Secure an ROI on Professional Development

Securing a Return on Your Investment In Professional Development Chart Your Course Prepare for the Journey Treasure Hunt – Digging Deep for Learning Bring the Treasure Home Sharing the Treasure Daila Boufford AAFCS Director of Professional Development

Transcript of Secure an ROI on Professional Development

  1. 1. Securing a Return on Your Investment In Professional Development Chart Your Course Prepare for the Journey Treasure Hunt Digging Deep for Learning Bring the Treasure Daila Boufford AAFCS Director of Professional Development
  2. 2. Chart Your Course Photo Credit:
  3. 3. Your I. D. P. (Individual Development Plan) A self-development plan that covers a specific timeframe. Typically reviewed and discussed with supervisor to match individual goals to company goals. Some focus on short term goals, others on long-term. Reviewed regularly to assess progression and revised as needed. For best results the individuals must have total ownership over their plan. Do not focus on trying to appease the boss.
  4. 4. Key Questions to Ask What areas of my work do I want to develop? What areas of my work do I need to improve? What are the new demands in my job that require development of new skills? In what direction is my department going and how can I grow with it? What can I do to find out about other career opportunities?
  5. 5. Future Career Trends What is trending? Emerging job skills PA Department of Labor & Industry PA Dept of Labor & Industry
  6. 6. What Hiring Managers are Looking For Strategic Perspective and Cross Functional Skills are in demand Infographic - Career Advisory Board
  7. 7. Personal Passion Scott Dinsmore How to Find and Do Work You Love
  8. 8. Become a Self Expert Develop an in-depth understanding of your unique strengths Examine your values, they are your framework for making decisions Carefully consider what you learn from experiences Ask yourself: What is the work you cannot not do?
  9. 9. Who is Responsible for Learning? Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence Abigail Adams
  10. 10. Learning Experience Theoretical Overview Lecture Journal Article Research Study Specific Context Case Study Webinar Workshop MOOC Photo Credit: Photo Credit:
  11. 11. Familiarity with Subject New Concept Keynote Capabilities Presentation Podcast Good Foundation Breakout Session Book Training Bootcamp Photo Credit: Photo Credit:
  12. 12. Connecting the Dots See the Connection 1-1 with Manager Find a Mentor Team Brainstorm Find the Missing Link Consult with SME Network with Peers Know When to Let Go Photo Credit: Photo Credit:
  13. 13. Practice What Youve Learned Safety Net Research Study Internal Launch Lab Setting New Space to Learn Internship Sabbatical Career Shift Photo Credit:
  14. 14. PD Evaluation Matrix Learning Opportunity Required for current position Builds skills for next level Relevant & Current Recommended by those you trust Fit within preferred timeline General Logistics (time & money) Fits with Individual Development Plan Learning Opportunities are everywhere and many are free. 20 Places to Educate Yourself Online for Free
  15. 15. Prepare for the Journey Photo Credit:
  16. 16. Develop Your Learning Goals What problem do you need to solve now? Skills needed for new department initiatives? Identify areas for improvement. Who do you want to meet and network with? What is the intended ripple effect? What does your career look like next year? 3 yrs?
  17. 17. Guidelines for Learning Goals Be realistic with the number and scope of your goals Categorize nice to have and must have Look at goals often and revise as needed Bring your goals with you to the event
  18. 18. Research the Speaker Create a top 5 list of key connections Research speaker backgrounds
  19. 19. Research the Speaker Create a top 5 list of key connections Research speaker backgrounds
  20. 20. Research the Speaker Create a top 5 list of key connections Research speaker backgrounds
  21. 21. Research the Speaker Create a top 5 list of key connections Research speaker backgrounds
  22. 22. Research the Speaker Create a top 5 list of key connections Research speaker backgrounds Develop questions based on the speakers interests Explore connected areas of expertise Leverage their network Activity: If you have a smart phone or tablet, what can you find out about me? What am I passionate about?
  23. 23. Create your Personal Agenda Highlight sessions that relate to learning goals Circle those that pique your interest Compare to top 5 speakers Prioritize by learning goals Consider a team approach Photo Credit: agenda
  24. 24. Developing Your Profile Review your online footprint and make updates Know how to answer What do you do? Elevator pitch for why you are attending Do you want to fit in or stand out? Think about your giveaway Photo Credit: ting-in-and-standing-out/
  25. 25. Plan in Advance for Technology Needs Know your WiFi - Find Free WiFi Make sure chargers are on the packing list! FedEx is your friend Figure out Plan B before you arrive Pocket Plug by Prong
  26. 26. Cultivate Your Onsite Learning Network Who do you know that is also attending? Promote your attendance Schedule face to face meetings before you go Request list of attendees from conference organizer Photo Credit:
  27. 27. Treasure Hunt Digging Deep For Learning
  28. 28. Challenge Make a mental note right now of one person in this room you want to interact with in some way before you leave this room.
  29. 29. Questions Create the Quest There are no stupid questions, but some generate better responses than others. Focus decide in advance what you hope to achieve with your question Be direct and clear ask one question at a time Ask empowering questions people enjoy talking about their experiences Get clarification when needed but consider the timing
  30. 30. Networking Fosters Ideas and Learning Ideas need input and development leverage the perspectives of others to get those gears turning and watch your idea grow! Photo Credit:
  31. 31. Guidelines for Networking Onsite Events Never sit alone Look for first time attendees Remember that networking is a 2-way process Even when onsite, networking occurs online Look for context clues
  32. 32. Guidelines for Networking Online Events Participate in the chat! Take note of influencers look them up Use learnings to start conversations with others Send a thank you note to presenters
  33. 33. Using the Backchannel Simultaneous speaking and listening Photo Credit:
  34. 34. #PAFCSorg Attend Any Conference For Free Using The
  35. 35. Have Fun and Enjoy the Experience
  36. 36. Bring the Treasure Home Photo Credit:
  37. 37. Build Relationships with Key Contacts Review your stack of business cards Connect through social media channels Create and maintain a contacts database Follow up on beginning conversations, suggest a next point of contact Pay it forward
  38. 38. Conduct Further Research on Learnings Activity: Connect with a person at your table and share an idea or tool youve heard about at the conference so far. What else can you learn from those at your table? If this is your first day, share a session you plan on attending and see what you can find out about the content or the speaker.
  39. 39. Conduct Further Research on Learnings Create new learning objectives based on new knowledge Get creative and acquire knowledge from different perspectives Develop a well-rounded understanding of the concept Diane Ravitch and Wendy Kopp - Teacher Turnover
  40. 40. Create an Implementation Plan Charles DuHigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life Cue trigger that tells the brain what habit to use Routine the process that is engaged Reward helps your brain determine if it was worthwhile Key Point keep the cue and the reward the same, while changing the routine Most of all, you have to BELIEVE that change is possible.
  41. 41. Find Your Accountability Partner Photo Credit:
  42. 42. Share the Treasure
  43. 43. Sharing Knowledge Helps Solidify Learnings You cannot say you know how to do something until you can teach it to someone else. Opportunities to share: Brown bag lunches Article publication Future presentation Blog post Discussion with colleagues If you find yourself complaining about the lack of depth in professional development activities, its time to take the podium! Photo Credit:
  44. 44.
  45. 45. Upcoming AAFCS Professional Development Wednesday, April 30th Free Webinar for Members: Utilizing Web-Based Content for Continued Learning June 25-28, 2014 AAFCS Annual Conference in St. Louis Family and Consumer Sciences: Global Gateway to Healthy and Sustainable Families
  46. 46. Thank You! Daila Boufford AAFCS Director of Professional Development @dailadawn [email protected]
  47. 47. Resource List How to Select the Right Professional Development Program for You - Individual Development Plan (UC Davis) - PA Department of Labor and Industry - Career Advisory Board - Career Advisory Board Infographic - Scott Dinsmore TED Talk - 20 Places to Educate Yourself Online for Free - online-for-free.html How to Find Free WiFi - Guideline for Asking Questions - learning/ Twitter Search - Attend any Conference for Free Using the Backchannel - using-the-backchannel/ Wendy Kopp and Diane Ravitch Discuss Teacher Turnover - Hacking Habits: How to Make New Behaviors Last for Good - make-new-behaviors-last-for-good AAFCS Annual Conference, June 25-28, St. Louis -