SEPA Planning GuidanceSeminars 2017€¦ · Planning authorities identified as “responsible...

SEPA Planning Guidance Seminars 2017

Transcript of SEPA Planning GuidanceSeminars 2017€¦ · Planning authorities identified as “responsible...

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SEPA PlanningGuidance Seminars2017

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Glasgow agenda:

12:30 - Registration and Buffet Lunch

13:15 - Welcome and introduction

13:30 - Session 1: The role of the water environment inplacemaking

14:00 - Q and A

14:15 - Session 2: Flood Risk

14:45 - Q and A

15:00 - Tea and Coffee Break

15:20 - Session 3: Heat Networks

15:50 - Q and A

16:05 - Round up

16:20 - Close

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Perth agenda:

12:15 - Registration and Buffet Lunch

13:00 - Welcome and introduction

13:15 - Session 1: The role of the water environment inplacemaking

13:45 - Q and A

14:00 - Session 2: Flood Risk

14:30 - Q and A

14:45- Tea and Coffee Break

15:00 - Session 3: Heat Networks

15:30 - Q and A

15:45 - Round up

16:00 - Close

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Welcome andintroductionKatherine Lakeman – Principal Policy Officer and AlanFarquhar – Planning Manager

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Context – whyare we here?

Planning Support Unit – what do we do?

Planning ServiceManager

South WestScotland

Planning Team

South EastScotland

Planning Team

North ScotlandPlanning Team

PlanningSupport Unit

• Guidance• Awareness

raising• Communication• Engagement

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One PlanetProsperity: therole of land useplanning

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The role ofplanning

Great Places

Sustainableresource usesupporting a


Zero/ lowcarbon



Safe fromflooding

Highenvironmentalquality - water,

air, land


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The role of the waterenvironment inplacemakingWendy Campbell – Senior Planning Officer

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The WaterEnvironment

Coastal Waters

Transitional Waters Standing






EU Water Framework Directive

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Legal Context

The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) is the legalframework for co-ordination of water policy and regulationacross Europe. Transposed through the Water Environment anWater Services Scotland Act (2003).

All water bodies regardless of size to be: -

Protected from further downgrading

Improved by addressing pressures relating to water quality,quantity & morphology (physical form)

Baseline water bodies (i.e. river >10km2 catchment, loch>0.5km2 in area) have to achieve “good” status by 2027 unlessthere are over-riding social and economic reasons

The “status” applied to baseline water bodies takes account ofphysical, chemical and biological variables

River Basin Planning System

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Duties onPlanningAuthoritiesunder WFD

SEPA & Scottish Government : - Lead Authorities in securing compliance with therequirements of the Water Framework Directive, 2(1) WEWS .

However, expected to work closely with public, private and voluntary sectors.

The land use planning system has been identified as having a key role due to its influence onthe location, layout and design of new development

Planning authorities identified as “responsible authorities”

“Water Environment and Water Services (Designation of Responsible Authorities andFunctions) Order 2006”

Duty to: - Carry out normal statutory functions in a way that secures compliance with WFD


Contribute to the river basin management planning process set up to securedelivery of the WFD

Promote sustainable flood management

Contribute to the achievement of sustainable economic development

“2(1) Water Environment and Water Services Act”

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Key Pressureson WaterEnvironment

Point Source Pollution

Diffuse Source Pollution

Abstraction and Flow Regulation

Physical Changes

Invasive Non-native Species



Biological Impacts

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SEPA KeyWaterEnvironmentIssues

Blue GreenInfrastructure

Constructionworks -

following bestpractice

Protection ofgroundwater& dependent


Risk to waterenvironmentfrom flooding

Fish passageand protection

of aquaticspecies

Invasive Non-native species


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Protection &Improvementof WaterEnvironment




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Focus on earlydesign phase

Great benefits - Less Frustration

Frontloading is essential

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How you canhelp

Earliest Design Stages - Careful consideration of the context of the site in respect ofwater features that are in, adjacent to or could be affected by the proposeddevelopment

Ensuring that commitments made at Development Plan level and in respect ofMasterplans are followed through at Development Management Level

Point source pollution -• Requiring presumption of connection to public foul sewer,• Ensuring that development is aligned with appropriate WWT provision.• Appropriate policy provision for SUDS (source control and construction

SUDS)• Ensuring buffer strip provision• Ensuring appropriate aftercare of quarrying and mining operations.

Diffuse pollution. Appropriate provision for SUDS and Buffer strips along watercourses Policy requirements to address problems associated with nutrient

enrichment. Ensuring appropriate siting and management of fishery and forestry


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How you canhelp

Abstraction: Work with Scottish water and SEPA to ensure pressures associated withabstraction and flow regulation arising from development are minimised.

water treatment; golf courses, distilling, agricultural irrigation, aquaculture

Avoid consenting proposals which put undue pressure on water resources

Consider cumulative impact of hydro and the impact of windfarms on wetlandhabitat..

Physical changes –

Requiring opening up of culverts, removal of barriers to fish passage (e.g.redundant weirs), use of open space areas to allow channel recovery andimprovement of bankside habitat;

Safeguarding land to enable restoration to take place at a future date. Social andeconomic benefits should attract developer contributions.

Invasive Non-native species

Require construction industry to follow best practice guidance preventing theintroduction of INNS.

Contribute to catchment scale eradication programmes

Require developers to use native species along active travel routes & in restoringriparian margins.

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Incorporating and enhancing blue-green infrastructure – one ofthe best ways Authorities can help address water pressures.

Green Infrastructure “includes the “green” and “blue” (waterenvironment) features of the natural and builtenvironment….”SPP glossary

An understanding of a site’s current and potential contribution tothe green network should inform decisions on scale, location andlayout. The way in which this has been considered in theplacemaking process should be explained in the DesignStatement”

“Development should be carefully designed to contributepositively to development of green networks, and all proposalswill be assessed in terms of their consideration of connectivitybetween green infrastructure components and their contributionto national and local green network and open space objectives”

(Section 3.1 Edinburgh Design Guidance)

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Open space requirements should be considered in the context of existingblue-green networks with consideration given to extending andimproving these.

Well recognized benefits of blue-green networks /infrastructure indelivering land use planning, objectives, ecosystem services, climatechange adaptation and mitigation

. Greenspace around watercourses can: - contribute to sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS),

provide space for cycle and walkways in support of sustainable travelobjectives and

provide resilience to flooding.

Urban environment - restoration of water bodies can contribute toregeneration objectives by providing landscape and amenity benefits.

Like otherinfrastructure,effective GI is

essential to thehealthy functioningof any town or city.

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Evidence ofbenefits ofBlue-Green

95% of developers and consultants across Europe believe thatopen space adds value to commercial property .

On average, developers would be willing to pay at least 3% morefor land in close proximity to open space with some putting thepremium as high as 15-20%.

Birmingham City Council - Canal Redevelopment: - 50% respondents considered presence of the canal was a

factor in determining the location of their business

39% felt canal was “important” or “very important” to theirbusiness revenue.

“Green Infrastructure’s contribution to economic growth a review” –Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) & NaturalEngland.

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GreenNetworkStrategy forGlasgow


infrastructure forsuccessful


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Considerhydrology on,

adjacent to siteand further

downstream fromoutset of design

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The Connswater Community Gateway Project is an excellentexample of just how much blue-green networking projects canachieve. Undertaken in a rundown deprived part of East Belfast. Ithas been estimated that the project will deliver 14 times what itcost and will result in the:-

Creation of 9km linear park for walking and cycling

16km of foot and cycle paths

26 new or improved bridges and crossings

Provision of active travel networks to 23 schools and colleges

Cleaning up to 5 km of rivers

Creation hubs for education, interpretation points and tourismand heritage trails

Creation of a C.S. Lewis Civic Square for celebrations and events

Provision of wildlife corridor from Belfast Lough to theCastlereagh Hills

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Stane Gardens

SEPA-LAPartnershipusing WEF


Water Environment Fund



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Key messagesfor PAs

Please be aware of our requirements and recommendations fromthe outset of any discussions on design. If you need clarificationplease feel free to ask

Remember the value of blue-green infrastructure – socially,economically and environmentally.

It is vitally important to consider the context of the site in terms ofassociated water environment from the outset of design. How canyou ensure protection and put in place improvements.

DP requirements need to filter down effectively to DM level

Please do share best practice – examples of achievementselsewhere carry significant weight in demonstrating what ispossible

We all have a lot to gain by close collaborative working

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Time for Q & A

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Flood riskElaine Fotheringham and Angela Burke – Senior PlanningOfficers

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Why do wewant to talk toyou aboutflood risktoday?

August 2017 – SEPApublished new andupdated guidance onflood risk and land useplanning.

DevelopmentManagement -completely new -completes suite guidancealready online.

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• Impacts of flooding can be both devastatingand costly

• Problem that won’t go away - climate changenow influencing all of our weather to somedegree & heavy rainfall events, which cancause flooding in the UK, likely to becomemore frequent in the future due to climatechange.

Two goodreasons why it’simportant tothink about floodrisk in land-useplanning…

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Mental andphysical healthcan suffer as aresult of flooding- impacts caninclude stress anddepression

We can expectthe number ofproperties andthe annual flooddamages toincrease aschanges to theclimate & how welive and use landbring more andmore people andproperty intoflood risk.

60,000 properties notat risk now, but arepredicted to be putat risk in future dueto climate change.

ABI estimatesfullyrepairingand restoringa floodedhome cancost between£20,000 and£45,000

Flooding inScotland …the facts…

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Why have weproducedguidance?

SEPA independent advisor on flood riskto the land use planning process

Duty to co-operate in preparation ofDevelopment Plans

Statutory role to provide flood advicefor certain planning applications.

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Who is theguidance for?

Purpose to inform response toplanning consultations.

Primarily intended for internal SEPApurposes.

Based on Scottish Planning Policyand our duties under the Flood RiskManagement (Scotland) Act 2009.

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What does theguidancecover?

Clarifies flood riskissues that should beaddressed in DP andDM.

Series of requirementsand recommendations.

Flood Risk and LandUse VulnerabilityGuidance has alsobeen updated.

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What does theguidancecover?

New Planning InformationNote on proposeddevelopment protectedby a flood protectionscheme .

Position embedded in allguidance – DP and DM.

Lower impact proposalsstill dealt with by standingadvice – updated versionearly 2018.

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Where does flooding occur? Avoid these areas!

Whatquestionsshould we beasking?

Is the land use appropriate? Some are more vulnerable than others …

Think about flood processes – what are the impacts?

How can we reduce the impact – access/egress, freeboard, resilient design etc.

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What arerequirementsandrecommend-ations?

Requirements - issues that must to beaddressed to meet terms of SPP.

We will object to developmentproposals or plans if relevantrequirements not met.

Recommendations included as goodpractice.

However, will not object on basis ofrecommendations.

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How was theguidancedeveloped?

By a team of SEPA planning and flood riskhydrology specialists

Careful review process

Approved by SEPA planning and flood riskmanagers.

New position on development protected by aflood protection scheme approved at highestlevel

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What’s new?

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What’s new?

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What’s new?

For most part, DM guidance doesnot represent change in approach –just first time we have published it!

Change - slightly altered approach inrelation to development protectedby flood protection schemes –impacts on DP and DM guidance.

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Where can Ifind out more?

Flood maps

Technical Flood Risk Guidance forStakeholders - explains when FRA shouldbe undertaken.

Early consultation recommended: checkour Planning Service Contact List andemail relevant team.

[email protected] –email us with any general questionsabout the guidance

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Time for Q & A

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Time for a teabreak!

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Questions toyou…

Anything else you’d like us to cover?

Were you aware of our new guidancebefore today?

What more could SEPA be doing to helpyou?

Has this been useful?

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14 Local PlanDistricts

Each has FRMS& a FRMP

Plans publishedin June 2016

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14 Local Plan Districts across Scotland. Each has aFRM Strategy published December 2015.

Local Flood Risk Management Plans publishedJune 2016 provide more detail on the delivery ofagreed actions to manage flood risk

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Links between FRMP and land use planning


Development Plans are required to haveregard to any approved flood risk

management plan and finalised localflood risk management plan related to

the local development plan area.

Regulations 3 (1) & 10 (1) of the Town & Country Planning(Development Planning) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 (as amended)

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Land UsePlanningObjectivesto reduce floodrisk

Avoid development in medium-high riskareas

Reduce impacts to existing buildings

Protect and enhance natural features thathave a positive impact on reducing overallflood risk

New developments are designed to ensuresurface water drainage does not increaseflood risk on or off site

New development is resilient to predictedfuture changes on climate

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District heatingAilie Callan – Senior Planning Officer

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Why do wewant to talk toyou aboutDistrictHeatingtoday?

Scottish Government ambitions for low carbon heat and districtheating

SEPA Planning guidance – District Heating and Heat Networks

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Scottish Government support atransformational change to a lowcarbon economy, targets include:

– 30% of overall energy demandfrom renewable sources by 2020;

– 11% of heat demand fromrenewable sources by 2020; and

– the equivalent of 100% ofelectricity demand fromrenewable sources by 2020;

The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 (‘the Act’) sets targets toreduce Scotland’s emissions of greenhousegases by at least 42% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, compared to the1990/1995 baseline.

Decarbonisation ofScotland’s heating by2050

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Current Energysupply for Heatuse in Scotland

Total final energy consumption bysector, Scotland, 2014

Primary heating fuel for households,Scotland, 2015


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What doesplanning haveto do withthis?

NPF (paragraph 3.5) outlinesthe significance ofheating/cooling energydemand, indicating thegrowing opportunity, scaleand variety of heat networksand district heating systemsand, subsequently, theirability in achieving ScottishGovernment targets forrenewable heat.

Current Scottish Heat Policy(reiterated in SPP) targets for2020 :

40,000 homes heated bydistrict heating

1.5TWh district heatingdelivered to business,industry and domesticpremises

11% of heat demand fromrenewable sources

Equivalent of 100%electricity demand fromrenewable sources

All new development will have an energydemand, nearly all a heat demand.Plan for this– planning policies canreduce the demand throughrequirements for increased insulation &more efficient energy useOnce energy demand is reduced, look athow to deliver what energy is needed.Plan for heat – where will heat comefrom? Where should it be located?How will the heat get to the end user?

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Why have weproducedguidance ondistrict heatingand heatnetworks?

Our duties Statutory Purpose

Climate change duties

Position Statement onEnergy

Regulatory roles – requiringuse of heat generated byindustrial facilities

Information and advice role

Who is it for? Planning authorities


What does itcover?

Development Plan

Development Management

Background Paper

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SEPA’sGuidance:DevelopmentPlan (part ofSustainableResource Useand Energy)

Requirement to include policy wording that supports low carbondistrict heating networks

Requirement for all substantial developments to ensure their heatdemand is met through district heating network

Requirement for new development adjacent to existing orproposed heat networks or significant heat sources to be designedto be capable of connecting to the heat supply. Land required forthe heat network infrastructure should be protected

Recommendation using heat mapping, design capability andwater environments.

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MidlothianCouncil LDP

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Requirement that all significant/anchor or substantialdevelopments (allocated and non-allocated sites) ensure theirheat demand is met through district heating networks, subject tothe outcomes of a feasibility statement.

Requirement that all new developments, including linearinfrastructure developments, not covered by the above that arelocated adjacent to an existing or proposed heat network or heatsource will be designed to enable connection (subject to theoutcomes of a feasibility assessment).

Recommendation that developments not covered by therequirements aim to meet their heat demand through districtheating networks, subject to a feasibility statement.

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Hill ofBanchory

Landowner is developer and energy company

Biomass (90% heat) and gas source boilers Operational since 2012

Heat for 500 houses (102 currently complete), office, industrial units,micro distillery, car wash.

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Time for Q & A

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Round up and closeKatherine Lakeman – Principal Policy Officer

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Thanks for comingalong…If you’d like to contact us about anything you’ve heard today,please email [email protected].