Services you can use to monitor and analyze mobile app

Services you can use to monitor and analyze mobile app Koji Lin @ Taipei GTUG



Transcript of Services you can use to monitor and analyze mobile app

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Services you can use to monitor and analyze

mobile appKoji Lin @ Taipei GTUG

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About me

● koji lin○

● Engineer, Cubie Inc.

● The Organizer of JavaWorld@TW○

● The Organizer of Taiwan Java User Group○

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Cubie Messenger

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● Why?

● Analytics Platform

● A/B Test

● App Crash Report

● Distribute Beta Test

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● 提高相關功能的使用率

● 黏著度更高

● 主動與更多朋友分享

Every change brings...

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Every change brings...

● 功能越改越...

● 使用者抱怨

● 更高的移除率

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Mobile Analytics

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What we want to know?

● Retention

○ 多少人會在一段時間後會再回來使用

● Conversion rates

○ 哪些流程使用者在中途就不想完成?

● 新功能的使用狀況

● 改版是否造成不好的影響

● 以上都還要能搭配各種分類條件

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Mobile Analytics

● In-House Product

● Google Analytics

● Flurry

● Mixpanel

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In-House Product

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In-House Product

● 依照自己的需求客製

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Page 28: Services you can use to monitor and analyze mobile app

In-House Product

● 依照自己的需求客製

● 容易缺乏各式文件和資料

● 我們有更多更重要的功能得去做

● 提供服務的通常更好,更專業且更多功能

● ...其它更多缺點

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In-House Product

● 依照自己的需求客製

● 容易缺乏各式文件和資料

● 我們有更多更重要的功能得去做

● 提供服務的通常更快,更專業且更多功能

● ...其它更多缺點

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Google Analytics

● Google Analytics Mobile

○ SDK for iOS, Android(v2 beta)

● 需要較多過程,步驟來完成報表

○ Cohort Analytics

○ Segmentation

○ 透過 Custom Var 的方式來完成

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● 從 2008 年開始

○ 4個 android app 中就有一個有裝

● Sessions / Frequency of Use

● Estimate Gender / Age / Personas

● Segementation

● Funnel

● 免費!!

● Demo

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Install Flurry

@Overrideprotected void onStart(){

super.onStart();FlurryAgent.onStartSession(this, "YOUR_API_KEY");

} @Overrideprotected void onStop(){



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Log Event in Flurry

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();

// Capture author infoparams.put("Author", "John Q");

// Capture user statusparams.put("User_Status", "Registered");

FlurryAgent.logEvent("Article_Read", params);

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● From Y Combinator

● Real-time

● Cohort Analysis

● Funnel

● Retention

● 隨時想看什麼就看什麼

● Demo

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Install MixPanel

MixpanelAPI mixpanel = MixpanelAPI.getInstance(context, "YOUR_API_TOKEN");

Track Event in MixPanel

JSONObject properties = new JSONObject();properties.put("gender", "male");properties.put("age", 20);mixpanel.track("register", properties);

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A/B Test

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Why A/B Test?

A: 到底決定哪一種比較好?

B: 上面比較好,不然版面太亂

C: 下面比較好, 不然沒有人知道這個功能

D: 可是...

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Why A/B Test?

A: 到底決定哪一種比較好?

B: 上面比較好,不然版面太亂

C: 下面比較好, 不然沒有人知道這個功能

D: 可是...

10 分鐘後

B: 還是上面比較....

A: #!@!....

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A/B Test

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A/B Test


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A/B Test

● Layout

○ 消極的顯示? 積極的顯示?

● Workflow

○ 更多步驟? 減少步驟? 順序?

● Text

○ 詳細一點? 簡述一點? 柔性一點?

● Color

○ 典型的綠色紅色按鈕範例

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A/B Test

● 幫使用者註冊一個UUID

● 挑選一定比例的使用者當測試用戶

○ 使用固定的UUID去計算,讓每次結果相同

● 送出事件

● 在後台統計

○ 依照 test group 分開資料

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Android First

A/B Testing

New Features

Easy to publish

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Android First

A/B Testing

New Features

Easy to publishReviewing......

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所以 A/B Test 就這樣?

● A/B Test 是一門不太簡單的學問

○ 測試期間要多久?

○ 應該設定"多少/哪些"用戶當對照?

○ 局部優化?徹底大改?

○ 先做 A/A Test ?

○ ...其他

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所以 A/B Test 就這樣?

● A/B Test 是一門不太簡單的學問

○ 測試期間要多久?

○ 應該設定"多少/哪些"用戶當對照?

○ 局部優化?徹底大改?

○ 先做 A/A Test ?

○ ...其他


HiPPO Highest Paid Person’s Opinion

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4. http://www.clickz.



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Some A/B Test Services



● Amazon A/B Testing Service


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App Crash Report

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App Crash Report

● Google Play

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Google Play

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App Crash Report

● Google Play


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Install ACRA

● add jar

● add permissions○ android.permission.INTERNET

● add code in class extends Application


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● Google Docs○ Don't and now you can't

● Acralyzer

● ACRA Reporter○ Google App Engine

○ Android widget

● BugSense, HockeyApp, Zubhium

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App Crash Report

● Google Play


● Crittercism

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Install Crittercism

● add jar

● add permissions○ android.permission.INTERNET

○ android.permission.READ_LOGS

○ android.permission.GET_TASKS

● add code

Crittercism.init(getApplicationContext(), appId);

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Crittercism● Crash Reports

● Crash Trends (Premium)

● Handled Exceptions (Premium)

● Connect JIRA/GitHub

● Demo


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App Crash Report

● Google Play


● Crittercism

● Crashlytics

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● Crash Reports(Issues)

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● Crash Reports(Issues)

● 界面很炫

● 年初被 Twitter 買了

● Connect to JIRA / HipChat / Redmine...etc

● Demo

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● Crash Reports(Issues)

● 界面很炫

● 年初被 Twitter 買了

● Connect to JIRA / HipChat / Redmine...etc

● Demo

Coming Soon

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Distribute Beta Test

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● iOS

● Android(beta)

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iOS 上做 beta test

1. 收集使用者的UDID

2. 將 UDID 加到 Distribution Provisioning Profie

3. 打包成 IPA 將檔案丟給測試人員

4. 測試人員使用跟裝置同步的電腦安裝

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iOS 上做 beta test

1. 收集使用者的UDID

2. 將 UDID 加到 Distribution Provisioning Profie

3. 打包成 IPA 將檔案丟給測試人員

4. 測試人員使用跟裝置同步的電腦安裝

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Android 上做 beta test

1. 產生 apk 將檔案丟給測試人員

2. 直接安裝測試

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Android 上做 beta test

1. 產生 apk 將檔案丟給測試人員

2. 直接安裝測試


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● 方便管理並了解測試狀況

● 搭配 SDK 可以有更多進階功能

● Demo

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Thank you!!

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