Shih Tzu Breed Technical Brochure

Meet the Needs of Your Breed The Shih Tzu Intelligent Nutrition for the Purebred Dog


The Shih Tzu has unique physiological characteristics that create needs that can be solved nutritionally.

Transcript of Shih Tzu Breed Technical Brochure

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Meet the Needs of Your BreedThe Shih Tzu

Intelligent Nutritionfor the Purebred Dog™

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The history of the Shih Tzu goes back to Asia. The breed is actually the result of a crossbetween the Lhasa Apso from Tibet and the Pekingese from China. Step by step, theShih Tzu left the confines of the Imperial Court to become a highly prized companiondog with large populations in a number of countries. So much so that in Japan, forexample, only three other breeds are born in greater numbers every year.

The length of its coat, the abundance of hair on its head and body and its long moustachesgive it an altogether unique aesthetic character.

Diet is one of the major factors ensuring the Shih Tzu remains in good health. Whateverthe natural qualities of the coat, the hair needs a daily supply of all the nutrients essentialto its regeneration if it is to retain its silkiness, shine and volume. Just like the YorkshireTerrier and the Lhasa Apso, the hair of the Shih Tzu never stops growing: as a result itrequires a controlled intake of amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Anynutritional deficiency will alter the condition of the coat, as it really does mirror thedog’s health.

For more than 30 years, Royal Canin has made a series of major breakthroughs inhumankind’s understanding of canine nutrition.

Its teams of veterinarians and nutritionists have an ongoing daily partnership with breedersin which they study ways to help dogs express the best of themselves, in terms of physicalperformance and aesthetic qualities.

In the particular case of the Shih Tzu, we now have a great deal of objective experiencewith respect to the role played by nutrients in keeping the skin healthy and the coatbeautiful. For this breed, the main concern is limiting irritations that undermine the integrityof the skin, facilitating the penetration of allergens and infectious agents. Nutrition is aconsiderable help in strengthening the protective skin barrier.

This is the target we set ourselves in developing food tailored to the needs of the Shih Tzu.

INTRODUCTIONTable of Contents

Key points 4

Nutritional responses 5

The history of the Shih Tzu 6

A particularly sensitive skin 8Helping the skin defend itself from exterior aggressions 10

A sumptuous coat that needs care 12The Shih Tzu: a small dograrely troubled by weight gain 16

Helping maintain an ideal weight 17A dog exposed to age-related disease 18Slowing down the developmentof degenerative diseases 20

Teeth and jaws in need of protection 22Slowing down the development of dental plaque and tartar 23A nutritional program for everystage of the Shih Tzu‘s life 24

The morphology of the breed 26

References 28

Glossary 30A history of innovation at Royal Canin 31

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Royal Canin’s enduring challenge is to successfully satisfy the nutritional requirementsof breeds as diverse as the Shih Tzu, the Yorkshire Terrier, the German Shepherd andthe Labrador. The differences in size and weight are accompanied by differences inanatomy, physiology and even behavior, which lead us to develop an optimal nutritionalresponse for each individual breed.

- The physical form and texture of the kibble is dictated by the size of the breed’s teethand the sensitivity of its gums. - The nutrients in the food that combat the effects of aging (a higher quantity of antioxidantsthat protect the joints) are especially important for small dogs, which are more susceptibleto degenerative diseases (heart, joints, eyes) due to their longer life expectancy.- Lifestyle – the dog’s relationship with its owner – also influences the dog’s dietarybehavior and preferences. A small dog tends to be more demanding than a large dog.

We want to offer the most balanced nutritional response to the needs of all dogs, givingthem the best chance of a long, healthy life. We are no longer content to simply providefor the dog’s basic needs through its diet. Nowadays, our foods have a role to play incombating the risks that threaten the health of the dog.

We offer a food that is tailored to the age and size of the dog, but we also pay closeattention to the particularities of the breed, which means we target specific threats andprovide an optimal nutritional response.

Once again, I would like to stress that it’s only by leveraging the unrivaled expertise ofbreeders and the foremost specialists across the world that Royal Canin’s R&D has beenable to develop this exceptional food to meet the needs of an exceptional dog.

Henri LagardeChief Executive OfficerRoyal Canin Group

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1 Helping the skin defend itself from exterior aggressions (p. 10)� strengthening the effectiveness of the skin barrier� controlling inflammation with essential fatty acids

2 Promoting the hair’s natural beauty (p. 13)� providing all the amino acids essential to the regeneration of the coat

� promoting the coat’s sheen by providing a diverse, well balanced range of fatty acids in the food� guaranteeing vitamin intake corresponding to the considerable requirements of the hair

� facilitating the assimilation of trace elements

3 Helping maintain an ideal weight (p. 17)� providing sufficient energy in a low volume

� instilling dietary behavior

4 Slowing down the development of degenerative diseases (p. 20)

� reinforcing antioxidant defenses to slow down the appearance of cataracts � limiting phosphorus intake to compensate for the loss of kidney filtration capacity

� protecting the joints with glucosamine and chondroitin� facilitating the heart function with antioxidants to combat oxidative stress, taurine essential

for proper cardiac contractility, and limiting sodium intake in the diet

5 Slowing the development of dental plaque and tartar (p. 23)

� mechanical action of the kibble on plaque and tartar� chemical action of salivary calcium chelating agents

� antiseptic action of green tea polyphenols

SHIH TZU 24™:Nutritional responses!

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History of the Shih Tzu

Tibetan originsIn all probability the Shih Tzu is a cross between the Lhasa Apso, a Tibetan breed, and thePekingese, a Chinese breed.As the name may suggest, Lhasa Apsos lived in the temples of Lhasa where they were used in various religious rites. These dogs were the private property of the Dalai Lama. In 1643, three ofthese dogs made the journey from Lhasa to Beijing as a gift to the Chinese emperor during theManchu dynasty. It’s from this trio that the Shih Tzu we know descends.

A cross with the PekingeseAt the imperial court, the Chinese gave the breed the name Shih Tzu Kou, or Tibetan Lion Dog,due to its lion-golden color – the lion was the symbolic charger of the Buddha. The kou or ‘dog’was later dropped as the breed simply became the Shih Tzu, Tibetan Lion.

The dowager empress Tsu Hsi then received a number of tousled Lhasa Apsos from the Dalai Lama.The empress, who ran her kennel strictly, was ahead of her time as a dog fancier and a well-informedbreeder of Pekingese dogs. She separated the two breeds and interested herself in the golden‘imperial honey’ color, which she favored above all others. A white line or band extending fromthe stop to the crown of the skull was considered to be the mark of Buddha. Tsu Hsi died in 1908,bringing to an end her 64-year reign and so too the practice of sending Tibetan Lion Dogs to theemperors of China as tribute. The eunuchs of the Imperial Palace continued their breeding program,albeit not so rigorously, leading to crosses between the Lhasa Apso and the Pekingese. That resulted ina divergence in type, structure and size. That leads us to believe that the progenitors of the Shih Tzubreed were almost certainly crosses between these Tibetan Lhasa Apsos and Chinese Pekingeses.


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A popular dog in AsiaBefore the takeover of southern Vietnam by the north, Shih Tzus were very well known in theSaigon region. The Vietnamese – as well as the Chinese – were especially fond of the black andwhite dogs bearing a white blaze on the forehead and a white color at the ends of the feet, as having ‘a forehead and feet in the snow’ was a symbol of fortune. In 1923, the Shanghai KennelClub classed these dogs as Lhasa Terriers. Later, the Peking Kennel Club was established, programming ‘Lhasa Lion Dog’ categories in its shows. The Shih Tzu was shown in two weightclasses: under 12 lbs and over 12 lbs.

Introduction in the WestAll Shih Tzus descend from only thirteen basic lines. Twelve of them came from China between1930 and 1950, and a cross with a Pekingese was introduced in the British population in 1952.Afterwards it was no longer possible to import new subjects from China due to the war. The geneticvariety of Shih Tzus is consequentlyrelatively meager; all the more so asthe first dogs imported from Chinawere probably blood relations.

The Shih Tzu was recognizedby the Kennel Club in 1946.The FCI recognized the breedin 1954.

Soldiers brought the dog back tothe USA after World War Twoand the AKC recognized thebreed in 1969. Now very popularin the USA, it has been crossedwith Toy Poodles to produce theShih Poo.


© Lanceau

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1A particularly sensitive skin

1 - Sweat gland2 - Sebaceous gland3 - Ceramides (cement)4 - Muscle

Longitudinal cross-section of a hair follicle

The secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands mixto form a protective emulsion that covers the hair andrestores the surface of the skin.

For Shi Tzus aged between two months and seven years, the main reason for a visit to the veterinarianis dermatology-related. The risk of skin complaints is six to seven times greater than in the averagedog population (Purdue Veterinary Medical Data Base, 1981-2001).

The Shi Tzu’s skin sensitivity is proven by the high incidence of atopy*. Atopy (or atopic dermatitis) can be caused by allergens such as dust mites and pollens (Willemse, 2000). It is the second mostcommon allergic skin disease among dogs, behind hypersensitivity to flea bites. Around 5% of dogswill be atopic and the Shih Tzu is one of the 20 worst affected breeds (Prélaud, 1999).

* see glossary on p. 30

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The incidence of allergic diseases is rising strongly in human populations in industrialized countries,so it is logical that the same tendency has been observed in dogs, which share the same environment(Hillier & Griffin, 2001). Clinically speaking, skin irritation provokes pruritus, the intensity of which depends on the time ofthe year. If the dog scratches itself a lot it may cause lesions in the interdigital spaces, on the internalsurface of the ears and in the auditory canal, on the abdomen and in the axillary spaces, on theface (around the eyes and on the periphery of the lips) and on the ventral surface of the neck.Depending on the degree of inflammation, symptoms range from simple red spots on the skin tomore severe lesions. More than 55% of atopic dogs exhibit otitis (Harvey & Mc Keever, 2000). Indeed, otitis is a warningsign of atopy in 45% of cases (Willemse, 2000).

Broken skin




Healthy skin

In the event of pruritus, scratching damages the epidermis, which reduces its barrier function. Skin under attack is unable to limit water loss. This facilitates penetration by allergens andinfectious agents.

Reaction of the epidermis during acute pruritus

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Helping the skin defend itselffrom exterior aggressionsRecent studies show that the skin barrier in atopic dogs does not contain sufficient lamellae (ceramides)between the cells. This deficiency in “cement” means that the skin cannot carry out its protectivetasks correctly, which, facilitates penetration by allergens (Inman & al, 2001).

Objective #1: strengthen-ing the effectiveness ofthe skin barrierTwenty-seven nutrients that can have a beneficialeffect on the skin barrier function have been evaluated at the Waltham Research Centre. Theselection criteria are based on limiting water lossthrough the epidermis and synthesizing skinlipids, particularly ceramides*. The effect of thevarious substances was evaluated in vitro, thenconfirmed in the dog.

Four B vitamins and one amino acid* acting insynergy have been found to have a beneficialeffect on the skin barrier (Watson & al, 2003a).B vitamins are water soluble and they are notstored in the body. In general, a balanced foodand the intestinal bacteria guarantee a sufficientintake. The intake can become marginal, however,due to major water loss, antibiotic treatment orcompetition from other substances. For example,prolonged consumption of raw egg whites willdisrupt biotin absorption.

Importance of intercellular lipids for the skin barrier function

The skin barrier is composed of overlapping cells that are held togetherby layers of lipid (ceramides, fatty acids, cholesterol) in a brick andmortar analogy. The skin barrier prevents excessive water loss and thepenetration into the body of infectious agents and allergens.

Outer surface


Distance traveledthrough epidermiscompared withepidermal thickness

25 microns500 microns


Cells (keratinocytes)

* see glossary on p. 30

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Objective #2: controllinginflammation with essentialfatty acidsSome fatty acids are said to be ‘essential’ because the bodyis incapable of synthesizing them. For dogs these are linoleicacid* (omega 6) and gamma linolenic acid* (omega 3).Deficiency of these essential fatty acids will lead to desquamationof the skin and the skin barrier function will be altered (Scott& al, 2001).

Essential fatty acids have a dual role: they balance the composition of the superficial lipid film to limit dry skin phenomena (Watson & al, 2003), while also slowing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. The anti-inflammatoryproperties of long chain omega 3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA*) arealso widely used in human and veterinary dermatology(Byrne & al, 2000). Their regular administration often permitsa reduction in the dose of medication need to relieve someskin irritations (Prélaud, 1999).

Niacin (or nicotinamide) is synthesized fromtryptophan. It is essential for cellular respiration.Niacin deficiency causes pruriginous dermatitis of the dog’s abdomen and thehind limbs (it’s called pellagra in humans).

Pantothenic acid is involved as a coenzyme in many synthetic reactions,including those of fatty acids.

Choline and inositol work in tandemand play a role in the generation of cellmembranes. Choline forms phospholipidsin combination with phosphorus.

Histidine is essential to the growth and maturation of epidermal cells (keratinocytes).

Effect of a skin barrier cocktail (pantothenic acid, inositol, niacin, choline and histidine supplementation) on the synthesis

of skin lipids by keratocytes in vitro(from Watson & al, 2003)







A layer of keratocytes (epidermal cells that producekeratin) was incubated in the laboratory, in the presence of radioactive precursors for the synthesis of lipids.The lipid syntheses are quantified by counting the number of markers integrated by the cells.

* see glossary on p. 30


Lipid synthesis (CPM)


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A Shih Tzu’s abundant coat is unquestionably the main weapon in its attempt to seduce you: theopulence of the fur is a major trait of the breed. The hair is long and dense, with a thick undercoat.

The hair is abundant everywhere on the head.- The hair will fall into its eyes if not tied back

- The large drooping ears are very hairy and runseamlessly into the collar hair

- The moustache and beard are thick- The facial hairs are pressed upwards, giving

the dog a highly identifiable aspect that givesit the name “Chrysanthemum dog”.

The long hair is ubiquitous on therest of the body. The tail forms anabundant plume and even the feetlook big due to the profusion of hair.

Such a coat naturally demands brushingand combing at least once a day. Not less than thirty

minutes a day is required to ensure the coat gets the care it needsand to prevent any knots from forming. If it is not maintained regularly, the

hair quickly will become a focal point for parasites and skin infections. The ear hairs must be pluckedto help prevent otitis, or ear inflammation.

It is advisable to tie back the hair from the eyes so that it can see and to prevent irritation to thecornea. The Shih Tzu is particularly sensitive to this type of lesion. The position of the eyelashescause them to rub against the cornea and the Shih Tzu is known to produce few tears (Lin ChungTien & Wu-Szu, 2002). In certain cases, that may lead to progressive bilateral keratoconjunctivitis*or dry eye. Daily cleaning of the eyes is recommended to help prevent this problem.

2A sumptuous coat that needs care


* see glossary on p. 30

© Lanceau

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Promoting the hair’snatural beauty

The beauty of the coat obviously depends on genetics and the selection by the breeders, but its natural qualities will only be expressed and enhanced when the food provides the elements essential for growth and regeneration.

Objective #1: providing all the amino acids essential to the regeneration of the coat

The syntheses necessary for maintaining the skin and the hair can represent up to 30% of an adultdog’s daily protein requirement. The most beneficial proteins are those that provide a high level ofsulfur amino acids (methionine, cystine), as they are essential to the synthesis of keratin*, the mainprotein of hair.

Objective #2: promoting the coat’s sheen by providing a diverse, well balanced range offatty acids in the food

The luster of the coat is connected to the composition of the sebum, a natural oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands and stored in the hair follicles. Sebumalso has the task of preventing the hair from matting by eliminating scale. The sebummakes the keratin more elastic and supple.

The lipids in the sebum are species and breed specific, but sebum production andquality are also influenced by the food (Dunstan & al, 2000). Some nutrients help achieve a significant improvement in the beauty of the dog’s coat. This is particularlytrue of polyunsaturated fatty acids* from vegetable sources.


* see glossary on p. 30

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Linoleic acid (Omega 6 series), which acts in synergy with zinc (Marsh & Watson, 1999) andgamma linolenic acid (GLA)* help achieve the hair’s sheen. GLA alters the metabolism of fatty acidstowards the synthesis of anti-inflammatory substances. Omega 3 from fish oil for an anti-inflammatoryaction, combined with Omega 6, a high nourishment factor, that help prevent a dull coat and providean anti-inflammatory effect.

The presence of essential oils in the food provides promising results in relation to various skin complaints, such as allergic manifestations and the excessive production of sebum by the skin (seborrhea) (Quoc & Pascaud, 1996). It must be noted that the efficacy of essential oils is even greaterwhen it is used in association with fish oils (Sture & Lloyd, 1995). These contain very long chainomega 3 fatty acids, which inhibit the metabolism of arachidonic acid* and its derivatives, whichare responsible for inflammation.

Objective #3: guaranteeing vitamin intake corresponding to the considerable requirements of the hairVitamin A regulates the growth of epidermal cells as well as the production of sebum. It helps combatseborrhea* and the dandruff that often forms after pruritus. Vitamin A acts in synergy with zincand sulfur amino acids.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as EPA and GLA are very sensitive to oxidation. Increasedquantities of vitamin E in the food will help to minimize the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Biotin is essential to skin integrity. Biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Objective #4: facilitating the assimilation of trace elementsTrace elements are minerals that act in a very low concentration in the body. The trace elementsmost directly connected to the beauty of the coat are iron, zinc, copper and iodine. - An iron and copper deficiency may explain certain anomalies of hair pigmentation- An iodine deficiency prevents the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and leads to dry,

brittle hair- Zinc acts in synergy with linoleic acid to enhance the hair’s sheen. A deficiency is expressed in

dull hair and scales.

* see glossary on p. 30

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The quantity of trace elements in the food does not correspond to the quantity actuallyavailable to the body. The level of absorption depends on the chemical form that thetrace element is provided in and the other ingredients, as there are interactions betweenthe various elements. For example, the absorption of calcium is in competition with theabsorption of zinc, copper and iodine.

The absorption ratio of trace elements is often less than 30%. However, this proportionis clearly improved when they are provided in an organic form (chelated* with aminoacids). This means they are used more efficiently by the body. For example, it has beenshown that a surplus of calcium in the food inhibits the absorption of zinc, more ofwhich is evacuated in the feces. However, if zinc is provided in a chelated form; its assimilation is not altered by excess calcium (Lowe & al, 1994).

5 10 15 20 25

Influence of the form of zinc intake on hair growth(from Lowe & al, 1994)

* see glossary on p. 30

zinc chelate + calcium

zinc oxide + calcium

zinc chelate

zinc oxide

Speed of hair growth (mg/d/cm2)

Zinc binding in the hair (micrüg/10 cm2/25 day)

The chelated zinc binds to the hair more easily than zinc in inorganic form (zinc oxide) and the speed of hair growth is significantly faster. When the dietary intake of calcium, a zinc antagonist, is excessive, the zinc binding in the hair falls for zinc oxide, while it is identical if the zinc is supplied in chelated form.

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3 The Shih Tzu: a small dog rarely troubled by weight gain

© Lanceau

The rapid growth of a small-breed dog generally goes together with a risk of gaining weight inadulthood. The development of fatty tissue begins after weaning and excessive energy consumptionduring growth encourages the multiplication of lipid storage cells. On the other hand, developingthe habit of frequently giving a small dog tidbits has a much more serious consequence for it thanfor a large dog.

It is, however, necessary to qualify this generaltendency to weight gain based on the geneticfactors particular to each breed. Unlike manysmall dogs, the Shih Tzu is not prone to becomeoverweight (Edney & Smith, 1986). As its longhair can hide his figure, it is important to regularly check the dog’s weight and adaptthe ration to its dietary requirements.

Basic rules for dog food(source: Royal Canin, 2001)

The establishment and maintenance of a dietaryritual for the dog is essential from the earliestage. The dog adapts well to a certain dietarymonotony, which it experiences as a reassuringregularity. Changing its diet regularly goesagainst its natural behavior.

- Same place- Same conditions- Remove the bowlafter 10 minutes

- 2-3 servings/day- After the owner atfixed times

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Helping maintain an ideal weight Objective #1: providing sufficient energy in a low volumeThe energy content in the ration must be relatively high to maintain an optimal weight: Shih Tzu 24™contains 20% fatty acids and provides more than 4200 kcal/kg. Such an energy concentrationallows dogs that do not eat a large quantity of food to take in all the calories they require in a fairlysmall ration. A 13-lb Shih Tzu should consume between 3.5 oz and 4.5 oz of kibbles per day.

Objective #2: instilling dietary behaviorSpreading the ration over at least two meals a day is strongly recommended, so as to make digestion easier. This regularity particularlysuits the Shih Tzu, which often vomits after eating (Henroteaux, 1996).These complaints are sometimes due to muscle fiber hypertrophy in thepylorus (the sphincter at the end of the stomach), which slows downstomach evacuation. This disease, known as hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy is traditionally observed in brachycephalic breeds* , forthe most part Lhasa Apso and Shih Tzu males (Hall, 2003).

Every supplement must be excluded so as not to upset the dietary balance. Shih Tzu 24™ is a complete food that meets all the breed’srequirements. To benefit fully from all its nutritional qualities it should beconsumed exclusively.

The way in which the food is given also influences the dog’s general behavior, particularly that of a small dog that is very closeto its owner.

The following four points mustbe remembered to avoid errors:

1. DO NOT feed your dog just before youeat yourself. If the dog begs for food, it isn’tbecause it is hungry, but because it is tryingto attain dominance over its owner.

2. DO NOT give food from the table. Thiswill change the dog’s image of its owner.

3. DO NOT encourage the dog to eat bygiving it food in your hand and do notwatch the dog while it eats. This willencourage the dog to refuse its food in its desire to move up the pecking order.

4. DO NOT try to win the dog’s affection bygiving it tidbits. The ration is there to satiatethe dog’s hunger, while play and walks arethe foundations of the dog-owner relationship(Müller, 2004).

* see glossary on p. 30

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4A dog exposed to age-related disease

The breed is known for its longevity: breeders have affirmed that some Shih Tzus live to age 17 or longer.Based on data on 3,000 dogs provided by a UK company offering animal insurance, the average lifeexpectancy of the breed is 13.4 years (Michell, 2000).

Age-related symptoms appear insidiously: the body is able to compensate the gradual wear on organsthrough mechanisms of adaptation that mask the development of certain degenerative diseases. By thetime they become perceptible, they have generally been developing over a protracted period and onlypalliative medical treatment is possible. Nutrition is the only means of anticipating and slowing down theaging processes.

Lens and retina diseases

Ocular diseases are fairly frequentamong Shih Tzus. Young dogs arescreened for retinal diseases to preventthe transmission of hereditary faults(Christmas, 1992), whereas cataractsare the most common disease amongelderly dogs (Slatter, 1990).

A cataract is caused by the progressivesclerosis of the crystalline lens. The eyegradually becomes opaque and theeyesight is reduced, sometimes failingaltogether. A study has been conductedon 42 dogs, including 13 Shih Tzus inJapan to study the use of intraocularprosthetics in silicone to replace the lens(Yogo & al, 2001).

Endocardiosisaffects 60% ofdogs over 7years of age

80% of osteoarthriticdogs are over 8 years of age

The risk of a cataractincreases with age

The main age-related ailments in the Shih Tzu

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Kidney failureAccording to the available epidemiological data, kidneyfailure is the most common disease among Shih Tzuswhen all age classes are taken into consideration. Therisk is twelve times greater than in the dog population asa whole (Purdue Veterinary Medical Data Base, 1981-2001). This observation is undoubtedly partly explainedby kidney dysplasia. The non-functional nephrons* arereplaced by fibrous tissue, which can represent up to50% of the kidney (Ohara & al, 2001). The disease isgenetic and transmitted recessively*, and there is now atest on the market to identify defective genes. Eradicationprograms have been set up (Hoppe & al, 1990).

Articular osteoarthritisOsteoarthritis is an expression of an abnormality in the articular cartilage and underlying bone tissue.The disease is characterized by painful surges. Loss of movement (ankylosis) is variable. It is causedby abnormal movements of the joint, following the poor congruence between the surfaces of thejoint. Among the diseases that predispose the ultimate development of osteoarthritis, we would mention:- Medial patellar luxation, frequent among small dogs. - Hip dysplasia, linked to hyperlaxity of the coxofemoral joint. While particularly frequent in large

dogs, this disease is not rare among Shih Tzus: 18.8% of the dogs exhibit a predisposition(OFA: years 74-2003)

- Degeneration of the intervertebral disks: the Shih Tzu is one of the six breeds most at risk(Priester, 1976)

Heart pathologyBearing in mind its long lifespan, like all small dogs, the Shih Tzu is at risk of endocardiosis, whichis the most common heart disease. It is caused by modifications in the stiffness of the heart valves,which disrupt general circulation. The males suffer more than the females.

Generally speaking, brachycephalic breeds like the Shih Tzu suffer from bradycardia, which is theslowing of the heart rate. In some cases, it can produce symptoms of weakness and fainting(Fabries, 2002).






* see glossary on p. 30

Prevalence of chronic kidney failure based on age (%)

Prevalence of chronic kidney failure based on age

(Adams, 1995)

Age(years)<1 1 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 7 7 to 10 10 to 15 >15

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Slowing down the developmentof degenerative diseases Objective #1: slowing down the appearance of cataracts Strengthening the body’s defenses through a synergic cocktail of antioxidants (vitamins E and C, taurine*,green tea polyphenols and lutein) is a very effective way to protect the dog from light-acceleratedlens oxidation (Jacques & al, 2001).

Of all antioxidants, the most important is lutein, a xanthophyll* pigment found in high concentrationin marigold extract. Lutein belongs to the carotenoid class and is present in high concentrations in thelens and the retina. An increased dietary intake helps boost the density of the pigments in the retinal macula(Berendschot & al, 2000). In humans the risk of cataracts is inversely proportional to the serous contentand the quantity of lutein ingested (Gale & al, 2001).

Its incorporation in Shih Tzu 24™ enables the dog to benefit from its protective power at an early age.

1 - Macula2 - Retina3 - Optic nerve4 - Cornea5 - Lens6 - Vitreous liquid

Lutein helps limit lens degeneration

The macula (retinal zone of maximum visual acuity) owes its yellowcolor to carotenoid pigments such as lutein. These pigments absorbUV rays and act as a protective filter for the cells of the retina.

* see glossary on p. 30

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Objective #2: compensatingthe loss of kidney filtrationcapacityWhen the kidney function is disturbed, phosphorus tends toaccumulate in the body. The restriction of dietary phosphorus is an effective means of slowing down thedevelopment of kidney disease. Several studies show that adiet low in phosphorus extends the life expectancy of dogssuffering from kidney failure (Finco & al, 1992). On theother hand, the reduction of ingested proteins has no recognized effect on the speed of deterioration of kidneyfiltration in dogs that do not display any clinical signs(McCarthy & al, 2001).

Objective #3: protecting the jointsThe intake of glucosamine and chondroitin* contributes toprotecting the joints (Innes, 2001). Glucosamine stimulatesthe regeneration of cartilage, while chondroitin inhibits theaction of enzymes responsible for cartilage destruction.

Objective #4: facilitating the heart function� Vitamins E and C: in dogs, the administration of vitamin E can limit oxidation phenomena in

the membranes of red blood cells, which helps attain a better resistance to physical effort(Grandjean & al, 1998). The presence of vitamin C enhances the effect of vitamin E by facilitatingits regeneration.

� Green tea polyphenols*: some polyphenols limit platelet aggregation and so contribute toslowing the formation of obstacles to blood circulation (Osman & al, 1998).

� Limiting the intake of sodium in the food: the sodium content in the Shih Tzu’s foodmust remain moderate. The target is below 100 mg Na/100 kcal, so as not to aggravate anyhypertension (Freeman & al, 2003).

� Intake of taurine: taurine improves heart contractions by facilitating the transfer of ionizedcalcium in the myocardium cells (Schaffer & al, 1994).

After two years, 75% of the dogs on the limited phospho-rus diet were still alive, as opposed to only 33% of thedogs on a high phosphorus diet.






T0 4 8 12 16 20 24

* see glossary on p. 30

Influence of limiting the phosphoruscontent in the diet on the life

expectancy of dogs suffering fromchronic kidney failure

(from Finco & al, 1992)

% dogs still alive

months0.4% phosphorus (n = 12)1.4% phosphorus (n = 12)

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* see glossary on p. 30



In a dog weighing more than 65 lbs., the ratio betweenD and C (mandible thickness/height of the first molar) is close to 1.

In a dog weighing less than 25 lbs., the ratio between D and C (mandible thickness/height of the first molar) is close to 0.6-0.7 from 0.76 +/- 0.02.

Periodontal disease weakens the bone, especially wherethe bone is thin.

Jaw thickness is not proportional to tooth size(from Gioso & al, 2001)

Eighty percent of dogs older than 6 years of age exhibit a moderate to severe inflammation of thesupporting tissue of the tooth, the periodontium (Hamp & al, 1984). Periodontal disease* is theresult of a battle between the bacteria that accumulate on the dental crowns (bacterial dentalplaque) and the body’s defense system.

Periodontal disease affects all dogs in the course of their life, but the impairment varies dependingon the breed and the individual. Dogs weighing 22 pounds or less are affected at an earlier ageand are more severely affected (Harvey & al, 1994). Periodontal disease naturally becomes worsewith age.

A number of common factors in small dogs (reduced masticatory activity, dental malocclusion*, persistence of deciduous teeth and absence of oral hygiene) can favor the accumulation of dental plaque.A milligram of dental plaque contains around 10 million bacteria (Loesche, 1988). These bacteriaprovoke an inflammatory reaction in the gingiva, called gingivitis. They can also provoke even deeperlesions (destruction of the gingiva, lesions of the periodontal ligament, lesion of the alveolar bonethat supports the tooth). These deep lesions that loosen the tooth are typical of periodontitis.

5 Teeth and jaws in need of protection

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Slowing down the developmentof dental plaque and tartar Objective #1: mechanical actionof the kibbleAs a general rule, the dog exhibits an increased accumulationof dental plaque/tartar and more severe gingivitis when it isgiven soft and sticky food than when it is given hard andfibrous food (Egelberg, 1965). Dogs that have several thingsto chew have less tartar and less gingivitis compared to thosewho have little or nothing to chew.

The shape and the texture of the kibble have been studied specially to achieve a mechanical brushing action. By bitinginto the kibble the dog attains contact between the crown ofthe tooth and the hard surface of the food, which limits theaccumulation of dental plaque.

Objective #2: chemical action ofsodium tripolyphosphateSodium tripolyphosphate* belongs to a family of calciumchelating agents. Sodium tripolyphosphate temporarily trapsthe calcium ion (Ca ++) so that it is unavailable to form tartar.The calcium ion is later released in the digestive tract where itcan be absorbed according to the body’s needs.

Objective #3: antibacterialaction of green tea polyphenols Green tea polyphenols slow bacterial growth in the oral cavity.Some germs active in periodontal disease (e.g. porphyromonasassacharolytica) are highly sensitive to the action of polyphenols(Isogai & al,1995).

Action of sodium polyphosphate

Without sodiumtripolyphosphate

With sodiumtripolyphosphate Calcium



Polyphosphate belongs to a family of calcium chelatingagents. It reduces the quantity of calcium available forthe mineralization of the dental plaque. Its role is toslow down the formation of tartar.

* see glossary on p. 30

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Optimal nutrition that supplies everything a growing Shih Tzu needs.

© Lanceau

Newborn and weaning Shih TzusMINI Babydog 30™:for optimal weaning of Shih Tzu puppies between 5-8 weeks, the vital ‘immunity gap’ period.




EASY TO CHEW Complement the fragile immunesystem of the small breed puppy.

BRAIN DEVELOPMENTFormulated with antioxidants,which can help neutralize free radicals.

EASY TO DIGESTConcentrated source of nutrition tomeet the needs of a puppy that growsrapidly over a short period of time.

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For Shih Tzu’s over 10 months old

SENSITIVE SKIN CAREShih Tzu dogs are susceptible to skin issues. Shih Tzu 24™ contains Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help to limit skin irritation.

THICK COAT NOURISHMENTShih Tzu dogs are recognized for their beautiful,flowing coats. Shih Tzu 24™ includes high qualityprotein to support hair regeneration.

ULTRA DIGESTIBLELess activity can result in protein fermentation inthe gut and larger, smellier stools. Shih Tzu 24™ isformulated with a balance of soluble and insolublefibers to improve digestion.




Page 26: Shih Tzu Breed Technical Brochure

The morphology of the breed


General appearance: sturdy dog withabundant hair, arrogant carriage andchrysanthemum-like face.

Weight 10-18 lbs. The ideal weight according to the FCIstandard is 10-16 lbs.

Height No more than 10 1/2 inches.

Coat and hairAll colors are permitted. White blaze on theforehead and white tip on the tail are desirablein parti colors. The most common coats areblack and white, gray and white, and fawn andwhite.

The opulence of the coat is an important trait ofthe breed. The hair is long and dense, not curly,although a slight wave is permitted. There is agood undercoat. Tying back the hair on thehead is recommended.

Morphology (FCI standards 1998)

HeadWide and round, with well spread eyes. Thestop is marked. There is a tousled topknot withhair falling over the eyes. The moustache andwhiskers are thick.

The nose is black or dark brown in brown(liver) colored dogs. The top of the nose must beleveled or slightly lower than the lower rim ofthe eye. The nostrils are open wide. The muzzledisplays a good width. It is short and square.The face is flat and measures around an inchfrom the tip of the nose to the stop. It is straightor slightly tilted. The pigmentation of the muzzleis as unbroken as possible.The jaws are of equal width or exhibit slightprognathism. The mouth is wide. The lips areclose fitting.The eyes are large, round and dark, or lighterif the robe is liver colored. The white of the eye(sclerotic) is not visible. The eyes are well spaced,but prominent.

Origin: Tibet Patronage: United KingdomGroup 9: Companion and Toy Dogs, section 5 (Tibetan breeds)

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The ears are large, with long leathers. They arecarried drooping, covered with abundant hair.The set-on is a little below the crown of the skull.The neck is well proportioned, attractivelyarched. It is long enough to carry the head proudly.

The bodyFairly long (the length from withers to tail set-onis greater than the height to the withers). Thechest is broad and deep; the back is straight;the loins well coupled and sturdy.

The tail Forms an abundant plume, taking the shape ofa teapot handle. It is carried cheerily overthe back, set on high. It extends to

the height of the skull, which gives it a well balanced figure.

LimbsThe forequarters are short and muscular, with agood bone structure, and as straight as possible.The shoulders are well coupled and diagonal.The hindquarters are also short and muscularwith a good bone structure. Straight when viewedfrom the rear. The feet are rounded, firm andwell padded.

© Lanceau

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1. Purdue Veterinary Medical Data Base Publishing Award - 1248 Lynn Hall, PurdueUniversity; West Lafayette, IN 47907, time period: Jan 01, 1981to Nov 30, 2001.

2. Byrne K Campbell KL, Davis C et al – The effects of dietary n-3 vs n-6 fatty acids on ex-vivo LTB4 generation by canine neutrophils. Veterinary Dermatology 2000; 11:123-131.

3. Harvey RG, Mc Keever PJ - Handbook of canine and cat-like dermatology, 2000.Masson ED: 20-27.

4. Hillier A, Griffin CE - The American College of Veterinary Dermatology Task Force onCanine Atopic Dermatitis (I): incidence and prevalence. Veterinary Immunology andImmunopathology (Special Issue); Olivry T (Ed), (81) 2001, Elsevier Science: 147-151.

5. Inman AO, Olivry T, Dunston SM et al – Electron microscopy of stratum corneum intercellu-lar lipids in normal and atopic dogs. Vet Pathol 2001; 38: 720-723.

6. Prélaud P - Cas cliniques de dermatitis allergiques. Réunion GTV 56, 31p, 3 mai 1999.

7. Scott D, Miller W, Griffin C - Muller & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology; 6th Edition,2001, Saunders.

8. Watson AL, Baker CD, Bailey J et al (a) - Dietary constituents can improve canine epider-mal barrier function in vitro. Waltham International Symposium, Oct 2003;Bangkok, Thailand: 11.

9. Watson AL, Baker CD, Bailey J et al (b) - Dietary constituents can increase epidermal lipidsynthesis by canine keratinocytes in vitro. Waltham International Symposium, Oct2003; Bangkok, Thailand.

10. Willemse T - Allergic cutaneous diseases in the dog. World congress WSAVA-FECAVA 2000

Helping the skin defend itself from exterior aggressions

11. Dunstan R, Herdt TH, Mei L et al - The role of Nutrition on Canine Sebum Secretion: APreliminary Report, Recent advances in Canine and Feline Nutrition (vol 3), IamsNutrition Symposium, 2000: 23-35.

12. Lin-Chung T, Wu-Szu Y - Diagnosis and medical management of keratoconjunctivitissicca in the dog. Taiwan Veterinary Journal 2002; 28 (2): 99-105.

13. Lowe JA, Wiseman J, Cole DJA - Zinc source influences zinc retention in hair and hairgrowth in the dog. J Nutr 1994; 124: 2575S-2576S.

14. Marsh KA, Watson TD – Zinc and linoleic acid containing food. International applica-tion published under the patent cooperation treaty: PCT/GB98/01719; 17December 1998.

15. Quoc KP, Pascaud M - Effects of dietary gamma-linolenic acid on the tissue phospho-lipid fatty acid composition and the synthesis of eicosanoids in rats. Ann NutrMetab 1996, 40(2): 99-108.

16. Sture GH, Lloyd DH - Canine atopic disease: therapeutic use of an evening primrose oiland fish oil combination. Veterinary Record 1995, 137 : 169-170.

17. Edney ATB, Smith PM - Study of obesity in dogs visiting veterinary practices in the UK.Veterinary Record 1986; 118: 391-396.

18. Hall EJ - The case of…the vomiting dog. Waltham Focus 2003;13 (1): 27-31.

19. Henroteaux M - Hereditary and congenital affections of the Domestic Carnivores:the pyloric sténose. Le Point Veterinary surgeon 1996.

20. Müller G - A paraître : Encyclopédie Royal Canin de la Nutrition Santé du Chien.21. Royal Canin - The White paper of the Craving in the dog and the cat 2001.

Promoting the hair’s natural beauty

Helping maintain an ideal weight


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22. Adams LG - Phosphorus, protein and kidney disease. Proceedings Petfood Forum1995: 13 -26.

23. Berendschot TT, Goldbohm RA, Klopping WA et al - Influence of Lutein Supplementation onMacular Pigment, Assessed with Two Objective Techniques. Invest OphthalmolVis Sci 2000; 41 (11): 3322-3326.

24. Christmas RE - Common ocular problems of Shih-Tzu dogs. Canadian VeterinaryJournal 1992; 33 (6): 390-393.

25. Fabries L - Racial arrhythmias and predispositions in the dog. Congress AFVAC ;62-63 Paris, France 2002.

26. Finco DR, Brown SA, Crowell WA et al – Effects of dietary phosphorus and protein in dogswith chronic renal failure. Am Vet Res 1992; 53: 157-163.

27. Freeman LM, Rush JE, Cahalane AK et al - Dietary patterns in dogs with cardiac disease.J Am Vet Med Assoc 2003; 223: 1301-1305.

28. Gale CR, Hall NF, Phillips DI et al - Plasma antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids and age-related cataract. Ophthalmology 2001; 108 (11):1992-8.

29. Grandjean D, Sergheraert R, Valette JP et al – Biological and nutritional consequences ofwork at high altitude in search and rescue dogs: the scientific expedition Chiensdes Cimes-Licancabur 1996. J Nutr 1998; 128: 2694S-2697S.

30. Hoppe A, Swenson L, Jonsson L et al - Progressive nephropathy due to renal dysplasia inShih-Tzu dogs in Sweden: a clinical pathological and genetic study. Journal ofSmall Animal Practice 1990; 31 (2): 83-91.

31. Innes J – Nutraceuticals in the management of joint disease. BSAVA Congress2001; Birmingham, UK: 261-263.

32. Jacques PF, Chylack LT Jr, Hankinson SE et al - Long-term nutrient intake and early age-relatednuclear lens opacities. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119 (7):1009-19.

33. McCarthy RA, Steffens WL, Brown CA et al – Effects of dietary protein on glomerular mesangialarea and basement membrane thickness in aged uninephrectomized dogs. CanJ Vet Res 2001; 65: 125-130.

34. Michell AR - Longevity of British breeds of dogs and its relationships with sex, size,cardiovascular variables and disease. Veterinary Record 2000; 14 (24): 695-696.

35. Ohara K, Kobayashi Y, Tsuchiya N, et al - Renal dysplasia in a Shih-Tzu dog in Japan,Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 2001; 63 (10): 1127-1130.

36. Orthopedic Foundation for Animals:

37. Osman HE, Maalej N, Shanmuganayagam D et al - Grape juice but not orange or grapefruitjuice inhibits platelet activity in dogs and monkeys. J Nutr 1998; 128 (12):2307-12.

38. Priester WA - Canine intervertebral disc disease; occurrence by age, breed, and sexamong 8117 cases. Theriogenology 1976; 6 (2/3): 293-303.

39. Schaffer SW, Ballard C, Azuma J et al - Mechanisms underlying physiological and pharmacological actions of taurine on myocardial calcium transport. In: HuxtableR et al editors. Taurine in health and disease. Plenum press, NYC, 1994: 171-178.

40. Slatter D - Breed predisposition to eye disease. Fundamentals of VeterinaryOphthalmology; 2nd Edition Saunders Company, 1990: 585-592.

41. Yogo T, Kudo S, Tsuchida S et al - Postoperative follow-up study of silicon intraocularprosthesis on 46 eyes in 42 dogs. Journal of the Japan Veterinary MedicalAssociation 2001; 54 (11): 847- 850.

42. Egelberg J - Local effect of diet on plaque formation and development of gingivitisin dogs. I. effect of hard and soft diets. Odont Revy 1965; 16: 31.

43. Gioso MA, Shofer F, Barros PS et al - Mandible and mandibular first molar tooth measurements in dogs: relationship of radiographic height to body weight. J VetDent 2001; 18 (2): 65-68.

44. Hamp SV, Olsson, Farso-Madsen K et al - A macroscopic and radiologic investigation ofdental diseases of the dog. Vet Rad 1984; 25(2): 86-92.

45. Harvey CE, Shofer FS, Laster L - Association of age and body weight with periodontaldisease in North American dogs. J Vet Dent 1994; 11(3): 94-105.

46. Isogail E, Fijii N et al - Inhibitory effects of Japanese green tea extracts on growth ofcanine oral bacteria. Department of preventive dentistry, Japan 1992, 11 (2); 53-59.

47. Loesche WJ - Ecology of the oral flora. In Newman and Nisengard (eds). Chp 25:Oral microbiology and immunology; Philadelphia, WB. Saunders, 1988.

48. Mellinger R - Hereditary and congenital affections of the Domestic Carnivores. Le Point Vétérinaire1996, special N° dentistry, 28 (118).

Slowing down the development of degenerative diseases

Slowing the development of dental plaque and tartar

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Amino acids: nitrogen-bearing molecules that are the building blocks of proteins. There are 22 amino acids,

10 of which are essential and so must be present in the dog’s foods

Atopy: hereditary predisposition to hypersensitivity to environmental antigens

Brachycephalic: type of dog whose head is short, wide and round, with a short, compressed muzzle

Ceramides: skin lipids necessary to the integrity of the outer layer of the epidermis

Chelate: compound formed by the ion bond between a molecule and its base; examples:

- calcium polyphosphate: the calcium is trapped by the polyphosphate molecule

- chelated zinc: the zinc is bonded with 1-3 amino acids

Chondroitin: natural cartilage extract. Its administration slows down the production of enzymes that cause

cartilage deterioration

Glucosamine: base element in the cartilage structure. It encourages the regeneration of cartilage by stimulating

the synthesis of its constituents

Keratin: main protein in the hair. A compound formed by 17 different amino acids, but very high in sulfur amino acids

(methionine and cystine)

Keratoconjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva (mucus covering the eyelids) and the cornea in the eye

Malocclusion: improper alignment of the upper and lower dental arcades

Nephron: functional unit in the kidney with filtering, secretion and reabsorption tasks leading to the formation of urine

Periodontal disease: attack on the supporting tissue of the tooth by bacteria in dental plaque

Polyphenols: vegetable substances (e.g. green tea polyphenols) that possess antioxidant proprieties utilized

in the fight against age-related ailments (e.g. cataract)

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: constituents of fats that contribute to the beauty of hair and skin, a well balanced nervous system,

immune reactions etc. They are found in vegetable oils (corn, soy) or animal oils (fish) and poultry fat

- Linoleic acid: unsaturated fatty acid; precursor of all omega 6 unsaturated fatty acids

- Arachidonic acid: exclusively animal unsaturated fatty acid (omega 6 series). Precursor of inflammation mediators

- Gamma linolenic acid (GLA): unsaturated fatty acid (omega 6 series) that contributes to hair sheen and skin

suppleness; abundant in essential oil

- EPA/DHA: omega 3 long chain fatty acids that possess an anti-inflammatory power; abundant in fish oils

Sodium polyphosphate: antitartar agent that traps the salivary calcium

Recessive: genetic trait expressed only when two chromosomes carry an identical gene

Seborrhea: increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, accompanying various dermatoses

Taurine: sulfonated amino acid that remains in a free form. A constituent of the retina that is essential

to the heart function, it also possesses an antioxidant power

Xanthophyll (pigment): e.g. lutein and zeaxanthine, pigments of the carotenoid family, abundant in the retina.


Page 31: Shih Tzu Breed Technical Brochure


A history of commitment to developing knowledge and respect for the needs of small, medium and large breeds.

1967: Launch of ROYAL CANIN by a veterinarian

1980: Launch of the first growth food for large breed puppies (AGR)

1988: Launch of the veterinary ranges

1990: Launch of the first diets to respond to the diversity of dog size (RCCI)

1997: Launch of the Size Nutrition program based on the dog’s age, activity, and size

1999: Launch of:• Starter, a unique kibble based weaning diet for dogs• A sporting dog diet (Energy 4800™)• A veterinary diet for the nutritional management of

osteoarthritis in dogs (Mobility Support JS 21)

2000: Launch of a diet for giant breed dogs (Giant Adult 28™)

2001: Launch of a range of 13 veterinary diets (V Diet) including 2 hypoallergenic diets in Europe

2003: Launch of:• Foods just for small breed dogs (MINI Canine Health

Nutrition™) and Yorkshire Terriers (Yorkshire Terrier 28™)• Foods just for large breed dogs (MAXI Canine Health

Nutrition™) and breed specific foods (Labrador Retriever 30™ and German Shepherd 24™)

• Eight formulas dedicated for Professional Canine Breeders (Canine PRO )

2004: Launch of:• Foods for medium breed dogs (MEDIUM Canine

Health Nutrition™) including Bulldogs (Bulldog 24™)• Small breed specific foods (Chihuahua 28™ and Poodle 30™)• Food for very young large breed puppies

(MAXI Babydog 30™)• The first full line of therapeutic diets to help manage allergic

skin disease including canine atopy (Limited IngredientDiets, Hypoallergenic and Skin Support formulas)

2005: Launch of:• Small breed specific foods (Dachshund 28™ and

Shih Tzu 24™)• Food for Boxers (Boxer 26™ )• A specialized formula, HT42d, for the reproductive bitch• The first veterinary diet for the nutritional management of

osteoarthritis specifically for large breed dogs (Mobility Support JS 21 Large Breed)

2006: Launch of small breed foods (MINI Beauty 26™, MINI IndoorAdult 21™ and MINI Dental Hygiene 24™)

2007: Launch of:• MINI Toy Indoor Adult 25™• MINI Indoor Puppy 27™• Miniature Schnauzer 25™ • Golden Retriever 25™

2008: Launch of:• Cocker Spaniel 25™

2009: Launch of:• Pug 25™

2010: Launch of:• Chihuahua Puppy 30™• German Shepherd Puppy 30™• Labrador Retriever Puppy 33™• Yorkshire Terrier Puppy 29™

A history of innovation at Royal Canin

Page 32: Shih Tzu Breed Technical Brochure

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