SG50KITAx - Hello World!

The Next 50 Years Discovering aspirations and curating the next 50 years

Transcript of SG50KITAx - Hello World!

The Next 50 YearsDiscovering aspirations and curating the next 50 years

‣ How will the world change in the next 50 years, and thus how will these major changes impact Singapore?

‣ How can young people contribute to the process of solution building?

‣ How do we get our youth to prepare for these changes thus, discover new opportunities, ride its wave and eventually be knowledge leaders of these changes.

‣ How will the social dynamics and fabrics of Singapore change? How does we stay ahead while enhancing the diversity that we have insofar experienced?

‣ What are the aspiration of young Singaporeans? How do we help them to discover these aspirations?


‣ Curate and develop long-term actionable programs and processes to address issues or pain-points focusing on future scenarios.

‣ Creating the SG50 identity curated from the aspirations of young Singaporeans.

‣ Expose young people to what the future will look like (through scenarios) and prepare them for such future(s).

‣ Provide an opportunity and platform for young change-makers to learn new skills, insights and develop a network of future leaders.


Extend to the larger community to seek out ideas and participation from the ground. Extending to a large reach of community

‣ Ground Up

‣ CollaborativeTo cross-pollinate talent and aspiration across diverse back-ground (and beyond the Malay community) with a common purpose.

‣ AspirationalIdentify, develop and curate individual aspirations, in the longer term building a larger inspiring collective.

‣ Future ProofEvery ideas, aspirations and process requires a certain “foresight filter” to make them relevant for the conditions of the future.

‣ Long-Term ImpactPrograms and ideas should never be a one-off, in other words participants need to map out processes for the long term execution of the projects.


All my motivation for change has really been about the future. If you don't change, are you good enough for the future? That's the real driver. SG50 is about the past, we have to think about the future. What does the future need?

“”(Lim Siong Guan)