SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua...

18 God called Joshua to be His servant Joshua 1:1–2 DAY 1 39,<! Vg ,' ;8<;, 3( 39,<! Vg 31'ধ1'9 >' ;,-20 32£@ !#3<; ,<1!2 £'!&'89 !2& (38+'; ;,!; 3& -9 3<8 ;8<' £'!&'8W 98!'£ £39; 39'9T ;,' 1!2 >,3 ,!& £'& ;,'1 (38 93 £32+W <; 3& ;330 $!8' 3( 98!'£ #@ 6-$0-2+ ! 2'> £'!&'8W ,-9 $,3-$' 9,3>9 <9T )89;T ;,!; 23 32' $!2 /<9; &'$-&' ;3 #' ! £'!&'8 3( 3&Z9 6'36£' l'8 VmW 3& &'$-&'9W '$32&T 3& £'!&9 -9 6'36£' #@ $,339-2+ £'!&'89 >,3 ,!=' !£8'!&@ 683='2 ;3 #' (!-;,(<£ 9'8=!2;9 l -1 VgmW 39,<! ,!& #''2 39'9Z !99-9;!2; (38 2'!8£@ @'!89T !2& ,' ,!& £'& 98!'£Z9 !81@ ;3 2<1'83<9 =-$;38-'9 l?3& V¥g¤mW ' ,!& #''2 32' 3( 32£@ ;>3 (!-;,(<£ 96-'9 l<1 V¤mW 3 39,<! ,!& 683='2 ,-19'£( (!-;,(<£ -2 91!££'8 83£'9 #'(38' 3& $!££'& ,-1 ;3 £'!& ;,' >,3£' 2!ধ32 l!ħ VmW ,-8&T 3& £'!&9 -9 6'36£' #@ '163>'8-2+ ;,' £'!&'89 3( -9 6'36£'W 39'9 ,!& $,!2+'& 39,<!Z9 2!1' (831 39,'!T >,-$, 1'!29 [9!£=!ধ32T\ ;3 39,<!T >,-$, 1'!29 [3& -9 9!£=!ধ32T\ !9 ! 8'1-2&'8 3( >,3 -9 8'!££@ -2 $,!8+' l<1 V¤mW -2$' 3& -9 ;,' ;8<' £'!&'8T ' 8!-9'9 <6 (!-;,(<£ 1'2 ;3 £'!& -9 6'36£'W WEEK 4 ASK W ,3 &-'& /<9; #'(38' 98!'£ '2;'8'& ;,' 6831-9'& £!2&S Moses. W ,3 &'$-&'& ;,!; 39,<! >3<£& #' ;,' 2'?; £'!&'8S God did. W ,!; 0-2& 3( 6'8932 &3'9 3& $,339' ;3 £'!& -9 6'36£'S He chooses faithful servants who depend on God. W ,!; &3'9 ;,' 2!1' 39,<! 1'!2S 39,<! 1'!29 Y,' -9 9!¡=!32UZ W ,!; >!9 39,<!Z9 1-99-32S To lead Israel across the Jordan and into the promised land. W ,!; !8' 931' >!@9 @3< $!2 #' ! (!-;,(<£ 9'8=!2; 23>T 93 ;,!; @3< !8' 8'!&@ ;3 #' <9'& #@ 3& -2 #-++'8 >!@9 £!;'8S W '!& ';'8 VgW 3> 9,3<£& £'!&'89 3( 3&Z9 6'36£' ;,-20 3( ;,'19'£='9S 3& $!££9 39,<! ;3 #' -9 9'8=!2; 39,<! ªe WEEK 4 SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON

Transcript of SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua...

Page 1: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,


God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2DAY 1

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ASK �W� ��,3�&-'&�/<9;�#'(38'� 98!'£�'2;'8'&�;,'�


�W� ��,3�&'$-&'&�;,!;��39,<!�>3<£&�#'�;,'�2'?;�£'!&'8S�God did.

�W� ��,!;�0-2&�3(�6'8932�&3'9��3&�$,339'�;3�£'!&��-9�6'36£'S�He chooses faithful servants who depend on God.

�W� ��,!;�&3'9�;,'�2!1'��39,<!�1'!2S��39,<!�1'!29�Y�,'������-9�9!¡=!�32UZ

�W� ��,!;�>!9��39,<!Z9�1-99-32S�To lead Israel across the Jordan and into the promised land.

� ����� �W� ��,!;�!8'�931'�>!@9�@3<�$!2�#'�!�(!-;,(<£�


�W� ��'!&����';'8��V�g�W��3>�9,3<£&�£'!&'89�3(��3&Z9�6'36£'�;,-20�3(�;,'19'£='9S�

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Page 2: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,

�3&�$32)81'&��-9�6831-9'9�;3��39,<!�• Joshua 1:3–5DAY 2

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ASK �W� ��3>�&-&��3&�'2$3<8!+'��39,<!�-2�,-9�&-ă$<£;�;!90S�

God reminded Joshua of His promises, His power, and His presence. God Himself would win the victory.

�W� ��,!;�&-&� 98!'£�2''&�;3�&3�-2�38&'8�;3�'2/3@��3&Z9�6831-9'�!#3<;�;,'�£!2&S� 98!'¡�2''&'&�;3�'2;'8�;,'�¡!2&�#@�(!-;,f>,'8'='8�;,'@�entered, God would give victory.

�W� ��,!;�>!9�96'$-!£�!#3<;�;,'�>!@��3&�6831-9'&�;3�#'�>-;,��39,<!S�God promised to be with Joshua just like He had been with Moses.

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�W� ��'!&��!ħ,'>��¥V���!2&��'#8'>9���V�g¤W� 9��'9<9�>-;,�@3<S��3�@3<�,!='�!2@;,-2+�;3�('!8S

God commanded Joshua to be strong • Joshua 1:6–9DAY 3������ �39,<!��V¤g�

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,!='�9<$$'99W��<;�;3�3#'@�;,'�£!>�93�$!8'(<££@T��39,<!�2''&'&�;3�1'&-;!;'�32�;,'�£!>�&!@�!2&�2-+,;�l�39,��V¥mW� ;�>!9�;3�#'�93�1<$,�!�6!8;�3(�,-1�;,!;�-;�>!9�$329;!2;£@�$31-2+�3<;�3(�,-9�13<;,W��'$32&T�@3<�$!2�)2&�9;8'2+;,�!2&�$3<8!+'�(831��3&Z9�68'9'2$'W��3&�;3£&��39,<!�23;�;3�('!8�#'$!<9'��'�>3<£&�#'�>-;,�,-1�>,'8'='8�,'�>'2;�l�V�mW� 2�;,'�'2&T��3&Z9�3>2�68'9'2$'�>3<£&�+-='��39,<!�9<$$'99W��,'9'�6831-9'9�!8'�(38�@3<�;33T�-(�@3<�#'£-'='W��9�@3<�0''6��3&Z9�>38&�l�!9��V��m�!2&�&'6'2&�<632��3&Z9�68'9'2$'�l�31�¥V�mT��3&�>-££�+-='�@3<�9<$$'99W��3�#'�9;832+�!2&�$3<8!+'3<9�!9�@3<�&3�>,!;��3&�$!££9�@3<�;3�&3

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Page 3: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,


ASK �W� ��,!;�>!9��39,<!�9<6639'&�;3�1'&-;!;'�32�!2&�

3#'@S�Joshua was supposed to meditate on and obey God’s word.

�W� ��,!;�>3<£&�,!66'2�-(��39,<!�3#'@'&��3&Z9�£!>S�Joshua would have success.

�W� ��,3�>3<£&�+-='��39,<!�9<$$'99S�God. God’s presence protects, blesses, and gives success in doing His will.

� ���������W� ��!='�@3<�(!-£'&�8'$'2;£@�;3�&3�931';,-2+��3&Z9�


�W� ��'!&��9!£1�����<2ধ£�@3<�$!2�£-9;����#£'99-2+9�;,!;�$31'�(831��3&Z9�>38&W

The blessed man delights in the law of the LORD • Psalm 1:1–3DAY 4������ �9!£1��

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K 4

ASK �W� ��,!;�&3'9�;,'�#£'99'&�1!2�23;�&3S�

He stays away from ungodly input into his life.�W� ��3>�&3�9-22'89�+3�(831�#!&�;3�>389'S�

�!99-2+�;,83<+,�j>!¡0-2+k�;<829�;3�9;!@-2+�j9-ࣕ2+kU�Leaving God out of your thoughts leads to openly mocking God.

�W� ��,!;�&3'9�;,'�#£'99'&�1!2�&3S�He delights in God’s word and meditates on God’s word.

�W� ��,@�&3'9�;,'�#£'99'&�1!2�,!='�9<$$'99�-2�'='8@;,-2+�,'�&3'9S�Because he treasures God’s word above all.

� ���������W� ��3�@3<�&'£-+,;�-2��3&Z9�>38&S��316!8'�;,'�!13<2;�


�W� ��!2�@3<�;,-20�3(�!�ধ1'�>,'2�@3<�8'1'1#'8'&��3&Z9�>38&�!2&�-;�+!='�@3<�9<$$'99S

Page 4: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,

Jesus is always with those who belong to him •��!ħ,'>��£ª��DAY 5������ �!ħ,'>��¥V�¤g��

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ASK �W� ��,!;�/3#�&-&��'9<9�+-='�;3�;,'�&-9$-6£'9�!2&�;3�!££�

#'£-'='89S�He commands us to make disciples by teaching about Jesus all over the world.

�W� ��,-9�-9�!�,!8&�/3#W��,!;�9;8'2+;,�&3�>'�,!='�;3�&3�-;S�He said that He Himself is with us.

�W� ��3>�£32+�&3��,8-9ধ!29�'2/3@�;,'�68'9'2$'�3(��'9<9S�Forever.

�W� ��3>�63>'8(<£�-9��'9<9Z�68'9'2$'S�All-powerful. He has all authority in heaven and on earth (28:18).

� ���������W� ��8'�@3<�!(8!-&�3(�;'££-2+�3;,'89�!#3<;��'9<9S��,!;�

$!2�@3<�8'1'1#'8�;3�3='8$31'�@3<8�('!8S��W� ��!='�@3<�8'$'2;£@�;8-'&�;3�3#'@��3&�#<;�(!-£'&S�


�3&�!6683='9��!,!#Z9�(!-;,Joshua 2:1–24


Page 5: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,



God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9





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God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9

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Page 7: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,



God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9

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Prepared exclusively for [email protected] Transaction: GOG7030 This is a timed link that will expire at 2021-04-18 03:35:58 UTC.

Page 8: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,



God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9



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See What You Know!

Prepared exclusively for [email protected] Transaction: GOG7030 This is a timed link that will expire at 2021-04-18 03:35:58 UTC.

Page 9: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,

15Servants of the Lord courageously trust in God and love His word.

God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9


Page 10: SHARE THE BIBLE LESSON WEEK 4€¦ · 18 DAY 1 God called Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–2 39,


God calls Joshua to be His servant • Joshua 1:1–9

God is with His people.