Seminarska rabota po Internet Marketing

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Transcript of Seminarska rabota po Internet Marketing

Page 1: Seminarska rabota po Internet Marketing



Интернет и Маркетинг


Студент: Ментор:1.Емилија Милеска 50753 Проф. д-р Нада Секуловска2.Емилија Милевска 51299 Асистент:

Димитар Јовановски

Скопје, 2009 година


Page 2: Seminarska rabota po Internet Marketing


1.About marketing

1.1Marketing research

2.Rules of business ethics in the network

3.Net Jargone

4.Defining criteria

5.Used literature


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1.About marketing

Marketing as a science and skill of the managing with the market is included in all parts of the human activity on the market. Marketing is modern entrepreneur manager tool in terms of the market economy, whose use in practice insure creating new value for consumer and the advantage of new competition, with the same combination of all ways, the means and the instruments, to maintain the value and benefits in that long period of time. This is a systematic approach for solving the problems in the market.

The essence of the definition of marketing, especially in the context of the organization and the actuation in marketing, boil down to its essential components, and that marketing is: exchange, the process of exchange, economic process, business function, business concept or philosophy of the oriented entrepreneur against the market and scientific disciplines.

Marketing, in the first instance will be referred to the extant areas of scientific discipline methods and techniques and because the very, in a certain way, arise scientific disciplines that insure effective in solving the economic problems in the market. That the science and practice, come into conditions of mass production and mass consumption.

Marketing is an scientific disciplines because is engaged in the analysis, with anticipation (Anticipations) and with orientation to the activities which insure the efficiency of the exchange and the conjunction of the production and consumption on the market.

1.1. Marketing research

Marketing research presents a complex analysis regarding the application of the undertaking begins to generate such a product which by its scope and structure of the maximum will meet consumers, to distribute in a manner which is optimal for consumers, to inform consumers of the quality and other characteristics of the product and determine price for the product that corresponds to its value, on the one hand, and on the other side the buying power of the customers.

Marketing research analysis contains the product, distribution, promotion and price, and market research contains analysis of the girth and the structure of the supply and call, which means that its primary purpose is making analysis on the daily activities that happens in the market and around the market.

Namely the research in marketing and in researching the relation on the table are analyzing, the collected data to various can and can `t be able to represent a constituent part of the marketing information system (MIS). Marketing information system (MIS) is a set of procedures and methods for regulation, planned collection, analysis, and presentation of information, for use in bringing the marketing decisions.

Of the following can be concluded that: The research in marketing and MIS don `t need to be identified


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MIS does not represent a substitute for researching marketing. They between themselves affect replenishment and alternate ultimate purpose of the MIS and marketing researching the same, and it is allows to bring the quality of marketing decisions.

Marketing is a process of researching, and MIS is in the function of the alleviation of the activities of the process. In the development of the marketing-researches and modify the way in research, as the primary, secondary and so, computing technology has great application.

The secondary research over the Internet can be carried out a series of research on the data concerning the market, so (to some data from the competition, the consumer, the products, prices, etc.. The primary research through the Internet, which most often refers to the use of the electronic for sending questions, interviews, or other techniques of communication with all consumer groups.

Internet represents the only resource for information for unlimited number of theme. The user to the Internet gets the impression to communicate with other users of the next office, although they are thousands kilometers away . In the framework of the Internet are available some service or programs, such as the (electronic media, conferring, duplication files (execution of the programs, gofer (Gopher), IRC, Usenet, (BBS), World Wide Web and others.

Today, the Internet is developed market of goods and services through various catalogs. Buying over the Internet is very simply: the bar a company that has its multimedia presentation of the network is performing certain products or services by certain network services. In addition to the listed public services on the Internet available to users and offer them more services) e and that for bank transactions, stock exchanges and security operations, a variety of buying, travel, etc..

Internet is important mechanism for electronic trade, which may reduce the costs incurred , to improve efficiency and to open large new markets. Trade and general business are now finding more its place situated to send the network. The consumers still do not have great confidence in e-commerce, but experts claim that the transactions in electronic trade are having grater confidence than typically isolated buying with credit cards. All it (the cases, the network shows that the Electronic trade should remain in the system of the network and it begins to leave the lights before the quality of the product and then its price (to enable the and small companies to have success and increased profits in the trade.

Internet enable the shoppers to keep buying products and services in other parts of the world, which previously could not. For electronically trade apportion is the spectacular germination. Security is the most important question for the buyers and also for the traffickers. Internet also could influence the Electronic exchange of data, and that the


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guiding business through the Internet Seen is motivated by the need-a fundamental approach to consumers.

Internet enables them to shoppers that buying products and services in other parts of the world, which previously could not, the. For electronically trade apportion the spectacular germination. Security is the most important question for the buyers and also for the traffickers. Internet also could influence the Electronic exchange of data, and that the guiding business through the Internet Seen is motivated by the need-a fundamental approach to consumers.

Internet today is used more for marketing. Of this network and can be carried (and the presentation of the products, services, companies, and TN.

Advantages of this way of the advertising are numerous: - Cost incurred for advertising is low, - The market is large, - Advertising is continuous.

Large market, the possibility of 24 hour offer throughout the day range of the world and smaller costs, made by your attendant risk, almost all renowned and financial institutions to engraft on the Internet.

There are more reasons to open a web page on the Internet, so that they can to reduce marketing costs, or to open new selling channel through which that can offer products or services. Web page to insure detection of a new space where can be placed product or service. This is a special interest for companies that have local or regional character.In practice, there are many examples of successful producers, which begun as local distributors for today to present a global, distributors, which begun with only one product to offer today pleads of products. The presence of the companies on the Internet lessen insure access to information for the company and for that offer that. Also may be accomplished contacts with users who live on the other end of the world, and which are interested for the product. Even if the Web page and does not offer the possibility of direct procurement of the concrete product or service, that may represent a useful, inexpensive tool for clients.

Show how the Internet is an ideal place for experimentation. Many companies found that Web pages represent the area where the assured can offer new products or to start a new business. Easy installation on web pages - as well as possible quickly to obtain feedback for how users act on the new product - insure that the test products and services in a manner which never to now not been available and powerful. The fact is that, still a large number of companies are keeping to the traditional way of the business working and Trading, but also, and new businesses appear on the Internet and with its successful working shows that this medium offers many odds for acting success.


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With the development of the technology, especially information, small businesses are possible to represent the world in the very edition greater than it is in reality.

Way to the presentation, design of the page, form for ordering, payment, including the dynamic and interactive contents very easily, may leave the impression of many more than the company that is in reality.

In the more developed countries can record that enterprises use the escalation of the networking systems for improving the internal business activities, or for the design of the products, management of supplies, improving customer service and reduce administrative costs.

Namely enterprises reseat the distribution and sale online and on-line channels to the Internet and participate in the new on-line markets.

According to the last estimates of the magazine "Economist" in the world today are developed more than 750 markets, which, in the basis, the use of computer networks. part of them relate to a wide range of products and different types of customers and resellers. E-Bay, for example, by the beginning of the market, which represented insure the sale of consumer products to the consumer through the on-line sales. Today, E-Bay, and includes transactions of the type of business-consumer and business-business.

The Internet enables enlargement to the business and represents great possibility of the

initial large number of the consumer .

Through the distribution channels the producer has the possibility to their products to offer the consumer in the determined time, in an appropriate manner, the right place and the most acceptable for them. Choice of distribution channel is determined by two diametrically contrary tendetions. Distribution channel to enable the meeting to a maximum of consumption and it should be made with minimum cost fathers. Through the marketing mix, the producer contacts with the consumers.

This means that the adoption of the decisions concerning the choice of distribution channel must have the policy and product, price and promotion, and the other side of the definition of these elements of the marketing-mix has great influence and choice and the policy of the distribution channels.


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2.Rules of business ethics in the network

Business ethics in the network represent the standard of behavior which rules with

commercial development and use of the network (Internet).

1. To offer options for text view in the preface of the web pages contained in a

clear strength;

2. To ensure fast and easy access to the information’s, and contain content;

3. Ideally the first page and should be the main page of the web page, simply by

providing guidelines for a range of navigation, “web site”, on the main page;

4. 4. The main page should serve for more purposes. It is a map, main door, and

marketing message

5. It is necessary to make the first page that can be exact valleys and appearance of

the Web page in correlation with the appearance of the business and the


6. Current date and time are needed to maintains the Web page

7. It should be special to keep the use of, icon,,, especially those with video-

technical view that should be visible and easy and their function to be


8. Insert option "alt text" and set all the links on the icon;

9. To avoid the complex NET jargon and incomprehensible but scientific -

technical terms in the text

10. Use of large images, videos, audio programs might be a problem for the


11. The Web page should contain the information on the compatibility of the


12. On the Web page should be inserted links to all the necessary help (or

programs which enable their full view of the same;

13. It is necessary to avoid settings on the page which does not contain the

information unnecessary for the user;

14. Where is required should be inserted link with the e-mail address;


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15. On every page It is desirable that every web page includes a link which

leads to the home page

16. Should be turned attention to the needs of the users. If Web page

contained and databases, it is necessary to provide search option ;

17. It is necessary to use main words in the preparation of page;

18. The activation of the web page will be performed and since it will be

tested and functioning properly

19. .If the Web page used a source of information than it should be posted a

link to the current page;

20. It is necessary to insert the web address in all promotional materials, such

as newspaper advertising, brouchewares, radio and Tv presentations, billboards,

business cards, memorandums, fax message;

21. If some changes are made, they should be inserted on the web page

22. Steadily companies should think about for presentation on Internet and

employees should actively participate in the development of its so graphic and

content development

23. To succeed on the (Web site by the page it is necessary to offer useful

product or service that will enlarge the on-line experience. All businesses that

participate in the network are active building participants of their environment.

3.NET Jargon


* Secure Socet -Layer protocol which is developed by the * Netscape. Many web

page to use this protocol to facilitate the exchange of confidential information


The main role of the cookie is identification of the user and the possibility to

receive affordable web page under the type of the beneficiaries.


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* Represent abbreviations for the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet

Protocol, the sum of the communication protocols used for connecting the

computers through the Internet, and today represent the standard for transmission

of data through the network systems.


Represents one of the primary connections to the Internet


Represents access to the Internet through digital subscriber lines.

Represents a web pages that has large variety of statistical data and information

for different technological achievements included Save and evolution of the


In addition to this page can be find large variety of analysis and researches that

gives the modern business person possibility of development of the initial

business and the new world trends and tendentious. A background of this web site

is the world research leader- Forrester, which provides analysis for the future

grow of the technological development and its impact on the business, the

consumer and the society and adoption of decisions in the business process .

4.Defining criteria

When sales of their products, producer most often used in several distribution

channels that have different number of intermediaries. Therefore the basic problem of

distribution, as an element of the marketing-mix is the choice of a number of channels

which is the execution and individual brokers in them. Therefore the producer should

have built appropriate criteria.

All this, initiates the need for permanent monitoring of all the segments that affects the principles and criteria for the selection of the channel of distribution and stable for making new decisions. For the new product is important how is introduced to the market since it is very important the choice of efficient distribution channel.


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When it comes to introducing new and selection of the channels for distribution, it is necessary to make a full analysis and evaluation of the basic factors and characteristics of the product and the consequences of these results.

Collecting, registration and analysis of data for particular mediators and the possible distribution channels in the cover send the following activities:

graphic display of all channels of the distribution, participation of each channel in total sales analysis of the channels, depending on the number of the members of the

organization and capacity to separate the members and brokers, costs and taxes Modeling the course of the price of the channel of distribution,

the necessary transport means, storage time for transport and storage the number of final users or consumers and users relation between the supply and demand in the channel of distribution

There are four basic factors defining the channel of distribution:

-Factors that consider market and consumer habits-Factors that considering the possibilities of understanding and hugeness of the producer-Factors considering the characteristics of the product-Factors considering the brokers.

Channels of distribution

Frequently there may be a chain of intermediaries, each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. This process is known as the 'distribution chain' or the 'channel.' Each of the elements in these chains will have their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those of the all-important end-user.

A number of alternate 'channels' of distribution may be available:

Selling direct, such as with an outbound salesforce or via mail order, Internet and telephone sales

Agent, who typically sells direct on behalf of the producer Distributor (also called wholesaler), who sells to retailers Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customers Advertisement typically used for consumption goods

Distribution channels may not be restricted to physical products alone. They may be just as important for moving a service from producer to consumer in certain sectors, since


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both direct and indirect channels may be used. Hotels, for example, may sell their services (typically rooms) directly or through travel agents, tour operators, airlines, tourist boards, centralized reservation systems, etc.

There have also been some innovations in the distribution of services. For example, there has been an increase in franchising and in rental services - the latter offering anything from televisions through tools. There has also been some evidence of service integration, with services linking together, particularly in the travel and tourism sectors. For example, links now exist between airlines, hotels and car rental services. In addition, there has been a significant increase in retail outlets for the service sector. Outlets such as estate agencies and building society offices are crowding out traditional grocers from major shopping areas.

Channel members

Distribution channels can thus have a number of levels. Kotler defined the simplest level, that of a direct contact with no intermediaries involved, as the 'zero-level' channel.

The next level, the 'one-level' channel, features just one intermediary; in consumer goods a retailer, for industrial goods a distributor. In small markets (such as small countries) it is practical to reach the whole market using just one- and zero-level channels.

In large markets (such as larger countries) a second level, a wholesaler for example, is now mainly used to extend distribution to the large number of small, neighborhood retailers or dealers.

In Japan the chain of distribution is often complex and further levels are used, even for the simplest of consumer goods.

In Bangladesh Telecom Operators are using different Chains of Distribution, especially 'second level'.

In IT and Telecom industry levels are named "tiers". A one tier channel means that vendors IT product manufacturers (or software publishers) work directly with the dealers. A one tier / two tier channel means that vendors work directly with dealers and with distributors who sell to dealers. But the most important is the distributor or wholesaler.

The internal market

Many of the marketing principles and techniques which are applied to the external customers of an organization can be just as effectively applied to each subsidiary's, or each department's, 'internal' customers.

In some parts of certain organizations this may in fact be formalized, as goods are transferred between separate parts of the organization at a `transfer price'. To all intents and purposes, with the possible exception of the pricing mechanism itself, this process


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can and should be viewed as a normal buyer-seller relationship. The fact that this is a captive market, resulting in a `monopoly price', should not discourage the participants from employing marketing techniques. Less obvious, but just as practical, is the use of `marketing' by service and administrative departments; to optimize their contribution to their `customers' (the rest of the organization in general, and those parts of it which deal directly with them in particular). In all of this, the lessons of the non-profit organizations, in dealing with their clients, offer a very useful parallel.

Channel decisions Channel strategy Product (or service)<>Cost<>Consumer location

Managerial concerns

The channel decision is very important. In theory at least, there is a form of trade-off: the cost of using intermediaries to achieve wider distribution is supposedly lower. Indeed, most consumer goods manufacturers could never justify the cost of selling direct to their consumers, except by mail order. Many suppliers seem to assume that once their product has been sold into the channel, into the beginning of the distribution chain, their job is finished. Yet that distribution chain is merely assuming a part of the supplier's responsibility; and, if they have any aspirations to be market-oriented, their job should really be extended to managing all the processes involved in that chain, until the product or service arrives with the end-user. This may involve a number of decisions on the part of the supplier:

Channel membership Channel motivation Monitoring and managing channels

Channel membership1. Intensive distribution - Where the majority of resellers stock the 'product' (with

convenience products, for example, and particularly the brand leaders in consumer goods markets) price competition may be evident.

2. Selective distribution - This is the normal pattern (in both consumer and industrial markets) where 'suitable' resellers stock the product.

3. Exclusive distribution - Only specially selected resellers or authorized dealers (typically only one per geographical area) are allowed to sell the 'product'.

Channel motivation

It is difficult enough to motivate direct employees to provide the necessary sales and service support. Motivating the owners and employees of the independent organizations in a distribution chain requires even greater effort. There are many devices for achieving such motivation. Perhaps the most usual is `incentive': the supplier offers a better margin, to tempt the owners in the channel to push the product rather than its competitors; or a competition is offered to the distributors' sales personnel, so that they are tempted to push


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the product. Dent defines this incentive as a Channel Value Proposition or business case, with which the supplier sells the channel member on the commercial merits of doing business together. He describes this as selling business models not products.

Monitoring and managing channels

In much the same way that the organization's own sales and distribution activities need to be monitored and managed, so will those of the distribution chain.

In practice, many organizations use a mix of different channels; in particular, they may complement a direct salesforce, calling on the larger accounts, with agents, covering the smaller customers and prospects.

Digital Marketing and Multi-Channel Communications

While digital marketing is effective when using one message type, it is much more successful when a marketer combines multiple channels in the message campaigns. For example, if a company is trying to promote a new product release, they could send out an email message or text campaign individually. This, if properly executed, could yield positive results. However, this same campaign could be exponentially improved if multiple message types are implemented.

An email could be sent to a list of potential customers with a special offer for those that also include their cell phone number. A couple of days later, a follow up campaign would be sent via text message (SMS) with the special offer.

Push and pull message technologies can also be used in conjunction with each other. For example, an email campaign can include a banner ad or link to a content download. This enables a marketer to have the best of both worlds in terms of their marketing messaging.

Digital Marketing Terms

Banner AdAn advertisement that appears on a Web page, most commonly at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of the page. Designed to have the user click on it for more information (see Microsite)

BlacklistedA blacklisted notice means that the message may not have been delivered due to be flagged on one of the major lists that keep tabs of known spammers. Different ISPs use different blacklists to block mailings from being delivered to their clients. It can be a temporary ban or a permanent one, depending upon the list.


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BlockedA blocked notice means that the message did not get through due to being considered spam by the subscriber’s ISP. This may be due to being on a blacklist or because the message contains a domain that is already being blocked.

BlogShortened from “web log” a blog is a user-generated Web site where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.

CampaignA campaign is a specific message being sent to a specific group of recipients.

CAN SPAM ActThe CAN SPAM ACT is a series of federal laws that must be followed by all email marketers. Those found in violation of the laws can be subjected to major penalties. For more information, go to

Click ThroughThe number of times people clicked on the links in your message. This is often referred to as CTR (Click Through Rate). Note: you must have enabled click through tracking in the campaign in order for this to be recorded.

Digital Brand EngagementBrand and consumer interaction through the Internet. This includes all aspects of dialogue through the social web and on the brand's own website.

DMA MarketDMA stands for Designated Market Area, which is often associated with the entertainment industry. DMAs are usually counties (or sometimes split counties) that contain a large population that can be targeted, such as New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago.

Email Service Provider (ESP)Outside companies like mobileStorm that send bulk emails on behalf of their clients to prevent their messages as being labeled as spam or blocked entirely.

False PositivesLegitimate messages being labeled as “spam” Can cost companies potentially millions in potential lost revenue if not dealt with correctly.

GPRLThe Global Permanent Removal List consists of records that are automatically removed from a particular database. Almost all email service providers (ESP) or multi-channel messaging companies maintain these lists for their clients.


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Instant MessagingInstant messaging (often shortened to IM) is a type of communications service that enables you to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time over the Internet.

KeywordsUsed in conjunction with SMS messages. A user types a short code and matching keyword in order to be added to a mobile club or database.

MicrositeA mini Web site design to promote a specific portion or brand from a larger corporate site. Used often with contests or as a landing page for a specific promotion.

Open RateThis is a ratio determined by the number of people who opened your email against the total number of people to whom you sent the message. Typically, this number will be low for large campaigns and higher for more targeted campaigns.

Opt-In ListEmail marketers have databases of subscribers to their newsletters, featuring these subscribers' email addresses and names. Such a list is known as an opt-in list (and is thus CAN-SPAM compliant; see above for info on the CAN-SPAM act) because users choose to receive the emails. This is in contrast to spam email, which is unsolicited.

PersonalizationPersonalization gives you the ability to create a customized message for each person in your database. Can be addressed by first/last name, city, state, zip, etc.

RSSRSS or Real Simple Syndication is technology designed to allow users to subscribe to a specific content feed and be automatically alerted when new updates are available.

RSS ReaderApplication used to subscribe and monitor selected RSS content feeds.

Short CodeA short code is a 5 digit number that is used to send and respond to text messages. They can either be a random set of numbers or a “vanity” number tied to a specific brand or number pattern.

SMSSMS (Short Message Service) is a one-way text message sent via a cell phone. It is usually received via the subscribers' text message inbox on their cell phone and can be a maximum of 160 characters per message.


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Social BookmarkingSocial Bookmarking is a popular way to store, classify, share and search links that are combined into a single site for easy access.

SpamAn email message that is unwanted by the recipient. Legitimate emails can sometimes be incorrectly identified as spam and is a growing problem.

Streaming TechnologiesCommunication channel such as video and audio that is accessed online. Can be a pre-stored clip to access as well as a live feed that is streamed like an online broadcast.

SubscriberA person who signs up to receive messages from a particular company or entity.

TargetingTargeting allows you to send a message to people based on specific criteria from your subscriber database.

Voice BroadcastSending a pre-recorded voice messages to a large set of phone numbers at the time same. Can either be a voice call (meaning the recipient must answer the call for the message to play) or voice mail (meaning the message will play only if the recipient doesn’t answer )

WidgetA small graphical device that does a highly focused, often single, specific task. Web widgets can be embedded in web pages or run on the desktop of a PC (Windows or Mac) using software such as Apple's Dashboard software or Yahoo! Widgets Engine.


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Used literature

M-r Fijat Canoski, ,,Politi~ki Marketing,, , MM Kolex-Skopje, str.18M-r Fijat Canoski, ,,Politi~ki Marketing,, , MM Kolex-Skopje, str.19M-r Fijat Canoski, ,,Politi~ki Marketing,, , MM Kolex-Skopje, str.21

Prof. D-r Nada Sekulovska, ,,Marketing Istra`uvawe,, , Ekonomski fakultet, Skopje 1997 str.26 Cit. Gilbert A. Churchill ,Jr:”Basic Marketing Reserch”, The Dryden Press, Orlando,FI,1996,p.30,Prof. D-r Nada Sekulovska, ,,Marketing Istra`uvawe,,, Ekonomski fakultet, Skopje1997 str.27Prof. D-r Nada Sekulovska, Prof. Tatjana Mir~evska, ,, Vodi~ za marketing istra`uvawe,, ,Ekonomski Institut, Skopje 2002 str.114

Prof. D-r. Sa{o Josimovski, ,, Informaciski Tehnologii,, Ekonomski fakultet, Skopje 2001 str.145Prof. D-r. Sa{o Josimovski, ,, Informaciski Tehnologii,, Ekonomski fakultet, Skopje 2001 str.151Prof. D-r. Sa{o Josimovski, ,, Informaciski Tehnologii,, Ekonomski fakultet, Skopje 2001 str.155

Drugi izvori: www.openbuy.orgDrugi izvori: www.internetethics.orgDrugi izvori: www.netscape.comDrugi izvori: www.forester.comDrugi izvori -

Economy Press, “ Marketing ”, br.191, 25maj 2001, Skopje, str.34Economy Press, “ Marketing ”, br.191, 25maj 2001, Skopje, str.35