Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Module 13 -14 pg. 175 - 185

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Module 13 -14 pg. 175 - 185 Shelita McCadney Teacher Quality Team 601.863.6399


Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Module 13 -14 pg. 175 - 185 . Shelita McCadney Teacher Quality Team 601.863.6399. Research says…. Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback *Yields a 23 percentile gain. iBelieve, iPractice. How do I set objectives in my classroom now?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Module 13 -14 pg. 175 - 185

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Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Module 13 -14pg. 175 - 185

Shelita McCadneyTeacher Quality Team


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Research says…

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

*Yields a 23 percentile gain

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iBelieve, iPractice


What questions do I do to

communicate classroom

objectives to my students?

What is my purpose for

setting objectives in the


How do I set objectives in my classroom now?

What questions do I have about setting objectives in my classroom?

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Marzano says…

Student learn most efficiently when they know the goals or objectives of a specific lesson or learning activity.

Students need a target for their learning. The objectives can be written many different ways.

Click icon to add picture

Click icon to add picture

Click icon to add picture

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Recommendations for classroom practice

1. Setting objectives that are not too specific

2. Personalizing objectives

3. Communicating objectives

4. Negotiating contracts

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Standard Vs. ObjectiveSt



A standard is the overarching idea of knowledge.

Common Core has set the standard (tells us WHAT we should teach).




The objective is the skill needed to reach the standard and is often time set by the classroom teacher

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Standards and Objectives in Basketball Standard: The Miami Heat will win the NBA



1. Make the playoffs

2. Make the semifinals

3. Advance to the finals

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Setting Objectives That Are Not Too Specific

Objective should not constrain student learningObjective should be clear and concise in a flurry of

rich learningObjective should give student focus

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1. trace

2. analyze

3. infer

4. evaluate

5. formulate

6. describe

7. support

8. explain

9. summarize

10. compare

11. contrast

12. predict

Larry Bell’s12 Powerful Words

Great words to include in your objectives: visit:

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N-Q.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling

Objective: Given a contextual problem find the critical path using a digraph (N-Q.2)

Objective: Analyze and interpret results; make decisions based on results. (N-Q.2)

Objective: Given contextual problem find the shortest path using a dijkstra’s algorithm. (N-Q.2)


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RL.1.1 – Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

Objective: Evaluate, compare and contrast characters within the text. (RL.1.1)

Objective: Analyze the story problem and provide and explain possible solutions (RL.1.1)


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Classroom ImplicationsHCSD requires each to visibly post :

1. Classroom OBJECTIVE

2. Common Core reference or complete STANDARD written out in full text.

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Personalizing Objectives

Students define their own interests within a topic.Requires a flexible objective

Ex: Understands basic ideas about networked computers

…..I want to know how the modem works

I want to write more effective introductions with a clear, concise thesis statements.

I want use good paragraph form in my writing and use strong supporting details

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Communicate Objectives“ Communicating objectives effectively is probably just

as important as designing them”VisibleWritten in student languageStudent time for copying the objectiveCommunicate objectives to the parent (fig. 13.3)

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Types of Objectives

Learner Objectives

• Reflects what the learner should be able to do at the end of the learning period.

Instructional Objectives

• Reflect what the instructor intends to accomplish at the end of the learning period.

Behavioral Objectives

• Reflect what the learner might be expected to do differently.

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Negotiate Contracts“Contracting with students to attain a specific goals is a

variation on goal setting.”Gives the student a great deal of control over learningIndividualizes goal for learning (student action plan)May meet with students every other week to check student


Ex: teacher may contract with a student to study vocabulary words 20 minutes per week.

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Essential QuestionsDoes the objective reflect the goal of the lesson

today?What will the learner be able to do at the end of the

activity?Is my objective precise, observable, and measurable?It is realistically obtainable?

*Do my activities and use of time align with my objective?

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Assessing the ImpactRubric Impact on student (fig 13.5) pg. 181Rubric Assessing myself as a facilitator (13.6) pg. 182

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Providing Feedback

Module 14 pg. 185

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After 8,000 studies ..

“The most powerful single modification that enhances achievement

is feedback”

It should be given specifically.

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Recommendations for Classroom PracticeUsing criterion-referenced feedback and explanationsUsing feedback from assessmentsEngaging students in peer feedbackAsk students to self-assess

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Why feedback

Gap analysis – the disparity between the target and the realities

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Criterion Referenced Feedback and Explanations





Focus on specific types of knowledge and skill

Help students understand how well they are doing compared to the performance standard

Give an explanation how the student exceeds, meets, or misses the standard

How do I rank relative to the performance of other students. HC



STAR Reports (Class Summary, Test Record)

MCT2 results

Rubrics (fig. 14.3, pg. 188)

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Use Feedback From Assessments

Click icon to add picture

Give timely feedback

Explain what was correct and incorrect

Help clear up misconceptions

Determine the next steps for to improve learning

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Providing FeedbackEn




s in





“Doesn’t mean that the student actually “grade” each other or “score” each other’s papers”

Verbal explanationsSuggestions for

improvement (fig 14.4) pg. 189




to se



Students rate their work (14.5) pg. 190

Rubrics – leave the surprises for parties

Student-friendly formsWritten response

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Strategies for feedback

Give students opportunities to improve, try again, and get it right.

Engage students in review of their own work and others.

Give students time to absorb new ideas. Tests are more effective as opportunities for learning if a day has gone by between learning experiences and the test.

Use rubrics. Rubrics provide criteria against which students can compare their learning. Involve students in developing rubrics. Rubrics help students focus their effort.

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Assessing the ImpactRubric Impact on student (fig 14.7 and

14.8) pg. 194Rubric Assessing myself as a facilitator

(14.9 and 14.10) pg. 185

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Fighting the Invisible Tigers: Be a Better You

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80/20 Rule

Let go of activities that bog you down.

Give your best where you have your best to give.

Outsource your 80% what you are not good at…yet

Model from others – see what others or doing in your building or youtube/google

Focus on 20% of activities that produce 80% of the
