Shear Force and Bending Moment

Date of Experiment: Report due date: Report submission date: Checked by: Item/ Marks Format/ 10 Abstract & Introduction/ 10 Figures & Diagrams/ 15 Materials & Method/ 10 Results Discussions/ 45 References/ 10 Total SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT GEORGE KENJI PUTRA 0304559 Justin Moo Xian Yuen Leong Yok Ben Manish Kumar Sing Domun Ng Yi Ming School of Engineering Taylor’s University Malaysia 12 May 2014


Lab Report of Shear Force and Bending Moment

Transcript of Shear Force and Bending Moment

  • Date of Experiment:

    Report due date:

    Report submission date:

    Checked by:

    Item/ Marks

    Format/ 10

    Abstract & Introduction/ 10

    Figures & Diagrams/ 15

    Materials & Method/ 10

    Results Discussions/ 45

    References/ 10





    Justin Moo Xian Yuen

    Leong Yok Ben

    Manish Kumar Sing Domun

    Ng Yi Ming

    School of Engineering

    Taylors University


    12 May 2014

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    2.1 Apparatus 3

    2.2 Methods 3

    2.3 Procedures 3


    4.0 DISCUSSIONS 15

    5.0 CONCLUSION 16


  • 2


    The objective of this lab session is to acquire the experimental values of bending moment and

    shear force that acted on simply supported beam that has some points to hang the load. After

    conducting this experiment and analyzing the data, the results of experimental calculation will be

    compared with theoretical calculation.


    Shear force is the internal resistance created in beam cross sections, in order to balance transverse

    external load acting on beam, while bending moment is bending effect due to the forces that act

    on the beam. There are several types of beams, such as: cantilever beam, simply supported beam,

    overhanging beam, rigidly fixed beam and continuous beam. In this particular experiment, we were

    dealing with simply supported beam.

    Having better understanding about these two things are very important in engineering field, since

    nowadays development of construction is growing rapidly.

    In theory, when the loads apply to the beam, the beam hold those loads by giving off internal

    stresses and strains inside its interior. The internal force that acts vertically to the longitudinal axis

    is the shear force. The bending moment is the internal couple forces of the beam. The summation

    of those internal forces need to be in equilibrium state in order to hold the external force that

    applied to the beam.


    Figure 1. Rough Design for Shear Force and Bending Moment Experiment

    . . . . .


    Profile Frame


    Supported Beam

    Console Box Loading Point


    A B C

  • 3

    2.1 Apparatus

    Aluminum profile frame

    Simply supported beam (0.8 m length)

    Loading Point Holder




    2.2 Methods

    Calibrate the console box and the beam before taking the reading. Put the loads to the hanger, and hang it

    on the point holder. Wait until the values shown on console box are stable, then only take the reading. For

    the next reading, make sure the console box is recalibrated back to zero and make sure the beam is flat by

    using water level ruler.

    2.3 Procedures

    1. Level the beam by using water level ruler.

    2. Set the console box to zero.

    3. Add 2 N load to the hanger, and hang it at loading point holder A (0.095 m from left).

    4. Write down the reading that shown on console box.

    5. Repeat the step 14 by using load of 4 N and 6 N.

    6. Repeat the step 1-5 by hanging the load at loading point holder B (0.245 m from left).

    7. Hang the loads at both point A and B, with combination load of 2-2 N, 4-4 N, and 6-6

    N, and dont forget to do step 1 and 2 before start the experiment.

    8. Write down the reading separately according to which loading point holder the loads



    Table 1. Experimental Values for Loading Point Holder A (Distance: 0.095 m)

    Load (N) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    2 0.202 0.100

    4 0.405 0.200

    6 0.603 0.160

    Table 2. Experimental Values for Loading Point Holder B (Distance: 0.245 m)

    Load (N) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    2 0.505 0.090

    4 1.013 0.280

    6 1.534 0.730

  • 4

    Table 3. Experimental Values for Double Loading Point Holder (A and B)

    Load 1 (N) Load 2 (N) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    2 2 0.708 0.360

    4 4 1.422 0.700

    6 6 2.135 0.800

    Drawing the free body diagram will make our life easier to calculate the theoretical value of shear

    force and bending moment. Look at next page for free body diagram and also calculation for the

    theoretical values of shear force and bending moment. In this case, 4 N is used to be the example.

    4 N Load Calculation Example at Point A

    Figure 2. Free Body Diagram for 4 N Load at Point A (0.095 m)

    Applying equilibrium conditions:

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra + Rb 4 = 0 4 = Ra + Rb

    MA = 0, taking clockwise as positive

    4(0.095) Rb(L) = 0 0.38 0.8Rb = 0 Rb = 0.475 N

    4 = Ra + 0.475

    Ra = 3.525 N

  • 5

    Section the beam right before the force (4 N).

    Figure 3. Sectioned Beam for 0 x 0.095 m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra V = 0 V = 3.525 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) - M = 0

    M = 3.525(x)

    At x = 0 m; M = 0

    At x = 0.095 m; M = 0.335 Nm

    Then make a section again, this time 0.095 x 0.8 m.

    Figure 4. Sectioned Beam for 0.095 x 0.800 m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra 4 V = 0 V = -0.475 N

  • 6

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) 4(x 0.095) M = 0

    At x = 0.095 m; 3.525(0.095) 4(0.095-0.095) = M M = 0.335 Nm

    At x = 0.800 m; 3.525(0.800) 4(0.800-0.095) = M M = 0 Nm

    The shear force and bending moment diagram for calculation above would be like figures below:

    Figure 5. Shear Force Diagram for 2 N Load at Point A (0.095 m)

  • 7

    Figure 6. Bending Moment Diagram for 2 N Load at Point A (0.095 m)

    4 N Load Calculation Example at Point B

    Figure 7. Free Body Diagram for 4 N Load at Point B (0.245 m)

    Applying equilibrium conditions:

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra + Rb 4 = 0

  • 8

    4 = Ra + Rb

    MA = 0, taking clockwise as positive

    4(0.245) Rb(L) = 0 0.98 0.8Rb = 0 Rb = 1.225 N

    4 = Ra + 1.225

    Ra = 2.775 N

    Section the beam right before the force (4 N).

    Figure 8. Sectioned Beam for 0 x 0.245 m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra V = 0 V = 2.775 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) - M = 0

    M = 2.775(x)

    At x = 0 m; M = 0

    At x = 0.245 m; M = 0.680 Nm

  • 9

    Then make a section again, this time 0.245 x 0.8 m.

    Figure 9. Sectioned Beam for 0.245 x 0.800 m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra 4 V = 0 V = -1.225 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) 4(x 0.245) M = 0

    At x = 0.245 m; 2.775(0.245) 4(0.245-0.245) = M M = 0.680 Nm

    At x = 0.800 m; 2.775(0.800) 4(0.800-0.245) = M M = 0 Nm

    The shear force and bending moment diagram for calculation above would be like figures on the

    next page:

  • 10

    Figure 10. Shear Force Diagram for 4 N Load at Point B (0.245 m)

    Figure 11. Bending Moment Diagram for 4 N Load at Point B (0.245 m)

  • 11

    4 N Load Calculation Example at Point A and B (Double Point)

    Figure 12. Free Body Diagram for 4-4 N Load at Point A and B (Double Point)

    Applying equilibrium conditions:

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra + Rb 4 4 = 0 8 = Ra + Rb

    MA = 0, taking clockwise as positive

    4(0.095) + 4(0.245) Rb(L) = 0 0.38 + 0.98 0.8Rb = 0 Rb = 1.700 N

    8 = Ra + 1.700

    Ra = 6.300 N

    Section the beam right before the force (4 N).

    Figure 13. Sectioned Beam for 0 x 0.095 m

  • 12

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra V = 0 V = 6.300 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) - M = 0

    M = 6.300(x)

    At x = 0 m; M = 0

    At x = 0.095 m; M = 0.599Nm

    Then make a section again, this time 0.095 x 0.245 m.

    Figure 14. Sectioned Beam for 0.095 x 0.245 m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra 4 V = 0 V = 2.300 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive (at cut-off section)

    Ra(x) 4(x 0.095) M = 0

    At x = 0.095 m; 6.300(0.095) 4(0.095-0.095) = M M = 0.599 Nm

    At x = 0.245 m; 6.300(0.245) 4(0.245-0.095) = M M = 0.944 Nm

  • 13

    Once again make a section, this time 0.245 x 0.800 m.

    Figure 15. Sectioned Beam for 0.245 x 0.800m

    Fy = 0, taking up as positive

    Ra 4 4 V = 0 6.300 8 = V V = -1.700 N

    M = 0, taking clockwise as positive

    Ra .x - 4(x 0.095) 4(x 0.245) M = 0 6.300(x) 4(x 0.095) 4(x 0.245) = M

    At x = 0.245 m; 6.300(0.245) 4(0.245 0.095) 4(0.245 0.245) M = 0.944 Nm

    At x = 0.800 m; 6.300(0.800) 4(0.800 0.095) 4(0.800 0.245) = M M = 0 Nm

    The shear force and bending moment diagram for calculation above would be like figures on the

    next page:

  • 14

    Figure 15. Shear Force Diagram for 4-4 N Load at Point A and B (Double Point)

    Figure 16. Bending Moment Diagram for 4-4 N Load at Point A and B (Double Point)

  • 15

    Table 4. Theoretical Values for Loading Point Holder A (Distance: 0.095 m)

    Load (N) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    2 -0.238 0.167

    4 -0.475 0.335

    6 -0.712 0.502

    Table 5. Theoretical Values for Loading Point Holder B (Distance: 0.245 m)

    Load (N) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    2 1.388 0.340

    4 2.775 0.680

    6 4.162 1.020

    Table 6. Theoretical Values for Double Loading Point Holder (A and B) with 2-2 N Load

    Distance (m) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    0 3.150 0

    0.095 1.150 0.299

    0.245 -0.850 0.472

    0.800 -0.850 0

    Table 7. Theoretical Values for Double Loading Point Holder (A and B) with 4-4 N Load

    Distance (m) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    0 6.300 0

    0.095 2.300 0.599

    0.245 -1.700 0.944

    0.800 -1.700 0

    Table 8. Theoretical Values for Double Loading Point Holder (A and B) with 6-6 N Load

    Distance (m) Shear Force (N) Bending Moment (Nm)

    0 9.450 0

    0.095 3.450 0.898

    0.245 -2.550 1.415

    0.800 -2.550 0


    The tables and the graphs above show that the values of the load is proportional to the values of

    shear force as well as bending moment. Which means, the bigger the load applied, the bigger shear

  • 16

    force and bending moment will produced. This statement is valid to both conditions, one point

    loaded and also double point loaded.

    Nonetheless, the experimental results are not really accurate since the console box somehow were

    only showing one direction (in this case is positive). As we all can see on theoretical values, there

    are some negative forces which means the force acting downwards. If only the console box worked

    how it supposed to be, the experimental values would not have big different compared to the

    theoretical ones.

    Other than that, the shocks from another table that we sharing with affected the number that coming

    out of the console box.


    In conclusion, this experiment show us the values of theoretical calculation are larger than the

    actual values that measured by a console box. Both single loaded and double loaded experienced

    the same condition. In outline, from the experiment, when the load is added, the number of shear

    force and bending moment will get higher too.


    1. Analysis of Beams | Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagram ~ Learn Engineering.

    [ONLINE] Available at:

    moment-diagram.html. [Accessed 11 May 2014].

    2. Shear Force and bending diagrams. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11

    May 2014].

    3. Civil Engineering: TYPES OF BEAMS & TYPES OF LOADINGS. [ONLINE] Available


    loadings.html. [Accessed 11 May 2014].