, “At SIPA,

we design individual machines and entire

product lines. Project specications can be

very complex. For example, for a complete

SIPA line for packaging beer, bottles can

be processed from 0.5 to 1.5 liters with

working cycles from 2,000 to 38,000 bot-

tles per hour, including different lling

“ As time passed, our decision to chooseNX and Solid Edge has been reconfirmed

again and again.”ICT Manager

SIPA-Zoppas Industries

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