Section b theory overview

Section B - Theories Monday 12 th October 2015 Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

Transcript of Section b theory overview

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Section B - Theories

Monday 12th October 2015

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

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Entrance Activity – Assess existing knowledge

YOU MUST find an Emoji on line that best reflects your Mood/Feelings about Section B of the Exam and display it on the screen.Extension – YOU COULD explain WHY by typing a message in Microsoft Word alongside this explaining WHAT you need to improve upon/.where your apprehension lies/where you are most confident.

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Aims & Objectives

• ALL OF YOU YOU WILL re-cap prior learning.

• ALL OF YOU WILL improve your understanding of Section B.

• MOST OF YOU WILL be able to transfer this knowledge into a practical task.

• SOME OF YOU WILL learn about new theories in this lesson.

• Review the learning.

Develop a critical understanding of the contemporary media landscape through a range of media products.

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StarterAssess existing knowledge

Fill in the Gaps!

• ALL OF YOU YOU WILL re-cap prior learning.

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“every c________r gets c_____ d across mu____le media p_______s”

Henry J______s (20__)

onsume ourteltip latform

enkin 06

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Henry Jenkins (2006) –

Provide audiences with the “kinds of entertainment experiences they


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• ALL OF YOU WILL improve your understanding of Section B

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Which theories of online media are most convincing to you and why?

Blue = Theory

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• Use this resource to help you understand the theories surrounding different forms of Media in the Online Age.

• It is CRUCIAL that you apply the theory to case study examples on a regular basis.

Which theories of online media are most convincing to you and why?

• ALL OF YOU WILL improve your understanding of Section B

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Dave Winer (1994)

Andrew Keen (2011) –

‘Amateurism, rather than expertise, is celebrated, even revered’• SOME OF YOU WILL learn about new theories in this lesson.

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Paragraph - Comparison

How significant has the internet been to media producers? [50]

June 2015

TV is an example of how producers have benefited from the internet.X

TV is another example of how the internet has been able to benefit media producers, in particular IPTV.An example of this is Sky Go, a live streaming service that allows you watch your favourite channels and is ‘fast, free and portable’ (Marc Prensky – 2001) as well as being a form of miniturisation. Sky Go has 3.3 million subscribers as of 2015 due to the media exposure it gets due to Sky being owned by ‘News Corp’, a “Global Trailblazer” (Blau – 2005).

• ALL OF YOU WILL improve your understanding of Section B

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• MOST OF YOU WILL be able to transfer this knowledge into a practical task.

5 minutes - YOU MUST research some of the theories and/or Case Studies available under:

5 minutes - THEN, you need to produce a PEA Paragraph Blog Post onto the page below:

P - Which theory of online media IS most convincing to you and why?

E - Provide some case study related evidence (Media Product, statistics, critical opinion) to “Back this up”

A - Future prediction – WHERE do you see this product going?

Which theories of online media are most convincing to you and why?

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PEA Paragraph Blog Post

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What have you learnt?

Using the same Microsoft Word document from earlier, explain WHERE or HOW you have now improved your knowledge of Section B in today’s lesson.

Extension – YOU COULD set yourself a target of something you need to go away and learn/investigate further.

• Review the learning.

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Which theories of online media are most convincing to you and why?


• Prepare for the Assessment Lesson – Due: Monday 19th October – This WILL go towards your ISM 1) grade

• Research an Independent Case Study to apply in your answer!• Continue to learn the theories associated to this Section of the exam.