Sh4 rh sponsor package 2




Transcript of Sh4 rh sponsor package 2

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Sky-High for Roger’s House is a fundraising initiative brought forward by two

former Roger’s House clients, Sophie Rosa and Angelo Garcia. They met through

the bereavement group at Roger’s House in January 2010; Sophie had lost her

youngest son, Simon, to a drowning accident during a school outing, while Angelo

lost his son Misha to brain cancer. Sophie and Angelo, both outdoors enthusiasts,

quickly became friends and remained in close contact after they left the Roger’s

House bereavement group.

Long before meeting each other, both Sophie and Angelo had planned to climb

Kilimanjaro. Sophie was in training to climb when her son passed away, while

Angelo and his son had planned to climb Kilimanjaro together. However, the

return of Misha’s tumour kept them from fulfilling their dream. In his will, Misha

asked his father to scatter his ashes on top of Kilimanjaro so they may still reach

the highest peak of Africa together.


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During the Roger’s House Telethon in March 2011, Sophie and Angelo were sitting

next to one another answering phones and taking donations when Angelo

confided he was looking into climbing Kilimanjaro to scatter Misha’s ashes. It

instantly renewed Sophie’s desire to do the climb and they committed on that

very night to doing a charity climb for Roger’s House in 2012.

They are now training to prepare for the climb, along with other Roger’s House

parents and volunteers. At the official Sky-High for Roger’s House launch on June

25th, they will extend the invitation to other Roger’s House and Sens Foundation

supporters to climb and reach with them the highest peak of Africa.

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The climbers will undertake the Lemosho route and ascend Mount

Kilimanjaro from the west. The 12-day itinerary includes two nights at

the foot of the mountain in Moshi at 914 metres, which will give them

time to acclimatize to the already thin air, meet with their guides and

receive a detailed climb orientation and gear check. On day 3, the

climbers will enter Kilimanjaro National Park and start their 9 days of


The Lemosho route does not require any technical skills or mountain

climbing experience and is one of the newer routes on Mount

Kilimanjaro. It is considered the most beautiful route and grants

panoramic vistas on various sides of the mountain; it offers a great

balance of low traffic, scenic views and a high summit success rate.

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Sophie and Angelo would like to contribute the funds raised through the

climb to the endowment fund through the Dancing in the Rain for

Roger’s House major gift program. Roger’s House sustainability is very

important to both Sophie and Angelo; both want to ensure Roger’s

House has the necessary operating funds come rain or shine.

Support the Sky-High for Roger’s House climbers by becoming a camp

sponsor; raise their spirits to 2,795 metres, 3,916 metres, 4,556 metres,

or all the way to the summit to 5,895 metres.

“We live each day being grateful for the

gifts our children have given us. Life is not

about waiting for the storm to pass, it has

become a journey of learning to dance in

the rain. The staff at Roger’s House helps

our family dance and gives our children

the same unconditional love that we do.”

Sue and Missy Lumley-Pfeil,


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$ 2,795.00

After a trek along a

little used track

through the Montane

forest, where

vegetation is so

untouched that it

grows right across the

trail , the climbers will

spend their first night

in the Kilimanjaro


Park in the

rain forest

at Mti


(Big Tree).


• Company logo or name in all advertising opportunities and on promotional materials linked to the event:

‐ Sky-High for Roger’s House blog ‐ Initiative’s landing page on Sens Foundation’s website ‐ 2 @SkyHigh4rh account tweets about company’s support, and re-

tweeted by @sensfoundation account ‐ Posters, brochures and pledge forms ‐ Mkuba Camp banner displayed at various events, including the two

Play for Roger’s House hockey tournaments, and in team picture at Mkuba Camp

• Inclusion in newspaper thank-you ad to announce fundraising total

• Company name mentioned in all media relation’s activities, special events (all Play for Roger’s House Hockey days and the Wine Boutique event) and electronic event promotion

• Industry sponsorship exclusivity for the initiative

• Post-event fulfillment report provided within 60 days of the end of initiative

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$ 3,916.00

After the climb toward

Lava Tower, the

climbers descend

down through the

Giant Senecio forest to

Barranco Camp, which

is beautifully set up on

a ridge at the foot of

the Barranco Wall. On

their fourth night on


the climbers

sleep above

the clouds…


• Company logo or name in all advertising opportunities and on promotional materials linked to the event:

‐ Sky-High for Roger’s House blog ‐ Initiative’s landing page on Sens Foundation’s website ‐ 3 @SkyHigh4rh account tweets about company’s support, and re-

tweeted by @sensfoundation account ‐ Posters, brochures and pledge forms ‐ Barranco Camp banner displayed at various events, including the

two Play for Roger’s House hockey tournaments, and in team picture at Barranco Camp

• Inclusion in newspaper thank-you ad to announce fundraising total

• In-game recognition of support with company representative to have a role in charitable in-game’s cheque presentations

• Company name mentioned in all media relation’s activities, special events (all Play for Roger’s House Hockey days and the Wine Boutique event) and electronic event promotion

• Industry sponsorship exclusivity for the initiative

• Post-event fulfillment report provided within 60 days of the end of initiative

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$ 4,556.00

Barafu means "ice" in

Swahili, and at an

altitude of 4,556 metres,

it is extremely windy and

cold. There is a buzz of

excitement in the air, as

climbers anticipate the

summit push the next

day. The clouds move in

and out, revealing the

eroded peak

of Mawenzi,

painted with

colors of the

African sun.


• Company logo or name in all advertising opportunities and on promotional materials linked to the event:

‐ Sky-High for Roger’s House blog ‐ Initiative’s landing page on Sens Foundation’s website ‐ 4 @SkyHigh4rh account tweets about company’s support, and re-

tweeted by @sensfoundation account ‐ Posters, brochures and pledge forms ‐ Barafu Camp banner displayed at various events, including the two

Play for Roger’s House hockey tournaments, and in team picture at Barafu Camp

• Company logo on the Roger’s House video box on the Sky-High for Roger’s House blog, to be regularly updated and advertised trough @SkyHigh4rh and @sensfoundation twitter accounts

• Inclusion in newspaper thank-you ad to announce fundraising total

• In-game recognition of support with company representative to have a role in charitable in-game’s cheque presentations

• Company name mentioned in all media relation’s activities, special events (all Play for Roger’s House Hockey days and the Wine Boutique event) and electronic event promotion

• Industry sponsorship exclusivity for the initiative

• Post-event fulfillment report provided within 60 days of the end of initiative

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$ 5,895.00

With the most stunning

views of Mawenzi, the

Kibo Saddle and the

plains below, the

climbers slowly wind

their way up over the

rocky outcrops and

push to the summit.

The view from the

summit is dramatic, but

weather and effects of

altitude determine how

long they can

celebrate their



• Company logo or name in all advertising opportunities and on promotional materials linked to the event:

‐ Sky-High for Roger’s House blog ‐ Initiative’s landing page on Sens Foundation’s website ‐ 6 @SkyHigh4rh account tweets about company’s support, and re-

tweeted by @sensfoundation account ‐ Posters, brochures and pledge forms ‐ Summit banner displayed at various events, including the two Play

for Roger’s House hockey tournaments, and in team picture at summit

• Company representative to kick-off special events, introduce the climbers and announce their Summit sponsorship during the Sky-High for Roger’s House events.

• Inclusion in newspaper thank-you ad and use of the team’s summit picture with summit banner to announce fundraising total

• In-game recognition of support with company representative to have a role in charitable in-game’s cheque presentations

• Company name mentioned in all media relation’s activities, special events (all Play for Roger’s House Hockey days and the Wine Boutique event) and electronic event promotion

• Industry sponsorship exclusivity for the initiative

• Post-event fulfillment report provided within 60 days of the end of initiative

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After the summit celebrations and taking a few pictures to

capture this amazing moment, Angelo will proceed with

scattering the ashes of his son Misha. In honour of her son

and of Roger’s angels, Sophie will leave two stones; one

taken from her son Simon’s collection and one from Roger’s

House. Stones are an endearing symbol at Roger’s House;

during the bereavement sessions each parent hold on to

one as they honour the memory of their children and share

their struggles and pain.