senior fellows newsletter - Massey College€¦ · The 11th annual Massey Grand Rounds Symposium...

Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017 Page1 A MESSAGE FROM THE MASTER Colleagues, The 2016/2017 academic season at Massey College, reflected the deep interdisciplinary and intergenerational benefits of the college purpose and mission. The recent designation of Senior Fellow, and Junior Fellow alumna, Julie Payette, as our next Governor General, shows not only her immense capabilities, scope and scientific capacity, but the sort of service Massey alumni can render to the community, nation and the world. Beyond the many High Tables, Galas, book club nights, seasonal celebrations, fascinating Senior Fellow luncheons, the mix of Junior Fellow Lectures, Massey Talks and Gaudy Nights, Massey College saw a busy schedule of events reflecting many disciplines and that broached a wide range of intellectual and scholarly challenges. A non-exhaustive listing would include: Three events on Modern Iran, exploring politics, culture, feminism and cuisine, jointly sponsored by Junior and Senior Fellows, and all well attended. Claim that Map — a day long series of events to address and rethink spaces and places of Indigenous research and engagement. The events were co- sponsored by our Kierans-Janigan Visiting Scholar, Dr. Sherry Farrell Racette, a distinguished professor of Métis art and culture from the University of Manitoba and Dr. Naomi Adelson professor of Medical Anthropology and our 2016/2017 York Scholar. Moot Court and College Debate events, presided over by Rosalie Silberman Abella, Senior Fellow and member of the Supreme Court, and distinguished counsel Marie Henein, senior partner at Henein Hutchinson LLP and Sheila Block, of Tory's as well as Senior Fellow Bob Rae, all featuring robust Junior Fellow participation as counsel, advocates and debaters. The 11 th annual Massey Grand Rounds Symposium provided interesting insights into the connection between our health and environment, under the inspired mentorship of Senior Fellow, Dr. Aubie Angel. Massey College August 2017 SENIOR FELLOWS NEWSLETTER

Transcript of senior fellows newsletter - Massey College€¦ · The 11th annual Massey Grand Rounds Symposium...

Page 1: senior fellows newsletter - Massey College€¦ · The 11th annual Massey Grand Rounds Symposium provided interesting insights into the connection between our health and environment,

Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017





The 2016/2017 academic season at

Massey College, reflected the deep

interdisciplinary and intergenerational

benefits of the college purpose and

mission. The recent designation of

Senior Fellow, and Junior Fellow

alumna, Julie Payette, as our next

Governor General, shows not only her

immense capabilities, scope and

scientific capacity, but the sort of

service Massey alumni can render to the

community, nation and the world.

Beyond the many High Tables, Galas, book club nights,

seasonal celebrations, fascinating Senior Fellow

luncheons, the mix of Junior Fellow Lectures, Massey

Talks and Gaudy Nights, Massey College saw a busy

schedule of events reflecting many disciplines and that

broached a wide range of intellectual and scholarly


A non-exhaustive listing would include:

Three events on Modern Iran, exploring politics, culture,

feminism and cuisine, jointly sponsored by Junior and

Senior Fellows, and all well attended.

Claim that Map — a day long series of

events to address and rethink spaces

and places of Indigenous research and

engagement. The events were co-

sponsored by our Kierans-Janigan

Visiting Scholar, Dr. Sherry Farrell

Racette, a distinguished professor of

Métis art and culture from the

University of Manitoba and Dr. Naomi

Adelson professor of Medical

Anthropology and our 2016/2017 York


Moot Court and College Debate events, presided over by

Rosalie Silberman Abella, Senior Fellow and member of

the Supreme Court, and distinguished counsel Marie

Henein, senior partner at Henein Hutchinson LLP and

Sheila Block, of Tory's as well as Senior Fellow Bob Rae,

all featuring robust Junior Fellow participation as counsel,

advocates and debaters.

The 11th annual Massey Grand Rounds Symposium

provided interesting insights into the connection between

our health and environment, under the inspired

mentorship of Senior Fellow, Dr. Aubie Angel.

Massey College August 2017


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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017



Readings and workshops by our Barbara Moon Editorial

Fellow, Damian Tarnopolsky as well as our Writer-in-

Residence Sachiko Murakami. The Massey Lectures

featuring Dr. Jennifer Welsh of the European University

Institute in Florence on the return of history.

We held three Science at Massey events under the Massey

Science Chair, Senior Fellow Dr. Barbara Sherwood

Lollar and in collaboration with Senior Fellow Dr. John

Dirks. These initiatives included a symposium on Science

Policy in Canada, a further event featuring Dr. Avner

Vengosh of Duke University on the importance of

science on environmental policy and a third seminar on

the Editing of the Human Genome, featuring Dr. Janet

Rossant, President of the Gairdner Foundation, Ian

Stedman of the U of T Law school, and Dr. Feng Zhang

of MIT.

Two press club evenings, one on the roles and

responsibilities surrounding reporting on Indigenous

issues, and the other surrounding issues of artificial

intelligence and data journalism both put on by our

William Southam Journalism Fellows.

A special event and viewing of the Mystical Landscapes

exhibit at the AGO featuring a group visit to the exhibit,

and a discussion led by Senior Fellow and Curator

Katherine Lochnan with an interdisciplinary panel of

senior Fellows.

Book events such as Regan at Reykjavik, featuring the

author, nuclear test ban negotiator, Ken Adelman were

extremely well attended. Jonathan Tepperman, managing

editor of Foreign Affairs also came to the college to

discuss his book, The Fix. A third event focusing on the

anthology Legacy: How French Canadians Have Shaped

North America featured the editor Jonathan Kay and

contributor Senator André Pratte in conversation, a final

book launch of Don Johnston's Missing the Tide: Global

Governments in Retreat relating his experience and

reflections as Canada's former CEO of the OECD, and

cabinet minister under Pierre Trudeau.

A round table on the Modern meaning of Sovereignty,

from the scientific, indigenous, geographic, military and

environmental perspectives, in collaboration with the

Universities of Calgary and Laval.

As well, Senior and Junior Fellows, and Resident Scholars

participated in the Canada/UK Colloquium in

Edmonton, on building a low carbon economy; as well as

the Halifax International Security Forum in Halifax.

The designation of St. Catherine’s Chapel as a Chapel

Royal and our new partnership with Chief Stacey

Laforme and the Mississaugas of the New Credit First

Nations marks an important step towards taking action

on findings from the Truth and Reconciliation

Commission. More programing around this initiative will

be announced this fall.

In terms of our facilities, the use of the basement

rehearsal room by Massey musicians is daily and steady.

A grand plan for addressing changes to the Massey

campus, specifically around accessibility has been


Our new system of governance, based on

recommendations of the Massey Governance Review

Subcommittee is now entering its second year. We are

working with the Quadrangle Society and the Alumni to

ensure that, as is the case with Senior Fellows and Junior

Fellows, their members on the Governing Board are

elected as well.

Financially, the college is balanced, frugal and

appropriately careful as befits a college with no financial

support on a regular formulaic basic from the University,

consistent with the direction of our founding benefactors

decades ago.

Sadly, this last year we lost a number of Senior Fellows of

immense standing in the Massey community. These

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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017



enormous losses reminded us all of the fleeting nature of

life, and the deep and profound contributions to truth,

learning and humanity made by them all. Dr. Ursula

Franklin, Professor Michael Bliss, Bishop Terence Finlay,

Visitor Emerita Rose Wolfe, Adam Zimmerman, Avie

Bennett and Kenneth McCarter will be sorely missed.

Junior fellow Helen Mo, who was a day-to-day force in

college life, and a doctoral candidate in Religious Studies,

was also taken by a congenital heart ailment she fought

bravely and with immense good humour all her life.

In January, Ken McCarter, both a Senior Fellow and

long-time chair of the Quadrangle Society, who literally

donated thousands of hours to the college, received the

2017 Clarkson Laureateship in recognition of his service

to Massey, The National Ballet School of Canada, the

University of Toronto Press, UBC and the Oxford

Cambridge Society. His speech, deeply touching and in

so many ways frank and inspiring is appended for your

reading. Junior Fellows Sophie Borwein and Alexandra

Harris were also awarded the Laureateship.

As other college members, I am deeply indebted to Dean

Amela Marin, Bursar Joyee Chau, Events Coordinator

Emily Mockler, Catering Manager Darlene Naranjo, and

chief steward Greg Cerson for the commitment,

professionalism and devotion with they serve our college.

They literally perform miracles to facilitate the Massey

experience we all count on and value.

Donna joins me in wishing you a restful, fun, and above

all safe and healthy summer. We look forward to

welcoming you to the College in September.


Hugh Segal




Facebook Group:




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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017



Master, Massey College


Honoured Visitor, Master

Segal, Madam Clarkson,

fellow guests of the College,

Thank you. I would first like to

say how honoured I am to be

receiving this award with

Alexandra Harris and Sophie

Borwein. Alexandra and Sophie, I have been able to see

all your good work in so many things, and with your all-

too-rare combination of firm principles and the

willingness to act on them, you truly are an inspiration

not only to Junior Fellows but to everyone here..

As some of you in this room know, I was recently

diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am being treated at

one of the best facilities in the world - the McCain

Centre for Pancreatic Cancer at Princess Margaret

Hospital. But I have realized as I deal with my illness

that more than having excellent medical care, what has

really mattered to me is the many many messages of

support and encouragement I have received. It is

remarkable what a boost that gives you. I recently talked

to a fellow cancer patient who said that after each

chemo treatment she would post a blog, knowing that

the messages of support would come in just when she

was at her lowest from the effects of the chemo, and it

would be a huge help in getting over her low point.

And that relates directly to public service. Just as I have

been personally sustained by all kinds of support from

many sources, non-profits benefit immensely from all

kinds of support, large and small. Financially, even a

small donation brings with it a very satisfying sense of

personal attachment to the

cause. Volunteering time

also has its rewards. In

addition to the satisfaction

of spending time helping a

cause you feel strongly

about, it is one of the best

ways to connect outside your immediate world. I

recently heard Jordan Banks, the CEO of Facebook

Canada, say that all of his significant career moves

happened as a result of his involvement with non-

profits. Much more than conventional networking, it

enabled him to work with - not just talk to - a variety of

people who shared his interest in the cause.

As a cliché would have it, in reflecting on one's life, one

rarely thinks, "Gee, if only I could have spent more time

at the office." But that is most emphatically not the case

with volunteering. Doing so at as early a stage in life as

possible, and in any amount or form, brings only

reflected satisfaction on the contribution one has made

and the pleasure one has had in making that

contribution. The key, to use yet another cliché, is not

to let the best be the enemy of the good. Please don't

hesitate to volunteer time or money for fear that you

cannot volunteer a sufficient amount of either - just as

you would not hesitate to offer a friend facing an illness

a supportive email knowing that you would never get

around to writing a letter.

Two last things. I am delighted to donate the proceeds

of my award to the College. And I am so grateful to you,

Madam Clarkson, for instituting this award. It is a

privilege for me to receive an award that has its genesis

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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017



in someone who is such an example for all of us of true

public service.

Thank you,

January 2017, Massey College Clarkson Laureates High



HONORARY SENIOR FELLOW: Chief of the Mississaugas of the New Credit (Currently, Stacey LaForme) SENIOR FELLOW EMERITA: Mrs. Anna Luengo Administrator Emerita ASSOCIATE SENIOR FELLOWS Mr. James Appleyard President & Founder, Freycinet Ventures Dr. Aisha Ahmad Department of Political Science, University of Toronto Prof. J. Stewart Aitchison Nortel Chair in Emerging Technologies and Associate Scientific Director for IC-IMPACTS Dr. Philip B. Berger Vice Chair, St. Michael’s Hospital Research Ethics Board Prof. Sampa Bhadra Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University Mr. Marshall (Mickey) Cohen Corporate Chairman and Director The Hon. Elizabeth Dowdeswell Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Dr. John Floras Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Canada Research Chair in Integrative Cardiovascular Biology, University of Toronto Dr Mark L Greenberg Emeritus Chair in Childhood Cancer Control, University of Toronto

Prof. Astrid Guttmann Paediatrics and Health Policy, University of Toronto Chief Science Officer and Senior Scientist, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences Ms. Julie K. Hannaford President, J K Hannaford Barristers Mr. Brett House Vice-President & Deputy Chief Economist, Scotiabank Dr. Sheena Josselyn Senior Scientist, SickKids; Professor, Dept. of Psychology & Physiology, U of T Mr. Christopher Kelly Principal, Navigator Limited Dr. Daphne Maurer Distinguished University Professor, McMaster University Mr. Pankaj Mehra Co-Lead, Multicultural Banking, Scotiabank Prof. Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi Departments of Historical Studies & Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto Editor-in-Chief, Iran Namag: A Bilingual Quarterly of Iranian Studies Mr. Stephen Wallace Secretary to the Governor General of Canada & Herald Chancellor of Canada Deputy of the Governor General of Canada Dr. Remi Warner Manager, Ontario Anti-Racism Directorate, Cabinet Office Ms. Armine Yalnizyan Economist and Business Columnis

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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017





Organized by Cornelia and Andrew Baines, due to

extremely popular demand, we increased the number of

events from seven to eight. When invitations are sent

out we recommend replying immediately!

Monday, September 25th 2017

Tuesday, October 17th 2017

Wednesday, November 15th 2017

Thursday, January 18th 2018

Monday, February 12th 2018

Tuesday, March 13th 2018

Wednesday, April 11th 2018

Thursday, May 3rd 2018


This monthly event is a very popular one and it is open

to the entire Massey community. Discussions start at

7:45pm in the Upper Library and are followed by tea,

coffee and sweets. We also encourage coming to dine

in-hall beforehand (don’t forget to book with the


Monday, October 2, 2017

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, and The

Undoing Project by Michael Lewis

Monday, November 6, 2017

Kim, by Rudyard Kipling

Monday, December 4, 2017

Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Meursault Investigation by Kamel Daoud

Monday, February 5, 2018

Hunger by Roxane Gay

Monday, March 5, 2018

In The Wake: On Blackness and Being by Christina Sharpe

Monday, April 9, 2018

Scarborough by Catherine Hernandez




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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017




The 2017 CBC Massey Lectures are

an essential analysis of the major

human rights struggles of our times

by internationally renowned human

rights lawyer and former UN

prosecutor Payam Akhavan.

A work of memoir, history, and a call

to action, In Search of a Better World, the

2017 CBC Massey Lectures, are a

powerful and essential work on the

major human rights struggles of our

times. In February of 2017, Amnesty

International released their Annual

Report for 2016 to 2017, concluding

that the “us versus them” rhetoric increasingly

employed by politicians is endangering human rights

the world over. Renowned UN prosecutor and human

rights scholar Payam Akhavan has encountered the

grim realities of contemporary genocide throughout his

life and career. He argues that deceptive utopias,

political cynicism, and public apathy have given rise to

major human rights abuses: from the religious

persecution of Iranian Bahá’ís that shaped his personal

life, to the horrors of ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, the

genocide in Rwanda, and the rise of contemporary

phenomena such as the Islamic State. But he also

reflects on the inspiring resilience of

the human spirit and the reality of our

inextricable interdependence to

liberate us, whether from hateful

ideologies that deny the humanity of

others or an empty consumerist

culture that worships greed and self-

indulgence. A timely, essential, and

passionate work of memoir and

history, In Search of a Better World

is a tour de force by an internationally

renowned human rights lawyer.

PAYAM AKHAVAN is a Professor

of International Law at McGill

University in Montreal, Canada, a Member of the

International Court of Arbitration, and a former UN

prosecutor at The Hague. He has served with the UN

in conflict zones around the world, including Bosnia,

Cambodia, Guatemala, Rwanda, and Timor Leste, and

as legal counsel in landmark cases before the

International Court of Justice, the International

Criminal Court, the European Court of Human Rights,

and the Supreme Courts of Canada and the United

States. Born in Tehran, Iran, Payam Akhavan migrated

to Canada with his family in his childhood.

5 City Massey Lectures Tour

Lecture one: The Knowledge of Suffering - September 13 Yukon Arts Centre, Whitehorse, YT

Lecture two: The Pursuit of Global Justice - September 15 York Theatre, Vancouver, BC

Lecture three: The Will to Intervene - September 19 Centaur Theatre, Montreal, QC

Lecture four: The Oneness of Humankind - September 22 Cook Hall, Memorial University, St John’s, NL

Lecture five: The Spirit of Human Rights - October 4 Koerner Hall Toronto, ON

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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017




We would like to thank Iain Scott for his contribution

to the Massey Opera Club over the past few years.

Starting this September, Music Programming at Massey

will be decided by committee consisting of Junior

Fellows, Senior Fellows, Quadranglers and Alumni to

be headed by Rick Phillips from Sound Advice. The

dates for our Music Club evenings are listed below and

each event will cover classical music in general, with the

focus on important concerts playing in Toronto.

We’ll be in touch soon with specific themes and

programming. For 14 years, Rick Phillips was the Host

and Producer of SOUND ADVICE®, the weekly

guide to classical music and recordings, heard across

Canada on CBC Radio One and CBC Radio Two every

weekend. Rick was affiliated with CBC Radio for 30

years, working in Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary and

Toronto in a career that spanned production to on-air

to management. As well as broadcasting and

webcasting, he is also a busy freelance writer and

reviewer, lecturer, panel moderator, consultant, musical

tour guide, artistic director and concert host. He’s often

a juror in the classical music categories for the Juno

Awards, and is the author of The Essential Classical

Recordings – 101 CDs published by McClelland &

Stewart. He leads a variety of Music History &

Appreciation courses at the University of Toronto,

York University and other venues. He holds a B. Mus.

from McGill University and a M. Mus. from the

University of Toronto.

Wednesday, October 18th

Tuesday, November 14th

Tuesday, January 23rd

Monday, February 26th



The list of William Southam Journalism Fellows is

attached. These mid-career Journalists with outstanding

experience in their fields, are a vital part of Massey’s

program. There will be an event here on Tuesday,

September 19th at 7:45pm where they will be

introduced to the community. You are welcome to join

us for the event, and for dinner beforehand.



These are evenings the Junior Fellows particularly look

forward to. Reception is held at 6pm in the Common

Room, and guests are welcome. Save the dates, and

don’t forget to reserve with the Porter ahead of time!

Wednesday, October 11th 2017

Monday, November 20th 2017

Tuesday, January 16th 2018

Tuesday, February 13th 2018

Monday, March 26th 2018


The Master’s annual Sherry Party will be


Tuesday, September 12th at 5pm in the

Junior Common Room

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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017



GOWN RUN! Our annual gown run that benefits the Scholars-at-Risk program is happening on Saturday October 21st.

Registration and more details from our Massey Community Service Committee will be sent out in September.


House of Anansi Press. Massey College Books will be a

newly created publishing imprint under the House of

Anansi, dedicated to publishing books by writers who

are members of the Massey College community.

House of Anansi Press will be the official publisher for

Massey College, and Massey College will work in

tandem with Anansi to solicit, select and publish works

of nonfiction that will appeal to a wide commercial

audience, between 50,000 and 100,000 words.

With initial publications slated for September 2019, we

are now accepting submissions.

The detailed submission requirements are below:

We are looking for highly researched works that

support strong ideas and arguments. We are not looking

for academic or scholarly works, but ones that will

interest general readers and experts alike.

Using our online form please send us the following:

1. A cover letter telling us about yourself and

your book

2. A CV indicating your publishing history (if


3. A brief synopsis of your project

4. Your full or partial manuscript

The deadline for submissions is October 30, 2017.

Any and all questions should be directed to Emily

Mockler ([email protected]).



The Scholars-at-Risk program continues to make a

difference in the lives of people who have come to

Canada as refugees fleeing wars, political strife and/or

human rights abuses in their home countries.

Inaugurated in 1999, the program has assisted 21

scholars with at least two of these scholars completing

their PhD and moving onto gainful employment in

universities. Several of our Scholars have been in

Masters programs at University of Toronto and others

have taken up contractual assistant lectureships. One of

our first scholars was the first refugee to be given a

teaching position in the sciences in an east-end high

school in Toronto. For those who are new to Massey

College, you may be interested to know that the

program is run in association with the School of

Graduate Studies and was endowed by the Donner

Canadian Foundation when the program replaced the

Massey/PEN Writer-in-Exile. We will be welcoming

three new scholars to the Massey College this year.

Noura Al Jizawi, is pursuing a MGA at the Munk

School, Mahshid Zandi who is completing a PhD with

the Department for the Study of Religion and Mahdi

Khajehim beginning in the PhD program with the

Department of Medical Biophysics. For more

information on the program, or if you are keen to get

to know some of the Scholars, please contact Emily


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Senior Fellows Newsletter August 2017




The College conducts several Christian and Jewish

services during the academic year, as well as respecting

certain key holy days associated with Islamic, Buddhist,

and Hindu faiths. With the recent designation of St.

Catherine’s Chapel as an interfaith, interdenominational

Chapel Royal, and our partnership with the

Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, you will

see more programming reflecting these partnerships. If

you would like to be added to the Chapel specific

mailing list please let the Porter know

[email protected]. Jewish services are held to

celebrate both Chanukah and Passove


We have two fantastic Porters. Ms. Elizabeth (Liz)

Hope is our Senior Porter, and works during the day.

We are in the process of hiring a new evening Porter.

Weekends are covered by Junior Fellows. Liz and Eric

are the first point of contact when arriving at the

College, and if you leave any items behind at an event

they would be the ones to contact.

Dining in Ondaatje Hall

BREAKFAST is served Monday to Friday

from 7:30 to 9am, and on Saturdays from 9 to

9:30am. No reservations are necessary, but

remember to sign a chit at the entrance to the

Hall, and hand it to one of the servers. The

Bursar’s Assistant, Wing Lee, will bill you once

a month.

LUNCH is served “cafeteria style” from 12:15

to 1:30pm every weekday and you may arrive

whenever you want. No reservations are

necessary, and you are welcome to bring guests.

Again, simply sign one of the chits.

DINNER during term is formal, and you must

reserve a seat with the Porter by 2pm the day of

(416-978-2895 or [email protected]).

You are welcome to bring guests. Menus are

posted on our website weekly. The Common

Room bar opens at 5pm, and you can take your

drink up to dinner. Dinner starts promptly at

6:30pm. The Don of Hall (the elected Junior

Fellow representative) is the host of dinners,

except on High Table and Gaudy evenings,

when the Master presides. If you come to dinner

please make a point of introducing yourself to

this year’s Don of Hall, Benjamin Gillard. It is

College etiquette to inform the Don of Hall if

you have to leave the hall early, as he is required

to say a Latin Grace before and after dinner.

The Private Dining Room

As a Senior Fellow, you are able to reserve the

Private Dining Room for any functions you

might like to host. For information and costs

associated, or any other room bookings, please

contact our Catering Manager, Darlene Naranjo,

at 416-978-2894 or [email protected].


General Inquiries Porter’s Lodge E: [email protected] T: 416-978-2895 Monday to Friday 8 am to 10 am Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 6 pm Master’s Office Elena Ferranti, Administrative Assistant E: [email protected] T: 416-978-2549