Sickle Cell Anemia Caused by a mutuation – a change in the DNA that affects genetic information A...

download Sickle Cell Anemia Caused by a mutuation – a change in the DNA that affects genetic information A single amino acid is substituted in the hemogloblin molecule.

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Transcript of Sickle Cell Anemia Caused by a mutuation – a change in the DNA that affects genetic information A...

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Sickle Cell Anemia Caused by a mutuation a change in the DNA that affects genetic information A single amino acid is substituted in the hemogloblin molecule Red blood cells to clump together throughout the body leading to weakness, pain, organ damage and even paralysis Slide 2 Slide 3 Silent Point Mutation Slide 4 FRAMESHIFT MUTATION INSERTION OR DELETION OF A NUCLEOTIDE THAT CHANGES THE GROUPINGS OF THE CODONS THAT FOLLOW RESULTING IN A NONFUNCTIONAL PROTEIN Slide 5 Chromosomal Mutations Types: deletion, duplication, inversion, insertion, translocation Changes structure of a chromosome and its genes, resulting in abnormalities such as Downs Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome Slide 6 Slide 7 Slide 8 Himalayan Rabbit Experiment Showed that gene expression in an organism could be modified by interactions in the environment Procedure: Fur plucked from a patch on the back and a pack and an ice pack was applied the area New fur that grew under the artificially low temperature is black The enzyme encoded by the gene is active only at low temperatures