Sharing pp final

Learning How, What, and Who to Share With other classroom policie


First part of powerpoint assignment

Transcript of Sharing pp final

Page 1: Sharing pp final

Learning How, What, and Who to Share With

And other classroom policies

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Toys!•Friends!•Brothers and Sisters!•Mom and Dad!•Classmates!

•Play fun games with your friends!

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Share with your friend if he or she forgot their snack!

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Why Share??

It’s nice to share because it shows your friends and family that you care about them!

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• Mom and Dad, Brothers and Sisters

• Friends and playmates

• Teachers and Helpers

Who do I Share With?

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•Strangers•Pets•Younger siblings (in some cases)

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What Not To Share

•Certain Toys•Certain Foods•Kleenex•Drinks

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Why Not to Share These


•Germs•Sickness•Choking Hazards

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Classroom Rules

•No running•No yelling•No hitting or pushing•Play nicely•Listen to the teacher and helpers

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Bathroom Rules

•No playing in the sink•Close the door before you use the bathroom•Do not lock the door•Always wash your hands when you’re finished•Turn off the light when you’re done

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Snack Time Rules!•Wash your hands before•Sit in your own spot•Clean up when you are finished•No throwing food•You must remain seated while eating

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Circle Time Rules!•No talking when the teacher is talking•Sit on your own spot•Raise your hand if you want to speak•Do not bug or distract your neighbor

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Preschool in a nutshell…

Learn while playing and having fun!