SEPTEMBER, you're welcome



September is the best season in fashion terms by far.

Transcript of SEPTEMBER, you're welcome

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In Fashion terms, september is the most desire month of the year. It all began a century ago but it wasn’t until fashion publicist, Eleanor Lamber created the “Press Week” it became a success afterwords and it got all the international eyes and the attention of several journalists, designers among others.

This year the end of the summer is arriving a hot New York begins the craziness journey full field with fashion bloggers, lovers, designers, journalists together to celebrate an amusing Fashion Week. This year a lot of events are happening in New York, such as fashion shows, fashion night outs, after parties and let’s not forget the stalking 24/7 at fashion elites.

A fashion heart running down the runway, building the trends for next year, each show made with passion and delicacy. Nothing better than the 20 minutes runway where you can’t keep your eyes off, not for even one second.

Better than nothing in the whole entire world is to see year by year the signature style of each designer. You can basically see the name screaming out of each garment. Regarding that that’s the defining line where all the buyers approve or disapprove the pieces you’ve been working for 6 months now. So you either love it or hate it.

Frustrating as it sounds each year the

designers are taking fashion into another level, not only by their fabrics decision but also redesigning the patterns to make new cuts or a piece that has never been made before. So if you’re in New York for fashion week don’t hesitate to look around and enjoy the happiest moment of fashion.

“Fashion has become a part of my DNA, embedded deeply inside of me, coursing through my veins, making my life more enjoyable and purposeful”Kelly Jack

SEPTEMBER IN A By Krystha Schneckenburger

“The clothes are made for not-perfect people. But they’re pretty perfect.” -Isaac Mizrahi







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“Vogue delivers pounds of fashion”

“We wanted to be as careful as we could to signal that this magazine is aimed at a different market, ... upscale feel.”

Anna Wintour

Should we mention as well another successful event that is happening so far, Vogue is happy to commemorate 120 years of style. Celebrating with style vogue introduces their latest beach towel commissioned by all this years of effort and success. The iconic illustration of this towel created by Eduardo Garcia Benito graced Vogue’s July 15, 1926.

Throughout its 120 years history Vogue has been creating arresting images intended to make the reader’s eye stop. These images that evoke desire- for something as real as a dress or a lipstick, or as intangible as a whole new body language, attitude or paradigm.

Who are the thoughtful provocateurs who have collaborated with Vogue’s image to capture the moments that you see frozen on these pages? The editor’s eye is a tribute to this remarkable images? Vogue’s editors in fact are in charge to define the faces of the era. During the 19th and 20th century Vogue has work with remarkable women not only because or their beauty but also because of their success in

life. In this special edition of Vogue reveals not only the evolving history of women’s self but also the extraordinary arc of their journey from the end of the centuries.

The successful magazine is celebrating worldwide with the greatest tool of the internet creating an archive with the images of the past vogues.

The biggest congratulations appears in the magazine by spreading to the world the contributors that make this happened. From photographers to models to journalists to editorials. Every era has its stylish faces, talents and voices, all the cast from all ages is bringing fashion to life right now.

As big as this success is Vogue nows that this 120 years couldn’t happened if it wasn’t for the celebrities, designers,