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THE BOURBON KIT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 1900 I NEWS L g PARIS DRSKK- Tb Specialists of Awrcai 20 YEARS lit OHIO 250000 Cirei Tbeaeaads of and dddleae d- are troubled with this di s t times elixht du- is Yak organs cmiMioaR sad nerrous debility UTe 8TRIC TUKK l t doctors you by stretching or tearing TM Itifl will not car na it will re- tBni Oar NSW METHOD TRKAT MENT absorbs the ttrieton tissue F the ttrietaire permanently inp no detmtioa boom basinen br i i- ened The narrca are inTiroxatod nail WE CURE GLEET Tboocuadi of cad xnHdloaeed men their sexual rigor vitality by this db ease They are frequently General Unaataiil JUuohrce 2f ervoosaesa Poor Mem err times South Weak Back Lack f AsaMtien Shrunken Pwt ete GLELT ad STBICTURK Dont commit doctor u they huge ne experience in tlrae special di asea daat snore METHOD TKKATMBNT win ttrotr own TOO One tboosand dollars for a ease we for wad aotcora Terras Eaodesratefcracnro CURES GUARANTEED ISE- MIESTON8 ET ETRICTUKE IMPOTENCY SEC ES KIDN1CY MKl FJELEa FBKB If uible to call Write far QUKSTTOW BLANK HOMB TKEATJIESTX S KENNEDY KERSANS 122 W FOURTH STREET f CINCINNATI O ONLY 500 SEND USS artee ot faUlt aad IT- w i I send you asyr proofur- t C OD subject to- esamloaUoa Crd it the equal ot proof coaMnatloB lock iron and safe leads and tent catUiirf the prle chut4 by olhrrm fr fc m U a d pay your agent oar faetorr less the t09 tent order otbenrl e return it at our expense- CILMt M Ita SKMl 700 C 11S 1098 Ck Mlt Hta SStTrr7ltTr draUratd4Ex4 d ibU- Ie Mc 4T for larj btulam firfBry Jnrdfj or but S8 toehM Mfh S4M C CTSt Lobes kick 8000 I- bfr IWt a K 4 entt WK1TE FOR FBEE 8 AFfl CATALWGrE wad at eclal liberal O D offer SEARS ROEBUCK CO Chicago TREES TREES Offer Everything For OR6H1RD LAWS MD GARDEN Full stook of Fruit and Ornamental Trees Grapes Small Fraits Shrubs and evorvthing kept in inch aq- estabUshRiPot employ no agents Deacnptive Oatalogne on application tq H F Lexington Ky Phone 279 Oct68m Will Kenney M D Physician Surgeon Pboa 136- Onracx Fourth aaA PltmitO- TTK3HOUES 7 to 10 m 2 to 4 p rm 7 to 8 p- Insnre against wind and lightning in the Hurst Hoxsj IntorasM Qa a safe and reliable cpa P y Q W KIUCX Agent NONUNION AGENTS 1BLUBIE FIRE AT RATES looaraace n the flnnrtHoine i fifty cento on the bftfioied the year 1907 O W Vitua Agent Parti Kt BE AN AMERICAN r watr r a4 f t I t k n frot JOHN CONNELLY PARTS KENTUCKY Work gnaraatee Oall- iproaptly answered Your work ft Prices reasonable 150 ANTI FAT BELT B8X13 AI BULT ftr tie rare cfOeUPOLEHO V- cf aU B u ran of lanl- Kcpttr or dy- wuwili a ears afford to b wltkotit tfct- sfEARt ROE1UCK A WI CURE STRICTURE Ther may hive a anari amall twi ecnQI ail Ute toms of outtin It ca retar8 No DDO or met ocL The the bills nraabood returaL ors JtariD sad ra the of t1C61 ptInL Wakes Fan aa Irritability at yes with erroln G enrt the cease fu Qaeb on Conmlt- wDohon mado a studyo D OarNBW u ft t We treat s7rd t1ITe DRAWS u r1ATti1lALDISCIlARG TIL CON5tLTA ION tar 004 It atrev 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> ° > The Senator and Contestant for Governor Shot Down on the Street at Frankfort The Bullet of the Assassin His Side Just Below Armpit Probably Fatally Hurt NO IMPORTANT ORGAN WAS INJURED Harlaiid Whittaker Arrested and Tak en to Louisville Jail But Many Believe He is Innocent Gov Taylor Issues a Proclamation Adjourn ing the Legislature Until February 6 fo Meet in London Ky The Contest Board Declares Goebel and Beckham Elected Governor and Lieutenant Governor Goebel Vax Sworn In While Propped- p in Bed b Judge Hnzelrljrg of the Court of Appcnls- Bcckbam Takes Oath Frankfort Ky Jan Goebel state senator from Kenton county and democratic contestant for the office of governor of the state who was so foully down on the streets yesterday is still alive The shooting took place at 1110 oclock Mr Goebel was on his way 1o the senate chamber in company with Col Jack Chinn and Warden Eph Lillard of the Frankfort peniten tiary Ir Lillard was a few feet in advance of Goebel and Chinn who were walking side by side Goebel be- ing on the right and Chinn on the left From the outer edge of the cap- itol grounds to the steps of the building the distance is about 300 feet Twothirds of this had been a and the men were walking slowly when a shot rang out from a large threestory building which stands 50 feet east of the capi- tol building This building is used for offices sy nearly all the leading officials of the state Gov Taylor and the secretary of state having rooms on the first floor As the shot was heard Goebel gave- a quick involuntary exclamation of pain and made an effort to draw his own revolver HIs steangth was una- ble tib tM task lml he aimk upon the pavement With great several more shots were fired the bullets all striking the brick side walk close to where Goebel lay None of them touched him however In lest than a minute a crowd of rien was around Goebel Ha was los lag much blood and was very weak He was hastily carried to the office of Dr E E Hume in the basement of the Capitol hotel about 1000 feet from the spot where the shooting occurred Here ne was laid upon a sofa while Dr Hume made a hasty examination pronouncing the wound to be of a na that must cause death in a short time Goebel who showed great for titude and courage throughout smiled weakly as he heard the verdict and feebly rolled his head from side to side in token of dissent from the opinion expressed by the physician Mr Goebel was wounded by a rifle ball of small over 3S which struck him in the right side just below the armpit The bnll posted through the back part of the right lung across the body on a diagonal line passing out below the left shoul- der blade No important organs were injured with the exception of the right lung In addition to Drs Hume Ely and McCormick of this place were in attendance upon the wounded man Drs J C Mackenzie N P Dnndridge and E W Walker were summoned from Cincinnati and Dr McMiirtry came from Louisville As soon as the physicians from Louisville and Cin- cinnati had examined the patient a consultation was held at the conclu- sion of which Dr Hume announced that the chances had turned very much against the wounded man The man who fired the shots took tine precaution to conceal his location by using smokeless powder A score of people were where they had a full view of the side of the building from which the firing was done and all of them doclrfrc that not a sign of powder smoke was visible Both Chinn and LHInrc are men of ex- perience in affairs in whieh powder smoke is a more or less prominent and both decHtre that while they coukl tell the geimrnl direction from which the bfiMet came iey could not gums the spot from which tkcy ware fired An Arrest Made flwrlirnd Whittakor n from Butler county the homo county of GOT Taylor Is now in tile jnflnt Louis- ville olmryud with the crime There is no direct evidence against Whitta her and he was placed under an est ntore because he was caught the building from which tho shots were fired than for any other apparent reason He denies in the most positive innnner that ho had nny connection with the shooting or that he knew an tthhig about it He was running toward the scant of the shooting slid not irony from it when he was caught As soon as it was Iniomi hit the guile winch struck flown Mr Goe bel hat come from the littUtling to the cast a crrouii of men gathered in ASSASSINATED 31William shot passe hen pure calibernot ho i fnrmer 11f from < GOEBEL Enter- ed capi- tol suddenly ra- pidity cart- ridges feature run ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > front of the door on the east While others ran around to the floor on the west side to prevent the es of anybody from there Several men attempted to enter the doors from the outside but were prevented by groups of mountaineers who stood in the doorways Some of these men held Winchesters in their hands and presented an aspect so generally that no attempt was made to search the building and nobody gained entrance to it for several after the shooting had been done and the assassin had ample to escape The republican state officials and members of the legislature without exception denounced the shooting in the most unmeasured terms Gov Taylor immediately caused a small ad dress to be published in which he de- clared the affair to be a disgrace and an outrage and calling for the most sober condemnation He sent orders at once to Adjt Gen Collier directing him to take steps for the preservation of order Gen Collier is a vehement republican and is violently opposed to Mr Goebel He declared the shoot ing to be a most cowardly affair and one that upon every consideration- was to be regretted He lost no time in making speeches however and be fore Goebel had been lifted from the ground to be carried to the hotel Gen Collier had telephoned to the armory a half mile distant directing the local infantry company which was sta there under command of Capt Walcott to proceed at once to the capitol grounds take possession of them and their approaches allowing nobody to enter the gates Twenty minutes liter the shooting Capt Walcott and his men marched across the front of the capitol build ing and halted at the foot of the steps Orders were issued to outside companies to make ready at once to come to Frankfort time ntire guard being called into service Thc arc now encamped on the state house grounds around the capitol and mar- tial law may be declared Senatorelect Blackburn who is in Washington was informed of the shooting through the longdistance telephone and sent back a message urging the democrats to remain quiet and take no rash action of any sort Goebel Declared Elected Frankfort Ky Jan 31 While Wm Goebel lay at the point of death in his room as the result of an assassins bullet the contesting board which for two weeks had been listening to tile evidence in the contest for the gov crnors chair declared him entitled to the seat The BcckhamMarshall contest was then voted upon and a strict party vote of 9 to 2 settled this matter No announcement was made of the rea- sons leading up to the boards talcing everything at one loop Each of both airftoimej that hd4haa u to the merits of the case and voted oromptly as his name was called In the contest for governor Repre- sentative Garberry was the one to vote in favor of Taylor and in the Beck hamMarshall contest Reid and Lilly were with Marshall SoldIers on Guard Frankfort Ky Jan 31 Three hun dred men of the 2d Kentucky infantry were camped around the build ings all night But so far no disturb ances have taken place requiring them to be called on More troops are arriving Compa- nies from Pineville Middlesboro Bar boursville and elsewhere have arrived There were here about 2000 soldiers i Wednesday afternoon The court of appeals has indefinitely militia is here They so declared Wed- nesday morning Goebel Sworn In Frankfort Ky Feb 1 William Gocbel was shortly before 9 oclock last night sworn in as governor of Kentucky and J C W Beckham a few minutes later took the oath of lieutenant governor The oath was administered to both men by Chief Justice llazlerigg of the court of ap- peals Time plan to make Goebel governor was set in motion early in the after noon A statement prepared say- ing that the boards which lied heard the contests for governor and lieutenant governor had decided- in favor of Goebel and Beckham that the boards intended to report their findings to the legislature but that they hall been prevented from so do- ing by the action of Gov Taylor in declaring the legislature adjourned The statement then goes on to say that the members of time legislature were place to place by the militia and threatened with ar rest whenever they attempted to hold a meeting It de dared the belief of all the signers of the statement that Gocbel Beckham the elected governor and lieutenant governor and each man as he signed the paper an nounccd that he voted for the adop tion of the majority report of the contest boards which declared Gocbel and Beckham to be the men right- fully entitled to the office It was slow work obtaining the sig natures of the members of the house and senate and although the work was in progress all afternoon it was not until evening that the necessary signers had been obtained As soon BS the last man actually needed affixed his signature to the statement word wns scut to the residence of Chief Jus ticc llazlerigg of the court of appeals He came at once to tIle Capitol hotel passed directly upstairs to the room of Mr Goebel and administered the oath of office Mr Guebol was propped up with pil lows and was unable to raise hand only with the greatest difficulty as ho listened to the wcrrts of Judge Ifasilerigg When the oath had been given Mr Goebel sank back exhaust 1 tioned I I I I report un o I I I ndjourned refusing to sit while the I driven from an I I s side cape uni- nviting min- utes op- portunity state committees was was were legally Iii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ed the effort horns been almost too much for his strength There were in the roqm at the time the oath was administered besides Mr Goebel and Judge Hazlerigg Ar- thur Goebel brother of the wounded man Mrs Welch his sister and Haley his campaign manager and two or three intimate friends Mr Goebel was unable to say any- thing regarding the matter but the contented smile on his lace bore strong witness to the pleasure that he felt Immediately upon leaving the room where he had sworn in Mr Goebel Judge Hazlerigg went to an adjoin ing room where he swore in Mr Beckham as lieutenant governor This done he returned to his home Goebels First Act Mr Goebel as soon as he was as sured that he was legally governor- of Kentucky took prompt action re- garding the military arm of the serv- ice Two orders were quickly pre pared for his signature the first of which discharged Adjt Gen Daniel Collier from office and appointed Gen John B Castleman of as his successor The second directed to the commanders of the militia now stationed in this city directing them to return to their homes Word was at once telegraphed to Gen Castleman of his appointment- and he is expected to come here at once There is a possibility of trou ble in this matter of control of the state troops The regiments of the guard have lately been reorganized- and are for the most part made up of republicans and the personal follow ers of Gov Taylor Goebel is Better Frankfort Ky Feb 1 The condi tion of Gov Goebel is better than at any time for the past 24 hours He is resting comfortably and no unfa vorable symptoms have appeared All day the shadow of the death of Mr Goebel hung over the Capitol hotel Us strength began to fail him late in the morning the bustle and excitement of the morning which despite all precautions penetrated into his quiet room lied a most seri- ous effect upon him At noon it was declared lIe could not live but a short time and at 1 oclock it was said that death was upon him The halls and stairways were filled with people who sat in silence expecting to hear at any moment that the end had come The afternoon wore away however as evening drew on he seemed to gain new strength and appeared distinctly better He was never for a un conscious and never did his courage abate for an instant He called for clergymen during the afternoon and Rev P F Tallaferro and Prison Chaplain were twice with him Later ft clerical friend a short dis th taairaa tn and remained fbi an hour afr his bed side The physician declared that there was nothing that could have kept him up so long his and will power They gave absolutely no hope and said that death at the farthest could not be farther away than a few hours Gov Taylor Adjourns Legislature Frankfort Ky Feb 1 Xever was there a more complicated political situation than that which confronts the politicians of Kentucky and nev- er was there one of which it seemed- so difficult to form an accurate guess at the outcome Gov Taylor issued a proclamation declaring that a state of insurrection existed in Kentucky and particularly in the city of Frankfort and because of this he adjourned the legislature- to meet at London Laurel county- on February G Tho democratic members of the legislature declined to accept the ad journment and decided to meet else where The members of the legislature went to the state house but soldiers would not let them within the build- ing Afterwards they marched to the opera house only to find a body of soldiers drawn up before it and admittance was refused Then the legislature decided to de liberate in the court house and tore through the streets in that direction A second company of soldiers beat the lawmakers to the goal and they then took to the streets looking for a place in which to hold a session and declare Goebel governor of Ken tuckjr Taylor Explains Frankfort Ky Feb 1 Gov Tay- lor late in the afternoon issued the following address to the people To the People of Kentucky The most lamentable condition of affairs ever experienced by our peo- ple has rendered prompt action on the part of the chief executive of the state absolutely necessary A- long series of unprecedented and un- lawful acts practiced by those in charge of the legislative interests of the state has culminated in the most fearful condition of the period to the state The dreadful event which oc- curred yesterday shocked and star- tled all and curs be no more sincerely deplored by any one than myself To attempt to legislate under such conditions of excitement and threatened violence as now prevails in Frankfort would be sheer mad- ness and I have therefore in the ex ercise of my constitutional powers adjourned the legislature to convene in London K on February 6 I have taken every precaution to preserve the peace that every citi- zen may know that life and prop- erty are safe and will be protected with every resource of the common wealth I trust that in this laudable effort I the support of ev- ery citizen of Ken- tucky Expected anarchist demonstration in Chicago did not lake pleas Per- cy was rand moment in but wonder- ful nerve wilL have law bidjng Louis- ville s dam ttncC nt lg y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ wo wm MUUJUUBBR nran CAJIHET BUSOICR SEWIHQ MACH1HE ibjwtu xaaUaa- UB f a perfectly tatfafaetorj exactly represented eaaal to vacate others al u SCOOO GREATEST BAUOlU YOU HUUJ tc charges 120 ponndi and the freight will average 75 cents each 500 miles GIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL In VT ull different Bakes and grades of SLactaes at f 350- BacUa Catolocae I the greatest rnlno ever offered by oar home BEWARE OF IMITATIONS te gpS5S5U- sementso2artnfr nnkoowa mieilata under Tarlocj names iceacat IaChIeacoaadIar9 h not even ODEB5 iHiKonatYT DUlTlLEJlOBX 600D POI5TOF ETKST H18H- GIUDR O1CB15E HIDE WITH THS- DKrECTS 07 SOIL Made the beat makers In America tho but material money carboy SOLID QUARTER SAWED lfaB closed head dropping from or desk the other open with fal 4 drawer latest 1899 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Transcript of SEND NO MONEY DRSKK- Tb - Library of...



DRSKK-Tb Specialists of Awrcai


250000 Cirei

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The Senator and Contestant forGovernor Shot Down on the

Street at Frankfort

The Bullet of the AssassinHis Side Just Below Armpit

Probably Fatally Hurt


Harlaiid Whittaker Arrested and Taken to Louisville Jail But Many

Believe He is Innocent

Gov Taylor Issues a Proclamation Adjourn

ing the Legislature Until February 6

fo Meet in London Ky

The Contest Board Declares Goebel andBeckham Elected Governor and

Lieutenant Governor

Goebel Vax Sworn In While Propped-p in Bed b Judge Hnzelrljrg

of the Court of Appcnls-Bcckbam Takes Oath

Frankfort Ky JanGoebel state senator from Kentoncounty and democratic contestant forthe office of governor of the statewho was so foully down on thestreets yesterday is still alive

The shooting took place at 1110oclock Mr Goebel was on his way1o the senate chamber in companywith Col Jack Chinn and Warden EphLillard of the Frankfort penitentiary Ir Lillard was a few feet inadvance of Goebel and Chinn whowere walking side by side Goebel be-ing on the right and Chinn on theleft From the outer edge of the cap-itol grounds to the steps of the

building the distance is about 300feet Twothirds of this had been

a and the men were walkingslowly when a shot rangout from a large threestory buildingwhich stands 50 feet east of the capi-tol building This building is usedfor offices sy nearly all the leadingofficials of the state Gov Taylor andthe secretary of state having roomson the first floor

As the shot was heard Goebel gave-a quick involuntary exclamation ofpain and made an effort to draw hisown revolver HIs steangth was una-ble tib tM task lml he aimkupon the pavement With great

several more shots were firedthe bullets all striking the brick sidewalk close to where Goebel lay Noneof them touched him however

In lest than a minute a crowd ofrien was around Goebel Ha was loslag much blood and was very weakHe was hastily carried to the office ofDr E E Hume in the basement ofthe Capitol hotel about 1000 feet fromthe spot where the shooting occurredHere ne was laid upon a sofa whileDr Hume made a hasty examinationpronouncing the wound to be of a na

that must cause death in a shorttime Goebel who showed great fortitude and courage throughout smiledweakly as he heard the verdict andfeebly rolled his head from side to sidein token of dissent from the opinionexpressed by the physician

Mr Goebel was wounded by a rifleball of small over 3Swhich struck him in the right sidejust below the armpit The bnll postedthrough the back part of the rightlung across the body on a diagonalline passing out below the left shoul-der blade No important organs wereinjured with the exception of theright lung

In addition to Drs Hume Ely andMcCormick of this place werein attendance upon the wounded manDrs J C Mackenzie N P Dnndridgeand E W Walker were summonedfrom Cincinnati and Dr McMiirtrycame from Louisville As soon as thephysicians from Louisville and Cin-

cinnati had examined the patient aconsultation was held at the conclu-sion of which Dr Hume announcedthat the chances had turned verymuch against the wounded man

The man who fired the shots tooktine precaution to conceal his locationby using smokeless powder

A score of people were wherethey had a full view of the side of thebuilding from which the firing wasdone and all of them doclrfrc that nota sign of powder smoke was visibleBoth Chinn and LHInrc are men of ex-

perience in affairs in whieh powdersmoke is a more or less prominent

and both decHtre that whilethey coukl tell the geimrnl directionfrom which the bfiMet came ieycould not gums the spot from whichtkcy ware fired

An Arrest Madeflwrlirnd Whittakor n from

Butler county the homo county ofGOT Taylor Is now in tile jnflnt Louis-ville olmryud with the crime Thereis no direct evidence against Whittaher and he was placed under an estntore because he was caught

the building from which thoshots were fired than for any otherapparent reason He denies in themost positive innnner that ho had nnyconnection with the shooting or thathe knew an tthhig about it He wasrunning toward the scant of theshooting slid not irony from it whenhe was caught

As soon as it was Iniomi hit theguile winch struck flown Mr Goebel hat come from the littUtling tothe cast a crrouii of men gathered in









i fnrmer



























front of the door on the eastWhile others ran around to the flooron the west side to prevent the es

of anybody from there Severalmen attempted to enter the doorsfrom the outside but were preventedby groups of mountaineers who stoodin the doorways Some of these menheld Winchesters in their hands andpresented an aspect so generally

that no attempt was madeto search the building and nobodygained entrance to it for several

after the shooting had beendone and the assassin had ample

to escapeThe republican state officials and

members of the legislature withoutexception denounced the shooting inthe most unmeasured terms GovTaylor immediately caused a small address to be published in which he de-clared the affair to be a disgrace andan outrage and calling for the mostsober condemnation He sent ordersat once to Adjt Gen Collier directinghim to take steps for the preservationof order Gen Collier is a vehementrepublican and is violently opposed toMr Goebel He declared the shooting to be a most cowardly affair andone that upon every consideration-was to be regretted He lost no timein making speeches however and before Goebel had been lifted from theground to be carried to the hotel GenCollier had telephoned to the armorya half mile distant directing the localinfantry company which was sta

there under command of CaptWalcott to proceed at once to thecapitol grounds take possession ofthem and their approaches allowingnobody to enter the gates

Twenty minutes liter the shootingCapt Walcott and his men marchedacross the front of the capitol building and halted at the foot of thesteps Orders were issued to outsidecompanies to make ready at once tocome to Frankfort time ntireguard being called into service Thcarc now encamped on the state housegrounds around the capitol and mar-tial law may be declared

Senatorelect Blackburn who is inWashington was informed of theshooting through the longdistancetelephone and sent back a messageurging the democrats to remain quietand take no rash action of any sort

Goebel Declared ElectedFrankfort Ky Jan 31 While Wm

Goebel lay at the point of death in hisroom as the result of an assassinsbullet the contesting board which fortwo weeks had been listening to tileevidence in the contest for the govcrnors chair declared him entitled tothe seat

The BcckhamMarshall contest wasthen voted upon and a strict partyvote of 9 to 2 settled this matter Noannouncement was made of the rea-sons leading up to the boardstalcing everything at one loop Each

of both airftoimejthat hd4haa u

to the merits of the case and votedoromptly as his name was called

In the contest for governor Repre-sentative Garberry was the one to votein favor of Taylor and in the BeckhamMarshall contest Reid and Lillywere with Marshall

SoldIers on GuardFrankfort Ky Jan 31 Three hun

dred men of the 2d Kentucky infantrywere camped around the buildings all night But so far no disturbances have taken place requiringthem to be called on

More troops are arriving Compa-nies from Pineville Middlesboro Barboursville and elsewhere have arrivedThere were here about 2000 soldiers

i Wednesday afternoonThe court of appeals has indefinitely

militia is here They so declared Wed-nesday morning

Goebel Sworn InFrankfort Ky Feb 1 William

Gocbel was shortly before 9 oclocklast night sworn in as governor ofKentucky and J C W Beckham afew minutes later took the oath oflieutenant governor The oath wasadministered to both men by ChiefJustice llazlerigg of the court of ap-peals

Time plan to make Goebel governorwas set in motion early in the afternoon A statement prepared say-ing that the boards which lied heardthe contests for governor andlieutenant governor had decided-in favor of Goebel and Beckham thatthe boards intended to report theirfindings to the legislature but thatthey hall been prevented from so do-

ing by the action of Gov Taylor indeclaring the legislature adjournedThe statement then goes on to saythat the members of time legislaturewere place to place bythe militia and threatened with arrest whenever they attempted tohold a meeting It dedared the belief of all the signersof the statement that GocbelBeckham the electedgovernor and lieutenant governor andeach man as he signed the paper announccd that he voted for the adoption of the majority report of thecontest boards which declared Gocbeland Beckham to be the men right-fully entitled to the office

It was slow work obtaining the signatures of the members of the houseand senate and although the workwas in progress all afternoon it wasnot until evening that the necessarysigners had been obtained As soonBS the last man actually needed affixedhis signature to the statement wordwns scut to the residence of Chief Justicc llazlerigg of the court of appealsHe came at once to tIle Capitol hotelpassed directly upstairs to the roomof Mr Goebel and administered theoath of office

Mr Guebol was propped up with pillows and was unable to raisehand only with the greatest difficultyas ho listened to the wcrrts of JudgeIfasilerigg When the oath had beengiven Mr Goebel sank back exhaust








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I ndjourned refusing to sit while the


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were legally

















ed the effort horns been almost toomuch for his strength

There were in the roqm at the timethe oath was administered besidesMr Goebel and Judge Hazlerigg Ar-

thur Goebel brother of the woundedman Mrs Welch his sister and

Haley his campaign manager andtwo or three intimate friends

Mr Goebel was unable to say any-thing regarding the matter but thecontented smile on his lace borestrong witness to the pleasure thathe felt

Immediately upon leaving the roomwhere he had sworn in Mr GoebelJudge Hazlerigg went to an adjoining room where he swore in MrBeckham as lieutenant governorThis done he returned to his home

Goebels First ActMr Goebel as soon as he was as

sured that he was legally governor-of Kentucky took prompt action re-

garding the military arm of the serv-ice Two orders were quickly prepared for his signature the first ofwhich discharged Adjt Gen DanielCollier from office and appointedGen John B Castleman of

as his successor The seconddirected to the commanders of

the militia now stationed in this citydirecting them to return to theirhomes

Word was at once telegraphed toGen Castleman of his appointment-and he is expected to come here atonce There is a possibility of trouble in this matter of control of thestate troops The regiments of theguard have lately been reorganized-and are for the most part made up ofrepublicans and the personal followers of Gov Taylor

Goebel is BetterFrankfort Ky Feb 1 The condi

tion of Gov Goebel is better than atany time for the past 24 hours Heis resting comfortably and no unfavorable symptoms have appeared

All day the shadow of the death ofMr Goebel hung over the Capitolhotel Us strength began to fail himlate in the morning the bustle andexcitement of the morning whichdespite all precautions penetratedinto his quiet room lied a most seri-ous effect upon him At noon it wasdeclared lIe could not live but a shorttime and at 1 oclock it was said thatdeath was upon him The halls andstairways were filled with people whosat in silence expecting to hear atany moment that the end had comeThe afternoon wore away however

as evening drew on he seemedto gain new strength and appeareddistinctly better

He was never for a unconscious and never did his courageabate for an instant He called forclergymen during the afternoon andRev P F Tallaferro and PrisonChaplain were twice with him Laterft clerical friend a short dis

th taairaa tn andremained fbi an hour afr his bedside The physician declared thatthere was nothing that could havekept him up so long his

and will power They gaveabsolutely no hope and said thatdeath at the farthest could not befarther away than a few hours

Gov Taylor Adjourns LegislatureFrankfort Ky Feb 1 Xever was

there a more complicated politicalsituation than that which confrontsthe politicians of Kentucky and nev-er was there one of which it seemed-so difficult to form an accurate guessat the outcome

Gov Taylor issued a proclamationdeclaring that a state of insurrectionexisted in Kentucky and particularlyin the city of Frankfort and becauseof this he adjourned the legislature-to meet at London Laurel county-on February G

Tho democratic members of thelegislature declined to accept the adjournment and decided to meet elsewhere

The members of the legislaturewent to the state house but soldierswould not let them within the build-ing Afterwards they marched tothe opera house only to find a bodyof soldiers drawn up before it andadmittance was refused

Then the legislature decided to deliberate in the court house and torethrough the streets in that directionA second company of soldiers beatthe lawmakers to the goal and theythen took to the streets looking fora place in which to hold a sessionand declare Goebel governor of Kentuckjr

Taylor ExplainsFrankfort Ky Feb 1 Gov Tay-

lor late in the afternoon issued thefollowing address to the peopleTo the People of Kentucky

The most lamentable condition ofaffairs ever experienced by our peo-ple has rendered prompt action onthe part of the chief executive ofthe state absolutely necessary A-

long series of unprecedented and un-lawful acts practiced by those incharge of the legislative interests ofthe state has culminated in the mostfearful condition of the period to thestate The dreadful event which oc-curred yesterday shocked and star-tled all and curs be no more sincerelydeplored by any one than myself

To attempt to legislate undersuch conditions of excitement andthreatened violence as now prevailsin Frankfort would be sheer mad-ness and I have therefore in the exercise of my constitutional powersadjourned the legislature to convenein London K on February 6

I have taken every precaution topreserve the peace that every citi-zen may know that life and prop-erty are safe and will be protectedwith every resource of the commonwealth I trust that in this laudableeffort I the support of ev-

ery citizen of Ken-tucky

Expected anarchist demonstrationin Chicago did not lake pleas






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