Siebel Maintenance Release Guide 8115 Rev C

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C September 2011


Oracle Siebel Maintenance Release Guide for Siebel

Transcript of Siebel Maintenance Release Guide 8115 Rev C

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide

Version, Rev. CSeptember 2011

Copyright © 2005, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Release Notes for the Siebel Fix Pack 5

What’s New in This Revision 7

Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack 8

Enhancements and Updates in Version 17

Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates 21Instructions for ACR 484 22Instructions for ACR 495 22Instructions for ACR 525 22Instructions for ACR 600 27Instructions for ACR 604 52Instructions for ACR 620 53Instructions for ACR 633 101Instructions for ACR 713 105

Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions 132Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview 132About Installing Siebel Fix Packs 136Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows 137Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX 141Configuring Slipstream Patch Installation 146Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Server 148Postinstallation Tasks for the Web Server 148Postinstallation Tasks for High Interactivity Clients 149Postinstallation Tasks for Supporting Additional Languages 149Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs 150

Resolved Change Requests 153

Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack 153Siebel Apps - Customer Order Management 154Siebel Apps - Data Quality 157Siebel Apps - Field Service 158Siebel Apps - Handheld Client 158Siebel Apps - Marketing 160Siebel Apps- Multichannel Technologies 161Siebel Apps - Oracle Customer Hub 162Siebel Apps - PRM 162Siebel Apps - Sales 163

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 3

Contents n

Siebel Apps - Search & Knowledge Management 163Siebel Apps - Service 165Siebel Apps - Territory Management 166Siebel Apps - UCM 166Siebel Automotive 166Siebel Consumer Goods 167Siebel Communications and Energy 167Siebel Core - Accessibility 168Siebel Core - Common Components 169Siebel Core - DB Deployment and Configuration 169Siebel Core - DG Deployment 169Siebel Core - EAI 170Siebel Core - Globalization 170Siebel Core - PIM Integration 171Siebel Core - Server BizLogic Script 173Siebel Core Server BizLogic WF 173Siebel Core - Server Infrastructure 174Siebel Core - Server OM Framework 174Siebel Core - Server OM Svcs 175Siebel Core - Tools 176Siebel Core - UIF Client 176Siebel Core - UIF Server 178Siebel Core - UIF Task Based UI 180Siebel Core - UIF Web Gateway 180Siebel Core - UNIX 181Siebel Core - Windows 181Siebel Documents 181Siebel Engineering 182Siebel Financial Services 182Siebel Life Sciences 182Siebel Loyalty 185Siebel Reports 186Siebel Server Remote 189Siebel Travel & Transportation 189

Oracle Welcomes Your Comments 201

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C4

1 Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C

September 2011NOTE: As of the Siebel Fix Pack, the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide is release-specific. This guide documents the Quick Fixes, enhancements, instructions for enhancements, and bugs provided in Siebel For information about what was provided in Siebel through Siebel, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Article ID 880452.1.

This guide includes the following topics:

■ What’s New in This Revision on page 7

■ Release Notes for the Siebel Fix Pack on page 5

■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack on page 8

■ Enhancements and Updates in Version on page 17

■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates on page 21

■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions on page 132

■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack on page 153

■ Oracle Welcomes Your Comments on page 201

Release Notes for the Siebel Fix PackThe following section describes known issues with the Siebel Fix Pack, as well as any applicable workaround information.

CAUTION: The following section is not a comprehensive listing of all known issues for this Fix Pack. To access Siebel Release Notes version 8.1.1, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 557191.1.

Siebel 8.x Support for IBM HTTP Web Server 7 on AIXNOTE: The following issue only applies to AIX customers.

Category: General

Subcategory: Web Server and SWSE

Product Version: Siebel 8.1

Bug ID: 12316215

■ As of the Siebel Fix Pack, IBM HTTP Server 7 is supported for the AIX platform.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 5

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Release Notes for the Siebel Fix Pack

■ IBM HTTP Server 6.1 is supported for Siebel through Siebel

■ IBM HTTP Server 6.1 is not supported for Siebel and above.

Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) plug-in installation and configuration:

1 Install the base SWSE, but do not perform any configuration.

2 Install the Siebel Fix Pack.

3 After has been installed, configure SWSE.

ADM Deployment Fails on Siebel on AIX 6.1 with Java 1.6Product: Siebel Engineering - Release Engineering

Component: Rel Eng/Build System

Subcomponent: Build System

ADM deployment fails in Siebel on AIX 6.1 with Java 1.6. The copy command hangs. This issue only occurs on the AIX 6.1 environment.

Use the following workaround to address this issue:

CAUTION: Do not configure Management Agent until after you have applied Siebel

1 Install Siebel Gateway Server, Siebel Server, and Siebel Management Agent.

2 Apply the Siebel Fix Pack.

3 Configure the Siebel Gateway Server, Siebel Server, and Siebel Management Agent.

4 Set the classpath and libpath explicitly as shown below for JAVA1.6 on AIX6.1:


LIBPATH /usr/java6/jre/lib/ppc:/usr/java6/jre/bin:/usr/java6/jre/bin/j9vm:${L



PATH /usr/java6/jre/lib/ppc:/usr/java6/jre/bin:/usr/java6/jre/bin/j9vm:${PAT


Do Not Deploy the File The following bugs related to ACR 474 require configuration changes, but in order to configure these fixes, you must access the material in the file. However, the AIA 3.1 (also known as AIA 11.1) release is not yet available.

The following bugs are affected:

■ Bug 10605214

■ Bug 10604058

■ Bug 10602944

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C6

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ What’s New in ThisRevision

■ Bug 10601341

■ Bug 10601366

■ Bug 10601365

■ Bug 10601368

■ Bug 11824787

What’s New in This RevisionTable 1 describes the changes in this version of the documentation.

How to Use This GuideThis document, Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, lists the enhancements and fixes provided in the Siebel Fix Pack.

This guide also provides information, instructions, and guidelines for installing Siebel Business Applications Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases on top of version 8.1.1 or a prior 8.1.1.x release.

Use this Siebel Maintenance Release Guide in conjunction with Siebel Bookshelf documents, particularly the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

NOTE: This Siebel Maintenance Release Guide is updated to include the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release. The latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release available at publication time is Siebel Fix Pack Verify the availability and applicability of all Fix Pack or Quick Fix releases with Oracle Global Customer Support before you install.

Table 1. What’s New in Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C

Topic Description

“Enhancements and Updates in Version” on page 17

“Instructions for ACR 620” on page 53

“Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 153

Added information about ACR 620.

“Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 153

Added configuration instructions for Bug 10601215.

“Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 153

Added configuration instructions for Bug 10604001.

Throughout document Added notes to indicate that customers should refer to the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x for information about enhancements, instructions for enhancements, and resolved bugs that were provided in the Siebel through Fix Packs.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 7

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack

The information contained herein supersedes, for warranty and other purposes, the contents of all other documentation that may accompany this product, including the following:

■ My Oracle Support (

■ Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network (

This Siebel Maintenance Release Guide contains information about the following:

■ How to install the maintenance (Fix Pack) release

■ Product configuration issues and workarounds for your application

NOTE: There may be references to functionality, products, platforms, and language support in this document that are not available as part of the products that your organization has licensed. Consult Oracle Global Customer Support on My Oracle Support with questions regarding the applicability of Siebel Maintenance Release Guide items to your deployment.

Additional DocumentationOracle reserves the right to modify the documentation for Siebel Business Applications at any time.

For related Siebel documentation, see the following:

■ My Oracle Support ( (requires valid customer account)

■ Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network (

■ Siebel Bookshelf for Oracle’s Siebel Business Applications, Version 8.1 ( on Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix PackNOTE: The following table includes only the Quick Fixes included in the Siebel Fix Pack. For information about Quick Fixes included in previous Fix Pack releases, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Article ID 880452.1.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C8

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included inthe Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Quick Fix releases are developed to address immediate critical issues for specific customers,

and can be installed on top of Fix Packs. Quick Fixes address a small number of defects, and the fixes are typically rolled into the next available Fix Pack for wider distribution to the Siebel Business Applications customer base. Testing for Quick Fixes is focused and is usually limited to verifying that the fix works on the specific platforms that the affected customer is running.

NOTE: If you have installed a Quick Fix for any Siebel 8.1.1 or 8.1.1.x release prior to Siebel, review the Quick Fixes Included in Siebel 8.1.1.x Fix Packs section within the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 880452.1.

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

10595535 10595735 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BT

10597497 10597496 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BU

10597033 10597556 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BV

10594436 10594437 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BW

10600426 10600427 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BX

10582435 10603338 8.1.1 [21112] QF00BZ

10601353 10602074 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CB

10601387 10601388 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CC

10603058 10603059 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CC

10587142 10605942 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CD

10572085 10572086 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CE

10604491 10604552 8.1.1 [21112] QF00CH

10601356 10603160 8.1.1 WM5 [21112_12] 21112_12

10605216 10605217 8.1.1 WM5 [21112_13] 21112_13

10585400 10589186 8.1.1 WM5 [21112_7] 8.1.1 WM5 [21112_7]

10593426 10595982 [21211[ QF01CD

10550111 10587410 [21211] QF0189

10584539 10586524 [21211] QF0195

10592880 10592881 [21211] QF01BK

10598988 10599068 [21211] QF01BM

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 9

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack

10588363 10588365 [21211] QF01BP

10570706 10593616 [21211] QF01BR

10592084 10592086 [21211] QF01BR

10594183 10596139 [21211] QF01BR

10597384 10597390 [21211] QF01BS

10589061 10599895 [21211] QF01BT

10643152 10643886 [21211] QF01BV

10594273 10594276 [21211] QF01BW

10603542 10603543 [21211] QF01BW

10600697 10600699 [21211] QF01BX

10577300 10593419 [21211] QF01BZ

10601715 10601716 [21211] QF01CA

10599016 10602091 [21211] QF01CB

10558349 10596446 [21211] QF01CC

10606026 10606027 [21211] QF01CF

10599327 10599794 [21211] QF01CH

10603246 10603247 [21211] QF01CI

10593154 10598514 [21211] QF01CJ

10643446 11064672 [21211] QF01CL

10594561 10594564 [21211] QF3104

10594166 10596435 [21211] QF5107

10589061 11058917 [21211] QF5108

10599327 11700093 [21211] QF5108

10588990 10588992 [21211] QF7102

10603053 10604927 [21219] QF01CK

10603598 10603605 [21215] 02CA

10588431 10588663 [21215] QF0234

10550111 10581745 [21215] QF0285

10598872 10598874 [21215] QF0293

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C10

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included inthe Siebel Fix Pack

10589726 10590195 [21215] QF02AG

10599426 10599649 [21215] QF02AH

10570706 10590803 [21215] QF02AJ

10594265 10597182 [21215] QF02AJ

10595660 10596006 [21215] QF02AJ

10597467 10601139 [21215] QF02AO

10543288 10601336 [21215] QF02AP

10599601 10599670 [21215] QF02AP

10598328 10598329 [21215] QF02AQ

10591800 10598911 [21215] QF02AS

10597058 10597063 [21215] QF02AS

10597068 10597072 [21215] QF02AS

10598201 10598374 [21215] QF02AS

10515102 10600495 [21215] QF02AT

10596554 10596555 [21215] QF02AV

10599519 10599565 [21215] QF02AV

10592525 10592526 [21215] QF02AW

10592716 10592717 [21215] QF02AW

10594183 10600290 [21215] QF02AY

10598837 10599614 [21215] QF02AY

10599508 10599509 [21215] QF02AY

10598897 10598905 [21215] QF02BA

10599120 10599121 [21215] QF02BD

10599067 10599156 [21215] QF02BE

10584841 10601090 [21215] QF02BG

10589917 10589918 [21215] QF02BH

10599065 10602746 [21215] QF02BI

10593154 10601390 [21215] QF02BM

10594274 10594281 [21215] QF02BN

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 11

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack

10598247 10603790 [21215] QF02BO

10582924 10603788 [21215] QF02BP

10599106 10600871 [21215] QF02BP

10602188 10602456 [21215] QF02BP

10598714 10603973 [21215] QF02BQ

10603891 10603892 [21215] QF02BR

10602056 10602059 [21215] QF02BT

10601383 10601382 [21215] QF02BU

10598842 10599305 [21215] QF02BW

10603889 10603925 [21215] QF02BX

10598100 10598109 [21215] QF02BY

10603053 10604729 [21215] QF02CC

10604491 10604494 [21215] QF02CE

10596768 10596770 [21215] QF02CG

10599582 10599641 [21215] QF02CG

10603926 10603964 [21215] QF02CG

10604427 10604428 [21215] QF02CG

10606003 10606004 [21215] QF02CG

11702627 11061173 [21215] QF02CG

11702642 11065747 [21215] QF02CG

10606223 11819176 [21215] QF02CI

10594221 10594222 [21215] QF2202

10529580 10603150 [21215_6B] 21215_6B

10513152 10604358 WM5 [21215_10] WM5 [21215_10]

10600661 10600702 WM5 [21215_10] WM5 [21215_10]

10604032 10604033 WM5 [21215_10] WM5 [21215_10]

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C12

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included inthe Siebel Fix Pack

10600657 10600659 WM5 [21215_8] WM5 [21215_8]

10585400 10600382 WM5 [21215_9] WM5 [21215_9]

10592420 10601380 WM5 [21215_9] WM5 [21215_9]

10588005 10592211 [21219] QF0301

10589975 10592213 [21219] QF0301

10589207 10590346 [21219] QF0308

10597914 10599269 [21219] QF0322

10570706 10598008 [21219] QF0324

10597519 10597521 [21219] QF0325

10598714 10598755 [21219] QF0325

10599170 10599171 [21219] QF0329

10599065 10599261 [21219] QF0331

10582924 10598861 [21219] QF0332

10599106 10599114 [21219] QF0332

10600499 10600502 [21219] QF0335

10589917 10599806 [21219] QF0337

10594436 10602496 [21219] QF0338

10597741 10598029 [21219] QF0338

10543253 10590329 [21219] QF0340

10577630 10600680 [21219] QF0340

10602603 10602604 [21219] QF0340

10598574 10598575 [21219] QF0343

10592525 10601138 [21219] QF0344

10597033 10603113 [21219] QF0345

10643446 10644342 [21219] QF0346

10565045 10599533 [21219] QF0347

10598903 10598904 [21219] QF0349

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 13

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack

10596554 10603782 [21219] QF0350

10600697 10603941 [21219] QF0353

10600032 10600894 [21219] QF0355

10592716 10600561 [21219] QF0356

10594183 10599511 [21219] QF0357

10595312 10596113 [21219] QF0357

10532326 10535480 [21219] QF0358

10600295 10600605 [21219] QF0360

10601073 10601074 [21219] QF0361

10604774 10604775 [21219] QF0362

10520529 10605248 [21219] QF0363

10565912 10602914 [21219] QF0363

10583643 10605245 [21219] QF0363

10596761 10605243 [21219] QF0363

10596796 10605240 [21219] QF0363

10596797 10605239 [21219] QF0363

10596798 10605238 [21219] QF0363

10600730 10603532 [21219] QF0363

10602955 10605235 [21219] QF0363

10603132 10605234 [21219] QF0363

10603699 10605213 [21219] QF0363

10598100 10604542 [21219] QF0364

10598745 10598748 [21219] QF0365

10604040 10604039 [21219] QF0366

10584161 10603949 [21219] QF0368

10603004 10603006 [21219] QF0369

10591844 10605963 [21219] QF0370

10605707 10605735 [21219] QF0371

10567447 10602582 [21219] QF0374

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C14

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included inthe Siebel Fix Pack

10587142 10605166 [21219] QF0378

10599370 10604274 [21219] QF0379

10585231 11786116 [21219] QF0384

10585602 11786113 [21219] QF0384

10585662 11786092 [21219] QF0384

10587790 11786086 [21219] QF0384

10591800 11785988 [21219] QF0384

10596768 11786084 [21219] QF0384

10597058 11786005 [21219] QF0384

10597068 11785998 [21219] QF0384

10598201 11785992 [21219] QF0384

10599582 11786036 [21219] QF0384

10603926 11786030 [21219] QF0384

10604427 11786026 [21219] QF0384

10606003 11786021 [21219] QF0384

11702627 11786013 [21219] QF0384

11702642 11786010 [21219] QF0384

10601353 11821494 [21219] QF0386

10593154 11712663 [21219] QF0390

11767251 12312715 [21219] QF0393

10598842 11933537 [21219] QF03AE

10602955 10602956 [21219] QF2301

10603132 10603133 [21219] QF2301

10585400 10593646 WM5 [21219_1] WM5 [21219_1]

10589652 10592214 WM5 [21219_1] WM5 [21219_1]

10591406 10592215 WM5 [21219_1] WM5 [21219_1]

10592420 10592421 WM5 [21219_1] WM5 [21219_1]

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 15

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack

10601356 10601476 WM5 [21219_3] WM5 [21219_3]

10606225 10606232 WM5 [21219_6] WM5 [21219_6]

10596554 10603778 [21225] QF0401

10597467 10632594 [21225] QF0402

10597381 11072815 [21225] QF0403

10604040 11069872 [21225] QF0403

10597384 10606421 [21225] QF0404

10585231 11786192 [21225] QF0407

10585602 11786182 [21225] QF0407

10585662 11786180 [21225] QF0407

10587790 11786170 [21225] QF0407

10591800 11786119 [21225] QF0407

10596768 11786168 [21225] QF0407

10597058 11786133 [21225] QF0407

10597068 11786130 [21225] QF0407

10598201 11786123 [21225] QF0407

10599582 11786162 [21225] QF0407

10603926 11786158 [21225] QF0407

10604427 11786151 [21225] QF0407

10606003 11786145 [21225] QF0407

11702627 11786142 [21225] QF0407

11702642 11786136 [21225] QF0407

10599106 10600524 [21225] QF0408

10601057 11779599 [21225] QF0408

10602188 10604566 [21225] QF0408

10602787 10604172 [21225] QF0408

10605558 11779457 [21225] QF0408

10605594 11779661 [21225] QF0408

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C16

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Enhancements andUpdates in Version

Enhancements and Updates in Version 3 lists the enhancements and updates provided in Fix Pack version

NOTE: For a list of enhancements provided in the Siebel through Fix Packs, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Article ID 880452.1.

11059048 11779503 [21225] QF0408

11850195 11886540 [21225] QF0411

10593444 11937495 [21225] QF0412

10593154 11937475 [21225] QF0413

10601643 11937580 [21225] QF0417

10594057 11938696 [21225] QF0419

10603053 12358803 [21225] QF0420

10606532 11938155 [21225] QF0420

10576292 10601585

Table 2. Quick Fixes Included in Version

Change Request ID/Base Bug ID

Fix Request ID/Bug ID Fix Pack Base

Quick Fix Version

Merged Into Fix Pack

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 17

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Enhancements and Updates in Version

Table 3. Enhancements and Updates in Version

Feature Enhancement or Certification Number Feature Enhancement or Certification Description

ACR 464 Provides support for Siebel CRM Desktop for Outlook 2010.

ACR 484 Provides an integration between Siebel Field Service and Oracle Real Time Scheduler.

Instructions for ACR 484

ACR 495 ACR 495 provides the following enhancements to the Siebel Hospitality application:

■ Run of House: Allows properties to set up a generic Run of House (ROH) room type or types to fulfill customer booking needs without enforcing availability to a specific room type.

■ 24-Hour Hold: Allows the agent or customer to reserve function space and decide later how to divide the space and the time reserved to meet the requirements of their function.

■ Five BIP reports: Account Profile Report, Accounting Event Check Report, Guest Event Check Report, Resume Report, Events Report

■ Copy Function Line Items: Eliminates the need to reenter data by allowing users to copy line items from one function to another function.

■ Function Space Diary Enhancements: Enhances the Function Space Diary functionality by providing users with the ability to see color-coded bookings in the diary. The colors are based on the function status and the quote status. This enhancement also allows users to see function space information by using mouseovers.

■ Arrival Date Modification: Provides the ability to sort on the Arrival Date field, and enhances the date-shifting functionality to allow users the flexibility to choose to change function dates, sleeping room dates, both, or neither.

■ Sleeping Room Taxes and Service Charges: Adds support for managing and calculating sleeping-room taxes and service charges.

For more information about Siebel Hospitality functionality, see Siebel Hospitality Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 495

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C18

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Enhancements andUpdates in Version

ACR 525 ACR 525: Provides the Warranty Management System.

For more information about Siebel Automotive, see Siebel Automotive Guide and Siebel Dealer Administration Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 525

ACR 600 ACR 600 offers fixes for functionality that is required for accessibility support with screen readers. These features apply only to the Accessibility mode unless otherwise stated.

ACR 600 provides the following enhancements:

■ Show/Hide Sort icons in list applets

■ The New, Query, and Save buttons have been recoded as HTML buttons instead of HTML links

■ A personalization feature that allows user-specific settings for on-screen colors, fonts, and lines

■ The ability to rename void(0) links

■ New keyboard shortcuts:

■ Ctrl+Alt+O for Query Assistant

■ Ctrl+Alt+X for Update Audit Cache

■ Ctrl+Shift+9 for Cancel Query

For more information about accessibility enhancements, see Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 600

Table 3. Enhancements and Updates in Version

Feature Enhancement or Certification Number Feature Enhancement or Certification Description

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 19

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Enhancements and Updates in Version

ACR 604 ACR 604 adds three new features that are required for compliance with Section 508 and WCAG 1.0 accessibility standards:

■ The ability to rename frame titles so that screen-reader users know what they are

■ An indication of the active tab by a means other than by color only

■ Addition of a warning message before session timeout occurs, with the option to extend the time available

For more information about this enhancement, see Siebel Fundamentals on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 604

ACR 620 ACR 620 provides Promotion Groups functionality that allows advanced product and service bundling and “community offerings,” which tie various customer assets in a loosely-coupled network and provide shared benefits and provisioning functions.

For more information about Siebel Order Management functionality, see Siebel Communications Guide and Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 620

ACR 633 Provides Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher enhancements that include the following:

■ Users can schedule BIP Reports for a time frame of a month or more

■ Default Daily/Weekly/Monthly reports that are assigned to the Calendar view

■ The Report Sharing feature has been extended to support multi-org

■ A confirmation dialog box when Sample XML Data is successfully generated

For more information, see Siebel Reports Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 633

Table 3. Enhancements and Updates in Version

Feature Enhancement or Certification Number Feature Enhancement or Certification Description

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C20

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and UpdatesThis topic contains configuration instructions for some of the enhancements and updates provided in version

For configuration instructions for the enhancements and updates provided in the Siebel through Fix Packs, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 880452.1.

NOTE: It is only necessary to perform the configurations in the following section if you want to implement the ACRs that they are for.

Perform the instructions described in the subtopics listed below after you install the current Siebel Fix Pack, as described in “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

NOTE: For more information about activities performed in Siebel Tools, including importing archive (.sif) files, see Using Siebel Tools and Configuring Siebel Business Applications. For more information about activities performed in the Siebel application, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide and related books. These guides are available on the Siebel 8.1 Bookshelf on OTN at

This topic contains the following subtopics:

■ “Instructions for ACR 484” on page 22

■ “Instructions for ACR 495” on page 22

■ “Instructions for ACR 525” on page 22

■ “Instructions for ACR 600” on page 27

ACR 697 Certifies Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server.

ACR 705 Certifies IBM HTTP Server 7 on AIX 6.1.

ACR 707 Certifies Sun Java System Web Server 7 on Sun Solaris 10.

ACR 713 ACR 713: Provides the modifications needed to support Oracle Clinical Trial Payments: Siebel Clinical Partial PIP.

For more information about Siebel Life Sciences functionality, see Siebel Life Sciences Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 713

Table 3. Enhancements and Updates in Version

Feature Enhancement or Certification Number Feature Enhancement or Certification Description

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 21

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

■ “Instructions for ACR 604” on page 52

■ “Instructions for ACR 620” on page 53

■ “Instructions for ACR 633” on page 101

■ “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105

Instructions for ACR 484For information about how to install and configure ACR 484, and for more detailed information about ACR 484’s functionality, see Siebel Field Service Integration to Oracle Real-Time Scheduler Installation and Administration Guide and Siebel Field Service Integration to Oracle Real-Time Scheduler Implementation Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for ACR 495For information about how to implement ACR 495, within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 1270141.1.

Instructions for ACR 525The following topic contains information about how to install and configure ACR 525.

Preinstallation Tasks for ACR 525■ Before you install ACR 525, review the information in the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide,

Version (this document) and in the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x (which includes information about the Siebel through releases). Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases are cumulative and include all fixes included in previous Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases (where applicable). You can install the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release on top of version 8.1.1 or any prior version 8.1.1.x release. For more information about installing Siebel Fix Packs, see “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

■ Verify the patch updates in the base.txt and upgrade.txt files and review the currently installed patchset.

The currently installed Fix Pack or Quick Fix is listed in the file as <Version Number><quick fix release><date - time of installation>.

Installing ACR 5251 Navigate to <Tools Install directory>\REPPATCH\, and unzip the folder.

2 Navigate to <Tools Install directory>\REPPATCH\ACR525\Projects_Lock_forImport.txt, and lock the projects listed in the text file.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Navigate to <Tools Install directory>\REPPATCH \ACR525\REPOSITORY\Import.bat, open the file, edit the file as required, and save it.

4 In the tools.cfg file, change the symbolic string prefix to SBL_.

5 Double-click on the Import.bat file to execute it.

6 After you have imported the SIF files, log into Siebel Tools > Object Explorer > Table, and do the following:

a Query for all the changed objects and select them.

b Click the Apply/DDL button to apply the changes to the physical database.

c Click Apply and then click OK.

7 Provide the following credentials when connecting to the database:

❏ Database user= <Table Owner name>

❏ Database user password= <dependent on the DB>

❏ ODBC data source= <DSN Name> (create the DSN if you receive the "TNS not resolved error message")

8 If the Siebel Server is running, stop it.

9 Navigate to <Tools Install directory>\REPPATCH\ACR525\Projects_Lock_forCompile.txt, and compile the projects listed in that file. Make sure that there are 49 projects to compile.

Updating EIM Files for ACR 525As part of the ACR525 release, the eim45.sql and eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql EIM files have undergone a change. The REPPATCH\VACR525\Repository\Table\EIM\eim45.sql and REPPATCH\VACR525\Repository\Table\EIM\eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql files contain changes required for ACR 525 and have to be merged to the files in the following locations in the Siebel Server directory:

■ eim45.sql: <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\SQLTEMPL

■ eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql : <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\ADMIN

Importing Seed Data for ACR 525Use the following procedure to import seed data.

1 Run the following command:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR525\SEED_DATA\ACR525_Seed.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory.

2 Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

3 Depending upon the language that you are installing, complete either Step a or Step b.

4 If you are installing ENU, do the following:

a Run the following command after importing the VACR502_Seed.dat file.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR525\SEED_DATA\ACR525_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Tools install directory.

5 If you are installing a language other than ENU, do the following:

a Run the following command after importing ACR525_Seed.dat to import the locale specific ACR525_Seed_Locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR525\SEED_DATA\XXX\ ACR525_Seed_Locale_XXX.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory.

6 Start the Siebel Server and log into the Siebel application.

Importing XML Files for ACR 5251 Navigate to Administration - Application > Data Map Administration, and click the applet-level

menu on the top list applet to access the XML import option.

2 Navigate to <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR525\DataMaps\WMS_DataMapObjects13.XML, and import the XML file.

3 After import, query on the same list applet with Source Business Object = *WMS* and verify that thirteen records appear.

Thirteen records should appear.

Creating View Links for ACR 5251 Navigate to Administration - Application > View Links and query for 'Warranty Claims' in the top

list applet.

2 In the Warranty Claims link, create two new records in the middle View Links list applet with the following values:

First record:

❏ Sequence = 1

❏ Active = Y

❏ Name = My Claims

❏ Description = My Claims

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C24

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

❏ View = eAuto WMS Warranty Claim - My Claims View

Second record:

❏ Sequence = 2

❏ Active = Y

❏ Name = All Claims

❏ Description = All Claims

❏ View = eAuto WMS Warranty Claim - All Claims View

Creating Signals for ACR 5251 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Signals and query for Signal Name =


2 Check Locked Flag to Y.

3 Navigate to the bottom list applet and drill down on Work Space.

4 In the Action tab, create a record with the following values:

❏ Sequence: 1

❏ Service Type: Workflow

❏ Service Name: PSP Driver Workflow Process

❏ Service Method: RunProcess

❏ Application Name Mode: Warranty Claim

❏ Instance Type: Line Item

❏ Fields: Part Name

❏ Active: Y

5 In the Parameters applet, add the following:

6 In the Action tab, create a record with the following values:

Name Value

CPScope Whole

RowScope Selected

SubPSPWFName Basic Pricing Procedure

Variable Map - Context Warranty Claim Part Pricing Variable Map - Context

Variable Map - Row Set Warranty Claim Part Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 25

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

❏ Sequence: 1

❏ Service Type: Workflow

❏ Service Name: PSP Driver Workflow Process

❏ Service Method: RunProcess

❏ Application Name Mode: Work Order

❏ Instance Type: Line Item

❏ Fields: Part Name

❏ Active: Y

7 In the Parameters applet, add the following:

8 After you have created the new records, click the Signals link to navigate to the Signals view, and click Release New Version on the top list applet.

9 Navigate to the applet-level menu and clear the cache.

10 Create a new signal with the following values:

❏ Signal Name: ReviseSupplierWarrantyPolicy

❏ Description: Supplier Warranty Policy Revise Copy

11 Set the Locked flag to Y.

12 Save the record.

13 Drill down on Work Space in the bottom list applet.

14 In the Action tab, create a record with the following values:

❏ Sequence: 1

❏ Service Type: Business Service

❏ Service Name: FINS Data Transfer Utilities

❏ Service Method: DataTransfer

❏ Application Name Mode: Supplier Policy

Name Value

CPScope Whole

RowScope Selected

SubPSPWFName Basic Pricing Procedure

Variable Map - Context Work Order Part Pricing Variable Map - Context

Variable Map - Row Set Work Order Part Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C26

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

❏ Instance Type: Header

❏ Active: Y

15 In the Parameters applet, add the following:

16 In the Action tab, create a record with the following values:

❏ Sequence: 2

❏ Service Type: Business Service

❏ Service Name: ISS Copy Service

❏ Service Method: RefreshBCFromInstance

❏ Application Name Mode: Supplier Policy

❏ Instance Type: Header

❏ Active: Y

17 In the Parameters applet, add the following:

CAUTION: It is important to set the sequence numbers as stated in Step 14 and Step 16.

18 After you have created the new records, click the Signals link to navigate to the Signals view, and click Release New Version on the top list applet.

19 Navigate to the applet-level menu and clear the cache.

20 Restart the Siebel Server.

Instructions for ACR 600Use the instructions in the following sections to implement ACR 600.

Name Value

SharedGlobalDestId Y

Option /BatchMode

Operation Insert

DataMapObj ReviseSupplierWarrantyPolicy

Name Value

BusCompName eAuto WMS Supplier Warranty Policy

InstanceName ISS Instance

TargetRowIDSharedGlobal DTUSharedGlobalDestId

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 27

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Importing Seed Data for ACR 600Use the following procedure to import the seed data for ACR 600.

To import the seed data for ACR 600

1 Create an ODBC entry for the database where you plan to import the seed data:

a Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), navigate to the System DSN tab, and click Add.

b Select the "SQL server" driver for the MSSQL database.

c Enter a data source name (such as DevelopmentDB).

d Enter the server name to connect to:

❏ For Oracle enter the TNS service name that you created to connect Siebel Tools to the database.

e Test your connection and click OK when tested successfully.

2 Navigate to the directory where you installed Siebel Tools and change the directory to REPPATCH\ACR600.

NOTE: Before executing the next step, make sure that the dataimp.exe file exists in the <Tools Install Directory>/bin directory.

3 Run the following command:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install irectory>\REPATCH\ACR600\SeedData\SeedInp_Files\ACR600_Seed.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR600\SeedData\SeedInp_Files \<Database Platform>\ACR600_Seed.inp /q -1 /w y /e n /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory.

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with the ODBC name created in Step 1.

<Database Platform> - Replace with your database platform (Oracle, DB2UDB, or MSSQL).

NOTE: For the MSSQL database, the default table owner is "dbo" (lower-case letters).

4 Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

5 Depending on the language you are installing, follow either

6 For ENU, do the following:

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C28

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

a Run the following command after importing the ACR600_Seed.dat file.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR600\SeedData\ACR600_SEED\ACR600_Seed_Locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR600\SeedData\ACR600_SEED \<Database Platform>\ ACR600_Seed_Locale_ENU.inp /q -1 /w y /e n /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory.

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with the ODBC name created in Step 1.

<Database Platform> - Replace with your database platform (Oracle, DB2UDB, or MSSQL).

b Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

7 For languages other than ENU, do the following:

a Run the following command after importing ACR600_Seed.dat file for importing the locale specific ACR600_Seed_Locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR600\SeedData\ACR600_SEED\seed_locale_XXX.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory.

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with the ODBC name created in Step 1.

b Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

Importing SIF Files for ACR 600Use the following procedure to import the SIF files for ACR 600.

To import the SIF files for ACR 600

1 Extract the file and copy the folder installed in <Tools_Installed_Loc>\REPPATCH.

2 Create a log folder under the ACR600 folder.

3 Update the import.bat file with the following information:

■ SET TOOLSPATH = <Tools_Path>

■ SET DATASRC = <Data Src>

■ SET USERNAME = <User Name>

■ SET PASSWORD = <Password>

4 Run the .bat file.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 29

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Updating the Siebel.ini File for Solaris1 Install the base build.

2 Download the Siebel_Enterprise_Server folder.

3 Set "OverwriteConfig = yes" in siebel.ini file under ..\<Build_Folder>\Release\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server folder and ..\<Build_Folder>\Release\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server\enu folder (in both the siebel.ini file)

4 Append the below swt files information detailed below in the same siebel.ini file in the ..\<Build_Folder>\Release\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server folder only.

NOTE: Add the new entries under [DeleteFiles.Unix.SunOS]. You must create this entry, as it does not exist.


File1 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/lib/

File2 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletActivityGanttChart.swt

File3 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletAdvancedSearch.swt

File4 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletBottomStd.swt

File5 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarDaily.swt

File6 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarDailyPortal.swt

File7 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarMonthly.swt

File8 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarService.swt

File9 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarWeekly.swt

File10 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletChart.swt

File11 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletChartTOC.swt

File12 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletDashboard.swt

File13 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFind.swt

File14 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm1Col_B_E_N.swt

File15 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm1ColLight_B_E_N.swt

File16 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_B.swt

File17 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_E_N.swt

File18 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormPlain.swt

File19 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormSearchTop.swt

File20 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletGanttChart.swt

File21 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletHead.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C30

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File22 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletItemsDisplayed.swt

File23 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletLayoutControls.swt

File24 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletList_B_EL.swt

File25 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletList_E_N_Q.swt

File26 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListBasicHeaderless.swt

File27 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListInverted.swt

File28 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListMessage.swt

File29 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListPortal.swt

File30 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListPortalGraphical.swt

File31 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListPortalHeaderless.swt

File32 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListSearchResults.swt

File33 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListTitleless.swt

File34 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListTotals_B_EL.swt

File35 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSalutation.swt

File36 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSalutationGraphical.swt

File37 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletScreenLinks.swt

File38 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSearchAdvanced.swt

File39 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSearchBasic.swt

File40 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSearchFind.swt

File41 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSendEmailPick.swt

File42 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSendMail.swt

File43 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletSpellCheck.swt

File44 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTail.swt

File45 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTree.swt

File46 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTree2.swt

File47 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTreeMarketing.swt

File48 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCBottomApplet.swt

File49 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarAppletTitleGraphical.swt

File50 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarMonthly_weekday.swt

File51 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarMonthly_weekend.swt

File52 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCChartBasic.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 31

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File53 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCError.swt

File54 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCForm1ColBody.swt

File55 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCForm1ColBodyLight.swt

File56 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCForm4ColBody.swt

File57 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormBaseTitle.swt

File58 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormBody.swt

File59 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormButtonsBottom.swt

File60 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormButtonsTop.swt

File61 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormEditTitle.swt

File62 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormSearch.swt

File63 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFrameBanner.swt

File64 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFrameViewbar.swt

File65 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCGanttAppletTitle.swt

File66 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCLayoutButtons.swt

File67 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCList4ColBody.swt

File68 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBody.swt

File69 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBodyBullet.swt

File70 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBodyInverted.swt

File71 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBodyNoRowHilite.swt

File72 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBodyTotals.swt

File73 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListBodyTotalsNoRowHilite.swt

File74 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListButtonsTop.swt

File75 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListButtonsTopNoRecNav.swt

File76 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListHeader.swt

File77 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListHeaderNoSort.swt

File78 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListHeaderTotals.swt

File79 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListTitle.swt

File80 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListTitlePortal.swt

File81 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListTitlePortalGraphical.swt

File82 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPageContainer_NoFrames.swt

File83 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupButtonsBottom.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C32

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File84 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupForm.swt

File85 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupList.swt

File86 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupQuery.swt

File87 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCRuleEditInsertionList.swt

File88 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCRuleEditStatement.swt

File89 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCScreenbar_Tabs.swt

File90 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCScreenLinks.swt

File91 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSendSMS.swt

File92 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSiteMap.swt

File93 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSmartScriptPlayerApplet.swt

File94 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSubViewbar_Drop.swt

File95 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSubViewbar_Tabs.swt

File96 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCThreadbar.swt

File97 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTogglebar_drop.swt

File98 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTogglebar_drop2.swt

File99 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTogglebar_Tabs.swt

File100 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_1Over2Over1.swt

File101 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_25_50_25.swt

File102 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_25_75.swt

File103 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_25_75_Framed.swt

File104 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_25_75_Framed2.swt

File105 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_33_66.swt

File106 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_50_50.swt

File107 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_66_33.swt

File108 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_Search.swt

File109 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewAdmin1.swt

File110 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewbar_Tabs.swt

File111 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewbarAll_Tabs.swt

File112 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewBasic.swt

File113 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewCatalog.swt

File114 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 33

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File115 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail2.swt

File116 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail2_ParentPntr.swt

File117 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail3.swt

File118 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail3MultiChild.swt

File119 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail_GrndchldIndnt.swt

File120 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail_ParentPntr.swt

File121 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetailMultiChild.swt

File122 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewTree.swt

File123 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewTree2.swt

File124 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletForm1Col.swt

File125 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletForm2Col.swt

File126 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletForm4ColMerged_B_E_N.swt

File127 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletFormBase1Col.swt

File128 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletFormBase2Col.swt

File129 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletFormBasic.swt

File130 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletFormItemDetail.swt

File131 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLicenseBase1Col.swt

File132 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLinks.swt

File133 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLinks2.swt

File134 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLinksBorder.swt

File135 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLinksNoTitle.swt

File136 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefBullet.swt

File137 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefBulletBorder.swt

File138 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefBulletShaded.swt

File139 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefImgBullet.swt

File140 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefImgBullet2.swt

File141 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefImgBulletBorder.swt

File142 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListBriefImgBulletShaded.swt

File143 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedBullet.swt

File144 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedBulletTab.swt

File145 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedTab.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C34

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File146 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedTOC.swt

File147 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListDetailedImgBullet.swt

File148 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListDetailedImgBulletRecNav2.swt

File149 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListDetailedImgBulletRecNav.swt

File150 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListHorizontal.swt

File151 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListLight.swt

File152 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListMerged_B_EL.swt

File153 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListMessage.swt

File154 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListSearchResults.swt

File155 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListSubCategory_1PerRow.swt

File156 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListSubCategory_4PerColumn.swt

File157 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListSubCategory_6PerColumn.swt

File158 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListSubCategoryIndented.swt

File159 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListTabbed.swt

File160 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletPSearchHead.swt

File161 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletPSearchTail.swt

File162 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSearchAdvanced.swt

File163 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSearchBasic.swt

File164 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSearchFind.swt

File165 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSearchTop.swt

File166 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCForm1Col.swt

File167 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCForm2Col.swt

File168 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCForm4ColBody.swt

File169 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormButtonsBottom.swt

File170 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormButtonsTopWithTitle.swt

File171 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormItemDetail.swt

File172 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormSearch.swt

File173 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormTotals.swt

File174 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFrameBanner.swt

File175 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFrameScreenbar.swt

File176 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFrameViewbar.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 35

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File177 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFrameViewbar_Hybrid.swt

File178 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyBullet.swt

File179 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyHorizontal.swt

File180 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBullet.swt

File181 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBulletDetailed.swt

File182 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBulletDetailed2.swt

File183 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListButtonsTopWithTitle.swt

File184 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListCategorized.swt

File185 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListHeader.swt

File186 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListTitle.swt

File187 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListTitleNoRule.swt

File188 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCPageContainer.swt

File189 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCPageContainer_NoFrames.swt

File190 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCScreenbar_Tabs.swt

File191 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCSubViewbar_Drop.swt

File192 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCSubViewbar_Tabs.swt

File193 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCTogglebar_Tabs.swt

File194 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_100_66_33_100.swt

File195 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_25_50_25.swt

File196 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_25_75.swt

File197 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_25_75_Framed.swt

File198 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_50_50.swt

File199 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_66_33.swt

File200 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_75_25.swt

File201 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_Basic.swt

File202 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCViewAdmin1.swt

File203 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCViewbar_Tabs.swt

File204 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCViewDetail.swt

File205 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCViewDetail2.swt

File206 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCViewDetailMultiChild.swt

File207 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAttributeComboBox.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C36

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File208 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAttributeList.swt

File209 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBasketBox.swt

File210 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgClassNode.swt

File211 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCompAttributeEdit.swt

File212 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNav.swt

File213 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNav_UiPicker.swt

File214 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavAttributes.swt

File215 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavClasses.swt

File216 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavConnectedProducts.swt

File217 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavLinks.swt

File218 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavRelationships.swt

File219 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCxProdNavResources.swt

File220 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgLinkedItem.swt

File221 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_Status_Conflict.swt

File222 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_Status_Error_Info.swt

File223 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgPort_Header.swt

File224 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgResource.swt

File225 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgSaveFavoritesPopup.swt

File226 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgTabBasket.swt

File227 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgView_Decorations.swt

File228 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCollabAckApplet.swt

File229 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCollabHiddenApplet.swt

File230 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespAppletInboundMsg.swt

File231 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespAppletOutboundMsg.swt

File232 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespFormButtonsBottom.swt

File233 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespFormInBound.swt

File234 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespFormOutBound.swt

File235 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalAppletEdit.swt

File236 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalAppletFormBasic.swt

File237 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalAppletListTinyHeaderless.swt

File238 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalAppletTitle.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 37

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File239 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalBriefingHeaderApplet.swt

File240 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalCalendarAppletTitle.swt

File241 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalCalendarDaily.swt

File242 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalCompanySearchFormApplet.swt

File243 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalDeptSectionsApplet.swt

File244 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalDeptView.swt

File245 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalEmbeddedContainerPage.swt

File246 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalError.swt

File247 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalFullListApplet.swt

File248 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalHomeView.swt

File249 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalLinkListApplet.swt

File250 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalLitListApplet.swt

File251 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalNavBarApplet.swt

File252 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalPageContainer.swt

File253 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalQuickPicksApplet.swt

File254 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalSearchApplet.swt

File255 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalSimpleListApplet.swt

File256 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalSplashApplet.swt

File257 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalTickerSearchFormApplet.swt

File258 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalTOCApplet.swt

File259 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalTopUrlApplet.swt

File260 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalURLApplet.swt

File261 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalWeatherSearchFormApplet.swt

File262 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eSalesAppletFormItemDetail.swt

File263 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eSalesConfigApplet10.swt

File264 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eSalesView_100_25_75_100.swt

File265 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eServiceNewButtonApplet.swt

File266 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eWirelessPageTabLayoutEdit.swt

File267 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ICAppletList.swt

File268 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ICAppletListCategorizedBulletTab.swt

File269 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ICCurrentCategoryApplet.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C38

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File270 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ICListCategorized.swt

File271 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIAppletTitle.swt

File272 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIBriefingHeaderApplet.swt

File273 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIBriefingListApplet.swt

File274 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIBriefingView.swt

File275 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SILinkListApplet.swt

File276 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIMyBriefingView.swt

File277 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIPlainApplet.swt

File278 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SISalutationApplet.swt

File279 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SISwoopTitle.swt

File280 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SISynchronizeApplet.swt

File281 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SITOCApplet.swt

File282 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SITrackingProfileHeaderApplet.swt

File283 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SITrackingProfileReviewView.swt

File284 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SIUrlApplet.swt

File285 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SWELogin.swt

File286 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ToolsForm.swt

File287 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ToolsList.swt

File288 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ToolsUnmapped.swt

File289 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/TrainingTestApplet.swt

File290 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/TrainingTestResultApplet.swt

File291 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarAppletTitle.swt

File292 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewSegmentDetail.swt

File293 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDashboard.swt

File294 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_GlobalSignal.swt

File295 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletGanttChartPortal.swt

File296 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCLayoutTitlePortal.swt

File297 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBaseAutoReprice.swt

File298 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBaseManualReprice.swt

File299 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgClassNodeNoPick.swt

File300 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlCheck.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 39

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File301 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlCheckPrice.swt

File302 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlCombo.swt

File303 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAdd.swt

File304 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAddPrice.swt

File305 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlQuantity.swt

File306 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlQuantityPrice.swt

File307 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlRadio.swt

File308 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlRadioPrice.swt

File309 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgGroupStandard.swt

File310 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgGroupSummary.swt

File311 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductRawMode.swt

File312 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductSingle.swt

File313 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductTabs.swt

File314 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductWizard.swt

File315 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewAdmin1_GrndchldIndnt.swt

File316 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail2_GrndchldIndnt.swt

File317 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail3_GrndchldIndnt.swt

File318 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail3_ParentPntr.swt

File319 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSearchAdvancedTabbed.swt

File320 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBullet2.swt

File321 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eAuctionAppletPlaceBid.swt

File322 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlAttributeText.swt

File323 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboPrice.swt

File324 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboPriceQuantity.swt

File325 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboQuantity.swt

File326 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationContentsPriceQuantity.swt

File327 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationContentsQuantity.swt

File328 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationRawCombo.swt

File329 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgViewBasic.swt

File330 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormButtonsTopNoRecNav.swt

File331 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eWirelessPageTabLayt4ColBody.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C40

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File332 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCApplet_NamedSpacer.swt

File333 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCApplet_Spacer.swt

File334 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_25_50_25_home.swt

File335 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_NoRecNav.swt

File336 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormWizard.swt

File337 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTitle.swt

File338 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTitle_Mapped.swt

File339 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTitle_Portal.swt

File340 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTitle_PortalGraphical.swt

File341 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormButtonsTop.swt

File342 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListButtonsTop.swt

File343 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCTitle_Mapped.swt

File344 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCTitle_Portal.swt

File345 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_DetailExplanation.swt

File346 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_GlobalDetailExpl.swt

File347 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgPopupFrameContainer.swt

File348 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAttributeRadio.swt

File349 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedNoTab.swt

File350 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyNoRowHilite.swt

File351 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyTotalsNoRowHilite.swt

File352 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListHeaderTotals.swt

File353 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCTitle_RecNav.swt

File354 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMViewBasic.swt

File355 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletForm4Col_B_TglBar.swt

File356 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletList_B_EL_TglBar.swt

File357 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletList_E_N_Q_TglBar.swt

File358 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMFormButtonsTop_TglBar.swt

File359 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMListButtonsTop_TglBar.swt

File360 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMViewBasic_TglBar.swt

File361 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMViewTree.swt

File362 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewTree_33_66.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 41

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File363 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletRealtimeCart.swt

File364 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletSalutationGraphical.swt

File365 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCLogout.swt

File366 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAtt_Header.swt

File367 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalAppletLinks2.swt

File368 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortaldCCAppletFormBasic.swt

File369 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortaldCCForm1ColBodyLight.swt

File370 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMReport_Form.swt

File371 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMReport_ListForm.swt

File372 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMReport_ListTotal.swt

File373 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgTopLevelButtons.swt

File374 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMObjectiveListApplet.swt

File375 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMTreeForm.swt

File376 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListMerged_B_EL.swt

File377 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCListButtonsTopWithTitle.swt

File378 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormQuestionnaire.swt

File379 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCScreenbar_Tabs_Hybrid.swt

File380 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalNavBarAppletDeptPage.swt

File381 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalQuickPicksAppletDeptPage.swt

File382 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCView_50_50_Over_100_Framed.swt

File383 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewFilterDetail.swt

File384 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewVertical_Framed.swt

File385 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgError.swt

File386 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgErrorPicker.swt

File387 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarView.swt

File388 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCalendarViewTabs.swt

File389 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermFrameViewbar.swt

File390 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_E_N_NoTitle.swt

File391 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_25_50_25_Framed.swt

File392 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListButtonsTop.swt

File393 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eDocumentsTemplateLayout.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C42

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File394 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4ColMerged_B_E_N.swt

File395 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFormButtonsTopWithTitle.swt

File396 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletHiGanttChart.swt

File397 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/HIcalendar.swt

File398 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFilterForm4Col_E_N.swt

File399 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EventHIcalendar.swt

File400 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletListTotals_B_EL_TglBar.swt

File401 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListCategorized3.swt

File402 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListCategorizedBulletTab3.swt

File403 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormWithSteps.swt

File404 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMImageDescr.swt

File405 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CBPopupForm.swt

File406 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CBListButtonsHierarchy.swt

File407 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CBPopupListHierarchy.swt

File408 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormButtonsTopNoRecNav.swt

File409 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletGotoURL.swt

File410 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletListPortalToggle.swt

File411 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListAddItems.swt

File412 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortal4Up.swt

File413 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail_TglBar.swt

File414 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCPRMFrameViewbar.swt

File415 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMTopStory.swt

File416 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMTopStoryLgImg.swt

File417 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuBaseAutoReprice.swt

File418 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuControlCheckPrice.swt

File419 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuControlQuantityPrice.swt

File420 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuGroupSummary.swt

File421 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuLinkedItem.swt

File422 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuObj_GlobalSignal.swt

File423 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuProductTheme.swt

File424 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuTopLevelButtons.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 43

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File425 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_Status_Error_Undo.swt

File426 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewHIC.swt

File427 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_B_Expanded.swt

File428 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_E_N_Expanded.swt

File429 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm4Col_NoRecNav_Expanded.swt

File430 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCForm4ColBody_Expanded.swt

File431 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalURLAppletForm.swt

File432 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalURLAppletInner.swt

File433 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSISOMAppletForm4Col_NoRecNavLinks.swt

File434 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSISOMForm4ColBodyLinks.swt

File435 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCSISOMViewDetail2_ParentPntr.swt

File436 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CBAppletForm4Col_E_N_Simple.swt

File437 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuAttributeRadio.swt

File438 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalURLAppletGraphical.swt

File439 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCCRAFrameViewbar.swt

File440 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCScreenbar_NSTabs.swt

File441 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListMvg.swt

File442 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListAssoc.swt

File443 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTaskAssistantPlayer.swt

File444 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletPopupFormGridLayout.swt

File445 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormGridLayout.swt

File446 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListMvgShuttleButtonsTop.swt

File447 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCPopupListAssocShuttleButtonsTop.swt

File448 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_CCAppletTree.swt

File449 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewbarAll_Tabs_DropList.swt

File450 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewbar_Tabs_DropList.swt

File451 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductTabsJS.swt

File452 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBaseAutoRepriceJS.swt

File453 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAddJS.swt

File454 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgHiddenFrame.swt

File455 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationContentsQuantityJS.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C44

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File456 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgCompAttributeEditJS.swt

File457 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAtt_HeaderJS.swt

File458 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgTopLevelButtonsJS.swt

File459 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgPort_HeaderJS.swt

File460 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgGroupStandardJS.swt

File461 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgViewBasicJS.swt

File462 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_Status_ConflictJS.swt

File463 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAttributeComboBoxJS.swt

File464 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMEmpLocatorSearchFormApplet.swt

File465 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMBusinessCardFormBasic.swt

File466 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMViewResultsDetail.swt

File467 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuProductThemeJS.swt

File468 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuAttributeRadioJS.swt

File469 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuBaseAutoRepriceJS.swt

File470 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuControlQuantityPriceJS.swt

File471 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuObj_GlobalSignalJS.swt

File472 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuTopLevelButtonsJS.swt

File473 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletGanttChartActX.swt

File474 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboJS.swt

File475 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewChartList.swt

File476 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewParentListWithTabs.swt

File477 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewParentMultiChildWithTabs.swt

File478 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermPortalViewbar.swt

File479 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermPortalPageContainer.swt

File480 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermEmbeddedFrameViewbar.swt

File481 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMIntegrationURLApplet.swt

File482 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCError.swt

File483 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBaseManualRepriceJS.swt

File484 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboPriceJS.swt

File485 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboQuantityJS.swt

File486 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductRawModeJS.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 45

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File487 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTaskMap.swt

File488 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCTitle.swt

File489 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationContentsPriceQuantityJS.swt

File490 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAddPriceJS.swt

File491 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_ExplanationJS.swt

File492 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgLinkedItemJS.swt

File493 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgResourceJS.swt

File494 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_GlobalSignalJS.swt

File495 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgGroupSummaryJS.swt

File496 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMListBodyTotals.swt

File497 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletListTotals_TglBar.swt

File498 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuGroupSummaryJS.swt

File499 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductSingleJS.swt

File500 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgProductWizardJS.swt

File501 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormGridWizard.swt

File502 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboPriceQuantityJS.swt

File503 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListImgBulletScreenHomepage.swt

File504 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm1ColScreenHomepage.swt

File505 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMGenericViewTree.swt

File506 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCESSPlayerApplet.swt

File507 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermAdminFrameBanner.swt

File508 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ePortalNavBarAppletDeptPage_LeftNav.swt

File509 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_15_60_25_home.swt

File510 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMCPRDAListApplet.swt

File511 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMCPRDAListHeader.swt

File512 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgAttributeRadioJS.swt

File513 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarGanttChartTop.swt

File514 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletCalendarGC.swt

File515 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletList_B_EL_NavControl.swt

File516 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletPortalLinks.swt

File517 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormPortalGraphical.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C46

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File518 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewbar_Tabs_DropList_Always.swt

File519 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespAttachmentListButtons.swt

File520 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespAppletInboundAttachments.swt

File521 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletScreenHomepageBanner.swt

File522 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBulletScreenHomepage.swt

File523 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListImgBulletScreenHomepageWithDiv.swt

File524 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCForm1ColScreenHomepage.swt

File525 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBulletScreenHomepage2.swt

File526 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletGanttChartActX_Mktg.swt

File527 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletAppHomepageBanner.swt

File528 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuControlCheckPriceJS.swt

File529 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfg_MenuLinkedItemJS.swt

File530 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermAppletListTabbedHighlight.swt

File531 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ermListBodyHighlight.swt

File532 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ICAppletForm.swt

File533 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletPortalList.swt

File534 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm1ColScreenHomepageAdd.swt

File535 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletForm1ColScreenHomepageSearch.swt

File536 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMAppletListNoRowHilite_B_EL.swt

File537 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletListCalToDo.swt

File538 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eEventsEventMicrositeView.swt

File539 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletDashboard_3Row.swt

File540 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCView_50_50_1.swt

File541 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletLinksNoTitle1.swt

File542 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListDetailedImgBulletRecNav3.swt

File543 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListItemDetail.swt

File544 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListBodyImgBulletDetailed3.swt

File545 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCListItemDetail.swt

File546 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCFormButtonsBottom_ext.swt

File547 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormGridLayout_Extend.swt

File548 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletFormBasic_ext.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 47

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File549 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMKPIListApplet.swt

File550 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ERMMMProductView.swt

File551 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/TNTSHMHICalendar.swt

File552 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgGroupMessagesJS.swt

File553 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListImgDetailHC.swt

File554 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCAppletListImgDetailHCBody.swt

File555 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail_ShoppingCart.swt

File556 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgObj_MessagesJS.swt

File557 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletParametricSearch.swt

File558 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/COMActiveXAppletForm.swt

File559 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormGridLayoutNoRecNav.swt

File560 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCFGViewBasicJS_ViewDetail_ShoppingCart.swt

File561 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCQuickPrintPopupForm.swt

File562 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletPlaybarButtons.swt

File563 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletTaskPane.swt

File564 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/TUPopupWatchWindow.swt

File565 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCInboxTransfer.swt

File566 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAddDomainPriceJS.swt

File567 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlComboAddPriceAttribGridJS.swt

File568 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgRelationContentsPriceQuantityAttribGridJS.swt

File569 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlCheckPriceMultiLevelJS.swt

File570 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCTaskViewTitle.swt

File571 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletPlaybarTop.swt

File572 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletPlaybarBottom.swt

File573 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletFormGridLayout_withJS.swt

File574 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgControlAttributeTextJS.swt

File575 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ccappletlist_b_el-shuttlemvg.swt

File576 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/ccappletlist_b_el-shuttleassoc.swt

File577 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SavedSearch.swt

File578 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchLookin.swt

File579 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/AdvancedSearch.swt

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C48

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File580 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchPreference.swt

File581 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchResults.swt

File582 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/Search_ListHeader.swt

File583 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchResultsFooter.swt

File584 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchHeaderResults.swt

File585 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SaveSearchApplet.swt

File586 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/RefineCategoryApplet.swt

File587 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCViewDetail_ParentPntr_TAQ.swt

File588 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/Search_View.swt

File589 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/Search_RefineCategoryApplet.swt

File590 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/Search_Popup.swt

File591 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgBaseAutoRepriceMultiSelectJS.swt

File592 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/eCfgTopLevelButtonsJS_Configurator.swt

File593 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCActionBar.swt

File594 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCActionPane.swt

File595 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletReplaceQuery.swt

File596 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchFindResults.swt

File597 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/SearchFindHeaderResults.swt

File598 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/dCCmain.css

File599 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCHtmlType.swf

File600 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/dCCHtmlType.swf

File601 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/clock.gif

File602 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/voice.gif

File603 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_accept_work_item_enabled.gif

File604 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_call_enabled.gif

File605 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_consultative_conference_enabled.gif

File606 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_consultative_transfer_enabled.gif

File607 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_email_enabled.gif

File608 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_fax_enabled.gif

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 49

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File609 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_hold_work_item_enabled.gif

File610 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_initiate_work_item_enabled.gif

File611 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_login_enabled.gif

File612 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_logout_enabled.gif

File613 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_mute_transfer_enabled.gif

File614 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_notready_enabled.gif

File615 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_page_enabled.gif

File616 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_release_work_item_enabled.gif

File617 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_retrieve_enabled.gif

File618 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_webcall_enabled.gif

File619 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_fwd_wrk_itm_1_d.gif

File620 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_res_wrk_itm_1_d.gif

File621 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/files/%LANGUAGE%/icon_wireless_enabled.gif

File622 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicscontrols.htm

File623 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicscontrolscal.htm

File624 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicscontrolscurr.htm

File625 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicsdata.htm

File626 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicsdatatoc.htm

File627 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicskbshortcuts.htm

File628 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicsnav.htm

File629 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebbasicsselectiondbs.htm

File630 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcalendar.htm

File631 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcharts.htm

File632 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomfindinginfo.htm

File633 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgeneric.htm

File634 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgenericcontactustoc.htm

File635 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgenericfindinginfotoc.htm

File636 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgenericlogintoc.htm

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C50

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

File637 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgenericregistrationtoc.htm

File638 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomgenericuserinterfacetoc.htm

File639 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomloggingin.htm

File640 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomregistration.htm

File641 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomsearch.htm

File642 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomupdatinguserprofile.htm

File643 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomuserinterface.htm

File644 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcomwwattachments.htm

File645 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcorrespondence.htm

File646 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebcorrespondencetoc.htm

File647 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebfindinginfotoc.htm

File648 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebhomepage.htm

File649 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebhomepagetoc.htm

File650 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebindex.htm

File651 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebliterature.htm

File652 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebliteraturetoc.htm

File653 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/sieboptions.htm

File654 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/sieboptionstoc.htm

File655 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebquery.htm

File656 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebquerytoc.htm

File657 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebreports.htm

File658 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebsearch.htm

File659 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebsearchtoc.htm

File660 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebstarthelp.htm

File661 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebuserinterfacetoc.htm

File662 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebusingcalendartoc.htm

File663 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebwelcome.htm

File664 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebusingtaskbasedui.htm

File665 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebusingtaskbaseduitoc.htm

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

File666 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webmaster/help/%LANGUAGE%/siebaccessibility.htm

File667 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/FINSFrameViewbar.swt

File668 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/FINSPageContainer.swt

File669 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/FINSDBLogin.swt

File670 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCAppletDashboard.swt

File671 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/CCFrameMsgbar.swt

File672 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespFormInBoundNew.swt

File673 = $(SiebelRoot)/siebsrvr/webtempl/EmailRespFormOutBoundNew.swt

Instructions for ACR 604Use the instructions in this section to configure ACR 604.

Configuring the Frame Level EnhancementFrame titles can be customized using Siebel Tools, by adding an application-level user property to the application. Multiple user properties may be specified, so that the maximum length of the user property value field is not exceeded. The user properties are in the form HTMLFramesTitle0 up to HTMLFramesTitle15. The user property values are given in the form 'FrameName1:User Title1, FrameName 2:UserTitle2'.

The following table describes an example:

By default, frames are identified by a screen reader using the internal Siebel application names such as "_sweclient" unless one of the above properties has been set. This feature is applicable only in SI+ mode, with Accessibility mode turned on.

Configuring the Session Timeout Warning EnhancementThis feature offers two time parameters, both of which are specified in the eapps.cfg file. The values are specified in seconds.

The following is an example:

■ SessionTimeout = 900 (the existing parameter)

■ SessionTimeoutWarning = 300 (the new parameter)

User Property Name Value

HTMLFramesTitle0 _swe : My SWE ,_sweclient:MY SWE CLIENT

HTMLFramesTitle1 _sweapp:My APPLICATION, _swecda:My SWE CDA, _swescrnbar:MY SCREENBAR

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C52

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

The Time Out Warning Period is defined as:

TimeOutWarningPeriod = SessionTimeout value minus SessionTimeoutWarning value

In the previous example, the timeout warning message will be displayed after 600 seconds (10 minutes) of inactivity, calculated as 900 -300 = 600 seconds.

Instructions for ACR 620The following sections contain detailed instructions for configuring ACR 620.

Installing ACR 6201 Navigate to tools.cfg from <Tools Install Directory>\Bin\Enu, and within the Siebel section, make

sure that the SymStrPrefix entry has been set to SBL_



.; SymStrPrefix parameter needs to be X_ for Siebel Customers.

SymStrPrefix = SBL_


2 In Siebel Tools, create the following projects:

❏ ISS Promotion Group

❏ ISS Promotion Group Admin

❏ ISS Promotion Group Workflow

❏ Table PromotionGroup

3 In Siebel Tools, lock the following projects :

❏ Account

❏ Account (SSE)

❏ Asset Management

❏ CUT Siebel Communications

❏ CUT eSales - Quote

❏ Cfg RTC

❏ Common Components

❏ Eligibility Compatibility

❏ FS Agreement

❏ Fixed Rule Adjustment

❏ ISS Authoring Admin

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 53

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

❏ ISS Context

❏ ISS Order Management

❏ ISS Product Admin

❏ ISS Promotion Admin

❏ ISS Promotion Group

❏ ISS Promotion Group Admin

❏ ISS Promotion Group Workflow

❏ ISS Promotion Integration

❏ ISS Promotion Split Merge

❏ ISS Promotion Workflow

❏ MACD Performance

❏ Order Entry


❏ Product

❏ Product (SSE)

❏ Product Selection UI

❏ Quote

❏ Quote (UI)

❏ Row Set Transformation Toolkit

❏ SIS OM Base Architecture

❏ Symbolic Strings

❏ Table Asset

❏ Table Order

❏ Table Product

❏ Table ProductCompatability

❏ Table ProductPromotion

❏ Table PromotionGroup

❏ Table Promotions

❏ Table Quote


❏ VORD Compound Product Validation Engine

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C54

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

4 Import the following SIF files in the order shown from the <Unzipped Folder>\ACR620\ REPOSITORY\<SIF File Name> folder into Siebel Tools using the Import from Archive option. Use the Merge option in Siebel Tools Import Wizard.

NOTE: <SIF File Name> - Replace with the sif file name which is going to be imported

NOTE: If Symbolic String is not exposed in View > Option > Object Explorer > Siebel Object, navigate to View > Option, click the Object Explorer tab and check the Symbolic String check box.

❏ Tables.sif.

CAUTION: You must also import the Tables.sif file that is packaged with ACR 500 in the file. For more information, see the Instructions for ACR 500 section within Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Article ID 880452.1.

❏ Symbolic Strings.sif

❏ Bitmap Categories.sif

❏ Icon Maps.sif

❏ Web Templates.sif

❏ Classes.sif

❏ Commands.sif

❏ Picklists.sif

❏ Business Services.sif

❏ Business Components.sif

❏ Links.sif

❏ Business Objects.sif

❏ Integration Objects.sif

❏ Applets.sif

❏ Views.sif

❏ Screens.sif

❏ Applications.sif

NOTE: If you have not locked the required projects, you may receive a warning error message. If you receive the warning error message, then lock the project displayed in the message.

5 After the sif files are imported, within Object Explorer, navigate to Table, and do the following:

a Query for all the changed objects and select them.

b Click the Apply/DDL button, click Apply, and then click OK to apply the changes to the physical database.

6 Within the Apply Schema dialog box, provide the following credentials to connect to the database:

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 55

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

❏ Database user= <Table Owner name>

❏ Database user password= <Table Owner name>

❏ ODBC data source= <DSN Name> (create the DSN if you get a TNS not resolved error message).

7 If the Siebel Server is running, then stop it.

8 Compile all the locked projects using Tools > Compile Projects.

9 Save the srf file to <Siebel Server Install folder>\objects\ENU\siebel_sia.srf on the installed Siebel server.

10 Start the Siebel Server.

11 Select Workflow Process Object in OBLE.

12 Right-click on Import Workflow Process and import the .xml workflow from the <Unzipped Folder>\ACR620\REPOSITORY\Workflows folder under the following projects:

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C56

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Sequence Workflow Name Project

1 ISS Promotion Calculate Component Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

2 ISS Promotion Calculate Related Objects Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

3 ISS Promotion Disconnect Component SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

4 ISS Promotion Disconnect Process ISS Promotion Workflow

5 ISS Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

6 ISS Promotion Upgrade Charge Proration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

7 ISS Promotion Create Agreement Details ISS Promotion Workflow

8 ISS Promotion Agreement Management Sub Process

ISS Promotion Workflow

9 ISS Promotion Upgrade Check Agreement SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

10 SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

11 ISS Promotion Debundle Integration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

12 ISS Promotion Debundle Process ISS Promotion Workflow

13 ISS Promotion Recommendation For Assets ISS Promotion Workflow

14 ISS Add To Promotion Sub Process ISS Promotion Workflow

15 ISS Promotion Check Order Item Sub Process ISS Promotion Workflow

16 ISS Promotion Check Quote Item Sub Process

ISS Promotion Workflow

17 ISS Promotion Add To Promotion Process ISS Promotion Workflow

18 ISS Promotion Commitment Compliance Check SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

19 ISS Promotion Disconnect Process - for Verify ISS Promotion Workflow

20 ISS Promotion Edit Integration SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

21 ISS Promotion Merge SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

22 ISS Promotion Merge Process ISS Promotion Workflow

23 ISS Promotion Split Process ISS Promotion Workflow

24 ISS Promotion Upgrade Process ISS Promotion Workflow

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 57

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

25 ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

26 SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process SIS OM Base Architecture

27 SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process SIS OM Base Architecture

28 SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow SIS OM Base Architecture

29 SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

30 ISS Modify Promotion Group Workflow ISS Promotion Group Workflow

31 ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

32 ISS Promotion Group Asset List Sub Process ISS Promotion Group Workflow

33 ISS Promotion Group Associate Member Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

34 ISS Promotion Group Associated Member Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

35 ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

36 ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

37 ISS Promotion Group Validate (Order) ISS Promotion Group Workflow

38 ISS Promotion Group Validate (Quote) ISS Promotion Group Workflow

39 PSP Driver Workflow Process PSP

40 Pricing Promotion Group - Asset Membership Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

41 Pricing Procedure - Promotion Group Discount

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

42 Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Row Set Transformation Toolkit

43 Dynamic Pricing Procedure Row Set Transformation Toolkit

44 Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

45 Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

46 SIS OM Quote To Order Workflow PMT Version SIS OM Base Architecture

47 VORD Validate Complex Product (Order) VORD Compound Product Validation Engine

48 VORD Validate Complex Product (Quote) VORD Compound Product Validation Engine

Sequence Workflow Name Project

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C58

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

NOTE: Make sure that the new projects are imported and that the new srf has been applied to the server before you import and activate the workflows.

13 Log into the Siebel application as an administrator.

14 Navigate to Administration - Business Process > Workflow Deployment and activate the workflows in the following order:

49 Product Compatibility - Default Row Set Transformation Toolkit

50 ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

51 ISS Promotion Group Check Commitment Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

52 ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process ISS Promotion Group Workflow

53 ISS Promotion Group Member Disconnect Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

54 ISS Promotion Group Membership - Set PAC Parameters

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

55 ISS Promotion Group Membership Disconnect Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

56 SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process

SIS OM Base Architecture

57 SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process - Quote & Order

SIS OM Base Architecture

58 CUT eSales - Disconnect Products and Services Process

CUT eSales - Quote

Sequence Workflow Name Project

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 59

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Sequence Workflow Name Project

1 ISS Promotion Calculate Component Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

2 ISS Promotion Calculate Related Objects Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

3 ISS Promotion Disconnect Component SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

4 ISS Promotion Disconnect Process ISS Promotion Workflow

5 ISS Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

6 ISS Promotion Upgrade Charge Proration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

7 ISS Promotion Create Agreement Details ISS Promotion Workflow

8 ISS Promotion Agreement Management Sub Process

ISS Promotion Workflow

9 ISS Promotion Upgrade Check Agreement SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

10 SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

11 ISS Promotion Debundle Integration SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

12 ISS Promotion Debundle Process ISS Promotion Workflow

13 ISS Promotion Recommendation For Assets ISS Promotion Workflow

14 ISS Add To Promotion Sub Process ISS Promotion Workflow

15 ISS Promotion Check Order Item Sub Process ISS Promotion Workflow

16 ISS Promotion Check Quote Item Sub Process ISS Promotion Workflow

17 ISS Promotion Add To Promotion Process ISS Promotion Workflow

18 ISS Promotion Commitment Compliance Check SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

19 ISS Promotion Disconnect Process - for Verify ISS Promotion Workflow

20 ISS Promotion Edit Integration SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

21 ISS Promotion Merge SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

22 ISS Promotion Merge Process ISS Promotion Workflow

23 ISS Promotion Split Process ISS Promotion Workflow

24 ISS Promotion Upgrade Process ISS Promotion Workflow

25 ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess ISS Promotion Workflow

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C60

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

26 SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process SIS OM Base Architecture

27 SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-process SIS OM Base Architecture

28 SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow SIS OM Base Architecture

29 SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item SIS OM Base Architecture

30 ISS Modify Promotion Group Workflow ISS Promotion Group Workflow

31 ISS Promotion Asset Membership Compatibility Workflow

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

32 ISS Promotion Group Asset List Sub Process ISS Promotion Group Workflow

33 ISS Promotion Group Associate Member Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

34 ISS Promotion Group Associated Member Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

35 ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

36 ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

37 ISS Promotion Group Validate (Order) ISS Promotion Group Workflow

38 ISS Promotion Group Validate (Quote) ISS Promotion Group Workflow

39 PSP Driver Workflow Process PSP

40 Pricing Promotion Group - Asset Membership Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

41 Pricing Procedure - Promotion Group Discount ISS Promotion Group Workflow

42 Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price Row Set Transformation Toolkit

43 Dynamic Pricing Procedure Row Set Transformation Toolkit

44 Product Compatibility - Exclude Rules SubProcess

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

45 Product Compatibility - Require Rules SubProcess

Row Set Transformation Toolkit

46 SIS OM Quote To Order Workflow PMT Version SIS OM Base Architecture

47 VORD Validate Complex Product (Order) VORD Compound Product Validation Engine

48 VORD Validate Complex Product (Quote) VORD Compound Product Validation Engine

49 Product Compatibility - Default Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Sequence Workflow Name Project

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 61

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

NOTE: After the workflows are published, the status of each workflow changes from In Progress to Complete.

15 After activating the workflows, navigate to Administration - Runtime Events, and choose to reload runtime events for each event.

Importing Seed DataCAUTION: You must import ACR 500 seed data before you import ACR 620 seed data. For more information, see the “Instructions for ACR 500” section within the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab and search for Article ID 880452.1.

Use the following procedure to import ACR 620 seed data.

To import seed data for ACR 620

1 Create an ODBC entry for the database where you plan to import the seed data:

a Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), navigate to the System DSN tab, and click Add.

b Pick the "Siebel Oracle90" driver (from Datadirect Technologies).

c Enter a data source name (such as DevelopmentDB).

d Enter the server name to connect to:

50 ISS Promotion Calculate Promotion Penalty Charges SubProcess

ISS Promotion Workflow

51 ISS Promotion Group Check Commitment Sub Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

52 ISS Promotion Group Disconnect Process ISS Promotion Group Workflow

53 ISS Promotion Group Member Disconnect Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

54 ISS Promotion Group Membership - Set PAC Parameters

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

55 ISS Promotion Group Membership Disconnect Process

ISS Promotion Group Workflow

56 SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process

SIS OM Base Architecture

57 SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process - Quote & Order

SIS OM Base Architecture

58 CUT eSales - Disconnect Products and Services Process

CUT eSales - Quote

Sequence Workflow Name Project

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C62

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

❏ For Oracle, enter the TNS service name that you created to connect Siebel Tools to the database.

e Test your connection and click OK when tested successfully.

2 Navigate to the directory where you installed Siebel Tools and change the directory to REPPATCH\ACR620.

NOTE: Before executing the next step, make sure that the dataimp.exe file exists in the <Tools Install Directory>/bin directory

3 Run the following command:

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR620\SEED_DATA\ACR620_Seed.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR620\SEED_DATA\SeedInp\<Database Platform>\ ACR620_Seed.inp /q -1 /w y /e n /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with ODBC name

<Database Platform> - Replace with the database platform (ORACLE, DB2UDB or MSSQL)

4 Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

5 Depending on the language that you are installing, follow Step Step 6 or Step 7.

6 If you are installing ENU, do the following:

a Run the following command after importing the ACR620_Seed.dat file.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ ACR620\SEED_DATA\ENU\Seed_locale_ENU.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /i <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ACR620\SEED_DATA\SeedInp\<Database Platform>\ACR620_Seed_Locale_ENU.inp /q -1 /w y /e n /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with the ODBC name

<Database Platform> - Replace with the database platform (ORACLE, DB2UDB or MSSQL)

b Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

7 If you are installing a language other than ENU, do the following:

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 63

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

a Run the following command after importing the ACR620_Seed.dat file to import the locale specific seed_locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Tools Install Directory>\REPATCH\ ACR620\ SEED_DATA \XXX\seed_locale_XXX.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Siebel Tools install directory

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with the ODBC name

NOTE: The following procedure applies only to customers who are installing languages other than ENU.

To import locale-specific symbolic string values

1 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to Tools > Utilities > Locale Management.

The Locale Management dialog box appears.

2 In the Options tab, under Languages, select a source language and a target language.

3 Click the Import tab.

4 Enter the directory path and name of the file you are going to import.

5 Click the Import button to import the data.

After you import seed data, it is important that you verify it. For more information about how to verify the seed data, see “Verifying Seed Data for ACR 620” on page 72.

Adding Responsibilities for New Views 1 Within the Siebel application, navigate to Administration - Application > Views, and query for the

views listed in the following table:

View Name Description Default Local Access

ISS Promotion Group Admin View

ISS Promotion Group Admin View


ISS Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Category View

ISS Promotion Group Category View


ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charge Plan View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charge Plan View


ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charges/Credits View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charges/Credits View


Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C64

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Terms View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Terms View


ISS Promotion Group Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Details View - Order

ISS Promotion Group Details View - Order


ISS Promotion Group Details View - Quote

ISS Promotion Group Details View - Quote


ISS Promotion Group Eligibility View

ISS Promotion Group Eligibility View


ISS Promotion Group Membership Access Rule View

ISS Promotion Group Membership Access Rule View


ISS Promotion Group Membership Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Membership Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Memberships View

ISS Promotion Group Memberships View


ISS Promotion Group Notification View

ISS Promotion Group Notification View


ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate View

ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate View


ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components View

ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components View


ISS Promotion Group Product Rewards View

ISS Promotion Group Product Rewards View


ISS Promotion Group Reward Component Access Rule View

ISS Promotion Group Reward Component Access Rule View


ISS Promotion Group Rewards Structure Designer View (Pricing)

ISS Promotion Group Rewards Structure Designer View (Pricing)


ISS Promotion Group Rules Administration View

ISS Promotion Group Rules Administration View


ISS Promotion Group Structure Designer View (Pricing)

ISS Promotion Group Structure Designer View (Pricing)


ISS Promotion Group Versions View

ISS Promotion Group Versions View


SIS OM Products & Services View (Billing) (Promotion Group)

SIS OM Products & Services View (Billing) (Promotion Group)


View Name Description Default Local Access

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 65

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

2 Navigate to the Responsibilities applet, and associate the Siebel Administrator responsibility to all of these views.

3 Navigate to Administration User > Users, query for SADMIN in the User Id field, and add the Siebel Administrator responsibility to the SADMIN user.

4 Log out of the Siebel application.

Modifying Variable Maps Use the following procedure to add variable definitions for the Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set variable map.

To add variable definitions for Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Variable Maps.

2 Query for the Default Pricing Variable Map - Row Set variable map and lock the object.

3 Click the Work Space link.

4 In the Variable Definition view, add the following variable definitions.

NOTE: The Path, Mode and Source Type fields are shown in the Variable Sources view.

SIS OM Products & Services View (Promotion Group)

SIS OM Products & Services View (Promotion Group)


VORD All Promotion Groups View

VORD All Promotion Groups View


VORD Promotion Group Open Orders View

VORD Promotion Group Open Orders View


VORD Promotion Group Restricted Components

VORD Promotion Group Restricted Components


Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Asset Integration Id

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


Member Asset Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Member Asset Id


Prom Group Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Id


View Name Description Default Local Access

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C66

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To add variable definitions for Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Variable Map

2 Query for Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set variable map, and lock the object.

3 Click the Work Space link.

4 In the Variable Definition view, add the following variable definitions:

NOTE: The Mode and Path fields are shown in the Variable Source view.

Prom Group Instance Id

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Instance Id


Prom Group Rule Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Rule Id


Prom Group Name

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Name


Prod Prom Instance Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prod Prom Instance Id


Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Asset Integration Id

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


Member Asset Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Member Asset Id


Prom Group Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Id


Prom Group Instance Id

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Instance Id


Prom Group Rule Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Rule Id


Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 67

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To add variable definitions for Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Variable Map.

2 Query for Default Pricing Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set - Basic and lock the object.

3 Click the Work Space link.

4 In the Variable Definition view, add the following variable definitions:

NOTE: The Mode and Path fields are shown in the Variable Source view.

Prom Group Name

In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Name


Prod Prom Instance Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prod Prom Instance Id


Asset Member Compatibility

In Boolean Ignore $Current/Line Item/Asset Member Compatibility


Integration Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


Prod Prom Rule Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prod Prom Rule Id


Root Product Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Product Id


Root Promotion Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Promotion Id


Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C68

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To add variable definitions for Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Variable Map.

2 Query for Cfg Eligibility Variable Map - Row Set and lock the object.

3 Click the Work Space link.

4 In the Variable Definition view, add the following variable definitions:

NOTE: The Mode and Path fields are shown in the Variable Source view.

Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Asset Member Compatibility

In Boolean Ignore $Current/Line Item/Asset Member Compatibility


Integration Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


Member Asset Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Member Asset Id


Prod Prom Rule Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prod Prom Rule Id


Prom Group Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Id


Root Product Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Product Id


Root Promotion Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Promotion Id


Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 69

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Modifying Action Sets for ACR 620Use the procedures in the following section to modify the action sets for ACR 620.

To modify the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object List Applet action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Query for the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object List Applet action set.

3 Change the Business Service Context field on the bottom form applet as follows:

Name In/Out Type On Null Path Mode

Asset Member Compatibility

In Boolean Ignore $Current/Line Item/Asset Member Compatibility


Integration Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


$Current/Line Item/Asset Integration Id


Member Asset Id In Text Ignore $Current/Line Item/Member Asset Id


Prod Prom Rule Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prod Prom Rule Id


Prom Group Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Prom Group Id


Root Product Id In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Product Id


Root Promotion Id

In ID Ignore $Current/Line Item/Root Promotion Id


Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C70

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To modify the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject List Applet action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets

2 Query for the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject List Applet action set.

3 Change the Business Service Context field on the bottom form applet as follows:

To modify the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product Line As Object List A action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Query for the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product Line As Object List A action set.

3 Change the Business Service Context field on the bottom form applet as follows:

To modify the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product Line As Subject List action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Query for the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Rule Product Line As Subject List action set.

Field Value

Business Service Context "Product Compatibility", "Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

Field Value

Business Service Context "Product Compatibility", "Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

Business Service Context Value

Business Service Context "Product Compatibility", "Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 71

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

3 Change the Business Service Context field on the bottom form applet as follows:

To modify the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Matrix List Applet action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Query for the Cache Refresh BC - Product Compatibility Matrix List Applet action set.

3 Change the business context field on the bottom form applet as follows:

Verifying Seed Data for ACR 620Use the procedures in the following section to verify the seed data for ACR 620

To verify the system preferences for ACR 620

1 Navigate to Site Map > Administration - Application > System Preferences.

2 Verify the following system preference:

To verify the views for ACR 620

1 Navigate to Administration - Application > Views.

2 Verify the following views:

Business Service Context Value

Business Service Context "Product Compatibility", "Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

Business Service Context Value

Business Service Context "Product Compatibility", "Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

System Preference Value Description

Enable Promotion Group Yes Added for ACR620 Promotion Group Universal System Preference

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C72

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

View Name Description Default Local Access

ISS Promotion Group Admin View

ISS Promotion Group Admin View


ISS Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Category View

ISS Promotion Group Category View


ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charge Plan View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charge Plan View


ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charges/Credits View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Charges/Credits View


ISS Promotion Group Commitment Terms View

ISS Promotion Group Commitment Terms View


ISS Promotion Group Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Details View - Order

ISS Promotion Group Details View - Order


ISS Promotion Group Details View - Quote

ISS Promotion Group Details View - Quote


ISS Promotion Group Eligibility View

ISS Promotion Group Eligibility View


ISS Promotion Group Membership Access Rule View

ISS Promotion Group Membership Access Rule View


ISS Promotion Group Membership Compatibility View

ISS Promotion Group Membership Compatibility View


ISS Promotion Group Memberships View

ISS Promotion Group Memberships View


ISS Promotion Group Notification View

ISS Promotion Group Notification View


ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate View

ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate View


ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components View

ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components View


ISS Promotion Group Product Rewards View

ISS Promotion Group Product Rewards View


ISS Promotion Group Reward Component Access Rule View

ISS Promotion Group Reward Component Access Rule View


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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the List of Values for ACR 620

1 In the Siebel application, navigate to Administration - Data > LOV Explorer.

2 Verify the following LOV Types:

ISS Promotion Group Rewards Structure Designer View (Pricing)

ISS Promotion Group Rewards Structure Designer View (Pricing)


ISS Promotion Group Rules Administration View

ISS Promotion Group Rules Administration View


ISS Promotion Group Structure Designer View (Pricing)

ISS Promotion Group Structure Designer View (Pricing)


ISS Promotion Group Versions View

ISS Promotion Group Versions View


SIS OM Products & Services View (Billing) (Promotion Group)

SIS OM Products & Services View (Billing) (Promotion Group)


SIS OM Products & Services View (Promotion Group)

SIS OM Products & Services View (Promotion Group)


VORD All Promotion Groups View

VORD All Promotion Groups View


VORD Promotion Group Open Orders View

VORD Promotion Group Open Orders View


VORD Promotion Group Restricted Components

VORD Promotion Group Restricted Components


Type Translate Replication Level







Y All



View Name Description Default Local Access

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Navigate to Administration - Data > List Of Values, and verify the following values:

TypeDisplay Value LIC

Language Name Order Active Translate

Replication Level

OWNERSHIP_TYPE Customer Account

Customer Account


1 Y Y All

OWNERSHIP_TYPE Account Hierarchy

Account Hierarchy


2 Y Y All

OWNERSHIP_TYPE Across Organizations

Across Organizations


3 Y Y All

PROMO_TYPE_CD Promotion Group

Promotion Group


3 Y Y All


Promotion Group Memberships


5 Y Y All

PROM_ITEM_TYPE_CD PG Rewards Promotion Group Rewards


6 Y Y All

PROM_ITEM_TYPE_CD PG Memberships - Members

Promotion Group Memberships - Members


7 Y Y All

PROM_ITEM_TYPE_CD PG Member - Default

Promotion Group Member - Defaults


8 Y Y All

PROM_ITEM_TYPE_CD Promotion Group Member - Defaults

Promotion Group Rewards - Defaults


9 Y Y All

PROD_CD Promotion Group Membership

Promotion Group Membership


21 Y Y All

COMP_SCOPE_CD Bundled Promotion

Bundled Promotion


1 Y Y All

COMP_SCOPE_CD Customizable Product

Customizable Product


2 Y Y All

COMP_SCOPE_CD Promotion Group

Promotion Group


5 Y Y All

COMP_SCOPE_CD Inter Promotion Group

Inter Promotion Group


6 Y Y All


Prom Group Billing Account

Promotion Group Billing Account


1 Y Y All


Assoc Asset Billing Account

Associated Asset Billing Account


2 Y Y All


Prom Group Owner Account

Promotion Group Owner Account


1 Y Y All

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates


Assoc Asset Owner Account

Associated Asset Owner Account


2 Y Y All


Prom Group Service Account

Promotion Group Service Account


1 Y Y All


Assoc Asset Service Account

Associated Asset Service Account


2 Y Y All

PG_DEFINITION_TYPE Membership Membership English-American

1 Y Y All


Reward Component


2 Y Y All


Reward Aggregate


3 Y Y All


Billing Account

Billing Account English-American

1 Y Y All


Service Account

Service Account


2 Y Y All


All Members All Members English-American

1 Y Y All


Selected Members

Selected Members


2 Y Y All


Impacted Members

Impacted Members


3 Y Y All


Manage Members

Manage Members


1 Y Y All


Manage Self Manage Self English-American

2 Y Y All


Add Self Add Self English-American

3 Y Y All


View Members View Members English-American

4 Y Y All


Modify Self Modify Self English-American

5 Y Y All


Disconnect Self

Disconnect Self English-American

6 Y Y All


Suspend Self Suspend Self English-American

7 Y Y All


Resume Self Resume Self English-American

8 Y Y All

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Member Component

Member Component


4 Y Y All

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Member Aggregate - Default

Member Aggregate - Default


5 Y Y All

TypeDisplay Value LIC

Language Name Order Active Translate

Replication Level

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Verifying Message Types for ACR 620Use the procedures in the following section to verify the message types for ACR 620.

To verify the Pricer - Promotion Group Membership Adjustment message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Pricer - Promotion Group Membership Adjustment message contains the following information:

To verify the Pricer - Promotion Group Adjustment message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Pricer - Promotion Group Adjustment message contains the following information:

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Member Aggregate - Conditional

Member Aggregate - Conditional


6 Y Y All

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Promotion Group Reward

Promotion Group Reward


7 Y Y All

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Reward Aggregate - Default

Reward Aggregate - Default


8 Y Y All

PROM_PRI_TYPE_CD Reward Aggregate - Conditional

Reward Aggregate - Conditional


9 Y Y All

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Pricer - Promotion Group Adjustment

Passive Pricer Waterfall

Promotion Group Membership Adjustment

Promotion Group '[Promotion Group]' - Membership '[Membership]

'Promotion Group '[Promotion Group]' - Membership '[Membership]'

TypeDisplay Value LIC

Language Name Order Active Translate

Replication Level

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 77

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Asset Membership - Product Qty Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Message Asset Membership - Product Qty Error message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group - Broken Commitment Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify the Promotion Group - Broken Commitment Error message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Pricer - Promotion Group Membership Adjustment

Passive Pricer Waterfall Pricer - Promotion Group Membership Adjustment

Promotion Group '[Promotion Group]

'Promotion Group '[Promotion Group]'

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Asset Membership - Product Qty Error

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Min/Max qty violation

Each promotion group '[Promotion Group]' must have at least [Min Qty] and can not have more than [Max Qty] of product '[Product]' from '[Membership]'.

Each promotion group '[Promotion Group]' must have at least [Min Qty] and can not have more than [Max Qty] of product '[Product]' from '[Membership]'.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Click the Response tab and verify that the responses under the Promotion Group - Broken Commitment Error message contain the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group - Broken Commitment Error

Active Promotion Broken Commitment

Commitment broken for promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]

'A commitment has been broken for promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]'. Customer must keep this product until [Commitment End Date] or pay a penalty of [Penalty].

Sequence Name Response TypeBusiness Service Method

1 Accept Respondent Interested

ISS Promotion Management Service


2 Reject Respondent Interested

ISS Promotion Management Service


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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Compatibility - Required Projected Asset message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Compatibility - Required Projected Asset message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

[Rule Subject Product] excludes [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Membership Subject] excludes [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Membership Object])

[Rule Subject Product] excludes [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Membership Subject] excludes [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Membership Object])

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C80

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Membership Common Values message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Membership Common Values message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group Membership Distinct Values message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Membership Distinct Values message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Compatibility - Required Projected Asset

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

[Rule Subject Product] requires [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Membership Subject] requires [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Membership Object])

[Rule Subject Product] requires [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Membership Subject] requires [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Membership Object])

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Membership Common Values

Passive Simple Expression Rule

All members need to have same value

All associated members of promotion group '[Promotion Group Name]' need to have the same '[Field Name]'.

All associated members of promotion group '[Promotion Group Name]' need to have the same '[Field Name]'.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group - Minimum Product Qty Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group - Minimum Product Qty Error message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group - Maximum Product Qty Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Message Promotion Group - Maximum Product Qty Error message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Membership Distinct Values

Passive Simple Expression Rule

All members need to have unique value

All associated members of promotion group '[Promotion Group Name]' need to have unique '[Field Name]'.

All associated members of promotion group '[Promotion Group Name]' need to have unique '[Field Name]'.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group - Minimum Product Qty Error

Passive Promotion Min qty violation

Each promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' must have at least [Qty] of membership '[Product]'.

Each promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' must have at least [Qty] of membership '[Product]'.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C82

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Obj Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group - Maximum Product Qty Error

Passive Promotion Max Qty Violation

Each promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' cannot have more than [Qty] of membership '[Product]'.

Each promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' cannot have more than [Qty] of membership '[Product]'.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Message Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Obj Mem message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub Mem message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Obj Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C84

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub No Obj Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub No Obj Mem message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with the '[Object Membership' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with the '[Object Membership' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 85

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Required - No Sub No Obj Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group needs to be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C86

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Obj Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Message Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Obj Mem message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 87

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub Mem message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Obj Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with the '[Subject Membership]' membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C88

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub No Obj Mem message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub No Obj Mem message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with the '[Object Membership]' membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 89

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility - Excluded - No Sub No Obj Mem

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

An asset associated with any membership of a '[Subject Promotion Group]' promotion group cannot be associated with any membership of a '[Object Promotion Group]' promotion group.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Compatibility - Excluded Projected Asset

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Excluded Reason

[Rule Subject Product] excludes [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Subject Path] excludes [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Object Path])

[Rule Subject Product] excludes [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Subject Path] excludes [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Object Path])

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C90

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Compatibility - Required Projected Asset message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Compatibility - Required Projected Asset message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group - Cannot Delete PG Membership message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group - Cannot Delete PG Membership message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Compatibility - Required Projected Asset

Passive Eligibility and Compatibility

Compatibility [Rule Violation Type] Required Reason

[Rule Subject Product] requires [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Subject Path] requires [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Object Path])

[Rule Subject Product] requires [Rule Object Product] (via rule [Rule Violating Subject].[Rule Violating Subject Path] requires [Rule Violating Object].[Rule Violating Object Path])

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 91

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group Membership - Broken Commitment message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Message Promotion Group Membership - Broken Commitment Error message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group - Cannot Delete PG Membership

Active Promotion Cannot Delete PG Membership

Cannot delete the Asset [Asset] since it is associated with multiple Promotion Group Memberships. Disconnect the Memberships first before disconnecting the Asset.

Cannot delete the Asset [Asset] since it is associated with multiple Promotion Group Memberships. Disconnect the Memberships first before disconnecting the Asset.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Click the Response tab and verify that the responses under the Promotion Group Membership - Broken Commitment Error message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion - Cannot Merge Promotion message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify the Promotion - Cannot Merge Promotion message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Membership - Broken Commitment Error

Active Promotion Broken Commitment

Commitment broken for membership '[Prod Prom Name]'.

A commitment has been broken for '[Prod Prom Name]' which contains either membership or promotion charges, or both. Customer must keep this product until [Commitment End Date] or pay a penalty of [Penalty].

Sequence Name Response TypeBusiness Service Method

1 Accept Respondent Interested

ISS Promotion Management Service


2 Reject Respondent Interested

ISS Promotion Management Service


Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 93

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion - Cannot Split Promotion message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion - Cannot Split Promotion message contains the following information:

To verify the Promotion Group Membership Association Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group Membership Association Error message contains the following information:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion - Cannot Merge Promotion

Active Promotion Cannot Merge Promotion

Cannot Merge the Promotions since one of the Promotions is associated with a Promotion Group Membership.

Cannot Merge the Promotions since one of the Promotions is associated with a Promotion Group Membership.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion - Cannot Split Promotion

Active Promotion Cannot Split Promotion

Cannot Split the Promotion since it is associated with a Promotion Group Membership.

Cannot Split the Promotion since it is associated with a Promotion Group Membership.

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group Membership Association Error

Passive Promotion Membership does not have an associated asset.

Membership '[Product]' does not have an associated asset.

Membership '[Product]' does not have an associated asset.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C94

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Promotion Group - Integrity Check Error message

1 Navigate to Administration - Order Management > Message Types.

2 In the Message Type list view, verify that the Promotion Group - Integrity Check Error message contains the following information:

Verifying Data Maps for ACR 620Use the following procedure to verify the data map for ACR 620.

To verify the data maps for ACR 620

1 Navigate to Administration - Application > Data Map Administration.

2 Verify the following data map:

Verifying Action Sets for ACR 620Use the procedures in the following section to verify the action sets for ACR 620.

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility action set contains the following:

Name Display Mode Group Title Short Text Full Text

Promotion Group - Integrity Check Error

Passive Promotion Integrity Check

Promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' does not meet the following rules: [Error List]

Promotion group '[Prod Prom Name]' does not meet the following rules: [Error List]

Sequence XML File

1 CreateMembershipAgreement

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 95

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

NOTE: There is no business service context for this action set.

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility

X X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action TypeSequence Active

Business Service Name

Business Service Method

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object

? X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C96

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Subject action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Intra Compatibility Rule Product action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set contains the following:

Name Action Type Sequence ActiveBusiness Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility", "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Object", "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Subject"

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Subject

X X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action Type Sequence ActiveBusiness Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility", "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Subject", "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility - Object"

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 97

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Intra Compatibility Rule Product

X X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action Type Sequence ActiveBusiness Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "ISS Promotion Group Compatibility", "ISS Promotion Group Intra Compatibility - Subject"

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object

X X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C98

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate List Applet action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

Name Action Type Sequence ActiveBusiness Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "Product Compatibility", "ISS Promotion Product Compatibility - Object", "ISS Promotion Product Compatibility - Subject", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line"

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject

X ? This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action Type Sequence Active

Business Service Name

Business Service Method Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "Product Compatibility", "ISS Promotion Product Compatibility - Subject", "ISS Promotion Product Compatibility - Object", "Product Compatibility - Subject Product Line", "Product Compatibility - Object Product Line"

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 99

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate List Applet action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

To verify the Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components List Applet action set

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Action Sets.

2 Verify that the Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components List Applet action set contains the following:

3 Verify that the following record exists in the middle list applet and in the bottom form applet:

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate List Applet

? ? This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action Type Sequence ActiveBusiness Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate", "ISS Promotion Group Pricing Rules Summary"

Name Active Enable Export Description

Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components List Applet

X X This will call the transform business service to refresh the cache.

Name Action Type Sequence Active

Business Service Name

Business Service Method

Business Service Context

PSP Refresh BusService 1 X Row Set Transformation Toolkit

Refresh BC "ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components", "ISS Promotion Group Pricing Rules Summary"

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C100

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Verifying Events for ACR 620Use the following procedure to verify the events for ACR 620.

To verify the events for ACR 620

1 Navigate to Administration - Runtime Events > Events.

2 Verify the following events.

Instructions for ACR 633Use the instructions in this topic to implement ACR 633 for Siebel Reports for Siebel CRM Fix Pack For detailed information about Siebel Reports, see Siebel Reports Guide on Siebel Bookshelf.

Sequence Object Type Object Name Event Subevent Action Set Name

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Object

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Subject List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Compatibility Rule Product As Subject

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Intra Compatibility Rule Product As Subject List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Intra Compatibility Rule Product

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Group Asset Membership Compatibility

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Aggregate List Applet

1 Applet ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - ISS Promotion Group Pricing Components List Applet

1 Applet ISS Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Object

1 Applet ISS Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject List Applet

InvokeMethod EventMethodCacheRefresh Cache Refresh BC - Promotion Product Compatibility Rule Product As Subject

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 101

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Process of Implementing ACR 633To implement ACR 633, perform the following tasks:

1 “Applying Repository Changes for ACR 633” on page 102

2 “Applying Schema Changes for ACR 633” on page 104

3 “Applying Seed Data Changes for ACR 633” on page 104

Applying Repository Changes for ACR 6331 Make sure that you have an existing Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or later environment and have

applied Siebel Fix Pack

For information about installing Siebel CRM, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For information about installing the Fix Pack, see “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

2 Stop the Siebel Services.

3 Copy the existing .SRF file as a backup.

4 (First-time installation only) Edit the Siebel Tools configuration file by doing the following:

a In the [Siebel] section of the tools.cfg file (in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN\ENU directory), set the SymStrPrefix parameter to SBL_.

NOTE: You must change this parameter back to its original value of X_ at a later time. For more information about the SymStrPrefix parameter, see the topic on symbolic strings in Using Siebel Tools.

b Save the tools.cfg file.

5 Import an archive file to apply the repository changes by doing the following:

a Log in to Siebel Tools, and then lock the following projects:

❏ XMLP Integration

❏ Table XMLP

❏ Symbolic Strings

❏ Reports UI

❏ User Preferences

❏ Activity

❏ Activity (CC)

NOTE: If the XMLP Integration project is inactive, activate it by unchecking the Inactive checkbox. Additionally, if projects and objects are not locked when you import SIF files, a message appears indicating which object or project is to be locked. In such a case, lock the project or object, and then import the SIF file again.

b From the application-level menu, select Tools, and then the Import from Archive menu item.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

c In the file browser dialog window, choose the appropriate BIP_8115FP.sif file from the REPPATCH directory where Siebel Tools is installed.

For Siebel Business Applications, choose:


For Siebel Industry Applications, choose:


d Follow the import wizard prompts to import the SIF file.

e Lock the following new projects:

❏ BIP Calendar Report

❏ (Siebel Industry Applications only) LS Pharma Calendar

NOTE: These projects were created as part of the SIF import.

6 For multilingual implementations, change the language settings in Siebel Tools for each language used before compiling.

For example, you would do the following to compile changes for French:

a Navigate to the View menu, then the Options menu item.

b Click the Language Settings tab.

c From the Language drop-down list, choose the desired language (FRA in this example), and then click OK.

d When you compile, choose the .srf file from the appropriate language folder.

For this example, you would choose:


e Compile all locked projects.

7 Copy the browser scripts generated from the compiled SRF into the relevant Web folder by doing the following:

a Clear the existing folders in the language directory in the Siebel Tools installation directory (SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\public\language).

b In Siebel Tools, compile one of the following objects:

❏ XMLP Report Schedule Applet object

❏ XMLP Integration

c Navigate back to the Siebel Tools language directory and verify a new srfXXXXXXX_XXX folder was created, where X is an automatically generated number.

d Copy this folder to the SWSE\public\language directory.

e If you have a multi-language environment, repeat the above steps for each language in your deployment.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Applying Schema Changes for ACR 6331 In Siebel Tools in the Object Explorer, select the Table object.

2 Query for all changed tables to make sure the following tables appear in the Tables list:









3 Click Apply/DDL, click Apply again, and then click OK.

4 In the Apply Schema dialog box, select Current Query from the Tables drop-down list, enter the values for the database user, database user password, and the ODBC data source using the appropriate query and action for your database, and then click Apply.

Applying Seed Data Changes for ACR 633Import the relevant seed data changes for your locale. The changes you apply depend on your Siebel application and whether you are upgrading from a previous release or deploying Siebel Reports for the first time.

Database Database User and Password ODBC Data Source

Oracle Query for dbtableowner in the temp.ini file and then apply that value as the database user and password.

By default, this is set to either SSD Local Db default instance or Siebel_DSN.

MSSQL Query for databasename in the temp.ini file and then apply that value as the database user and password as MSSQL.

By default, this is set to either SSD Local Db default instance or Siebel_DSN.

DB2 Provide db2 as the user and password for the Siebel application.

By default, this is set to either SSD Local Db default instance or Siebel_DSN.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

1 Import the ACR633_Seed.dat.file (or files) applicable to your locale by running the appropriate command (or commands) as shown in the following table in the order presented.

2 Start the Siebel Services.

Instructions for ACR 713This section provides configuration information for ACR 713.

Preinstallation Tasks for ACR 713■ Before you begin your installation, within the tools.cfg file, change the SymStrPrefix = X_ to

SymStrPrefix = SBL_

Installing ACR 7131 Navigate to REPPATCH\ and unzip the file to any location accessible by Siebel Tools.

2 In Siebel Tools, lock the following projects:

❏ LS Clinical Activity

❏ LS Clinical Payments

❏ Table Payment

❏ EIM Payment

Application CommandNewInstall Upgrade



Yes No


Yes Yes



Yes No


Yes Yes

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 105

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

❏ Symbolic String

NOTE: “Importing SIF Files” on page 106 describes the automated process that imports SIF files into the Siebel repository. Users who do not have a customized environment should follow this procedure. Users who do not have a customized environment should perform manual configuration changes using the instructions in “Configuring ACR 713 Seed Data Manually” on page 125.

Importing SIF Files1 Rename <Unziplocation>\REPOSITORY\import.txt to import.bat, edit the file, and change the

first four parameters related to database and Siebel Tools details with the Siebel administrator username and password.

2 Create a log folder in <Unziplocation>\REPOSITORY.

3 Run the import.bat file to import and use the log file to verify that the SIF files imported correctly.

4 In Siebel Tools, compile all of the locked and updated projects.

5 Apply the schema changes for S_SRC_PAYMENT and EIM_PAYMENT, using the instructions in “Schema Changes for ACR 713” on page 106.

6 Import the workflow processes, using the information in “Importing Workflow Definitions for ACR 713” on page 119.

Schema Changes for ACR 713The <Unziplocation>\REPOSITORY\Table\Base\Tables.sif has all the changes for Base Table and EIM\EIMTables.sif for EIM Tables.

Changes to existing tables:



Use the following procedure to import changes into the repository.

To import changes into the repository

1 Lock the following projects before import:

❏ Table Payment

❏ EIM Payment

2 Within Siebel Tools, use the Import from Archive function to read this file and create the tables in the repository. Use the "merge" option while importing this file.

The tables have to be in the repository before creating this on the physical database.

To create the table on the physical database

1 Within Siebel Tools, query for the list of tables that were imported into the repository.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C106

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

2 Click the "Apply/DDL" button to apply the changes to the physical database.

3 Provide the Table Owner details in the username and password and the ODBC name in the ODBC data source.

Updating EIM FilesAs part of the ACR713 release, the eim45.sql and eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql EIM files have undergone a change. The <UnzipLocation>\Repository\Table\EIM\eim45.sql and <Unziplocation>\Repository\Table\EIM\eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql have all the changes required for the ACR.

■ Copy the files to the following locations (overwrite the existing files) in the Siebel Server directory:

■ Eim45.sql: <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\SQLTEMPL

■ eim_export_lookup_bu_name.sql : <Installation Location>\SERVER\siebsrvr\ADMIN

Configuring the Classes for ACR 713Two new classes have been added as part of this PIP:

■ Navigate to <Unziplocation>\REPOSITORY\Class and import the following sif files:

■ CSSSWEFramePaymentListLS.sif

■ CSSSWEFramePaymentLS.sif

Configuring the Business Components for ACR 7131 Within Object Explorer, select the Business Component object type.

2 Query for Clinical Payments:

3 Within Object Explorer, select Field, and create a new field with the following details:

4 Within Object Explorer, under Business Component, select Business Component User Property.

BC Name Table Name Class Project

Clinical Payments S_SRC_PAYMENT CSSBCCLRollup LS Clinical Payments

SVF Field # Name Column No Copy Force Active Length Type

1 Payment Feedback



2 Payment WS Status


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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

5 Create four new records with the following details:

Note the following about the user properties:

■ For Status Confirmation Popup, an optional custom message is required only to customize the default warning message of the popup.

■ For On Field Update Invoke, the status value in this user property is used to set the trigger status for the LS Clinical Payments Outbound workflow. Currently, the trigger point to invoke the workflow is configured to "To Be Submitted". If you want to have a different status to trigger the sending of the payment request, configure that status instead of "To Be Submitted"? in the value for On Field Update Invoke n.

6 Query for the Payment Feedback field.

7 Within Object Explorer, under Field, select Field User Prop, and create a new record with the following details:

Use the following procedure to configure links.

Business Component User Property Name Value

Named Method n "SendPayment", "INVOKESVC", "Clinical Payments", "Workflow Process Manager", "RunProcess", ' "ProcessName" ', ' "LS Clinical Payments Outbound" ', " 'Object Id' ", " [Id] "

On Field Update Invoke n "", "Clinical Payments", "SendPayment", "[Status] = LookupValue('FUNDRQ_STATUS','To Be Submitted') AND [Status] IS NOT NULL"

Status Confirmation Popup 1 "Status", "Waiting for Acknowledgement", "In Progress", "FUNDRQ_STATUS" OR "Status", "Waiting for Acknowledgement", "In Progress", "FUNDRQ_STATUS", "<<optional custom message>>"

Status Confirmation Popup 2 "Status", "Waiting for Acknowledgement", "Withdraw", "FUNDRQ_STATUS" OR "Status", "Waiting for Acknowledgement", "Withdraw", "FUNDRQ_STATUS", "<<optional custom message>>"

Name Value

Text Length Override 1500

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C108

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To configure links for ACR 713

1 Within Object Explorer, select the Link object type.

2 Right-click in OBLE and create a new record with the following details:

3 Within Object Explorer, select the Business Component object type.

4 Right-click in OBLE and query for Clinical Payments.

5 Within Object Explorer, expand Business Object, select Business Object Component, and pick up the link details in OBLE for "Clinical Protocol Site" as "Clinical Payments/Clinical Protocol Site".

6 Select Business Object Component, enter "LS Clinical Contract in the Bus Comp field and enter Clinical Payments/LS Clinical Contract in the Link field.

Configuring Symbolic Strings for ACR 7131 In Object Explorer, select Symbolic String.

2 Create a new record with the following details:

Configuring Applets for ACR 713Use the procedures in the following section to configure the applets for ACR 713.

To configure the Clinical Protocol Site Payments List Applet

1 Within Object Explorer, select Object, and query for Clinical Protocol Site Payments List Applet.


Parent Business Component

Child Business Component Source Field

Destination Field Project

Clinical Payments/Clinical Protocol Site

Clinical Payments

Clinical Protocol Site Protocol Site Id Id LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments/LS Clinical Contract

Clinical Payments

LS Clinical Contract Contract Id Id LS Clinical Payments

Name Project Current String Value Type Translate

SBL_Feedback Symbolic Strings Feedback Conversion X

Name Project BC Name Title Type No Delete

Clinical Protocol Site Payments List Applet

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Payments Standard X

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 109

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

2 Change the applet class type from 'CSSSWEFrameList' to 'CSSSWEFramePaymentListLS'.

3 Within Object Explorer, select List > List Column, and create a new record with the following details:

4 Right-click on the Clinical Protocol Site Payments List Applet applet and select Edit Web Layout.

5 Change the mode from Base to Edit List, and drag and drop the Feedback list column that you just created in the applet layout.

6 Click Save.

To configure the Clinical Payment Form Applet

1 Within Object Explorer, select Applet, and query for Clinical Payments Form Applet.

2 Change the applet class type from "CSSFrame" to "CSSSWEFramePaymentLS".

3 Within Object Explorer, select Control, and create a new record with the following details:

4 Right-click on the Clinical Payments Form Applet applet and select Edit Web Layout.

5 Select the Edit mode, drag and drop the Feedback control that you created in the applet layout, and click Save to save your changes.

Name Field Display Name

Display Name String-Reference HTML Type

Payment Feedback

Payment Feedback

Feedback SBL_Feedback TextArea

Name Project BC Name Title Type No Delete

Clinical Payments Form Applet

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments

Payments Standard X

Name Field Caption

Caption - String Reference HTML Type

Payment Feedback

Payment Feedback

Feedback SBL_Feedback TextArea

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C110

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Configuring Picklists for ACR 7131 Within Object Explorer, select Picklist and query for "LS Clinical Payment Status PickList".

2 In the Search Specification field, replace the existing search specification with [Order By] = 207 or [Order By] = 101 or [Order By] = 8 or [Order By] = 204 or [Order By] = 401 or ([Order By] > 500 and [Order By] < 508).

Configuring Integration Objects for ACR 713Use the procedures in the following section to create the integration objects for ACR 713.

To configure the LS Clinical Payments integration object

1 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to File> New Object > EAI > Integration Object.

2 Select the LS Clinical Payments project and the EAI Siebel Wizard business service.

3 Select Clinical Payments as the source root and source object, and LS Clinical Payments as the integration object name.

4 Select only the integration components listed in the following table, click Next, verify the messages, and then click Finish.

5 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Components field of the Clinical Payments integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not listed in the following table:

NameBusiness Component Bounded Static

Type Field Type Value

No Insert

No Delete

No Update No Merge

LS Clinical Payment Status PickList

PickList Generic Y Y Type FUNDRQ_STATUS X X X X

Project Source Object Source Root IO NameIntegration Component

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments

Action (No Owner Lock)

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Protocol Site

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments

LS Clinical Contract

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

The following IC key will be generated after creating the integration object:

6 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the Action (No Owner Lock) integration component and inactivate the fields that are not mentioned in the following table:

Name Data Type Length Required Type XML Style XML Tag

Amount Currency Code

DTYPE_TEXT 20 Data Element AmountCurrencyCode

Amount Exchange Date

DTYPE_DATE Data Element AmountExchangeDate

Comments DTYPE_TEXT 255 Data Element Comments

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ConflictId

Contract Id DTYPE_ID Data Element ContractId

Created DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Created

PaymentFeedback DTYPE_TEXT 1500 Data Element PaymentFeedback

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ModId

Payment Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 X Data Element PaymentNumber

Protocol Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element ProtocolNumber

Requested Amount DTYPE_CURRENCY Data Element RequestedAmount

Status DTYPE_TEXT 30 X Data Element Status

Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element Type

Updated DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Updated

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Attribute Searchspec

Amount Paid To Date DTYPE_CURRENCY NA Data Element AmountPaidToDate

Check Date DTYPE_DATE NA Data Element CheckDate

Check Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element CheckNumber

Payee Last Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element PayeeLastName

Payee First Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element PayeeFirstName

NameKey Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1 1 User Key

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

The following integration component key will be generated after creating the integration object:

7 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Components field of the Clinical Protocol Site integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not mentioned in the following table:

Name Data Type Length Type External Name XML Tag

Activity UID DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Activity UID ActivityUID

Comment DTYPE_TEXT 1,500 Data Comment Comment

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Conflict Id ConflictId

Created DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Created Created

Description DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Description Description

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Id Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Mod Id ModId

New Max Amount DTYPE_CURRENCY Data New Max Amount NewMaxAmount

Subject Id DTYPE_ID Data Subject Id SubjectId

Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Type Type

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Searchspec Searchspec

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Parent Template Name

DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Parent Template Name


Subject Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Subject Number SubjectNumber

Agreement Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Agreement Name AgreementName

Account Name DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Account Name AccountName

Name Key Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1

1 User Key

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ConflictId

Created DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Created

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ModId

Updated DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Updated

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

The following integration component key will be generated after creating the integration object:

8 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the LS Clinical Contract integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not mentioned in the following table:

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Attribute Searchspec

Site Name DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Element SiteName

NameKey Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1

1 User Key

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element Name

Account Id DTYPE_ID Data Element AccountId

Agreement End Date

DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element AgreementEndDate

Agreement Id DTYPE_ID Data Element AgreementId

Agreement Number

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementNumber

Agreement Start Date

DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element AgreementStartDate

Agreement Status DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementStatus

Agreement Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementType

Bill To Address Id DTYPE_ID 50 Data Element BillToAddressId

Bill To Contact Id DTYPE_ID 50 Data Element BillToContactId

Contact DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element Contact

Contact First Name

DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element ContactFirstName

Default Agreement Status

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element DefaultAgreementStatus

Discount DTYPE_NUMBER Data Element Discount

Discount Amount DTYPE_CURRENCY Data Element DiscountAmount

Discount Reason DTYPE_TEXT 250 Data Element DiscountReason

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

To configure the LS Clinical Payments Internal integration object

1 Log into Siebel Tools, and navigate to File> New Object > EAI > Integration Object.

2 Within Integration Object Builder, select the LS Clinical Payments project and and EAI Siebel Wizard business service.

3 Select Clinical Payments as the source root and source object, and LS Clinical Payments Internal as the integration object name.

4 Select only the integration components listed in the following table, click Next, verify the messages, and then click Finish.

5 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments Internal integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the Clinical Payment integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not listed in the following table:

Default Agreement Type

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element DefaultAgreementType

Effective Date DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element EffectiveDate

End Date DTYPE_DATE Data Element EndDate

Exchange Date DTYPE_DATE Data Element ExchangeDate

Primary Organization

DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Element PrimaryOrganization

Primary Organization Id

DTYPE_ID Data Element PrimaryOrganizationId

Project Source Object Source Root IO NameIntegration Component

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal

Clinical Payments

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal

Action (No Owner Lock)

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal

Clinical Protocol Site

LS Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal

LS Clinical Contract

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

The following integration component key will be generated after creating the integration object:

Name Data Type Length Required Type XML Style XML Tag

Amount Currency Code

DTYPE_TEXT 20 Data Element AmountCurrencyCode

Amount Exchange Date

DTYPE_DATE Data Element AmountExchangeDate

Comments DTYPE_TEXT 255 Data Element Comments

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ConflictId

Contract Id DTYPE_ID Data Element ContractId

Created DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Created

PaymentFeedback DTYPE_TEXT 1500 Data Element PaymentFeedback

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ModId

Payment Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 X Data Element PaymentNumber

Protocol Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element ProtocolNumber

Requested Amount

DTYPE_CURRENCY Data Element RequestedAmount

Status DTYPE_TEXT 30 X Data Element Status

Payment WS Status

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element PaymentWSStatus

Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element Type

Updated DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Element Updated

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Attribute Searchspec

Amount Paid To Date

DTYPE_CURRENCY NA Data Element AmountPaidToDate

Check Date DTYPE_DATE NA Data Element CheckDate

Check Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element CheckNumber

Payee Last Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element PayeeLastName

Payee First Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element PayeeFirstName

Name Key Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1

1 User Key

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

6 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the Action (No Owner Lock) integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not listed in the following table:

The following integration component key will be generated after creating the integration object:

7 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the Clinical Protocol Site integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not listed in the following table:

Name Data Type Length Type External Name XML Tag

Activity UID DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Activity UID ActivityUID

Comment DTYPE_TEXT 1,500 Data Comment Comment

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Conflict Id ConflictId

Created DTYPE_DATETIME 30 System Created Created

Description DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Description Description

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Id Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Mod Id ModId

New Max Amount DTYPE_CURRENCY Data New Max Amount NewMaxAmount

Subject Id DTYPE_ID Data Subject Id SubjectId

Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Type Type

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Searchspec Searchspec

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Parent Template Name

DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Parent Template Name


Subject Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Subject Number SubjectNumber

Agreement Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Agreement Name AgreementName

Account Name DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Account Name AccountName

Name Key Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1

1 User Key

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

Conflict Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ConflictId


30 System Element Created

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

The following integration component key will be generated after creating the integration object:

8 Within Object Explorer, under the LS Clinical Payments integration object, navigate to the Integration Component field of the LS Clinical Contract integration component, and inactivate the fields that are not listed in the following table:

Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element Id

Mod Id DTYPE_ID 30 System Element ModId


30 System Element Updated

Operation DTYPE_TEXT 30 System Attribute Operation

Searchspec DTYPE_TEXT 250 System Attribute Searchspec

Site Name DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Element SiteName

Name Key Sequence Number Key Type

V77 Wizard-Generated User Key:1

1 User Key

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element Name

Account Id DTYPE_ID Data Element AccountId

Agreement End Date DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element AgreementEndDate

Agreement Id DTYPE_ID Data Element AgreementId

Agreement Number DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementNumber

Agreement Start Date DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element AgreementStartDate

Agreement Status DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementStatus

Agreement Type DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element AgreementType

Bill To Address Id DTYPE_ID 50 Data Element BillToAddressId

Bill To Contact Id DTYPE_ID 50 Data Element BillToContactId

Contact DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element Contact

Contact First Name DTYPE_TEXT 50 Data Element ContactFirstName

Default Agreement Status

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element DefaultAgreementStatus

Discount DTYPE_NUMBER Data Element Discount

Discount Amount DTYPE_CURRENCY Data Element DiscountAmount

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Importing Workflow Definitions for ACR 713Use the following procedure to import workflow definitions.

To import workflow definitions for ACR 713

1 Log in to Siebel Tools.

NOTE: Siebel Tools must be connected to the same database as the Siebel application server.

2 From Object Explorer, navigate to Workflow Process.

3 From the list applet, right-click and choose choose Import Workflow Process.

4 Browse to <Unziplocation>\REPOSITORY\Workflows, and choose LS Clinical Payments Outbound.xml.

5 After import, query for the workflow, and in Lock Projects view > Workflow process, focus on the record and click the Publish/Activate button on top of the applet to deploy them.

NOTE: While Validating/Publishing, if the workflow yields the Rule98 Validation (such as For Eg., "Validation failed for the workflow process 'SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound' for the branch 'YES1' The 'WF Branch Criteria Value' - field such as LO_.. or HI_.. for the respective data type is null or empty) error message, ignore the error message and click the Publish button to publish the workflow and continue to publish the other workflows.

Discount Reason DTYPE_TEXT 250 Data Element DiscountReason

Default Agreement Type

DTYPE_TEXT 30 Data Element DefaultAgreementType

Effective Date DTYPE_UTCDATETIME Data Element EffectiveDate

End Date DTYPE_DATE Data Element EndDate

Exchange Date DTYPE_DATE Data Element ExchangeDate

Primary Organization DTYPE_TEXT 100 Data Element PrimaryOrganization

Primary Organization Id

DTYPE_ID Data Element PrimaryOrganizationId

New/Modified Xml File to Import Workflow Name Project

New LS Clinical Payments Outbound.xml

LS Clinical Payments Outbound

LS Clinical Activity

New LS Clinical State Validation.xml

LS Clinical State Validation

LS Clinical Activity

New SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound.xml

SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound

LS Clinical Activity

Name Data Type Length Type XML Style XML Tag

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

6 Repeat the preceding steps for the remaining new workflows.

NOTE: Currently as part of the PIP, the exceptional statuses are "Submitted", "Rejected" and "Paid". If an exceptional status other than these needs to be configured, the configuration should be performed as part of the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound workflow in the "Is it an exceptional Status" decision step in the YES condition connection.

Fore more information about modifying list values and state models, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Use the following procedure to modify an exceptional status (a status value that updates the payment status in the Siebel application regardless of the state model definition).

To add or modify an exceptional status

1 Navigate to the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound workflow and open it in edit mode.

2 Add or update a new incoming status value in the condition critieria set on the "Is it an Exceptional Status?" decision block.

3 Publish and activate the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound workflow.

Use the following procedure to add or define the exceptional status as the final status (a status value that cannot be modified, such as Paid).

To define the exceptional status as the final status

1 Navigate to the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound workflow.

2 Add or update a new incoming status value in the condition critieria set on the "Is it an Exceptional Status?" decision block.

3 Publish and activate the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound workflow.

For more information about modifying workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Activating Workflow Definitions for ACR 713Use the following procedure to activate workflow definitions.

To activate worfklow definitions for ACR 713

1 Log into Siebel eClinical, and navigate to the Administration - Business Process > Workflow Deployment view.

2 On the Repository Workflow Processes applet, query for workflows listed in the following table, focus on each record and click the Activate button to activate the workflow.

❏ LS Clinical Payments Outbound

❏ SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

❏ LS Clinical State Validation

NOTE: Make sure that the EAI and Workflow Management component groups are not enabled. If they are not enabled, enable them and then restart the Siebel Server.

Importing Inbound Web Services for ACR 713Use the following procedure to import Web services definitions.

To import Web Services definitions

1 Log into the Siebel application, and navigate to the Administration - Web Services > Inbound Web Services view.

2 Navigate to the <Unziplocation>\ REPOSITORY\WebServices folder within the extracted folder, and import the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound.xml file.

3 Query for the "SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound" Web service.

4 If you are using the Oracle Clinical Trial Payments Integration Pack for Siebel Clinical, update the default address as follows


5 Change <webserver> to the webserver hostname and change <lang> to "enu".

For more information about how to configure Web services, see the Web services section within Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Importing Seed Data for ACR 713The following section describes how to import seed data using the automated feature. For information about how to configure seed data manually, see “Configuring ACR 713 Seed Data Manually” on page 125.

To import ACR 713 seed data using automated seed-data import

1 Create an ODBC entry for the database where you plan to import the seed data:

a Navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC), navigate to the System DSN tab, and click Add.

b Pick the "Siebel Oracle90" driver (from Datadirect Technologies).

c Enter a data source name (for example, DevelopmentDB).

XML File to Import Web Service Name Direction

SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound.XML

SWI LS Clinical PaymentsInbound


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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

d Enter the server name to connect to.

❏ For Oracle, enter the TNS service name that you created to connect Siebel Tools to the database.

e Test your connection and click OK when tested successfully.

2 Navigate to the directory in which you installed Siebel Tools.

3 Rename <Unziplocation>\SEED_DATA\Import_Seed_Data.txt to import_Seed_Data.bat, edit the file, and change the first six parameters related to the application database and Siebel Tools path details. For example:

❏ SET CTMSPATH=D:\21219\Tools



❏ SET CTMSTBLOWNER=<Siebel Table Owner>

❏ SET CTMSUSERNAME=<Siebel Admin Username>

❏ SET CTMSPASSWORD=<Siebel Admin Password>

4 Run the Import_Seed_Data.bat file to import seed data.

5 Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully

6 If you are implementing a language other than ENU, do the following:

a Run the following command after importing ACR713_Seed.dat file for importing the locale specific ACR713_Seed_Locale_XXX.dat, where XXX is the language code.

<Tools Install Directory>\bin\dataimp /u <USERNAME> /p <PASSWORD> /f <Unziplocation>\SEED_DATA\XXX\ACR713_Seed_Locale_XXX.dat /l <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log /c <ODBC Source Name> /d <Table Owner> /q -1 /w n /e y /t n /x R /n 100 /h log

<Tools Install Directory> - Replace with your Tools install directory.

<ODBC Source Name> - Replace with ODBC name created in Step 1.

b Review the <Tools Install Directory>\temp\dataimp_seed.log file to make sure that the import completed successfully.

Use the following procedure to perform a clear cache on the List of Values.

To perform a clear cache on the LOV

1 Navigate to Site Map > Data Administration > List Of Values, and query for the two records displayed in the following table:

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

2 Select these two records and click the Clear Cache button.

Configuring the State Model for ACR 713Use the following procedure to configure the state model.

NOTE: For more information about configuring state models, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To configure the state model for ACR 713

1 Navigate to Site Map > Application Administration -> State Models, and query for the record with the following details:

2 Click the States button, and verify that the records listed in the following table exist in the States Tab.

NOTE: The records marked as Imported are added as part of the seed data automation.

Type Display Value

Language - Independent Code

Language Name Order

FUNDRQ_STATUS Waiting for Acknowledgement

Waiting for Acknowledgement



FUNDRQ_STATUS Withdraw Withdraw English-American


State Model Name Business Component Field

LS Clinical Payments Status Clinical Payments Status

Existing/Imported State Default

Restrict Transition Description

Existing To Be Processed Y Y To Be Processed

Existing Processed Y Processed

Existing In Progress Y In Progress

Existing Paid Y Paid

Existing Request Failed Y Request Failed

Existing To Be Submitted Y To Be Submitted

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

3 Click the Transitions button, query for the records displayed in the following table, and delete them:

NOTE: Query for the record with the "From State" value as "To Be Processed" and the "To State" value as "To Be Submitted" and delete the record. Follow the same process with the rest of the records.

4 Query for the records listed in the following table, and verify that they appear.

NOTE: Querying on "From State" with the "To Be Processed" value should retrieve only one record with the "To State" value as "In Progress" with the "Public" flag set to "Y". In addition, querying on the "From state" value as "In Progress" should retrieve only one record with the "To State" value as "To Be Submitted" with the Public Flag as "Y".

Existing Update Failed Y Update Failed

Imported Withdraw Y Withdraw

Imported Waiting for Acknowledgement

Y Waiting for Acknowledgement

Imported Rejected Y Rejected

Imported Submitted Y Submitted

Operation Performed From State To State Public

Delete To Be Processed To Be Submitted Y

Delete In Progress Processed Y

Delete In Progress Request Failed Y

Delete Request Failed Processed Y

Existing/Imported/Added From State To State Public

Existing To Be Processed In Progress Y

Imported In Progress To Be Submitted Y

Existing Processed Paid Y

Existing Processed Update Failed Y

Imported Processed In Progress Y

Existing/Imported State Default

Restrict Transition Description

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

Verifying Data Maps for ACR 7131 Navigate from Site Map > Administration - Integration > Data Map Editor.

2 Query for the LS Clinical Send Payments integration object map, and verify that it appears.

3 Query for the LS Clinical Payment Map integration object map and verify that it appears.

Configuring ACR 713 Seed Data ManuallyThe procedures in this section describe how to configure ACR 713 seed data manually.

To manually add new picklist values

1 Navigate to Site Map > Data Administration > List Of Values, and add two records with the following values:.

Imported To Be Submitted Waiting for Acknowledgement


Imported To Be Submitted Request Failed N

Imported To Be Submitted Processed Y

Existing To Be Submitted In Progress Y

Imported Waiting for Acknowledgement

Submitted N

Imported Waiting for Acknowledgement

Withdraw Y

Imported Waiting for Acknowledgement

In Progress Y

Imported Submitted Paid N

Imported Submitted Rejected N

Imported Submitted Withdraw Y

Imported Withdraw In Progress Y

Imported Rejected In Progress Y

Imported Request Failed In Progress Y

Existing Update Failed Paid Y

Existing/Imported/Added From State To State Public

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

2 Select the two records that you just created and click the Clear Cache button.

To manually add the state model

1 Navigate to Site Map > Application Administration > State Models, and query for the record with the following details:

2 Click the States button, and make sure that the following records exist or were added to the States tab:

Type Display ValueLanguage - Independent Code Language Name Order

FUNDRQ_STATUS Waiting for Acknowledgement

Waiting for Acknowledgement

English-American 506

FUNDRQ_STATUS Withdraw Withdraw English-American 507

State Model Name Business Component Field

LS Clinical Payments Status Clinical Payments Status

New/Existing State DefaultRestrict Transition Description

Existing To Be Processed Y Y To Be Processed

Existing Processed Y Processed

Existing In Progress Y In Progress

Existing Paid Y Paid

New Rejected Y Rejected

Existing Request Failed Y Request Failed

Existing To Be Submitted Y To Be Submitted

New Submitted Y Submitted

New Withdraw Y Withdraw

New Waiting for Acknowledgement

Y Waiting for Acknowledgement

Existing Update Failed Y Update Failed

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Click the Transitions button, and make sure that the records listed in the following table exist or were added to the Transitions tab, and delete the records marked as Delete.

New/Existing/Delete From State To State Public

Existing To Be Processed In Progress Y

Delete To Be Processed To Be Submitted Y

New In Progress To Be Submitted Y

Delete In Progress Processed Y

Delete In Progress Request Failed Y

Existing Processed Paid Y

Existing Processed Update Failed Y

New Processed In Progress Y

New To Be Submitted Waiting for Acknowledgement


New To Be Submitted Request Failed N

New To Be Submitted Processed Y

Existing To Be Submitted In Progress Y

New Waiting for Acknowledgement

Submitted N

New Waiting for Acknowledgement

Withdraw Y

New Waiting for Acknowledgement

In Progress Y

New Submitted Paid N

New Submitted Rejected N

New Submitted Withdraw Y

New Withdraw In Progress Y

New Rejected In Progress Y

New Request Failed In Progress Y

Delete Request Failed Processed Y

Existing Update Failed Paid Y

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

To create new integration object maps

1 Navigate to Site Map > Administration - Integration > Data Map Editor, and create a new integration object map with the values in the following tables:

NOTE: The LS Clinical Send Payments data map is used to map all the fields from the internal IO to the target IO. The target system requires the date to be sent in the ISO format. All of the required date fields have been mapped to the target integration component fields in the following format ToChar([fieldname],'YYYY-MM-DD').

2 Navigate to the Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments integration component map.

3 Navigate to Integration Field map and query in the Source Expression field for the following values:

a Query for Primary Address Id and change it to IIF([Primary Address Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Address Id])

b Query for Primary Payee Id and change it to IIF([Primary Payee Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Payee Id])

4 Navigate to the Action (No Owner Lock)_to_Action (No Owner Lock) integration component map.

5 Navigate to Integration Field Map and query in the Source Expression field for the following values:

a Query for Primary Product Detailed Id and change it to IIF([Primary Product Detailed Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Product Detailed Id])

Name Source Object Name Target Object Name

LS Clinical Send Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal LS Clinical Payments


Source Component Name

Target Component Name

Parent Component Map Name

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments


Action(No Owner Lock)

Action (No Owner Lock)

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

Clinical_Protocol_Site_to_Clinical Protocol_Site

Clinical Protcol Site

Clinical Protocol Site

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments


LS Clinical Contract

LS Clinical Contract

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

b Query for Primary Symptom Code and change it to IIF([Primary Symptom Code]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Symptom Code])

c Query for Service Location Id and change it to IIF([Service Location Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Service Location Id])

d Query for Personal Location Id and change it to IIF([Personal Location Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Personal Location Id])

e Query for Primary Contact Id and change it to IIF([Primary Contact Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Contact Id])

6 Navigate to the Clinical Protocol Site_to_Clinical Protocol Site integration component map.

7 Navigate to Integration Field Map and query in the Source Expression field for the following:

a Primary Subject Template Id and change it to IIF([Primary Subject Template Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Subject Template Id])

8 Navigate to the LS_Clinical_Contract_to_LS_Clinical_Contract integration component map.

9 Navigate to Integration Field Map and and query in the Source Expression field for the following values:

a Bill To Address Id and change it to IIF([Bill To Address Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Bill To Address Id])

b Bill To Contact Id and change it to IIF([Bill To Contact Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Bill To Contact Id])

c Primary Organization Id and change it to IIF([Primary Organization Id]="No Match Row Id" ,"",[Primary Organization Id])

10 Save the changes.

The LS Clinical Payment Map integration object map is used to update the status to the database, and contains the values listed in the following tables:

Name Source Object Name Target Object Name

LS Clinical Payment Map LS Clinical Payments LS Clinical Payments Internal

Name Source Component Name Target Component Name

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

Clinical Payments Clinical Payments

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 129

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructions for Enhancements and Updates

Configuring Siebel Applications to Write to the JMS Queue on the SOA Server NOTE: The following instructions are for Weblogic configuration.

Deploying JAR Files on Siebel Server for Writing to JMS Queue on the SOA ServerNOTE: The following instructions are an example. The queue name, user details, folder name and other configuration details depend upon the configuration on the SOA server and the Siebel application configuration.

1 Create a folder named D:\WLSJMS on the Siebel machine.

NOTE: The Oracle Clinical Trial Payments Integration Pack for Siebel Clinical has been installed and configured on the SOA server.

2 Create a folder named log in the D:\WLSJMS directory.

3 Copy Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu to the WLSJMS folder.

NOTE: These jar files are located in the Siebel installed directory.

4 Use the instructions in “Installing wlfullclient.jar” on page 132 to copy the jar files to the Siebel Server.

5 Create a file called '' in the WLSJMS directory and copy the following:

❏ java.naming.factory.initial=weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

❏ java.naming.provider.url=t3://<host IP address>:<port>

NOTE: <hostIP address> is the IP address of the AIA FMW Server, and <port> is the Admin Server Port (the port at which the Webserver instance is listening for connections).

Configuring JMS Parameters/JVM Subsystem

1 Create a Named Subsystem in the Siebel application through the server management.

2 Connect to the Siebel Server Manager from the command prompt from the bin directory of the Siebel installed folder with the following command:

srvrmgr /g <gatewayserver> /e <enterpriseserver> /s <siebelserver> /u <userid> /p <password> Eg. srvrmgr /g sdc78198svqe:4330 /e siebel /s sdc78198svqe /u sadmin /p sadmin

Integration Component Map Source Expression Target Field Name Auto-Mapped

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

[Payment Number] Payment Number X

Clinical Payments_to_Clinical Payments

[Type] Type X

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C130

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Configuration Instructionsfor Enhancements and Updates

3 Run the named command to create the named subsystem and add the jar file into the class path.

4 Create a named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys with DLL= D:\Siebel\8.1\Tools_1\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll, CLASSPATH = D:\WLSJMS;D:\WLSJMS\Siebel.jar;D:\WLSJMS\SiebelJI_enu.jar;D:\WLSJMS\wlfullclient.jar;, VMOPTIONS= D:\WLSJMS\log\jms.log

5 Run a command to create the named subsystem for JMS.

The following is an example of the command:

create named subsystem JMSParameters for subsystem JMSSubsys with ConnectionFactory="jms/aia/AIA_SEBLCLINPayableInvoiceJMSQueueCF", SendQueue="jms/aia/AIA_SEBLCLINPayableInvoiceJMSQueue"

6 Log into the Siebel application, navigate to Site Map > Administration Server Configuration -> Profile Configuration, and do the following:

a Query for the profile with Alias Name 'JAVA' in the profile list and make sure that the parameters are correct.

b Edit the value of VMOPTIONS to -Djms.log=D:\WLSJMS\log\jms.log.

c Query for the profile with Alias Name 'JMSParameters' in the profile list.

d Set the value of 'SendUsername' to the weblogic server user name.

e Set the value of 'SendPassword' to the weblogic server password

NOTE: The Weblogic server user needs to have minimum privileges to access the queue ("jms/aia/AIA_SEBLCLINPayableInvoiceJMSQueue").

7 Restart the Siebel Server.

8 Log into the Siebel application, navigate to Site Map -> Administration-Business Service -> Simulator.

9 Click New and provide the following parameters:

❏ Service Name = EAI JMS Transport

❏ Method Name = CheckCLASSPATH

10 Click the Run button to verify.

11 Change the Method Name to CheckJNDIContext with the following input arguments:

❏ SendUsername = <the user created in the weblogic console>

❏ SendPassword = <put password for the user created in Enterprise Manager>

❏ ConnectionFactory = jms/aia/AIA_SEBLCLINPayableInvoiceJMSQueueCF

❏ SendQueue = jms/aia/AIA_SEBLCLINPayableInvoiceJMSQueue

12 Click the Run button and verify.

13 Change the Method Name to Send, and let the input arguments remain the same.

14 Click the Run button and verify.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 131

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

Installing wlfullclient.jar1 Connect to SOA Server.

2 Generate wlfullclient.jar. For more information, see

3 Copy wlfullclient.jar to the WLSJMS folder on the Siebel Server.

Siebel Fix Pack Installation InstructionsThis topic includes the following subtopics:

■ “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132

■ “About Installing Siebel Fix Packs” on page 136

■ “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137

■ “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX” on page 141

■ “Configuring Slipstream Patch Installation” on page 146

■ “Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Server” on page 148

■ “Postinstallation Tasks for the Web Server” on page 148

■ “Postinstallation Tasks for High Interactivity Clients” on page 149

■ “Postinstallation Tasks for Supporting Additional Languages” on page 149

■ “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150

Siebel Fix Pack Installation OverviewThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

In order to receive the full benefit of all product enhancements contained in the Siebel Business Applications releases covered by this document, and to maintain a fully supported Siebel Business Applications installation, install each product component shown on the Bill of Materials by following the Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x installation instructions in this section. Install the Fix Pack for all applicable products in your existing deployment.

NOTE: This Siebel Maintenance Release Guide includes information for the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release. Each Fix Pack is cumulative and includes all fixes included in previous Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases (where applicable). You can install the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release on top of version 8.1.1 or any prior version 8.1.1.x release.

Before installing this Fix Pack, it is strongly recommended to read all the information in the topics in this section and other applicable sections of this document.

This document describes Fix Pack installation and related tasks for several key products, but not for all Siebel Business Applications products that may apply to your deployment. Fix Pack installation tasks for products not covered here are generally similar to those described here.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C132

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

This topic includes the following subtopics:

■ “Installation Scenarios Described in This Guide” on page 133

■ “Applicable Base Releases” on page 134

■ “About Running Siebel Image Creator” on page 134

■ “About Installing Additional Languages” on page 135

■ “About Installing Siebel Quick Fix Releases” on page 136

Installation Scenarios Described in This GuideThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

Installation instructions in this guide apply in the following scenarios:

■ Performing new full installation of version 8.1.1, with Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x. If you are installing version 8.1.1 (a new full installation), follow the installation instructions in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. Also follow the instructions in this Siebel Maintenance Release Guide for installing the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release on top of version 8.1.1.

Optionally, you can install 8.1 and 8.1.1.x together by configuring slipstream patch installation for server-based Siebel modules. For details, see “Configuring Slipstream Patch Installation” on page 146.

For the most recent version of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, see the latest version 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

For more information about installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x, see “About Installing Siebel Fix Packs” on page 136.

■ Installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x (patching existing version 8.1.1 or prior version 8.1.1.x installation). If you have already installed version 8.1.1 as a new full installation, and are now installing the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on top of version 8.1.1 or a previous version 8.1.1.x release, follow the instructions in this Siebel Maintenance Release Guide for doing this.

Where applicable, you can optionally uninstall an existing installed Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release before you install the latest Fix Pack. For more information, see “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150.

When you installed version 8.1.1 as a full installation, you would have already referred to the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For the most recent version of this document, see the latest version 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

For more information about installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x, see “About Installing Siebel Fix Packs” on page 136.

■ Adding languages. When you perform a new version 8.1.1 installation of Siebel Business Applications, include any supported languages (language packs) you require or expect to require. You can also add languages to an existing installation; additional steps are required in this case.

For more information, see “About Installing Additional Languages” on page 135.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 133

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

Applicable Base ReleasesThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

In general, each Siebel Fix Pack can be installed on top of an existing Siebel installation of the same product suite that is at a valid base version level for this Fix Pack.

Installing any Fix Pack requires an existing installation of a qualified base release to install into. Here, base release means the current version of the existing installation, including version 8.1.1 software and optionally including any installed Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x or other patch releases.

Here are the base releases and Siebel Business Applications product suites for installing the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release:

■ Siebel Industry Applications, version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x

■ Siebel Cross-Industry Applications, version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x

NOTE: Do not install a Fix Pack for one product suite on top of a base installation for another product suite. Such combinations are incompatible.

Siebel Industry Applications are composed of multiple industry product groups (vertical applications). For a detailed listing of the industry products contained in each group, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network (

NOTE: In order to run Siebel Business Applications software, all components of a Siebel Enterprise must be at the same exact version 8.1.1.x release level.

About Running Siebel Image CreatorThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

The Siebel Image Creator utility is used to create an installation image (sometimes called a network image) for version 8.1.1 or any Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release. The image can include any Siebel installable product and language provided as part of this product release.

You can also add products or languages to an existing installation image of the same version, for products or languages that were not previously included.

Installing any Siebel Business Applications release, including a new installation of version 8.1.1, an installation of a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release, or the addition of one or more languages, must be done from an installation image created using Image Creator.

NOTE: Always use the version of Siebel Image Creator provided with the Siebel release for which you are creating the installation image.

Information about using Siebel Image Creator is provided in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, on the version 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C134

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

About Installing Additional LanguagesThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

Include or add all languages you will require in your Siebel version 8.1.1 installation image (network image), which you create using the Siebel Image Creator utility. Then install the software with the languages you require. When you configure each installed Siebel Server and Siebel Web Server Extension, you also specify which installed languages you are deploying.

Optionally, you can add languages to an existing installation. Some postinstallation tasks are required in order to deploy a language you added after initial product installation and configuration:

■ If you add a language after you have configured an installed Siebel Server, launch the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard and run the configuration task Add Language Support for the Siebel Server. (It is not necessary to reconfigure the Siebel Server.)

■ If you add a language after you have configured an installed Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), launch the SWSE Configuration Wizard and run the configuration task Add Language Support for the SWSE Configuration. (It is not necessary to reconfigure the SWSE.)

After adding a language to your installed software, you must add the language to the Siebel Database, import Siebel Repository data into the database for this language, and run the MLOV (multilingual LOV) conversion utility. It is recommended to perform database-related tasks after installing applicable Fix Packs or other patch releases.

NOTE: If you are adding languages to an existing installation, do so before you install the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release. It is possible to add a language after a Fix Pack has been installed. However, for each component for which you add a language, you must reinstall the Fix Pack to bring the language pack files up to the current release level. (Because Fix Packs are cumulative, you can install just the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release, even if you previously installed a prior Fix Pack before adding the language.)

If you are not adding languages, you only need to install the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release, as described in this guide.

For detailed information about installing and deploying Siebel languages, see also:

■ Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using

■ Siebel Global Deployment Guide

■ Configuring Siebel Business Applications

■ Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network (

See also “Postinstallation Tasks for Supporting Additional Languages” on page 149.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 135

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

About Installing Siebel Quick Fix ReleasesThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

After installing version 8.1.1 and a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release as described in this guide, you can also install any applicable Siebel Quick Fix releases on top of version 8.1.1.x. When you install a Quick Fix, installed languages may also be patched, depending on the content of the Quick Fix release.

NOTE: Installing Quick Fixes may entail restrictions about which subsequent Fix Packs can be installed.

For detailed information about a particular Quick Fix, see the documentation that is provided separately with the Quick Fix.

“Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 8 identifies fixes from previous Quick Fix releases that are included in specific Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases.

About Installing Siebel Fix PacksThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

For each Siebel Business Applications product module, installing the latest Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release on top of an existing base installation replaces existing executable files and provides new files in addition to the base installation.

For supported base releases, see “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132.

Installing a Fix Pack does not replace any customer-modified files (for example, application configuration files like siebel.cfg) that govern program execution. When you install a Fix Pack, any installed languages may also be patched, depending on the content of the Fix Pack.

NOTE: References in this guide to Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases apply to the current Fix Pack release. However, you must verify the availability, characteristics, and requirements of any future Fix Pack releases, including Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases. Installation tasks and requirements for all future releases are subject to change, and will be covered by updated documentation.

If you plan to install any additional Siebel language packs, review “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132 (in particular, “About Installing Additional Languages” on page 135) before you install any Fix Pack.

The Siebel Fix Pack must be installed from an installation image you create using the Siebel Image Creator utility. This utility is described in version 8.1 of the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For more information, see “About Running Siebel Image Creator” on page 134.

For more information about stopping and restarting Siebel components, which is a required part of the Fix Pack installation process, see Siebel System Administration Guide. See also Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. These guides are available on the Siebel Bookshelf 8.1 on Oracle Technology Network ( See also “Postinstallation Tasks for the Web Server” on page 148.

After you install version 8.1.1 and version 8.1.1.x, you can also install any applicable Quick Fix release on top of version 8.1.1.x. For more information, see “About Installing Siebel Quick Fix Releases” on page 136.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C136

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

Related Topics■ “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150.

■ “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137

■ “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX” on page 141

Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft WindowsThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

Procedures for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x for products on Microsoft Windows are detailed below. Follow these instructions to install each product over the existing base installation for the same product. Perform the steps that apply for the Fix Pack you are installing, in the general sequence presented here.

Before you install the Fix Pack, review all applicable information in the following topics:

■ “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132

■ “About Installing Siebel Fix Packs” on page 136.

Instructions generally assume that Fix Pack installers are launched in GUI mode. Alternatively, the installers for server-based products can be launched in console or unattended mode. The Fix Pack installation runs silently.

NOTE: If you installed version 8.1.1 Siebel software using the Siebel FastTrack Wizard, use the Fix Pack installers for Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Web Server Extension to patch any installed instances of these modules. The FastTrack Wizard is provided for small to medium businesses (SMB). For more information, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

This topic has the following subtopics:

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on Windows” on page 137

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension on Windows” on page 138

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on Windows” on page 139

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Mobile Web Client, Siebel Tools, or Siebel Client Sync on Windows” on page 140

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on WindowsThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on any computer where a Siebel Enterprise Server component is installed, including Siebel Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, and Database Configuration Utilities (formerly referred to as the Siebel Database Server).

The Fix Pack installer for Siebel Enterprise Server also patches any instance of Siebel Management Agent that was automatically installed with a Siebel Server you are patching. See also “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on Windows” on page 139.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 137

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server components

1 Shut down the Siebel Business Applications product component to be updated. For example, stop the service for the Siebel Server or Siebel Gateway Name Server. Also shut down any running instances of the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr).

2 If you are patching an instance of Siebel Management Agent that was previously installed with a Siebel Server, also stop the service for the Management Agent.

3 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Enterprise Server, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

4 Double-click setup.exe to launch the Siebel Enterprise Server installer for version 8.1.1.x.

5 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

6 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

7 Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Enterprise Server component installation to be patched.

8 Restart all applicable Siebel Business Applications product components at the end of all Fix Pack or other patch release installation for server-based products.

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension on WindowsThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on any computer where a Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) component is installed.

NOTE: Before you install any Fix Pack release for SWSE, refer to Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network ( to verify that the Web server version is correct for the Siebel Business Applications release. If you need to update the Web server, do so before you install the Fix Pack for SWSE.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension

1 Stop the Web server.

2 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For SWSE, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Server\Siebel_Web_Server_Extension, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

3 Double-click setup.exe to launch the SWSE installer for version 8.1.1.x.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C138

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

4 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

5 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

6 Repeat these steps on each computer with an SWSE installation to be patched.

7 Restart the Web server at the end of all Fix Pack or other patch release installation for server-based products.

For more information, see “Postinstallation Tasks for the Web Server” on page 148.

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on WindowsThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on computers where Siebel Management Agent or Siebel Management Server are installed.

NOTE: These instructions for installing Siebel Management Agent assume that Management Agent was installed separately. If your instances of Management Agent were installed as part of Siebel Server installation, follow the instructions in “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on Windows” on page 137. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

When you install a Fix Pack for an instance of Siebel Management Agent, the Siebel Management Server will be unable to connect to it. It is not necessary to shut down the Management Server while you install the Fix Pack for the Management Agents. After you install the Fix Pack for all instances of Management Agent, shut down the Siebel Management Server, then install the Fix Pack for Management Server. After you restart Management Server, it automatically reconnects to each instance of Management Agent. Newly patched instances of Management Agent will not be operational until Management Server has also been patched.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent (where Management Agent was installed separately)

1 Stop the Siebel Management Agent service.

2 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Management Agent, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Server\Siebel_Management_Agent, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

3 Double-click setup.exe to launch the Siebel Management Agent installer for version 8.1.1.x.

4 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

5 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

6 Restart the Management Agent service.

7 Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Management Agent installation to be patched (where Management Agent was installed separately).

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 139

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Server

1 Stop the Siebel Management Server service.

2 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Management Server, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Server\Siebel_Management_Server, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

3 Double-click setup.exe to launch the Siebel Management Server installer for version 8.1.1.x.

4 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

5 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

6 Restart the Management Server service.

7 Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Management Server installation to be patched. (In most deployments, only one instance is installed.)

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Mobile Web Client, Siebel Tools, or Siebel Client Sync on WindowsThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on computers where Siebel Mobile Web Client, Siebel Tools, or Siebel Client Sync are installed. (Most of the information for Siebel Mobile Web Client also applies to Siebel Developer Web Client.)

NOTE: As of version 8.1.1, the installer programs for Siebel Mobile Web Client and Siebel Tools are based on the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) framework, and have many differences from installers for previous releases. For a detailed summary of installer changes, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel Tools

1 Exit any Siebel software on the client computer where you are installing the Fix Pack.

NOTE: For a Siebel Mobile Web Client using the Siebel QuickStart feature, you must also exit the QuickStart agent, if it is running. To do this, right-click the QuickStart icon in the system tray, then choose Exit. For more information about using Siebel QuickStart with the Mobile Web Client, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

2 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located.

■ For Siebel Mobile Web Client, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Client\Siebel_Web_Client\Disk1\install

■ For Siebel Tools, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Client\Siebel_Tools\Disk1\install

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C140

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions


■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

3 Double-click oui.exe to launch the Siebel client or Siebel Tools installer for version 8.1.1.x.

4 In the dialog box labeled Specify Home Details, select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

5 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

6 Repeat these steps on each computer with an applicable Siebel client or Siebel Tools installation to be patched.

NOTE: The computer may require a restart at the end of the installation.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Client Sync

1 Exit any Siebel software on the client computer where you are installing the Fix Pack.

2 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Client Sync, navigate to Siebel_Image\Windows\Client\Siebel_Client_Sync, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\8.1.1.x.

3 Double-click install.exe to launch the Siebel Client Sync client installer for version 8.1.1.x.

4 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

5 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

6 Repeat these steps on each computer with an applicable Siebel Client Sync installation to be patched.

NOTE: The computer may require a restart at the end of the installation.

Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIXThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

Procedures for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x for products on supported UNIX and Linux platforms are detailed below. Follow these instructions to install each product over the existing base installation for the same product. Perform the steps that apply for the Fix Pack you are installing, in the general sequence presented here.

Before you install the Fix Pack, review all applicable information in the following topics:

■ “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132

■ “About Installing Siebel Fix Packs” on page 136

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 141

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

Instructions generally assume that Fix Pack installers are launched in GUI mode. Alternatively, the installers for server-based products can be launched in console or unattended mode. The Fix Pack installation runs silently.

NOTE: Some Siebel Business Applications products can only be installed on Windows, such as Siebel Management Server, Siebel Mobile Web Client, Siebel Tools, or Siebel Client Sync. For more information, see “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows” on page 137.

This topic has the following subtopics:

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on UNIX” on page 142

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension on UNIX” on page 143

■ “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent on UNIX” on page 145

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on UNIXThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX” on page 141.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on any computer where a Siebel Enterprise Server component is installed, including Siebel Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, and Database Configuration Utilities (formerly referred to as the Siebel Database Server).

The Fix Pack installer for Siebel Enterprise Server also patches any instance of Siebel Management Agent that was automatically installed with a Siebel Server you are patching. See also “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent on UNIX” on page 145.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server components

1 Stop all running Siebel Servers by running the command stop_server on each applicable server computer. (See Siebel System Administration Guide for details on how to use this command.) Also shut down any running instances of the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr).

2 If you are patching an instance of Siebel Management Agent that was previously installed with a Siebel Server, also stop the service for the Management Agent.

3 Unload libraries from the system cache by running the command reset_server all on each applicable server computer. (See Siebel System Administration Guide for details on how to use this command.)

4 Stop the Siebel Gateway Name Server by running the command stop_ns. (See Siebel System Administration Guide for details on how to use this command.)

5 (AIX only) Verify that the login ID performing installation has permission to run slibclean by asking the administrator to change the permission as follows:

chmod 6555 /usr/sbin/slibclean

6 (AIX only) Execute slibclean, as follows:


Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C142

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

7 Open a new shell and navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Enterprise Server, navigate to Siebel_Image/UNIX_OS/Server/Siebel_Enterprise_Server, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as /Siebel_Install_Image/8.1.1.x.

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as AIX, HPUX (HP-UX), Linux, or Solaris.

8 (For GUI mode) Run setupUNIX_OS to launch the Siebel Enterprise Server installer in GUI mode for version 8.1.1.x, where:

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

Go to Step 10 on page 143.

9 (For console mode) Enter the following command to launch the Siebel Enterprise Server installer in console mode for version 8.1.1.x:

setupUNIX_OS –is:javaconsole -console


■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

10 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

11 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

12 Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Enterprise Server component installation to be patched.

13 Restart all applicable Siebel Business Applications product components at the end of all Fix Pack or other patch release installation for server-based products.

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension on UNIXThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX” on page 141.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on any computer where a Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) component is installed.

NOTE: Before you install any Fix Pack for SWSE, refer to Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network to verify that the Web server version is correct for the Siebel Business Applications release. If you need to update the Web server, do so before you install the Fix Pack for SWSE.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Web Server Extension

1 Stop the Web server by running one of the following commands:

■ ompmnctl stopall - for Oracle HTTP Server (on AIX or supported Linux platforms)

■ stopapa – for other Apache-based Web servers (on AIX, HP-UX, or supported Linux platforms)

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 143

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

■ stop – for Oracle iPlanet Web Server (on Oracle Solaris)

2 Log on to the server using the Web server owner account.

3 (AIX only) Verify that the login ID performing installation has permission to run slibclean by asking the administrator to change the permission as follows:

chmod 6555 /usr/sbin/slibclean

4 (AIX only) Execute slibclean, as follows:


5 Open a new shell and navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For SWSE, navigate to Siebel_Image/UNIX_OS/Server/Siebel_Web_Server_Extension, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as /Siebel_Install_Image/8.1.1.x.

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as AIX, HPUX (HP-UX), Linux, or Solaris.

6 (For GUI mode) Run setupUNIX_OS to launch the SWSE installer in GUI mode for version 8.1.1.x, where:

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

Go to Step 8 on page 144.

7 (For console mode) Enter the following command to launch the SWSE installer in console mode for version 8.1.1.x:

setupUNIX_OS –is:javaconsole -console


■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

8 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

9 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

10 Repeat these steps on each computer with an SWSE installation to be patched.

11 Restart the Web server at the end of all Fix Pack or other patch release installation for server-based products.

For more information, see “Postinstallation Tasks for the Web Server” on page 148.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C144

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent on UNIXThis topic is part of “Installing the Siebel Fix Pack on UNIX” on page 141.

Use the instructions that follow for installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on computers where Siebel Management Agent is installed.

NOTE: These instructions for installing Siebel Management Agent assume that Management Agent was installed separately. If your instances of Management Agent were installed automatically as part of Siebel Server installation, follow the instructions in “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server on UNIX” on page 142 instead. See also the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

For information about installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Server (which runs on Windows only), see “Installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent and Siebel Management Server on Windows” on page 139.

When you install a Fix Pack for an instance of Siebel Management Agent, the Siebel Management Server will be unable to connect to it. It is not necessary to shut down the Management Server while you install the Fix Pack for the Management Agents. After you install the Fix Pack for all instances of Management Agent, shut down the Siebel Management Server, then install the Fix Pack for Management Server. After you restart Management Server, it automatically reconnects to each instance of Management Agent. Newly patched instances of Management Agent will not be operational until Management Server has also been patched.

To install the Fix Pack for Siebel Management Agent (where Management Agent was installed separately)

1 Stop the service for the Siebel Management Agent.

2 (AIX only) Verify that the login ID performing installation has permission to run slibclean by asking the administrator to change the permission as follows:

chmod 6555 /usr/sbin/slibclean

3 (AIX only) Execute slibclean, as follows:


4 Open a new shell and navigate to the Siebel image location for version 8.1.1.x, then to the directory where the installer is located. For Siebel Management Agent, navigate to Siebel_Image/UNIX_OS/Server/Siebel_Management_Agent, where:

■ Siebel_Image is the directory for your version-specific Siebel installation image, such as /Siebel_Install_Image/8.1.1.x.

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as AIX, HPUX (HP-UX), Linux, or Solaris.

5 (For GUI mode) Run setupUNIX_OS to launch the Siebel Management Agent installer in GUI mode for version 8.1.1.x, where:

■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

Go to Step 7 on page 146.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 145

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

6 (For console mode) Enter the following command to launch the Siebel Management Agent installer in console mode for version 8.1.1.x:

setupUNIX_OS –is:javaconsole -console


■ UNIX_OS is your UNIX operating system, such as aix (AIX), hp (HP-UX), linux (Linux), or sol (Solaris).

7 Select an instance of version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x to patch, from the list of detected Siebel installations.

8 Follow all prompts to complete installation of version 8.1.1.x.

9 Restart the Management Agent service.

10 Repeat these steps on each computer with a Siebel Management Agent installation to be patched (where Management Agent was installed separately).

Configuring Slipstream Patch InstallationThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

Slipstream patch installation is the ability to configure installer behavior so that an installer process (for full installation or Fix Pack installation) automatically invokes one or more patch installations for the same product. The main installation can be performed in applicable installer modes (GUI, console, or unattended mode). The Fix Pack or other patch installation runs silently.

NOTE: As noted in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, slipstream patch installation applies only to installations of server-based Siebel modules. As of version 8.1.1, installers for Siebel client modules are based on Oracle Universal Installer technology (and do not use siebel.ini files) and do not support slipstream patch installation.

Where slipstream patch installation is invoked by a full installation rather than by another patch installation, the patch installation executes after language packs are installed. After all installations are complete, the Siebel Configuration Wizard launches, for applicable products.

As noted in “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Overview” on page 132, slipstream patch installation may apply in multiple installation scenarios. Applicable scenarios for the current product releases include:

■ Full installation plus patch installation. Performing a version 8.1.1 full installation plus a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x installation. This scenario may optionally also include a Quick Fix release for version 8.1.1.x (where applicable).

■ Multiple patch installations. Performing a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x installation plus a Quick Fix release for version 8.1.1.x (where applicable).

NOTE: If you are adding languages to an existing version 8.1.1 or 8.1.1.x installation, slipstream installation does not apply for the installation session for installing the languages. However, slipstream installation can be used when subsequently installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x and Quick Fix releases. For more information about installing languages, see “About Installing Additional Languages” on page 135.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C146

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

You configure slipstream patch installation by modifying the base siebel.ini files for each applicable Siebel module in the version 8.1.1 or version 8.1.1.x installation image, according to your install scenario.

The siebel.ini files are also modified in installation scenarios described in the chapter about unattended and console mode installations, in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

To support slipstream patch installation, where a version 8.1.1 full installation automatically invokes a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x installation, modify the siebel.ini file for each applicable product for version 8.1.1, as shown below. Examples for setting Execute for different modules follow.

[Slipstream]Install1 = yes

[Install1]Execute = full_path_to_Siebel_product_installer_executableArg = arg_argument


■ full_path_to_Siebel_product_installer_executable is the full path to the installer executable program, located in the installation image for the release that will be installed using slipstream patch installation.

■ arg_argument is the value shown below for the parameter Arg, for a server installation:

Arg = -args PatchInstance=$(SiebelRoot) Slipstream=yes

Examples for Specifying Execute ParameterTo configure slipstream patch installation for Siebel Enterprise Server version 8.1.1.x on AIX, the value for Execute might be as shown below. (The actual path would show the specific Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x version.)

Execute = /Siebel_Image/8.1.1.x/AIX/Server/Siebel_Enterprise_Server/setupaix

To configure slipstream patch installation for Siebel Web Server Extension 8.1.1.x on Windows, the value for Execute might be as shown below:

Execute = D:\Siebel_Image\8.1.1.x\Windows\Server\Siebel_Web_Server_Extension\setup.exe

Configuring Multiple Slipstream InstallationsIf, when installing version 8.1.1, you use slipstream installation to install both version 8.1.1.x and a Quick Fix release for version 8.1.1.x, you must configure multiple entries in the version 8.1.1 siebel.ini files.

To include the Quick Fix release in the slipstream patching sequence, add Install2 = yes under the last entry in the [Slipstream] section, then configure an [Install2] section for the Quick Fix release. Configure the [Install2] section so it resembles the [Install1] section you configured for the Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x, but points to the Quick Fix release instead.

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel ServerThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

If you are using a security adapter, then you might need to update the value of the CRC parameter after installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x. The value must reflect the checksum value applicable to the security adapter library file, such as a DLL file on Windows.

This task may be necessary if you previously determined to use checksum validation for your security adapter deployment, and set the value of the CRC parameter. If a Fix Pack you installed later included an updated security adapter library file, the checksum validation will fail and Siebel Web Clients might not launch, unless the value of the CRC parameter is updated.

For detailed information about this task, see the topic about configuring checksum validation in Siebel Security Guide on the 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

Postinstallation Tasks for the Web ServerThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

The Web server must be restarted after you have finished installing Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x on all server-based components: Siebel Server, Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE), and so on.

The restart is required because the Web server must be able to create a folder to contain static files required for the current version of the Siebel application (corresponding to the latest Fix Pack release). This folder is created as SWSE_ROOT/public/lang_code/build_number, where:

■ SWSE_ROOT is the location where the SWSE is installed

■ lang_code is each installed language (such as ENU for U.S. English)

■ build_number is the current build number of the installed Siebel software (the build number comes from the content of the base.txt file on the SWSE installation)

The folder described above and other folders are created on the first SWSE request after installing any Siebel Business Applications release. This folder is populated with static files copied from the Siebel Server directory SIEBSRVR_ROOT/webmaster/siebel_build. The contents of these folders are refreshed each time the Web server restarts, or when an administrator enters a Web update command in the browser. After a build-specific folder is created on the SWSE, folders representing earlier builds are no longer used.

For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and Siebel Security Guide, both on 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

Failure to restart the Web server after installing the Fix Pack for Siebel Enterprise Server components and for the SWSE means the folders will not be created on the Web server, which causes the Siebel login screens to stop responding.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C148

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

Postinstallation Tasks for High Interactivity ClientsThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

After installing a new version of a Siebel application, including a Siebel Fix Pack, new versions of applicable ActiveX controls for the high interactivity client will be downloaded onto your users’ client computers when they run the Siebel application within the Internet Explorer browser. Alternatively, updated versions of the ActiveX controls you require can be predeployed to the client computers.

This behavior applies to Siebel Web Client (using high interactivity only), Mobile Web Client, and Developer Web Client.

For more information, see the browser configuration chapter in Siebel System Administration Guide.

After a new Siebel software version is installed, Java controls for the high interactivity client will also be downloaded. If caching is enabled, cached versions of these controls may need to be cleared on the client computer. To clear this data, choose Start, then Settings, then Control Panel, and then Java Plug-In. Click the Cache tab, then click Reset.

After a new Siebel software version is installed, is also recommended that users clear their browser cache. To do this in Internet Explorer, choose Tools, then Internet Options, and then choose Delete Files from the General tab.

For the minimum supported version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network ( The JRE can be downloaded automatically to your computers. As described in 475457.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support, some configuration may be required in order to download the correct version.

Postinstallation Tasks for Supporting Additional LanguagesThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

If you are installing an additional language into an existing version 8.1.1.x installation, review the information in this topic in case it applies to you. For more information about adding languages, see “About Installing Additional Languages” on page 135.

Importing Locale-Specific Data into the RepositorySometimes it is necessary to update the text strings held in the repository for a particular language or for multiple languages. These text strings are held in the Symbolic String Model (SSM) table, and appear on-screen as labels for tabs, fields, and so on, across all Siebel Business Applications products.

Updates may be needed either because a string has been incorrectly translated for a particular language, or because installing a patch has caused a new string or message to appear for all languages for which Oracle ships language packs for Siebel Business Applications.

NOTE: These instructions are provided for use with any releases to which they apply, and might not apply for any particular version 8.1.1.x release or any particular language.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 149

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

The procedure below uses the Locale Management Utility (LMU), which is part of Siebel Tools, to import an LMU file. An LMU file may contain strings in just one language or in multiple languages. When running the Locale Management Utility, you can choose to import only the strings for the languages you are actually using in your installation.

In the procedure below, when you are prompted for the file to import, specify the name of the LMU file provided for the applicable language.

NOTE: Install any applicable Siebel Fix Pack before you run the Locale Management Utility.

For more information about using the Locale Management Utility, see Using Siebel Tools and Siebel Global Deployment Guide on the 8.1 Siebel Bookshelf.

To import strings and other locale-specific attributes into the repository

1 In Siebel Tools, choose Tools, then Utilities, and then Locale Management.

The Locale Management Utility appears.

2 Select a source language and a target language.

The source language is the language of the locale-specific data in the LMU file you are importing. The target language is the Siebel language into which the strings will be imported.

3 Click the Import tab.

4 Enter the name of the LMU file from which you want to import locale-specific attributes.

You can also use the Browse button to find and select the file.

5 Specify whether you want to mark records in the repository with the Redo flag that have changed since the export occurred.

When the import occurs, the LMU compares the source language records in the repository with the source language records in the import file. If the records in the repository have changed since the export occurred, they are marked with the Redo flag. This flag helps you identify records that may need to be retranslated.

6 Click Import.

7 After finishing, recompile the SRF file and restart the Application Object Manager component on the Siebel Server to see the results.

Uninstalling Siebel Fix PacksThis topic is part of “Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions” on page 132.

This topic describes how to uninstall Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases for Microsoft Windows and for supported UNIX and Linux platforms.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C150

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix PackInstallation Instructions

Generally, a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release installed on top of version 8.1.1 (or a prior 8.1.1.x) can be uninstalled. When you uninstall a Fix Pack, you revert to the version 8.1.1 base installation. The uninstaller prompts you whether you want to uninstall just the Fix Pack (and revert to version 8.1.1) or perform a full uninstallation of the installed software.

CAUTION: Separate uninstallation of a Fix Pack is not supported for Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel Tools. Only the full uninstallation option is possible for these modules.

Fix Pack uninstallation for modules not mentioned here is generally similar to what is described here.

To perform a full uninstallation of a Siebel module, follow the uninstallation instructions provided in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

This topic contains the following subtopics:

■ “Scenarios for Uninstalling a Siebel Fix Pack” on page 151

■ “Instructions for Uninstalling a Siebel Fix Pack” on page 151

■ “Guidelines and Limitations for Siebel Fix Pack Uninstallation” on page 152

Scenarios for Uninstalling a Siebel Fix PackThis topic is part of “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150.

In some circumstances, you may need to, or choose to, uninstall a Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release and revert to the base installation (version 8.1.1). For example:

■ You may decide to uninstall an existing installed Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release before installing a later Fix Pack. (This is optional.)

■ If issues are encountered in your deployment, you may decide to uninstall an existing installed Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release and revert to version 8.1.1. Subsequently (where multiple Fix Packs have been released), you may decide to install a lower-level Fix Pack.

CAUTION: If you revert to the version 8.1.1 base installation, change request fixes and new functionality added in any or all Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x releases are no longer available, until an applicable Fix Pack has been installed. You will also need to take steps described later in this topic, under guidelines and limitations.

Related Topics■ “Enhancements and Updates in 8.1.1.x Fix Packs” on page 46

■ “Resolved Change Requests” on page 153.

Instructions for Uninstalling a Siebel Fix PackThis topic is part of “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150.

Follow the instructions below to uninstall the installed Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x release and revert to the version 8.1.1 base installation.

For more information about running uninstaller programs and about uninstalling Siebel base installations, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 151

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Siebel Fix Pack Installation Instructions

See also “Enhancements and Updates in 8.1.1.x Fix Packs” on page 46.

To uninstall the Siebel Fix Pack on Microsoft Windows

1 To uninstall a Fix Pack on Windows, use the Add/Remove Programs utility to run the uninstaller.

NOTE: For applicable server-based modules, You can also invoke the uninstaller by running SIEBEL_ROOT\_uninst\product\uninstaller.exe, where product is one of the following values: ses (for Siebel Enterprise Server components) or eappweb (for SWSE).

2 At the prompt, select Maintenance Release Uninstall.

To uninstall the Siebel Fix Pack on supported UNIX or Linux platforms

1 To uninstall a Fix Pack on UNIX or Linux, run the following command:

$SIEBEL_ROOT/_uninst/product/uninstaller optional_arguments


■ product is one of the following values: ses (for Siebel Enterprise Server components) or eappweb (for SWSE)

■ optional_arguments is one or more valid arguments for the uninstaller. For example, specify -is:javaconsole -console to run in console mode.

2 At the prompt, select Maintenance Release Uninstall.

Guidelines and Limitations for Siebel Fix Pack UninstallationThis topic is part of “Uninstalling Siebel Fix Packs” on page 150.

Note the following guidelines and limitations related to Siebel Fix Pack uninstallation for installed Siebel software:

■ Separate uninstallation of a Fix Pack is not supported for Siebel Mobile Web Client or Siebel Tools. Only the full uninstallation option is possible for these modules.

■ If a Fix Pack installation fails, it is recommended that the administrator attempt to uninstall and then reinstall the Fix Pack. If the uninstaller for the Fix Pack is not available, proceed with reinstalling the Fix Pack. If these steps are omitted, future attempts to uninstall the Fix Pack may fail.

■ If you made any repository or configuration changes related to a Fix Pack you have installed, then, before uninstalling the Fix Pack, the repository or configuration must be restored to the state when the Fix Pack was first installed.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C152

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests

Resolved Change RequestsThe table in this topic provides a list of resolved bugs that are included in the Siebel Fix Pack. Customers using version 8.1.1 or a prior Siebel Fix Pack 8.1.1.x (where applicable) should install the latest 8.1.1.x Fix Pack.

NOTE: As of the Siebel Fix Pack release, the Siebel Maintenance Release Guides are version-specific. For a list of bugs that were resolved in the Siebel through Fix Packs, see Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support. To access this guide, from within My Oracle Support, navigate to the Knowledge tab, and search for Article ID 880452.1.

Unless specifically noted in the table, all known anomalies from the base version remain unresolved.

For each release, the resolved changes tables include the following columns:

■ Issues Addressed. The description of the issue.

■ Bug ID/Fix Request ID. The tracking number for the fix request associated to the product defect.

■ Base Bug ID/Change Request ID. The tracking number for the product defect associated with the fix request.

■ Subcomponent. The second-level categorization for the product defect.

■ Special Instructions. A “Yes” in this column means that in order to incorporate the fix into your Siebel implementation, you must make some configuration changes to your Siebel repository file using Siebel Tools.

CAUTION: If you have installed a Quick Fix, please review “Quick Fixes Included in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 8.

This section contains the following topic:

■ “Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack” on page 153

Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix PackThis topic is part of “Resolved Change Requests” on page 153.

Table 4 lists the bugs that were resolved in the Fix Pack.

NOTE: As of the Siebel Fix Pack, the resolved bug information is classified by product name, component description, and subcomponent description (if applicable). These categories correspond to the CR Area and CR Subarea categories for previous Fix Pack releases, with the addition of a subcategory.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 153

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Apps - Customer Order ManagementApplication Deployment Manager

ADM is not able to export/import the Catalog/Category record due to Integration Object issues

10605169 10599327 Customer Order Mgmt


Clicking the Transfer Service button adds inactive assets to quotes

11069497 Workflow Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 11069497” on page 192.

Customizable Prod/Configurator

Configurator product instances are deleted if RaiseErrorText is used in the script

11677160 Error Messages

Cardinality/constraint rules do not work

10606183 10559334 User Interface

Compatibility rule error messages are partially shown in ENU, not in the local language

10598936 10594166 Error Messages

Eligibility and Compatibility rules inside Configurator web services

10598213 10597497 Runtime

An invalid error message occurs within the invocation of configurator/promotion validation step of the Verify(Order) workflow process.

10599645 10597519 Runtime

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C154

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

The Configurator UI does not display a red asterisk (required product) for a customizable product`s relationship where a min cardinality is defined and a promotion is associated to this CP

10601493 10599170 Runtime

Modifying multiple assets created by different users causes an error

10602112 10600499 Runtime

BeginConfiguration returns an empty tag <DomainItem/> for ineligible child products

10602999 10601387 Runtime

In Product Configurator, the Summary tab does not display products that break eligibility rules

10601718 10601715 Runtime

Remote Product Configurator cannot solve all conflicts at once

10603752 10603058 Runtime

When a script is validating an attribute and using SetAttribute to change its value, this can cause the constraint based over the attribute to fire and display the error message incorrectly

10606288 11071206 Error Messages

Order Administration

When network nodes or network connections are modified, the Due Date popup window does not show future-dated orders

10605214 10605212 Quote/Order Validation

Pricing Mgmt

Adds Version and Date fields within Pricing Designer for product and promotion administration

10604001 10599850 CP Pricing Designer

Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10604001” on page 190.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 155

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

When an attribute adjustment has a DATA_TYPE of number and the value is greater than 999, the attribute adjustment is not applied properly

10601799 10600032 Dynamic Matrices

Product Administration

Within eConfigurator, ineligible products saved in a current configuration are not displayed in red

10534651 10533693 Eligibility & Compatibility

Constraints using selection of products from class do not work

10606479 10543644 Products

The Upsert method of the Product Import business service should not cause the Synchronize method call of the EAI Siebel Adapter business service

10568078 10561828 Products Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10568078” on page 192.

The ABO Bulk Request Component Product pick applet crashes with a large number of components

10598396 10595706 Compound Product

Coupon promotion does not display correctly inside Configurator

10599164 10598714 Product Classes

Product import errors or import warning reports are displayed in a popup window instead of prompting the user to download the report

10598786 10598785 Migration

Users cannot import a child product that has a class relationship when a class has not been defined

10604058 10598903 Migration

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C156

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

ACR 620: Provides Advanced Promotions functionality. For more information about ACR 620 functionality, see “Enhancements and Updates in Version” on page 17.

11067703 Administration Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 620” on page 53.

Default cardinality on products is not honored when a product is used in a promotion

10598992 10598872 Runtime

Quotes & Orders

The application hangs when adding customizable products to a quote

10602944 10597914 Line Item Details

Siebel Apps - Data QualityData Quality

Crashes occur with the Deduplication business service when the Contact Key business component is released

11738034 Real-Time Deduplication

"In version SIA with SSA Deduplication enabled, when users add a duplicate account and pick a duplicate account or contact to merge in the popup applet, they receive the following errors: SBL-DAT-00227: Unable to create the Business Service 'DQ Sync Services' SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Class' named 'DQ Sync Services'. This object is inactive or nonexistent.”

11699398 11696864 Data Quality

Deduplication does not work for some of the fields in the Contact and Account views

10601612 10588363 Real-Time Deduplication

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 157

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Apps - Field ServiceField Service

The Preventive Maintenance engine queries fpr PM Plans other than the PM Plan against which it is being run, which causes problems for users with large datasets

10571656 10568862 Preventive Maintenance

With Gantt Chart applets, when colors are overlaid, the colors do not display properly

10591214 10585593 Dispatch Board Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10591214” on page 193.

The Holiday API Service GetResponseTime Method is giving incorrect results

10591565 10586837 Error Messages

Within the Dispatch Board, the drag-and-drop functionality does not work properly

10596090 10590959 Dispatch Board


ACR 484: Provides an integration between Siebel Field Service and Oracle Real Time Scheduler

10596175 10582764 Optimizer Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 484” on page 22.

Siebel Apps - Handheld ClientHandheld Client

Characters are being corrupted during outbound transport

10605896 10584241 SMQ Messaging

When users click the Deliver button, the application hangs, and the log file displays an exception

10600071 10600052 CG App

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C158

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

The Prepare Visit functionality consumes much more memory than in previous versions of the application

10601463 10600657 CG App

Slow navigation occurs because totals in list applets are recalculated on every get-focus

10604840 10600661 User Interface

After WM5 [21219_2] is applied, the UI behaves slowly

10603021 10601356 User Interface

The List Products button does not perform properly

10604842 10604032 CG App

Voiding a fully paid invoice does not change the available credit

10605763 10605216 CG App

The Field Read Only user property does not work on multi-value fields

11802807 10606225 Client App

Handheld Sync

The BatchSync task fails after Bug BUG 10588005 (CR#12-1X7WAZN) is applied

11905212 Direct Server Sync

Handheld Sync cannot open and close the connection

10605060 10529580 Direct Server Sync

An infinite loop occurs when the network fails during DSS

10589719 10585400 Direct Server Sync

Provides enhanced DSS Handshaking and synchronization session tracking

10589654 10588005 Direct Server Sync

Handheld: Patch Agent fails after [20412_9] has been applied

10591571 10591406 Patch Deployment

Users must restart the application after an error occurs during synchronization

10593811 10592420 Direct Server Sync

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 159

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Apps - MarketingMktg/Campaign Mgmt

When users select one record and click the Generate Output Lists button, two lists are generated

10560735 10557298 Campaign Manager UI

The Stage Execution process fails with the following error: SBL-DAT-00523: The selected record has been modified by another user since it was retrieved. Please continue.

10572773 10570959 Campaign Processing

Makes the Trackable URL functionality optional

10602182 10592525 Treatment

A trigger cannot be loaded more than twice for the same contact

10601450 10598328 Campaign Processing

The list distribution record is removed after a campaign is launched

10603117 10600264 Campaign Manager UI

In campaign allocation, assigning 0 to a certain segment should not export any contact in that segment

10605179 10602056 Segments

Contacts in the deleted lists in the program designer should not be addressed in the campaign

10605063 10604117 Campaign Manager UI

Mktg/Email Marketing

Russian characters are not saved with the correct encoding in the HTML editor

10566327 10565408 Email Editor


Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C160

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

When a user clicks Invite to invite a user to an event, an error message displays

10565850 10561856 Customer Views


Sending an email from the My Leads view by selecting F9 populates the "To" field with "Lead Detail Form Applet (Detail)"

10606270 10603004 Lead UI

Mktg/List Management

List Import does not accept Job Input arguments

10602184 10592716 List Import

Even after the fix provided by CR # 12-1XCM9RR, Marketing imports continue to fail

10601824 10599065 List Import

When a contact is promoted, deduplication does not work as expected

10601306 10601232 Promotion

Error messages do not contain specific information during the list import process

10601721 10601668 List Import


Users receive an error message when saving a Web treatment

10604326 10604325 Error Messages

Mktg/Web Marketing

The location of the Save Content button is not consistent between screens

10536023 10527141 Surveys and Landing Sites

Siebel Apps- Multichannel TechnologiesCommunications Server

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 161

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

F9 functionality: On the Mobile Web Client, when a language is set that is different than the language that was set for templates, the timestamp for the Mobile Client language is overwritten by the template language setting

10604412 10604360 Outbound Communication - Email


Business Services that contain GotoView() does not work when invoked from CTI EventLog

10600434 10589061 Client

With Internet Explorer 7, the ACD Transfer Group Call Applet appears behind the main Siebel application window

10597569 10593154 UI Configuration

eMail Response

Users must click the Send button twice when replying to email messages

10601855 10599067 Email Response View

Siebel Apps - Oracle Customer HubUniversal Customer Master

When UCM Merge is performed on the Oracle Database, the Unique Constraint error message appears

10602108 10597384 Data Management

Siebel Apps - PRMPRM Partner Portal

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C162

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Within Activities > Activities List, only the upper part of the "Activities List" text appears

10599693 10599646 Other

Siebel Apps - SalesForecasts

When the user is on a forecast view, such as “All Forecasts Across Organizations” view, with a PDQ is enforced (such as only forecasts for current week are displayed or a particular date), when the user navigates from this view to other forecast view, all subordinates' forecasts, including forecasts from previous weeks/years, are displayed on this view.

10603019 10594273 Forecasts

Forecast adjustment is not updating when the product is adjusted in the Summary View tab

10605255 10600295 Forecasts


Within the Sales Pipeline Phases Analysis view, the wrong value displays for the % of Revenue Quota

10581146 10572148 Opportunities

Data Restricted Function not working with `&` in Query Value on Revenue List Applet in 8.0

10601946 10597033 Revenues

Siebel Apps - Search & Knowledge ManagementSearch - Oracle SES

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 163

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Searchable fields in the search results view are not being shown

10601893 10543253 Results UI Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10601893” on page 193.

Deleting all SES indexes from the eCustomer application causes it to use other indexes.

10602264 10596554 Indexing

After ACR 439 has been implemented, File System or Web sources are not retained after searches are performed

10602949 10598897 Search Center

In version, within the Advanced Search applet, the Clear All button is disabled

10602094 10602093 Advanced Search

After QF02AP has been applied, the application hangs when users navigate between Search and Find categories

10605908 10603598 Connectors Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10605908” on page 193.

Siebel Search

When two search categories are configured from one BC, and users perform a search after they select only one category, the search is performed on both categories even if only one was selected

10602434 10577630 Advanced Search

When the Siebel application has been configured for a language other than ENU, and the Siebel Search functionality is configured (Siebel Search integrated with OSES), when users search, the Search Results view displays words that have not been translated

10597045 10589207 Results UI

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C164

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

OSES: Once a Find category is selected, only Find categories are available in the Look In drop-down list

10600341 10589726 Search Center Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10600341” on page 193.

It is not possible to customize results teasers for search categories that are based on Attachment business components

10604372 10594274 Results UI Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10604372” on page 195.

Within Search Center, the Clear button does not work

10602262 10599519 Search Center Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10602262” on page 195.

Siebel Apps - ServiceAssignment Manager

Provides an All, Best Fit rule for Assignment Manager

10554091 10543054 Batch Assignment

Assignment Manager does not assign employees correctly

10563494 10558678 Interactive Assignment

Within Assignment Manager, rule loading takes over two hours

10571262 10561766 Server Processes

A performance issue occurs because of a conflict between the Employee Team Score column and the All Above Minimum condition

10588378 10587333 Server Processes


If a SmartScript is running in Standard Interactivity mode and it has two questions on two separate pages, the focus is lost

10550708 10546684 eSmartScript Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10550708” on page 195.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 165

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Search specifications are not invoked if tree explorer navigation is used

10601258 10532326 Administration

When the same SmartScript is run simultaneously in the Web client, the wrong data is saved

10592482 10591844 Administration

Siebel Apps - Territory ManagementTerritory Management - Sales

It is not possible to limit the amount of data on which the alignment process should operate on with the Alignment Periodic Runs workflow

10589744 10588325 Territory Management

Siebel Apps - UCMUniversal Customer Master

Link/Update and CreateNew does not set the new address as the primary address for the Contact even when the S_UCM_ADDR_PER.PR_CHILD_FLG = 'Y’

11717148 Incoming Duplicates

When there are more than 150 records in matching results, the Siebel application crashes when running a batch request

10606222 10606223 Deduplication

AIA MDM 3.1: Person/Org merge events are not published with Operation = Merge

11693101 Merge Request

Siebel Automotive

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C166

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Warranty Management

ACR 525: Provides the Warranty Management System

11058413 10603423 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 525” on page 22.

ACR 525: Validation Messages are not populated in Warranty Claim

11058448 11075793

Siebel Consumer GoodsCalendar

Visit Planning drag-and-drop functionality does not work

10600655 10599120

Sales Volume Planning

Auto query applied on Products Baselines changes the values in Category Baseline

10603845 10603842

Allocating 0 may result in a -1 in the product baseline record

10603419 10599016

Siebel Communications and EnergyIntegrations

ACR 474: Optimizes the payload size for Submit Order functionality


Order Management

Changes the Effective Adjustment field from Date type to UTC Date-Time type

10601341 10600311

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 167

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

The One-Time Payment check box is not checked by default when a payment form is submitted

10601366 10590790

The Siebel application does not clear the Fulfillment Status and Status Context information for cancelled orders.

10601365 10601268

Move Order Transfer results in an empty Status As of header field

10601368 10590774

Siebel Core - AccessibilityGeneric

The applet name is not appended to the applet buttons


ACR 600 provides functionality that is required for screen readers. For more information about this enhancement, see “Enhancements and Updates in Version” on page 17.

10605972 10601068 Section 508 Compliance

ACR 604: Provides the ability to rename frame titles so that screen-reader users know what the frames are

11924114 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 604” on page 52.

ACR 604: Provides an indication of the active tab other than by color only


ACR 604: Adds a warning message before session timeout occurs, and provides an option to extend the time available

11924380 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 604” on page 52.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C168

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Within timesheets, Submit To information is required, but the field has a picklist, and so it is not accessible

10591100 10591099

Drop-down (SELECT) elements do not have HTML TITLE specified

10604193 10596761

Siebel Core - Common ComponentsSecurity

Home page shows different data set after installing Quick Fix QF[0E11]

10606073 10604234 Access Control

Siebel Core - DB Deployment and ConfigurationServer Infrastructure

The Siebel Gateway Server cannot connect to the database

10644594 10642971 Name Server

On Microsoft Windows, it is not possible to deploy a new SRF with no downtime

10644061 10643152 Common Core Facilities

Crashes occur with Siebel applications running on Microsoft Windows 2008.

10643513 10643446 Common Core Facilities

A Siebel Gateway Server siebsvc process memory leak occurs

10644914 10644004 Name Server

Siebel Core - DG Deployment

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 169

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Application Deployment Manager

During the ADM package deployment process, if users execute 20-30 (or more) times the command status_all, they receive the 'Error executing SQL statement 'ADM_SQL_GET_LATEST_SESSIONS_BY_PACK_NAME'.(SBL-DMJ-00167)" error message

10604871 10602732 Framework

Siebel Core - EAIIntegration Business Services

In version, the error level for EAISiebAdptWrn is incorrect

10603116 10602997 EAI Siebel Adapter

When a price list item is inserted using Siebel EAI Adapter, a new Select statement is run that is not part of the EAI Siebel Adapter call

10604419 10603553 EAI Siebel Adapter

Web Services

Version crashes when calling a Web service

11675131 Outbound

Siebel Core - EIM/Database

Transaction Merger truncates long kanji strings

10594061 10594057 ODBC.

Siebel Core - GlobalizationAutomotive

Possible Buffer Overflow issues

10600525 10582924 Localization

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C170

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Unauthorized access to the application is possible

10604139 10602188 Localization

Siebel Core - PIM IntegrationClient Sync

Addresses performance and stability issues

10592665 10591227 Lotus Notes

During sync, the password dialog box does not appear

10592669 10591919 Lotus Notes

In Lotus Notes Sync - Auto Sync mode, when users are not connected to the network, they receive an error message

10598449 10597457 Lotus Notes

Incorrect logging occurs with UserMailBoxIDSource

10580213 10580210 Outlook

Conflict resolution behaves opposite to the settings

10605068 10604687 Outlook

Calendar entries that contain special characters cannot be synchronized

10590036 10588431 Lotus Notes

Duplicate calendar items are created

10600945 10599949 Lotus Notes

After users configure the siebelsettings.cfg file, click the Configure button, and receive confirmation that the sync options are allowed, when they click OK to navigate back to the main screen, they receive an error message

10601936 10600664 Other

When bi-directional sync is configured, and auto-sync is turned off, when users perform a manual sync, the sync window runs for an hour, and then the application crashes

10601820 10601310 Lotus Notes

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 171

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Within Siebel Sync (PLK), when users click the Configure button (left most button), the configure screen does not appear and the log file contains the following error: "Error: Can't get language identifier.

10605180 10601383 Other

Provides support for Office 2010.

12319296 10595710 Outlook

CRM Desktop

ACR 464: Provides support for Siebel CRM Desktop for Outlook 2010

10575809 10575810 Installation

Checks in the CRM Desktop Client

11707103 10606003 Outlook Client

After users upgrade to version, the Predefined Queries field is missing

11845639 11845636 Outlook Client

User-defined opportunity statuses are ignored during upstream sync

11707112 11702642 Data Sync

The Repository Import script attempts to import all languages

10592975 10587729 Installation

Preserves the "Save Correspondence" flag during re-extract

10596772 10596768 Data Sync

Adds non-ENU seed data 10597061 10597058 Admin

Provides server-side seed data for Lotus Notes

10597071 10597068 Admin

Corrects a problem with seed data for ACR 464.

10599644 10599582 Installation


The PIMSI Dispatcher Component behaves slowly

10603355 10598574 Performance

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C172

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Core - Server BizLogic ScriptConfig - Scripting

RaiseErrorText in BusComp_ChangeRecord event gives incomplete error information

10603596 10558349 T Engine

After an upgrade, eScripts with strings that contain "\n" are not being interpreted

10603756 10567447 T Engine

When using the data transformation engine on very large messages > 2000 records a runtime error occurs

10599978 10598988 T Engine

Integration - Scripting

A core dump occurs 11060658 10601643 New eScript Engine

Siebel Core Server BizLogic WFBusiness Process Framework

A task loop that creates a new child record in the loop yields the SBL-DAT-00393 or (SBL-DAT-00468) error messages

10594880 10594436 Task Controller

During TBUI Tasks, the server time-out error occurs

10600334 10595535 Task Controller

The TBUI upsert operation causes an "end of file" error message

10599922 10597741 Task Controller

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 173

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

When the Siebel Defer Write parameter = False and Task Transaction Property - False, the following error appears: "Can't write data without validation.(SBL-DAT-60217)”

10598452 10598195 Task Controller

When a task is initiated when the focus is on the standard error applet, the application crashes

10601631 10600697 Task Deployment

Siebel Core - Server InfrastructureSecurity

SSL with key bit lengths of 2048 or 4096 bits is not working

10602058 10515102 Transport Layer Encryption

Server Infrastructure

The Flush FDR command does not generate FDR files

10632036 10514239 Server Manager-GUI

When more than fifty processes are started within a few seconds, siebsvc crashes

11726368 10644912 Siebsrvr and Shells

Siebel Core - Server OM FrameworkBusiness Process Framework

Subtask data does not appear after the parent task is paused

10585140 10584161 Temporary Storage

EAI XML Converter throws an error because INTOBJNAME is required

11778219 Task Transaction: Other

Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C174

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Core - Server OM SvcsAudit Trail

There is no Audit Error event to monitor audit failures

11721518 Audit Trail

Audit Trail records are created when records are deleted in the Cloned BC even though the Audit Trail is not set up for that business component

10604535 10603889 Audit Trail

Config - Rules

When HTML and javascript are placed in the "include expressions" for a salutation applet, the actual markup language is shown, not the intended result.

10599650 10565045 Personalization

Integration - Transport

JMS Receiver does not work for distributed queues

10590840 10590076 JMS Transports

Object Manager

Within Campaigns > Design > Offer, when users add ten offers simultaneously from Add Offer, and then move to another record, the Cannot locate record within view: Campaign Literature View Admin applet: Campaign Parent Offer List Applet (SBL-UIF-00269) error message appears

10566498 10561779 Other

Siebsrvr components that do not use the DBConn layer for connections do not restart after a warning message from DB2 is received

10601772 10584841 Other

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 175

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

If an Encoded File size is larger than 24KB and if the string being passed contains special characters (such as >), the application hangs

10600389 10599508 Business Services


If a password is expired, the login process fails.

10595902 10592880 ADSI Security Adapter

Siebel Core - ToolsConfig - Repository

Popup Visibility Auto All BC property does not always work depending on how compilation is done

10603114 10563034 Compiler

The PHYSICAL_TYPE and TEXT_LENGTH attributes are missing in the consoleapp.sif file

10601923 10599370 Tools Validator

Siebel Core - UIF ClientCalendar

With Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7, users encounter the following error message when navigating to the calendar: An error has occured in the script on this page

10591191 10591190 User Interface

After QF0244 has been applied, users receive the SBL-DAT-00471 error message when they drill down from the Home page to the calendar

10605745 10598842 User Interface

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C176

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

In the CSY version of the application, the days are translated incorrectly within the Calendar pick applet

10603331 10600837 User Interface

When users create a new calendar appointment and drill down into it, click the Add Contact button, select a contact from the list, and click OK, the "Invalid operation when not executed" error message appears

10601917 10601073 Logic

An error occurs while executing the SQL statement 'ADM_SQL_GET_LATEST_SESSIONS_BY_PACK_NAME'.(SBL-DMJ-00167)

10604495 10602787 User Interface

User Interface

In versio, after QF0357 has been installed, auto focus is on fields.

11071321 10532612 Behavior

After users upgrade to version, the Predefined Queries field is missing

11700390 Behavior

Calendar applet buttons and layout are lost after applying Windows Update KB2360131

11693454 11059048 Behavior

Internet Explorer crashes after users click F5 to refresh

10603938 10593426 Popups

When a parent company is entered in the Account Hierarchy applet, an end-of-file error message occurs

10605999 10598100 Popups

In version, when S_ORDER.ACTIVE_FLG is set to N, the Standard Interactivity client hangs

10603870 10603869 Behavior

Within Accounts > Account List > List Applet, URLs do not launch

11658630 10605558 Behavior

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 177

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Allows users to disable personalization at the applet level

11695178 10606532 Behavior

Siebel Core - UIF ServerAccessibility

The Retry, Cancel dialog box appears after users have made changes and saved them

10604817 10604816 User Interface

When users click CTRL+SHIFT+A to invoke the Site Map, wait for the session timeout warning message to appear, and click OK, the SBL-UIF-00313 error message appears.

10604827 10604820 User Interface Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10604827” on page 195.

Provides shortcut keys for OOTB Query Assistant and Update Audit Cache

10594856 10576292 User Interface

When you press Insert + F7 in Jaws, column headings are not labeled

10585847 10583643 User Interface

Client Import/Export

When using Import object functionality in the client, the log file with highest log level setting = 5 does not say which record caused the error

10598784 10564937 Client Import

Config - Repository

When users log in and out of the Web Client, the memory consumed is not released, and a memory leak occurs as users continue to log in

11871308 11850195 UIF

Config - Scripting

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C178

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

The Clib.system() method has a runtime error if a command is greater than 255 characters

10600928 10577300 Browser Scripting

User Interface

When users click the Previous Record button, they receive the SBL-DAT-0036 error message

10597212 10523165 Controls

When users select Menu options when the focus is in a List Management applet, popup windows do not display

10546419 10543288 Toolbars, Menus, Keyboard

If users add a new checkbox to the UI using Siebel Tools, and then enter a data record where the field has been checked, the value does not show as checked after a Refine Query operation

10604684 10545952 Query

Drop-down boxes appear and disappear

10580076 10578064 Controls

Provides "Undo Query" and "Undo Record" keyboard shortcuts for Siebel applications in SI+ mode

10594855 10583314 Toolbars, Menus, Keyboard

DefaultFocus_New does not work on 8.1.1 releases

10587144 10587142 Controls

When users use Change Records to set fields to null, it only works for the "1st Field to Change" in the Change Record applet

10589053 10587089 Controls

Incorrect translations appear on the FRA calendar

10603674 10589917 Controls

The Auto Toggle functionality does not behave as expected for the CTRL or SHIFT click shortcuts

10597120 10594601 Layout and Rendering

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 179

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

When the Auto Query Mode, New Query applet property is enabled, causes navigating to causes nav to view w visibility dropdown to not work?

10600885 10595660 Query

Menus stop working after users preview a search result

10601608 10599601 Toolbars, Menus, Keyboard

Applets with controls that have HTML Type as 'PlainText' do not show any title information

11689460 10605594 Controls

Siebel Core - UIF Task Based UIBusiness Process Framework

In the TBUI, child applets are not updated when the parent applet MVG is updated

10588004 10584539 Task View

Splitting the entry of mandatory data across two task views may not properly notify the user of required data

10602789 10602788 Task View

When users navigate between views in FS Asset To Contract Task, the following error may appear from the Agreement Detail task view: "Error: Attempting to show a task view in Agreement Detail Task View when no task is running."

10604210 10603053 Task View

Siebel Core - UIF Web GatewayServer Infrastructure

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C180

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

An anonymous session is created when the application is exited in cookieless mode

10602274 10602266 SWSE

Siebel Core - UNIXPlatform Support

ACR 705: Certifies IBM HTTP Server v7 on AIX 6.1.

11071572 AIX 6L v6.1

ACR 707: Certifies Sun Java System Web Server 7 on Solaris 10.

11071263 Solaris 10/Sparc

If users increase MinMTServers=50 and set PreLoadSRF=True on an Application Object Manager OM and then start the Siebel Servers, the 'SBL-DAT-00142' error message appears in the AOM log files.

10601215 10558665 AIX 5L v5.3 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10601215” on page 192.

Siebel Core - WindowsPlatform Support

Certifies Microsoft Windows 2008 R2.


Siebel DocumentsDocuments

The eDocument Server is not able to generate correspondence

11774163 10596955 Correspondence

With Microsoft Windows 2008, users receive errors when trying to use templates in the Correspondence screen

10639775 10605734 Correspondence

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 181

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Clicking Ctrl + L does not generate correspondence if the focus is not applied to the Service Request list

10604766 10601353 Correspondence

Document Administration

Office 2007 supports documents that are not available in the Correspondence MVG

11881958 Correspondence Template

Siebel EngineeringRel Eng/Build System

ADM deployment fails in version

10605916 10605914

Siebel Financial ServicesRelationship Hierarchy

The Relationship Hierarchy view allows access to All Accounts Across Organizations

11816476 10566015

Siebel Life SciencesAnalysis

The system displays menu items that are not actionable

10592644 10511614


In LS Pharma HI Activity Calendar View (Calendar > Calendar) drill-down functionality does not work properly in version

10600671 10599426

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C182

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Clinical Payments

ACR 713: The payment request status changes to Request Failed

11722353 11778219 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105.

When the SWI LS Clinical Payments Inbound Web service is imported, an error message displays

10605937 10604774 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105.

Clinical Programs/Protocols

ACR 713: Provides the modifications needed to support Oracle Clinical Trial Payments: Siebel Clinical Partial PIP.

10605936 10586654 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105.

The Site Date Full Rollup and Region Date Full Rollup business component user properties do not work as expected

10603402 10603388 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10603402” on page 195.

Rollup occurs incorrectly for the last subject of a study date

10603259 10594500 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10603259” on page 196.

After an account is associated with a protocol, merging an account causes data loss at the protocol level

10587047 10585751 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10587047” on page 196.

ACR 713: The payment request status changes to Request Failed

11722353 11778219 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 713” on page 105.

Removal of a site under region A resets all values in another region where no site info=Y

10601424 10588071

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 183

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Deleting an activity template removes the record from the Activity Plan tab

11881167 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 11881167” on page 196.

The Last Subject of Study field displays as blank if the subject data is not available

10601440 10594497 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10601440” on page 197.

Deleting the SVT removes site/subject activities

12311668 11881167 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 12311668” on page 197.


Rewrites the WPTG_TBT:Q&A169253 & 169258 report headings

10601420 10596278 Yes, “Instructions for Bug 10601420” on page 198.

Clinical Trip Report

When the status of the Trip Report Site Visit is changed, an error displays

11723179 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 11723179” on page 198.

Regulatory Reports

MDV device information section: Country information is not displayed in Address

11731803 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 11731803” on page 199.

The MDV Manufacturer Narrative Field value does not display a space before the text

11731750 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 11731750” on page 199.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C184

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

MDV (All Formats): The Associated Products tag is missing for all formats (PDF, RTF, HTML, EXCEL, PPT)

10599878 10599709

MDV (All Formats): The alignment of the Report Date, Manufacturer Awareness Date, Reporting Firm Name, Authorized Representative, Device and Evaluation Result fields is not in sync with the other fields

10599874 10599714

Within Site Management > Protocol Site List (My Sites), fields that should be read-only are not read-only, and fields that should not be read-only are read-only

10606117 10577421 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10606117” on page 199.

Siebel LoyaltyProducts

An extra single quote in code prevents members from redeeming points

10606297 10606026


When a promotion is inactivated, the bucket attributes cause an error message

10605425 10603246


The Loyalty Redemption Service GetQuoteTask method retrieves all quote items in the system rather than just the items associated with a quote

10606469 10605707

Tier Engine

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 185

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

While processing transactions, LOY Processing Engine does not advise when there is a pending tier approval

10604832 10603891


Qualifying points are cleared when a manual tier change is performed

10603087 10597381

Transaction Engine

Supports decimal and non-decimal points in Siebel Loyalty processes

10606137 10604040 Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10606137” on page 199.

Transactions of sub-type “Missing Accrual” and type “Accrual” do not calculate base points according to the distance table

10602771 10600426

Section 508/Accessibility

Drop-Down lists in List Applets are not labeled

10596910 10596796

Drop-Down lists in List Applets are not labeled

10596911 10596797

Drop-Down lists in List Applets are not labeled

10596912 10596798

Siebel ReportsReports BI Publisher - Infra

ACR 633: BI Publisher: Allows users to schedule BIP Reports for a time frame of one month or more

10603594 10594275 Call Center Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 633” on page 101.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C186

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

ACR 633: BI Publisher: Provides default Daily/Weekly/Monthly reports that are assigned to the Calendar views

10581407 10580239 Connector Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 633” on page 101.

ACR 633: BI Publisher: Extends the Reports Sharing feature to support multi-org

10603595 10597768 Connector Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 633” on page 101.

ACR 633: BI Publisher: Provides a confirmation dialog box when Sample XML Data is successfully generated

10603566 10582912 Connector Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 633” on page 101.

Removes the BI Publisher Server header pages from the My Jobs view

10591196 10591195 Connector

MLOV values are not translated for multi-lingual BI Publisher reports

10602913 10565912 Connector

Changing an employee's active position in a different organization is not reflected in the report output

10594983 10570706 Connector

Within the Case List view, when users attempt to run a report with no output type, the error message does not specify the user's error

10603564 10579473 Connector

The "Run Once", "Run Daily/Weekly", and "Run Immediately" scheduling options behave differently than how the jobs are scheduled to be executed. The Time value in the BIP Reports Server - My Jobs - Schedules view does not reflect the time set in the "Schedule a Report" applet.

10603068 10586194 Connector

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 187

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Suppresses the Output Type dialog box, so that users who only have one report output type do not have to click Submit

10592538 10588602 Connector

Parent selected records behavior does not include related child records when a view displays both parent records and child records in independent list applets

10594546 10590314 Connector

BIP reports do not display time information using User Preferences Timezone

10596676 10592084 Connector

BI Publisher reports cannot run with predefined queries that use the Today() function

10596283 10594183 Connector

Case-insensitive search behaves inconsistently

10603593 10594063 Connector Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10603593” on page 201.

BI Publisher reports display only selected records when the reports are run from a Detail View

10594806 10594265 Connector

BI Publisher reports do not recognize language-specific predefined queries

10596597 10595312 Connector

Schedule Reports functionality fails with a non-ENU object manager

10597598 Error Messages

Automatic purging of BI Publisher reports does not recognise User ID input.

10602931 10598837 Connector

When users execute a BI Publisher report on the Dedicated/Mobile Web Client, the line break appears twice

10601780 10600730 Connector

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C188

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Siebel Server RemoteFile System

When users attempt to open attachments, the system hangs

10583657 10582435 Attachments

Improves Siebel File System performance

10598627 10593444 Utilities


SQL issued for merge operations takes over ten minutes to complete

10599599 10597467 Data Merge Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10599599” on page 201.

Database initializiation fails at the dmutl2.exe step with MRG-00104

10601014 10598247 DB Init

Thai language data that is entered on the Mobile Web Client may be truncated by the Transaction Merger

10592989 10466469 Data Merge Yes, see “Instructions for Bug 10592989” on page 201.

Siebel Travel & TransportationOther

ACR 495 provides Siebel Hospitality enhancements. For detailed information about the enhancements, see “Enhancements and Updates in Version” on page 17.

10602687 10594221 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 495” on page 22.

When a function line item is split-menu and the parent is a package item price, the data is not grouped by displayed name

10604987 10600251 Yes, see “Instructions for ACR 495” on page 22.

Table 4. Resolved Bugs in the Siebel Fix Pack

Issue Addressed Bug ID Base Bug ID SubcomponentSpecial Instructions

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 189

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Instructions for Bug 106040011 Edit the tools.cfg gile to change the value of the SymStrPrefix parameter from "X_" to "SBL_".

2 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to Projects, query for the Price List, CMU Billing Product, CMU Billing UI, and Symbolic Strings projects, and lock them.

3 Query for the Product Relationship VBC business component.

4 Click on Field and create three new fields:

❏ Parent Start Date with Type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME and Force Active set to True

❏ Parent End Date with Type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME and Force Active set to True

❏ Parent Version with Type DTYPE_NUMBER and Force Active set to True

5 Click on the User Property business component and create a new user property called Show Last Version Only. Set a value of Y if the user only wants to see the relationships of the last version of the product; otherwise set this value to N.

6 Compile the Product Relationship VBC business component.

7 Search for the Product Promotions Relationship VBC business component.

8 Click on Field and create three new fields:

❏ Parent Start Date with Type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME and Force Active set to True

❏ Parent End Date with Type DTYPE_UTCDATETIME and Force Active set to True

❏ Parent Version with Type DTYPE_NUMBER and Force Active set to True

9 Compile the Product Promotions Relationship VBC business component.

10 Click on Symbolic String and create a new record called SBL_PARENT_VERSION with Current String Value set to Parent Version.

11 Compile the SBL_PARENT_VERSION symbolic string.

12 Click on Applet and search for the Product Relationship VBC List Applet applet.

13 Navigate to List > List Column and create three new columns:

a Create a column called Parent Start Date with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent Start Date

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_START_DATE-1009094522-A1S

❏ HTML Type = Field

b Create a column called Parent End Date with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent End Date

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_END_DATE-1009094506-9WT

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C190

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

❏ HTML Type = Field

c Create a column called Parent Version with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent Version

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_VERSION

❏ HTML Type = Field

14 Click on Drilldown Object and create a new record called Product with the following values:

❏ Hyperlink Field = Parent Product Name

❏ View = ISS Product Versions View

❏ Source Field = Parent Product Id

❏ Business Component = Internal Product - ISS Admin

15 Right-click on Applet Name and select Edit Web Layout.

16 From Edit List mode, drag-and-drop the three new columns that you created (Parent Start Date, Parent End Date, and Parent Version) to the next available columns.

17 Click Save and close the window.

18 Compile the Product Relationship VBC List Applet applet.

19 Click on Applet and search for the "Product Promotions Relationships VBC List Applet" applet.

20 Navigate to List > List Column and create three new columns:

a Create a column called Parent Start Date with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent Start Date

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_START_DATE-1009094522-A1S

❏ HTML Type = Field

b Create a column called Parent End Date with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent End Date

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_END_DATE-1009094506-9WT

❏ HTML Type = Field

c Create a column called Parent Version with the following values:

❏ Field = Parent Version

❏ Display Name - String Reference = SBL_PARENT_VERSION

❏ HTML Type = Field

21 Click on Drilldown Object and create a new record called Product with the following values:

❏ Hyperlink Field = Parent Product Name

❏ View = ISS Product Versions View

❏ Source Field = Parent Product Id

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 191

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

❏ Business Component = Internal Product - ISS Admin

22 Right-click on Applet Name and select Edit Web Layout.

23 From Edit List mode, drag-and-drop the three new columns that you created (Parent Start Date, Parent End Date, and Parent Version) to the next available columns.

24 Click Save and close the window.

25 Compile the Product Promotions Relationships VBC List Applet applet.

26 Navigate to Projects, query for the Price List, CMU Billing Product, CMU Billing UI, and Symbolic Strings projects, and unlock them.

27 Compile the SRF and deploy it.

Instructions for Bug 10601215Provide the following environment variables:



Instructions for Bug 110694971 Log into Siebel Tools, and query for the SIS OM Move Process workflow.

2 Modify the Read Current Service Items step with the following modified property details:

❏ Input Arguments:

❏ Sequence:0

❏ InputArgument:SearchSpec

❏ Type:Expression

❏ Value: '[Header.Service Account Id] = ' + '"' + [&Object Id] + '"' + ' AND

[Header.Service Point Address Id] = ' + '"' + [&Move Out Address Id] + '"'

+ ' AND [Header.Status] = ' + '"' + LookupValue('IMPL_PHASE', 'Active')

+ '"' + ' AND [Line Item.Status] = ' + '"' + LookupValue

('IMPL_PHASE', 'Active') + '"'

3 Save your changes, and deploy the revised workflow.

Instructions for Bug 105680781 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to the Product Integration project, and lock it.

2 Query for ¿Product Import¿ Business Service, and select Upsert Business Service Method.

3 Add the following Business Service Method Argument:

❏ Name = SyncChild

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C192

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

❏ Data Type=String

❏ Type = Input

❏ Optional = Y

❏ Storage Type = Property

❏ Display Name/Display Name String Override = SyncChild

4 Add the following Business Service Method Arg Locale:

❏ Language Code = ENU

❏ Display Name = SyncChild

❏ Translate = Y

5 Add the following Business Service User Property

❏ Name = SyncChild

❏ Value = N

6 Compile the Business Service Object on the srf file

7 Stop the Siebel Server.

8 Replace the compiled srf file.

9 Start the Siebel Server.

Instructions for Bug 10591214■ In Siebel Tools, configure the Z-Background Color Map user property of the 'FS DB Planned

GanttChart AX Applet' applet to use : #Green#Blue#Red#

Instructions for Bug 10601893■ Apply Oracle SES patch 8230654 on top of OSES for teasers to be displayed in the

search results.

Instructions for Bug 10605908Edit "SearchResults.swt" to place <swe:form> as the first statement in the swt file and </swe:form> as the last statement in the swt file.

Instructions for Bug 106003411 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to Symbolic String, and create a new record with the following



❏ Current String Value: Reset Categories

❏ Project: Symbolic Strings

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 193

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

❏ Type: Conversion

❏ Translate: True

❏ Glossary: True

2 Navigate to Applet > Edit - Find Applet, and add a control with the following values:

❏ Name: GotoSearch

❏ Caption String Reference: SBL_RESET_CATEGORIES

❏ Html Display Mode: EncodeData

❏ Html Row Sensitive: True

❏ HTML Type: MiniButton

❏ Method Invoked: GotoLookInSearchView

❏ Sort: True

❏ Text Alignment: Left

❏ Visible: True

❏ Text Alignment-Label: Right

3 Navigate to Applet WebTemplate > Edit, and add an Applet WebTemplate Item with the following values:

❏ Name: GotoSearch

❏ Control: GotoSearch

❏ Item Identifier: 144

❏ Type: Control

❏ Upgrade Behavior: Admin

❏ Method Invoked: GotoLookInSearchView

❏ Sort: True

❏ Text Alignment: Left

❏ Visible: True

❏ Text Alignment-Label: Right

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C194

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

4 Within CCAppletSearchFind.swt, add the following:

<swe:control id="144">

<!-- optional control -->

<td valign="middle" nowrap>&nbsp;

<swe:this property="FormattedHtml" hintMapType="Control"/>





Instructions for Bug 10604372■ Add a "Show Description" parameter in the Search Engine settings. This parameter takes a TRUE

or FALSE value. When TRUE is set, the description from the query response is shown as the summary/teaser. When FALSE is set, a small amount of text from the query response is shown as the summary/teaser in the Search Results. This parameter is applicable for a normal BC and an attachment BC.

Instructions for Bug 10602262■ Edit "SearchLookin.swt to replace <swe:form htmlAttr="onsubmit='SubmitSearch(); return

false;'"> with <swe:form htmlAttr="onsubmit='return false;'">.

Instructions for Bug 105507081 Within Siebel Tools, create a new view user property called "FocusFirstEditableControl" for the

Smart ScriptPlayer View (eApps) view.

2 Set the value for the "FocusFirstEditableControl" view user property to True.

3 Compile the SRF.

Instructions for Bug 10604827■ In the eapps.cfg file, append SessionTimeoutWarning below Session Timeout and provide a value

for SessionTimeout warning.

Instructions for Bug 106034021 Log into Siebel Tools, navigate to Object Explorer > Business Component, and query for Clinical

Region business component.

2 Navigate to to Business Component User Property and query for "Site Date Full Rollup".

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 195

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

3 Update the name "Site Date Full Rollup" to "Region Date Full Rollup".

4 Navigate to Object Explorer > Business Component and query for Clinical Protocol Site BC.

5 Navigate to Business Component User Property and query for "Region Date Full Rollup".

6 Update the name "Region Date Full Rollup" to "Site Date Full Rollup".

7 To test the user property behavior, update BC User Property to "Site Date Full Rollup" = Y and "Region Date Full Rollup" = Y.

8 Compile the SRF.

Instructions for Bug 106032591 Log into Siebel Tools, and navigate to the Clinical Site Last Subject Off Study Date Upsert Rollup


2 Select the Sorting process property and change the Default String from "(ASCENDING)" to "(DESCENDING)"

3 Publish and activate the new version of the workflow.

4 Restart the Siebel Server.

Instructions for Bug 105870471 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to the LS Clinical Protocol project.

2 Within Object Explorer, select the Link object.

3 Create a new record with the following values:

❏ Parent Business Component: Account

❏ Child Business Component: Clinical Protocol

❏ Destinationfield:Central Lab Id

❏ Name : Account/Clinical Protocol (merge)

4 Compile the link.

Instructions for Bug 118811671 Log into Siebel Tools, navigate to Projects, search for the "LS Clinical Subject" project, and lock

the project.

2 Navigate to Link and search for "Subject Visit Templates/Visit Template Activities".

3 Select the Cascade Delete property and update its value to Clear.

4 Navigate to Business Component and search for "Subject Visit Templates".

5 Select Business Component User Property and add a property with the following values:

❏ Name: Deep Delete

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C196

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

❏ Value: Visit Template Activities

❏ Comment: Delete Visit template Activities when Subject Vist Template is deleted.

6 Navigate to Tools and select Compile Project.

7 Compile the Subject Visit Template project.

8 Restart the services.

Instructions for Bug 106014401 Edit the "LS Clinical Site Site Terminated Date Update Rollup" workflow policy to add following

new condition

❏ Condition Field: LS Clinical Site No Subject Info

❏ Operation : <>

❏ Value: Y

2 Add a new workflow policy called "LS Clinical Site Site Terminated Date Update Rollup (Without Subject Info)" with the following conditions:

❏ Condition Field: LS Clinical Site No Subject Info

❏ Operation : =

❏ Value: Y

3 Add the following Action: LS Clinical Site Termination Date Upsert Rollup (Without Subject Info).

4 Add the following arguments:

❏ Argument : Process Name

❏ Value : Clinical Site Termination Date Upsert Rollup (Without Subject Info)

5 Navigate to Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Jobs.

6 In the job list, click New.

7 From the Component/Job drop-down list, select Generate Triggers.

This creates a new line entry but does not start the task.

8 In the Job Parameters list, click New to modify parameter settings, and create the following parameters

■ EXEC = True

■ Priviliged User: <table owner>

■ Priviliged user password: <table_owner>

Instructions for Bug 123116681 Log into Siebel Tools, navigate to Project, search for the "LS Clinical Subject" project, and lock it.

2 Navigate to Link and search for "Subject Visit Templates/Visit Template Activities".

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C 197

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

3 Select the "Cascade Delete" property and update its value to "Clear".

4 Navigate to Business Component and search for "Subject Visit Templates".

5 Select Business Component user property and add the following property:

❏ Name: Deep Delete

❏ Value: Visit Template Activities

❏ Comment: Delete Visit Template Activities when Subject Vist Template is deleted.

6 Navigate to Tools and select Compile Project.

7 Compile the Subject Visit Template project.

8 Restart the services.

Instructions for Bug 10601420NOTE: This bug has a dependency on Bug 10601440, which is provided in the Siebel Fix Pack. In addition, before you perform the following procedure, you must have installed and configured ACR 426. For more information, see the “Instructions for ACR 426” section in the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version 8.1.1.x on My Oracle Support.

1 Navigate to Administration - Business Process > Workflow Policies.

2 Query for "LS Clinical Site Site Terminated Date Update Rollup (Without Subject Info)", and change its name to "LS Clinical Site - Site Terminated Date Update Rollup - Without Subject Info".

3 Save the record.

4 Navigate to Administration - Application > Views, and query for "LS Medical My Product Issues RR eMDR Batch Audit View"

5 Change the description to "LS Medical - My Product Issues - Regulatory Report - eMDR Batch Audit".

6 Save the record.

Instructions for Bug 117231791 Within Siebel Tools, navigate to Business Object, search for the "Clinical Protocol Site" Business

Object, and lock the project.

2 Expand the Business Object, and click on Business Object Component.

3 Add a new record in Business Object Component with the following values:

❏ Business Component = Clinical Attendee Static

❏ Link = Clinical Trip Report/Clinical Attendee Static

4 Save the record.

5 Right-click on the Clinical Protocol Site Business Object, and compile it.

6 Restart the services.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C198

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved ChangeRequests in the Siebel Fix Pack

Instructions for Bug 117318031 Log into the Siebel application.

2 Navigate to Administration BIP Reports - Report Standard Templates.

3 Query for MDV and upload the new template.

4 Run the MDV report.

Instructions for Bug 117317501 Log into the Siebel application.

2 Navigate to Administration BIP Reports - Report Standard Templates.

3 Query for MDV and upload the new template.

4 Run the MDV report.

Instructions for Bug 106061171 Log into Siebel Tools.

2 Navigate to Views, and query for "Clinical Protocol Site All List View".

3 Locate the Admin Mode Flag column and uncheck the flag.

4 Right-click on the view, compile the selected object, and restart the applications.

Instructions for Bug 106061371 Make the following changes in the S_LOY_TXN table:

a Change Scale to 7 and Precision to 22 for the ORIG_POINTS column.

b Change Scale to 7 and Precision to 22 for the LOAN_BALANCE column.

2 Make the following changes in the S_LOY_ACRL_ITM table:

a Change Scale to 7 and Precision to 22 for the PRTNR_PT_DEBT_QTY column.

3 Make the following changes in the S_LOY_RDM_ITM table:

a Change Scale to 7 and Precision to 22 for the PR_DEBT_PT column.

4 Make the following changes in the LOY Accrual Item Locator business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Partner Points Debited' field.

5 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Accrual Item business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Partner Points Debited' field.

6 Make the following changes in the LOY Transaction Accrual Item business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Partner Points Debited' field.

7 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Tier business component:

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Resolved Change Requests in the Siebel Fix Pack

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the Point 1 Value, Point 2 Value, Point 3 Value, Point 4 Value, Point 5 Value, Point 6 Value, Point 7 Value, Point 8 Value fields.

8 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Tier Retroactive business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the Point 1 Value, Point 2 Value, Point 3 Value, Point 4 Value, Point 5 Value, Point 6 Value, Point 7 Value, Point 8 Value fields.

9 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Services business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Points' field

10 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Services business component:

a Remove the value for 'Scale' for the 'Points' field.

11 Make the following changes in the LOY Redemption TBC business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Points' field.

12 Make the following changes in the LOY Member Redemption Item business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Partner Points' field.

13 Make the following changes in the LOY Transaction Redemption Item business component.

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Partner Points' field.

14 Make the following changes in the LOY Quote Point Types business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the Fields 'LOY Point 1 2 Total', 'LOY Point 3 4 Total', 'LOY Point 5 6 Total', 'LOY Point 7 8 Total', 'LOY Points' fields.

15 Make the following changes in the LOY ABB Transaction, LOY Corporate Transaction, LOY Engine Transaction, LOY Member Services, LOY Reissue Transaction, LOY Transaction business components:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Original Points' field.

16 Make the following changes in the Quote Item business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'LOY Points', 'LOY Points Total', 'LOY Points Txn Total' fields.

17 Make the following changes for the Quote Item business component:

a Change Calculated Value for the 'LOY Points Total' field to [LOY Points]*[Quantity Requested]

18 Make the following changes for the LOY Transaction business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for the 'Current Loan Balance' field

19 Make the following changes in the LOY ABB Transaction business component:

a Change type to 'DTYPE->NUMBER' for the 'Points' field.

20 Make the following changes for the Order Entry - Line Items business component:

a Change Type to 'DTYPE_NUMBER' for Fields: LOY Amount Max Total, LOY Points, LOY Points Max Total, LOY Points Total, LOY Points Txn Total, LOY Points Used Total fields

21 Make the following changes in the LOY Customer Action Business Service business service:

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Oracle Welcomes YourComments

a For the Order Entry - Line Items|LOY ABB Transaction FieldMap 137 business service user property, change the value to: Extended Line Total - Display|Amount

b Add a new user property called Order Entry - Line Items|LOY ABB Transaction FieldMap 138 and change the value to End.

Instructions for Bug 10603593For information about how to correct this issue with case-insensitive search, see the information about running the Siebel Case-Insensitivity Wizard in the Siebel Database Upgrade Guide on the Siebel Bookshelf.

Instructions for Bug 10599599Use the following procedure to remove the empty string matching from the IN clause for the Merge/Compensation operation:

1 Navigate to My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables, and set SIEBEL_REMOVE_COMPENSATION_EMPTY_STRING_MATCHING=t as the environment variable.

2 Restart Siebel Servers.

Instructions for Bug 105929891 Set SIEBEL_DATA_MERGE_REPLACE_SURROGATE_PAIR=t.

When enabled, this feature will replace the Surrogate Pair characters (that fall into 0xD800 ~ 0xDFFF range) to a pair of replacement characters (the default is "??").

2 To use different replacement characters, define the following additional environment variable: set SIEBEL_SURROGATE_PAIR_REPLACEMENT_CHAR=#

3 After you set the environment variabale, bounce the servers, and open a new command prompt to connect to the Siebel Servers.

Note the following:

■ When this is enabled, the replacement will always be performed no matter which database the remote component is connecting to.

■ TxnMerge and RepAgent components are enabled for this feature.

Oracle Welcomes Your CommentsTo help us improve our products, we want to know about any corrections or clarifications to this guide that you would find useful. Please include in your message:

■ The title and version of the guide (very important)

■ The name and version number of the Siebel application you are using

■ Your name, job title or functional area, company name, phone number, and email address

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Siebel Maintenance Release Guide, Version, Rev. C ■ Oracle Welcomes Your Comments

Contact us through regular mail or email at:

OracleSiebel Technical Publications Department500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065

[email protected]

We appreciate your feedback.

Siebel Maintenance Release Guide Version, Rev. C202