
Let’s Learn About Shapes! A Math Lesson for Pre K Students!


Pre K lesson on shapes

Transcript of Shapes

  • 1. Lets Learn About Shapes! A Math Lesson for PreK Students!

2. What you will learn! After this presentation you will know the names of different shapes and you will know what different shapes look like! 3. Directions Click on a shape to learn more about it. Click on the speaker button to hear the shapes name. To get back to the main page click on the house. To go to the rondo click on the yellow arrow. For more activities click on the blue arrow. 4. CircleSquare RectangleTriangle TrapezoidRhombusParallelogram More Fun!Pentagon HeptagonHexagon Rondo! Octagon 5. More fun with shapes! 6. Directions Click on a shape of your choice. Say I spy a ___________. For example if you clicked on the circle, you would say I spy a circle. Then everyone says together Shapes, Shapes, all around, we love shapes, you bet!. Repeat until everyone has taken a turn! Click on the green arrow to take the quiz. 7. Circle Square RectangleTriangle TrapezoidRhombus ParallelogramQuizPentagonHeptagonHexagonOctagon 8. I spy a circle! Circle 9. I spy a triangle! Triangle 10. I spy a square! Square 11. I spy a rectangle! Rectangle 12. I spy a trapezoid! Trapezoid 13. I spy a rhombus!Rhombus 14. I spy a parallelogram!Parallelogram 15. I spy a pentagon!Pentagon 16. I spy a heptagon! Heptagon 17. I spy a hexagon! Hexagon 18. I spy an octagon! Octagon 19. Quiz directions Click on your choice. If you get it right youll see a smiley face. If you get it wrong youll see a Try Again message. If you get it wrong, take another guess! Click on the blue triangle to go to the next question. 20. What is this shape? Square Triangle Circle 21. Good Job! Thats Correct! 22. Try Again! 23. What is this shape? Square Triangle Circle 24. Good Job! Thats Correct! 25. Try Again! 26. What is this shape? Square Triangle Circle 27. Good Job! Thats Correct! 28. Try Again! 29. What is this shape? Rectangle Trapezoid Rhombus 30. Good Job! Thats Correct! 31. Try Again! 32. What is this shape? Rectangle Trapezoid Rhombus 33. Good Job! Thats Correct! 34. Try Again! 35. What is this shape? Rectangle Trapezoid Rhombus 36. Good Job! Thats Correct! 37. Try Again! 38. What is this shape? Parallelogram Pentagon Hexagon 39. Good Job! Thats Correct! 40. Try Again! 41. What is this shape? Parallelogram Pentagon Hexagon 42. Good Job! Thats Correct! 43. Try Again! 44. What is this shape? Parallelogram Pentagon Hexagon 45. Good Job! Thats Correct! 46. Try Again! 47. What is this shape? Heptagon Octagon Circle 48. Good Job! Thats Correct! 49. Try Again! 50. What is this shape? Heptagon Octagon Circle 51. Good Job! Thats Correct! 52. Try Again! 53. GREAT JOB!Give yourself a pat on the back!