Shadow Dragons

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Transcript of Shadow Dragons

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    CharactersThe endless cast of characters which populate a fantastic world can be broadly separated into

    Player Characters which serve as the playing pieces and avatars of the players in the game and Non

    Player Characters which are controlled by the Game Master.

    Core CharacteristicsThe characters are differentiated by a

    dozen “Characteristics” which, while being

    determined, in part, by their Race and Vocation

    are also used to make each Elfish Knight

    different from the next. Characteristics can also

     be improved through experience.

    Agility Appearance

    Constitution Dexterity

    Fortune Reason

    Knowledge PerceptionStatus Strength

    Voice Willpower  

    Agility measures the character’s sense of 

     balance and reaction speed. It is used when

    tumbling and swinging from chandeliers and

    dancing away from the tip of the foeman’s

     blade. Typical feats of Agility include leaping,

    avoiding, and balancing.


    Appearance indicates the pleasing

    aspect of their form, complexion, and bearing,

    coming into play when making first

    impressions, seducing villain’s beautiful

    assistants, and in matters of courtship. Typical

    feats of Appearance are attracting, distracting,

    and alluring.

    Constitution tells how hearty and

    healthy the character is when the they must

    resist diseases, poisons, and wounds. Typicalfeats of Constitution are enduring, metabolizing,

    and consuming.

    Dexterity gives the character’s finesse

    with their fingers and hands in matters of fine

    craft work and art, as well as lock picking, and

    wielding blades with the skill of a surgeon.

    Typical feats of Dexterity are untying, fiddling,

    and tweaking.

    Fortune is a measure of luck, karma,

    and divine favor. It does not directly influence

    skills or success rolls but is often used when

    chance is a factor. Typical feats of fortune

    include serendipity, praying, and taking chances.

    Reason measures the ability to think 

    clearly and reason. It is used to solve puzzles

    and reach conclusions. It is also the ability to

    react to sudden changes and act quickly.

    Typical feats of Reason include riddling,

    analyzing, solving, and reassessing.

    Knowledge is the ability to remember,

    and connect information to draw conclusions. It

    is quite possible to be very learned and stupid.Indeed if the information learned is wrong, it

    can make the individual stupid. Knowledge is

    used when seeking information, appealing to the

    reasoning faculties of others, and learning and

    working magic. Typical feats of Knowledge

    include understanding, solving, and calculating.

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    Perception shows how sharp the

    character’s senses and wits are. It is helpful

    when searching for lost paths, following the

    tracks of foes in the wilderness, and attacking

    with ranged weapons. Typical feats of 

    Perception are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling,

    sensing and feeling. Because these traits canvary in widely in individuals they can be

    modified individually as long as the total is zero

    and the total of Perception and no modification

    is greater than the racial base value. For 

    example, a human could not modify their Sight,

    Hearing, Smell/Taste, Intuition, or Touch by

    more than 5 points.

    Status is a matter of birth and wealth as

    a general principle and in more practical terms.

    The poor king of an impoverished nation mightwell mind his tongue when dealing with a

    wealthy baron from a powerful neighboring

    state. Typical feats of Status include affording,

    imposing, and commanding.

    Strength is the combined weight of the

    character’s body, the thickness of their bones,

    and the power of their sinews. It comes into

     play when striking blows, lifting boulders, and

     bending the bars of dank prisons to escape.

    Typical feats of Strength include bracing, lifting,and forcing.

    Voice speaks of the character’s musical

    range and control which becomes important not

    only when entertaining fickle kings and taming

    savage beasts but also in giving rousing

    speeches and chanting incantations in terrible

    tones which should not come from human lips.

    Typical feats of Voice include singing,

    speaking, and shouting.

    Willpower is the measure of the heart,

    sense of self, of purpose, and simple mule-like

    stubbornness. It is tested when resisting spells

    that bind and twist the mind, gritting teeth to

    rise against the pain of many wounds, and

    overcoming the fear and dread radiated by the

    walking dead. Typical feats of Willpower 

    include resisting, persevering, and memorizing.

    SkillsWhile Characteristics measure natural

    abilities, Skills measure training and experience.

    Skills are divided into loosely related “Blocks”which contain some overlapping knowledge.

    Points spent on the Block are added to all the

    skills inside it. The “Skill Rating” is the total of 

    the three Characteristics associated with the

    Block and the points spent on the Block and the

    specific Skill.

    Skill Difficulty

    Some skills simply require some study

    and training. This is represented by a penalty to

    the initial rating as shown in parentheses besidethe skill name. This is subtracted from the

    initial rating but each point spent also reduces

    the penalty by ten. So it takes three points to

    eliminate a -30.

    VocationsIn medieval times, people often had little

    choice when it came to their livelihood. A

    farmer’s son would most likely grow up to farm

    the same plot of land and a knight’s son would be a knight unless he chose to join the

     priesthood. Apprenticeships began at the age of 

    twelve. The apprentice would be fostered by

    their new master and taught a useful trade in

    exchange for years of servitude. The vocational

     packages presented here provide a beginning

    character with characteristic scores and skills

     but they can also be used create experienced

    characters quickly by multiplying the Block and

    Skill purchases by the experience level.

    Roleplaying games are all about choices, sorather than restricting a player’s choices, each

    vocation provides the raw talent, social status

    and circumstances needed to make the choice a

    viable reality and may be considered a mutable


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    Experience LevelsFor each level of experience attained,

    one hundred points are gained with which to

    improve the character. The number of points

    that can be spent on each aspect of a character’s

    development is limited in one way or another.

    Characteristics can only be improved by one point per level at a cost of five points. Skills

    can be improved by up to three points per level.

    Skill Blocks can be improved to a maximum of 

    the points already spent in the best skill in the


    Characteristic +1 / Level (costs 5)

    Skill +3 / Level

    Block + Skill

    Experience And AgeIt is assumed that an ordinary person

    living an ordinary life accumulates two-hundred

    and fifty Experience Points per year. At this

    rate they achieve twentieth level by the age of 

    one hundred. Of course age related illnesses,

    general decline, and atrophy take their toll andfew ever see such advanced years. The break 

    down within the year is twenty Experience

     points per month with ten added in to reflect

    important or memorable events.

    Skill Blocks Base RatingArmor Agility + Constitution + Strength

    Art Dexterity + Reason + Perception + Sight or Hearing

    Construction Constitution + Dexterity + Strength

    Athletic Agility + Constitution + Strength

    Awareness Perception + Reason + Fortune

    Entertain Voice + Perception + Reason + Hearing

    Foods Knowledge + Reason + Perception + Smell / Taste

    Healing Dexterity + Knowledge + Willpower Leather Work  Constitution + Dexterity + Knowledge

    Lore Knowledge + Reason + Willpower 

    Maritime Agility + Constitution + Reason

    Melee Weapon Agility + Dexterity + Strength

    Missile Weapon Dexterity + Perception + Sight + Strength

    Metal Work  Constitution + Dexterity + Strength

    Magic Knowledge + Reason +Willpower 

    Outdoors  Constitution + Perception + Willpower 

    Sleight of Hand Dexterity +Perception + Reason + Touch

    Resilience Constitution + Strength+ Willpower 

    Social Appearance + Voice + Willpower Stone Work   Constitution + Strength + Willpower 

    Textiles Dexterity + Knowledge + Willpower 

    Tinker Dexterity + Knowledge + Willpower 

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    BirthrightsTwo birthrights can be claimed during character creation. Each can be taken multiple times

    though Gifted does not stack and is only worthwhile if applied to a different skill.

    Blood Line

    A roll may be made on the Blood Line table. This roll is strictly background information but it

    does suggest some Birthrights.

    01 - 05 Unknown Ancestry

    06 - 10 Blood of Bandits

    11 - 15 Blood of Artisans

    16 - 20 Blood of Bards

    21 - 25 Blood of Carpenters

    26 - 30 Blood of Farmers

    31 - 35 Blood of Fishermen

    36 - 40 Blood of Herdsmen

    41 - 45 Blood of Heroes46 - 50 Blood of Hunters

    51 - 55 Blood of Laborers

    56 - 60 Blood of Masons

    61 - 65 Blood of Merchants

    66 - 70 Blood of Potters

    71 - 75 Blood of Sailors

    76 - 80 Blood of Soldiers

    81 - 85 Blood of Savages

    86 - 90 Blood of Smiths

    91 Blood of Sorcerers

    92 Blood of Kings

    93 Accursed Blood

    94 Blood of Dragons

    95 Blood of Elves96 Blood of Fiends

    97 Blood of Giants

    98 Exalted Blood

    99 Fey Blooded

    00 Goblin Blooded

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    Draconic Metamorphosis 

    The ability to assume human form is so

    common among dragons that some have

    theorized that the two species are in some way

    one and the same. Naturally some intermingling

    occurs. Those with dragons in their bloodline

    have a five percent chance per level to transforminto a dragon, taking on the Characteristics and

    Traits of a dragon and losing those of their 

    original race. Once transformed the chance of 

    changing back is one hundred percent minus

    five percent per time they have transformed

     previously. If they are wearing clothing they

    take 1d10 damage as they burst through it.

    Armor worn causes 3d10 damage.


    The character is a grizzled veteran andstarts out one level higher. This level is gained

    over the course of four years and need not be in

    the same vocation as before. Bear in mind that

    the experience received for overcoming lower 

    level challenges is reduced, so the other 

    characters will eventually catch up.

    Family Trade

    Having grown up around the work, the

    character can increase one skill and its

    associated block by three points before firstlevel.


    The character can develop four points

     per level in a single skill and by extension its

    associated block. Gifted can only be applied to

    each skill once.


    The character possesses an enchanted

    item which they have inherited from a family

    member or mentor. This provides a ten point

     bonus to a single skill.

    LycanthropyThe curse of the werewolf marks this

     poor soul. At the rise of the full moon they turn

    into a wolf. If they are wearing clothing they

    take 1d10 damage as they burst through it.

    Armor worn causes 3d10 damage. However,

    werewolves are notoriously hard to hurt and

    have an Armor equal to their Strength against

    this and Damage caused by weapons that are not

    silver, magical, or holy. While in wolf form

    they have the Characteristics and Traits and

    attitudes of a rabid wolf and must make a rollagainst their own Willpower to avoid attacking

    anything they chance to meet. Barbarian

     berserkers may ascribe to a similar condition in

    which they become a bear when berserk but do

    not gain the werewolf’s legendary



    Due to the proclivities of an ancestor, the

    character has altered maximum Characteristics

    or a racial trait not normally associated withtheir race. While this doesn’t alter their 

    Appearance score it still draws attention and

     provokes fear and mistrust. The taint comes

    with any one racial ability of the player’s choice.

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    LegaciesLife keeps moving as a character ages. Characters created at a higher level due to their 

    Birthrights or for any other reason will have one of the following legacies for each level.

    Beholden Crippled

    Disgraced Enemy

    Far From Home HauntedHeir Hunted

    Indebted Married

    Offspring Penniless



    The character owes someone a really big

    favor of the sort that cannot simply be ignored

    or shaken off. Worse still the debt is widely

    known and failure to make good on it will harm

    any social interactions with those who are awareof it.


    The character cannot move at a run for 

    any reason. A second crippling legacy means

    they can only move by crawling. While this

    injury can be healed by magic any future hit to

    the legs will automatically cripple them again.


    Oh the shame, the unbearable shame of 

    what they did. It is widely known that the

    character has engaged in unbecoming behavior 

    of the worst sort. This penalizes all their social

    interactions but worse still people talk, point and

    giggle and the story is spreading far and wide.


    Whether offense was meant, it was taken

    and now some worthy soul has taken it uponthemselves to seek vengeance on the character 

    wherever they may go.


    The character’s father and any older sons

    have passed on leaving to them the care of their 

    mother and several small children. An

    appropriate family dwelling and a few sorry

    livestock come with the responsibility.

    HauntedA lingering mortal spirit has fixated on

    the character and follows them about causing

    minor trouble. This may be a dead enemy,

    lover, murdered parent or other such closely

    related person. They will be glimpsed or heard

    in the dark and lonely places. They will intrude

    on dreams. Such spirits are seldom reasonable

    or rational.


    There is a large bounty on the character’s

    head. Fortunately the wanted posters don’t look 

    all that much like them. But it’s funny how all

    that money can turn friends and acquaintances

    into rats.

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    The character is burdened with a large

    financial debt, from gambling or bad business

    deals or as the result of some judgement laid

    down upon them. At any rate they haven’t got

    the money and the people who they owe are the

    sort to look dimly on attempts to skip out on



    The character has acquired a spouse

    either through arrangement or personal bad

     judgement. In any case they are indeed married

    and have acquired a Good Wife or Lady as a

    companion and dependant. A reaction roll

    should be made to determine the initial

    relationship but in general kindness and respect

    should result in the same as should cruelty andscorn.


    The character has reproduced and has a

    child. Each Offspring legacy indicates an

    additional child. In most societies this has

    increased social impact if the character isn’t

    married to the other parent.


    The character has lost everything. All

    weapons, armor, clothing, equipment, and

    monies are lost. Whether they were stolen or 

    taken in lieu of payment or the character went

    mad and lived like a hermit in the forest. If 

     penniless is taken a second time all of the

    character’s friends and relations are also

    impoverished or estranged and cannot or will

    not aid them.


    The character has been used as collateral

    in a business transaction or worse still a treaty.

    They are now expected to marry the person

    mentioned in the treaty and take up their part in

    the relationship. There are still some niceties to

     be observed but it is generally known that theyare off limits and belong to someone now.

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    Racial AbilitiesThese capabilities describe fairly major structural differences from the normal human form and

    are not available to ordinary folk. Various races possess them as do those with the Tainted Birthright.



    Due to their webbed feet and gills or 

    large lungs, the character is able to swim at fullwalking speed and remain under water for long

     periods of time.


    The creature can swim at running speed

    and remain under water perpetually but cannot

     breathe air and suffer the effects of suffocation

    if they are out of it for long.


    The thick scales or Hide of this character gives them an Armor rating equal to half their 



    This creature has long sharp claws which

    count as weapons in combat.


    This creature can run twice as fast as

    normal. This is generally tied to a quadruped

    form and the absence of hands but does occur 



    Many animals rely on their acute hearing

    to give an early warning of predators

    approaching from beyond their field of vision.

    Hearing modifies Performance and Musical

    skills and Perception when detecting ambushes.

    Horns The creature’s head is adorned with

    sharp horns with which it can ram and butt.

    Horns provide armor equal to half the creature’s

    Strength on the head and do damage as a



    The passage of time does not touch this

    creature. It does not, in fact age or decline over the years. Immortality is gained at a great loss

    in fertility and a certain lack of motivation and

    sense of urgency. Not to say immortals are lazy

    or unmotivated but they think long before

    starting and take their own sweet time once they

    finally do start. Strangely enough immortals

    seldom have much patience for shorter lived



    The unseen world is always near butsome creatures are closer or even native to it and

    can see and hear into that realm more clearly

    than mortals.


    The creature is long lived and enjoys a

     prolonged prime.

    Night Vision

    The creature can see very well in the

    dark because its senses extend far into the

    ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. Night vision

    cannot discern color and only halves penalties

    for missile fire in the dark.

    Sharp Teeth

    The creature’s teeth are long and sharp

    enough to count as a weapon. They are still

    short enough that they must come into contact

    with their foe and are at a considerable

    disadvantage against those bearing weapons.

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     Not all eyes are created equal. An eagle

    can pick out a mouse in the grass from hundreds

    of feet in the air and a mouse can only see a

    couple feet in front of it. Sight modifies

    Perception, visual arts, and missile fire.

    Smell / Taste

    A hound’s sense of smell is thousands of 

    times more acute than a humans. Smell / Taste

    modifies cooking skills and Perception.


    Creatures with thick hides often have

    less awareness of physical contacts. Touch

    modifies Perception when changes in

    temperature occur.


    The creature is not alive. It does not

     bleed and cannot be stunned or knocked

    unconscious. Wounds cause it no pain and it is

    immune to disease and poison. Nor can it be

    sustained by natural food and must thus feed

    upon the life force of the living or be sustained

     by magic. It does not heal over time. The

    unliving do not age but they are prone to rot

    when they cannot obtain sustenance. This

    works just like starving to death but doesn’theal.


    Given enough room to flap its wings and

    a take off run of one action’s running distance,

    the creature can fly. It can also glide on thermal

    columns in the open air. It cannot hover and

    must land to engage in prolonged melee.

    DisabilitiesSome races have special traits that

    inhibit or constrain them in some way.

    Cold Blooded

    This race derives its body heat from its

    surroundings and is exceptionally vulnerable tocold weather. Cool temperatures that are above

    freezing make them Slow and in temperatures

     below freezing they take 1d10 damage per hour 

    until they freeze solid.


    This race has very close ties to the

    unseen world and can actually see and hear 

    spirits without the use of magic. This often

    makes them seem odd or even mad to those

    lacking such ties.

    No Hands

    This race cannot use tools or manipulate

    fine objects. This is probably reflected in their 

    Dexterity but having no hands at all produces a -

    20 to all success rolls involving crafting,

    constructing, and tinkering.


    This race simply moves slower than

    most, it may be due to its exceptional size,

    armor, or metabolism but it moves at half the

    normal speed.

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    RacesSome fantasy worlds sport a dazzling array of species ranging from the Elves and Dwarves of 

     Norse myth as popularized by Tolkien to anthropomorphized animals. Other worlds have only humans

    and perhaps sub humans like mutants or neanderthals. The Elves and Dwarves are so common to

    modern fantasy that they are presented here. Other races can be found in the Bestiary. Races often have

    an experience point penalty that must be paid to reach second level.

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    DwarfsIt is said, mostly by the dwarfs, that

    when the world was forged, the sparks that flew

    from the anvil of creation became the dwarfs.

    This tale is doubtlessly told to dispute the claim

    of the elves that they are the eldest race. The

    elves tell that the gods made the dwarfs to besturdy and hardy so they could be useful beasts

    of burden. The tale that they were created by

    the gods of fire and craft might be the most

    credible, for the dwarfs have a great talent for 

    forging and mining and are responsible for many

    of the wonders that grace the world.

    They are a full head shorter than a short

    man but as broad in the shoulders as any strong

    and hearty people. Their features tend to be

    gnarled and unlovely and their temperament is

    often course and harsh. They are friendly withmen and wee folk but often war with elves and

    goblins, though they find the later more

    tolerable company in general.

    Experience Modifier: 200 xp

    Agility 4+1d10

    Appearance 4+1d10

    Constitution 7+1d10

    Dexterity 6+1d10

    Fortune 5+1d10

    Reason 5+1d10

    Knowledge 6+1d10

    Perception 5+1d10

    Status 5+1d10

    Strength 5+1d10

    Voice 4+1d10

    Willpower 7+1d10


    ElvesMany tales are told of the origins of the

    fair folk. Some say they are the later 

    descendants of the gods themselves, diminished

    as the original powers of creation are spread

    thinner with each successive generation. Others

    claim they were the first creation made fair of form and graceful to be pleasing servants. Some

    tell how the lesser spirits of the wood and river 

    lay with the sons of men and bore elves.

    Whatever the truth may be it is lost in

     primordial times.

    The elves are immortal and have records

     passing farther into the past than any records of 

    mortal men. They are a slender and fair race

    who seldom dwell near others. If they are often

    seen as arrogant and unkind it must be said that

    they are a quiet and contemplative people whohave diminished as the loud and uncouth have

    thrived. Small wonder then, that they fade into

    their hidden enclaves, retreat beyond the seas, or 

    into higher realms as the ages pass. Long gone

    are the days of their great war hosts and fleets.

    Perhaps it is that they have grown in wisdom

    and no longer desire the mastery of others.

    Experience Cost: 500 xp

    Agility 6+1d10

    Appearance 7+1d10

    Constitution 4+1d10

    Dexterity 6+1d10

    Fortune 5+1d10

    Reason 6+1d10

    Knowledge 6+1d10

    Perception 7+1d10

    Status 5+1d10

    Strength 4+1d10

    Voice 7+1d10Willpower 5+1d10


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    HumansThe race of men is flourishing and

    spreading across the world. More prolific than

    the elder races and driven to achieve by their 

    relatively short lives, they stand ready to inherit

    the world. More diverse in form than the other 

    races, there are humans as short as the Wee Folk and as tall as the Aesir, though the vast majority

    are roughly the same height as an elf, if more

    heavily built. It seems each culture has its own

    tales of their creation and none cast much light

    on the matter but it is said among the lizard

     people that there were primitive tribes of men in

    the world long before the coming of the elves

    and dwarfs and numerous excellent spells and

    recipes have been handed down from those


    A human player character will be ayoung person from just about any walk of life

    looking to make a name for themselves and find

    their fortune by escaping the harsh bonds of 

    feudal life.

    Experience Modifier: 0

    Agility 5 + 1d10

    Appearance 5 + 1d10

    Constitution 5 + 1d10

    Dexterity 5 + 1d10

    Fortune 5 + 1d10

    Reason 5 + 1d10

    Knowledge 5 + 1d10

    Perception 5 + 1d10

    Status 5 + 1d10

    Strength 5 + 1d10

    Voice 5 + 1d10

    Willpower 5 + 1d10

    Wee Folk In hidden holes and peaceful dales there

    dwell the little people. Their cultures are as

    diverse and scattered as those of the race of men

    whom they closely resemble. Cultural

    differences are often ascribed to race by

    outsiders who might call one group brownies,and another bogies, halflings, gnomes,

    leprechauns and other such names which are as

    much drawn from folklore as any name the

    weefolk have for themselves.

    There are many races of small people,

    scattered across the world and it may or may not

     be that they all sprang from a common root. It

    may be that they broke away from the lands of 

    men at some distant point in the path due to the

    constraints of island ecologies. Or perhaps their 

    own insularity and conservatism was isolationenough.

    Whatever their cultural difference,

    function follows form and in a world where they

    are smaller and weaker than most, wee folk tend

    to be shy and cautious, surviving by stealth and

    cunning where might would not avail.

    Experience Cost: 50

    Agility 6 + 1d10

    Appearance 5 + 1d10

    Constitution 6 + 1d10

    Dexterity 5 + 1d10

    Fortune 5 + 1d10

    Reason 5 + 1d10

    Knowledge 5 + 1d10

    Perception 5 + 1d10

    Status 5 + 1d10

    Strength 3 + 1d10

    Voice 5 + 1d10

    Willpower 6 + 1d10

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    Creating A Character Characters begin their careers at the end of their apprenticeship and just out of adolescence.

    These young adults are first level characters. While every individual in the world progresses and grows,

    a tenth level good wife’s combat abilities are likely no where near those of a knight or outlaw.

    1. Select Race

    Humans are listed and detailed in thischapter but other races may be available at the

    Referee’s discretion as Races are a fundamental

    aspect of the setting. . Even then non-human

     player characters must be balanced in game

    terms with an experience point penalty that must

     be paid off before they can reach second level.

    2. Set Characteristics

    Characteristics can be determined

    randomly or by distributing points. Roll twelve

    ten-sided dice and add each to one of thecharacteristics as desired or divide 66 points

    spending no more than ten on any single

    characteristic. This takes the place of the 1d10

    shown in the racial statistics and is not in

    addition to it. The vocation packages show a 66

     point Characteristic build which should be

    considered the minimum requirement to enter 

    that vocation if the Characteristics are rolled.

    The Status shown for each vocation is a

    requirement that must be met no matter how the

    characteristics are determined. The character’s

    maximum characteristic value is five points

    greater than their initial value.

    3. Select or Roll Birthrights

    Player characters are exceptionalindividuals and will have exceptional gifts or 

    opportunities that set them above the common

    crowd. Two birthrights can be rolled or 


    4. Apply Experience Levels

    Select a vocation or spend one hundred

     points on Skills and Characteristics placing no

    more than three on any skill. A Skill Block can

     be increased to match the best skill within it.

    Characteristics can only be increased bya single point per level and it costs five points to

    do so.

    5. Acquire Equipment

    The vocations have a pre-selected

    equipment list that comes with the job.

    Otherwise spend a number of silver coins equal

    to the square of the character’s Status on their 

     possessions using the equipment lists.

    5. Total Skill Ratings

    For each of the character’s skills, add the

    three Characteristics for the Block to the

    Block’s rating and on the Skill’s Rating to find

    the total skill rating.

    Starting Equipment

    A character begins with a tunic,

     breeches, a belt, low boots or shoes and one

    copper coin per point of Status. They can also

    have any gear, weapons or armor they have theskill to make for half the regular price. Any

    other gear must pe purchased with cash or 

    traded for, with a character who knows the

    necessary crafting skills.

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    ArmsmanSoldiers and mercenaries are the backbone of the feudal lord’s forces. Knights may get the glory

     but the footmen do the work.

    Characteristics Initial Level

    Agility +6

    Appearance +4Constitution +8 +1

    Dexterity +6

    Fortune +5

    Reason +5

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +6 +1

    Status +4

    Strength +7 +1

    Voice +4

    Willpower +6 +1



    Well Used Short SwordLarge Shield and Spear or Halberd

    Well Polished Pot Helm

    Brigandine or Mail Hauberk 

    Back Pack 

    2 changes Warm Clothing

    Warm Woolen Blanket

    Hobnail Boots

    Tabard in Lord’s Livery

    Wooden Plate

    Wooden Spoon

    Small Iron Pot2 Weeks of Trail Rations


    Armor +3


    Mail +3

    Shield +3

    Athletic +2

    Climb +2

    Ride Horses +2

    Swim +2

    Awareness +2

     Notice +2

    Search +2

    Construction +2

    Carpentry +2

    Lore +1

    One Language+1

    Melee Weapon +3

    Axes +3

    Spears +3

    Missile Weapon +2

    Crossbows +3

    Thrown +2

    Outdoors +2

    Farm +1

    Woodcraft +1

    Resilience +3

    Fatigue +3

    Metabolize +1

    Vitality +2

    Sleight of Hand +2

    Filch +2

    Social +2

    Ignore +2

    Intimidate +2

    Insult +2

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    BarbarianThe natives of the wild and unsettled wilderness are often primitive and uncouth by medieval

    standards, though such hardy souls would likely describe themselves as tough and forthright. Though

    they are less formally organized than their feudal neighbors, incursions by armies and settlers will often

     provoke sufficient rage for a sizable horde to gather and strike back.

    CharacteristicsInitial Level

    Agility +7 +1

    Appearance +4

    Constitution +8 +1

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +4

    Reason +5

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +7

    Status +3

    Strength +8 +1Voice +4

    Willpower +6 +1

    EquipmentMail Shirt or Full Leather Armor 

    Banded Helmet

    Vicious Dagger 

    Crude Battle Axe

    Iron Broad Sword

    2 Sacks

    Broad Belt

    Well Worn Leather Boots

    Foul Smelling Fur Cape

    Dented Copper Pan

    Wooden Spoon2 Weeks of Goat Cheese and Dried Berries


    Armor 2

    Leather 2

    Shield 3

    Athletic 2

    Climb 2

    Ride Horses 2

    Sneak 2

    Swim 1

    Awareness 2

    Follow Tracks 2

    Hide 2

     Notice 2

    Read Signs 2

    Search 2


    One Language 1Maritime 1

    Row 1

    Melee Weapon 3

    Axes 3

    Spears 3

    Swords 1

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 2

    Bows 1

    Thrown 2

    Outdoors 3

    Woodcraft 3

    Resilience 3

    Fatigue 1

    Metabolize 3

    Vitality 2

    Social 2

    Ignore 1

    Intimidate 3Insult 2

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    Enchanter There are those few who study the old ways of ancient faiths and lost gods, sifting half 

    remembered tales and ruins for knowledge and power. Such studies take them far from civilized lands

    where such lore is disdained or despised and thus they are often wise in woodcraft and friendly with

     barbarians and brigands. Aware of their own mortality, Enchanters frequently take on apprentices who

    they teach their lore and set off on their own course.


    Initial Per Level

    Agility +5

    Appearance +4

    Constitution +6

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +5 +1

    Reason +9 +1

    Knowledge +5 +1Perception +5

    Status +4

    Strength +4

    Voice +7 +1

    Willpower +7



    Plain Robes

    Leather Boots

    Warm Woolen Blanket

    Tin Cup

    Tin Bowl

    Copper Spoon


    Art 1

    Carving 2

    Play Instrument 1

    Athletic 1Climb 1

    Ride Horses 1

    Swim 1

    Awareness 3

    Follow Tracks 1

     Notice 3

    Read Signs 3

    Search 1

    Entertain 1

    Sing 1

    Healing 1Apothecary 2

    Lore 2

    One Region’s History 2

    One Religion’s Doctrine 1

    Two Languages 1

     Navigation 2

    Magic 3

    Attunement 3

    Three Rotes 3

    Life 1

    Spirit 3White 1

    Resist 3

    Maritime 1

    Sail 1

    Outdoors 1

    Woodcraft 2

    Sleight of Hand 1

    Juggle 1

    Social 2

    Befuddle 1

    Befriend 1Ignore 2

    Insinuate 1

    Motivate 1

    Provoke 1

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    Good WifeIn feudal times, much of the wealth creation and manufacturing is done by women. Thread is

    spun, cloth is woven, clothing sewn and embroidered, and food prepared. A woman of the lower classes

    needs to be tough, clever, and industrious to get by and may even have some small knowledge of folk 

    magic and minor charms.

    CharacteristicsInitial Per Level

    Agility +5

    Appearance +6

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +6 +1

    Fortune +6 +1

    Reason +7 +1

    Knowledge +4

    Perception +5

    Status +2

    Strength +4Voice +7

    Willpower +7

    EquipmentCopper Kettle

    Carving Knife

    Knitting Needles

    Two Plain Dresses

    Two Wicker Baskets

    Two Coarse Blankets


    Athletic 1

    Avoid 1

    Dance 1

    Art 1

    Pottery 1

    Play Instrument 1

    Awareness 2

    Conceal 1

    Hide 1

     Notice 2

    Search 2

    Entertain 1

    Sing 1

    Foods 2

    Cook 3

    Lore 1

    Appraise Goods 2Magic 1

    Attunement 1

    White 1

    Resist 1

    Melee Weapon 1

    Blunt 1

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 1

    Thrown 1

    Outdoors 2

    Farm 2

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 2

    Social 3

    Befriend 2

    Convince 2

    Ignore 3

    Insinuate 2

    Insult 2

    Motivate 2

    Provoke 1Textiles 2

    Dying 1

    Embroidering 1

    Knitting 2

    Tailoring 2

    Weaving 2

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    Holy Warrior Holy orders of fighting monks such as the Templars and Hospilatars are not the only devout

    servants to take up the sword. Devout crusaders and even pious young women with visions of liberating

    their home land are also heard by their divine patron. The key to obtaining such divine favor is faith and

    devotion in the face of trials and persecution.

    Characteristics Initial Per LevelAgility +6

    Appearance +4

    Constitution +5 +1

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +8 +1

    Reason +6

    Knowledge +3

    Perception +5

    Status +7

    Strength +6 +1

    Voice +5Willpower +6 +1

    EquipmentPassable Warhorse

    Saddle and Harness


    Mail Hauberk 


    Medium Shield


    Long Sword


    Silver Talisman

    Surcoat, Tunic, TrousersHard Leather Boots

    Wooden Bowl

    Wooden Spoon

    Small Knife


    Armor 3

    Mail 3

    Plate 3

    Shield 3

    Athletic 3

    Climb 1

    Ride Horses 3

    Swim 1

    Awareness 1

     Notice 1

    Entertain 2

    Sing 3

    Lore 2

    Own Religion’s Doctrine 2

    Magic 1Attunement 1

    One Rote 1

    One Realm 1

    Resist 2

    Melee Weapon 3

    Axes 2

    Blunt 2

    Spears 3

    Swords 3

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 2

    Thrown 2

    Resilience 3

    Fatigue 1

    Vitality 3

    Social 3

    Befuddle 1

    Intimidate 3

    Provoke 1

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    Hunter The wilderness is a source of valuable meat and hides. Most realms keep forest reserves in

    which the nobility may hunt but such in settled regions unsanctioned hunters often find themselves on

    the wrong side of the king’s justice.


    Initial Per LevelAgility +6 +1

    Appearance +4

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +5 +1

    Fortune +6

    Reason +6

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +8 +1

    Status +3

    Strength +6

    Voice +4Willpower +6


    Large Skinning KnifeAxe or Boar Spear 

    Short Bow, Longbow, or Crossbow

    Quiver or Case

    12 Arrows or Bolts

    Fur Hat or Cap


    2 changes of Plain Clothing

    Large Fur Cape

    Soft Leather Boots

    Wooden Bowl or Plate

    Clay Cup and Wooden Spoon2 Weeks Smoked Meat / Dried Berries


    Armor 1

    Leather 1

    Art 1

    Carving 1

    Athletic 2

    Avoid 2

    Climb 2

    Ride Horses 1

    Sneak 2

    Swim 1

    Awareness 3

    Conceal 1

    Hide 2

    Follow Tracks 3

     Notice 1

    Read Signs 1

    Search 1

    Construction 1Bowyer 2

    Leather Work 1

    Tanner 2

    Lore 1

     Navigation 2

    Maritime 1

    Row 1

    Melee Weapon 1

    Axes 1

    Knives 1

    Spears 1

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 3

    Bows 3

    Thrown 1

    Outdoors 2

    Farm 1

    Trapping 3

    Dog Master 2

    Woodcraft 3

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 2

    Vitality 1Social

    Ignore 1

    Intimidate 2

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    KnightAt the base of the feudal pyramid are the knights. Properly gentry, not nobility, these are sworn

    to the service of their lord in exchange for protection and rewards. Knights make a great show of 

    ceremony, honour, and virtue but few ever truly strive to meet the high mark of their code and vows.


    Initial Per LevelAgility +5 +1

    Appearance +5

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +4

    Reason +4

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +4

    Status +7

    Strength +8 +1

    Voice +5Willpower +7 +1


    Passable WarhorseDagger 

    Small Knife

    Long Sword


    Half Plate

    Helm or Basinet

    Heater Shield


    2 Changes of Fine Clothing

    Fine Feather Filled Blanket

    PavilionRiding Boots & Silver Spurs

    Saddle and Harness


    Copper Plate, Copper Cup, Copper Spoon


    Armor 3

    Mail 2

    Plate 3

    Shield 3

    Athletic 3

    Climb 1

    Dance 3

    Ride Horses 3

    Swim 1

    Awareness 1

     Notice 1

    Entertain 1

    Sing 1

    Lore 1

    One Language 1One Region 1

    Melee Weapon 3

    Axes 2

    Blunt 2

    Knives 2

    Spears 3

    Swords 3

    Unarmed 2

    Missile Weapon 2

    Thrown 2

    Resilience 3

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 1

    Vitality 3

    Social 3

    Ignore 1

    Insinuate 1Intimidate 3

    Inspire 2

    Insult 1

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    LadyWomen with the good fortune to be born into the noble class are able to spend their days in

    relative leisure and comfort. They spend their days sewing and embroidering and gossiping with the

    other ladies and their evenings entertaining and flirting and politicking with the elite. Ladies are often

    well read and educated if somewhat lacking in practical skills. They are seldom adventurers themselves

     but are often found on adventures none the less.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +4 +1

    Appearance +8

    Constitution +3

    Dexterity +6 +1

    Fortune +3

    Reason +6 +1

    Knowledge +7

    Perception +5

    Status +8 +1

    Strength +3Voice +7

    Willpower +6


    1 Fine Gown & 3 Fine Dresses

    Dressing Gown

    Silk Slippers

    Good If Impractical Shoes

    Riding Boots

    Knitting Needles & Hair Pins

    Wimple or Bonnet

    6 Silk Handkerchiefs

    Extensive Toiletries

    Silver Mirror & Silver Hair CombsGentle Mare

    Saddle and Harness


    Art 1

    Calligraphy 1

    Play Instrument 1

    Athletic 3

    Avoid 1

    Dance 3

    Ride Horses 2

    Sneak 1

    Swim 1

    Awareness 1

    Conceal 1

    Disbelieve 1


     Notice 2

    Search 2

    Entertain 1

    Sing 2Foods 1

    Cook 1

    Healing 1

    Apothecary 1

    Physician 1

    Surgeon 1

    Lore 2

    Anatomy 1

    One Region’s History 1

    One Religion’s Doctrine 1

    One Language 2

    Mathematics 1

    Resilience 1

    Metabolize 1

    Social 3

    Befuddle 1

    Befriend 2

    Convince 1

    Ignore 1

    Insinuate 2

    Inspire 1

    Motivate 3

    Provoke 2

    Textiles 3Embroidering 3

    Knitting 1

    Tailoring 1

    Weaving 1

    Tinker 2

    Pick Locks 2

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    MagicianAs a professional tradesman and guild member, magicians are accorded honor well above their 

    station. Even so, their vocation leaves little time for more practical matters.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +3

    Appearance +5Constitution +4

    Dexterity +6 +1

    Fortune +6 +1

    Reason +7

    Knowledge +8 +1

    Perception +5

    Status +6

    Strength +3

    Voice +6

    Willpower +7 +1



    Elaborately Embroidered RobesImpressively Silly Hat

    Fine Feather Filled Blanket

    Pointy Curly Toe Shoes

    Copper Plate

    Copper Bowl

    Copper Spoon

    Wand or other personal focus


    Art 2

    Calligraphy 2

    Awareness 2

    Conceal 3

    Disbelieve 3

     Notice 2

    Lore 3

    One Region’s History 3

    Two Languages 2

    Mathematics 3

    Magic 3

    Attunement 3

    Three Rotes 3

    Earth 3

    Fire 3

    Light 3

    Ward 3

    Sleight of Hand 2

    Card Tricks 2

    Filch 1Juggle 1

    Pick Pockets 1

    Social 2

    Deceive 3

    Ignore 3

    Inspire 1

    Manipulate 2

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    OutlawThe woods and borderlands of most kingdoms are rife with outlaws and bandits. Faced with the

    harsh and arbitrary nature of medieval life, even goodly folk can find themselves on the wrong side of 

    the law.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +7 +1Appearance +4

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +7

    Fortune +4

    Reason +6

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +7 +1

    Status +2

    Strength +7 +1

    Voice +4

    Willpower +6


    Large KnifeHatchet

    Quarterstaff, Longbow, or Crossbow

    Quiver or Case

    12 Arrows or 12 Bolts

    2 changes of Ragged Clothing

    foul smelling Leather Jack 

    Leather Hat, Cap, or Hood

     pest infested blanket

    Leather Sling Bag

    Leather Boots (undoubtedly stolen)

    Leather BeltChipped Clay Cup

    Wooden Spoon

    Wooden Platter 

    1 week of Smoked Venison & Biscuit


    Armor 2

    Leather 2

    Athletic 3

    Avoid 3

    Climb 2

    Ride Horses 1

    Sneak 3

    Swim 2

    Swing 2

    Awareness 3

    Conceal 2

    Follow Tracks 1

    Hide 3

     Notice 3Search 2

    Construction 1

    Bowyer 2

    Maritime 1

    Row 1

    Melee Weapon 2

    Blunt 2

    Knives 1

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 3

    Bows 3

    Thrown 1

    Outdoors 2

    Farm 1

    Woodcraft 3

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 1

    Metabolize 1Vitality 2

    Social 1

    Deceive 2

    Inspire 1

    Manipulate 2

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    PriestThose who serve the gods are often the most educated class. In Europe’s middle ages the

    monasteries were the last bastions of learning and education in an age of ignorance and superstition. In a

    world where gods are active and observable in nature, their servants are revered and feared.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +4Appearance +5

    Constitution +5

    Dexterity +4

    Fortune +7 +1

    Reason +7 +1

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +4

    Status +7

    Strength +4

    Voice +7 +1

    Willpower +7 +1


    Linen RobeMitre


    Canonical Book 

    Doctrinal Book 

    Small Blank Book 

    Silver Talisman

    Hard Leather Shoes

    Wooden Bowl

    Wooden Spoon

    Small Knife



    Art 2

    Calligraphy 2

    Play Instrument 2

    Athletic 1

    Avoid 1

    Ride Each Animal 1

    Awareness 2

    Disbelieve 2

    Entertain 2

    Orate 2

    Sing 2

    Healing 2

    Apothecary 2

    Physician 2

    Surgeon 1

    Lore 3

    Anatomy 1

    One Region’s History 2

    One Religion’s Doctrine 3One Language 2

    Mathematics 2

    Magic 3

    Attunement 2

    Three Rotes 1

    One Realm 2

    Resist 3

    Social 3

    Befuddle 3

    Befriend 1

    Convince 3

    Ignore 2

    Inspire 3

    Motivate 2

    Provoke 1

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    Rogue Not to be confused with common thieves, rogues are freemen and gentlemen who’s adventures

    run as much to spying and information gathering as money. No few young noblemen wind up turning to

    larceny in the pursuit of fair maidens denied to them by birth or over protective fathers.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +6 +1Appearance +6

    Constitution +5

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +6 +1

    Reason +5

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +6 +1

    Status +7

    Strength +5

    Voice +6 +1

    Willpower +4


    Dagger 2 Throwing Knives

    Lock Picks

    Hooded Cloak 

    Soft Leather Shoes

    2 Changes Good Clothing

    50 Foot Rope

    Grappling Hook 

    Tinder Box

    12 Pure Wax Candles


    Armor 1

    Leather 1

    Art 1

    Play Instrument 1

    Athletic 3

    Avoid 3

    Climb 3

    Tumble 1

    Ride Horses 1

    Sneak 2

    Swim 1

    Swing 1

    Awareness 2

    Conceal 1

    Hide 2

     Notice 2

    Search 1

    Entertain 1

    Sing 1Lore 1

    One Language 1

    Maritime 1

    Sail 1

    Melee Weapon 3

    Knives 2

    Swords 3

    Unarmed 2

    Missile Weapon 2

    Crossbows 1

    Thrown 2

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 1

    Vitality 1

    Social 2

    Acting 1

    Befuddle 2

    Befriend 2

    Convince 2

    Insinuate 1

    Intimidate 1

    Insult 1

    Provoke 2Tinker 1

    Pick Locks 1

  • 8/18/2019 Shadow Dragons



    ScoutArmies often march through wilderness areas and require guides in foreign lands. Scouts are

    skilled in woodcraft and the ways of warfare. Their work often requires them to take a hand in sniping

    and spying as well.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +7 +1Appearance +4

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +5

    Fortune +5

    Reason +7 +1

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +7 +1

    Status +4

    Strength +5

    Voice +4

    Willpower +6


    Short Sword or FalchionShort Bow, Long Bow, or Crossbow

    Quiver or Case

    20 Arrows or Bolts


    Banded Helmet painted a neutral color 

    Well Worn Leather Jack 

    Oil Skin Poncho

    Warm Woolen Blanket

    2 changes of warm clothing

    Soft Leather Boots

    Water SkinSatchel

    Tin Cup and Tin Utensils

    2 Weeks of Trail Rations


    Armor 2

    Leather 2

    Mail 1

    Athletic 2

    Avoid 2

    Climb 2

    Ride Horses 1

    Sneak 2

    Swim 2

    Awareness 3

    Conceal 1

    Disbelieve 1

    Follow Tracks 1

    Hide 1

     Notice 3

    Read Signs 3Search 1

    Construction 1

    Bowyer 1

    Lore 2

    One Language 1

     Navigation 3

    Maritime 1

    Row 1

    Melee Weapon 2

    Knives 1

    Spears 2

    Swords 1

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 3

    Crossbows 3

    Thrown 1

    Outdoors 3

    Woodcraft 3

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 1

    Vitality 1

    Social 1Befriend 1

    Ignore 1

    Intimidate 1

  • 8/18/2019 Shadow Dragons



    Thief Born in the gutter, these light fingered sneaks have had few choices in life, few even know their 

    own mothers if by some small miracle they yet live. Stealing becomes a way of life early and the

    attrition rate among young street urchins is very high indeed.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +8 +1Appearance +4

    Constitution +5

    Dexterity +7 +1

    Fortune +6 +1

    Reason +6

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +6 +1

    Status +3

    Strength +4

    Voice +6

    Willpower +6


    Club2 Knifes

    Lock Picks

    Ragged Clothing


    2 Small Sacks

    1 Large Sack 

    Padded Shoes

    50 Foot Rope

    1 day Stolen Fruit and Bread


    Athletic 3

    Avoid 3

    Climb 3

    Tumble 1

    Sneak 3

    Swim 1

    Swing 1

    Awareness 3

    Conceal 1

    Hide 3

     Notice 2

    Search 3

    Lore 1

    Appraise Goods 2

    Melee Weapon 1

    Blunt 1

    Knives 2

    Unarmed 1

    Missile Weapon 2Slings 1

    Thrown 2

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 2

    Metabolize 1

    Vitality 1

    Social 1

    Befuddle 2

    Convince 2

    Ignore 1

    Insinuate 1

    Sleight of Hand 3

    Filch 3

    Juggle 2

    Pick Pockets 3

    Tinker 2

    Disarm Traps 2

    Pick Locks 2

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    Robber Theft is just taking stuff that doesn’t belong to you. Robbery is taking stuff by force. Being

    more vulnerable to justice than thieves since they are actually seen by their victims, robbers often form

     powerful gangs for mutual protection.

    Characteristics Initial Per Level

    Agility +7 +1Appearance +4

    Constitution +7 +1

    Dexterity +5 +1

    Fortune +5

    Reason +5

    Knowledge +5

    Perception +6

    Status +3

    Strength +8 +1

    Voice +4

    Willpower +7


    KnifeHefty Club

    100 Feet, Thick Cord


    Case and 12 Bolts

    Worn Leather Jack 

    Heavy Leather Boots

    Plain Clothing

    Mask or Bandana

    2 Large Sacks


    Armor 3

    Leather 3

    Shield 3

    Athletic 2

    Avoid 2

    Climb 2

    Ride Horses 1

    Sneak 2

    Swim 1

    Awareness 3

    Conceal 2

    Follow Tracks 1

    Hide 3

     Notice 3

    Search 2

    Lore 1

    Appraise Goods 2

    Maritime 1

    Row 1Melee Weapon 3

    Axes 1

    Blunt 3

    Knives 1

    Unarmed 3

    Missile Weapon 2

    Crossbows 2

    Thrown 2

    Resilience 2

    Fatigue 1

    Metabolize 2

    Vitality 2

    Social 1

    Ignore 1

    Intimidate 3

    Insult 3

  • 8/18/2019 Shadow Dragons












    Play Instrument






    Ride Each Animal






    Follow Tracks




    Read Signs












    Compose Narrate













    Leather Work 







    Appraise GoodsArchitecture

    Each Region’s History

    Each Religion’s Doctrine

    Each Language







    Each RoteEach Realm







    Melee Weapon






    Metal Work 



    Silver and Gold

    Missile Weapon









    Each Animal Master 






    Sleight of Hand

    Card TricksFilch


    Pick Pockets















     Net Tying

    Rope Braiding



    Devise Clockwork 

    Construct Locks

    Construct Traps

    Disarm Traps

    Pick Locks

  • 8/18/2019 Shadow Dragons




    Agility, Constitution, Strength

    Armor skill is the maximum skill bonus

    that can be used when fighting, casting spells, or 

    undertaking Athletic actions while armored. It

    is also needed to get into many of the more

    complex suits.

    Suit Up

    + 5 Aided

    + 5 Leisurely

    - 5 Full Suit

    - 5 Plate

    - 5 Rushed


    Mail (-10)

    Plate (-20)Shield


    Dexterity +Reason + Perception + Sight

    The character is skilled in producing

    visual representations in a variety of media. In

    general their skill will not allow them to exceed

    the current state of the art in artistic expression,

    for instance medieval painters didn’t use

     perspective, but they will excel at what they can


    Carving (-10): The character can produce

    figures and models out of wood. Little more

    than a knife and a block of wood are needed but

    saws, vices, chisels, sand, and drills allow a

    greater range of techniques and improve the

    quality of the work. The type of wood and its

    curing are also major factors in the quality of the


    Calligraphy (-20): The character has elaborate,

    decorative hand writing. Quills, a pen knife, ink 

    and parchment are necessary with better quality

     paper producing markedly better results due to

    its smoothness and resistance to warping.

    Painting (-10): The character can produce

    attractive and realistic images in paint. They

    can also manufacture their own paints and

     brushes as these are not readily available at

    market. Egg and linseed oil are common

     binders which are added to the pigments which

    are often obtained by processes as arcane and

    morbid as any potion. Canvas stretched on a

    frame and plastered walls are common

    mediums. If you plan to paint a ceiling

    scaffolding becomes essential.

    Play Each Instrument (-10) Medieval musical

    instruments and indeed musical theory are

     primitive by today’s standards. The character 

    can carry a tune on their instrument of choice.

    Pottery (-10): The character can produce useful

    and attractive sculptures and containers from

    clay, as well as knowing where to look for good

    clay. A potter’s wheel is essential to the making

    of anything more complex than a pinch pot. A

    shovel and bucket are very handy as well.

    Sculpting (-20): The creation of realistic and

    recognizable shapes of humans and animals in


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    Constitution + Dexterity + Strength

    Wood is a very versatile and strong

    material that is naturally available in great

    quantities. Stone is the other major material

    available. Being able to fit uncut stones in

    mortar and even cut stone to allows for the

    construction of the castles the middle ages are

    famous for.

    Bowyer (-10): The character can make bows and

    arrows. Little more than a knife, twine, limber 

    sticks, and feathers are needed but they will

    need a smith to produce arrow heads.

    Cabinetry(-20): The character can make boxes

    and cabinets. This requires saws, hammers,

    drills, glues, and rope or better still clamps.

    Carpentry: The character can construct wooden

    structures and buildings. Large timbers, saws,

    hammers, and nails are needed as well as ropes,

     pulleys and wagons for really big jobs.

    Cooper (-10): The character can produce water 

    tight wooden barrels. They need saws, pitch,

    rope, or steel bands.

    Masonry (-10): The character is skilled in stonecutting, brick laying, and plaster work. If 

    rumors of a secret order of stone cutters that

    control the world and have hidden magical

    secrets are true they haven’t seen any evidence

    of it.

    Mining (-10): Digging for gold is a popular pass

    time but without knowledge of shoring up

    tunnels, and the natural formations of stone it

    can be very dangerous. Especially when faced

    with the hazards of various subterraneancreatures.

    Shipwright (-20): The character can build ships

    and boats. Saws, hammers, nails, pitch, and

    rope are all necessary as are wagons, and pulleys

    for ships.

    Wainwright (-10): The character can construct

    wheels and wagons. The usual hammers, and

    saws are needed. Steel rims, brackets, and nails

    from a smith will greatly improve performance

    and durability.

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    Skill Block 

    Agility + Constitution + Strength

    These skills provide a bonus to actions

    of the type covered by the skill, thus allowing a

    greater chance of success at more difficult


    Avoid :Attacks on the character can be dodged

    using their Avoid skill.

    Climb: Being an experienced climber allows a

    character to literally pass over the obstacles in

    their path.

    +10 Rope

    +10 Plentiful Handholds

    -10 Steep

    -20 Sheer -10 Slick 

    Suffer falling damage if failed.

    Dance: The character is skilled in the various

    folk and court dances and able to perform them

    without embarrassing themselves or their 

     partner. Dancing is mainly used to entertain and

    socialize but you never know when you’ll need

    to impress an elfin princess.

    -10 Foreign Culture-10 Unfamiliar Dance

    Ride Each Animal (-10): Experience in riding

    animals, usually horses helps one to stay in the

    saddle when struck as well as when fighting

    from it. Ride skill acts as a cap on to hit

     bonuses that can be used when fighting mounted

    on a horse or other critter.

    Sneak: Being able to move silently and thus

    avoid being heard, combined with the keeping a

    careful watch the watchers and thus knowing

    when to move and when not to, allows the

    character to get up close and personal without

     being detected.

    +10 Bare Feet

    +10 Clean Hard Ground

    -10 Hard Shoes or Boots

    -10 Cluttered, Rough Ground

    Swim: When finding oneself in water over one’s

    head, it is often useful to know how to float and

    move about in the water instead of floundering

    and sinking like a rock.

    + 10 calm water - 10 rough water 

    - 10 rescue smaller person

    - 20 rescue person of same size

    - 30 rescue larger person

    Swing (-10): Allows the character to swing on

    rigging, chandeliers, curtains, and the beards of 

    giants. Includes recognizing when a potential

    ‘vehicle’ will take their weight.

      Movement Rate: twice the distance tothe line’s point of attachment

    Tumble (-10): Simple stunts like cartwheels,

    handstands, and hand springs can be attempted

    with this skill. This is generally for the purpose

    of entertaining others but a successful roll will

    reduce falling damage by one die.

    + 10 Somersault, Vault

    0 Cartwheel, Handspring

    -10 Back Flip, Aerial Somersault

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    Perception + Reason + Fortune

    How one sees the world determines how

    one interacts with it. Obtaining knowledge

    through observation is a crucial ability for 

    adventurers of all stripes.

    Disbelieve: The character’s attention to detail

    may reveal illusions and deceptions. Disbelieve

    skill is used to resist both illusion spells and

    social deceptions.

    Follow Tracks (-10): Great hunters and trackers

    can follow their quarry by bent blades of grass

    and broken twigs. Other less talented

    individuals look for footprints and fewmets.

    Gambling (-10): Skill in a variety of dice andstick throwing games are used for betting and

    recreation. Simple cheats are included, with the

    Card Tricks skill covering more complex cheats

    that can be managed with uniform sets of 

     playing cards.

    Hide: The ability to vanish by the more

    mundane means of knowing what you can put

     between you and those who seek you while not

    having your rear end sticking out in plain sight.

    +10 bad light

    +10 dark clothing

     Notice: It is one thing to look and yet another to

    observe. The character has learned to see things

    clearly and understand what is important and

    what is insignificant.

    Read Signs (-20): The character is so attuned

    with nature that they can intuitively and

    consciously obtain detailed information fromminor factors.

    Search: Valuable or incriminating things are

    often hidden. The search skill is used to find

    objects that have been concealed.



    These skills are primarily used to

    entertain others. In a world before the printing

     press and television, these skills have real value.

    Even among their peers, the application of 

     performance skills can greatly improve a

    character’s reputation and standing.

    Acting (-10): The character can put on a credible

     performance in a play. This skill can also be

    used to impersonate others


    + 10 Stereotypical Individual

    - Local Person

    -20 Acquaintance

    -30 Friend-40 Family Member.

    Compose (-20): The character is skilled in

    writing and arranging new music and arranging

     performances. The writing of lyrics falls under 

    the Poetry skill.

     Narrate (-10): The character is a skilled teller of 

    tales and reciter of poems being able to alter 

    cadence and tone as well as differentiate voices

    and alter meaning through presentation.

    Orate (-10): The character can speak well to an

    audience and debate topical matters with

    sophistication and wit.

    Sing: The character is able to carry a tune and

    keep time with other musicians.

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    Knowledge + Reason + Perception +


    The character is skilled in the creation

    and preparation of various food items. It goes

    without saying that it takes good food to make

    good food, even so, many peasant dishes that

    were discovered on the desperate edge of 

    starvation have made their way to the tables of 

    the richest gourmands.

    Bartender: The character can mix drinks and

    advice of questionable value. A good stock of 

    ingredients and glasses is needed for the drinks.

    Life experience, imagination, or

    Brewer (-10): The character can produce beer 

    and ale. Barley, hops, barrels, cauldrons andwater are all required for this amazing feat.

    Cook: The character can cook meals and

     preserve and store food. Knives and various

    kitchen implements, pots and pans are helpful,

    as are a stove and oven but the work can be

    done with a fire, a knife, and some sticks will do

    as long as there is food.

    Vintner (-20): The character can produce wine.

    Grapes, vats, bottles, casks, and virgins withclean feet are all essential to this revered



    Dexterity + Knowledge + Willpower 

    The practical application of observed

    knowledge for the purpose of healing various

    maladies is not yet particularly scientific or 

    evidence based. None the less, these skills are

    far removed from some of the wilder 

    superstitions and include the ability to recognize

    when a method is causing more harm than good.

    Apothecary (-20): The character is skilled in

    distilling and preparing teas, elixirs, and tablets

    containing the essential properties of medicinal

    herbs. This allows them to be stored and

    transported long distances. Apothecaries often

    trade local remedies with colleagues in distant

    lands to broaden their supply.

    Barber (-20): The character is skilled at

    trimming hair and shaving beards and

    knowledgeable regarding a variety of personal

    hygiene issues.

    Physician (-20): Through a great deal of trial

    and error mixed with the study of sundry texts

    on the matters of physiology and disease, the

    character is able to stitch up wounds, pull teeth,

    and re-balance the humours by means of 

     bleeding. Whether any of this is actually usefulis entirely debatable.

    Surgeon (-20): The character is skilled in cutting

     people up to fix their problems. While this is

    never the best solution, it beats leaving large

     pieces of metal inside their bodies or letting

    their limbs rot off.

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    Leather Work 

    Constitution + Dexterity + Knowledge

    The character is skilled in preparing

    animal skins so they don’t decay and making

    various useful items from them. They will need

    awls, knives, a good work bench, forms, and

     patterns to do most of this work, but basic

    stitching can be done with only an awl and a


    Armorer (-20): The character is skilled in

    making heavy leather suits. Beyond the usual

    tools, the leather must be hardened by boiling it

    in oil, soft leather is fine for stopping abrasions

    and lacerations but it’s no use at all when

    you’ve been hit with a battle axe.

    Cobbler (-10): The character is skilled inmaking shoes, sandals, and boots. The patterns

    for these are often quite complex and closely

    guarded secrets. For anything more complex

    than moccasins wooden forms are needed to

    hold the work in progress. Hard soles need to

     be boiled in oil.

    Saddlery (-10): The character is skilled in

    making saddles, tack, and harness. Metal

    fixtures like buckles and rivets are needed as is a

    vat of boiling oil.

    Tanner (-10): The character is skilled in

     producing leather from animal hides. Generally

    this involves scraping the hide smooth and

    soaking it in urine or some other mildly acidic

    solution. A good scraper and vats or barrels full

    of the stuff are required as are dyes if the leather 

    is to be colored.


    Knowledge + Reason + Willpower 

    Learning and literacy are rare in

    medieval society and those who have them can

    charge a premium, or at least not pay others for 


    Each Race’s Anatomy (-10): The character has

    studied the form and function of the human or 

    other being’s body. This knowledge is useful

    whether deciding what to cut out to cure a

    malady or drawing a realistic. figure. Anatomy

    acts as a cap on the bonus a character can

    receive from medical skills.

    Appraise Goods: The character has studied the

    relative value of items and knows a good piece

    of work by a famous master from a cheap fake by a cheaper hack.

    Architecture (-20): The character has learned the

    arcane arts of trigonometry and higher 

    mathematics as they relate to the construction of 

     buildings and is able to devise plans for 

     buildings that won’t fall down the day after they

    are built. The architect’s skill acts as a cap on

    the skills of construction workers.

    Each Region’s History: The character hasstudied the details of the specified region’s

    history and can often dredge up useful bits of 

    information relating to present circumstances.

    Each Religion’s Doctrine (-20): Each religion’s

    doctrine is a different skill. The bonus can be

    used to win arguments with other members of 

    that religion no matter how irrational the actual

    subject matter is.

    Each Language (-30): Each language is a skill.Magic-users in particular are interested in

    learning languages as most inscribe their spell

     books and scrolls in an obscure and ancient

    tongue in order to protect their secrets.

    Language skills act as a bonus cap on actions

    requiring communication.

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    Engineering (-20): The character has learned to

    design machines like catapults, cranes, and

    mechanical traps, including the obscure

    mathematics and physical laws that explain how

    they work. Engineering skill acts as a cap on

     bonuses when building machinery.

    Mathematics (-10): While any commoner can

    add a few numbers, count by twelves, and cipher 

    out the simple fractions used in cooking and

     building, more advanced mathematical

    knowledge is fairly limited. This skill also

    covers geometry and simple physics.

     Navigation (-10): The character can set a course

     by the stars using simple instruments and charts.

     Navigation is a particularly important skill when

    crossing trackless deserts and the open sea.

    Poetry (-10): Ballads, lays, lyrics and other 

    arrangements of words in pleasing form and

    cadence have been studied in detail and the

    writing of such can also be attempted.


    Knowledge + Reason + Willpower 

    The working of magic is a complex and

    subtle art that is covered in greater detail in

    chapter VII. The skills that must be developedto work magic are covered here.

    Attunement (-20): The caster’s ability to

    manipulate and channel magic grows as stretch

    the limits of their mind, body, and soul. The

     points spent on their Attunement skill without

    any Characteristic or Block points set the

    number of spell levels they can cast each day

    when drawing on their personal energy. The

    total Attunement skill is the chance of 

    recognizing magic by instinct and inherentconnection to the universe.

    Each Rote (-Difficulty): Normally a spell caster 

    requires a grimoire, a written work detailing the

    intricacies of each individual spell. Each Rote is

    a single spell they have learned by heart from

    among those they have access to in the Realms

    they have studied. Spells known by rote no

    longer require a written set of instructions to be

    cast. The total Rotes skill rating is the caster’s

    chance of casting the spell.

    Each Realm (-20): While each spell is

    individual and unique, there are similarities and

    synergies between them. The character’s total

    skill in a realm of magic serves as their chance

    of casting spells from that Realm from written

    sources as well as their chance of understanding

    newly discovered spells recognizing them as

    they are cast.

    Air Darkness

    Earth Evil (Black)

    Good (White) LifeLight Fire

    Spirit Void


    Ward: Most people learn simple incantations

    and charms to protect them against petty spirits

    and minor curses. For a professional spell-

    caster these things are studied in detail and

    expanded upon as the work is perilous. The

    Ward skill can be used to resist magical attacks.

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    Agility + Constitution + Reason

    The sea is a great source of food, way to

    travel, and ship goods. These skills provide a

    character with the abilities they need to work at


    Fish: The character can catch fish with nets and

    lines. They know where the fishing is good and

    what baits will bring in various types of fish.

    Pilot (-20): The character can steer and

    command ships. This requires a good

    understanding of the rigging and the ship’s

    ability to clear obstacles and handle waves and

    wind. It takes some time to become familiar 

    with each individual ship and captains are often

    very attached to their command.

    Row: The character can paddle boats and

    canoes. They can steer through obstacles and

    know the limitations of their craft. Rowing

    doesn’t cover the use of oars on galleys which

    are really just a brute force exercise.

    Sail (-10): The character can work rigging and

    sails on boats and ships. A side result is

    exceptional skill with rope and knots. The

    character is also able to comprehend nauticalcommands and jargon which are virtually a

    language of their own.

    Melee Weapon

    Agility, Dexterity, Strength

    The visceral thrill of whacking

    something with an axe needs little explanation.

    In rules terms, these skills give a bonus to hit

    and defend in combat.

    Axes (-10): This skill covers the use of all

    swung edged weapons with a haft including

    hatchets, axes, battle axes, pole axes, halberds,

     berdeches, and cleavers.

    Blunt Weapons: This skill covers the use of all

    clubs, maces, mauls, staves, batons, and flails.

    Knives: This skill covers the use of short knives

    and daggers.

    Spears (-10): This skill covers the use of all long

    shafted piercing weapons such as javelins,

    spears, pikes, spetums, ransuers, and tridents.

    Swords (-10): This skill covers the use of all

    long bladed edged weapons including long

    swords, broad swords, scimitars, tulwars, and



    Unarmed Attacks: This skill covers all

     punching, kicking, scratching, biting, clawing,elbowing, grappling and head butts.

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    Missile Weapon

    Dexterity + Perception + Sight +


    One of the best ways to avoid being

    whacked with an axe is be a hundred yards away

    and put an arrow through the guy’s eye while

    he’s running. These skills provide a bonus to hit

    with missile weapons.

    Bows (-20): This skill covers the use of all self 

     bows, composite bows, long bows, and horse


    Crossbows (-10): This skill covers the use of all

     bows fixed to a shaft and cocking mechanism

    including crossbows arbalests, and prodds.

    Slings (-20): This skill covers the use of allslings, staff slings, bolas, and aclys.

    Thrown Weapons: This skill covers the use of 

    thrown rocks, axes, spears, knives, and dwarfs.

    Metal Work 


    Metal is the backbone of technology. In

    the middle ages, the techniques to work with

    steel become available. Every metal has itsuses, and requires different techniques to get the

    desired results. A forge, anvil, hammers, tongs,

    sand, clay, and buckets of water are all essential

    to any metal working project.

    Copper (-10): Copper, and it’s alloys bronze and

     brass require less heat to forge than steel and are

    easier to mine. In itself copper is too pliable to

     produce decent swords, so it is generally alloyed

    with tin to make bronze or zinc to make brass.

    Bronze is harder than low steel but also more brittle. Brass is less prone to tarnishing and


    Iron (-20): Iron and steel are the peak of 

    medieval technology. Hot forges blown with a

     bellows produce purer and stronger alloys than

    were available in earlier ages. While iron ore is

    somewhat harder to mine than copper it is more

    common and becomes less expensive once the

    infrastructure is in place.

    Silver and Gold (-10): These valuable metals are

    rare and beautiful but too soft for most practical

    uses. They are easier to work which allows fine

    and detailed items to be produced. Lost wax

    casting using clay or plaster molds and a wax

    master are the primary means of producing


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    Constitution + Perception + Willpower 

    Medieval people are outside more than

    modern people are because everyone stinks.

    These skills all relate to living in harmony with

    nature without dying horribly, at least some of 

    the time.

    Drive: This is the skill of arranging harnesses,

    driving carts, wagons and other wheeled


    Farm: Don’t knock it, without farms, people

    starve. This skill specifically deals with

    growing large fields of low maintenance crops

    like grains and legumes, and includes

    knowledge of when and where to plant what,

    how to protect it from pests, and when toharvest.

    Garden: The character is skilled in growing

    herbs and vegetables, knows how to discourage

    common pests, and how to harvest and store the


    Each Animal Mastery (-10): Beyond basic care

    and feeding, the character understands the

    mating cycles of the animal they have

    specialized in and can help in birthing, tendabandoned and orphaned young, and breed to

    enhance various traits. They have also

    developed an understanding of the nature of the

    type of animal they have chosen and know what

    tricks and tasks they can be trained to do and

    how best to proceed in said training.

    Trapping (-10): The character is familiar with

    the haunts and habits of wildlife and knows

    where to place traps to catch animals. They can

     build simple dead falls and other simplemechanical traps using available materials as

    well as being familiar with professionally

    crafted traps.

    Woodcraft (-10): The character can forage for 

    food, trap small animals, locate and improvise

    shelter, and find their way in the wilderness.


    Constitution + Strength + Willpower 

    These skills are directly used to resist

    damage, disease, poison, and similar physical


    Fatigue: The character’s ability to withstand

    exhaustion and weariness. The normal rate of 

    fatigue is one minute of vigorous activity per 


    Metabolize: The poison (or alcohol which the

    character consumes or otherwise ingests is

    resisted with this rating .

    Vitality: A character’s Vitality skill is the

    amount of damage required to kill them.

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    Appearance + Voice + Willpower 

    The very act of living in society develops

    skills that serve when interacting and dealing

    with others.

    Befuddle: The character can confuse and

     bewilder with logic puzzles and word games and

    thus undermine and disrupt any attempts they

    may make to apply social skills within earshot.

    Combined with insults this is the heart of 

    effective heckling.

    Befriend: The character is understanding and

    easy to talk to and thus quickly gains the

    affections of others.

    Convince: The character’s conviction andknowledge are compelling and able to sway

    opinions and sell product.

    Ignore: Sometimes it isn’t easy but ignoring

    annoying people is often the best way to make

    them go away, preferably far away. This skill

     provides a bonus when resisting Insults,

    Insinuations, and Provocations.

    Insinuate (-10): Listening to gossip and knowing

    a little about individuals allows the character tomanipulate them with bits of information they’d

    rather weren’t widely known.

    Intimidate: Being confident and aggressive if 

    not down right threatening often cows others

    into cooperating. Often in hopes that you’ll go

    away when it’s over. Intimidated foes will

    choose not to attack and back down, but they’ll

     be back when they’ve evened the odds. Using

    intimidation inevitably leads to bad feelings and


    Inspire: With words of comfort and wisdom the

    character fills those listening with confidence

    and resolve. Those successfully inspired get a

     bonus to morale until they suffer a significant


    Insult: To really insult someone, it is necessary

    to know what matters to them and what they are

    most self conscious about. Those skilled in this

    art are able to adapt their work to the reactions

    of their subject. Insults can be used to goad

    others to act but always lead to bad feelings and


    Motivate (-10): With speeches and exemplary

    actions the character can lead others to take

    action where once they stood idly by. Applied

    to business dealings this is also known as



    Provoke (-10): The character is skilled in

     picking fights and riling up crowds to acts of 

    violence, usually through chanting nonsense and

    invoking irrelevant past glories.

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    Slight of Hand

    Dexterity + Perception + Touch +


    These skills deal with trickery and

    misdirection in the movement of small objects.

    Some are used for theft and others for 


    Card Tricks (-10): With a little sleight of hand,

    some basic mathematics, and lots of practice the

    character can predict numbers, and control the

    outcome of shuffles and deck cuts. This skill is

    also useful for cheating at cards.

    Filch: By watching observers closely, dressing

    appropriately, and carefully positioning

    themselves the character can remove small

    items from their place without being noticed.

    Juggle (-10): The character can toss multiple

    objects into the air and keep them there.

    -10 per object

    -10 irregular or mismatched objects

    -10 sharp objects

    -20 small animals

    -30 vicious small animals

    Pick Pockets (-10): The character is adept atusing distraction and subtlety to remove small

    items from the persons of other persons.



    The character can produce or work with

    fibers and fabric to create clothing, tapestries,

    and other useful items.

    Dying (-10): This skill covers the making of 

    dyes and their use to produce consistent colors

    on fabrics, threads, and yarns. A supply of dried

    flowers, binding agents, a mortar and pestle, and

     jars, bottles, and sacks are needed.

    Embroidering (-10): This skill covers the fine

    stitching of pictures and letters it overlaps a bit

    with drawing and tailoring but is certainly an art

    all on its own. Chalk, needles, thread, and a