ENGLISH 106 7:00-8:30 Mrs. Herminia Castro First Year EN3 CE GROUP Arquero, Marideth Barte, Charlene Candava, Clariza Jean Manalo, Jeffrey Maniquez, Larquin Angelo Maranan, Threshia Anne Rubio, Mark Lester Villanueva, Maricris Name of Talk Show: STRONG HEART Host: Charlene Mae Barte as Charlene Lerman First Segment [Teen Celebrities who had gone through difficulties and hardships in regards to family but had able to change for the better.] Celebrity Guest: Maricris Villanueva as Maricris Mercado Celebrity Guest: Larquin Angelo Maniquez as L.A. Concepcion Guest Psychologist: Clariza Jean Candava as Dr. Clariza Sandford



Transcript of SH

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ENGLISH 106 7:00-8:30 Mrs. Herminia Castro

First Year EN3


Arquero, Marideth

Barte, Charlene

Candava, Clariza Jean

Manalo, Jeffrey

Maniquez, Larquin Angelo

Maranan, Threshia Anne

Rubio, Mark Lester

Villanueva, Maricris

Name of Talk Show: STRONG HEART

Host: Charlene Mae Barte as Charlene Lerman

First Segment [Teen Celebrities who had gone through difficulties and hardships in regards to family but had able to change for the better.]

Celebrity Guest: Maricris Villanueva as Maricris Mercado

Celebrity Guest: Larquin Angelo Maniquez as L.A. Concepcion

Guest Psychologist: Clariza Jean Candava as Dr. Clariza Sandford

Second Segment [About single parenting and how she overcomes those struggles in life.]

Guest: Marideth Arquero as Mars Padilla

Special Guest: Mark Lester Rubio as Mark Mariano

Special Guest: Threshia Anne Maranan as Threshia Padilla

Cameraman & Voice over: Jeffrey Manalo

Charlene: A wonderful morning to everyone, new day, new stories, new life experiences. Again, here is yours truly, Charlene Lerman and you’re turn into Strong Heart, where you’re free to think, feel and express

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straight from your heart. And to start our program, we will discuss on how a child can cope up with their life without their parents guiding them.

To share their experiences, here are two of the famous teen celebrities. Before entering showbiz, she already graduated from high school with awards and still continuing her college-life, here is Maricris Mercado.

Maricris: Good morning Ms. Charlene! (beso beso)

Charlene: Another teen celebrity who once become a rebel to his family but now hoping for a change and dreaming to finish his studies, L.A. Concepcion.

L.A.: Hello Ms. Charlene! Hi Mariciris!

(Everybody will sit down)

Charlene: Well, let’s start. Maricris, I heard that both your parents are OFWs’ how could you handle that set up without them?

Maricris: Of course it’s difficult, living only with my Lola. Sometimes, it felt like I also wanted to go with my parents. My mother works in Italy and my father is now in California, it’s very seldom that we met within a year.

Charlene: Oh I see, but at least you understand their situation huh? How about you L.A.?

L.A.: Since my mother and father separated when I’m still a baby, I didn’t have a chance to see my father again and my mother was too busy working. It felt like as I grow up, I’m so incomplete. Maybe o admit that I’m envy to other children and that makes me a bad son to my mother long time ago. That time, I’m so confused and made me go with peer are bad influence and rebellious like me.

Charlene: I felt sorry for you L.A., but do you still have communication with your father?

L.A.: As of now, we have no communication so far. In my 17 years of existence, I didn’t see even his shadows.

Charlene: And you Maricris, for how many years are your parents been apart from you?

Maricris: It’s been 10 years since they left me with my Lola in Laguna. But unlike L.A., I easily understand my situation being without my parents because my Lola is very supportive of me. I felt so loved and blessed.

Charlene: Really? That’s great to hear from you. Then how can you manage/discipline yourself without your parents’ guidance? I’m sure our viewers will get some suggestions from you.

Maricris: Well, as I’ve said. First of all, we should keep in mind that our parents’ sacrifices are also for our future needs. Now that I’m mature to understand them, I am really trying hard to finish my studies with flying colors, so every centavo that was given to me was worth it.

Charlene: That’s a word from a child that every parent should be proud being of. I am hoping that your dreams will come true and someday you will be an icon on your chosen career. You L.A., now that you heard Maricris’ experience, how do you feel about your mother that loves you that much so she can’t spend much time on you?

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L.A.: There’s a time that I felt guilty but now I already knew my fault and I’m willing to change. As I reflect on my bad attitude towards my mother and to other people, I realized that they are so precious to me. Without them, maybe my life becomes worse. I am so thankful of having my loving mother and relatives that are willing to understand the mistakes that I’ve done.

Charlene: Awesome! Now, I think you really did change a lot. I can see that now you have good outlook in life and that’s so good to hear from you. I know that both of you will be role models to sons and daughters of OFWs there who are watching us right now. You Maricris who’s been a good daughter all the time and L.A. who’s willing to straighten the curve that he once taken. Let’s hear some advices from an expert for these situations as we come back here in Strong Heart!


Charlene: So now, we’re back here in Strong Heart and we have invited a psychologist. Here today, let’s all welcome Dr. Clariza Sandford!

(Audiences’ applause)

Charlene: Dr. Clariza, so what’s your opinion with these children?

Dr. Clariza: Let me give my side to L.A. first, maybe that’s normal for a teenager to have confusion about his life but later when he better understand like what he have done, it will change. Separation isn’t easy, both for adults and children. But with care, consideration, and contact, the outcomes don’t have to be bad.

Charlene: So maybe, that’s the reason why L.A. gets rebellious acts for having a lack of communication with her mother.

Dr. Clariza: Yes, but now that he’s mature enough to understand his own situation, its better that he changed a lot.

Charlene: But how about Maricris’ situation, can you share us some advices Dr.?

Dr. Clariza: For Maricris, well, teenagers are faced with life challenging choices and the consequences almost every day. The middle school and high school years are the most difficult for teens because they are neither children nor adults. Their bodies are rapidly changing, and they face tremendous emotional swings as well. May teens are seeking answers to tough questions such as how they feel about themselves and what they’ll do with their lives. So it’s good for Maricris that she had understood already her situation and focuses more on with her improvements in life especially her studies.

Charlene: A very nice message from you. With that, most of the teenagers in that situation will have a better understanding with their parents. So how about the parents, what will be your message?

Dr. Clariza: For parents, they should keep few things in mind when trying to communicate with their preteens. They should always try giving compliments or saying positive things for them. And even they are apart from each other, they should always have even a simple phone call or short messages for them to talk about the things their children are experiencing. And for they can’t give their full attention, they should always show how much they love their children to remove their bad thoughts and emotions.

Charlene: That’s correct. Every parent should know their responsibility for their children. Again, thank you very much Dr. Clariza Sandford!

Dr. Clariza: You’re welcome Ms. Charlene. :) (Hand shake)

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Charlene: Up next, we’ll have a heart to heart talk about the story of how a single parent raise her daughter through different struggles she experienced and her love story here in Strong Heart!


Ms. Char: Today we have already tackled about, how being apart from your children and being in a failed marriage affects the children involve. Now our next guest will be a single parent.

Ms. Char: It’s a difficult responsibility in building a family but what if you have to do it alone. Let us find out from single parents who went through heartaches and struggles. But still continue to be the mother and father role at the same time. Their inspiring and wonderful strategy in their lives, they will share with all your heart

Ms. Char: Let us find out what really happens when you’re a single parent, separated and you have to raise your child. How does it work? Let’s find out with our guest Ms. Mars Padilla

[Greetings First] [Make it natural]

Ms. Char: Ok, Mars you’re a single parent right [nod. Yes] you know Single parenting is one of the toughest jobs any person could have. And I also heard that you have been pregnant at a young age.

Mars: Yes. I was sixteen that time

Ms. Char: You’re really young. So could you tell us what happen?

Mars: Of course you know Ms. Char, when young; teens were really impulsive and naive. That time I just thought that I love him. You know I believe in everything he said. GO! I trust my boyfriend that time so much. And then it leads me to this situation.

Ms. Char: You thought everything will be alright. You didn’t about the result of what you have done. But how did you tell your parents? How was it?

Mars: Of course, they were really shocked. They weren’t ready for anything. Also the time when I told my parents about the pregnancy, my boyfriend that time and his parents came over to our house. To propose, to offer marriage

Ms. Char: Really? What happened? How did your parents react? How did they face them?

Mars: Actually my parents decided not to confront them. They were just outside the house. I understand my parents; any parents would react like that. They were really angry and they were not really ready for anything.

Ms. Char: It’s like for your parents their whole world falls apart, knowing their daughter pregnant at a young age. Then what did the guy do?

Mars: They left, but before that when my parents calmed down they told me to tell the parents of the guy, to just come back when I turned 18 because If I still want to marry the guy, they can’t do anything about it anymore because I’m already at my legal age.

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Ms. Char: So did the guy come back? The entire pregnancy did he keep in contact?

Mars: No he didn’t the entire time. No news about him. Every single day, I waited for him to come back, I cry every night. And then suddenly, one day I realized that he will never come back and I decided to move on. I stopped all the hoping and continue with my life.

Ms. Char: I pity him. He’s so bad. Well, it’s his lost. In that situation you were really lucky to have your parents around. They helped you and support you raising your daughter.

Mars: It’s okay now because I’m really happy with my life now. Yes, I would really like to thank my parents for being there for me [Look at the camera] Ma, Pa thank you for everything. I love you very much. :D

Ms. Char: Well that’s good. So how did you raise your child as a single parent? Of course your parents helped you. After the give birth. You continue your studies right?

Mars: Yes I continue my studies and while I’m studying, my parents were the one taking good care my daughter. If was really a though time balancing my time for my daughter and my studies. Fortunately I finished my studies and now at doctor at St. Luke’s Hospital

Ms. Char: Ahhh. That’s great. Really grateful to your parents. Even though something happened you still make you parents proud by finishing your studies. It is really important. So what’s your daughter’s name? How old is she?

Mars: It’s Threshia and she’s 13 years old

Ms. Char: I think Threshia didn’t really feel that much of emptiness because you and your parents brought her up. Also so for many challenges you encountered you got up, still you became successful both in your family and career. Aside from your parents, there is also a special someone who helped you. And now let’s all welcome our surprise guest, Dr. Mark Mariano.

Mark: Good Morning Ms. Charlene. [Shake hands]

[Mars – shocked o_O]

Ms. Char: Good Morning. Okay. We’ll hear more about them, how they meet, and their story when we come back here in Strong Heart.


Ms. Char: Mars, you’re shocked when you saw him. You didn’t know that he was coming right? Wait to enlighten our audience, to not get confuse. Mark Mariano is Mars fiancée/boyfriend/partner okay. (?hindi ko

alam) Also, I actually know them personally because they are my family’s doctor, so I have a little knowledge about their story. So you didn’t know he was coming?

Mars: No. I really didn’t know. This morning he told me he was going to the hospital.

Mark: Yes, I really want it to be a surprise so I didn’t give her any idea.

Ms. Char: Really. So Mark, tell us you story. How did you meet each other?

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Mark: I met her at the hospital as a new nurse. So I was assigned to assist her and teach her things about our work. She was new back then.

Char: How many years have you been together? Also what was your impression of her?

Mark: We’ve been together for 5 years [look]. First impression was she really simple that makes her beautiful and also clever. Then I assigned her as my assistant nurse. Spending more time together.

Char: That time you already liked her right, you have a hidden agenda with her


Char: So it’s yes. HAHA So then you started dating, you knew she had a child? You told him? [Look at mars]

Mars: Yes, I did from the very beginning. I told him already about the child.

Mark: When I find out about it, it didn’t change anything. She told me what happened and what she had gone through. I know it’s been hard. I actually admire her, facing all those trials alone and raising Threshia alone

Char: then you still continue pursuing her.

Mark: I accepted her for what she is and it made us much closer and stronger that time. I am genuine with her and also Threshia that I treat as my own daughter. But there is no reason for her to go through those things alone now.

Char: ahhh. In her situation, in things she had gone through she is generally torn between her kids, her social life, and a million other responsibilities that she has no one to share with. Given this, it’s a good idea to be a little considerate of the time in which she has to do all of those things. So it is really a good thing to have a partner and a father figure for the child.

Mars: Yes it is. I’m really thankful that he came in to my life

Mark: She has me now. I will take care of her and Threshia.

Char: I’m really happy for you. You both deserve happiness. To complete this happiness let us all welcome your daughter here at the studio, Threshia.

Threshia: Good Morning Ms. Charlene [beso2] [yakap]

Char: You’re a grown up now. You’re Very pretty. How are you?

Threshia: I’m good

Char: You were also open to Threshia right? [Look at M&M then nod] You have knowledge about your true father, you know the situation right?

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Threshia: Yes! My mom was open with me about my real father. I know his name and saw him in a picture that my mom showed me. My mom and grandparents make me understand everything. They taught me and guide me while I was growing up. Also right now I have my Daddy now [Looks at Mark]. So I’m not worried about anything. I have a complete family now. I am very happy.

Char: aahh. That’s great. Now Threshia, what is your message to your Mommy and Daddy?

Threshia: Mommy, first of all I would like to thank you so much for raising me as a single parent for almost 7 years. Also Lolo and Lola. And daddy Mark thank you also for being a father to me and helping my mom in providing me my needs. I very lucky for having you both. I thank God for that. I love you so much! XD [look at M&M] [HUG]

Char: Thank you very much for being here today and sharing us your inspiring story.

Mark: Thank you also for having us.

Char: Today we have witnessed and heard different stories about families. It’s really important for a child to have his/her parents to have role models in growing up. For parents we must have time for our children to support and guide them.

Separation isn’t easy, both for adults and children. But with care, consideration, and contact, the outcomes don’t have to be bad. One of the most difficult matters to confront with respect to family relationships is that you don’t control the entire relationship yourself. Whether the relationship thrives or withers isn’t up to you alone. As the saying goes, it takes two to tango.

Next week join me again her in Strong Heart, where you’re free to think, feel and express straight from your heart.

Jeffrey Manalo Voice Over:

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