Siddharth samdaria

Save our Mother Earth

Transcript of Siddharth samdaria

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Save our Mother Earth

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The earth is the third planet from the sun and is the only planet in the solar system where life exists. The incredible biodiversity and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests and various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and initiated our evolution.

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Since 200 a.d.everything was good ,but since the development of human culture,cities and modern life style everything have been changed.Now man started behaving differently.humans started misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we have limited crude oils , coals , forests , wild animals. Wild animals include tigers, dodo which are extinct species etc. the humans also started polluting the earth at a large scale..

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What is pollution ?

Pollution is an unwanted change caused in air water and a soil by humans and human is caused due to dumping or

adding of unwanted substances.Such dumping in the long run changes the quality of air

water soil and ecological systems Pollution has been around for along time

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Types of pollution There are 6 types of pollution-• Air pollution• Soil pollution• Water pollution • Noise pollution• Radiation pollution• Thermal pollution

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Soil pollution water pollution air pollution

Noise pollution radiation pollution thermal pollution

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How we are polluting ?

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Because of Human Activities

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Factories and industry

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Cutting trees

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What is green house effect ? The Earth is wrapped in a blanket of air called the 'atmosphere', which is made up of several layers of gases. The sun is much hotter than the Earth and it gives off rays of heat (radiation) that travel through the atmosphere and reach the Earth. The rays of the sun warm the Earth, and heat from the Earth then travels back into the atmosphere. The gases in the atmosphere stop some of the heat from escaping into space. These gases are called greenhouse gases and the natural process between the sun, the atmosphere and the Earth is called the 'Greenhouse Effect', because it works the same way as a greenhouse. The windows of a greenhouse play the same role as the gases in the atmosphere, keeping some of the heat inside the greenhouse.

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What is global warming ?

Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate.A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. When scientists talk about the issue of climate change, their concern is about global warming caused by human activities. The Earth has warmed by about 1ºF over the past 100 years. But why? Well, scientists are not exactly sure. The Earth could be getting warmer on its own, but many of the world's leading climate scientists think that things people do are helping to make the Earth warmer.

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Due to the global warming the earth is heating is up rapidly

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Due to These reasons earth’s climate has changed incredibly

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This is causing the air and oceans to warm up

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Water levels are rising up

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Due to such reasons -

Our environment is totally polluted ,hence we are suffering from diseases,we are drinking polluted water .inhaling dusty air and so on...As a result of all human activity there is ozone hole,sea is rising,ice caps on Antarctica are melting.Now the global warming is warning is so fast that there is a climate change.The mother earth is non in danger,the life on it is in danger.Let us come together to save our life giving and life saving mother earthdue

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How does that even effect us??

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Our Earth Needs Our Help..!!

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We are the problemFortunately

We are also the solution

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If the global warming and green house

effect does not stop then after 100 years our earth will look

like this

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What can we change??

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We can do the following things to save our planet earth

• Conserve water• Conserve energy• Grow more trees• Recycle the wastage• Ban the polythene• Use renewable resources

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Conserve water• You can conserve water by fixing the leak taps • Do not open taps unnecerrely• Do not take shower bath• When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the

water run. • Use drip irrigation for shrubs and trees to

apply water directly to the roots, where it’s needed.

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Conserve energy

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WHY TO GROW TREES ?• Growing more trees helps in maintaning

the ecological balance of nature.. • Climate control is obtained by moderating

the effects of sun, wind, and rain• We are cooler when we stand in the shade

of trees and are not exposed to direct sunlight

• Wind speed and direction can be affected by trees.

• The larger the tree, the greater the cooling.

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Recycle the waste• Use again and again paper bags instead

of poly bags • Reduce paper and ink -- print double side

and black and white

• Be part of the recycling loop – purchase only items made from recycled materials.

• Look for the “Energy Star” when purchasing new appliances.

• Learn to compost! It saves money on fertilizers and your plants will love it.

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Ban the polythene • Plastic bags are lethal. Plastic kills at least 2 million birds, whales,

dolphins, seals, seal lions and turtles every year. They choke or get tangled in the plastic and die. Or they eat plastic, leading to internal infections, starvation and death.

• There are 46,000 – 1,000,000 pieces of plastic debris floating near the surface of every square mile of ocean worldwide. Nearly 90% of floating marine litter is plastic. 100 million tons of plastic has entered the world's oceans. The amount of plastic doubles in the worlds oceans every three years.

• Plastic does not dissolve; it breaks into tiny pieces and stays there for up to 1,000 years, contaminating soil, waterways and oceans and entering the food web when eaten by animals. At this size it is eaten by every single organism in the world's oceans including the great Blue Whale.

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Its not just a planet

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Its Our Home… Its Our Destiny…

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Siddharth Samdaria
