Serious Health Problems Caused by Stress

www.meditationdirectori Serious Health Problems Caused by Stress


When you are facing too much pressure in your daily life that can be caused by work-related or family problems, financial matters or other prolonged or continuous predicament, your health will probably  suffer from stress especially if you don’t know how to deal with them. Visit us:

Transcript of Serious Health Problems Caused by Stress

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Serious Health Problems Caused by


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When you are facing too much pressure in your daily life that can be caused by work-related or family problems, financial matters or other prolonged or continuous predicament, your health will probably  suffer from stress especially if you don’t know how to deal with them.

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  And this will likely worsen your situation, as well.  You may or may not be aware, but you have already anted up for a great batch of health troubles.

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Here are some serious health problems you can get from being


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IndigestionHave you ever encountered a sudden unexplained diarrhea? How about constipation?You might not be aware, but these are caused by indigestion due to so much stress.  You will suddenly run into the need to defecate right away, wondering what foods have you eaten to cause loose bowel movement but remember none.

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Acid Reflux and HyperacidityDo you have symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or what is commonly known as acid reflux before and during a job interview or right before your big speaking engagement?Based on some surveys and studies, heartburn may be very well triggered by tension.

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Chronic headache

Since you are always tensed, expect episodes of headaches wherein you might suffer either from tension or migraine headache.

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Migraine may be induced by consuming foods such as chocolates, oranges, or cheese, but unable to manage stress is one of the major components contributing to this type of chronic headache.

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While migraine is different from tension headaches and may last for a week or more, unless you got calmed, you cannot just tame a tension headache.

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Irregular or Heavy Bleeding during Menstrual Period

Too much stress in women can cause hormonal imbalance and may either keep up or delay your menstruation.

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 It can also make you suffer from “heavy period” wherein it became more painful than the usual and the bleeding might be entirely different from the normal releases every month–worst scenario is heavy bleeding that can last for a week or more.

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Most miscarriages in pregnant women were also contributed by stressful situations that are intolerable for them.

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When you are under stress, both from mental, physical and emotional, a high level of cortisones is being excreted by your body which also induce your glucose sugar to kick in.

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This may get more serious when complications start to develop:  you might acquire lung and kidney problems, blindness, and so forth.

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Aside from acquiring this bad health condition through possible complications in diabetes, an increase in the blood pressure may occur from being so strained.

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Your heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), wherein blood will be carried throughout your body.

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High blood pressure, which is likewise known as hypertension, is troubling and can be fatal because it makes your heart work harder than usual to pump blood to the body and responsible for clotting of the arteries, leading to the incident of heart failure.