Strategic Human Resource Management – An Overview FROM- ABHISHEK CHHABRA(107) JAGMOHAN BISHT(089)


Stratergic human resouse management

Transcript of SHRM

  • Strategic Human Resource Management An OverviewFROM-ABHISHEK CHHABRA(107)JAGMOHAN BISHT(089)

  • STRATEGIC HR MANAGEMENT DEFINEDStrategic HRM refers to the overall direction the organization wishes to pursue in achieving its objectives through people. It is argued that because intellectual capital is a major source of competitive advantage and in the last analysis, it is people who implement the strategic plan, top management must take these key considerations fully into account in developing its corporate strategies (Michael Armstrong, 2001)

  • Jeffrey Mello Defined Strategic Human Resource Management as the development of a consistent, aligned collection of practices Programs and Polices to facilitate the achievement of organization's Strategic Objectives.

  • People as strategic AssetsTo attain the Strategic goals of the organization, employees must first understand and share the values and objectives of the organization. The challenges faced areIntegrating People with the Strategic Goals of the organizationManaging employees Effectively.

  • The process of Strategic ManagementMISSION STATEMENTENVIROMENTALANALYSISCompetition analysisRegulationsTechnologyMarketsTrendsEconomic trends

    GOALS ANDOBJECTIVES ResourcesFinancialPhysicalHumanTechnologyCapital

    Management SystemsCultureStructurework systems


  • Formulating StrategyThere are five important variables that determine the success of strategy. Organizational structureTask designEmployee trainingReward systemInformation system

  • Formulating StrategyStrategy formulation usually takes place with the involvement of the top managementHr and strategic management process can be linked in four waysAdministrative linkageOne way linkageTwo way linkageIntegrative linkage.

  • Value Chain Analysis

  • Challenges For HRMGlobal Business EnviromentProfitability through growthTechnologyIntellectual capitalAdaptability