Seven weeks in Chichester

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Transcript of Seven weeks in Chichester

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    Development of

    teachingcompetences in the

    UK7 weeks stay in ChichesterOctober November 2015

    Cesar Prestel

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    3 intense learning weeks at ChichesterUniversity

    3 weeks o !ractice an" !artici!antobservation in a #ritish school

    1 week "evote" to eval$ation an" re%ectionabo$t this learning e&!erience

    The programme

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    'evelo!ment o teaching com!etences(nowle"ge o the )nglish e"$cational system

    *chool management Proessional "evelo!ment

    Pe"agogical strategies+n" also,

    C-.- metho"ology -ang$age immersion

    'ee!er an" better knowle"ge o )nglish lang$age

    The goals

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    At Chichester University

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    At Bishop Lua school

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    Learning, working

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    !"serving, teaching

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    #nglish e$ucation system

    )nglish e"$cation system/o$tes into teachingeaching assistantsNational C$rric$l$meachers stan"ar"sOste" ins!ections

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    he !$!il as the centre o e"$cationo talk is not to teach an" to teach is not to learn ho "oes the talking "oes the learninghe best way to learn is to b$il" yo$r own

    knowle"ge by yo$rselClass !lanning

    -esson !lans -earning aims an" teaching ob4ectives *tarters an" nal reca!

    +$tonomo$s !$!ils

    %%% &%hat was well'

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    eaching com!etences rather thanmemori6ing contents

    *eleval$ation an" coeval$ation'ee! critical analysis vs8 e&ten"e" contents9etacognitive skillsObservation o the teacher:s !erormancean" eval$ation o his work

    Consistency an" teamwork; goals an"!roce"$res are share" by all the sta

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    he !ress$re o e&ternal tests =le&ibility an" its ha6ar"seacher eval$ation an" school assessment he >$est or e&cellence or 'amocle:s swor"Com!etitiveness vs coo!eration .n"ivi"$ality vs genero$s collaboration'etachment as a style he im!ortance oe&ternal an" ormal as!ects

    #B( ven "etter if'

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    he challenge o "i

  • 7/25/2019 Seven weeks in Chichester


    Pe"agogical a!!roach centre" on !$!ils:a$tonomy

    New role or the teacher; rom a knowle"getransmitter to a learning g$i"e

    'etaile" attention to "i