Shakuntala devi choekyi+chonden

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Transcript of Shakuntala devi choekyi+chonden

  1. 1. Shakuntala Devi The Human Computer
  2. 2. Content About Shakuntala Devi Video Awards & Achievements
  3. 3. Shakuntala Devi Born: 4 November, 1929 Bengaluru, India Died 21 April 2013(aged 83) Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Nationality: Indian Other names Human computer Occupation : Social worker
  4. 4. Shakuntala Devi
  5. 5. By solving arithmetical problems, mental math questions and finding out complex square roots and cube roots within a few seconds.
  6. 6. Awards & Achievements 'Distinguished Woman of the Year Award' 1969, from the University of Philippines along with a gold medal. In 1988, she was honored with the 'Ramanujan Mathematical Genius Award' in Washington D.C. '1995 Guinness Book of World Records' edition for her outstanding mathematical feat where she beat the world's fastest computer at multiplying two thirteen digit numbers. A month before her death, she was honored with the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' in Mumbai, in 2013.
  7. 7. By Tenzin Choekyi