Secondary Research Summary

I asked the participants to watch the TV Spot Trailer that I had edited to see what response I would get, and where I might be able to improve in the real trailer. The majority of the answers had a positive reaction to the trailer, saying that they would be interested in watching the movie and were intrigued into what the film might be about based on this TV Spot. Some of the participants mentioned that they would not watch the movie based on this TV Spot alone as it did not provide them with enough information and that if it had been a little bit longer, perhaps the information given would be enough to interest them in the movie. From the feedback that I have been given, I can establish that this level of information is good for the majority of audiences to be intrigued to watch the film, however introducing more information to a longer trailer would also be ideal in captivating a wider target market. I can also establish that the soundtrack being used is captivating as it fits with the action happening within the trailer and sets the tone for the film.

Transcript of Secondary Research Summary

Page 1: Secondary Research Summary

I asked the participants to watch the TV Spot Trailer that I had edited to see what response I would get, and where I might be able to improve in the real trailer.

The majority of the answers had a positive reaction to the trailer, saying that they would be interested in watching the movie and were intrigued into what the film might be about based on this TV Spot.

Some of the participants mentioned that they would not watch the movie based on this TV Spot alone as it did not provide them with enough information and that if it had been a little bit longer, perhaps the information given would be enough to interest them in the movie.

From the feedback that I have been given, I can establish that this level of information is good for the majority of audiences to be intrigued to watch the film, however introducing more information to a longer trailer would also be ideal in captivating a wider target market. I can also establish that the soundtrack being used is captivating as it fits with the action happening within the trailer and sets the tone for the film.

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Looking at the results for this first question, the majority of the participants of the survey were male. The table shows that just below 70% were male with the other 30% being female. This could suggest that the majority of the target audience watching our film will be of male gender. This does not mean that women will want to go and watch the film either. 30% is a large portion of the target audience and shows that there must be some element of the idea that is appealing towards females as well as men. This could be the inclusion of Sal’s relationship with his girlfriend, Hazel. Since there is a romantic sub story within the movie, women would be more intrigued to go and watch to see the outcome of this encounter.

When we take a look at the results for the particular age groups that voted in the survey, we can see that the majority were aged 12 to 17 years old with a smaller percentage of participants being 18 to 24 years of age. This shows that audiences of a young age group aging from 12 to 24 are likely to watch this film. It may be appealing to these audiences as there was a high pace and a lot going on, which is something that younger audiences prefer to a calm story based atmosphere.

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This question was asked in order to provide me with the information as to which audience psychographic personalities would be watching our film. This was so that I can distinguish what personality the characters in the film might have so that the audience can relate to the film as well as what features of the film might appeal to this kind of psychographic. The table shows that the majority of participants described that they would choose a brand according to high satisfaction and instant effect. This correlates with the Explorer psychographic personality. They are often the first to try out new things. The story that we have developed does contradict some conventions of normal mobster movies. The use of two mafia bosses running the same family is not conventional and so would be intriguing to see how this relationship might turn out in the film. The fact that they are twins also puts another unconventional spin on the film, making it even more appealing to this kind of audience.

Two other psychographs can be seen as popular among the participants in the survey. The results show that the Mainstream, Resigned and Strugglers psychographics were second most common. This shows how the most common people will still want to watch this film. The characters in the film will relate to the Resigned and Strugglers psychographics. Strugglers can associate with the common mobster we see in these films. They are often seen as losers and so may often experience what these characters may feel as well.

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The most popular genre that was selected was Comedy, being voted by 44% more of the participants than the rest of the genres included. Thriller and action being second most popular and Drama, Crime and Mobster being the third most popular genres.

This may shows how comedy plays a key role in captivating the majority of audiences even though the film is not of that genre. If I were to include some elements of comedy into the film, these audiences would appeal to the film ever so slightly, providing a chance that they will watch the film. Elements such as funny one liners and some humour between the characters at certain moments may be the best way to include comedy into the mobster film so that the tension that the film is based around is not lost so much.

The results from the TV Spot response, showed that the majority of participants did feel intrigued in watching the film, even though no aspect of comedy was incorporated into the trailer. This can show how comedy may not be needed to captivate this audience despite their response to this question on genre.

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The comments made about why the participants liked their favourite genre.

It was found that the participants who chose comedy liked this genre because it made them laugh and often put them in a good and enlightened mood afterwards. This would be the most appealing factor of comedy movies.

The participants commenting on crime and mobster films said that the exciting stories found in these films intrigued them. Another comment read that a relation to the culture represented in the film was also an appealing factor.

These factors should be taken into consideration when creating the trailer and developing the film idea further. It will allow me to create a more appealing idea to the target audiences.

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These comments follow on from the last question, ‘Why do you like these films’. Rather than asking a general question, this question asks for a bit more detail about why these films are so captivating.

Here the participants that favoured comedies said that the humour made the films captivating.

However there was more of a response from those who favoured thrillers, crime and mobster films. They said that the characters and the story lines were what captivated them most as the were often deeps and interesting. The fact that these films involve tense scenes as well as chasseing and fighting moments, makes them interesting to a wide range of people as it includes a range of features that make the film so great.

By listening to these comments and focusing on including these features into the film, it can help create a better end product.