September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin - Season 17 Encore Healing ...Chunyi Lin Jennifer: So, welcome...


Transcript of September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin - Season 17 Encore Healing ...Chunyi Lin Jennifer: So, welcome...

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Healing With the Masters

    Chunyi Lin

    Jennifer: So, welcome everyone to Healing with the Masters. It is Tuesday, September the 21st and we are here with a very, very special guest. We are so honored to have Master Chunyi Lin on our program tonight. Chunyi Lin is a certified international Qigong master and the founder and creator no less of Spring Forest Qigong. His fluency in numerous Chinese dialects provided him the rare opportunity to study with many of the most respected Qigong masters in his native China. He's been teaching Qigong and using Qigong techniques to help others for more than 25 years. Master Lin is also highly skilled in Tai chi, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.

    During 2004, Master Lin created the educational partnership with the Norman Dale Community College of Bloomington, Minnesota. And he provided this accredited course in Spring Forest Qigong. And he now continued that program and that program continues and he serves as the director and lead instructor. He teaches four levels of Spring Forest Qigong and has created a series of home learning materials for students including videos, guided audio meditations and reference manuals.

    You guys are going to be receiving a wonderful special offer later on with some of the—some of his really wonderful material. He is a frequent keynote speaker at national health conferences. And he is co-author of the number one Amazon Bestselling book, A Born Healer, co-authored with Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo Clinic. And also recently, he had a study that has come out that talks about pain relief through some of the Mayo Clinic doctors. And I'm so excited to hear a little bit more about that. So, this is a true master among us. And we are absolutely delighted and thrilled to have Master Chunyi Lin. Welcome Master Lin to the show.

    Chunyi: Well, thank you so much for having me tonight and I'm just so, so excited and greatly honored and to be on your show. Thank you.

    Jennifer: Thank you very much. Do you prefer Master Lin?

    Chunyi: Ah, you can call me Chunyi; you can call me whoever you want to.

    Jennifer: Okay. I'll go with Chunyi then.

    Chunyi: Yes, okay. I feel that is much better.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Oh great. Okay, thank you so much. So, let's start with the basics. What is Qigong? And yes, let's just go with that. What is Qigong?

    Chunyi: Okay. Qigong that is a Chinese word. And qi means energy; gong means work. Working with the body’s energy that is what Qigong is all about.

    Jennifer: And so, it incorporates a lot though doesn’t it. It’s energy, physics, chemistry, psychology, biology, astrology, electricity, medicine. It's pretty much everything, isn't it.

    Chunyi: Yes. It is pretty much everything. While qi is energy; everything is energy. Everything in the universe is a form of energy—from a star to a rock to a tree to every frog and every cell in your body. And they're all different forms of energy including illnesses and cancer, aches and pains and whatever. And based on what Einstein said, energy cannot be created; it has always been. Energy cannot not be destroyed; it will always be. But energy can be transformed. So, talking about the transformation of the energy, it involves with any activities and our humankinds are not going with it. So, that's why you said, Qigong involves with everything. That is absolutely true.

    Jennifer: So, it can't be destroyed and it cannot be created. And it's interesting, you just said that it also—energy is part of the challenges, the more challenges, things that we have. So that's also energy.

    Chunyi: Oh, yes. So, any aches and pains and anything let us say the different ways and the energy forms. And this is the power of Qigong. It helps you to transform any qi. Now, let's go back a little bit. Since energy cannot be created; cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. And your body’s energy actually is cast only on the process of transforming. So, the question is, is it transformed for better or for worse? But Qigong, these techniques can help you to transform anything you say is already good into something better and help you to transform anything you call illnesses or stress and depression into something beautiful, into something healing.

    Jennifer: Right. And so, you say that your vision, that I read in your book is that you're looking to produce a healer in every family and a world without pain.

    Chunyi: Yes.

    Jennifer: It's a pretty big vision.

    Chunyi: I know. That’s why I'm working so hard.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: How are you doing with that exactly, so far.

    Chunyi: I have been always in public too because I see this is so real and so possible. And in my book, I said, you know, you were born a healer. Many times when people come to my classes or come to my healing; that they saw the benefits and they experienced the power of the healing. They just say, “Wow! You know Chunyi, you were born a healer. You have this gift.” And I said, "Yes, absolutely. I was born a healer and I was born with these gifts but so are you. Everybody was born with these beautiful gifts and then you can help yourself to heal and you can help others to heal.” So, that's why I'm here to share what I know about the power of yourself. I'm here, not teaching you, aha, you know. So, I'm powerful, you come over here and I can Hallelujah, enlightened you. It is not that.

    I'm telling you that you were born a healer. You were born with this beautiful gift that you can help yourself to heal. You can help others to heal because the most power healing energy in the entire universe is love, is unconditional love. Like Gandhi said, “Love is the simplest, if not the most powerful force the world possesses”. And it is so true and so real here in Spring Forest Qigong. And through these techniques and through these programs and you will experience; you will see how powerful you are. Spring Forest Qigong is not about somebody specific living on this planet, it is all about you.

    Jennifer: Wow! Yet, I can feel the heart in your words and it almost feels like there's energy that you're emanating right now. Are you bringing intention to what you're saying?

    Chunyi: Oh, yes absolutely. I'm speaking from my heart. And each time when I come to talk to my students and talk to my clients and on the show, I speak from my heart.

    Jennifer: Yes, I'm really feeling that. It feels darn good, I have to tell you. One of the things that you teach is that the more healing energy you send out to help others; the more healing energy you automatically draw into yourself. Is that more or less the cycle of Qigong?

    Chunyi: Yes. And so, because we are talking about the love energy. When you, as a healer, as somebody you are so willing to help others. The first thing is you open your heart. You use the love energy from your heart to help others. And the more love you give to others, hey, more love comes back to you. And if you believe it, it works. You don't believe it, it still works.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Even if you don't believe it, it still works. Yes, a lot of the speakers on the program talk about flow and talk about the importance—it's one of the things that I talk about in my own teachings. And this flow, it feels like it's a really a key part of what Qigong is. So, how exactly does it work?

    Chunyi: In Qigong, the basic techniques we talk about, in Spring Forest Qigong, let's say, four basic elements. But most of the Qigong when they talk about and they say there are three basic elements. The first one is energy breathing; the second one is the power of your mind; the third one is the movement, very gentle simple movement with your hands and with your body and with your legs. And then, the last one is the sound—the vibration of your voice—can also help to help you to open up the energy channels in your body.

    And let's just start with the first one like the breathing, exactly energy breathing. Breathing is a very, very powerful key to help you to connect your mind, your body and your heart, your spirit together. Everyday in our daily life, our mind is so busy receiving information and making decisions and then the body tries so hard to cope with all decisions the mind makes. Then usually, the heart is ignored. And when that happens and your body, all these parts are separated. So when they're separated and they're not nearly as powerful. So, you need to reunite, reunify these three components in your body so that you will have the wisdom and energy to cope with anything going on in your life.

    So, that's why breathing is very, very important. Most of the energy we get everyday is from breathing. A lot of studies have been done and there's one study and it said, if a person, no matter if he knows Qigong or knows any meditation or not, you just take everyday take 15 minutes a day to slow down your breathing from 15-20 times a minute down to 10 times a minute; medically you'll help yourself to reduce your stress and very dramatically you can help yourself to bring your high blood pressure down. And we know that stress is the number one underlying cause of any disease in your body. So, if you can help yourself to quickly reduce your stress, you know that is already a huge benefit.

    Jennifer: Wow! Okay, so we reduce—most us are breathing more than 15 times per minute. So, we can slow our breath down—for 15 minutes we slow our breath down to 10 times per minute. Oh, that's interesting.

    Chunyi: Yes. Generally speaking—I don't know again how many people know about this—generally speaking, we call it the normal breathing we do everyday. We only change 60 percent of the air in the lungs and 40 percent of the air in the lungs is stale energy. So, if you slow down your breathing and take long gentle

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    deep breaths, your lungs will intake more oxygen—the basic energy fill in the body. And now then, you have a lot of energy to cope with your daily life.

    Jennifer: Wow! That's a pretty astounding statistic, 60 percent of stale energy. And it's energy, I mean, that's what you're saying that—

    Chunyi: No. That the 40 percent of the energy in normal breathing is stale, the stale, yes.

    Jennifer: Okay. Got it. 40 percent is stale.

    Chunyi: Yes, yes.

    Jennifer: Wow! Okay so, we've got energy breathing and that's an example, just slowing our breath down to 10 times per minute for 15 minutes is—

    Chunyi: Yes, yes. Now, here I wanted to do an exercise.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Now, here I want you to try this. I want you to take a deep breath and see how much your sinuses in your nose open, all right? So, deep breaths; exhale through your nose. Okay, now you remember how it looks. Now, so I want you to open your left arm, the palm facing up.

    Jennifer: Open the left arm; palm facing up. Okay.

    Chunyi: Yes. And then, use your right hand the inside part of your arms from the shoulder down to the wrist for five seconds. Now, you cup it, can you hear me?

    Jennifer: Yes.

    Chunyi: So, you cup it and you really pat it firm, okay. Now, do it for five seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Okay, so do the other arm the same way.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Open your right arm and your left hand pat from the shoulder down to the wrist; along the inside part of the right arm; 3, 4, 5. All right, so now, I want you to take another deep breath and see how much more your sinuses open.

    Jennifer: Holy cow.

    Chunyi: Yes, holy cow, huh.

    Jennifer: That's amazing.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: That's the basis, yes.

    Jennifer: Wow! That was easy.

    Chunyi: Yes. The body has like 12 major energy channels. And these channels, they are right up all around the body; and six in the hands and six in the legs. Now listen, this is very amazing. The breathing system includes the lungs and the skin. When you massage your skin, you can help your lungs to activate the energy. and when you pat the inside part of your arms, a lot of the channels going through this part, connecting to the lungs and to the heart; it can help you to open up and stimulate the flow of the energy in your body in the lungs. Lungs’ energy is strong or not shows out to one area—your sinuses.

    So, when your sinuses are open then your lungs energy, the capacity of your lungs increase. So, that is why patting the inside of the arms and you can help yourself to balance the energy in your lungs and help you to heal lung challenges like asthma and coughing and anything connecting and relating to the lungs.

    Jennifer: Wow! I tend to get sinusitis and I actually had one before that little 10-second demo and it's gone.

    Chunyi: Oh, yes. That’s good.

    Jennifer: Thank you very much.

    Chunyi: Oh, you're welcome. My very first student, Esther Traeho, she was diagnosed in the Mayo Clinic with a rare lung disease. And six years and a half on oxygen, 24 hours a day. And the Mayo Clinic suggested that she needs a lung transplant. And she didn't want to do that. So then, she came to Qigong and practiced the exercise. And in a class, I did healing. I passed energy to everybody. I didn't do any individual session with her. So, eight months later she went back to the Mayo Clinic and got all the check up and all the lung scar tissues disappeared. And she just got rid of the oxygen in that way.

    Jennifer: Oh my God! Just got rid of the oxygen.

    Chunyi: Yes.

    Jennifer: Holy cow. You know this stuff is so simple. Why has the West been so resistant, do you think, to this? And I know you did something a little different with Spring Forest Qigong. Tell us how you brought this technique and you shifted it through your Spring Forest model.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: First of all, there are so many different of Qigong existing in the world—some are very complicated; some are not. But mostly, this practice is kept in the family or in very strictly controlled groups. So, the secret of the power of the Qigong is very seldom made public. So, that is number one.

    And number two is maybe because of people say misunderstanding or any other reasons. And I need to study this area a little more and to find out why; maybe because of concern over religions. And so people say, aha, Qigong is a religious practice. So, actually Qigong is not. Qigong is all about you; it's about your own body. But the power, the power of your body and the power of your heart and you're talking about the love energy—all these beautiful religions and they talk about the power of the heart and the power of the mind too.

    So, Buddhism and Daoism, they use the Qigongs. They get techniques and incorporate them into their practice so many, many people they call this as a Buddhist Qigong and Daoist Qigong and the Scarlet Qigong and then gradually people will—and then the other thing is, and the power of Qigong is just sometimes so powerful, like one of the examples I just told you about Esther Traeho. “This is a miracle and only God can do it,” they said. Actually, everybody was born with these gifts. And then, you can help yourself to heal and you can help others to heal, too.

    I came to the realization of the power of Qigong because of my own experiences. A long time ago, when I was in China, after graduation from high school, most of the young kids my age and living in the city; and they were all, almost, they were all forced to go to the farm to work for many years. So, I had a lot of injuries and because of that—first, I love playing basketball. So, while playing basketball I injured my body a lot too—my nose got broken; and then the cartilage in my knees were badly damaged. And especially in one game, you know, I could be badly damaged.

    Then the doctor said, even surgery might not be able to help you too much. So, I say, “Well, I don't like surgery.” I tried acupuncture and medicine and injections, nothing worked. And later on, it developed into arthritis, it was very, very bad; very, very painful; swelling up. And then, one day I heard a Qigong master came into town and people said—at that time I was in China, I was a college teacher. And the people said, “Well, just by attending this master’s workshop and very possibly you could help yourself to heal some very critical problems.”

    So, wow you know, I already tried everything, why not bother try one more thing. So, I went for seven hours and a half, no break, no bathroom time. He was amazing. This teacher, he was amazing. And I sat on the bare ground and

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    meditating with the thousands of people who were there. Then at the end of the meditation and when I got up, the swelling in my knees completely went away and the pain 80-85 percent went away. After another two months practice, I completely got rid of the pain in my knees. And other things in my body also got healed too. The biggest bonus I got which I did not expect I would have is my psycho depression went away.

    Jennifer: Oh, wow!

    Chunyi: And that was just so, so bizarre I would say in a marvelously, marvelously bizarre.

    Jennifer: And this is seven and a half hours that almost seems—

    Chunyi: Yes. Seven hours and a half. And you know, that is a long time but oh, I tell you when I went through this, I was just so thrilled, so happy. And before, because of Cultural Revolution I was so depressed and the whole world was upside down in my little heart.

    Jennifer: Oh my gosh. That's a beautiful description.

    Chunyi: And when I was eight or nine years old, that's the time when the Cultural Revolution started. So, after this meditation, I was able to turn the negativity into something, do you call it, now positive.

    Jennifer: Right, positive.

    Chunyi: Yes. Everyday, I live in joy; I live in happiness. I'm just so willing to help others and anything that will be coming to my mind, maybe I would think it's negative for a few seconds but just within one minute or so, I am able now to turn into something positive, something new I just got to experience and get something good out of it.

    Jennifer: And so, the Qigong which is basically learning how to train the mind and the breath and postures, these are exercise.

    Chunyi: Right.

    Jennifer: And what we're really doing is we're moving energies. I mean, it sounds so much too simple to be true that these simple, simple exercises can have that dramatic change that you described in your own life.

    Chunyi: Yes, exactly. Just like what Gandhi said, you know love is the simplest and most powerful force the world possesses. And you don't have to make something very

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    complicated to make it powerful. And to me, the simplest thing usually is the most powerful thing. So, like the other thing is about your mind. The mind, this is the second we'll talk about. The mind is very powerful and negative thoughts will bring negative energy and positive thinking can help you with a positive kind of life.

    And here, we talking about the power of the mind. I like you to do a finger growing game with me. Do you like to do that?

    Jennifer: Okay, sure.

    Chunyi: Okay.

    Jennifer: For the rest of the audience, let's play along. So, let's do exercise with us because I can feel that, as the audience does this exercise with us, it's actually shifting the energy all the way out.

    Chunyi: Sure, sure. So, have fun with it, okay. Now, what you do is open your hands, now both hands, you stretch them open in front of you. And then, you look at the left hand in the bottom of the palm, you'll find the first line. Now, there's a big line over there; you'll find the first line.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Underneath the left palm. And then, you'll find the same line in your right palm.

    Jennifer: Okay. We’re looking at the lines, the actually lines in the palm.

    Chunyi: Yes.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: So, you put these two lines together and then slowly close your palms you’re making a prayer.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Okay, then you compare your fingers and see which hand has longer fingers or shorter.

    Jennifer: Okay, my left hand’s fingers are longer.

    Chunyi: Yes, that's what I have. Hey, you know, we must be twins, huh. Okay so, now what I want you to do, I want you to open your hands, put the hand with shorter fingers up; and put the hand with longer fingers down. And then, you focus on

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    the hand you put up and focus on the fingers and you say in your mind repeatedly, my fingers are growing longer, longer, longer.

    Jennifer: My fingers are growing longer, longer, longer, longer, longer.

    Chunyi: Yes, you can say that a lot in your heart. And then, you feel your fingers are growing longer, longer, longer, longer, longer, longer. Yes, you really feel your fingers are growing longer, longer, longer, longer, longer, longer.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: That's it. Now, compare your hands; put the two lines together and compare your fingers.

    Jennifer: Okay. Oh my God! It's whacky. What happened there?

    Chunyi: Did you see that. Yes, interesting huh.

    Jennifer: Did I just grow my fingers?

    Chunyi: Yes, absolutely. If everyday, you keep saying that then your fingers will gradually a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. So, I always show these games in all my classes and—

    Jennifer: Can we do that with other body parts?

    Chunyi: Oh, yes. So certainly, you can do it. You can try it. Now, when your mind’s focused like that—actually when you repeat, my fingers are growing longer, longer, longer, longer. That piece you say is a message to the body, hey, I need more energy in that area; please, go, go, go, go. And the energies build up and you have more energy flow to the fingers. And then, hey, when you compare your hands and now you are able to see literally in the lens and you grow in your fingers.

    Jennifer: So, I'm curious. If something like, let's say thyroidism which is rampant in the United States right now and I think almost on a global scale because there are so many chemicals in our environment that are impacting it. Can we do the same kind of thing with different organs and with thyroidism.

    Chunyi: Oh, yes. Actually, this is what I teach in my classes. When you have illnesses in the body or imbalance your body, you just simply send this message to that part of the body, telling the body what you want it to do. Like for instance, you have a headache, you can say, my headache is gone, I am completely healed. My headache is gone, I'm completely healed. And you feel your headache is going

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    away. By doing so, you can help yourself to balance the energy in your head much quicker and it can heal the body much faster.

    Now listen, this is even more powerful, even more interesting.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: If you focus on your heart, you see the love in your heart. Put a smile in your face. Now listen, to put a smile on your face and then you call upon your God’s energy or your master’s energy or the infinite source to help you in this process of healing. And then one more thing, on top of that, you say to your headache, just say, headache, I love you; you're part of my body; I really, really love you. You might say, oh my gosh, I don't love my headache at all. But now, you just listen all right.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Headache, I love you and you're part of my body; I really love you. If you go away, I love you even more. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Jennifer: Thank you, thank you, thank you. So we're starting from a place of gratitude and finishing from a place of gratitude and appreciation.

    Chunyi: Exactly, exactly. Oh, you just my get it so right. So, if you do so, if your body is going to listen to you and the love energy can flow so well out from your heart, helping to balance all these imbalance in your body, then the body gets healed.

    Jennifer: I love this. So, these are just really simple exercises that brings us into our body without the heaviness of saying, be in your body. It allows you to bring attention to the places that needs your attention.

    Chunyi: Yes. Well, you know, on top of the breathing, you get more energy. Now, you put your mind on top of the breathing so it makes you even more powerful now, right.

    Jennifer: Okay so, part of that exercise also is incorporating the smile on the heart, right.

    Chunyi: Yes, absolutely.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Absolutely. The mind is very powerful. Never underestimate the power of your mind. But, the heart is even more powerful than your mind. So, if you can make the mind and the heart together, you are going to have all the energy you need to

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    cope with anything. So, that's why people practicing Qigong—aha, the tumors went away and the headache went away, migraine headache went away, asthma went away. And even all the lung scar tissues went away and they call this as a miracle, miracle, miracle. Actually, no, this is not a miracle. This is understandable because you are so powerful. You just need to believe yourself and recognize that you are powerful and make better use of this energy, I mean, these gifts you were born with. That is it.

    Jennifer: You're born healers.

    Chunyi: Yes. You were born a healer. You were born with these beautiful gifts that you can help yourself to heal and you can help others to heal. And everybody was born with these gifts. And then, on the top of that, now is the number three.

    Jennifer: Number three, movement.

    Chunyi: The movement. Gentle movements, small and slow movements can help you even more. Now, the body, we have the 12 major energy channels—the six in the hands and six in the legs. And the way you move your hands, the way you move your body can help the conductive flow of the energy in your body. One of the things I show my classes—now, for instance, if you have a bloody nose, all right, bloody nose. Blood comes out from the left side of your nose, I mean, the nostrils. You put up your opposite hand, your right hand above your head, the bleeding stops just within seconds or one minute or so.

    Jennifer: Wow!

    Chunyi: If your blood comes out from the other side, put up your left hand, the opposite hand above your head. It stops. And you believe it, it works. You don’t believe it, it still works. Because this is your body.

    Jennifer: Right.

    Chunyi: When you put up your hand above your head, you create a force. And this force, these meridians—but you know, acupuncture, you call it, these meridians, the channels connect with the hand and down to the chest and down to the legs. So when you put up your hand above your head, you create a force and this force pushes the energy back to its original channels and the body gets back into balance and the body gets healed. If you have broken cells from both of the nostrils in the nose, then you just put up what? Your both hands, surrender yourself to the universe.

    Jennifer: And that creates a force within the meridians that actually stops the bleeding.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: Exactly.

    Jennifer: That’s pretty amazing.

    Chunyi: Just like that.

    Jennifer: And so that’s a simple movement. But you also have a series of movements that you do in your Spring Forest Qigong.

    Chunyi: Right. In Spring Forest Qigong, the fundamental package and I have six movements for you and each movement helps to open up all the channels. But it also helps with some specific challenges in your body.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Yes, so would you like to try one?

    Jennifer: Yes, love that.

    Chunyi: Okay. Let’s do the one called the Breathing of the Universe.

    Jennifer: Breathing of the Universe. Okay.

    Chunyi: Yes. So this one can help to open up the channels in the lungs and reduce your stress. What you do is you hold a ball in front of you and the fingers just slightly open. The size of the ball, like a volleyball, like a basketball.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: When you inhale, you open your hands to both sides.

    Jennifer: Okay, so it’s side to side. I’ve got the ball in my hands. Okay, got it.

    Chunyi: So open your hands to both sides. When you exhale, you close your hands.

    Jennifer: Close the hands.

    Chunyi: You close the hands but you don’t touch each other. Then you inhale again, open your hands to both sides and exhale, close the hands again.

    Jennifer: So it’s like I’m holding a ball and I’m just—

    Chunyi: Yes, like holding a ball.

    Jennifer: And away and close to each other on the inhale and exhale.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: Yes, right. When you open your hands, you feel the expanding of the energy in between your two hands. When you close your hands, you’ll feel the resistance of the energy, the compression in the two hands. Just keep moving your hands like that. This can help you with your lungs, breathing problems and helps with the arthritis in your fingers and your wrists and help even with heart problems. The main thing is the breathing. So inhale, open your hands to both sides, exhale, close the hands. Inhale, you’ll feel the expanding of the energy in between your two hands, exhale.

    Jennifer: Wow. It feels like it’s growing the more I do it.

    Chunyi: Yes. So you’ll feel a tingling sensation all over your fingers. Now, I want you to experience one more thing. This is just so awesome. About your fingers. Your fingers have six energy channels connecting with the outside, receiving energy. And also the thumb is the lung meridian, the channel. The index finger, that is the large intestines. The middle finger is a heart meridian. The ring finger is Three System and connecting with the pancreas, the immune system, the lymph system. And the little finger has small intestines channel and also another heart meridian. So six meridians in the hands. Now, these six meridians the very, very amazing thing is if you open your hands slightly open your fingers connecting the energy with the outside, you can feel the flow of the energy in your hands. And the thing you feel is a tingly sensation. So now here’s what I want you to do. You open your left hand or the right hand, whichever hand will do or both hands, and just slightly stretch over in front of you like you’re receiving a gift from your friend.

    Jennifer: Okay. So it’s slightly stretched out with the palm up—

    Chunyi: Yes, with the palm up, great. You know that well. And then you just hold it there for a few seconds. You’ll start feeling a tingly sensation in your fingers in the middle of the palm. Feel that?

    Jennifer: Yes.

    Chunyi: All right. So now what I want you to do is you just say put all the fingers together, you close the fingers not like holding a fist, but you just put them all together and the tingly sensation goes away. Do you see that?

    Jennifer: It’s amazing. It totally went away.

    Chunyi: Yes, totally went away. Open it up again. Just within seconds, the sensation comes back.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: So this is really subtle energy stuff. Many of the folks I can feel are feeling this right away.

    Chunyi: Oh yes.

    Jennifer: How come we can feel this so easily?

    Chunyi: Well, that’s why I say this is all about you. And you just need to pay attention to it and if you believe it, it works. If you don’t believe it, it still works. Because everybody, no matter you or me, we all have 12 major energy channels in our bodies. They’re all arranged in the same way they would in the same philosophy.

    Jennifer: Right. And if you make better use of all these gifts, you already have plus the love you have in your heart, you can make a miracle everyday for yourself. That’s how I heal myself with my knees. That’s how so many thousands of students of mine can heal. You just need to give it a try and practice.

    Jennifer: What’s so lovely about your system, I’ve been looking at your DVD is that it’s just so gentle and easy.

    Chunyi: Yes. I like something simple. I don’t like something complicated.

    Jennifer: Yes, not complicated like basketball.

    Chunyi: No, that’s a little too much.

    Jennifer: So the fourth thing is sound vibration of voice.

    Chunyi: Yes. The voice is also a very powerful tool. From ancient times and nowadays and the people love like the chanting, the singing. And when you sing the ohm-ing ohm-ing sound and you just feel so good. Because of what? Because when you chant there are over 80 energy points just in your little mouth. There are more than 80 energy points. And these energies point connecting to all over the body—to your brain, to your eyes, to your stomach, to your intestines, to your reproductive organs, to your lungs, to your heart, you just name it. So when you chant, when you say the words or chant, now chant slowly and this vibration can help to activate these energy points. You have more energy flow to different parts of the body.

    Jennifer: So if we chant—you’re saying chant slowly.

    Chunyi: Yes, chant slowly.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Does it matter what bells or what notes or whatever we use?

    Chunyi: Well, from ancient times and nowadays our ancestors, no matter if through yoga or through Qigong and they found that certain sounds are more powerful than the other sounds. Like the low tone and the comforting sound like [chants] low gentle tones or voice can help to open up the channels comforting the body better than those high-pitched tones.

    Jennifer: I see. So just a simple ohm.

    Chunyi: Yes.

    Jennifer: Is there a time limit for this that helps or just—

    Chunyi: A longer time, of course, the better. For instance, I will say give yourself like 10 minutes and while you’re cooking—

    Jennifer: Hey, good idea!

    Chunyi: Yes, while you’re cleaning. Anyway you’re going to sing a song right along and also just give yourself like 10 minutes like that and chanting and it can help you to open up the channels. So if you put all these components together, together with the love, you can help yourself to open up the channels even faster.

    Jennifer: So the love piece is also really important. Is that a feeling? Is it a thought? Is it a belief? How do we focus on the love?

    Chunyi: How do we focus on love? That is the force always in your heart. Even if you don’t feel love, love exists within you. Even if you don’t feel, see love in others, there’s love within them too. This is the law of the universe. You can say love is a feeling and love is a thought, love is a philosophy and it could be anything. And to me, love is that powerful energy. And this is the most powerful healing energy in the entire universe. Love is in your heart. That’s why I say that it is so powerful. The mind has 10% of energy. The heart has 90% of the energy. When you use your mind, you only use—many people just use their mind. They only use 10% of their energy. That’s why they get exhausted so quick. If they tap into the heart that’s the moment they feel so powerful and so wonderful because you make the other 90% of the energy in action. So how are you going to activate this 90% of the energy in the heart? Now, the heart energy can be activated, this love energy can be activated only when your heart is in peace. So slow down your breathing. That is key to help to activate this energy. And the other thing is in—actually, I have four steps for people to activate the love energy in the heart.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Oh, fantastic.

    Chunyi: Yes. Now the first step is put a smile on your face. Smile. Simple, smile. Why is smile so important? Do you know what S-M-I-L-E stands for?

    Jennifer: What?

    Chunyi: Start my internal love engine.

    Jennifer: Start my internal love engine. And it’s funny because you could actually hear it in your voice when you smile.

    Chunyi: Oh yes. Absolutely. Now when you smile and you send a message to your brain and then your brain will help to produce endorphins, a kind of hormone can help you to feel good. It can help you to balance and bring the happiness to your heart. So once you smile and you already sink the energy from your head down to your heart. So that’s the first step.

    The second step is to slow down your breathing. Breathe slowly, gently like what I already told you in the very beginning. When you slow down your breathing, you can help yourself to connect your mind, your heart and your body much better and make yourself more powerful. Most of the energy you get everyday to support your life is through breathing. Everyday the way we coin normal breathing and we inhale and exhale 15 to 20 times per minute. We slow down to 10 times—now in Spring Forest Qigong, if you could even slow down to six times a minute, you will make yourself even more powerful.

    Jennifer: Wow, okay. Six times per minute. So smile, slow down your breathing.

    Chunyi: And then the third step is to connect. Connect yourself to the universe. Connect yourself to your God by saying I am in the universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and I combine. If you don’t like this one, you can say, “I am in God and God is in me. And God and I are one.” Or if you don’t like this one, you just say, “I’m in the sun, the sun is in my body, the sun and I combine.” Just through a way you connect yourself to the universe.

    Jennifer: Oh, it feels good. It feels like you can almost say that to another person even.

    Chunyi: Oh yes. So after you make the connection, then you visualize your God or your master or the unconditional love of the universe as a brilliant sun shining right there in the center of the universe. And this sun is sending beams of light into your heart, bathing you in this golden light. And your heart is so open you’ll receive this energy and together with the love in your heart now we come to the

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    next one. The last one is when you allow yourself to become a love radiator. A love radiator. That’s the last one.

    Jennifer: Love radiator. Okay.

    Chunyi: Yes. You see the heat from the radiator and how it works? You don’t see the heat coming out from it.

    Jennifer: You don’t see it, do you?

    Chunyi: No! But, hey, while you are sitting over there for a few minutes, you say, hey, I am warming up. I’m here with all these energy you got from your heart and your master is the universe, now you feel this energy coming out from your heart to help yourself to heal your fingers, heal your knees, heal your headache, in writing the cancer goes away, whatever you want to do. It is right there. If you want to help others to heal and you give this energy radiating out to help others, it works in the same way. So in the study we did with the Mayo Clinic—

    Jennifer: Yes, please tell me about that.

    Chunyi: Yes, external Qigong. External Qigong means a healer sends qi to help others to heal. So this study we work on those people who already suffer from pain, chronic pain for over five years and this pain from any sources, like cancer and injury and migraine headaches and whatever pain and they didn’t get too much help from western medicine or from the other modalities of healing. And we work on these people. And we found the result was pretty good.

    Jennifer: And this is about pain. This is managed pain, right?

    Chunyi: Right.

    Jennifer: And so is that the Sword Fingers? Is that what you did?

    Chunyi: Yes, the Sword Fingers.

    Jennifer: Okay. So let’s tell the audience about Sword Fingers.

    Chunyi: The Sword Fingers, this is how you do it.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: You put the tips of the ring finger and the little finger against your thumb. Let’s just say the right hand, all right?

    Jennifer: The tips of the right hand. The tips of the ring finger and—

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: And the little finger—

    Jennifer: And the little finger against the thumb.

    Chunyi: Yes. And then put your middle and your index finger together and stretch pointing forward.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: All right. So that is the posture. We call it Sword Fingers. And you visualize energy coming out from the fingers, the middle finger and the index finger. You point out, you visualize energy coming out from the tips of these two fingers into the area where you or your friend have an energy blockage like aches and pains, for instance, like knee pain and the pain in the left knee. So you point your Sword Fingers like that without touching it to the left knee.

    Jennifer: So you’re just pointing. You’re not touching it. You’re just pointing.

    Chunyi: Yes, pointing.

    Jennifer: Okay. My kitty has a sore tooth so I’m pointing at his tooth right now,

    Chunyi: Yes, do that. All right. I will send you energy too at the same time. So you’re pointing to your sore throat and then you’ll just move your sword fingers in a circular way. It doesn’t matter counterclockwise or clockwise. Or you can just chop it and poke it.

    Jennifer: So chop, poke or move it in a circular—

    Chunyi: Yes, it doesn’t matter.

    Jennifer: And you picture the energy coming out of the fingers.

    Chunyi: Yes, like a laser beam coming out and move and about 10-30 seconds, that’s the time you need. While you’re doing so you say, “Energy blockages open and completely heal.”

    Jennifer: Energy blockages open and completely heal.

    Chunyi: Yes. And then after that, you open your right hand. It doesn’t matter left hand or right hand. Now we’re talking about right hand. So open your right hand like you’re grasping something. You’re visualizing your hand as an energy hand going into the flow, taking hold of the pain as smoke.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Oh, it’s smoke. So I’m taking hold of the smoke with my hand. It’s like I’m holding a ball almost.

    Chunyi: Yes. Hey, you are so good. Getting hold of the smoke and pull it out and throw it away. Keep moving like that. While you’re moving your hand pulling the smoke out and dump it away at the same time you say in your mind, “The channels in my throat open. The pain is gone. I am completely healed. The pain is gone. I am completely healed.”

    Jennifer: And can you say this—“You are completely healed.”

    Chunyi: Yes, you can say it to yourself or you can say it others. When you’re working yourself, you just say to yourself. When you're working others you say that to others.

    Jennifer: I just worked on my kitty and he did a big huge sigh when I was beginning to grab the smoke out of his teeth.

    Chunyi: Okay. So now you do that.

    Jennifer: Wow!

    Chunyi: And now you can do is feel the heavy sensation in your hand. When you keep pulling like that up to a few minutes, even seconds, your hand will just feel lighter and lighter and lighter. And then it will come to a point you don’t feel any heavy sensation anymore in your hand, and that means the channels are open and the blockages are pretty much gone. When that happens, now you open your hand again, you use the middle of your palm sending energy back to the area you removed the energy blockage nine times.

    Jennifer: Okay.

    Chunyi: Now give energy back nine times. Then if you are working on a human being, of course now your kitty, your kitty won’t understand what you are going to say like this, “Take three deep breaths.”

    Jennifer: So take three deep breaths, Sam.

    Chunyi: And then rub your hands and massage your face. And then you say it to your friend, “Hey, my friend, do you feel better now? Do you feel great now?” And then send a healing message like that positive healing message to help to balance the body and do the final touch.

    Jennifer: Okay. So you put the hands on the face and you say are you feeling better now?

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Chunyi: You don’t need to. If you work on yourself and you just rub your hands and massage your face, this movement helps you to wake yourself up from the deep meditation.

    Jennifer: Oh, I see. Wow, that is a beautiful process. We’ve got about a thousand people on the call here so we now have a thousand healers.

    Chunyi: Yes. So that’s why I say a healer in every family. And who wouldn’t want a healer?

    Jennifer: That’s right. Wow.

    Chunyi: Yes. And these techniques just like they’re simple. I have these techniques in the YouTube and you can look at it.

    Jennifer: Okay. So this is on YouTube if they want to find it. And the Sword Fingers videos on YouTube. This is great.

    Chunyi: Yes. Now because this healing energy is love energy and it works on anything. Like it works on your cats, on your dogs and even on your trees and your plants. I hope someday you can use it to work on your computer.

    Jennifer: Now that’s a good idea. I’ve got a computer that could use this, that’s for sure.

    Chunyi: And fix the virus.

    Jennifer: Because it’s all energy, right?

    Chunyi: Oh yes. I think that will be awesome. I’m working on it.

    Jennifer: Actually—well, thank you for that. We have a lot of people asking questions about particular symptoms—hair loss, quitting smoking, numbness in the legs, I have an auto-immune disorder, cancer, and so on. And you say in your book that Spring Forest Qigong does not focus on symptoms. So instead, what are we focused on? So it feels like—a lot of us, it’s so easy to focus on the symptom because I have a headache or I have this thing. So what do we focus on instead?

    Chunyi: Well, we focus on the cause. We focus on the energy flow. Like if you have a headache. What caused the headache? How many things could cause the headache? Sometimes you know, sometimes you just don’t. Maybe a blockage in the bottom of the feet caused the headache. Maybe because of the changes of the seasons and maybe because of your emotion, maybe because of your digestive system, maybe because of this and that. But when you do Qigong, when the energy, the qi, some people call it the intelligence awaken up, it knows

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    what to do for you. It goes to the source to help you to clear the blockage so that your headache is healed completely.

    Jennifer: So you don’t even have to address the symptoms anymore. It’s not like, how do I cure this? It’s really just going to the source and bringing the energy through.

    Chunyi: Yes, absolutely. That is it.

    Jennifer: Wow. And again, so beautifully simple.

    Chunyi: Well, that’s why I’m here.

    Jennifer: So you’ve got quasi studies also—you’ve got the Mayo Clinic, which was a really impressive study that recently came out on Qigong. And then you’ve also got new studies on—excuse me, previous studies on depression and bipolar disorder. Can this pretty much address just about anything, any ailment?

    Chunyi: Yes. That study was very successful too. They researched it and highly recommend that Qigong become a complementary healing technique for depression. At the very beginning we said everything is energy. And depression is a form of energy too. Aches and pains and tumors—they’re all energy in different forms. Energy cannot be created, cannot be destroyed but as a form of energy, it can be transformed. So by putting your mind, your breathing, your heart, and all movements all together and you can simply just help yourself to make a miracle yourself. Of course you’ve got the Sword Fingers now and that is a plus, a bonus. It can help to balance the body even faster.

    Jennifer: Well, we’ve run out of time. This has been the most jam-packed, beautiful, and yet simple lovely call. I have so enjoyed it. It’s funny, Joan just commented here that she’s used Qigong for healing traffic jams.

    Chunyi: Oh, I love that.

    Jennifer: That’s a good study for California. Well, thank you, Chunyi, for joining us tonight on Healing with the Masters. This has been beautiful. I don’t want to end the call without telling folks about this really wonderful, wonderful special offer that you’ve put together for us. Folks, you saw just a sampling. This call was jam-packed full of stuff. But what Master Lin gives us in this beautiful package is a deepening into the work. There’s a beautiful Spring Forest Qigong Fundamentals DVD, CD and manual. This is what I’ve been using recently and it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful program. And as I said, it’s really easy to use, really simple steps. And even if you are not that mobile, I believe that you could probably do this fairly

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    well. Again, this is what you’ve been talking about the whole time—it’s moving the energies and this is what this does. Is that right?

    Chunyi: Right. Absolutely.

    Jennifer: You also get a CD and a manual of the Qissage Learning Course which is a touch healing technique that is part of the Spring Forest Qigong process and the technique that you basically developed as part of Spring Forest Qigong. And again, this is an $88 product. The initial one is $39. You also get one month of Healing Connection which is teleseminars on a Tuesday for one hour each month where there’s instruction, there’s Q&A, there’s guided meditation via telephone. This is $60 so this is something you get to interact with Master Lin for one month four times. There’s also the Butterfly Meditation which is a guiding healing meditation. This is about transforming pain, sickness, injury or illness. And it’s a beautiful, beautiful meditation and you talk about the importance of the butterfly. If you guys want to read a lot more about what each of these are, go to I think that’s the link. Let me just make sure.

    Chunyi: Yes, Spring Forest Qigong.

    Jennifer: Spring Forest. So is how you access it. If you’re on the webcast I believe there’s a button there. And if you’re listening to the replay, just scroll down and there’s a button right on the page there. It’s also on the webcast .htm page.

    And finally, what I love about your package is that it’s something that you talked about right at the beginning which is Your Vision and Healing our World Meditation CD. And I know that my particular group audience is going to love this one. This is a guided healing meditation with Master Chunyi Li for our planet and everyone who lives on it. And boy, do we need that right now. And so the total retail value is $227 and this is yours for I believe a 57% discount. It’s a lovely, lovely package that I signed up for already. It’s a beautiful package and I can’t wait to dive into your wonderful, wonderful work through this package. So thank you so much for putting this really lovely package together for us so that we could take this call and go much, much deeper. I very much appreciate it.

    Chunyi: And I’m just so, so honored to be on your show and I feel so great and I think through my way I can help the world with more peace and more love and more joy.

  • Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – September 21, 2010: Chunyi Lin

    Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters,

    Jennifer: Yes, that’s obvious. You are a lovely, lovely soul and it’s an honor to meet you and have this wonderful conversation with you tonight. I can feel my audience they’re sending notes of gratitude right now too that you joined us this evening. So thanks for joining us.

    If you’re interested in this beautiful special offer, go to We did Spring Forest because we thought the American would be able to spell that better than Chunyi Lin. So we went with the easy one, which was Spring Forest. So Thank you again, Master Lin. It was just a delight.

    Chunyi: Thank you.

    Jennifer: So for the rest of you folks, Thursday night a 4 o’clock we have yet another master in Jo Dunning. Jo has been on our show several times now as you know and each time it’s been a wonderful, healing, shifting, activating experience. So please do join us at 4 o’clock on Thursday for that.

    Again, thank you, Master Lin. I love you all so very much and we will see you next time. Bye now.