SHINE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - · PDF filethat is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that...

T H U R S D A Y 2 7 T H A U G U S T WELCOME! THE first day of this year’s conference was absolutely awesome. We really must celebrate the goodness of the Lord. Yesterday it was my privilege to declare the 25 th IGOC open, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and for that we give God thanks. Our speakers so far have bought a word that is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that I believe really ministered to us all. This IGOC will be a different one, we are going to experience days of power; days of glory; days of heaven on earth. It’s my prayer that this conference will enrich your life and open doors for you. The hand of Lord will touch you, you walk in grace, favour and blessing. Matthew Ashimolowo THE DRAMA The Drama during the opening ceremony last night beautifully told the tale of a man who grew into the greatness that God had created him to be. There is glory inside all of. Trust God, He will make all things beautiful in its time. 10.00AM DR. MIKE MURDOCK 2.00PM DR. MENSA OTABIL 6.00PM DR. MIKE MURDOCK Tomorrow’s Agenda Pastor Wilson Mugembe Despite the heavy rain, several young people attended the inaugural KYAM Convention. The event knicked off with unique breakers, including human bingo! With everyone at ease and keen to learn and discover more, the events first speaker mounted the podium. Pastor Wilson Mugembe encouraged the KYAM congregation by sharing his inspirational testimony. Using Luke 1:34-42, Pastor Wilson said that Mary was approached by an angel and told that she would become impregnated by the Holy Spirit. When Mary visited Elizabeth, and subsequently heard her testimony, Mary’s faith recived a boost. Pastor Wilson prayed that his testimony would develop the faith of the expectant assembly. The anointed young man of God humbly shared how he was reduced to living on the streets of Uganda wearing the same t-shirt his late father had left him and harbouring a desire to end his life because he had lost everything. A hug from a kind stranger saved his life and he was later brought to church. Pastor Wilson desired to be a Lawyer or an Engineer but he heard and laughed off a prophecy that he would become a great man of God. Now he leads a congregation of 5000 people and runs a ministry that supports and counsels young people who used to live on the street. Pastor Wilson also runs a worship night in a Ugandan stadium at the end of every year where 30 – 40, 000 people worldwide come to celebrate God. This is all to say, just like Luke 1: 37, ‘For with God nothing will be impossible’. Pastor Wilson teaches that the impregnator matters. We have to be mindful about who we watch and who we listen to, as some people can either impregnate us or cause a miscarriage of our desires and dreams. He advised that in order to feed ourselves, we should meet people who will impregnate us. KYAMVILLE KYAM’s drama team captured a few of the challenges that young people aged 20-30 face during their Christian walk. The initial issue, addressed by single young woman Amanda, focused on trusting and waiting on the Lord for a marriage partner. Amanda was frustrated with her relationship status, and experiencing pressure from friends and family members. Another character, Dr Jacob, conveyed the frustration young people have when their parents force them to attain career goals that do not necessarily align with their desires. This frustration is intensified when the young adults have to quench the passions, skills and visions they have for themselves, all because they have to live their father or mother’s dream. Gary Black, another male character discussed how much easier he felt his life was when he was not saved. This was due to popularity with many women and his ability to make quick money. Even though Gary struggled to see the fruits of his born again lifestyle, he encouraged himself in the Lord, by the Word of God (Galatians 3:10) and the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross. Gary knew that nobody else would make that sacrifice to save him from all his sins. Even as young people struggle in life we can trust that Christ in us will pull us through. SHINE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS by Pastor Kunle Oyedeji The renowned, young Senior Pastor Kunle Oyedeji shared his powerful message about retaining, repairing and removing relationships. Pastor Kunle explained that in our quest to reach to the top, we are not mindful of the relationships we may jeopardise on this journey, primarily because God places important relationships in our lives for the purpose of enabling us to reaching our goals. Do Not Be Unequally Yoked Using 2 Corinthians 6:11-15, Pastor Kunle guided the young adults through the process of establishing relationships with God ordained people. He illustrated that young people in Christ should not be unequally yoked with non-believers. This is because, he said: “… it is easier to be pulled down than to be pulled up”. Using the example of the truth that Christ has no harmony with Belial (satan’s second in charge), Pastor Kunle said that believers should not be united with non-believers in courtship or marriage. However, he emphasised that we should relate to everybody in friendly relationships. A simple, yet powerful example Pastor Kunle used a water bottle containing what looked like Ribena and a bottle of orange lucozade to convey how a person should be defined by their content as opposed to their outward appearance. Looks can be deceiving, the Pastor explained. He said: “Who you are has nothing to do with your shape or your size, but by what’s inside of you”, he proclaimed. Pastor Kunle challenged us to remember that God can use anyone and anything to bless and teach others, as taught in 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen t h e foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise …” Seek to Understand Before Being Understood Pastor Kunle explained many of us have lost out on relationships because we have not sought to understand the other person. Frankly, men are logical and women are emotional and because of this, one word can mean two completely different things to each party, which leads to misunderstandings. emember God Knows Best Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord …” Although relationships are broken and it hurts, remember that God knows best. God wants many of us to shine in our relationships and flourish in life. In all this, remember, GOD KNOWS BEST!

Transcript of SHINE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - · PDF filethat is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that...

Page 1: SHINE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - · PDF filethat is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that I believe really ministered to us all. This IGOC will be a different one, we are ...

T H U R S D A Y 2 7 T H A U G U S T


THE first day of this year’s conference was absolutely

awesome. We really must celebrate the goodness of the Lord.

Yesterday it was my privilege to declare the 25th IGOC open, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and for that we give God thanks.

Our speakers so far have bought a word that is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that I believe really ministered to us all.

This IGOC will be a different one, we are going to experience days of power; days of glory; days of heaven on earth. It’s my prayer that this conference will enrich your life and open doors for you. The hand of Lord will touch you, you walk in grace, favour and blessing.

Matthew Ashimolowo

T H E D R A M AThe Drama during the opening ceremony last night beautifully told the tale of a man who grew into the greatness that God had created him to be. There is glory inside all of. Trust God, He will make all things beautiful in its time.




Tomorrow’s Agenda

Pastor Wilson Mugembe

Despite the heavy rain, several young people attended the inaugural KYAM Convention. The event knicked off with unique breakers, including human bingo! With everyone at ease and keen to learn and discover more, the events first speaker mounted the podium.

Pastor Wilson Mugembe encouraged the KYAM congregation by sharing his inspirational testimony. Using Luke 1:34-42, Pastor Wilson said that Mary was approached by an angel and told that she would become impregnated by the Holy Spirit. When Mary visited Elizabeth, and subsequently heard her testimony, Mary’s faith recived a boost. Pastor Wilson prayed that his testimony would develop the faith of the expectant assembly.

The anointed young man of God humbly shared how he was reduced to living on the streets of Uganda wearing the same t-shirt his late father had left him and harbouring a desire to end his life because he had lost everything. A hug from a kind stranger saved his life and he was later brought to church. Pastor Wilson desired to be a Lawyer or an Engineer but he heard and laughed off a prophecy that he would become a great man of God.

Now he leads a congregation of 5000 people and runs a ministry that supports and counsels young people who used to live on the street. Pastor Wilson also runs a worship night in a Ugandan stadium at the end of every year where 30 – 40, 000 people worldwide come to celebrate God. This is all to say, just like Luke 1: 37, ‘For with God nothing will be impossible’.

Pastor Wilson teaches that the impregnator matters. We have to be mindful about who we watch and who we listen to, as some people can either impregnate us or cause a miscarriage of our desires and dreams. He advised that in order to feed ourselves, we should meet people who will impregnate us.

KYAMVILLEKYAM’s drama team captured a few of the challenges that young people aged 20-30 face during their Christian walk. The initial issue, addressed by single young woman Amanda, focused on trusting and waiting on the Lord for a marriage partner. Amanda was frustrated with her relationship status, and experiencing pressure from friends and family members. Another character, Dr Jacob, conveyed the frustration young people have when their parents force them to attain career goals that do not necessarily align with their desires. This frustration is intensified when the young adults have to quench the passions, skills and visions they have for themselves, all because they have to live their father or mother’s dream. Gary Black, another male character discussed how much easier he felt his life was when he was not saved. This was due to popularity with many women and his ability to make quick money. Even though Gary struggled to see the fruits of his born again lifestyle, he encouraged himself in the Lord, by the Word of God (Galatians 3:10) and the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross. Gary knew that nobody else would make that sacrifice to save him from all his sins. Even as young people struggle in life we can trust that Christ in us will pull us through.


by Pastor Kunle OyedejiThe renowned, young Senior Pastor Kunle Oyedeji shared his powerful message

about retaining, repairing and removing relationships.

Pastor Kunle explained that in our quest to reach to the top, we are not mindful of the relationships we may jeopardise on this journey, primarily because God places important relationships in our lives for the purpose of enabling us to reaching our goals.

Do Not Be Unequally YokedUsing 2 Corinthians 6:11-15, Pastor Kunle guided the young adults through the process of establishing relationships with God ordained people.

He illustrated that young people in Christ should not be unequally yoked with non-believers. This is because, he said: “… it is easier to be pulled down than to be pulled up”. Using the example of the truth that Christ has no harmony with Belial (satan’s second in charge), Pastor Kunle said that believers should not be united with non-believers in courtship or marriage. However, he emphasised that we should relate to everybody in friendly relationships.

A simple, yet powerful examplePastor Kunle used a water bottle containing what looked like Ribena and a bottle of orange lucozade to convey how a person should be defined by their content as opposed to their outward appearance. Looks can be deceiving, the Pastor explained. He said: “Who you are has nothing to do with your shape or your size, but by what’s inside of you”, he proclaimed. Pastor Kunle challenged us to remember that God can use anyone and anything to bless and teach others, as taught in 1 Corinthians 1:27 “But God has chosen t h e foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise …”

Seek to Understand Before Being UnderstoodPastor Kunle explained many of us have lost out on relationships because we have not sought to understand the other person. Frankly, men are logical and women are emotional and because of this, one word can mean two completely different things to each party, which leads to misunderstandings.

emember God Knows Best Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord …”Although relationships are broken and it hurts, remember that God knows best. God wants many of us to shine in our relationships and flourish in life. In all this, remember, GOD KNOWS BEST!

Page 2: SHINE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS - · PDF filethat is truly from heaven; a rhema, a revelation that I believe really ministered to us all. This IGOC will be a different one, we are ...

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It might be pouring outside… but in my heart it’s spring! What a beautiful sister… even a downpour can’t ruin her day

Dr. Winston started by stating: ‘The challenge of God’s people is the working by

faith’. He quoted Habakkuk 2:3-4 saying the prophet is speaking about faith here. He placed the emphasis on ‘his faith’ in verse 4 and that Jesus said when He comes will He find such faith on earth? One of the things that helps us to manifest Gods glory is ‘faith’.

Preaching from the book of Mark chapter 4, after Jesus finished speaking about the parable of the sower, He invited his disciples to go over to the other side of the lake in vs 35-41. When the storm arose and they panicked Jesus calmed the sea. Dr Bill threw a question to the congregation: Did the sea obey Jesus or obeyed His faith? To which they responded – His faith.

He shared a bit on his background where he was an executive with IBM and God called him into ministry. He got to Chicago with $200, and God directed him in his faith walk. To his surprise someone offered him a property for his ministry, his ministry started in the roughest precinct of Chicago. Continuing, he stated faith is a spiritual force and we need it to have biblical success to win. Faith is the title deed. If you have faith you own it. Faith comes out of the human spirit not out of the intellect.

Looking at Mark 11:12-14 where Jesus cursed the fig tree. He said faith almost always puts you in a place of ridicule but we will always have the last laugh.God is taking us to our original mode of operation – the glory. This was how Adam operated according to Genesis 2:7

Every person that gets born-again gets the God-kind of faith according to Romans 12:1-3. This talks about ‘the measure of faith’. God gave us the same amount of faith. However, going from one degree of faith to another is our responsibility.

After a magnifying Praise and Worship session Bishop Tudor Bismark was the perfect speaker to close the first day of the 25th International Gathering of Champions. As always it was a word for us all. In his opening statement Bishop Tudor celebrated Pastor Matthew for achieving the 25th year of Europe’s biggest Christian convention, saying he is “stronger and even more consistent”.

THE WILL TO WAR. Quoting Joseph Prince we were reminded that all progress in Christian Life is by faith alone. All the territory we take hold of, is by faith. These territories and strongholds however cannot be taken hold of or broken without a will to fight. We have to fight for our family, we have to fight for our friends, we have to fight for our church, we have to fight for ourselves.

SPIRITUAL WARFAREBishop Tudor explained that spiritual warfare has been around since the fall of man and ever since this time we have been at a disadvantage as we cannot see demonic entities – they are however all around us. However, by engaging in spiritual warfare we will overcome the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus. Numbers 21: 14 reminds us that the Lord is a man of war, the Lord is His name. As well as leaving the Lord to overcome our strongholds, we as believers, must have a will to war. This will accompany our prayer life. The man of God emphasised that spiritual warfare is a life or death issue, it is not about having good church, a good car or a good house – it is about

possessing eternal life and taking back what the spirit of herod has been attempting to steal from the Lord’s children before Jesus Christ was born. Sometimes God allows us to be in a fight so that we know what we are made of. We are made in his image and by his grace we will conquer all.


by Dr. Bill Winston

Joshua 1:1-11 was the opening scripture for recognising your

change of season. Many of us are here because God is about to shift us for a change of good and bring testimonies and an open heaven into our lives.

So what is a change of season?1. A shift of interest2. A sense of restlessness3. A flow of creative ideas4. A revelation of where you’re going (vision)5. A stirring up of the nest (where you are now)You need to be able to come out of yesterday into today. It is a time to move in the direction of the glory. When we talk about glory, we have a perfect example of the children of Israel.

God was cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. He kept them shaded from the intense heat that was in the desert by the day and kept them warm by night. When he moved, they moved and followed his glory.In Revelation 4:1 your change of season is revealed by God shutting doors. You need to know the doors that you need to shut gently. It is important to recognize his intentional move in your life so as to break you away from a lock step mentality of yesterday and move you into your new level of today. This move will bring glory.

Recognizingyour change of

seasonby pastor matthew ashimolowo




!The Will To War

Tudor Bismark

Women beware! High heels and plat-forms are out in abundance this year! But fashionistas we warned!! Grassy verges and the steps down to the auditorium have already claimed many a victim. The trick of the trade (as advised by top models) is to bring a spare pare of flats that can be discretely hidden in your handbag or buy your heels one size too big for every three inches of heel height – this will allow room for ‘other manifesta-tions’ (ahem… corns, blisters).

Christ in you, the hope of glory! If we are going to experience His glory it starts with us. Luke 10:17-20 shows us the encounter that Jesus had when the disciples came back, excited to tell him what they had done in His name. But the comments that Jesus made, let us know that the mystery that kings and prophets had not known, had now been revealed.

The professional body that you belong to such as ACCA, only have you registered to access their benefits and because of this you are authorised and recognised. However, in heaven, you are not only an authorised user of the name of Jesus, but you are in possession of all the benefits that are in Christ. The seven sons of Sceva, who went about trying to cast out demons in the name of Jesus were not authorised to use that name, so the demons dealt with them.

Jesus was rejoicing with the disciples so much that he whispered to them, ‘Blessed are the eyes who see these things,’ because you have experienced a glimpse of a new mystery as explained in Romans 6:25-27. Since the world began, there are things God has kept as a mystery, even the angels wanted to look into these things, but like the prophets of old, were unable to find out the matter.


In Colossians 1:24-27, it is revealed: ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory.’ In other words, we are participants in His glory; to activate the glory is based solely on Christ in you. The definition of glory can only be explained as the substance and weight of the full Godhead of Christ that is in you: Romans 8:9-11; Colossians 1:16-20. As soon as you receive Christ into your heart that is when you receive the fullness of the Godhead.

Dr. Mensa Otabil gives us the ‘Parable of the New Testament believer,’ where a poor man, who had Bill Gates in his home, fails to seek advice and counsel from him. In this instance, Bill Gates is the man who could solve all his financial challenges, but he never sought support. It is the same as Christ living in you and you never accessing the full glory and abundance that the Godhead provides.