Transcript of SEMANTIC FEATURE ANALYSIS IN RASTER MAPS Trevor Linton, University of Utah.

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  • SEMANTIC FEATURE ANALYSIS IN RASTER MAPS Trevor Linton, University of Utah
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  • Acknowledgements Thomas Henderson Ross Whitaker Tolga Tasdizen The support of IAVO Research, Inc. through contract FA9550-08-C-005.
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  • Field of Study Geographical Information Systems Part of Document Recognition and Registration. What are USGS Maps? A set of 55,000 1:24,000 scale images of the U.S. with a wealth of data. Why study it? To extract new information (features) from USGS maps and register information with existing G.I.S and satellite/aerial imagery.
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  • Problems Degradation and scanning produces noise. Overlapping features cause gaps. Metadata has the same texture as features. Closely grouped features makes discerning between features difficult.
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  • Problems Noisy Data Scanning artifact which introduces noise
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  • Problems Overlapping Features Metadata and Features overlap with similar textures. Gaps in data.
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  • Problems Closely Grouped Features Closely grouped features make discerning features difficult.
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  • Thesis & Goals Using Gestalt principles to extract features and overcome some of the problems described. Quantitatively extract 95% recall and 95% precision for intersections. Quantitatively extract 99% recall and 90% precision for intersections. Current best method produces 75% recall and 84% precision for intersections.
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  • Approach Gestalt Principles Organizes perception, useful for extracting features. Law of Similarity Law of Proximity Law of Continuity
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  • Approach Gestalt Principles Law of Similarity Grouping of similar elements into whole features. Reinforced with histogram models.
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  • Approach Gestalt Principles Law of Proximity Spatial proximity of elements groups them together. Reinforced through Tensor Voting System
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  • Approach Gestalt Principles Law of Continuity Features with small gaps should be viewed as continuous. Idea of multiple layers of features that overlap. Reinforced by Tensor Voting System.
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  • Approach Framework Overview
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  • Pre-Processing Class Conditional Density Classifier Uses statistical means and histogram models. = Histogram model vector. Find class k with the smallest is the class of x.
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  • Pre-Processing k-Nearest Neighbors Uses the class that is found most often out of k closest neighbors in the histogram model. Closeness is defined by Euclidian distance of the histogram models.
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  • Pre-Processing Knowledge Based Classifier Uses logic that is based on our knowledge of the problem to determine classes. Based on information on the textures each class has.
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  • Pre-Processing Original Image with Features Estimated
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  • Pre-Processing Original Image with Roads Extracted Class condition classifier k-Nearest Neighbors Knowledge Based
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  • Tensor Voting System Overview
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  • Tensor Voting System Uses an idea of Voting Each point in the image is a tensor. Each point votes how other points should be oriented. Uses tensors as mathematical representations of points. Tensors describe the direction of the curve. Tensors represent confidence that the point is a curve or junction. Tensors describe a saliency of whether the feature (whether curve or junction) actually exists.
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  • Tensor Voting System What is a tensor? Two vectors that are orthogonal to one another packed into a 2x2 matrix.
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  • Tensor Voting System Creating estimates of tensors from input tokens. Principal Component Analysis Canny edge detection Ball Voting
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  • Tensor Voting System Voting For each tensor in the sparse field Create a voting field based on the sigma parameter. Align the voting field to the direction of the tensor. Add the voting field to the sparse field. Produces a dense voting field.
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  • Tensor Voting System Voting Fields A window size is calculated from Direction of each tensor in the field is calculated from Attenuation derived from
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  • Tensor Voting System Voting Fields (Attenuation) Red and yellow are higher votes, blue and turquoise lower. Shape related to continuation vs. proximity.
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  • Tensor Voting System Extracting features from dense voting field. determines the likelihood of being on a curve. determines the likelihood of being a junction. If both 1 and 2 are small then the curve or junction has a small amount of confidence in existing or being relevant.
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  • Tensor Voting System Extracting features from dense voting field. Original Image Curve Map Junction Map
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  • Post-processing Extracting features from curve map and junction map. Global Threshold and Thinning Local Threshold and Thinning Local Normal Maximum Knowledge Based Approach
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  • Post-processing Global threshold on curve map. Applied Threshold Thinned Image
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  • Post-processing Local threshold on curve map. Applied Threshold Thinned Image
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  • Post-processing Local Normal Maximum Looks for maximum over the normal of the tensor at each point. Applied Threshold Thinned Image
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  • Post-processing Knowledge Based Approach Uses knowledge of types of artifacts of the local threshold to clean and prep the image. Original Image Knowledge Based Approach
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  • Experiments Determine adequate parameters. Identify weaknesses and strengths of each method. Determine best performing methods. Quantify the contributions of tensor voting. Characterize distortion of methods on perfect inputs. Determine the impact of misclassification of text on roads.
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  • Experiments Quantitative analysis done with recall and precision measurements. Relevant is the set of all features that are in the ground truth. Retrieved is the set of is all features found by the system. tp = True Positive, fn = False Negative, fp = False Positive Recall measures the systems capability to find features. Precision characterizes whether it was able to find only those features. For both recall and precision, 100% is best, 0% is worst.
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  • Experiments Data Selection Data set must be large enough to adequately represent features (above or equal to 100 samples). One sub-image of the data must not be biased by the selector. One sub-image may not overlap another. A sub-image may not be a portion of the map which contains borders, margins or the legend.
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  • Experiments Ground Truth Manually generated from samples. Roads and intersections manually identified. Ground Truth is generated twice, those with more than 5% of a difference are re-examined for accuracy. Ground truth Original Image
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  • Experiments Best Pre-Processing Method All pre-processing methods examined without tensor voting or post processing for effectiveness. Best window size parameter for k-Nearest Neighbors was qualitatively found to be 3x3. The best k parameter for k-Nearest Neighbors was quantitatively found to be 10. The best pre-processing method found was the Knowledge Based Classifier
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  • Experiments Tensor Voting System Results from test show the best value for is between 10 and 16 with little difference in performance.
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  • Experiments Tensor Voting System Contributions from tensor voting were mixed. Thresholding methods performed worse. Knowledge based method improved 10% road recall, road precision dropped by 2%, intersection recall increased by 22% and intersection precision increased by 20%.
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  • Experiments Best Post-Processing Finding the best window size for local thresholding. Best parameter was found between 10 and 14.
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  • Experiments Best Post-Processing The best post-processing method was found by using a nave pre-processing technique and tensor voting. Knowledge Based Approach performed the best.
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  • Experiments Running the system on perfect data (ground truth as inputs) produced higher results then any other method (as expected). Thesholding had a considerably low intersection precision due to artifacts produced in the process.
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  • Experiments Best combination found was k-Nearest Neighbors with a Knowledge Based Approach. Note the best pre-processing method Knowledge Based Classifier was not the best pre-processing method when used in combinations due to the type of noise it produces. With Text: 92% Road Recall, 95% Road Precision 82% Intersection Recall, 80% Intersection Precision Without Text: 94% Road Recall, 95% Road Precision 83% Intersection Recall, 80% Intersection Precision
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  • Experiments Confidence Intervals (95% CI, 100 samples) Road Recall: Mean: 93.61% CI [ 92.47%, 94.75% ] 0.14% Road Precision: Mean: 95.23% CI [ 94.13%, 96.33% ] 0.10% Intersection Recall: Mean: 82.22% CI [ 78.91%, 85.51% ] 3.29% Intersection Precision: Mean: 80.1% CI [ 76.31%, 82.99% ] 2.89%
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  • Experiments Adjusting parameters dynamically Dynamically adjusting the between 4 and 10 by looking at the amount of features in a window did not produce much difference in the recall and precision (less than 1%). Dynamically adjusting the c parameter in tensor voting actually produced worse results because of exaggerations in the curve map due to slight variations in the tangents for each tensor.
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  • Future Work & Issues Tensor Voting and thinning tend to bring together intersections too soon when the road intersection angle was too low or the roads were too thick. The Hough transform may possibly overcome this issue.
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  • Future Work & Issues Scanning noise will need to be removed in order to produce high intersection recall and precision results.
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  • Future Work & Issues Closely grouped and overlapping features.
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  • Future Work & Issues Developing other pre-processing and post-processing techniques. Learning algorithms Various local threshold algorithms Road following algorithms