Sec point weekly-1-16april2012


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Transcript of Sec point weekly-1-16april2012

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SecPoint Weekly News 16 April 2012 In this episode covering: - Flashback Malware Removal Cleverly Reduces Risks for Mac - Is Java dangerous? - Apple Releases fix for Flashback possible late? - New nVidia Extreme GPU Bruteforcer 450 Million passwords/Sec MySQL, DES, MD4, MD5, MD5 Unix, MD5 phpBB3, MD5 Wordpress , NTLM, Domains Cached Credentials, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 SHA-512 and many others. -Homeland Security Hacking into your gaming consoles - Malware in Angry Birds Space for Android - Phone based Denial of Service DoS Attack on MI6 Anti Terrorism Agency - Iran replacing Google,Hotmail with its own internal search engines and email services - Many Mac Users still running vulnerable Java versions that can allow malware infection - Critical 0day in WICD used in many popular linux distributions - Remote Code Execution flaw in Samba used on Linux, Unix - No Permissions Android Application can Harvest Export device data - Utah Medicaid Hack now affect Half a million 280.000+ Social Security Numbers Stolen - Google Chrome SSL Certificate Fix - Anonymous Great Firewall of China planning Attack - Anonymous Leaks Tunisia Prime Minister Emails - Security Specialist Exposes TSA Body Scanners as Giant Fraud - Anonymous Attacks CHina 480 Websites compromised including Government sites - Fake Angry Bird apps hide Android rooting malware - New Android Malware Controlled by SMS can record GPS locations, Calls and steal information - Google Patches 12 Flaws in Chrome - Apple flashback trojan hits more than 500.000 Mac compeers - Danish church Evangalist hacked - Danish Statsforvaltningen hacked by Anonymous - Pastebin to Police Hacker Posts


SecPoint  Weekly  1  –  16  April  2012  

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SecPoint  Weekly  1