Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1900-02-23. · Depoa!ts and Collection! solicited Satisfaction...

tHFNANUOAH HtRALD ".VOOOSXOOI-C *STJh. l-R.OAY FEB J Jd rf 900. I ;j fe red at the Pogt Offloe, at Wood stock. Vs., as second- -la*, matter. g. D. M.watan, Pres. a. Coff maa, Casb'r The Shenandoah County Bank Organised, 1871. Re-Organiied 1898. De poa! ts and Collection! solicited Satisfaction guaranteed. Discount Rate Six Per Cent. 'j I. TniPLn-rPr-jg. K.M. Last2. Vice Pres Merchants snd I armer*.' Bank. WWDSTOCK, VIRGINIA. DIRECTORS: W. C. Lents. J. H. Hepner, G. W. Minnlck j. H. Ruby and E. P. Koonta. Tatinsir A Bacsirmas, Attys, Account* gol (cite**! and test eeeotnmodatit ns guaranteed. Houra 9 to S, D. P. MAGRUDER. CAgn'n. Special Rates. ?hk following spec'al rate! ok a.dvertibiso will bk insisted upon: Obituary notices: 50 lines free, over 90 linea, £ ctun uei mic, inc is?u i" auui pan? the cony. Tributea of Respect by secret ordei Sundav schools. Ac, 5 cents per line. Notice! of festivalg by churches, barr .u other aasuci-itions and all notices meetings for the purpose of making nv ey, fire cents per line. GBXBKAL LOCAL NEWS. Dried beef sliced to order, W H. R odeff- It ls late in the season, but there ai gome prospective wedding! still in gii*h J. W. Zirkle has boen appoint*. poatmaiter, at Forestville, in this count; Maur pcreons begin to haye faith i tbe ground hog'g prgHliction. A Br om Factory Is in successful op erailou al Forestville. The nobbiest tins of shoes in town at Locke Ic is now slated that the Gem Fur nace at Shenandoah City .wi!! go int blast not later than March 1st We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. f Steigel, ot Harrisonburg,continues verj gick, with BO hopeg of recovery. The United Brethren Conference wi] nieet in Harrisonburg Wednesday March 21st. Wash boards 15c. W. H. Kupffer. Parties wishing to rent a degirabls horns in the country.ghould read the ad vertlgement of P, X. Hoorer, in anothe: column. DeWitt's Witch Haael Salve Ison equalled for pile., iajurieg and .kin dis eases. It is the original Witch Haze Salve. Beware of all counterleits. L. R Irwin. The high windg that prevailed alon£ Ute Xortb mountain section of the county drifted he snow aoibadly in the roadg as to in* kc tht tn impassible in place! except by ihoveling through. Dried peaches isclb at Locke's. Tho flrgt merry tinkle of sleigh helli weie heard ou our gtreetg for this win¬ ter last Saturd y. The gnow, however, was not good for sleighing and the muglc. of the bel? so>n died away. The reign of the ground hog ora- mencsd last Friday about G a. m. when snow began to fall and continued until Z p. m. Saturday. About 20 inches of anew fell. W, S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says. "DtWte'l Little Early RUers did me more good than any pille 1 ever took." The famoug little pills for COBStlpatlop, biliougne!»g and liver and bowel troub¬ le!. LR. Irwin. New Spring goods at Locke's. Our people are now importing corn Into the Shenandoah Valley The dronth lagt gummar eut the crop fully one-half and many are raising large numbers of stock. The Front Roytl Furniture ,Factor\ , an establishment that hag been closed for a long time, hag .been gold to North Carolina partial and will be put in op¬ eration in a short time. I pey Sc lb. for lard. W.H. Rodeffer- Mr. Ed. Williams, ons of our Main gtreet bisckgmitii'g, had the big toe ol bis right foot painfully mashed U»t Thurgday bi a bergs which he wai !hoeing tramping ou in I*. fj'-ranges and lemont at Glenn L<xkt's. Z lu spite of the very bsd weather, t good audience were present to hear thr excellent lecture ot Dr. Quarlea, ol Washington end Lee University, de¬ livered before the g'.udems of tht M agaa nu tte n Academy. Mrg. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton. Ts., writes, 'I think DeWitt's Wild Hazel Salve the granest galve made.' It eurea piles and heals everything. Al fraudulent imitations are worth lg s.s. L R. Irwin. Tbs Masganutten Academy of tin* place under the prlncipalship af Kev Garrison hag an increased number ol pupils. The prospect for next year, w. are Informed ii very flattering even ai thia early date. Fairy soapi cakes 5c Bf H. Kodefft-r The new bnsinesg direetoiy of Har rigenburg hgg had the back torn off ass t he insideg pulled out by the ikSj iiit li the Valley" newgpaper of that town g- Gee whis !** but brotber Lewis doe.** o for lt. Mr. R. D. Grsb.ll. merchant abipped slO dozen fresh egg! this morning big lot tor a gingie ihipment..New Msiket Valley. Mr. GrabiU's hem must be Lesrly gi fresh. John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind. says, 1 novar used anything as good ag Om Minute Cough Cure. We aro never without lt.* Quickly breaks up cough* and colds. Cures all throat and hun, troubles. Its use will prevent consump- lion, fleaesnt to take. L. R Ii win- At 8 o'clock on the morning of Feby ] .uh, fifteen yea.-! ago. the thsrmometoi at the lesiskuce of Mr. Joseph Frsvel. on east Court street, reglgUred ten degrees below aero. For a good man) yean asst February baa been giving u* rn tood deal of extremely cold weather. The connection now made at Stra buig Junction by the Southern and th B. A O. K K., has proved invaluable t the traveling public, the inconvenienci |e*SSJs*t] lay the prior arrangement hiv iaeeSplf become unbearble. The Orange Obterrer is Just nincteei yeara old and ye! lt ha* thg sage wisdon of an octogenarian, and tbs spright linesg of a malden of i*weet sixteen. What Bro. Robinson cannot tell you o the arts snd miseries of married life, nt other old bachelor can. Bishop Gran berry will dedicate the Methodist church, South, at White Fost, Clarke county, Va., Sunday Feby *2">tb. The choir of the Methodic church at Front Royal, will ItiriiMi gpeelal music for ihe occasion. The hestse *>t wm-hip. is a \eiy hanosome buiidieg. 4 bad djapepsls lor years* Ifo Bsedi< cine srai so effective a? Kodol Djspepsls Cure. It gats immediate relief. Two bottles produced marvelous results.' writes La ll. Warren, Albany, Wis. I1 digest! What you eat and cannot fal' to cure. L. K. Irwin. Mr. (Bas. E. Keller, an employe of the Southern Railroad at the freight depot in Harrisonburg, got his hand caught between the hampers while coupling cars, on Finlay last, and hui one of his Mulcts flBBShed to a jelly, besides receiving painful injuries lo other parts of his hand Banar as ; tor ac, eel B. S Sweet potatoes 33c peck. Heirn pickles -,c dosen, ? ceas tomatoest*.r i W ll KuJetTer. The telephone line to Oranda will sosstrJetod as 1000 sa the Breather w- permit The line from Strasburg Lebanon will he made a multiple lin arith brsnebea extending to Orando t the hark rt ad and probably down fl road to connect wiiha line runnii through Frederick comity to Wliiche ter. Geo. Barbe. Mendota Va., say .Nothing did me BO much ^ood a* Kod Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved rn a few hi ttlea cured me.' It digests whi yon eal snd alway- cure*, dyspepsia. 1 It. Itu in. Under* i gt Glenn 1 >%¦ i Mr. B Y. Borden is connecting h gtsve factories in Page and Warre counties hy telephone. We arep mud t ¦av Mr, Borden is a Shsuandosli ma aol <>iia nf tin' mnel enterprising th ol l co iiiry ita ever turned « r ll«* i |ttst as straight as a string, a full of good qualities an egg is j meat. 'I had bronebitia every winter years and no medicine gave me p rum neut relief till I begaa to take Oil' Minute Cough (ure. 1 know it i.» th lough medicine made,' sayg .1 Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly curei coughs, col is, asthma, gripp* snd throat and lung troubles, lt is th« children'! favorite remedy. Cures quick ly. I. R. I mn lu. Fire wood has lee nie sn lmportan article willi the people ol town, and they are not as careless shout the quan¬ tity ami quslity aa they once wen* Manv of them have taksn to ranking uj snd measuring 'ie wood they buy, am it will not be long belora the troo* buyeis will bc thoroughly posted on tht wood haulers. liig bargains :r, ladies i!:i-» . T. (j I. 'After doetoifl failed to cure DM "I pneumonia I used Ore Minute Cough Cure and th res bottle! ofll cured me. lt Ia also thc best remei y ou earth for whooping; cough, lt cared my grand* children ol the worsl cases,' write! Jno, Berry, Logptnton, Pa. lr i> the only harm lest remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, cfoup snd throat and lung trouble! It prevei tl consumption. Children always like it. Mothers endorse it. L. R- Irwin. Rice >c lb. at Locke's. The Seventh Annual Farmer sin* «.titute will ba held at Winchester March tlie 19th and 14th. Interest in these meetings has so Increased that last year tile hall would *>carecly hold the people A very interesting program Is being pic- pared for this lession. Commissioner Koiiur is taking special interest, and he and several yther prominent speakers will bs iu attendance. We have received from Mr. I). W. Copenhaver. of Caleary an Itemised ac¬ count of all the hofi lu* lui* butchered this season, the names of the owner* and the weight of each one's pork. The poor wOge that Mjuraled theil la.»t under Doc'g murderous knife numbered 7* and their aggregate weight was 2u,427 lbs. Doc. understand! the 1 iciness square through, and tlie people of Calvary and throughout the .-urround- Ing count; y know this* henc» thc larys number who employsd bim. Prunes *i lb. If they don't pl.ase you bring them buck um' get your mom y Koile'ter. The large tannery of F. P. Cover J Iton. Btowutown, Warren county, a few miles south of Front Hoya!, lia* gu*pended work on aeeouol of the ex¬ haustion of .he bark supply. Tim e*- tablishujent has been in active opera¬ tion for more than twent)-live years. and besideg giving employment toa arge number of persons has distributed a great deal of money through that iee> lion. The cloting of thia large industry .rill be severely felt iu thut section We hope it will only be for a short while "A Country Visitor*" with a good band ^sve a very enjoyable entertain neut at Irwin's Hall on Thursday nlgl t >f hut week to a fair audience. Tbs street performance hr the hand g*re**»' ! exHgaieraled 'hay seeds*' wac full of am, especially the part taken bf thc rick bicycle rider, whose antics on the wheel were really wonderful. The com¬ pany made a big migtake by raising the price of their admigsiou the day they {Ot here, and making no distinction he tween resetved seats and the other parts <f the hall. Many persons refused to be tricked in that way, rightfully claim¬ ing that fifty cents wag too much for the rear aeats. The two Morrison brothers, t f Win¬ chester, who were tried in Romney, Hampshire county, W. Va., for the rob¬ bery at' ihe muzzle of tbe revolver of old man Cooper, of that county, of $300, have been aentenced to ten years in the W. Ta., penitentiary, the lowegt sentence they could get under the law. Along with their accomplice, Anderaon, another Winchester young man, who also got ten years for the sams crime, have elieadv commenced their long term within gloomy walls of the Mounds- ville penitentiary. Much sympathy ii expressed for these young ladg who are fi om very respectable families in Win* chester, but they doubtless did not get s day more Utan they deserved, j kfl PERSONAL. Warden Fravel who was ipiiteill wit *. quinsy is abie to he om again- I f Rs?* Dr. P. I). ntnphegisnB aili preac; |*B tue Methodic' clinch BOXl bunda; i nitfbt. , Burns Mi ley returned froru Alle^hanj . City Bast we> k, stiffen iii* from typhon fever. ;, Mrs. Lucy Smith, of Broadway, ii visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jacol < dow ar, of north stsis *treet* Mr. Chas. Shaffer, a well kBOWB'yOQBJ man of this place, went to I'ittshug last weet, where he expect! to secure em- ployment< liev W. J. Cocke. pastor ofthe Chris timi than di here, has been assisting Ref. Mr. Hatcaker in a protracttd meeting ar StfatBborga Mr. and Mrs. Pete V»w, of M uirer- f.wn. were the gue.ts of his sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barr, of south Muhleubtirg street, Ihtl week. Dr. Dan Busbong, of Jefferson county. W. Va., was here this week on a visit to !.i- pareats, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bttshong, and other relatives- Mrs. Henry Magruder returned Tues¬ day from a visit to relatives in Frederick county and Winchester Dr. d. L. Campbell returned from Wine hester the first of this week after spending some days with friends in that city. Kev. 1'. W. Wisman has so far recover- ed from big recent injury, a badly c foot, p e to i,e about again. afr*W.T. Williams was confined the house several days this week 1 illness. Mrs. David Lichliter and her neic Mr*. W. C. Ford, left Wedneeda""1 mor lng for Utltiniore to visit the lattei nether, Mrs. Klla Heller. We are informed that Mr. Will Lac '.»f this place, has salisted inti United States Anny, sod will pro t to thc PhiUppiaes* Mrs. Jue. Lewis accompanied by bl little son has been visiting ber parenti Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hem of near (jj burg. Mrs. Milton Ridenour, of P Fort, continues to improve, bal fer slowly, from her long and severe illms: We are glad to learn that Mrs. Di Chas. Sa^'er, Of Tom's Brook, who! serioui illness with pneumonia was mei tioned in our last week's issn- what improved, sad the prospect for be rec ivory is decidedly Netter now than bal been at any time since her ill Bl sumed a grave character. Mrs* Jcs II* isliman, of Mt. son. is \i*utii c ber parents, Mr. ant Mrs. Milton Yeller, near town. Mi**s Clara Hamman return lew «lays ago froni a visit nf *-*-\err\ weeks to relatives in Ml. JaekaoB. ST. DAVID'S NEWS. Thc present !now fo led i "*« od man* people who hsd made up tln-ir mindi thai we were not to haye any tins winter, we got it at Isat. A goodly number ara still cngai the tie business. If there should bel realization of the much talked of rall road, and it should be built through tht Fort, they would have to get their tic? from f»oine other section than this. Mrs. David Shipe, better known Bl /'Aunt'' Hann di. Beena! tobe much com* | plaining of late* Walter X. Shipe speat part of Issi with his Uncle, Robert Shipe sad family. Some of,,ur men t:tIk eery itrongly ol going to Weal Viiginla, to secure work l imc tims lietween now and Spring, Thc firm of J. S. Barr A: Co., seem! lo changed somewhat, the company now being G. 1.. Oolladty, Instead of C. M. (iolladay, as heretofore. Rev. John Clanahan will build a new- burn this Spring. M. M. McClanahan is to do the sawing f»r him. Kev. "tl. L. Carpenter was unable to fill his regular appointment Bl Mt. Zion Issi Sunday on account ot bad weather, We learn thal Rev. J. W. Hansen- Huck preached hi< farawell seraon :it St, David's church the lecos 1 Sunday of this month. We have not heard who will bc his raeeessbr. I would think the aexl wedding party who have wine or other food things with them will keep b closer wah-h on it than the party did at the Cross Hoads on the 11th. 1 reckon Rob wan the happy fel¬ low that day. G. II Bhips expe< I to build a row barn this Bummer WC understand- Mr. Olinger will do the work. H.-is also tht Contractor for the (/lanallan barn BOOVC mentioned. Pani Rinker and F. II. Oolladay have 1*9000 plastering laths tor sale The public s* hool ot Pine Hill, which i! under thc management of Mr- Eugene Munch. Bf ctn- lo bc getting along nicely, except the small attendance. Why have we not a law to compel children to attend school f Surely if the State has a right to tax us to pay for the educating of oth¬ er people's children, why ha- shs not thc light to compel those children to attend these sch'X'ls. Some people don't know a good thing when they BBS it. Whi ie fault would it be if we should have DO school next wiaterf Of ooarss these neglcgcnt people would he the Hrs! lo blame those who sent their children thi.- winter. We have a certain das. ot i>eraons who never take ml'. antes** <>f anything. Never go to achoo*, never aend their children. ¦ 1ri even attend church. Bock people g desalt te *{et in ont of thc rain. I lit¬ hest thing they can du is to just atop down and out and thus make room for better and Blore BaaOfnlpeople. ]< bb Bi hroo<.hes in nil the newest denign. at Mc* (leiiahan's. Prices 15c np. Mr. J. B. Wilson, of Winchegter, wa. hadiy hurt one night last week. Hs wa¬ rbling rall wheel on his way heme, and In decending a hill near htra-duieg bi¬ ran into a toll-gate pole that had been lowered across1 the pike. He received a feat ful blow and laid In the road un. conscious several hours. Is there any hog cholera about ? It so, send 00 cents quick lor Biggie .swine Book, published by Wilmer Atkiiise)u Co. t Philadelphia, It will help sick heida aud keep well ones wall. Girls, if a young- man asses you to take's ride, see that he uses good harness, such as is made by J. A. Dysart a Co. Thoa, who ua« cheap hemlock harness risk their own lives and those ol their sweethearts. Viol'. Hi rill.-r and his little da*]<"liter expect to give a musics concert at Forestville. Those who have never bert rd Miss Lelia play Jon the violin will certainly enjoy the ojij-ortunity. - Wm. wera. R. Il TWO CA5E5 DISPOSED OF. nil affaii: Wilt. PKOIIAIII.V Bl AI* justed io mi: BAltSFAi mon Of HoTI! TAIITIKS. On la*t Saturday two eaVff*| I hBiging 'j the Southern Rjilwav with violating StrS off the fawn rsMlnsrieea. arhleh n tVifSgfta traills f om running through thu cor* porate limits at a greater rate of apeed than «ix nils* per hour Bras called and fried before Mayor K-defter. In one cage a fine of rive dollars with eSSCS WSB imposed. In the other case, the Mayor with the eonssnl of the cor¬ poration attorney dismissed the cage. It sppears that this ordinance wa* pa*sed in 1871. Heretofore lt hal not been enfoiecd, and as we all know, nearly all trams have regularly violated itt provisions. Complaint having been made by the Sergeant of thef orpoiation. warrants were issued and the cases weie tried. The railroad Company since the warrants were servtd have complied wifh the law. The effect has been atjcfa that the people ot the town are heartily ashamed of having any Sttoh law upon their statute books, and petitions nuun*r- ously signed asking the Connell to repea! the law, will be presented at their next meeting. The Council, we have no doubt, will either repeal the law entire¬ ly or so modify it that it trill not in- convenience me company or the tray ling public. A speed of fifteen or t set mile6 would be less dangerous than speed of «ix miles which permits sm children to jump on and oflt Be cart, they please. In aaanv lespccts the Interests of t towri and railway are mutual, a hannon** of action will benefit bot The town de-ires to get all they c tn m the railway and the railway,^ ate -ure, want! te ti t all they can Ire th** town. Bf acting together, they * both add lAthftjrown pivaiM-ritv. THE WEATHER BUREAU- Thc weather this winter ha« br. playing s*nvne pranks upon the ofllcia of toe weather bureau. After the ino careful olwrvation* and calculation the prognostication* were Beni 90l the public, and for a period of ion dsyi the weatheri bstinately rafnsed l»e governed by thi* accnuimodatit bureau, but in a *-j»ir»r ol ohgtinac gina shed sll inc probabilities In imitheraens. When the Bureau had a ranged for fair Breather, without th least not gnow storm >»-f in and coi tinned f i rs preclpitsi SO inches of snow. Then the Bureau. I a spirit ol commlsseration, *"«...'*. wanner weather on Monday and Ti* diir. bul a* :f t<> mock af a'l his CB tions the temperature tenaciously "Jun to tero and sven went the degreea bi low. On TsaSsday we were to hsv warmer weather with increasing c nest, bul now. Tue. lay si IO a. m. ttl* sun it ginning with the brilliancy < f mid summer day. We Bra not finding fault with th weather bureau, because we bellsve it i a go<»d thing and itt warnings are ofie both eerreel and useful, but we Jiu want to show how perverse the weathe . an be when it take a notion. We Don't Want lt.. We received from a mlnigter cf th gospel, i few days ago, an Item to flu effect that he had brought suit in .*. tain circiiic court for a divorce fruin h:i wife, ile gsve tbe cause of tbs mit bim -dd "the divorce cass promiss! f li tin- mott sensational in the histoiy «. the court,1* and added**Don*i fear tc publish this, it ii all true, lend toe i lisper."" Thil *ah« followed in a lea i ij | by a petal card, asking ug net publish the Item as he and bil wife had mada up. The peatal card was Bltosjether un* aeeessary, ag we do not fill tiie Heralij with divorce it* in-.. Fire at Nev* Market. The residence ot ll. White William- sou, Eg'jr., of New Market wa- dix over- f 1 to be huming la»t Thursday evening about k. The Ure ilepsvittnenl re- snooded promptly to tbe cad and b> tbe uio-t heioic . floris gavra the building. The hottss wa- c. istderabl? damaged and nundi of the furniture inplied. The !¦»«« whhh i* estimated at $1." i> Covered bj insurance. HOW'S THIS ? We oiler One Hundred Hollars Re¬ ward for any elie of Catarih that can aol be eared by Hair- I atarrh < tors F. J ( ii kn kv .\ < <>., Toledo* 0. We, the und.ti-igiii d. have known F. J. (heney for the last 1"* )«at-. and be> ItefS him perfectly honorable in all business transaction- .'md financially ;ttile to rarry out any obligations made by that firm West gt Titian, vTboleaals Drue*j0ste, Toted*, O. Widdin, Kilman at 'Marvin, "A hoitjsale Dragglsts, Toledo, u. Hall's Catarrh Cure i- fake intel nally. acting directly upon thc blood and mucous surface, of the system. Testi¬ monials sesil free. Prise 7**c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hali*. Family Pilli are tlu* best. WANTED. A good lionet and intelligent "r iitvout IS or l" >'. u- old to learn drtag hii-ine--. Vor further iiif-iiuatiou ap¬ ply to ilKHAM>Otllcc. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. ¦The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Vig.iatu.-o of KoM><mI the) Grate's A -tartling inrideut, of whiah Mi John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the <*ubject, iii narrated by him as follow-: "I wagin s most dreadful condition. My -kin wag almost yellow, ryon giinkeu, tongue coated, pain continually in back and iMea, no appetite-.gradually grow¬ ing weaker day by day. Ttireee phy¬ sicians had given SSS up. Fortimat*'iy. a friend advited trying 'Klecfnc Bitter-.' and to my great Joy and giirprise, the Hrst bottle made a decided improve nient. I continued tlielr use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know they fiaved my life, and mhl*ed the giave of another victim." Noone shon.ii fail to tr> them. Only 50 cts.. guarnteed at B. *»¦ Innitt'*¦ Drug .Store. Tbe prettiest line of Sterling Silver, Railed 1'late, (luld Filled sn.l Solid Gold brooches, at Met lanallan s, Court St. Mr. Haas.Mrs. Logan. Ycgfarday (Th irsday), the 15fh ingt., at threeo' Mr. Tatfourd X. Haag and Mrs. Bettie M. Logan were united in marting*- at the residence of the bride's ftther on South Main, tbs Rsv. J R. Andrew, cf the M. E. Church, South, performing the ceremony. The marriage was quite a quiet affair, only a few of the relativea and mogt in¬ timate friend, being present. The brjde wag handgomely attired In a gray tailor mad** gulf, and carried a large boqttot of violets tied with violet ribbons. The only affendaiir wag Mist .Jennette Summer«ou, ol'Staunton, who woiepink organdy over gilk, aud car- cried Mme Teston! rogeg. Tlie parlor Bras beautifully decorated with pslmg and lighted with caudle!. The presents Wera numerous and verv beautiful. The bride and groom left on Hie Southern for Xew Orleans, where they will ,t.iy until after "Madri Gras" week. Tin* bride ll a daughter of our towns¬ man, Mr George O. Conrad, and ia a young lady of culture and with a lovely disposition that has won for her many friend*. Mr. Haa», tba groom, i*» one of our best bnatnsSB men, and lg exceed¬ ingly popular. He is a mi mber of the law firm of Yancy tl Haas, snd enjoyg a lucrative practice. Mr. and lairs. Haag will be absent about two weeks on their trip. Spirit of the Valhy. a . . ALMOST A PANIC. I Nature's Remedy Company £ave free concert at Irwin'g Hall, on la Monday night. Just before the pe form ** was to begin, smoke wag di sovered pouring Into the hall bon l>« hind the wsshbonrd. Some Indlserei person irave the alarm of lire and in very few second- there was a great hui bub. LsdlSS fainting, men gtruggling I gel out and >toiu men holding the doc shill to prevent greater diluter on th outside were Hie striking features o the occasion. After the e*s*eiteinenl sri wag learned that the chiuine from T- I*. Locke*! eton wa* burulu; Snd the smoke escaped from tin btirnin, chimney into the hail. Had the crow* been permitted to rush ont of the hall there woul probably have Leen ivorl enough for all the gorgeous of th town and neighborhood. SIRASIUK'i NEWS, Tuesday morning Keb. goth ooldei morning of tin- winter so far. at lea* thc th*: momcterg so n sistered, ai-o tin ..bili and shiver thal crept np the iplna column of the average petf.*J*J*en eon rohorated Ihe «.i ni»*. Rei L. L Smith, preached a* neus morning and night from Iii- pulpit ll trie Lutheran church on Sunday last st tent!ve snd Interested congregation. Al the night «crvices, notice w'-J Riven OUl for the gpecisl lenten -ervices to begin t I lay after Ash VTednesdaf. Two services daily and continnlng tm- tl K .-. Sunday when the extra special and sublime Esster Service., will h«* celebrated In ali their full ami impressive fest tu The announcement in las! week's psper a* to 'hr resignation of our pres* ent County Sup'l of Schools, -em-to be pn mature, the County Sup'! know* nothing}>f lt, tv scertainlty. And it ig My the wish which is father to the thought, that he -le ii d gtep down and out .md give - dc other fellow a change that gave ri-e t«, the report. Thu**ads*j Feb. 113d wag observed by (In- pupils o! the public -'hools in this by the reading if cs-ay* upon the life and tirnei of-The Father of his i oiintry." several of the "tots," did not fail to hiing in the little SpiSOtJS ot Geo *e with his hatchet and the cherry tree. Thc oldei -. bo ars of tin- female. p.-r-ua.-io,,. quite naturally were mon- interested in thsl period nf thc brave General*! lib*, when he was vanquished by and surrendered to the charm* ot' the wilow Custis, Tis like thc girl you know- Full may B gem uf purest ray aeoured. The dark unfathomed cave! <d cean bear. Full many a man wbOBS health is not insured. Just waste! bil life upon the desert air. lt i- probable mat all the past chan¬ cellor 'ominauder.-, and many of lbs Sir Knight- of W titer Scott Lodge, No. 7V K. of I*, of thi* placr. w ll attend the lessioa of thc Grand Lodge of the order, which convenes in Wim hester on TusB> daj Peb. Md. That '».« If-prega-rration i* the tlrst iaw of nature,' no one appreetatSS tno-e than our pop.dar Sandy Honk friend, Mr John L. Ctterback. .John ha.* wi*elr forestalledadiseass,snd robbed it of half j- terrors, br scouring a Health Policy from a. Redfern A Bon, 'agents for the **ei urity Trust and Health Insurance Co.. ot Philadelphia, Pa. Several of our prominent Republican friend- 'ti* said, trill attend tbe meets ing of thc State Bepubllean Convention w Idell will hold its session in the city of Norfolk, Tuesday Apiil lom for the election of delegates to thc National Re¬ publican Convention to be held in Philadelphia, June luth, K'OO, HORSES AND CATTLE are more -ubjeet to I)i.*ea-e just now than at any time during tbe year ansi it is all tbe tnorv important that you shall have good and reliable medicine. "Wagner*! Bailable Hores and Cattle Powden*1 ere tba only positive OOh\U and KKMKl'Y for Horse or Colt's dis¬ temper, Lung Fever, Pneumonia. Kidney obstruction*. Hack or Loin troubles.. Cough, Worm*, Los, ol' Ap¬ petite, i4c, They will increa*e the milk supply and keep HorsSS and Cattle slwsya in good condition. Sold by Ed. Maukui'IR at Lie par box. Do You Love You Wrlfe ? If go,don't risk bet lift-by usir.K a fae ton¬ ie, rule, hemlock leather, cheep get nf harness that <«n be bong ht any where for a few oenta lens tana a food home made oak tanned leather harness .an bc purchased at the first :t>s barneaa ttora .>( J A. Dvnart A Co., -..<K-k. Va. I lint i iu-i>iii»iiiu 11 oad h<* lie* ifould quickly leave you, if you used I>r. Ki nj'** Jfa%f Life IMIIt. Thousand! alsusTerers have proved their match- less merit for Sick and Nervous Head¬ aches. They make pure blood and sfl*0***J"! serves and build up votir health. Ea«y to take. '1 ry them. Only 25 cents. Monty back if not cured. Sold by B. Schmitt, Dru^ist. o a. BT*rm.ijT*. xjlZ . tem the /*.'..*"J ' w fcis Alwars 8-^ti Sig astor, af VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. E. -?« Will,. Veterinary "Surgeeo. will lye at Shenandoah House, at every court. All diseases of domesticated ant mais ft ca tnt. by the latest approved en thod-. ti. CASTORIA. Bean tia) /J Ba, Bbb VM lg Alwirt JtSfst ^<ZeltftiE& Coil ! Coal! Ab there will probably be a consider¬ able advance in the price of coal, I would adviae my customers to purchase tluii coal at once* Orders can now be promptly Hilo J. ii. B. cu ar ma jr. OBITUARY. REV. HKNRY8T. JOHJt RINKER. Kev. Henrr St. John Kiuker, sou of Janot nod Mary Rinker, whs boru la Woodstock, Shenandoh county. Va., on the 28th day of February. IMO. Ile wa* bapti/el in early lahtner, .hy Kev. Geortje Reidy, and contii October 29th, 1887, by it *v. Jacob F. Dieflenbacher. During the year \>?,l and K>."> he at¬ tended the high * hool tr York, Pa. In 18*17, we timi him al IfercerslMrg, Ps., s in*-ruber of the freshmsn slats In Mitrghall College, it was his purpose to rake s full collegiate course, hut lick** negg and other reason! prevented. On Ut* 7th of July, 1840, hs sras unit¬ ed in marriage tn Vi-- Mary Fravel. daughter of Jonathan and Miry i'ravel. ThU matrimoiial union wai Messed withl3 children, nine gong .-.nd wo daughters are living, two having died lu inffh ney-. On rhe IMtli of Mav. HU. he wag or¬ dained to the saeredoffice ofthe min i«try, in what wai thea known a* Zion'a ?.burch, loeatad live nnies southwest ol Bdlnburffi now known .i» St. John*! "Shortly after big ordinari in he was in. stalled psaftor over tbs **M;I1 Creek Charge," which wa*. In thst day. eoov posed of Zion's, -St. Jacob's, Pine, j Columbia Furnace, Union Forge, Ka- der'a and Solomon', congregations* Her. Rinker wag trulv an indefatigable worker. lia was almost constantly in the paddle, visiting ths sick, burying the j dead, and looking :iffer the careless and the indifferent members, of hil flock. So continuously was he on the go, that .nos! of bli itudjrlng wsi dons on horse-1 back, and at broken moments. Kev. Rinker continued to Isbor In lils, bis Ant shargSi for a period of-JS rears. j I tn ion. nev. i.itiKer received a eal |t from the howittville .liaise in Loudon county, Va He began hil labor her. on the tat *f February, and ronimuec to serve this peopla acceptably for li ye:ir> and aire months. A- n paster he r\ \$ faithful, pt h-nt and tympatheflC.a wise eoimselor, fearless io rebuke sud adtuoiil-li when talon demanded, and yet siwa* the spirit of love. In lise social elide he wai cheerful, pleasant and communicative. Ile was Htated Clerk of the Virginia Claasii tor m re tfiat a quarter of ;, CentUSiy; and foi the satin- length of tlui" filled the otb ..¦ of Pre i- irer He frequently represent! d h ic ssit on the floor of the District Synod, ami on several occasions was a delegate to <i**neral Synod. The last rim.' bs sppesred 0:1 the floor of th* Synod ofthe Potomac wa¬ in iu I*-.!***, winn it met in Woodstock His heart's de>ir-- wss '.<. mee" md greel his brethren In tbe ministry once mwre before lie closed hi- ey< - iu death. Slowly sud feebly h** walked lip the sisle of the chut1 non hi* MMl'l arin, and as he d the (chancel railing the entire Synod m- I voluntarily ross to it- feet, when Dr. I.nplev. the oldest membei of the body, sod "abo wa* a gtudent nker at Ifercersbiirg, Intro luced ihe father with ft eling Tile nccie ne r ,1 my .-lu ck.* were moistcm I wit the ti syuip ithy. Iii*, funeral took pl February 2d. at "2 o'clc* k. and \\ ted by Kev. X. il ^a\ - -. who based I mark- I Timothy I: 7-^. Thc fol* wing minister! wi n il listed in the - rvicei ¦ Dr. J. A. nort¬ herns aad Rev H. Diti dc- livered brief snd appropri ite ad Iressets, Ri \*. J. FI. Hsrner, J. *- J. B. Stonesifer, I. 1. Lsni|>e, J. Calvin Bolger. E. P. Sky les, ol Berlin, Pa., and of o:her chu relic-*: Revs. P. Stephenson, snd VV. li >rd, ofthe Pregtgyterian church; A A. J, Bu thong, ef the Lutheran church; D. II. Rhodes, ul the Christian chinch; and K. B. Shaver, of thc (.ennui Baptist chimb. His njlnlsteiial brethren u bore the venera Me father's body to t and gsntiy laid it betide the body ot* his wife, and now unitedly they - eep the sh-ep of death. s a .- 11 here, bleat - JHis The morning r A . SLa . .c. V a :a N' .11 > MAPLE GROVE NEWS. Unite a number of per! .'- enj the goo 1 drifting gnow Sal lay and Sunday. The .old weather ha* put a check on the maple sugar industry. Charlie »ayi ha a*n't need any more sugar a- he lg tweet enough. Mr. [sase Figgans paid Maple Grove a visit Sunday evening. Ile know- 1 _r" ii thing when he see- it. Mr. CbSS. Arts returned to hi* h onie Sunday gfter a pleasant visit to Iii* friend Samuel Burner. Little Mary Burner ii convalescing Miss Gerti ude Wright ipent Thun¬ da*' in Maple (trove. Mr. John Burlier is billi Jing a ne*.*. barn which will add to the appearance of his farm when completed. Miss Edna Keller returned to hoi home near Zion Thursday, after .1 . e ant visit to her si*:er. Mr.. Antin- Rickard. Mr. M. Boyer called on our sk ' .Inver. Mr Punk, Monday, to help bim bring bli li aded wagon tr in the gnow bound regions ol Powell*! Fort FOROfSTMSMOT. Cold Weather. On Issi Sunday the tempera lure wi¬ nne degree above tern, on Tuesdsj morning if WfBS liv.- degieeg I . OW. '"TY**'/*«*>*-lt's DiamondJxtJr Color Over Your Old Dresses, Jackets, Waists, Ribbons, with Diamond Dyes! We carry a complete line of Diamond Dyes, and can recommend them as the strong¬ est, simplest, and handsomest of all dyes. No experience is necessary to get good rcaultg. ( Dyes of all colors, Dyes for wool, Dyas for silk, Dyes for cotton, I oe s package. J for a3c. We have some tried recipes with directions snd all the msterlsl required; old time dyes that sre cheaper than package dyes. B. fcrnnT. Druggist. Woodstock, Va. Landreth's (iarden Seeda Fresh stock Just ia. IWftMffMWel NOTICE. The nhl man ls Batt deas* yet. Bs will pul stumi*** ami elena thlil* Juit aa he baa t*«en .|.>ii'x for the last flvu years. All work f/iiar ail*«'?*. I sat I * (aoa« ir> ¦kan.*'' **XI A.M.EVAE8. MT. SOLON NEWS. It harihegun te look nindi like Spring hud isl in that our peeple had begu.i tx ^et 'heir garden.- in rt ft** te plant then soring vegj*scables bur an sarakeulng Frttly norning they eh" >/.. I uiii.dg an I ihe. tall bach lute th** eld Wan Of winter 0008 mu*v. Mr. Bent*} Windle is recovering from bis recent severs niue--. The pupil, of our seHotl will cele¬ brate Wa-diiogfon's birth div* on the Md ar this place. '/..--'-. Chas. Bi'd'i, Krta lt sud Oscar Yew and Kerb Windle will leave for tiie Went in a »hot tim* We ate verv torre our***c. Luke fiientj failed to make his appear tuc J last Saturday night, but supp IBS the bad weather is what shut him our. A number of our you;**" lavKas and gentlemen have been attending the meering* at Mt. Olive which are ", itill being continued at thi. a t ifinj*. JOHtVafll OwEHf. The Time Cornea to every elderly woman when an im¬ portant functional chance takes place. This ii? called "The Chance of Life." Theentiresvstem undera es a change. Dreadful diseases such as cane r and consumption are often contracted at this time. McELRESTS Wine of Car dui strengthens and purifies the entire system, and brings the sufferer over these pitfalls. Its effects have been wonderful. It is j? od for all menstrual troubles, but IS e-;p*jcial!v rec-::!mended at this ti":e. Ask your druggist for the famous Wine of Cardui. §i.<& a bottle. Pe* advice in cases requiring special directions, address the "Lau:*-.-/ Ad¬ visory Department," The Chatta¬ nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Tno*TAS J. COOPER, Tupelo, >fl**., SBts:."My ilatat tuBatwitTOm irreh' and inf Fulfil Stifle and doctor* could Dot relieve her. Wine of Cardui entirely cvned her. nnd also helped my moldier through the i i. .n^<- ol Life.** KNIVES. FORKS AND SPOONS. Iv bu**,ing 1 tilt* went to pta tic real e< on Pay a little more al tin -dart, hut considerably less in the . ¦!. (itt tin* best ind vim worry ami chagrin. But if you wid ignore good advice, et t tn "cheap*1 elsewhere.wo do not - A that ela--*,,*' good.and set half s do/en chafing! : I LT: I i -*-1 tb* e .-tb wearthrougli tl e thii Klin of plating and t tcp *e tin disreputable brass beneath. Bu** ii. iv. and .on 'jot our gliar:illti*< of is, backed f y lliat ol thc manufacturer. Tho kind we s* il is Rogers A Bro'*. The on i il lu- d the i si tor 50 years. Wt N" "i uki:. BARSDLT, The Jeweler, W » IDST OCK S'lA. Farmers' Institute. Mr. I"hailes W*. Heater will meet the fanner.-; of Slieiund nb, at the County Clerk*!* Office, on next Saturday, 24th in-t.. at 2 p. rn. for fha t)iirpo«e of de- | ciding wiictner riiey will have a Faras- - Institute. If they BS)OU] I d<"-id» to BABS ore. Mr. Heater. who ii a rn-NB*te*rf of the Agricultural Department of the 7ih Ibstri<;t. Brill assist in getting ir, up. There should be a large number of fanners to meet ulm, as Mienandoah, * hicli fa really s progressive county, is backward in the «viy of a farmers" In¬ stitute. We have tine farm*, but we are not making rhe rueney that we should make. Other communities are getting sbead of us, The information which farmers need eau be gotten through a Karmen.' Institut**?. All want to be fullv informed as to what crop* pay best, where ii the ba.t market for anv p.-ir- rfinlar crop, whit fruits are best adnpf- ed to our aeetion, the enemies of our craps Slid how to ib'-iroy them and a hundred "flier subjects wl.ich would prove Inreresrtng as wall as profitable to our farm res. It will pay every farmer to itteod and become interested iu the .objects that will be brought before the Institute. Special txcursion to Washmelon. Tne Soutliers Ballway will sell tick¬ ets from Harrisonburg to Front Roval aod intermediate stations to Wa**hIngton and return at rate o'four eeots per mile, one way distance 'or t*M round .rip. Ticket-* to be sold Feb. loth, ISO », tod April lath. IMO, limit IO day-, In¬ cluding dare of »ale. Continuous pa-s¬ age in each direction. Thia sn**o*rits "X- .ellent oppoituuitie. for per-on-ar the Uationt named to visit ("rsshlllgtOU for IO da;. *B T O St. X .aa. . Ha.t; ' - ONLY S5.0O SCNDU8J5.00 .-a. ... ant., of jjW bbS vt* VUlsc-r.-l voa ar.y Bra pru..f«.'a by trfuht. C. o. !>.. tabla. I t a Bsaatinatloe. Vsaasa n\am»aa ll ai .uar fr.«tt drpal and 1 f > oe f.nd lt U.n au/, al of sr> "f ra proof c>mbltia .. i k iron ant* ita* 1 safe n.ade ana .boat oaa-tbir. ita (.ric* -b«rr->l bf aUkrr* tnt lt* aaa* ali* aad »rad», pay »<jur frvul.t s*r*nt our ape. lal faatorjr prl*-* ii nj T<« Ifli: i Sar*>. .. tent with order, ot*j.rwl»e mum it at our expense end we will return your S.VoO. loo-it.. «.,aai..aai»aa fc>«h»*'*afor'.b*Saa.a. tOO-lb. **tra a.* ,i.ra mr'rm. SI I.*Ji; 400 lb*.. .17.Si, 100 Ita.. lbj! BM. 40: liaO lb*.,.M. iU,rrrj Ur** Saab*, aa t.Ida .ad anabla l*aJd. <tmmr **f** for lara;* buain'M, faciar*, i.arlrt or la. k. tOlnrbssaltft. 3,001b*., S4U Uta*, lara** hi*b. t4HM»|h... *l*9. .*. lr.||tl|..,MH ti 'rai. par Haili... for ni,-.. fo.¦limo-aiiaa, tOraat*. VV K11 K KoK KK t 1 -Viii « Sj I W o»,l K and cpr. lal liberal < . O. I». oflVr e SEARS. ROEBUCK, «&. CO. Chicago. .1 Cood Pair ul Spectacles ARI IN VALLA OLE, fb Loni! 1mm, S[if-ci.*il 'attention given to fit¬ ting glasses. Fits guarantee'!. Prices to Suit All. ¦Special prices "ii Watches, Jewel ry +r^ and Silrorw'ire, ibis month, Feby W. R. McCLANAHAN, Jawia ki:, Corm St., \Voodsi*ocs*m Va. Fine Watch and Jewelry re¬ pairing. Fi b LASTIC 600DS AT HALF PRICE. If y u want u* to ma., ht your Bt.SlaU and OKDtB KLASTII i.iMipsfor Ita Ktl.lKS iMiiiMiin«iiiii'*i illili B Mt, >v*i'LLl> UK ll.itB- ATkD Ll.***, 'OKHUMT. aHIM>BI>*L *li.MuV> OB ti ana, asses i .r tatcst, ,_,. a.l*ht aa. sic*. *l*te ni. u. ber f ln.-l.t-a aroa nd txxly or limb at «a*'h l.-tter hh«>wn ia rut an .1 »ith "ur M'tllUPHKL Warri make >r fr m th. .rry tani rwhbar *l*«tl« .irrt.l, .ni* rantt-e a *>»rf-*i Si aaa : BOC flrd lt i».Tt>otly artery and *>inal t¦. ?..." ls ..-. t d. able Um ) Hem f r, n< :r. xi^n**and ne »iU OUR SPECIAL PRICE J2«J ri..11* lb!.* -asaslBBj t «* I. HUI lM«b lavKla*. I la 1, t«.0a»; Iblart, pirra. t. :.. I. a«4«»i *»¦*. .i.*l -I. a '.m.. 14.00; tar* Irtnria.. I uS, #4. * Ml; baa* (ap. K ta <>. fi.«»t m a-.i-J.r .I.*, la* tut, ft. OOt fartaV P I BCL^y lad,,. I I* S. at.ABi sabkt, t Ul', ft OO: ahdoalaal ball. Kui. ilrt.»0. lOTTOS BLASTM ..IHIII*.. llNkTHIBtMl.**. -r*-l»l ».?*****» ""Sall* »ba**»laal t*ati».ir*'r. IM* .r»-a.l, lnt*-r» oa a-n » ItS pr tr.t. .! mSb«r lhrfa.1. * laakaa art.*. .t.lM): 111 larhaa, S. lil l* l*«s**. it.40. Write f r Jmiiv. rv r.ral<*r<ia. SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO., (lac J. CHICAGO. ILL ^^s We are rnaking Spacial EFFORT TO 1T.KASK OUR I ATKONS IX STRICTLY F1ULSH -tGroceries.1: We inij" only the best, ind s^antntoe them. If* they don't please you, hiing them back and get your money. ^V Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas..**.*"" "UKIN/." / Baked Basils sent sad s.uir I'ioUes 1 A MOL'S \ mill**! pieklst io b«.ulc>, mustard dressing * , , HAM* ) --SWEET POTATOES ANO GABBACE.- roi I .KT so.vrs, LAUNDRY SOAIN, ( A1STIC >(>I)A, SAL. SODA. UKI) SEAL UK. 60 Brands of Cigars, Tobacco 5 Sn^ff The beet Independent, Water Whkml nnd Rod Oil. noininy, B. W. FUur, Rice Linn mil Soup Roan8, Prunes. reacher** and Apple*1. All goods delivered } ninptlj*. rliattl-ST fHICEB f/VIB fOnTH/UE. W. H. RODEFFER

Transcript of Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1900-02-23. · Depoa!ts and Collection! solicited Satisfaction...


l-R.OAY FEB J Jd rf 900.

I ;j fe red at the Pogt Offloe, at Woodstock. Vs., as second- -la*, matter.

g. D. M.watan, Pres. a. Coffmaa, Casb'r

The Shenandoah County Bank

Organised, 1871. Re-Organiied 1898.

De poa! ts and Collection! solicitedSatisfaction guaranteed. Discount RateSix Per Cent.

'j I. TniPLn-rPr-jg. K.M. Last2. Vice Pres

Merchants snd I armer*.' Bank.WWDSTOCK, VIRGINIA.

DIRECTORS:W. C. Lents. J. H. Hepner, G. W. Minnlck

j. H. Ruby and E. P. Koonta.Tatinsir A Bacsirmas, Attys,

Account* gol (cite**! and test eeeotnmodatit ns

guaranteed. Houra 9 to S,D. P. MAGRUDER. CAgn'n.

Special Rates.?hk following spec'al rate! ok

a.dvertibiso will bk insisted


Obituary notices: 50 lines free, over 90linea, £ ctun uei mic, inc is?u i" auui

pan? the cony.Tributea of Respect by secret ordei

Sundav schools. Ac, 5 cents per line.Notice! of festivalg by churches, barr

.u other aasuci-itions and all noticesmeetings for the purpose of making nv

ey, fire cents per line.


Dried beef sliced to order, W H. R odeff-

It ls late in the season, but there ai

gome prospective wedding! still in gii*hJ. W. Zirkle has boen appoint*.

poatmaiter, at Forestville, in this count;Maur pcreons begin to haye faith i

tbe ground hog'g prgHliction.A Brom Factory Is in successful op

erailou al Forestville.The nobbiest tins of shoes in town at LockeIc is now slated that the Gem Fur

nace at Shenandoah City .wi!! go intblast not later than March 1stWe are sorry to learn that Mr. J. f

Steigel, ot Harrisonburg,continues verjgick, with BO hopeg of recovery.

The United Brethren Conference wi]nieet in Harrisonburg WednesdayMarch 21st.Wash boards 15c. W. H. Kupffer.Parties wishing to rent a degirabls

horns in the country.ghould read the advertlgement of P, X. Hoorer, in anothe:column.DeWitt's Witch Haael Salve Ison

equalled for pile., iajurieg and .kin diseases. It is the original Witch HazeSalve. Beware of all counterleits. L. RIrwin.The high windg that prevailed alon£

Ute Xortb mountain section of thecounty drifted he snow aoibadly in theroadg as to in* kc tht tn impassible inplace! except by ihoveling through.Dried peaches isclb at Locke's.

Tho flrgt merry tinkle of sleigh helliweie heard ou our gtreetg for this win¬ter last Saturd y. The gnow, however,was not good for sleighing and themuglc. of the bel? so>n died away.The reign of the ground hog ora-

mencsd last Friday about G a. m. whensnow began to fall and continued until Zp. m. Saturday. About 20 inches ofanew fell.W, S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says.

"DtWte'l Little Early RUers did me

more good than any pille 1 ever took."The famoug little pills for COBStlpatlop,biliougne!»g and liver and bowel troub¬le!. LR. Irwin.New Spring goods at Locke's.Our people are now importing corn

Into the Shenandoah Valley Thedronth lagt gummar eut the crop fullyone-half and many are raising largenumbers of stock.The Front Roytl Furniture ,Factor\ ,

an establishment that hag been closedfor a long time, hag .been gold to NorthCarolina partial and will be put in op¬eration in a short time.

I pey Sc lb. for lard. W.H. Rodeffer-

Mr. Ed. Williams, ons of our Maingtreet bisckgmitii'g, had the big toe olbis right foot painfully mashed U»tThurgday bi a bergs which he wai!hoeing tramping ou in I*.fj'-ranges and lemont at Glenn L<xkt's.

Z lu spite of the very bsd weather, t

good audience were present to hear threxcellent lecture ot Dr. Quarlea, olWashington end Lee University, de¬livered before the g'.udems of thtM agaanu tten Academy.

Mrg. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton.Ts., writes, 'I think DeWitt's WildHazel Salve the granest galve made.'It eurea piles and heals everything. Alfraudulent imitations are worth lg s.s. LR. Irwin.

Tbs Masganutten Academy of tin*place under the prlncipalship af KevGarrison hag an increased number olpupils. The prospect for next year, w.

are Informed ii very flattering even ai

thia early date.Fairy soapi cakes 5c Bf H. Kodefft-r

The new bnsinesg direetoiy of Harrigenburg hgg had the back torn off ass

t he insideg pulled out by the ikSj iiit lithe Valley" newgpaper of that town

g- Gee whis !** but brotber Lewis doe.**o for lt.

Mr. R. D. Grsb.ll. merchant abippedslO dozen fresh egg! this morningbig lot tor a gingie ihipment..NewMsiket Valley.Mr. GrabiU's hem must be Lesrly gi

fresh.John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind. says, 1

novar used anything as good ag OmMinute Cough Cure. We aro never

without lt.* Quickly breaks up cough*and colds. Cures all throat and hun,troubles. Its use will prevent consump-lion, fleaesnt to take. L. R Ii win-

At 8 o'clock on the morning of Feby] .uh, fifteen yea.-! ago. the thsrmometoiat the lesiskuce of Mr. Joseph Frsvel.on east Court street, reglgUred ten

degrees below aero. For a good man)yean asst February baa been giving u*

rn tood deal of extremely cold weather.

The connection now made at Strabuig Junction by the Southern and thB. A O. K K., has proved invaluable tthe traveling public, the inconvenienci

|e*SSJs*t] lay the prior arrangement hiviaeeSplf become unbearble.

The Orange Obterrer is Just nincteeiyeara old and ye! lt ha* thg sage wisdonof an octogenarian, and tbs sprightlinesg of a malden of i*weet sixteen.What Bro. Robinson cannot tell you othe arts snd miseries of married life, nt

other old bachelor can.

Bishop Gran berry will dedicate theMethodist church, South, at White Fost,Clarke county, Va., Sunday Feby *2">tb.The choir of the Methodic church atFront Royal, will ItiriiMi gpeelal musicfor ihe occasion. The hestse *>t a \eiy hanosome buiidieg.4 bad djapepsls lor years* Ifo Bsedi<

cine srai so effective a? Kodol DjspepslsCure. It gats immediate relief. Twobottles produced marvelous results.'writes La ll. Warren, Albany, Wis. I1digest! What you eat and cannot fal'to cure. L. K. Irwin.

Mr. (Bas. E. Keller, an employe ofthe Southern Railroad at the freightdepot in Harrisonburg, got his handcaught between the hampers whilecoupling cars, on Finlay last, and huione of his Mulcts flBBShed to a jelly,besides receiving painful injuries loother parts of his handBanar as ; tor ac, eel B. S Sweet

potatoes 33c peck. Heirn pickles -,c dosen, ?ceas tomatoest*.r i W ll KuJetTer.

The telephone line to Oranda willsosstrJetod as 1000 sa the Breather w-

permit The line from StrasburgLebanon will he made a multiple linarith brsnebea extending to Orando t

the hark rt ad and probably down flroad to connect wiiha line runniithrough Frederick comity to Wliicheter.

Geo. Barbe. Mendota Va., say.Nothing did me BO much ^ood a* KodDyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved rn

a few hi ttlea cured me.' It digests whiyon eal snd alway- cure*, dyspepsia. 1It. Itu in.Under* i gt Glenn 1 >%¦ i

Mr. B Y. Borden is connecting hgtsve factories in Page and Warrecounties hy telephone. We arep mud t

¦av Mr, Borden is a Shsuandosli maaol <>iia nf tin' mnel enterprising thol l co iiiry ita ever turned « r ll«* i|ttst as straight as a string, a

full of good qualities a» an egg is j


'I had bronebitia every winter f«years and no medicine gave me p rumneut relief till I begaa to take Oil'Minute Cough (ure. 1 know it i.» th

lough medicine made,' sayg .1Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cureicoughs, col is, asthma, gripp*snd throat and lung troubles, lt is th«children'! favorite remedy. Cures quickly. I. R. I mn lu.

Fire wood has lee nie sn lmportanarticle willi the people ol town, andthey are not as careless shout the quan¬tity ami quslity aa they once wen*

Manv of them have taksn to ranking ujsnd measuring 'ie wood they buy, am

it will not be long belora the troo*buyeis will bc thoroughly posted on thtwood haulers.

liig bargains :r, ladies i!:i-» .T. (j I.

'After doetoifl failed to cure DM "Ipneumonia I used Ore Minute CoughCure and th res bottle! ofll cured Ia also thc best remei y ou earth forwhooping; cough, lt cared my grand*children ol the worsl cases,' write! Jno,Berry, Logptnton, Pa. lr i> the onlyharmlest remedy that gives immediateresults. Cures coughs, colds, cfoup sndthroat and lung trouble! It prevei tlconsumption. Children always like it.Mothers endorse it. L. R- Irwin.Rice >c lb. at Locke's.

The Seventh Annual Farmer sin*«.titute will ba held at Winchester Marchtlie 19th and 14th. Interest in thesemeetings has so Increased that last yeartile hall would *>carecly hold the peopleA very interesting program Is being pic-pared for this lession. CommissionerKoiiur is taking special interest, andhe and several yther prominent speakerswill bs iu attendance.

We have received from Mr. I). W.Copenhaver. of Caleary an Itemised ac¬

count of all the hofi lu* lui* butcheredthis season, the names of the owner*and the weight of each one's pork. Thepoor wOge that Mjuraled theil la.»t underDoc'g murderous knife numbered 7*and their aggregate weight was 2u,427lbs. Doc. understand! the 1 icinesssquare through, and tlie people ofCalvary and throughout the .-urround-Ing count; y know this* henc» thc larysnumber who employsd bim.

Prunes *i lb. If they don't pl.ase you bringthem buck um' get your mom y Koile'ter.

The large tannery of F. P. Cover JIton. Btowutown, Warren county, a

few miles south of Front Hoya!, lia*gu*pended work on aeeouol of the ex¬

haustion of .he bark supply. Tim e*-

tablishujent has been in active opera¬tion for more than twent)-live years.and besideg giving employment toa

arge number of persons has distributeda great deal of money through that iee>lion. The cloting of thia large industry.rill be severely felt iu thut section Wehope it will only be for a short while

"A Country Visitor*" with a goodband ^sve a very enjoyable entertainneut at Irwin's Hall on Thursday nlgl t>f hut week to a fair audience. Tbsstreet performance hr the hand g*re**»' !

a» exHgaieraled 'hay seeds*' wac full ofam, especially the part taken bf thcrick bicycle rider, whose antics on thewheel were really wonderful. The com¬

pany made a big migtake by raising theprice of their admigsiou the day they{Ot here, and making no distinction hetween resetved seats and the other parts<f the hall. Many persons refused to

be tricked in that way, rightfully claim¬ing that fifty cents wag too much for therear aeats.

The two Morrison brothers, t f Win¬chester, who were tried in Romney,Hampshire county, W. Va., for the rob¬bery at' ihe muzzle of tbe revolver ofold man Cooper, of that county, of$300, have been aentenced to ten yearsin the W. Ta., penitentiary, the lowegtsentence they could get under the law.Along with their accomplice, Anderaon,another Winchester young man, whoalso got ten years for the sams crime,have elieadv commenced their longterm within gloomy walls of the Mounds-ville penitentiary. Much sympathy ii

expressed for these young ladg who are

fiom very respectable families in Win*chester, but they doubtless did not get s

day more Utan they deserved, j kfl

PERSONAL.Warden Fravel who was ipiiteill wit

*. quinsy is abie to he om again-I f Rs?* Dr. P. I). ntnphegisnB aili preac;

|*B tue Methodic' clinch BOXl bunda;i nitfbt., Burns Mi ley returned froru Alle^hanj. City Bast we> k, stiffen iii* from typhon

fever.;, Mrs. Lucy Smith, of Broadway, iivisiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jacoll» < dow ar, of north stsis *treet*Mr. Chas. Shaffer, a well kBOWB'yOQBJ

man of this place, went to I'ittshug lastweet, where he expect! to secure em-

ployment<liev W. J. Cocke. pastor ofthe Chris

timi than di here, has been assisting Ref.Mr. Hatcaker in a protracttd meeting ar

StfatBborgaMr. and Mrs. Pete V»w, of M uirer-

f.wn. were the gue.ts of his sister andbrother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Barr, of south Muhleubtirg street, Ihtlweek.Dr. Dan Busbong, of Jefferson county.

W. Va., was here this week on a visit to!.i- pareats, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bttshong,and other relatives-

Mrs. Henry Magruder returned Tues¬day from a visit to relatives in Frederickcounty and Winchester

Dr. d. L. Campbell returned fromWine hester the first of this week afterspending some days with friends in thatcity.Kev. 1'. W. Wisman has so far recover-

ed from big recent injury, a badly c

foot, p e to i,e about again.afr*W.T. Williams was confined

the house several days this week 1illness.Mrs. David Lichliter and her neic

Mr*. W. C. Ford, left Wedneeda""1 mor

lng for Utltiniore to visit the latteinether, Mrs. Klla Heller.We are informed that Mr. Will Lac'.»f this place, has salisted inti

United States Anny, sod will prot to thc PhiUppiaes*

Mrs. Jue. Lewis accompanied by bllittle son has been visiting ber parentiMr. and Mrs. J. B. Hem of near (jjburg.

Mrs. Milton Ridenour, of PFort, continues to improve, bal ferslowly, from her long and severe illms:We are glad to learn that Mrs. Di

Chas. Sa^'er, Of Tom's Brook, who!serioui illness with pneumonia was mei

tioned in our last week's issn-what improved, sad the prospect for berec ivory is decidedly Netter now thanbal been at any time since her ill Blsumed a grave character.

Mrs* Jcs II* isliman, of Mt.son. is \i*utii c ber parents, Mr. antMrs. Milton Yeller, near town.

Mi**s Clara Hamman returnlew «lays ago froni a visit nf *-*-\err\weeks to relatives in Ml. JaekaoB.


Thc present !now fo led i "*« od man*

people who hsd made up tln-ir mindi thaiwe were not to haye any tins winter,we got it at Isat.A goodly number ara still cngai

the tie business. If there should belrealization of the much talked of rallroad, and it should be built through thtFort, they would have to get their tic?from f»oine other section than this.

Mrs. David Shipe, better known Bl

/'Aunt'' Hann di. Beena! tobe much com*

| plaining of late*Walter X. Shipe speat part of Issi

with his Uncle, Robert Shipe sad family.Some of,,ur men t:tIk eery itrongly ol

going to Weal Viiginla, to secure workl imc tims lietween now and Spring,Thc firm of J. S. Barr A: Co., seem! lo

changed somewhat, the company now

being G. 1.. Oolladty, Instead of C. M.(iolladay, as heretofore.

Rev. John Clanahan will build a new-

burn this Spring. M. M. McClanahan isto do the sawing f»r him.

Kev. "tl. L. Carpenter was unable tofill his regular appointment Bl Mt. ZionIssi Sunday on account ot bad weather,We learn thal Rev. J. W. Hansen-

Huck preached hi< farawellseraon :it St,David's church the lecos 1 Sunday ofthis month. We have not heard whowill bc his raeeessbr.

I would think the aexl wedding partywho have wine or other food things withthem will keep b closer wah-h on it thanthe party did at the Cross Hoads on the11th. 1 reckon Rob wan the happy fel¬low that day.G. II Bhips expe< I to build a row

barn this Bummer WC understand- Mr.Olinger will do the work. H.-is also thtContractor for the (/lanallan barn BOOVCmentioned.Pani Rinker and F. II. Oolladay have

1*9000 plastering laths tor saleThe public s* hool ot Pine Hill, which

i! under thc management of Mr- EugeneMunch. Bf ctn- lo bc getting along nicely,except the small attendance. Why havewe not a law tocompel children to attendschool f Surely if the State has a rightto tax us to pay for the educating of oth¬er people's children, why ha- shs not thclight to compel those children to attendthese sch'X'ls. Some people don't knowa good thing when they BBS it. Whi iefault would it be if we should have DOschool next wiaterf Of ooarss theseneglcgcnt people would he the Hrs! loblame those who sent their children thi.-winter.We have a certain das. ot i>eraons who

never take ml'. antes** <>f anything. Never goto achoo*, never aend their children. ¦

1ri even attend church. Bock peopleg desalt te *{et in ont of thc rain. I lit¬

hest thing they can du is to just atop down andout and thus make room for better and BloreBaaOfnlpeople. ]< bb Bi o«

hroo<.hes in nil the newest denign. at Mc*(leiiahan's. Prices 15c np.

Mr. J. B. Wilson, of Winchegter, wa.

hadiy hurt one night last week. Hs wa¬

rbling rall wheel on his way heme, andIn decending a hill near htra-duieg bi¬ran into a toll-gate pole that had beenlowered across1 the pike. He received a

feat ful blow and laid In the road un.conscious several hours.

Is there any hog cholera about ? Itso, send 00 cents quick lor Biggie.swine Book, published by WilmerAtkiiise)u Co. t Philadelphia, It willhelp sick heida aud keep well ones

wall.Girls, if a young- man asses you to take's

ride, see that he uses good harness, such as ismade by J. A. Dysart a Co. Thoa, who ua«cheap hemlock harness risk their own livesand those ol their sweethearts.

Viol'. Hi rill.-r and his little da*]<"literexpect to give a musics concert atForestville. Those who have neverbert rd Miss Lelia play Jon the violinwill certainly enjoy the ojij-ortunity.



nil affaii: Wilt. PKOIIAIII.V Bl AI*justed io mi: BAltSFAi mon Of


On la*t Saturday two eaVff*| I hBiging'j the Southern Rjilwav with violating StrS

off the fawn rsMlnsrieea. arhleh n tVifSgftatraills f om running through thu cor*porate limits at a greater rate of apeedthan «ix nils* per hour Bras called andfried before Mayor K-defter.

In one cage a fine of rive dollars witheSSCS WSB imposed. In the other case,the Mayor with the eonssnl of the cor¬

poration attorney dismissed the cage.It sppears that this ordinance wa*

pa*sed in 1871. Heretofore lt hal notbeen enfoiecd, and as we all know,nearly all trams have regularly violateditt provisions. Complaint having beenmade by the Sergeant of theforpoiation.warrants were issued and the cases weietried. The railroad Company since thewarrants were servtd have compliedwifh the law. The effect has been atjcfathat the people ot the town are heartilyashamed of having any Sttoh law upontheir statute books, and petitions nuun*r-

ously signed asking the Connell to repea!the law, will be presented at their nextmeeting. The Council, we have no

doubt, will either repeal the law entire¬ly or so modify it that it trill not in-convenience me company or the trayling public. A speed of fifteen or t setmile6 would be less dangerous thanspeed of «ix miles which permits sm

children to jump on and oflt Be cart,they please.

In aaanv lespccts the Interests of ttowri and railway are mutual, a

hannon** of action will benefit botThe town de-ires to get all they c

tn m the railway and the railway,^ate -ure, want! te ti t all they can Ireth** town. Bf acting together, they *

both add lAthftjrown pivaiM-ritv.

THE WEATHER BUREAU-Thc weather this winter ha« br.

playing s*nvne pranks upon the ofllciaoftoe weather bureau. After the ino

careful olwrvation* and calculationthe prognostication* were Beni 90lthe public, and for a period of iondsyi the weatheri bstinately rafnsedl»e governed by thi* accnuimodatitbureau, but in a *-j»ir»r ol ohgtinacginashed sll inc probabilities Inimitheraens. When the Bureau had a

ranged for fair Breather, without thleast not gnow storm >»-f in and coitinned f i rs preclpitsiSO inches of snow. Then the Bureau. Ia spirit ol commlsseration, *"«...'*.wanner weather on Monday and Ti*diir. bul a* :f t<> mock af a'l his CBtions the temperature tenaciously "Junto tero and sven went the degreea bilow. On TsaSsday we were to hsvwarmer weather with increasing cnest, bul now. Tue. lay si IO a. m. ttl*sun it ginning with the brilliancy < fmid summer day.We Bra not finding fault with th

weather bureau, because we bellsve it ia go<»d thing and itt warnings are ofieboth eerreel and useful, but we Jiuwant to show how perverse the weathe. an be when it take a notion.

We Don't Want lt..We received from a mlnigter cf th

gospel, i few days ago, an Item to flueffect that he had brought suit in .*.

tain circiiic court for a divorce fruin h:iwife, ile gsve tbe cause of tbs mit bim-dd "the divorce cass promiss! f litin- mott sensational in the histoiy «.

the court,1* and added**Don*i fear tc

publish this, it ii all true, lend toe ilisper."" Thil *ah« followed in a lea

i ij | by a petal card, asking ug net l«

publish the Item as he and bil wife hadmada up.The peatal card was Bltosjether un*

aeeessary, ag we do not fill tiie Heralijwith divorce it* in-..

Fire at Nev* Market.The residence ot ll. White William-

sou, Eg'jr., of New Market wa- dix over-

f 1 to be huming la»t Thursday eveningabout k. The Ure ilepsvittnenl re-

snooded promptly to tbe cad and b> tbeuio-t heioic . floris gavra the building.The hottss wa- c. istderabl? damagedand nundi of the furniture inplied. The!¦»«« whhh i* estimated at $1." i>

Covered bj insurance.


We oiler One Hundred Hollars Re¬ward for any elie of Catarih that can

aol be eared by Hair- I atarrh < torsF. J ( ii kn kv .\ < <>., Toledo* 0.

We, the und.ti-igiii d. have known F.J. (heney for the last 1"* )«at-. and be>ItefS him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transaction- .'md financially;ttile to rarry out any obligations madeby that firmWest gt Titian, vTboleaals Drue*j0ste,

Toted*, O. Widdin, Kilman at 'Marvin,"A hoitjsale Dragglsts, Toledo, u.Hall's Catarrh Cure i- fake intel nally.

acting directly upon thc blood andmucous surface, of the system. Testi¬monials sesil free. Prise 7**c per bottle.Sold by all Druggists. Hali*. FamilyPilli are tlu* best.

WANTED.A good lionet and intelligent "r

iitvout IS or l" >'. u- old to learn drtaghii-ine--. Vor further iiif-iiuatiou ap¬ply to ilKHAM>Otllcc.

CASTORIAFor Infanta and Children.

¦The Kind You Have Always BoughBears the

Vig.iatu.-o of

KoM><mI the) Grate'sA -tartling inrideut, of whiah Mi

John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the<*ubject, iii narrated by him as follow-:"I wagin s most dreadful condition. My-kin wag almost yellow, ryon giinkeu,tongue coated, pain continually in backand iMea, no appetite-.gradually grow¬ing weaker day by day. Ttireee phy¬sicians had given SSS up. Fortimat*'iy.a friend advited trying 'Klecfnc Bitter-.'and to my great Joy and giirprise, theHrst bottle made a decided improvenient. I continued tlielr use for threeweeks, and am now a well man. 1know they fiaved my life, and mhl*edthe giave of another victim." Nooneshon.ii fail to tr> them. Only 50 cts..guarnteed at B. *»¦ Innitt'*¦ Drug .Store.

Tbe prettiest line of Sterling Silver, Railed1'late, (luld Filled sn.l Solid Gold brooches, atMet lanallan s, Court St.

Mr. Haas.Mrs. Logan.Ycgfarday (Th irsday), the 15fh ingt.,

at threeo' Mr. Tatfourd X. Haagand Mrs. Bettie M. Logan were unitedin marting*- at the residence of thebride's ftther on South Main, tbs Rsv.J R. Andrew, cf the M. E. Church,South, performing the ceremony. Themarriage was quite a quiet affair,only a few of the relativea and mogt in¬timate friend, being present.

The brjde wag handgomely attired Ina gray tailor mad** gulf, and carried alarge boqttot of violets tied with violetribbons. The only affendaiir wag Mist.Jennette Summer«ou, ol'Staunton, whowoiepink organdy over gilk, aud car-cried Mme Teston! rogeg. Tlie parlorBras beautifully decorated with pslmgand lighted with caudle!. The presentsWera numerous and verv beautiful.The bride and groom left on Hie

Southern for Xew Orleans, where theywill ,t.iy until after "Madri Gras" week.Tin* bride ll a daughter of our towns¬

man, Mr George O. Conrad, and ia ayoung lady of culture and with a lovelydisposition that has won for her manyfriend*. Mr. Haa», tba groom, i*» one ofour best bnatnsSB men, and lg exceed¬ingly popular. He is a mi mber of thelaw firm of Yancy tl Haas, snd enjoyg alucrative practice.Mr. and lairs. Haag will be absent

about two weeks on their trip.Spirit ofthe Valhy.

a . .



Nature's Remedy Company £avefree concert at Irwin'g Hall, on laMonday night. Just before the peform ** was to begin, smoke wag disovered pouring Into the hall bon l>«hind the wsshbonrd. Some Indlsereiperson irave the alarm of lire and invery few second- there was a great huibub. LsdlSS fainting, men gtruggling I

gel out and >toiu men holding the docshill to prevent greater diluter on thoutside were Hie striking features o

the occasion. After the e*s*eiteinenl wag learned that the chiuinefrom T- I*. Locke*! eton wa* burulu;Snd the smoke escaped from tin btirnin,chimney into the hail. Had the crow*been permitted to rush ont of the hallthere woul probably have Leen ivorlenough for all the gorgeous of thtown and neighborhood.

SIRASIUK'i NEWS,Tuesday morning Keb. goth ooldei

morning of tin- winter so far. at lea*thc th*: momcterg so n sistered, ai-o tin..bili and shiver thal crept np the iplnacolumn of the average petf.*J*J*en eonrohorated Ihe «.i ni»*.

Rei L. L Smith, preached a* neusmorning and night from Iii- pulpit lltrie Lutheran church on Sunday last t«sttent!ve snd Interested congregation.Al the night «crvices, notice w'-J RivenOUl for the gpecisl lenten -ervices to

begin t I lay after Ash VTednesdaf.Two services daily and continnlng tm-tl K .-. Sunday when the extra specialand sublime Esster Service., will h«*celebrated In ali their full ami impressivefest tuThe announcement in las! week's

psper a* to 'hr resignation of our pres*ent County Sup'l of Schools, -em-tobe pn mature, the County Sup'! know*nothing}>f lt, tv scertainlty. And it ig

My the wish which is father to thethought, that he -le ii d gtep down andout .md give - dc other fellow a changethat gave ri-e t«, the report.

Thu**ads*j Feb. 113d wag observed by(In- pupils o! the public -'hools in thisby the reading if cs-ay* upon the

life and tirnei of-The Father of hisi oiintry." several of the "tots," did notfail to hiing in the little SpiSOtJS otGeo *e with his hatchet and the cherrytree. Thc oldei -. bo ars of tin- female.p.-r-ua.-io,,. quite naturally were mon-

interested in thsl period nf thc braveGeneral*! lib*, when he was vanquishedby and surrendered to the charm* ot' thewilow Custis, Tis like thc girl youknow-Full may B gem uf purest ray aeoured.The dark unfathomed cave! <d cean

bear.Full many a man wbOBS health is not

insured.Just waste! bil life upon the desert air.

lt i- probable mat all the past chan¬cellor 'ominauder.-, and many of lbsSir Knight- of W titer Scott Lodge, No.7V K. of I*, of thi* placr. w ll attend thelessioa of thc Grand Lodge of the order,which convenes in Wim hester on TusB>daj Peb. Md.That '».« If-prega-rration i* the tlrst iaw

of nature,' no one appreetatSS tno-e thanour pop.dar Sandy Honk friend, MrJohn L. Ctterback. .John ha.* wi*elrforestalledadiseass,snd robbed it of halfj- terrors, br scouringa Health Policyfrom a. Redfern A Bon, 'agents for the**ei urity Trust and Health InsuranceCo.. ot Philadelphia, Pa.Several of our prominent Republicanfriend- 'ti* said, trill attend tbe meets

ing of thc State Bepubllean Conventionw Idell will hold its session in the city ofNorfolk, Tuesday Apiil lom for theelection of delegates to thc National Re¬publican Convention to be held inPhiladelphia, June luth, K'OO,

HORSES AND CATTLEare more -ubjeet to I)i.*ea-e just now

than at any time during tbe year ansi itis all tbe tnorv important that you shallhave good and reliable medicine."Wagner*! Bailable Hores and CattlePowden*1 ere tba only positive OOh\Uand KKMKl'Y for Horse or Colt's dis¬temper, Lung Fever, Pneumonia.Kidney obstruction*. Hack or Lointroubles.. Cough, Worm*, Los, ol' Ap¬petite, i4c, They will increa*e the milksupply and keep HorsSS and Cattleslwsya in good condition. Sold by Ed.Maukui'IR at Lie par box.

Do You Love You Wrlfe ?If go,don't risk bet lift-by usir.K a fae ton¬

ie, rule, hemlock leather, cheep get nf harnessthat <«n bebonght anywhere for a few oentalens tana a food home made oak tannedleather harness .an bc purchased at the first

:t>s barneaa ttora .>( J A. Dvnart A Co.,-..<K-k. Va.

I lint i iu-i>iii»iiiu 11oadh<*lie*ifould quickly leave you, if you used

I>r. Ki nj'** Jfa%f Life IMIIt. Thousand!alsusTerers have proved their match-less merit for Sick and Nervous Head¬aches. They make pure blood andsfl*0***J"! serves and build up votir health.Ea«y to take. '1 ry them. Only 25 cents.Monty back if not cured. Sold by B.Schmitt, Dru^ist.

o a. BT*rm.ijT*. xjlZ .

tem the /*.'..*"J ' w fcis Alwars 8-^tiSigastor,


VETERINARY SURGEON.Dr. E. -?« Will,. Veterinary "Surgeeo.

will lye at Shenandoah House, at everycourt. All diseases of domesticated antmais ft ca tnt. by the latest approveden thod-. ti.

CASTORIA.Bean tia) /J Ba, Bbb VM lg Alwirt JtSfst^<ZeltftiE&

Coil ! Coal!Ab there will probably be a consider¬

able advance in the price of coal, Iwould adviae my customers to purchasetluii coal at once* Orders can now bepromptly HiloJ. ii. B. cuarma jr.


REV. HKNRY8T. JOHJt RINKER.Kev. Henrr St. John Kiuker, sou ofJanot nod Mary Rinker, whs boru la

Woodstock, Shenandoh county. Va., onthe 28th day of February. IMO.

Ile wa* bapti/el in early lahtner, .hyKev. Geortje Reidy, and contiiOctober 29th, 1887, by it *v. Jacob F.Dieflenbacher.During the year \>?,l and K>."> he at¬

tended the high * hool tr York, Pa.In 18*17, we timi him al IfercerslMrg,Ps., s in*-ruber of the freshmsn slats In

Mitrghall College, it was his purpose torake s full collegiate course, hut lick**negg and other reason! prevented.On Ut* 7th of July, 1840, hs sras unit¬ed in marriage tn Vi-- Mary Fravel.

daughter of Jonathan and Miry i'ravel.ThU matrimoiial union wai Messed

withl3 children, nine gong .-.nd wodaughters are living, two having died luinffhney-.On rhe IMtli of Mav. HU. he wag or¬

dained to the saeredoffice ofthe mini«try, in what wai thea known a* Zion'a?.burch, loeatad live nnies southwest olBdlnburffi now known .i» St. John*!"Shortly after big ordinari in he was in.stalled psaftor over tbs **M;I1 CreekCharge," which wa*. In thst day. eoovposed of Zion's, -St. Jacob's, Pine, jColumbia Furnace, Union Forge, Ka-der'a and Solomon', congregations*Her. Rinker wag trulv an indefatigableworker. lia was almost constantly inthe paddle, visiting ths sick, burying the jdead, and looking :iffer the careless andthe indifferent members, of hil flock. Socontinuously was he on the go, that.nos! of bli itudjrlng wsi dons on horse-1back, and at broken moments.Kev. Rinker continued to Isbor In

lils, bis Ant shargSi for a period of-JSrears. j

I tn ion. nev. i.itiKer received a eal|t from the howittville .liaise in Loudon

county, Va He began hil labor her.on the tat *f February, and ronimuecto serve this peopla acceptably for liye:ir> and aire months.

A- n paster he r\ \$ faithful, pt h-ntand tympatheflC.a wise eoimselor,fearless io rebuke sud adtuoiil-li when

talon demanded, and yet siwa*the spirit of love.

In lise social elide he wai cheerful,pleasant and communicative.Ile was Htated Clerk of the VirginiaClaasii tor m re tfiat a quarter of ;,

CentUSiy; and foi the satin- length oftlui" filled the otb ..¦ of Pre i- irerHe frequently represent! d h ic ssit

on the floor of the District Synod, amion several occasions was a delegate to<i**neral Synod.The last rim.' bs sppesred 0:1 the

floor of th* Synod ofthe Potomac wa¬in iu I*-.!***, winn it met in WoodstockHis heart's de>ir-- wss '.<. mee" md greelhis brethren In tbe ministry once mwrebefore lie closed hi- ey< - iu death.Slowly sud feebly h** walked lip thesisle of the chut1 non hi*

MMl'l arin, and as he d the(chancel railing the entire Synod m-I voluntarily ross to it- feet, when Dr.I.nplev. the oldest membei of the body,sod "abo wa* a gtudent nkerat Ifercersbiirg, Intro luced ihefather with ft elingTile nccie ne r ,1 my.-lu ck.* were moistcm I wit the tisyuip ithy.

Iii*, funeral took pl February2d. at "2 o'clc* k. and \\ ted byKev. X. il ^a\ - -. who based Imark- I Timothy I: 7-^. Thc fol*wing minister! wi n il

listed in the - rvicei ¦ Dr. J. A. nort¬herns aad Rev H. Diti dc-livered brief snd appropri ite ad Iressets,Ri \*. J. FI. Hsrner, J. *-

J. B. Stonesifer, I. 1. Lsni|>e, J. CalvinBolger. E. P. Skyles, ol Berlin, Pa.,and of o:her chu relic-*: Revs. P. I»Stephenson, snd VV. li >rd, ofthePregtgyterian church; A A. J, Buthong,ef the Lutheran church; D. II. Rhodes,ul the Christian chinch; and K. B.Shaver, of thc (.ennui Baptist chimb.His njlnlsteiial brethren u borethe venera Me father's body to tand gsntiy laid it betide the body ot* hiswife, and now unitedly they - eep thesh-ep of death.


a .-

11 here, bleat - JHisThe morning r

A .

SLa .

.c. V a :a N'.11 >

MAPLE GROVE NEWS.Unite a number of per! .'- enj

the goo 1 drifting gnow Sal lay andSunday.The .old weather ha* put a check on

the maple sugar industry. Charlie »ayiha a*n't need any more sugar a- he lgtweet enough.Mr. [sase Figgans paid Maple Grove a

visit Sunday evening. Ile know- 1 _r" iithing when he see- it.Mr. CbSS. Arts returned to hi* h onie

Sunday gfter a pleasant visit to Iii*friend Samuel Burner.

Little Mary Burner ii convalescingMiss Gerti ude Wright ipent Thun¬

da*' in Maple (trove.Mr. John Burlier is billi Jing a ne*.*.

barn which will add to the appearanceof his farm when completed.

Miss Edna Keller returned to hoihome near Zion Thursday, after .1 . eant visit to her si*:er. Mr.. Antin-Rickard.Mr. M. Boyer called on our sk '

.Inver. Mr Punk, Monday, to help bimbring bli li aded wagon tr in the gnow

bound regions ol Powell*! FortFOROfSTMSMOT.

Cold Weather.On Issi Sunday the tempera lure wi¬

nne degree above tern, on Tuesdsjmorning if WfBS liv.- degieeg I . OW.

'"TY**'/*«*>*-lt's DiamondJxtJr

Color Over Your Old Dresses,Jackets, Waists, Ribbons,with Diamond Dyes!We carry a complete line of Diamond

Dyes, and can recommend them as the strong¬est, simplest, and handsomest of all dyes.No experience is necessary to get good rcaultg. (

Dyes of all colors,Dyes for wool,Dyas for silk,Dyes for cotton,I oe s package. J for a3c.

We have some tried recipeswith directions snd all themsterlsl required; old timedyes that sre cheaper thanpackage dyes.

B. fcrnnT.Druggist.

Woodstock, Va.

Landreth's (iarden SeedaFresh stock Just ia.


The nhl man ls Batt deas* yet. Bs will pulstumi*** ami elena thlil* Juit aa he baa t*«en.|.>ii'x for the last flvu years. All work f/iiarail*«'?*. I sat I * (aoa« ir>¦kan.*'' **XI A.M.EVAE8.

MT. SOLON NEWS.It harihegun te look nindi like Springhud isl in that our peeple had begu.i tx

^et 'heir garden.- in rt ft** te plant thensoring vegj*scables bur an sarakeulngFrttly norning they eh" >/.. Iuiii.dg an I ihe. tall bach lute th** eldWan Of winter 0008 mu*v.Mr. Bent*} Windle is recovering frombis recent severs niue--.The pupil, of our seHotl will cele¬brate Wa-diiogfon's birth div* on theMd ar this place.'/..--'-. Chas. Bi'd'i, Krta lt sudOscar Yew and Kerb Windle will leavefor tiie Went in a »hot tim*We ate verv torre our***c. Luke fiientjfailed to make his appeartucJ last

Saturday night, but supp IBS the badweather is what shut him our.A number of our you;**" lavKas and

gentlemen have been attending themeering* at Mt. Olive which are ", itillbeing continued at thi. a t ifinj*.

JOHtVafll OwEHf.

The Time Corneato every elderly woman when an im¬portant functional chance takes place.This ii? called "The Chance of Life."Theentiresvstem undera es a change.Dreadful diseases such as cane r andconsumption are often contracted atthis time.

McELRESTSWine ofCarduistrengthens and purifies the entiresystem, and brings the suffererover these pitfalls. Its effects havebeen wonderful. It is j? od for allmenstrual troubles, but IS e-;p*jcial!vrec-::!mended at this ti":e. Askyour druggist for the famous Wine ofCardui. §i.<& a bottle.Pe* advice in cases requiring specialdirections, address the "Lau:*-.-/ Ad¬

visory Department," The Chatta¬nooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga,Tenn.Tno*TAS J. COOPER, Tupelo, >fl**.,SBts:."My ilatat tuBatwitTOm irreh' and

infFulfil Stifle and doctor* could Dotrelieve her. Wine of Cardui entirely cvnedher. nnd also helped my moldier through thei i. .n^<- ol Life.**


Iv bu**,ing 1 tilt*went to pta tic real e< on Pay a little more al tin-dart, hut considerably less in the. ¦!. (itt tin* best ind vim

worry ami chagrin. But ifyouwid ignore good advice, et t tn"cheap*1 elsewhere.wo do not- A that ela--*,,*' good.and sethalf s do/en chafing! : I LT: I i -*-1 tb*

e <¦ .-tb wearthrougli tl e thiiKlin of plating and t tcp *e tindisreputable brass beneath. Bu**ii. iv. and .on 'jot our gliar:illti*<of is, backed f y lliat olthc manufacturer.Tho kind we s* il is Rogers ABro'*. The on i il lu-

d the i si tor 50 years. N" "i uki:.

BARSDLT,The Jeweler,


Farmers' Institute.Mr. I"hailes W*. Heater will meet thefanner.-; of Slieiund nb, at the CountyClerk*!* Office, on next Saturday, 24thin-t.. at 2 p. rn. for fha t)iirpo«e of de-| ciding wiictner riiey will have a Faras-

- Institute. If they BS)OU] I d<"-id» toBABS ore. Mr. Heater. who ii a rn-NB*te*rfof the Agricultural Department of the7ih Ibstri<;t. Brill assist in getting ir, up.There should be a large number offanners to meet ulm, as Mienandoah,* hicli fa really s progressive county, isbackward in the «viy of a farmers" In¬stitute. We have tine farm*, but we arenot making rhe rueney that we shouldmake. Other communities are gettingsbead of us, The information whichfarmers need eau be gotten through aKarmen.' Institut**?. All want to be fullvinformed as to what crop* pay best,where ii the ba.t market for anv p.-ir-rfinlar crop, whit fruits are best adnpf-ed to our aeetion, the enemies of ourcraps Slid how to ib'-iroy them and ahundred "flier subjects wl.ich wouldprove Inreresrtng as wall as profitable toour farm res. It will pay every farmer toitteod and become interested iu the.objects that will be brought before theInstitute.

Special txcursion to Washmelon.Tne Soutliers Ballway will sell tick¬

ets from Harrisonburg to Front Rovalaod intermediate stations to Wa**hIngtonand return at rate o'four eeots permile, one way distance 'or t*M Ticket-* to be sold Feb. loth, ISO »,tod April lath. IMO, limit IO day-, In¬cluding dare of »ale. Continuous pa-s¬age in each direction. Thia sn**o*rits "X-.ellent oppoituuitie. for per-on-ar theUationt named to visit ("rsshlllgtOU forIO da;.

*BTOSt.X .aa. .Ha.t; '


ONLY S5.0OSCNDU8J5.00 .-a. ...ant., of jjW bbS vt*VUlsc-r.-l voa ar.y Bra pru..f«.'aby trfuht. C. o. !>.. tabla. I t aBsaatinatloe. Vsaasa n\am»aall ai .uar fr.«tt drpal and 1 f > oef.nd lt U.n au/, al of sr> "f raproof c>mbltia .. i k ironant* ita* 1 safe n.ade ana .boatoaa-tbir. ita (.ric* -b«rr->l bfaUkrr* tnt lt* aaa* ali* aad »rad»,pay »<jur frvul.t s*r*nt ourape. lal faatorjr prl*-* ii njT<« Ifli: i Sar*>. ..

tent with order, ot*j.rwl»e mum it at our expenseend we will return your S.VoO. loo-it.. «.,aai..aai»aafc>«h»*'*afor'.b*Saa.a. tOO-lb. **tra a.* ,i.ra mr'rm.SI I.*Ji; 400 lb*.. .17.Si, 100 Ita.. lbj!BM. 40: liaO lb*.,.M. iU,rrrj Ur** Saab*, aa t.Ida .ad anablal*aJd. <tmmr **f** for lara;* buain'M, faciar*, i.arlrt or la. k.tOlnrbssaltft. 3,001b*., S4U Uta*, lara** hi*b. t4HM»|h...*l*9. .*. lr.||tl|..,MH ti 'rai. par Haili... for ni,¦limo-aiiaa, tOraat*. VV K11 K KoK K K t 1 -Viii« SjI W o»,l K and cpr. lal liberal < . O. I». oflVr eSEARS. ROEBUCK, «&. CO. Chicago.

.1 Cood Pair ul SpectaclesARI IN VALLA OLE,

fb Loni! 1mm,S[if-ci.*il 'attention given to fit¬ting glasses. Fits guarantee'!.

Prices to Suit All.

¦Special prices "ii

Watches, Jewel ry+r^and Silrorw'ire, ibis month, Feby

W. R. McCLANAHAN,Jawia ki:,

Corm St., \Voodsi*ocs*m Va.Fine Watch and Jewelry re¬

pairing.Fi b


If y u want u* to ma., htyour Bt.SlaU and OKDtBKLASTII i.iMipsfor Ita Ktl.lKSiMiiiMiin«iiiii'*i illiliB Mt, >v*i'LLl> UK ll.itB-ATkD Ll.***, 'OKHUMT.aHIM>BI>*L *li.MuV> OBti ana, asses i .r tatcst,

,_,. a.l*ht aa. sic*. *l*te ni. u. berf ln.-l.t-a aroand txxly or

limb at «a*'h l.-tter hh«>wn iarut an .1 »ith "urM'tllUPHKL Warri make

>r fr m th..rry tani rwhbar *l*«tl«

.irrt.l, .ni*rantt-e a *>»rf-*i Si aaa: BOC flrd lt i».Tt>otly

artery and *>inal t¦. ?..." ls..-. t d. able Um ) Hem f r,n< :r. xi^n**and ne »iU

OUR SPECIAL PRICE J2«Jri..11* lb!.* -asaslBBj t «* I. HUIlM«b lavKla*. I la 1, t«.0a»; Iblart,pirra. t. :.. I. a«4«»i *»¦*. .i.*l -I.a '.m.. 14.00; tar* Irtnria.. I uS,#4. * Ml; baa* (ap. K ta <>. fi.«»t

m a-.i-J.r .I.*, la* tut, ft. OOt fartaVP I BCL^y lad,,. I I* S. at.ABi sabkt, t Ul',

ft OO: ahdoalaal ball. Kui. ilrt.»0. lOTTOS BLASTM..IHIII*.. llNkTHIBtMl.**. -r*-l»l ».?*****» ""Sall* »ba**»laalt*ati».ir*'r. IM* .r»-a.l, lnt*-r» oa a-n » ItSpr tr.t. .! mSb«r lhrfa.1. * laakaa art.*. .t.lM): 111 larhaa,S. lil l* l*«s**. it.40. Write f r Jmiiv. rv r.ral<*r<ia.




-tGroceries.1:We inij" only the best, ind s^antntoe them. If* they don'tplease you, hiing them back and get your money.

^V Candies, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas..**.*"""UKIN/." / Baked Basils sent sad s.uir I'ioUes1 AMOL'S \ mill**! pieklst io b«.ulc>, mustard dressing

* , , .» HAM* )




60 Brands of Cigars, Tobacco 5 Sn^ffThe beet Independent, Water Whkml nnd Rod Oil.noininy, B. W. FUur, Rice Linn mil Soup Roan8, Prunes.reacher** and Apple*1. All goods delivered } ninptlj*.