selected work lea nicklaus

selected work Lea Nicklaus Feb 2015 multi family 1 river front 2 sauna 3 dublin pavilion 4 photography 5 alberta cottage 6



Transcript of selected work lea nicklaus

Page 1: selected work lea nicklaus

s e l e c t e d w o r k Lea N i ck l aus Feb 20 15

m u l t i f a m i l y 1r i v e r f r o n t 2

s a u n a 3d u b l i n p a v i l i o n 4

p h o t o g r a p h y 5a l b e r t a c o t t a g e 6

Page 2: selected work lea nicklaus

Office Laundry Mech


Fitness and Dance

0 1 5 10m Floor Plan First Floor

Design Challenge:

Rehabilitation Center for troubled families. Restricted access, community kitchen, fit-ness center, outdoor assembly area and accommodations for up to 10 families.

Design Approach:

Amenities on the first floor organized around an inner courtyard, living area in the form of split level row houses on the upper floor.

Studio Project with Judy MacDougall March 2014 (design complete)

m u l t i f a m i l y

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0 1 5 10m Section 1

m u l t i f a m i l y

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L a b r a t o r i e s

L a b r a t o r i e sO f f i c e

L i v i n g

C l a s s

L i b r a r y

M e e t i n g

L o b b y

Ma r k e t

F i s h H a t c h e r y

T e c h

4th street underpass

City Hall

LRT Access

6th ave

5th Ave

4th Ave


National Musik Center

Hiller BLock

St. Louis Hotel

New Hilton Hotel

Simmons Building

Retail/ Commercial

The Crossing

Winter Park

Evolution Fuse

Evolution Pulse


Bridgeland Hill

Bridgland Crossing 2



River living

River living

River living










Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.






Retail/ Commercial



The Deane House

Apartment Bldg.


Inglewood Downtown

Inglewood Downtown

Esker Foundation



4th street underpass

City Hall

LRT Access

6th ave

5th Ave

4th Ave


National Musik Center

Hiller BLock

St. Louis Hotel

New Hilton Hotel

Simmons Building

Retail/ Commercial

The Crossing

Winter Park

Evolution Fuse

Evolution Pulse


Bridgeland Hill

Bridgland Crossing 2



River living

River living

River living










Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg. Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.

Apartment Bldg.






Retail/ Commercial



The Deane House

Apartment Bldg.


Inglewood Downtown

Inglewood Downtown

Esker Foundation



1. Identify residential area and pedestrian destination around Fort Calgary.

2. Connect the points to identify potential pedestrian traffic.

3. Adjust for existing and future bridges.

r i v e r f r o n tStudio Project with Vera Parlac December 2014 (design complete)

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L a b r a t o r i e s

L a b r a t o r i e sO f f i c e

L i v i n g

C l a s s

L i b r a r y

M e e t i n g

L o b b y

Ma r k e t

F i s h H a t c h e r y

T e c h

Design Challenge:

Create an urban ecology center that revitalizes the River Front of Fort Calgary while addressing the ecology of the Bow and Elbow rivers.

Design Approach:

The pedestrian traffic on the site is visualized to find the architecture of “living with rivers”, and to link the communities of East Village, Bridgeland and Inglewood. This visualization will enable the enhancement of the urban awareness towards the Bow and Elbow rivers as living systems capable of greatly influencing the vibrancy and socioeconomic structure of the area.

Green space

Water body


Floor Plan Level 1

r i v e r f r o n t

Page 6: selected work lea nicklaus

r i v e r f r o n tStudio Project with Vera Parlac December 2014 (design complete)

Page 7: selected work lea nicklaus

Form Finding Process:

Based on the line diagram showing the potential pedestrian traffic a parametric design defines the structure of the built form.

Driven by the program the form is modified.

Docking for canoes, kayaks, and rafters

Ice SkatingSwimmingFishing




Research Center


Extended Site Analysis:

The economic strength of the area is analyzed with the result that the area is in need of additional and unconventional employment opportunities. Therefore a market space is included in the program.

The ecological health of the Bow and Elbow rivers is ana-lyzed with the result that a fish hatchery is needed in order to reestablish the ecological health of the rivers . A portion of the fish hatchery is dedicated to provide the market and the area with fresh local fish products. The economic gain supports the entire fish hatchery operation.

r i v e r f r o n t

Page 8: selected work lea nicklaus

Design Challenge:

Imagining a sacred space and realizing it in a small structure.

s a u n a

Design Approach:

Warmth as something sacred and something that creates space - a sauna and bath.

A design based on contrast with a hot, bright outdoor pool and a cold, dark outdoor pool.

A wooden screen that changes throughout the day and throughout the season.

Page 9: selected work lea nicklaus

s a u n aStudio Project with Judy MacDougall January 2014 (design complete)

Page 10: selected work lea nicklaus

Design Approach:

Defy the classical element by having a pavilion structure that does not have any vertical posts and is symmetrical to its center point rather than an axis.

Design Challenge:

Reinvent the classical structure of the Casino at Marino and rebuild the China Room as a pavilion in the gardens of Dublin Castle (Ireland)Use only rough lumber and rope as building materials.

d u b l i n p a v i l i o n

Integrated free standing pillars made of three poststhat are not touching.

Page 11: selected work lea nicklaus

d u b l i n p a v i l i o nMEDS Dublin Collaborative Project with Douglas Carson August 2014 ( complete design and build)

Page 12: selected work lea nicklaus

360 photography: Calgary downtown alley

360 photography: Spray Lake during the Summer Solstice

Art Project with Denis Gadbois June 2014

p h o t o g r a p h y

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p h o t o g r a p h y

Page 14: selected work lea nicklaus


Design Challenge:

A traditional cottage design - reinvented to provide shelter while bringing the outside in.

Design Approach:

Fold a plane to create a sheltered yet open space.

a l b e r t a c o t t a g eSummer 2014 (design in progress)

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a l b e r t a c o t t a g e

Page 16: selected work lea nicklaus

5 8 7 - 9 9 8 - 8 4 4 0 l e a n i c k l a u s @ g m a i l . c o m

Front Page: 360 photograph of “the nest”

u r b a n s t u d i e sChildhood: Grew up in small medieval town in rural Germany.

2008 - 2011: 3 years of living and studying mechanical engineering and business in Stuttgart.

2010 - 2013: Living and working in Detroit for the automotive industry during years of crisis and bankruptcy, at first as a temporary intern, later as a lead engineer.

2011-2013: Temporary assignments in Chuernavaca, Mexico.

2013: Immigration to Canada under Permanent Resident Status and travel throughout Canada.

Summer 2014: MEDS Pavilion project in Dublin, Ireland under MEDS organization with the support of Neil Murphy from CEUD, Sean Harrington from SHA Architec-ture, Jim Roche, Kathy Bert O’Dea, ARUP GROUP and Joseph Walsh (furniture designer).