Shush! May

Shush! Rosewood Elementary Library Media Center Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 6 May 2013 Library Hours: Monday - Friday 7:15 -2:45 Lena M. Lee Teacher-Librarian [email protected] (803)343-2932 Elizabeth Jenkins Library Assistant [email protected] Mission Statement The mission of the Rosewood Elementary School Library Media Center is to create effective seekers and users of information promoting lifelong learning. Our commitment is to support the community of learning in the following ways; by maintaining convenient and effective access to high quality services, by maintaining a collection that represents a variety of formats, and by maintaining information resources designed to meet the curriculum, research, professional, intellectual, creative and personal needs of the Rosewood Community. Shhhhhh... someone is coming! Oh, it is okay; it’s just the new librarian. What fun we have had this year in the Rosewood Library Media Center. We cleaned the library, we weeded out old books, we bought new books, we organized the library in different ways, we read stories to one another, we read outside, we kept up with the frog, we learned on the computer, we figured out Dewey Decimal, we learned about books, we checked out over 22,754 books, we laughed, we played, we enjoyed magazines, we welcomed many visitors and volunteers, we video conferenced, we simply enjoyed being surrounded by books, books and more books. Change is good. We had some this year and we’ll have more next year. A vibrant library means that there is always change. While I will be going on to other adventures, there will be stability in our place. I am proud of what we have accomplished and know that the library and the entire school will continue to progress. Thank you for the time and love you have given me at Rosewood. I will remember my time here with much fondness and with joy. If you are ever at the State House, come see me. I wish you all the best. Click on the picture...a lOoK back at our YeAr tOgEther!



Transcript of Shush! May





Media Center


Volume 1 Issue 6 May 2013

Library Hours:Monday - Friday

7:15 -2:45

Lena M. LeeTeacher-Librarian

[email protected](803)343-2932

Elizabeth JenkinsLibrary Assistant

[email protected]

Mission  StatementThe  mission  of  the  Rosewood  Elementary  School  Library  Media  Center  is  to  create  effective  seekers  and  users  of  information  promoting  life-­‐long  learning.    Our  commitment  is  to  support  the  community  of  learning  in  the  following  ways;  by  maintaining  convenient  and  effective  access  to  high  quality  services,  by  maintaining  a  collection  that  represents  a  variety  of  formats,  and  by  maintaining  information  resources  designed  to  meet  the  curriculum,  research,  professional,  intellectual,  creative  and  personal  needs  of  the  Rosewood  Community.  

Shhhhhh... someone is coming! Oh, it is okay;

it’s just the new librarian. What fun we have

had this year in the Rosewood Library Media

Center. We cleaned the library, we weeded out

old books, we bought new books, we organized

the library in different ways, we read stories to one

another, we read outside, we kept up with the frog, we learned on the

computer, we figured out Dewey Decimal, we learned about books, we

checked out over 22,754 books, we laughed, we played, we enjoyed

magazines, we welcomed many visitors and volunteers, we video

conferenced, we simply enjoyed being surrounded by books, books and

more books.

Change is good. We had some this year and we’ll have more next year. A

vibrant library means that there is always change. While I will be going

on to other adventures, there will be stability in our place. I am proud of

what we have accomplished and know that the library and the entire

school will continue to progress. Thank you for the time and love you have given me at Rosewood. I will

remember my time here with much fondness and with joy. If you are ever at the State House, come see me. I

wish you all the best.

Click on the picture...a lOoK back at our YeAr tOgEther!


of th

e Ye

ar P



sThe Importance of Summer Reading!

Research Shows:

• Students who read over the summer do better in school in the fall.• Students who do not read over the summer demonstrate academic loss in fall.

• 8 out of 10 studies indicate students who read for fun out-performed those who did not.

• Students read more when they can choose their own books.

• Reading 5 books over the summer can prevent academic loss.• Summer reading loss is cumulative. By the end of 6th grade, children who do

not read over the summer are two years behind other children.

What Parents Can Do:

• Stress the importance of summer reading with your child.• Make reading exciting; don’t think of it as a chore.

• Create a reading list.• Create a no TV or electronic game time during part of each day.• Join a summer reading program at your local library.

• Let your child choose his/her own books.• Keep a supply of reading materials around the house.

• Go to the library regularly.• Ask your child questions about the books she/he is reading.• Read a book to your child.

• Listen to your child read to you.• Pick a favorite author or series and read all the books.

• Listen to books on tape while traveling.• Model reading. Source:

Friday, May 17th

- All library books are


- Last day for schedule

library classes.

- All teacher books,

equipment, and

materials are due.

Monday, May 20th

- AR Store

- Overdue Notices sent


- Library Inventory


StoryfestSC 2013A kick off to summer reading programs across the state with award

winning authors Peter Brown and Will Hillenbrand.

Cost: FREE!When: Saturday, June 1, 2013

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Where: SC State Museum301 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201

What: A day filled with family friendly events including author presentations, storytelling sessions with local storytellers and featured storyteller Tim Sonefelt, craft area with face painting, visits from popular characters, and a Readers Theater presentation all free of charge for families as we celebrate reading and stories. Learn about how to join Summer Reading programs in your county. Meet award winning authors and experience the joy of storytelling together.