Seminar 5: Midterm Week CJ233: Introduction to Forensic Psychology.

Seminar 5: Midterm Week CJ233: Introduction to Forensic Psychology

Transcript of Seminar 5: Midterm Week CJ233: Introduction to Forensic Psychology.

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Seminar 5:Midterm Week

CJ233: Introduction to Forensic Psychology

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•Just a reminder, you have a Midterm Examination consisting of multiple choice and true or false questions. This exam is to be taken during Unit 5. It is not going to be available after the conclusion of Unit 5 (Tuesday evening)

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•Are there any questions regarding current Unit (5) or any of the previous reading Assignments or topics of discussion?

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•What do I have to do to complete this unit?•Review previous reading assignments in Wrightsman’s Psychology and the Legal System: Psychology of Crime

•Attend weekly Seminar or complete alternate assignment

•Make postings to Discussion Board question•Complete the Unit 5 Midterm Exam

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Unit 5 Seminar Topic:Midterm Week

Current Events:

Aurora Colorado Theater Shooting

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How did this affect the public?

What is the Extralegal information?

What were some of the conclusion that have been made about this incident?

Who is the public blaming?

Holmes was seeing a psychiatrist what was her obligation to report his mental state to the police?

What is the difference between the M’Naghten Rule and the Brawner Rule?


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M’Naghten Rule- excuses criminal conduct of the defendant “as the result of a diseased mind – did not know what he/she was doing. Did not know that what he/she was doing was wrong. 28 states use this rule.

Brawner Rule- defendant is not responsible for criminal conduct if he at the time of such conduct as a result of mental disease or defect, substantial capacity either to appreciate the criminality of his/her conduct or to conform his/her conduct to the requirements of the law . 14 states use this rule.

Tarasoff Rule- Duty to warn if a specific threat to a specific person.


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If Holmes were a juvenile how would this case be different?

What factors would be considered?

Do you think the public would feel differently about his sentencing?

If this were a school shooting what would be some ways for other schools to proactive and prevent violence or an active shoot incident?


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More than likely there would be a push to certify him to adult court.

What factors make juveniles different than adults?

The public feels juveniles that commit lesser crimes need restoration and retribution for adults the commit serious crimes.. Thus the death penalty.

Schools that increase communication between students and administrators can reduce violence.


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Attorneys from both sides are allowed to ask questions of prospective jurors.

What types of questions solicit the most information?

What does the term In Voir Dire mean?


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Open ended questions will solicit the most information about feelings on a topic.

In Voir Dire= exclude a certain number of jurors without giving a reason.


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A jury is comprised of 6 women and 6 men. 2 of the jurors consider themselves to be extraverts. 5 are short and 7 are tall.

Which of these factors tend to be the most influential during jury deliberation?

During a trial the judge tells the jury to disregard evidence. What is the psychological concept that explains why the jury would still consider this information.

During a trial what plays the most significant role for juries: Lawyers presentation, expert witnesses , judges instructions, evidence.


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All the of the characteristic are influential.

Reactance theory states that instructions to disregard evidence may threaten juror’s freedom to consider all available evidence.

Evidence – Evidentiary Strength..


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Who can decide if an expert witness can testify?

An expert witness is on the stand. What are the factors that are going to influence the jury the most about this witness?


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Expert witnesses must have qualifications , solid reasoning and appear to be impartial to have the greatest impact on the jury.


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What is included in the pre-sentence investigation and what role does a Forensic Psychologist play?

Applied Scientist

Basic Scientist

Policy Evaluator

Forensic Evaluator

Expert Witness


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Presentence investigations can include an assessment by a forensic psychologist.

Protect of the community, consequences of the sentence and blameworthiness of the defendant.


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What is the Model Penal Code?

What is an attempted crime- Examples

Are you as guilty as if the crime was completed..


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•Model Penal Code -1960 Most states use this as a standard -This simply states that attempted acts should be treated the same as those criminal acts that were completed.

-Attempted murder-Attempted car-jacking

This is based upon the fact that it does not matter if the act was completed, the INTENT was still there to commit the crime.

Unit 4 Seminar Topic:The Role of Ethics and Morality in the Legal System

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What characteristic make our justice system an adversarial system?


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Adversarial system-•A system of resolving disputes in which the parties, usually represented by counsel.•Argue and present evidence •Heard before a neutral fact finder, who makes a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented by the parties

•as distinguished from an inquisitorial system, in which the fact finder takes an active part in determining what occurred.

•Adversarial system led to less biased decisions that were more likely to be seen as fair by the parties in the dispute.


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In our current system who is more likely to go to prison men or women?

What percentage of offenders return to prison?

Who is more likely to be a psychopath men or women?

What is the goal of sending people to prison?


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Men go to prison more than women, however women’s incarceration rate is rising. Why?

33% return to prison

Men by 80%

Rehabilitation and punishment


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If my friend asks me to kill him because he is suffering how would a juror who follows the black letter of the law find me?


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On Killing


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•Are there any final questions regarding current Unit (5) or any of the prior required reading for Units 1-4?