Shrinks Well

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  • 8/13/2019 Shrinks Well


    UK Geohazard NoteMay 2012

    Ground shrinking and swelling [email protected]

    What is a shrinkswell?Subsidence due to shrink-swell clays is ground

    movement caused by clay soils that swell, and thus

    increase in volume, when they get wet and shrink

    when they get dry.

    Why does shrinkswell occur?

    Shrinkswell occurs as a result of changes in the

    moisture content of clay-rich soils. This is relected

    in a change in volume of the ground through

    shrinking or swelling. Swelling pressures can causeheaving, or lifting, of structures whilst shrinkage can

    cause differential settlement.

    The amount by which the ground can shrink and/

    or swell is determined by the water content in the

    nearsurface and the type of clay. Fine-grained

    clayrich soils can absorb large quantities of water

    after rainfall, becoming sticky and heavy. Conversely,

    they can also become very hard when dry, resulting

    in shrinking and cracking of the ground. This

    hardening and softening, with associated volume

    change, is known as shrink-swell.

    This can be a natural seasonal occurrence or one

    enhanced by a range of factors, including:

    normal seasonal movements associated with

    changes in rainfall and vegetation growth

    enhanced seasonal movement associated with

    the planting, severe pruning or removal of trees

    or hedges

    changes to surface drainage and landscaping

    (including paving)

    shortterm unseasonal movements as a result of

    leaks from water supply pipes or drains

    longterm subsidence, as a persistent water

    deicit develops

    longterm heave as a persistent water deicit is

    reversed by wetting.

    What are the consequences of it occurring?

    Damage to buildings may occur when the volume

    change of the soil, due to shrinking or swelling, is

    unevenly distributed beneath the foundations. For

    Differential subsidence due to down-slope side of

    house moving on shrinkable soil. Image Chris Page.


    Shrinkage, also referred to as ground

    shrinkage, is a form of subsidence

    caused by the lowering or displacement

    of the ground, which can be triggered

    by man-made disturbances, a change in

    drainage patterns, heavy rain or by water

    abstraction. Swelling, or expansive, soils

    increase in volume when they get wet and

    can cause uplift, or heave.

    Shrink-swell can cause damage to buildings

    and infrastructure and is a major concern

    for the insurance industry.

    BGS maintains a National Geotechnical

    Properties Database, which is continually

    updated and the GeoSure National Ground

    Stability Data, which provides geological

    information about potential ground

    movement or subsidence, including theGeoSure shrinkswell dataset.

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    example, if there is a difference in water content in

    the ground beneath a building, swelling pressures

    can cause a wall to lift; often called heave. This can

    happen at the corners or towards the centre of a


    What is the cost to the UK economy?

    Shrinking and swelling of the ground (often

    reported as subsidence) is one of the most damaginggeohazards in the UK today costing the economy

    an estimated 3 billion over the past 10 years (ABI,

    2006). The Association of British Insurers hasestimated that the average cost of shrinkswell

    related subsidence to the insurance industry stands

    at over 400 million per year (Driscoll and Crilly,


    Scientific detail

    Monitoring and measurement

    The main factors chosen as relevant to the

    determination of shrinkswell and the ability to

    assess it on a national basis are:

    Volume change potential (VCP) of bedrock and

    supericial deposits

    Thickness and type of supericial deposits

    Variation in till (supericial deposits laid down by

    the direct action of glacial ice)

    The selection of those factors accord with the

    assessment methodologies outlined by the Building

    Research Establishment (BRE 1993).A meaningful assessment of the shrinkswell

    potential of the UK requires a considerable amount of

    UK Geohazard Note [email protected]

    UK Examples

    In the UK, the effects of shrinking and

    swelling were irst recognised by geotechnical

    specialists following the dry summer of 1947;

    since then the cost of damage due to shrinking

    and swelling clay soils has risen dramatically.

    After the drought of 197576 insurance

    claims came to over 50 million. In 1991, after

    the preceding drought, claims peaked at over

    500 million.

    Towns and cities built on clay-rich soils

    most susceptible to shrinkswell behaviour

    are found mainly in the south-east of the

    country. Here, many of the clay formations

    (e.g. London Clay, Oxford Clay, Gault Clay,

    Kimmeridge Clay) are too young to have been

    changed into stronger mudstones, leaving

    them still able to absorb and lose moisture.

    Clay rocks elsewhere in the country are older

    and have been compacted and hardened by

    deep burial and are less able to absorb water.

    Some shrink-swell prone clays (e.g. around

    The Wash and under the Lancashire Plain)

    are deeply buried beneath other (supericial)

    soils that are not susceptible to shrinkswell

    behaviour. However, some supericial deposits

    such as alluvium, peat and laminated clays

    can also be susceptible to soil subsidence and

    heave (e.g. in the Vale of York and the Cheshire


    Cracks in Gault Clay, Mundays Hill Quarry, Leighton

    Buzzard. Image NERC.

    May 2012

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    high-quality, consistent and well distributed spatial

    data. The BGS National Geotechnical Properties

    Database contains a large amount of index test

    data. At the time of writing, the database contained

    data from more than 80 000 boreholes, comprising

    nearly 320 000 geotechnical samples, with 100 000

    containing relevant plasticity data, which is used to

    calculate the VCP.

    How is the hazard characterised?

    GeoSure national datasets provide geological

    information about potential ground movement or

    subsidence that can help planning decisions.

    The BGS has created a dataset which is based on the

    properties of both the bedrock and the supericial

    deposits. Bedrock comprises geological deposits

    that are older then 2.6 million years, often found

    at the surface as well as below supericial deposits.

    Supericial deposits are unconsolidated geological

    deposits younger than 2.6 million years. They are found

    at the surface overlying bedrock deposits. Using the

    properties of both the bedrock and supericial deposits

    generates a map of shrinkswell susceptible areas with

    a rating for the potential for volume change in soils.

    The classiication system used in the BGS GeoSure

    shrinkswell hazards maps is based upon that outlined

    by the BRE (1993), which provides a deinition for the

    volume change potential for ine-grained rocks and

    soils, based upon a modiied plasticity index.

    Other considerations when characterising

    the hazardIn addition to the shrink-swell properties of the

    bedrock being classiied, consideration is also given

    to the thickness and variation of supericial deposits

    including variations in the type of glacial till. All of

    these factors have been considered when producing

    the GeoSure shrinkswell hazard maps.

    Scenarios for future events

    Indications are that future climate change will

    have an increasingly adverse effect on shrink-swell soils and, therefore, on the damage caused to

    homes, buildings and roads. The Government has

    recognised that future climate change is one of the

    biggest problems that the UK faces and, if current

    predictions are correct, we can expect hotter, drier

    summers in the south-east of England and milder,

    wetter winters, in the rest of the UK (Jones, 2004).

    The change in the amount and distribution of

    rainfall, as a result of climate change, will lead to

    a signiicant increase in the damage done by the

    shrinking and swelling behaviour of these clay soils.

    The Association of British Insurers predicts that

    subsidence (downward movement of the ground

    surface) claims will reach 600 million a year by

    2050 and the AA, which monitors over 40 different

    home insurers, is predicting that the average home

    insurance premium will rise signiicantly in the

    years ahead (Jones, 2004).

    Partnerships and links

    British Research Establishment ( National House-Building Council (www.nhbc.

    UK Geohazard Note [email protected]

    Damage caused by shrinkage of London Clay

    deposits beneath a building. Image Peter Kelsey

    and Partners.

    May 2012

  • 8/13/2019 Shrinks Well


    Subsidence Forum (

    Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors



    1. Association of British Insurers. 2006.

    Subsidence Dealing with the problem

    [online]. [Cited 3rd August, 2006]. Available


    2. BRE. 1993. Low-rise buildings on shrinkable

    clay soils: BRE Digest, Vols. 240, 241 and 242.

    CRC, London.

    3. Driscoll, R and Crilly, M. 2000. Subsidence

    damage to domestic buildings. Lessons learned

    and questions asked. Building Research

    Establishment, London.

    4. Jones, L D. 2004. Cracking open the property

    market. Planet Earth, Autumn 2004, pp3031.

    NERC, UK.

    5. Jones, L D, and Terrington R. 2011. Modelling

    volume change potential in the London Clay.

    Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and

    Hydrogeology, 44, 115.

    Further information

    Contact the BGS Shallow Geohazards team by:

    Email [email protected]

    Telephone 0115 9363143

    BGS GeoSure website:

    BGS shrinkswell website:


    UK Geohazard Note [email protected]

    Interpolated volume change potential, values for the London Clay.Jones and Terrington, 2011.

    May 2012

    British Geological Survey NERC 2012